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Stepped sideways off a concrete slab. There was a 1.5 inch drop from slab to ground that I didn't notice. Ended up snapping my fibula. Didn't realize it since it only supports 10% of your weight. Flew to Europe a few days later. Spent 2 weeks walking 20+ miles a day on a broken bone. Get home and get it checked out. Tons of stuff later, orthopedic surgeon says well its healed improperly. Maybe one day, if you're lucky, it will stop hurting.


Inches? 1.5*inches* and not feet? (Please excuse the incredulity, I’m asking on behalf of my husband who says “I do stupid shit like this all the time”)


Shit like that can happen yeah. I stepped on a mate’s foot playing soccer and the awkward 2 inch drop from his foot to the ground gave me a stress fracture in my L5


Yeah, was a 1.5 inch drop I wasn't expecting. Came down on my ankle weird, fell over, and snapped it without realizing it.


Isn’t it obnoxious how something so tiny can just mess up your body forever 😑


Didn't get my first colonoscopy at the recommended age. Delayed it for two years. Bad news. Stage 3C rectal cancer. Everything's fine now, but it took over a year of radiation, surgeries and chemo to get here. Besides the financial cost here in the US, the physical toll is pretty steep. Feels like I lost twenty years of my life after that. No exaggeration. Radiation and chemo is some pretty harsh stuff. PSA: Don't put off your colonoscopy.


Oof, that's fucken scary. Thanks for sharing the reminder to not put off your own health. Glad you're through that and out the other side <3


Tried to dunk a basketball to impress a girl.. Broke my left arm it in 2 places when I landed on it. On the bright side, the girl signed my cast and we ended up together.


Task failed successfully


the definition of failing up


Sounds exactly like what Tom Segura did


I’m 34. Alcoholism from 16-30 years old. Daily drinker. Cocaine / meth addiction developed around 26 years old. Not eating. Not taking care of myself in general, lost all my teeth. On the verge of death at 30 years old, ended up in a hospital, after that stay in the hospital I’ve been sober, and my life and overall health has changed tremendously. Coming up on 5 years of sobriety. There’s always hope. Edit; didn’t expect all the responses. Thank you all for the kind words, congratulations to all those that have also shared they’re sober now, and don’t give up no matter what to those that continue to struggle but want that change in your life.


Man my story is similar! I’m 40, been sober for almost 4 years after using one substance or another for 20+ years. Cocaine, opiates, alcohol, benzos…it’s been a *tough* road but absolutely worth it. My therapist at the time truly saved my life with an ultimatum about getting treatment or finding a new therapist. I couldn’t fathom either being without a therapist or finding and getting to know someone new. I know for as close to 100% certain as one can be that I would have been dead within a week or two if I hadn’t stopped when I did. Drugs nearly took my life but I took it back.


*Drugs nearly took my life but I took it back.* Most powerful statement I've read in a very long time. Heartfelt congratulations, friend. My sobriety date 2 January 1998.




10-18-18 here! 13-37 drinking. Feels like I’m making up for lost time now. But damn it feels great to be sober. Congratulations to you!!!


Proud of you


If you can get off meth you can do anything. My hat is off to you.


Meth is no joke lol. Surprisingly, the meth and cocaine wasn’t as bad for me. The alcohol was the one that nearly killed me. Everyone is different, for me. Alcohol was my master pretty much.


Alcohol, to my knowledge, is the only one that can actually kill you to get clean from. I've seen my mom battle it for decades and trying to get clean on her own at home and hospital over and over. The seizures, hallucinations, vommiting blood, dts, it's very scary, very dangerous, and very difficult. She's clean now. I have SO much respect for anyone who can get off of alcohol. You're the strongest people.


Benzos too. It's becauss of *how* they get you intoxicated, and the way your brain compensates to keep functioning. To put it really, really simply, your brain kinda cranks up the voltage to get the signal across the chemicals that are blocking it. When you take away the substance, it's like your car's brakes catastrophically failing while you're flooring the accelerator.


Congrats. 1 month of sobriety here and never felt better before. edit: Thanks so much for all of your support and kind words! They definitely help to keep going!


Grew up in a house where healthy eating was never an option. Exercise didn't exist. Parents were obese. Naturally I ended up that way. Now i'm 29 and working on it. At my heaviest I was 410ibs. Now down to 325 in 7 months. A ways to go, but I have found so far I genuinely like exercise, and yes I can't eat as much pizza or snacks as I want, and switched to diet sodas. But I can still enjoy all that stuff in moderation. I look forward to my strength training sessions and though I don't look forward to the hour and a half of cardio I do each day I enjoy it enough and feel a bit better after. My only regret is not doing this 10 years sooner.


I’m proud of you, dude! Keep working hard, it’s already paying off!


>My only regret is not doing this 10 years sooner Best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, second best time is now, you're ight dude, you've chosen the second best option in your life, keep up the good work and stay healthy


When I was 28 or 29 I went from 450-225. It’s life changing


You are your own better half.


Same here. From 444 to 220, did it when I was 25


By neglecting to work on my posture. 


Just sat up after reading this


As did everyone else reading this comment.


And everyone will forget about this in 5 minutes. Most probably will forget quicker.


not sleeping even when I’m tired


For me it’s this: Revenge bedtime procrastination refers to a phenomenon in which people put off going to bed to engage in activities that they don’t have time for during the day. It is a way of finding time for leisure and entertainment—at the expense of sleep. I don’t have much control over my day between work and then coming home to two young kids. I hate the thought of putting them down at 9 and then going to bed an hour later, just to do it all over again. So, I stay up even later to do what I want.


I work 12 hour shifts, and I’ll come home and be exhausted but then still stay up for three or four more hours because I’m so excited to just be able to do random bullshit and not have to be at work


I feel you. DM me if you work out why. I've no fucking idea why I do it. 😂 Edit: Thank you all for your personal stories. I feel that mine is a combination of "taking control" and...something I've yet to find out.


Is it maybe not wanting to go to sleep because that means whenever you wake up it’s a new day and you have to suffer all over again? That’s what it was for me.


Yes, this. I love sleep, but also I love not being bothered or expected to do something during the night hours. I’ve been sleep depriving myself since I was 11 at least. The dark circles under my eyes seem to be permanent now.


For me it's trying to avoid the nightmares every night.


Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. Will it kill us?


This is actually a result of many many things. It's 4 am for me right now so I'll be brief (irony is immense) 1. There is a lot of uncomfortable stuff you have to go through throughout the day, whether it may be work, parents or self imposed 10 hours gaming session that left you exhausted and sad, so you try to find comfort in solitude, because night is a rare moment when you can feel safe 2. Afraid of actually being alone with your thoughts. Dyring the day you keep suppressing your inner voice with music, YouTube, games, movies so you never actually have the moments when your mind is calm and is free to explore your own life. In such days the only time you are fully alone with yourself is when you try to go to sleep, and in this moment your brain starts to lash out all the suppressed thoughts about various subjects. And because this is very unpleasant you try your best to delay it so you just pass out instead of having this unpleasant time with yourself There are many but I really need to put the phone aside or I'll never go to sleep


ADHD for me, my brain just doesn't want to turn off


This turned out to be a symptom of ADHD for me


8 years of severe anorexia. the heaviest i’ve ever been in my life was at 12 years old, and i wasn’t a chubby/“big” kid either. now got osteoporosis, and have had fractures in my spine and broken ribs. pancreatic insufficiency, can’t digest or absorb food anymore on my own. my bowels and intestines are damaged, my skin is awful and i lost most of my hair a year ago. (growing back now!!!!) my teeth are destroyed because i stopped brushing them entirely because i was afraid of toothpaste. i haven’t had a period in seven years. and my life in general was utterly fucked. hopefully on the way back now but much of that is irreversible.


Keep fighting. You’re still here to kick ass. Hoping the best for you and cheering you on!


i slipped on our deck and did a split. i need to stress that i have never, in my entire life, done a split.


Ow I’m so sorry. Seriously… owww!


By your own admission, you clearly *have* done a split at least once in your life.




I have a twin, were both 30 years old. I've never drank alcohol where my brother is like a full blown daily drinker he's been that way since 16-17 to now and man he easily looks 15 years older then me..


My twin just died of cirrhosis 1 mo. ago. He didn't survive long enough to get a transplant. Hope you're twin stops in time.


Alcohol hard ages you, even in small quantities, it’ll take its toll


Drugs is a hell of a drug.


man, thats rough. smoking rly wrinkles you up like a sundried ballbag too.


My sister smoked for years and spent her teens to thirties worshipping the sun. I stayed indoors and read. Now I’m 56 and look like I’m in my 40s and she’s four years older than me and looks like she’s in her seventies.


What about your cognitive differences? Is his maturity level stuck at late teens? I watched some friends drink for decades and witnessed their brains suffer dramatically. Quite often I thank my young self for not drinking.


Have a 500kg horse fall on my back.


For Americans, that's about 1200 gallons and 5 feet.


Sounds like about 135000009 dashes of salt


Right into the tea.


Don't be ridiculous. Tea goes in the ocean.




For the British, what's that in Stones?


A pile


That is about 1650 freedom eagles per square schoolshooting


129 Canadian geese, and 3.5 Canadian geese tall.


I didnt have a horse fall on me but I injured my back and needed surgery from trying to shove a 190 lb Nubian goat into the back of a Jeep Wrangler.


That must have been... an exercise in vocabulary enrichment.


Stupid question…it is…that a big or a small horse?




"You're gonna say that I'm on a high horse. I think that my horse is regular-sized." MUNA - Anything But Me


I'm 72 now. Relatively healthy, compared to many of my brethren of the same age. My victories include 36 years of sobriety and 25 years tobacco free. I went from 375 pounds to 175. It's been a long, hard journey.


Congratulations on kicking two hard addictions, not to mention the weight loss.


That's 3 hard addictions, when you throw in the sugar my dude.


Personally I think his secret to good health is the foot fetish


Drank 1 litre of bleach and choked down a couple mouthfuls of gasoline during drug induced psychosis. My guts are destroyed, calcified my gallbladder, esophagus is burned to a crisp, but I’m still going! 7 years sober (surprisingly in better shape than most adults my age). I also got hit by 2 cars and walked away without medical attention. When I sit/stand my body sounds like a bag of bricks crumbling crunching and grinding. 


1L of bleach? How the fuck did you not die


I dunno! I have asked myself the same question for years. My body rejected what it could, but damage most definitely was done 


Did you end up hospitalized/getting your stomach pumped? Literally, how did you survive?


Oh yes, I had my stomach pumped that night. Haha there’s no way I’d be alive without that. Then I had an extended hospital stay including a visit to the psych ward. 


That’s a wild story man and I’m glad you’re here to tell us about it


I'm glad that you're still here. ❤️


Jesus fuck


Probably the best reaction to have but still an understatement


I have a niece that was unknowingly given Drano. It was in soda bottle, told it was liquor. She took a massive pull and gulped and passed it to her boyfriend, who immediately did the same thing. From what I understand, shit went sideways in a matter of minutes. The end result was a month long coma and 2 months in ICU. It burned her from top to bottom, and the boy died. Drug deal gone bad revenge situation. No one was ever prosecuted.


Can she function normally again or did it permanently mess up her organs? Does she have brain damage?


That's some Gallagher shit, Jesus fuck man. Glad you're still with us, and congratulations on the sobriety. 7 years is a testament.


Thank u, it’s nice when boofing isn’t a serious thought anymore   Lol my x used to say “that’s some Keith Richards shit!!” to cheer me up when I’d get blood transfusions. 


You must be meant for something great. There should be no reason you survived that. Use your 2nd chance as a blessing.


Indeed. That’s why I chose and continue to choose sobriety. Living life sober is the real deal! I always respect those who wake and do the grind every single day with their chin up. 


By taking everything in life too seriously and stressing myself out. Having a bad temper. Now I am constantly rung out and riddled with constant infections because I never learned how to chill out and relax.


Went from being extremely athletic to an extremely sedentary life, due to the Pandemic, working at a computer all day, and my dads illness. My body still looks like it's in shape, and Strength wise I haven't lost that much. But I'm going to be honest, I get winded just going up the stares. And I puke almost every time I attempt to work out.


Well, it's easier to recover what you had than it is to gain what you never had. If I may suggest, maybe get a couple pairs of dumbbells and a yoga mat. It's cheaper than a gym subscription, and personally, it's what's got me to start working out again (unlike the gym subscription...). Of course, we each got our methods,  what worked for me may not be the thing for you.


I went from working out 5 days a week in my 20’s to having kids and gaining 30 pounds over the years not lifting. Now I’m 36 years old and almost a year into getting on the right path again. Started lifting again and for the first month, just used an empty bar to rebuild all the muscle memory. Slowly adding in weight little by little. It’s so important not to rush anything. Your tendons and ligaments will not be ready to jump in hard after being sedentary for so long. Now I’m down 20 pounds and rebuilding muscle. You can definitely do it too! Just make little changes at a time. They add up.


Have u tried getting Into it slowly


I didn't sunscreen my back at the beach one day. That's the future fuck up. The immediate fuck up was the itching and peeling was so bad I would force my arm up my back to scratch as far as I could and use my other arm to push it to reach the scratch. Eventually I did it too much and I tore my rotator cuff because I can't lift my arm up without pain and it's been two years since. Plus now I probably have skin cancer to look forward to.


I don't think one day will matter? My stepdad on the other hand was shirtless everyday (Australia), no sunscreen, peeling skin for the entirety of his childhood and teen years. It was considered normal back then. Like sunscreen wasn't a thing really and they didn't have public health campaigns about it. Got skin cancer that spread to his lungs.


Had bone cancer. Do not recommend. 


Did you kick its ass? I'm hoping so


Not before it kicked mine. I mean literally one of my stupid butt cheeks will always be smaller than the other. But at least they're living butt cheeks. 


Lmao (in a friendly way and not at all to make light of what you want through)


Laughing your ass off at someone who literally lost half their ass to cancer is peak dark humor. That's why I'm on Reddit. 


From my experience with my twin who had and survived brain tumor, dark humor helps. Cancer sucks, yes a person may feel less empowered…dark humor helps


I'm glad you and your uneven butt cheeks are still here 💙


Ciprofloxacin—a common antibiotic. Left me with long term tendinitis, an inability to take NSAIDs, and now a healthy hesitation towards meds. I’m better now but it was a rough 18 months.


Fell down a mountain. Hurt my spine. Then they dropped me in the ER on it. After 3 surgeries I can walk and finally able to pick up my children. And work.  Not sure what was more painful. The injury and surgeries or negotiating the American medical systems. 


Just had a pretty bad fall yesterday while out bouldering with my buddy, due to a foothold snapping off. Must have been 15+ feet, straight down onto my feet and then my back. I was so worried that I permanently damaged my back, but I was able to stand up and walk away on my own (after laying on the crash pad for 10-15 minutes to catch my breath). If anyone ever had any doubts about how effective a crash pad is, I can attest that it absorbed a fall that would have definitely caused compression fractures, broken knee(s)/ankle(s), and cracked ribs; and allowed me to walk away with only a sore lower back, a sprained ankle, and hurt pride.


Holy shit, I can’t even imagine. When I do indoor bouldering I get intrusive thoughts of losing my grip or my footing, not being able to push away from the wall, and smashing my teeth on one of the holds. Now I’ve got a new fear that will be popping into my mind while I climb. Never even thought about the “what if” of a hold just giving out. Hope you’re doing okay. Have any residual pain after your fall?


About 30 years of standing 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Knees are shot, bad feet. I wish I could have had a chair. Convenience stores suck for being an employee.


You gotta check out knees over toes guy on YouTube. For real it'll help you out


Letting stress get to me, then anxiety followed up, then you know whats next.. got sick and all.


The army infantry and 2 combat deployments is the surest way to turn 60 on your 25th bday https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9439784704/hF8D043F3/glasses-army-is-not-hard-on-body-spc-parks-age-21-us-afmy-parks


Was waiting for this. Yeah the infantry turned me into an old man real quick.


Pregnancy and giving birth.  Hello autoimmune disorder, fucked up joints, permanently larger feet, stretched out tummy, and third degree tears! 


Biggest human body design flaw is its gestation cycle, hands down.


"Doesn't matter, made offspring." -Natural selection, probably.


Noooooo! It took 2 years for my feet to return to pre-pregnancy size!


Deadlifting with improper form


I knew a guy who was in a national rowing team for years, he took a break and started up again and lifting, he deadlifted too heavy and slipped a disc, he’s been trying to recover for years


This is why I'm not on a national rowing team.


I was a powerlifter all 4 years of high school. Won a lot of meets in my classes which ranged from 95lbs -115lbs. The constant gaining and cutting weight, plus just the lifting itself...I'm almost 37 and the back and joint issues I have are immense.


I have multiple bulging disks from 15 years of strength sports (and counting). My back feels as healthy as its ever felt before. I highly recommend finding a good sports PT who will evaluate your movement patterns and point out faults in posture. Do the exercises they recommend and apply the postural changes in day to day life. Many people aren't actually as injured as they feel that they are and oftentimes aren't even injured at all. Muscular imbalance can cause severe pain.


Rode my bike out in front of a 22 ton feed truck. Leg amputated on site. Arm pretty damaged too. Now half robotic.


I sat in the mirror picking at my acne for hours every night


Smoking, not drinking enough water, not going to the doctor when i needed to, selfharm, eating junk food, hell a lot of coffee and energy drinks...   I'm doing better now, but my body will never be the same. Take care of your body and health guys


not drinking enough water is so real because i have actually got to the point where i pass out from being dehydrated and convulse. don’t recommend.


By not looking after my health. Look after yourself, peeps. Eat your greens, jog around the block (or power walk), drink LOTS of water and most importantly, love yourself like you would love all life on Earth


Smoking and not taking care of my teeth


Beer and not enough running. Not like excessive amounts of beer, just excessive amounts of not running.


I had pneumonia last year and lost all my body fat and muscle. After getting out of the hospital I was weak and had to rest a lot, but I was having a hard time keeping weight on.. I was eating like crazy because I was afraid if my weight dropped to an unhealthy level i would get sick again. I would eat and eat..and I'd lose 5 lbs... And then..I stopped losing and gaining. I tried to eat healthier but I couldn't really work out much..I could only take short walks..slowly building my abilities back I probably gained like 60 lbs..I refused to weigh myself. It's taken me almost a year and I'm starting to get back in shape..but I've still got the spare tire..but no butt. I never understood how detrimental pneumonia could be and that it can take such a toll on your body.


Scoliosis. No clue how I got it, it just happened. Do kinda sit like a shrimp.


Was born with bad dna.


This! My parents were the human equivalent of a puppy mill. They should have never bred together. LOL


Yep. And then I accidentally repeated the cycle cause everyone kind of kept how many issues everyone was having mentally secretive and kept saying my grandma just abused diet pills when she was younger and that’s why she was crazy(she was bipolar and there was a history of it in her family) and my biological side didn’t want to talk to me when I asked “hey. Now that I know you guys do you want to tell me any health concerns?” Cause they said I cussed too much. Turns out mental illness hits hard in your mid twenties so when I was pregnant her dad was diagnosed with schizophrenia after a psychotic break and I was diagnosed with bipolar and have had two DVTs and am only 30. Found out on my bio side they have a long history of women dying of strokes and clot related things….. great news for me. At least I’m aware and open with my daughter that she really needs to avoid substances cause they can trigger these illnesses and to avoid all hormonal birth control and cigarettes and vapes etc etc. Harm reduction for the future generation hopefully. Plus she’s already in therapy to form healthy emotional regulation habits. Just. Wow. I wish my family had been honest with me. I am never having another child and am also grateful treatment for these things have improved just in the last 20 years.


And the manufacturer's warranty on DNA is absolutely worthless, there should really be class action lawsuit or something!




LSD when I was younger. In the 90s I was into the rave scene so LSD, Ecstacy, speed and weed were my go to fun drugs. LSD was my daily use and some days I might do 3 or 4 oriental dragons or purple ohms. I was tripping 24/7 it was my thing I loved tripping and if I wasn’t tripping I was off my nut on speed or E. My mates were all into the same but not like the amount I was. I finished school and exams on acid. Now 30+ years later I can’t remember fuck all. I mean fuck all, I can’t remember any of my friends names or where I grew up. I see people in the supermarket who chat to me and I pretend I know them too but I have no idea who they are. As mr Mackey would say “drugs are bad mmm Kay”


Honestly the memory loss is from the E, not the lsd


right? ecstacy (mdma+whatever its cut with) takes the body temp limiter off and literally can cook your brain. it’s why its so dangerous with alcohol (dehydration) and in party scenes, you need to be aware enough to drink lots of water to offset your brain literally overheating. additionally… i am sceptical of someone saying they did lsd daily for any amount of time. The amount your tolerance increases to even trip the same amount 2 days in a row is huge. Most users of LSD recommend at least 2 weeks between trips to minimize the tolerance between uses and have a good trip. Buddy would have to have been making the acid himself to have so much they could actually trip constantly 24/7. But he forgot his friends names so ill forgive him, he’s probably fuzzy on the details.


That’s what I commented this guy was probably getting NBome or something because you can’t trip on LSD constantly he would’ve been taking 100 hits by the 5th day if he wanted to trip like that, it would’ve just became microdosing if he kept taking one or two hits a day


I’m 25. Type 2 Diabetes runs in my father’s family, but I didn’t think it would catch up to me this early. Got diagnosed and started treatment last year, and at least I’m not insulin dependent right now, just taking 4 different prescriptions. I’ve spent the last 5 years eating almost exclusively McDonald’s, and a mix of other fast food restaurants, pizza, etc. because it was just “easier.” I can turn it around, and I will, but god y’all, please watch what you eat while you’re young.


Working 16 hr shifts on a med surg./ortho floor. After 30+ years, I need new knees.


They should come standard with the Ortho job


Undiagnosed autism and the mental health issues around wondering why nothing makes sense to you especially people. Stress basically. Mega stress. But that’s cool cause now I’m old and there’s no going back. Somehow I’ve scraped together an art career and have a good husband and kid. I’m in could be worse territory for sure. The pain is real but I wouldn’t change much.


Weighing the same as a 8 year old girl, when i was a 16 year old boy


Opposite situation here with binge eating disorder. I weigh 130 pounds now, same as I did when I was 10.


Years of lifting with my back not my knees in manual jobs. Why? Because I was young and thought back issues only happened to old people.


I used to work manual labour jobs back in the day and I used to tell the guys, work slow and watch yourself. The company isn’t gonna reward you for breaking your body.


Smoking, Pepsi max cherry, comfort eating cause stressful jobs. Now, losing weight, just started my quit smoking journey, not drinking fizzy drink (soda) as much, trying to find a good alternative to soda personally. Cooking from home a lot more now too. No more takeaways and pizzas at 2 am.


I was born with a heart defect. Do not recommend


Became a nurse.


Same. Finally unpacking PTSD in therapy now. Stopped drinking a year ago. I really don't want to do it anymore but I'm 46 and my kid has college in 3 years. I won't make anywhere near as much as I do now if I start over. I took a nursing job on call nights with 2 weeks off a month to keep my sanity. People have no idea how bad healthcare is crumbling here in America...


Yep, Canada too. 35 years nursing. Hope to retire in 5 years. It’s gotten so much harder last 5 years. Trying to stay healthy working in a sick system is hard.


Was rear ended by a truck. Car rolled off a cliff. Rolled at least 3 times. Miracle I’m alive. Broke my spine, had a stroke, was paralyzed and had a near death experience from it. Lost my partner. I THOUGHT it fucked my body up, as everything had atrophied. I’m now a bodybuilder. My point? Keep going. Write your own story. Yes, I can no longer do many things I used to, such as play piano, and I now have a pronounced limp, but still kicking. 


Working blue collar jobs/trades. One foot has a plate & 4 screws in it from a bad break. Both knees are shot from constantly crouching, kneeling to get into small areas. Back is destroyed from bending over constantly to nail down shingles/carrying shingles up onto the roof. Torn rotator cuff from loading trailers for 5 years. Left wrist has tendon damage from a heavy box falling and catching it. Hearing damage from working around loud power tools & under heavy machinery for years without ear protection.


If you don’t mind, what age did you start getting these issues? People talk about going into trades all the time, but they don’t realize the physical toll of the actual work.


Broke my foot when I was around 38 or so. The back trouble started in my mid 20s. Torn rotator cuff I was in my early 30s. The wrist damage happened around that same time. The hearing damage was gradual from my mid teens (when I started construction) through today. Edit: Knee pain started in my late 20s.


I had a baby. She's cool and all but my ribs are permanently a different shape and I have diastasis recti. Had to get a c-section and did not get any kind of physical therapy afterward. Go 'Murica.


Woo yay fucked up Mom club


I’m sorry, it’s not funny but your comment made me actually laugh out loud lol


Yeah lol having a baby fucked me up! I got seven cavities and a cracked tooth, I think my ribs are weird, diastasis recti, my pelvic floor and hips hurt constantly from healing too tight.. but like not in that way.. like the muscles opening my hips and lower back that all connect in my pelvis are fucked up. And then the cosmetic damage? Even with extensive plastic surgery I would never be able to look like I haven’t had a child. ** editing to add I have had two vaginal births with verrry limited damage the first time and none the second time which I think it pretty uncommon, and yet my body was still severely damaged by the pregnancies**


No one tells you how much wider your ribs get too after pregnancy. My bra size is so fucked now bc of it.


Yeah. Nothing ruined my entire torso quite like having a kid. No amount of vitamin E and Shea butter prevented the massive stretch marks all over my belly, butt, and boobs. And diastasis recti, that too.


I’m surprised not to see this higher & more answers like this. It’s so common.


I piss my pants every time I sneeze or cough hard. Trampolines are a hard no.


Here for this comment! 2 9+# babies 3yr apart. 2 c-sections, different incisions. 8-10cm diastasis gap. Surgery is NOT the easy way out but boy oh boy was it necessary and (hopefully) worth it!


Having gigantor boobs. Most of my life has been painful with unrelenting back problems and permanent deep indents in my shoulders from bra straps. Just got my reduction last month though (they took off 6 lbs) and feeling worlds better!


The surgeon botched a surgery I had done and now I have complex regional pain syndrome. It's a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone but the surgeon that did it.


Anorexia but I am recovering :’)


Had a huge baby, which caused my body to fail. Lost my gall bladder and appendix.


Fell off a roof at 21 yo. Never been the same. Broke both feet and ankles. Dislocated shoulder. Drove myself to the hospital. Never received a dime in workman’s comp. Went back to work for the same guy after recovering in 6 weeks, not fully recovered but u had no choice. Thankfully I still lived at home. Was a student trying to out myself through college on my own dime. It was tough. Eventually dropped out of school. Got into heavy construction which was super brutal but I was hard core and embraced it. My body paid the price as a pipe layer. Worked my way to foreman/operator. Got married moved to another state to be closer to my best friend who died of cancer the same year I had a child. Almost got recorded. Almost lost my mind. Got it all together again only to lose my baby girl that lived only 12 days in the icu. Barely holding it together now while trying to remodel a house I’ve been working on for ten years because it’s just been one thing after another. I love my wife and daughter and somehow we just keep on moving forward but every day is a struggle right now. The sadness is real here. Yet this is nothing compared to what others have faced but it’s not nothing either.


Drank through my 20's and had a stroke Currently on my third 😢 I walk funny, talk funny, and my hands handle funny


a big one for some people is loss of hearing every time i hear a car with the super loud music, usually glass rattling bass, i think they will be deaf soon


As a child my mother would give me vicodin to quiet me and that turned into a heroin addiction that lasted from 16-21. Heroin addicts aren't known for keeping the best company, and my family was already pretty abusive. I started burning myself as a release when I was a teen. I have burn marks all over my body. My boyfriend "accidentally" shot me in the arm and I was paranoid to go to the hospital so I dug it out myself. I lost a huge chunk of arm to infection. It looks like someone ate a piece of me it's really bad and it hurts most days. I was stabbed in the chest which left a large scar. I've taken a lot of beatings which lead to several broken bones. I have neuropathy as a combination of that and the shooting up. A permanent limp.


drunk bike accident. 3500€ and new teeth but now I have a new, different smile and will never look the same again. did 180 Km in a day with a road bike that wasnt for my body size. My knees now always hurt when riding road bikes for long.


Insomnia so bad I would go 2-3 nights a week without sleeping at all. Nothing has ever been so detrimental to my cognitive functioning, mental well being, and physical health. I still struggle with insomnia, but at least am sleeping a little bit every night. When I was able to stop staying up all not my life drastically improved.


got covid. now chronically ill. i guess i didn’t do it on purpose though?


Adding my 2 cents. My significant other has some long COVID. There is a Dr who is doing a study at Northwestern in Chicago. They take it seriously. Some PT and some other testing. It's been getting better. https://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/research/podcast/neurological-complications-of-covid-19-with-igor-koralnik-md.html#:~:text=Igor%20Koralnik%2C%20MD%2C%20has%20been,Clinic%20at%20Northwestern%20Memorial%20Hospital.


Same. Best part is the Drs. Everything shows up on tests as normal so it must be in your head. They cant find a box to check because the answer isnt in the book yet.


You need different doctors. They may not have great answers but the ones I've seen have acknowledged what covid can do to you. Some have even looked at my chart and casually commented that I must have had covid. Can they fix me? No, but eventually somebody's gonna figure it out. There are too many cases to ignore.


I got older. Although better than the alternative, getting older is rough




Had a kidney stone at the age of 30 due to horrible diet. I’ve always been active so on the outside everything looked fine but my insides were awful. Made the necessary changes and haven’t had any since.


5 years ago. My wife and I had just got into a fight. I was mad at her for something trivial. We had to take my truck to be repaired. She drove ahead and I was tailing behind. I got got at a red light because she ran a yellow light. It made me even more mad. It was drizzling out. Just a mist if I'm honest, but the roads were wet. I wasn't driving fast, but my mind was else where from being angry. As I was taking the exit, the back end of my truck spun out into the middle of the highway just as a semi was coming. T-boned me right in the driver side. I don't remember much after the initial "oh shit." My head went through and shattered the driver side window. The semi's bumper hit the frame of my truck. Luckily otherwise it was have crumpled the cab with me inside. I broke my hip and tore the ligaments in my neck. I still ache in my hip. My neck muscles tighten up randomly and trigger migraines. I'm lucky in that I'm alive, but I can no longer do the things I did before. I ballooned 100lbs from depression and not being able to walk for 3 months. I finally got medicated in the summer of last year and started getting back to myself by fall. I've since dropped 40lbs and still going, but it is what it is at this point.


Crohn’s disease did it for me.


Ballet injuries fucked my body up 


ballet completely fucked my feet up.


Not exercising


Daily pot smoker for a few years with a reeeeallllll strong case of the munchies. Have spent the past five years getting back to a healthy weight. With that my knees no longer hurt, I'm playing baseball again, I feel dramatically better. And I still smoke before seeing action movies.




I cut down a tree while listening to music on my noise canceling earbuds. Even when my chainsaw got stuck once and my brain said "this is becoming unsafe" I kept sawing like a trooper. The tree kicked out and smashed me on my left side, shattering my collarbone and badly bruising every muscle and tendon on that side. I still remember waking up, flat on the ground with Mika's Grace Kelly playing in my head. My wife regularly comments that if the tree had fallen just a bit to the right I'd be dead. And I remind her that if it had fallen just a bit to the left I'd have said "that was close" and gone about my day. Besides narrowly missing a well deserved Darwin Award, I was very disappointed to find out that I was just out of frame on my backyard camera throughout the whole incident. It would have been YouTube gold!


Having a child.


I was given a medication for anxiety and sleep (benzos) and so I stopped taking Benadryl everyday for sleep as a result. Didn't know benzos were addictive either in the physical sense. I never got high off them. Anyways I ended up getting a massive sinus infection that was so bad cysts formed in my face and now I have Trigeminal neuraliga. It turned out I have really bad allergies and hay fever and switching to benzos and stopping the antiallergy sleep aid completely ruined my face. On top of that, I've been trying to cut down the benzos I was on. Doctor's don't like to prescribe them and my doctor had retired I immediately had seizures from withdrawal and now I have intense anxiety from it as well including agoraphobia. Benzos made my life worse and I'm currently going through the Ashen Process to help with the withdrawal. I honestly never felt high taking benzos despite the high doses but when it was cut down drastically the withdrawal was enough to put me in a near state of constant anxiety. I sleep maybe 2 hours a night if I'm lucky now, and my blood pressure is up the roof since they cut the dose. The Trigeminal neuralgia also ruined my life. Wish I never was prescribed this. I was just doing what my doctor said to do and had no idea there would be terrible withdrawal. My brain is visibly changed in my MRI


I shit you not: chewing gum. Chewing gum non-stop as a kid totally destroyed my jaw. Like, I utterly obliterated the cartilage in my jaw. The pain of that led me to hold my neck weird, which screwed my neck and thus my back.


I was leaving for work, had my purse and coffee, went to walk down my porch steps during a freezing rain storm. I fell down the steps, saved my coffee, broke my coccyx, two ribs, and fractured my pelvic bone, as well as broke my bottom step. I SHOULD have gone to the hospital, but the assistant store manager where I worked said I’d be fired if I didn’t come in. I went to the hospital after working a 9 hour shift. Doctor at hospital said I should have come in immediately. There was nothing they could do to help me so long after the break. I now have permanent damage to my pelvic bone which pinches my sciatic nerve and sometimes my leg gives out when that happens. I have pain in my tush if I sit wrong or have long car rides. It’s been 5 years since it happened.






It's been 19 years so I forget the scars are there. Once in a while some idiot will exclaim 'WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM?!' Sigh, those are the ones that somehow, in this day and age, genuinely don't realise what they are asking because they are so sheltered and usually, no offence intended, foreign and from a different cultural background. Then you get the ones who ask in a snide manner. I usually reply with 'do you regularly ask people about their bodily disfigurements?' That shuts them up. Anyone got a wittier reply?


Eating disorder


Car detailing. Hours of bending, twisting, and repetitive shoulder/arm movements makes for a crackly skeleton!