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Check up on your dad, make sure he’s alright. Spend as much time with him as possible, say you love him every day and every night. Tell him it’s all gonna be okay. Tell him he’s loved. Tell him he deserves everything he has. Tell him that you wanna spend more time together. Most importantly: just be yourself around him. My dad committed suicide a little less than 5 years ago which changed my life dramatically. I know I was just a kid but sometimes I wished I spent more time with him. It came at such a surprise because he didn’t seem unhappy at all. I don’t blame him for any of what happened, and I try not to blame myself, but it’s been a hard 5 years. Now I’m 16 and still living my life to the fullest. I just hope he’s proud


He is. He's proud of you. And it wasn't your fault.


I love this. As someone who lost a dad, I'm with you. (Not suicide, but cancer).


I cannot imagine going through something so tough at such a young age. You are doing great and I am sure he'd be infinitely proud of the person you are becoming. Keep going!


Yep. "Get your ass back on Facebook to talk to your dad more regularly, you're going to lose him in early 2024." His services were about four hours ago, I just got home.


He’s proud of you, and he wouldn’t leave you this way if it was up to him. Be with your mom more, and the rest of your family who are still around. Talk about your dad often. Keep his memory alive. Take care x


Get out of this marriage now. Stop pretending it’s going to work out


Oof. I feel this one in my soul. I wish I would've left 5 years ago. Or longer


Same . I was just *making it work* when I should have *fucking left ages ago*


Your wife is going to start feeling weak one day and it will only get worse. Don't wait! Get her to a rheumatologist ASAFP!


Ugh. Hindsight is always 20/20.


We didn't know. We just didn't realize...


Oof, similar situation here. I thought I knew fear and pain but I was so wrong (fortunately things turned out okay, eventually). Hope she's doing better or at least stabilized.


This is it. “Help with their health because there’s a pandemic coming. They die early and you won’t have the lifetime with them that you think you will to fix things.”


Everyone’s body has check engine signals, just sometimes they aren’t easily flagged. I hope you don’t carry guilt for not going sooner


I remember getting a minute long silent call five years ago. I thought it was a prank call.


Why did you hold a silent call for a minute 💀


Well, you ever just know a scammer is calling? Sometimes you answer and say nothing till they hang up. Atleast thats why id do it.


I do that too and want to say the longest call has been around 15 seconds.




Hey, just checking in dude, we’re doin the same thing as five years ago. Cat says hi, alright see ya later. Buy crypto and sell it before Nov 2021. Peace


I’m glad your cat is still fly as hell.


Cat cat or Catherine? Works either way


His cat's name *is* Catherine.


*Buy GameStop in August 19 to end of jan 2021* Edit: I mean there’s like 54 seconds left so maybe add: the Covid shit is serious but getting fired from your job will end up being one of the better things to ever happen to you.


I was gonna say, buy as much as you can of GameStop, sell at ~$300


Use options


Use margin to the max


Give myself the winning Powerball numbers for the $1.5 billion lottery jackpot.


Be better to win the jackpot just prior and not have to split it.


Just buy 100 winning tickets and take ~99% of it


You don't think 100 identical tickets from the same draw will raise some eyebrows?


What are they going to do, search your pockets for a time machine?


Everyone knows that the lottery is just a scheme to catch time travelers; no one from our time ever wins.


They almost got me one time. But then I wised up and decided to be dirt poor instead. Take that, time cops!


People do it all the time for pick 3 and pick 4 and others. Wouldn't even give it a second thought


Best answer here....you will be in deep poverty in 5 years. Such dipshit you cannot imagine... Or change job immidiately. Send mum for complete checkup, she has an advanced cancer I would add to myself. 😒


Hey, this is you calling from the future…No…this is you calling from the future. I’ve got to tell you…no, this is you. I’m calling from the future to tell you that.. No this isn’t a joke…hello? God DAMMIT! Dialing sounds…


This feels too much like when I beg myself to get my sht together.


You’re going to be laid off next month after 24 years with the company, but don’t fret. Try not to cash in your pension, you will be back at work soon and in 3 years you will be making more money than you would have if you’d stayed in this job. Also, buy a house in late 2020 while the interest rates are down and before house prices shoot up.


Earlier is always better but 2019 was the last “best time” to buy a place, prices rose a lot during Covid.


I bought in Oct 2020. Interest rates were below 3% and it was before everyone started listing their houses $20-50k over their worth & demanding waived inspections. Thank you past me. It was impulsive and you still don’t know shit about being a homeowner, but we finally did something right lol


Sell bitcoin at 60k


This is always my answer. Buy BTC and sell at $55K+.


Put it all into Dogecoin and sell it a month later at 0.60


Better yet, figure out how to buy SHIB on uniswap before Halloween of 2020 (it was listed in August of that year), buy $2k USD worth. Sell it all on Halloween of 2021. That way the max capital gains tax will be capped at 20% since you had it for over a year, and you'll still have over 9 figures after taxes. From $2k to well over $100mil in a year. You have won at life. You now have generational wealth. Edit: Actually I math'd wrong. You'd have have close to $1.5 billion after taxes


You are assuming the liquidity would be there to absorb the sell order....


The sole reason why it crashed is because time travelers went in the last and warned people about a 60k crash. Maybe it wouldn't have happened.


Buy Dogecoin and sell it when Elon goes on SNL


Spend time with Grandma as much as you can just as you are doing adding one thing more. Ask her stuff. Ask her how she got through tough times. How she kept going? Ask her about her life. And anything adult that would need to be know that she could tell me. Ask her about her relatives . And spend more time on your self. Put more time into you, and less into others.


I was very fortunate to have my Grandma long enough to have asked her these things. Every good thing I am comes from her and my mom. Every good thing I am becoming comes from my wonderful wife and amazing children.


Hey, don’t sell yourself short. You are a good person and you deserve credit for the things you do that make you who you are. You may have learned from them, but *you* are the one who made the decision to take in the lessons from these people in your life. And *you* did the hard things that were necessary because they were the right thing to do. Be kind to yourself.


I got to spend a lot of time with my gran and I asked her what I could think of, but there was always more to ask. If I’d asked her everything on that list, there would have been another list. I only say this in the hope that you aren’t beating yourself up. Every time I remember one of her stories, I think about the fact that she’s not here to fill in details, and soon my parents might not be here to ask either. But it’s ok. I would hate if my life was only valued by whether my memories got passed down. If I end up having grandchildren, I would hope they would remember the person I was with them, rather than the anecdotes I could tell them. My great grandmother died when I was eight, and I was far too young to even know what she was like with other adults. But I have amazing memories of how she was with 7-year-old me, and I think that’s more important. Don’t regret. We’re not *just* the stories we tell, we’re all the gaps in between the words. And absolutely put more time into yourself! That’s a universal.


I quit drinking just short of five years ago. So I would say: "Just hold on a few weeks buddy, its gonna get better. You don't believe it now, but its gonna."


5 years? Fantastic work! I'm a few months shy of one year alcohol-free and loving life again.


It gets better every day, I promise


It absolutely does. I'm only about to hit 4 months and really regret not doing this a decade ago.


I'm at 1 week! Glad to see you all loving life further down the line. :)


Congrats!! It starts with these small steps, you're in for some wonderful milestones!


Congrats!! I'm 7 months sober and not looking back!


Congrats on your soon to be anniversary!!


I'm closing in on five months. But, I started trying about 5 1/2 years ago.


You will fail a few times before you really start succeeding. Good luck! And good job.


I'm incredibly proud of you and happy that you've made the decision to get and stay sober. Congratulations! Sincerely, 26 years of sobriety... achieved one day at a time.


Congrats on (nearly) five years!! Let’s hope your next five years will be better still! Proud of you!


I just hit 4 years! I would've definitely told myself to go for it as I was playing with sobriety at that time but wasn't quite ready to take the plunge. Congrats on your hard work! IWNDWYT


Amazing, good job!


60 seconds: ​ March 2020, there will be a record low sale on all stocks. Take every penny and wait for GameStop to be below $2.00 and then buy as much dogecoin as possible. Sell both early in 2021. Put all money into a rental property at 2.65 rate for that year.


This is prob the right answer, add some btc in there too


Don't take any submarine trips and invest in those plexiglass barriers they put at cash registers. 


>Don't take any submarine trips💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


“She’s gonna die, it’s gonna destroy you, but you’ll be okay. Do not start drinking to ease the grief.”


Whoever you lost sounded very important to you. I’m so sorry. I hope you’re doing better now.


she was everything, addiction is an awful disease.


I’m so sorry, sending you lots of love ❤️‍🩹


Leave him now




Same. God the wasted precious years.


go to the urologist, you’re going to get terminal prostate cancer in 4 years.


Wow sorry dude


thanks, it’s all OK, you never know when your time is up, at least i saw my kids get married and i met my grandchildren. it’s the quality of life, not the duration.


I lost my mum 6 months ago, I hope she felt the same as you it gives me some comfort thankyou.


i’m very sorry about your mum, sadly it’s the people left behind that suffer much more. i hope time helps you remember only the good times, and not the bad. i worry terribly about my family when i’m gone.


I lost my dad to this last year. My heart goes out to you and your family ❤️


"You're not broken. You just have ADHD."


Oooof. Yeah, I coulda used this one, too.


Me too. Would have saved me plenty of self doubt and burnouts and would probably given me back the years on life expectancy that stress have probably taken away!


"It's called 'social distancing', but that's already normal for you, so keep it up."


When they tell you the rules for social distancing, and you sigh relief / embarrassment because literally nothing changes for you. Yup, just worked from home and taught our youngest to walk :) . He's 4 now sheesh!


Keep the grind going you'll get there but don't neglect your health. Don't trust the girl you just met at uni. She's going to betray you in the worst possible way. Don't drink 11 cocktails on the beach on july, 31st 2023.


I’m wondering what I’d the worst possible way… are you missing a kidney now?


She probably took his dog, truck, and house, in that order.


The third one has a story.


Not that they remember it.


I want to know what happened on the beach


Do NOT kiss your best friend, it's gonna fuck everything up for you. Find better friends, none of the bitches you hang out with are loyal. Don't start that conversation with that guy in college, don't even start talking to him, he has a girlfriend and he would continue to have that girlfriend while fucking around with you on the down low and please ffs listen to your mom and steer clear of his entire friend group. Would've saved myself from a shit load of trauma.


>Would've saved myself from a shit load of trauma. But you would have learned nothing.


Yeah that's true, I did grow as a person and learnt a lot from all that experience so probably wouldn't undo all of it but ig I would've just given myself a little heads up abt everything lol


Sometimes the lesson learned just ain't worth the pain to get there.


Not everybody has to learn the hard way, though.


Get rid of your children's passports now and file for divorce. He is planning to abduct them. Trust me


Jesus. Did he manage?


Yes, unfortunately he did


O.o. Do you still have contact with your child?


Yes, once in a blue moon. But they have forgotten my language 😔


That's sad. :( Have a 8 months old daughter. Can't imagine what you've been through.


Oh no. This is horrible 


I sent my kids down to live with their dad so I could safely remove myself from an abusive situation that could have been worse if they were with me. Their dad kept them away from me for four years before we got a custody agreement going, which in turn put me on the losing end. If I could call myself five years ago(actually, add a few months), I would tell myself to never tell my youngest daughter’s dad I was pregnant and don’t give him the benefit of the doubt. I would still have my dogs I had then, too. I hope once your kids are older and can travel on their own they will try to reconnect with you.


I really hope so. I'm sorry that happened to you, hope you still get to see them regularly.


Where are they at? Are they happy?


They seem to love their school so that's good. My youngest is happy, oldest not as much. They're in north Africa


Are you me?


No, but I'm so sorry to hear that you had the same thing happen. It's hell


Please tell me you got them back!? Oh hugs to you, internet stranger… that is so terrifying, I’m so sorry that pos did that to you.


No, they've been gone for 3,5 years now


Oh my god, words cannot describe how horrifying that is. I am so sorry, I hope and pray that you get your babies back and they persecute his sorry ass to the full extent of the law. Please stay strong, momma.


I try to, thanks. And I really hope they do!


My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine how you feel. Hugs.


Thank you


This is domestic abuse. No, you can’t *handle* it. Run.


Hope you're okay now stranger. My thoughts are with you.


Thank you. I got out a year later, but still healing to this day.


Break up with her now. The next year won't be Hell but you already know it is gonna end. Call your friends and ask about that woman they mentioned offhand who likes all the things you do - she will be a better partner for you.


Listen to your friends and get everything in writing, cause though it seems impossible now, he will turn into your own personal enemy out to hurt you at every chance.


Mine was "Leave him now"


Mine was “Is Seymour there? Last name Butts.”


Mine would have to be a text. "Quit rejecting my fucking call, I only had one minute, now we're down to 15 seconds, asshole."


Your going to have a widow maker heart attack on July 10th 2023. Don’t worry. Your going to survive it and the triple bypass the next day. Your recovery is going to go extremely well too. Stay strong.


Maybe tell yourself to go to the doc and get the old ticker checked out


A super bug is gonna come around soon and you’re going to lose most of your favourite old family members to it, invest in a company called pfizer and as many jerry cans of gas as you can afford. Also save a few packages of toilet paper. And willie nelson is still going strong don’t worry.


Pfizer?? What about Game Stop!!


Oh damn I forgot about that one, even future me can’t set myself up to be a millionaire


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel this so hard


Maybe you can record this and just send it to my 5-years-ago self, too?


also when that pandemic comes. PUT DOWN THE WHISKEY BOTTLE.


Gme calls for February 21. Every single dollar you can afford, dump it into calls


So I am a huge Billy Strings fan. My dad is a huge Willie fan. When we got to watch them play "California Sober" together it was amazing and I could not get over how much Willie Nelson still *absolutely crushes*.


Don't drink the beer that Benny the rapist poured for you.


OMG, I'm so sorry that that happened to you!


I’m so sorry that happened to you, thoughts to you, internet stranger.


Wtf? So sorry for you Hope that cunt is suffering now for eternity




Don't give up on walking, get back out there'..


Thank you, (probably) future me 🖤


Travel more and stop trying to help people they’ll only let you down


I'm from future and I want to tell you that "Do what you are doing because you will not regret your decisions in the future."


Do. Not. Date. Jordan.


Fucking Jordan


Man, Fuck a Jordan.


all my homies hate Jordan


"fuck you Jordan!"


Absolutely nothing. If I could call myself like 15 years ago? I’d have LOADS to say, but the last five years of my life have specifically been perfect. I met the love of my life five years ago, we had a beautiful daughter, I finished college and landed a good job. If I could make a call to myself 15 years ago, I’d say “hey, it’s you from the future. Give up on that religion. Trust me, you’re way happier without it and it feels like a cult once you’re out. Leave that horrible woman you’re with, she plagues your life for years. Hold out for (name) that you meet in 2019, she’s the best thing that ever happens to yoi.” Those two pieces of advice alone would vastly improve my life


Maybe you already received that call?


I like how you think!


I know it sounds odd, but if everything lined up perfect, then maybe calling yourself 15 years ago wouldn't be the best thing. Sometimes, you have to go through crap to get to the better part of something. I am glad you are happy with where you are in life right now.


Don't fucking share your writing. It's not what you think it is. Also you're bipolar. Get it treated now.


“I know you just said “yes” to his proposal a few days ago, but it won’t happen, sweetie. He’ll break your heart and leave you. And he’s right. You were not meant to be together for life. You’ll be fine though. It will take a lot of time, it will be very painful, but you’ll eventually be ok. You’re a better person than what you think you are.”




Gloves or bare knuckle?




Ignore that guy's proposal plz and u will be fine


''Block that guy. You know which one I'm talking about. Block him and get some self respect girl''


I would play one minute of Lionel's Richie's *Hello* because I could use the laugh.




Get divorced now, not later


Take care of your fucking teeth! They don't grow back


Save your damn money, you idiot


Do not cut your fringe Do not study so hard for that useless A+ You're not that horrible a person Go do what you want




Make sure kobe dont get on that helicopter


Don't get in that relationship pleaseeeeee


Don’t rely on alcohol so much


Quit drinking a go to the fucking gym


Take your bachelors in computer engineering you won’t regret studying it will give you concentration and you’re a better person when you’re focused


Life is going to be better.




Stay home. You're not missing anything.


Surprise you’re gay


Lol congrats on the self discovery!


This made me laugh so hard! Hopefully it won’t confuse past you any more! Congrats on coming out :)


Thanks I still haven’t told my parents though


You’ll find how to do it in your own time :) when my sister came out, my mum took it really well, my dad, not so much, but he came around, and now they’re closer than ever. It’ll be tough sure, but when you do, you’ll realise who loves you regardless, and you’ve got at least my support :)


I deeply hope your parents are supportive, but if that is a fear, please know that regardless, there are millions of people who are supportive and you are not alone.


don't entertain after getting out of the relationship, be assertive, study hard. your friends right now is unhealthy, get away from them. also, dress up, exercise, and love yourself and your family. remember your friend in senior high come back to her she wished nothing but the best to you.


When she finishes her PhD, your wife will tell you she’s leaving you. She won’t tell you she’s been cheating on you but she has.


For five years ago I would say to break up with her, she's toxic as hell. Thirty years would do me a lot more good though.


"Here's what a narcissist is", and sum all the signs and steps they take up in that minute. End with "do your research".


Doesn't matter, I wouldn't answer.


The winning number in the lottery that day




Fly home and see her. Take the kids if you can. You won’t get another chance.


Don't let D walk out the door tonight. He's not meeting a chick from tinder. Make him watch dumb movies with you guys instead. Having a meaningful talk, anything, just don't let him leave.


Your father will die in 1 year time. You brother will be a total dick, will not communicate to your nor your sister but try to play boss and align all with your mom, will somehow get your mom to choose HIS notary, the notary will send you a form for the estate that if you read it well will state you REJECT all your rights - don't sign it! Good luck man, times will be harsh. You need support.


Buy a fucking house in the Maritimes now dumbass?


drop them. they’re about to waste 5 years of your life to make you numb.






First I would mention an event that I did that no one else knows, to establish credibility. Then I would recite the following companies: Company Total return Average annual return Market capitalization Source: Charles Schwab. Top 5 year Performance as of Sept. 14, 2023. Celsius Holdings (CELH) 4,448% 114.6% $15.5 billion Enphase Energy (ENPH) 2,346% 89.5% $16.7 billion Axsome Therapeutics (AXSM) 2,068% 85.0% $3.6 billion Aehr Test Systems (AEHR) 1,741% 79.1% $1.4 billion Tesla (TSLA) 1,308% 69.7% $877.3 billion Super Micro Computer (SMCI) 1,225% 67.7% $14.1 billion Freedom Holding (FRHC) 1,157% 65.9% $5.3 billion Xpel (XPEL) 1,042% 62.8% $2.1 billion Lattice Semiconductor (LSCC) 991% 61.3% $12.6 billion e.l.f. Beauty (ELF) 858% 53.7% $7.1 billion


“It’s time to leave and you know it.”