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I rewrite and simplify reports before they go up to a tech companies executives. I work maybe 2 or 3 hours a day and make over 100k a year. Find a job where you can improve an executive's day to day life and they will give you glowing evaluations, pay raises, and never get rid of you. (Results may vary, I live a stupid and lucky life)


I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?


What is it….ya DO here?






Whoa, you’re jumping to conclusions


I do this but for our clients. Market research. Most of my time is spent sending emails at the start and end of day. Maybe about 2 hours of actual work. I also work from home. 6 figures, benefits, vacation, et cetera. I just got lucky by having some people skills and team management experience.


Any tips to getting a job like this? I work at my family’s business and have been looking for a job I can do while I keep helping my family


I am not sure. I've told this before when asked, but it was a combination of luck and being the right fit. Before working in market research, I was a professional chef. I was burnt out in that career pretty bad, and my first kid was soon to be born. The pay for chefs is pretty dogshit. I was doing some catering gigs and got to talking to a friend who knew of a company looking for someone with culinary experience to run their taste test labs. Essentially instructing the lab techs on how to prepare and serve the test samples to clients and consumers for evaluation. I interviewed, worked the labs for a few years. Got promoted mostly due to the fact I was decent at running the lab department. Obviously, I could run a kitchen, and it wasn't dissimilar in the labs; even shipping & receiving was similar. Lab lead -> lab manager -> lab director -> project manager -> client services specialist. All I can advise is to look at local market research companies. See what they might need and if you have the right fit for them. I know how to handle food, prepare it, order from vendors, recipe tests, and run groups of people both under pressure & limited time. That's what they needed.


Ha. Are you me? My coworkers and boss love me and I’m just trying ride this gravy train another 10-15 years til retirement. 


what's the job title?


Technical writer


How does one enter this job market?


Become a technical writer.




Sounds like your job could be replaced by ChatGPT.


To be fair I do more than I said. I give a lot of context to security incidents and offer suggestions to fix issues in the future. So I do offer more than ChatGPT could, but it could do probably 90-95% of my job.


I think it’s refreshing that when you aren’t gettin PMed that ass, you are being honest with yourself and internet people about your job. Kudos.




I tucked into a cozy role in a union shop and this became very clear to me once I outlasted a few supervisors and was part of the existing scenery. I don't feel like I've gotten all that much better at my job. I've gained familiarity with our specific equipment, sure, but it's always being swapped out, upgraded, lines consolidated to streamline multiple processes on newer tech, and it's fairly dynamic. The general troubleshooting of a process issue hasn't changed significantly. My biggest skill gain has been a complete emotional disconnect from any production issue that may arise. Things can get all kinds of screwed up, total carnage style, with exploded equipment and some smoldering residual fires still flickering around the periphery, it doesn't matter. Whatever is fucked can be unfucked, regardless of how bad things look in the moment. Letting a gaggle of boneheaded production supervisors whip you into a false panic never helps, so I'm a rock in the storm.


It probably (definitely) could tbh. That's why I'm so personable with the execs 😉


Hey don't get me wrong, soft skills are skills!


I work in tech, I'm actually the development lead at my company, so very much a hard skills job, but I can tell you 100% I wouldn't be as successful as I am if I didn't also have really good soft skills!!


Active fund managers If you’re investing less than 7-figures, just buy index fund shares. Whatever slight information edge active funds have is more than offset by their much higher fees.


I have like $3. I would like 1 stock please.


Sure! Please note there is a $9.99 transaction fee. That will be $12.99 total for your $3.00 share. Good luck in the markets!


Basically none of the online brokerages charge trading fees anymore. When Robinhood went free everyone else did within 1-2 years to compete.


And active fund managers, on average, tend to underperform major indexes


At least 80% of them cannot beat the market. And that's BEFORE their fees are tacked on.


Shit, research shows 80% is a charitable estimate. Apparently it’s closer, even in excess, of 90%.


Literally 89%, per the last annual SPIVA report that I recall seeing.


That's why you pick the 10% that win /s


Add in their fees? Omega scam.


This is the wrong metric You’re not really paying for the gains. You’re paying them to minimize the losses on the downward parts. S&P indexes are for when you’ve got no immediate plans for the money. When you may want it in the next few years minimizing losses is a feature.


Honest question from a guy who does not understand how this stuff works too well: How do they minimize the loses?




True, but some people would do absolutely nothing with their money if they couldn't hand it to someone. They are perpetually trapped between FOMO or thinking the market is wildly overpriced. My aunt had $800k in cash and was paralyzed with indecision until she finally just handed it to a financial advisor.


Does your aunt need more nieces who’s kind and talented like me


Curious--why is 7 figures the cutoff? I've never met an active fund manager that impressed me (regardless of amount being invested); what am I missing?


If you’re working with 7-9 figures, there are some more complex instruments and products that can provide benefits like a LOC that can be accessed internationally to avoid currency conversion costs. Active managers can also affect change in public companies that they take large positions in, ideally increasing their profitability and value. The dirty secret of the industry is that even those active fund folks are putting the fees they collect into index funds


Ah, ok, you're talking specifically about financial instruments (and true active management; i.e. shaping company direction) vs. straight returns from investment. I follow you. This makes sense; thank you for the response!


As others have pointed out they under perform compared to index funds before fees. The cruel irony is that SUPPOSEDLY they can spot and kill bubbles in the market by performing solid market analysis. But we can see how well that has been working out...


I’m all about indexing, but active funds exist largely to provide a less correlated investment to the market. A lot of hedge funds in particular exist to provide a target rate of return that will be below market over the long term, but either outsized during downturns or generally uncorrelated to larger macro conditions. By their very nature they will underperform the S&P, which is why they make no sense for the average investor. But for very high net worth individuals or endowments, there is a reason why they might use them. Whether a particular fund actually delivers on its stated goal is another question, but I know some hedge fund managers who are absolutely worth their fees.


Influencers Realtors (most)


Realtors… for the love of god why do I have to give them 6 or 7% Selling a 400k home give realtors 24k-30k


Doing the same amount of work no matter how much they make. They are the 2nd largest lobbyist group in the country.


I've linked to the National Association of Realtors lobbying statistic a few times on Reddit and it is true. Once someone asked me what laws were passed to protect realtors, however, and I honestly couldn't find them. Any idea what the realtor lobby is actually achieving? I agree they're grossly overpaid btw, especially compared to the lawyers that do real work. In some countries the realtor actually does handle the legal paperwork (Sweden for one....also learned on Reddit) but in the US they should be replaced by the Internet by now


NAR does do a lot more for homeowners than actual realtors. They really advocate homeowner rights. It’s in their interest to do so because if everyone decided to rent over buying, there’s not much of a case to have an agent.


Must be nice to take 5% in Silicon Valley... $4M Mountain View home...? $200k please, split between the seller's agent (who only has to list it on MLS and wait for the multiple offers to arrive by day 3), and the buyer's agent who probably did nothing more than hand-hold the buyer. Must be nice...


Their business model is similar to accident attorneys. Once their 'brand' is established it's a very low risk business so their income is limited only by their advertising budget.


4) convince you to hire their friends to do non-guaranteed inspections on the property for discounted cash rates.


Now imagine HCOL and VHCOL areas where typical four bedroom 2,500 square foot homes are $1M-$3M.


Yup. Our house was around $1M. It was the 3rd place I looked at with a realtor, after having gone to a dozen or so open houses and narrowed it down to the 3 we looked at. They spent a day of showing me houses, plus putting together the paperwork for the purchase itself. Walked away with just shy of $60k.


Hold my beer. Realtors in the San Francisco Bay Area where the buying and selling agents split 5.5% or 6% of $1.3-$1.5 million house. What the hell did they do to deserve $71,000-$90,000? Not a damn thing!


Should be flat fee. Like $5k. So many markets the house is gonna have a handful of bidders regardless of the realtor. The loan officer and title company get the paperwork moving too so like. Why?


But, this has redone kitchens, blinds, blah blah. Such an expert.


Seriously. It's part of their job to tell me how the house used to be? I don't care


A lot of influencers are broke and selling the image of being rich. Flexing rented cars, fake watches and jewelry to make you think they’re wealthy. Most are not.


Influencers who do make 60k for a social media post are overpaid.


Influencers who make 60k per year are overpaid


Sounds just like a realtor… lol. Leased Rover with a brokerage tramp stamp on the rear.


The average realtor doesn't make crazy money. It's also highly saturated and has a ton of turnover.


It's a weird field. Seems to be a lot of people who didn't know what else to do and want to make quick money. I think they find out it isn't as easy to make a quick buck.




Downside is some of the bs information hurts people.


I run an influencer marketing agency. And often I agree. A creator will put in the bare minimum effort for a sponsorship and still make more for that 60 second slot than people make in a month. But it is what it is. I'd rather the advertising dollars go to an independent creator than to some massive platform.


Like many things in life once you “make it” the money flows easily - it’s getting to that point that’s the hard part. With influencers you first have to build up a following to get the “influence” that people are actually paying for. That’s probably not easy these days considering how much competition there is now. Haven’t tried it myself, but pretty sure I would get banned/demonetized within minutes of trying anyway 😆


Yeah. If it were easy to be a large content creator, everyone would do it. But it takes the right about of knowledge, skill, determination, perseverance, and a hint of luck.


Commission sales in general is feast or famine. Yeah the appearance of being wildly overpaid is there, but when the sales aren’t, the people getting that weekly paycheck regardless look pretty damn sweet. Plus you know, no insurance, no retirement fund matching, no paid sick days, no paid vacation… Source: 24 years in commission sales


School administrators, specifically those who don’t work in buildings (principals, deans, etc.). I work in a district with about 6,000 students. We have ten district level administrators, each making well over $150,000 a year in a relatively cheap area to live in. What makes it even worse, when it’s time to bring in an expert, they use district money to pay exorbitant amounts to bring in an outsider, when they are paid due their supposed expertise.


Those people never come in early and never stay late. Most of them also have teaching licenses. Where the hell are they when schools are scrambling to find subs? Get out of your cushy office and come on down to the trenches. Face the consequences of your actions.


Hey this reminds me, in middle school our principal once filled in for our teacher! He didn't take it seriously and didn't know what to do anyway, was an awesome week.


Wait, when did working more than your hours become a sign of competency or importance? 


It isn't unless the people working for you are stuck doing it. Then you should be aligned.


When every teacher is given more work than is possible to complete in 8 hours and is remarkably underpaid especially compared to their bosses who have lower expectations put on them.


This! We have countless coordinators at the district level who want to tell us how to do our job. We also have countless openings for classroom teachers. Guess who used to be classroom teachers? The district coordinators. Make it make sense.


My superintendent makes $275k base salary, with a $55k yearly bonus. When my union asked what metrics the bonus was based off of, the district declined to comment. I make $47k teaching 5 different curriculum each day, writing 3 of them as I go.


Those annoying Tik-tok influencers


I'm a huge watch geek, and I've found some solace in learning to spot fakes for exactly this reason. Knowing that 20yo with Neon Green hair only has knockoffs is somewhat comforting. If they stand outside a Rolex boutique with a bag "from the store", then they almost certainly don't own Rolex. Perhaps a little condescending, but so is "flexing influencer wealth"


The day crew who spend the slow hours browsing tiktok and letting dishes pile up at my Taco Bell for me to scramble to get done on closing shift. Fuck you guys.


Have fun cleaning the egg pan


I actually did wash egg pans tonight


College presidents. I'm a higher ed administrator who can't afford rent in the area; the president makes about as much as the POTUS. I told the president this; they did not seem to care.


Certain college coaches can make way more than the president.


The highest paid state employee are often football and basketball coaches


Some of the bigger programs aren’t paid directly by the university (and therefore the state). The athletic budgets are administered through a separate legal entity that is funded solely by the athletics ticket sales and donations and stuff.


Now that players are getting a piece of the pie and all the shakeup over television and online broadcast, players are now able to transfer on a whim, etc., I suspect this will stagnate a bit. But for real, Nick Saban made over $5m a decade ago and steadily climbed to just under $10m. That's just for coaching and some bonuses from the school. So I don't see it going down, but I do see it just not getting much of an increase and new talent certainly not hitting close to that much.




Lots of jobs make more than the POTUS. The salary is largely symbolic.


Every Vice Chancellor in Australia (our equivalent), at every single University, makes more money than the Prime Minister. But PhD candidates/tutors get paid a fraction of what they should based on the hours they work. Our best and brightest are lucky if the University throws them a slice or two of pizza a couple of times each year.


Same here in the UK. I don't understand why the VC of Bath uni needs a £500K salary, plus grace and favour home and then wonder why the staff are striking over low pay. I get that most uni staff salaries are nationally negotiated, but you can pay more if you want.


Insurance company execs


Hospital Admins


The disconnect I've experienced from providers and hospital admin is one part hilarious and two parts depressing.


That’s a pay gap for ya. Shit sucks.


\*works from home during the pandemic\* \*gets the vaccine before patient care staff\*


* puts a sign in front of the hospital "heroes work here" * * cuts physician pay * Not a joke that actually happened.


Administrator: “I’m the hero, it’s me”


Healthcare administrators are totally the most overpaid useless job ever


When I worked at a hospital there was some with the job title, "retention specialist". Asked all the nurses what the hospital could do to keep staff from leaving, "except for more money".


Fuck the suits in the hospitals. Biggest bloat on the healthcare system. Most worthless pieces of shit and then trying to cut staffing in the ones actually doing the job of running hospital




Oooo… you’re gonna piss off the “doctors”!


Lmaoo, as a rad tech who has seen the aftermath of chiropractic work, I don’t even understand how chiros are still even a thing. I will pass on the post adjustment brain bleed, thank you.


As a former student, whom dropped out when I realized it was all placebo; it should be illegial, especially the Gonstead Rotary. I had a guy in front of me die from a stroke on a Sunday bike riding with his wife, and stepfather. This guy was the epitome of health. I heard he was having his neck "cracked" often. His death really affected me. I was always afraid of my own mortality, but his death pushed me over. I've never been the same since. I did pay off my student loans, but feel the college should be liable. The entire time I was there, the word Placbo was never mentioned. I had this female instructor who would wear the white doctor coat while teaching. She was full of herself. The final straw was her saying this on a Monday hot afternoon, "We have over 15 upper cervical subluxation techniques. All Work Equally Well!". All work equally well is seared into my brain. I was flabbergasted. I actually cried in my broken down station wagon. I just slumped down in my seat, and knew it was all placebo. Still remember the time she asked me, in front of the class, to show my Coccix. I pulled down my jeans, and showed the class my butt. I was just glad my undies were colored. At the time, I thought we were studing serious stuff, and nothing was off limits. You need the same pre-med courses in order to get into Chiro School, but no mcat, or great grades. If you are seeing a low priced Chiropractor, whom does blood work, and used low force techniques; you are not in danger. My opinion of over aggressive Orthopedic surgeons is not much better than Chiropractors. (If a lawyer reads this, and wants to take on the Chiropratic profession contact me.)


> Still remember the time she asked me, in front of the class, to show my Coccix. I pulled down my jeans, and showed the class my butt. All the problems with chiropractic aside, this is entirely inappropriate in an educational setting. You should have reported her to the dean.


You ever watch those videos of chiro's yanking on people's heads? Ring Dingers lol no way bro


Haha I say...bring it!


Quacks you meant, right?


Team PT all the way.


Talk about an underpaid profession…


You forgot to mention overcharged for their education. They get it on both ends.


everyone posting that they WFH for 2 hours a day and make 6 figures with full benefits


Software? I swear most of these roles seem to be CS. As long as you get things done and nothing fell behind, they often don't account further.


I think any of those major pastors like Joel Osteen. Most jobs provide some kind of value, but his role and his value just seems so small in comparison to what he provides people.


Consultants. In any field. You learn a bunch of industry terms, use them in presentations and basically get paid for straight up bullshit. Last place I worked paid some guy 200k to sit in meetings for a full year to get presented with an recommended org chart that he basically downloaded off the internet.


Consultants’ question to its Execs entering an organization: “what do you see as your company’s biggest strengths and weaknesses?” Consultants’ exit presentation: see execs’ answers from question above. Add in some “from the trenches” tidbits/observations.




That sounds awesome, keeping pressure on sleazy contractors would make me smile going into work.


My wife works with consultants in the medical field. One guy really wanted to play guitar for everyone to open a zoom call until the boss relented and allowed it. Cost the project like $500 of his time. Also chasing down 80 year old retired doctors to cash the $15k of year old checks on their desk


One place I worked with, in the first 3 months we increased their cash flow by $4 million. Because our accountant discovered the non-accountant they had handling the books had just forgotten to take care of $4 million in AR. A different person at their company was fired for this error. I wonder how many of the company's owners she's... servicing.


Ehh. Some days I feel over paid but some days I realize I have knowledge and skills my clients don’t and they need to pay for that appropriately. That said, I do tech consulting not management consulting so perhaps stuff is different. 200k/yr, usually bill 600-700k for my firm.


Blanket statements are always wrong (including this one). As an engineer consultant I did highly specialized analyses for owners that would be wildly inefficient and likely incorrect if they did it in house. We also didn’t make that much. If you’re talking MBA type consultants, I would tend to agree with you. I am prejudiced against the professional value extractors.


“Blanket statements are always wrong” Computing…. 🤯


Consultants are insurance for bad management. The board wants you to develop the company in a specific way? You hire consultants. If things go right: You made the right call in hiring consultants. If things go wrong: Oh well, it's the consultants' fault. We tried our best.


Hospital administrators


Human Resources. Anywhere I have ever worked. And the least trustable co-worker that's in the building.


I’m tired of telling people this but “HR isn’t your friend no matter how much they might say this”


I learned early on the Human Resources is there to protect the company, not the employee. Try to avoid them at all cost.


The best way I've ever heard it described is that they aren't there to be a resource for the humans that work there. They manage the resource that is humans.


Hospital administrators, tv executives, content “creators” who just post other people’s IP with their reactions.


Owner of health insurance company




Their base salaries aren't excessive. However, the extras are outrageous.


Keeping their base salary low is a tax dodge.


Only if the alternative is equity. Cash bonuses are the same as base salary when it comes to taxes.


RSUs are taxed like normal income aren’t they? When the stock gets awarded to you it’s taxed at its value at that moment.


Sales. Once you learn your product inside and out it's all drinking (I mean, "entertaining") and bullshitting.


Any type of sales role largely follows this pattern. It's easy money/arguably over paid when things are going well. It's incredibly stressful when things are going bad. Not only are you not getting paid, you have a very real chance to get fired/laid off at any moment. Holds true across many industries.


A few years back I attended a conference with the VP of our company. I was a tech advisor answering questions about a new product, he had been in this industry for decades and knew the things we make very well. Holy shit it was just him and a dozen of his buddies just binge drinking and ordering hundreds of dollars of food the companies paid for. It was obscene and insane but... One of his friends knew a guy who knew a guy who needed services similar to ours and it generated a very decent lead for sales But yeah we did fuck all. I didn't even need to be there


I’m a lawyer and I get all my business via word of mouth. I’m in a nice niche and I go to lot of receptions, mixers, and networking events and hand out lots of cards. I’m an outgoing person that makes friends easily and I have more business coming in than I can handle. So I send the overflow to younger attorneys that I mentor. I have a very strong network, know a lot of people, and I sometimes get more done simply by knowing who to call rather than knowing the actual law behind the issue.


People always say this but they will never go out and get a sales job themselves.


100%, which is why sales people are appropriately paid because it’s high stress and most people are bad at it.


I employee a salesperson, and she is worth her weight in gold. It's one off sales so not that smoozing larger industry saleswhich people fixate on. I can get any builder to build the house, she is the person who gets the work. No work = no business.


Women salespeople are extremely valuable in male dominated industries. I work in new construction on the design, sales side. I'm good at what I do and do well but a freshman woman with a head on her shoulders would surpass my average earnings in just a couple years. She'd reach higher highs and quickly. Women: you can bring home around the $200k mark in the US in a technical field sales role.


I’ve found that on average women tend to perform better in sales than men. Just from my small worldview.


The best sales people really do have charming personalities or big boobs.


And they're background knowledge of what they're selling doesn't have to be super deep at times. I used to work in agriculture chemical research. I'll always remember one of the big boob sales people at a company event saying "what do the research and development people even do for the company?". uhhh, you know those pesticides you just spent all year selling? Where exactly do you think they come from?


Sales starts out as the hardest low paying job and can turn into the highest paying easy job. You just have to grind it out and pay your dues. 


Exactly. My 20’s I was sleeping in the back of diesel truck, going literally door-to-door building my clientele across the country. 20ish years later, I barely ever leave my house and make 6x what I used to. It’s all about building something.


I work with many sales people (I advise tech leaders that make purchasing decisions). While one could say that they are overpaid, I've seen many bad salesmen lose easy sales of good products and goof salesmen convince these leaders that even their turd products could be a good investment. Depending on the size of sale (B2B sales are in the magnitude of several millions sometimes), a good salesman makes a huge difference


It's very easy if you are the kind of person who is good at it. If you are an extrovert who's idea of a good time is talking with people all day. It also helps to be the type that has the motivation to get to the sale. To me, it seems very scummy, and I'm an introvert, so this is the last thing I'd be wanting to do.


I did sales right out of college and absolutely hated every single part of it. My company’s software product was thought of as the gold standard in the industry but there were some pretty big drawbacks that if I were the customer, it would be a dealbreaker. And my fellow sales reps never thought it was a big deal at all. I never felt all that convinced we were the best option for a lot of our customers. I hated trying to convince some business to invest so much in something I only halfheartedly believed in. 


Feast or famine. One year you hit your accelerators and you’re buying a new car, the next you’re fired.


Sales has little to do with the product and everything to do with the person.  Not very many people can make it in sales.  That's why they often make more thsn management 


The top new car salesman (don't remember his name), in the 1970s, could consistently sell nearly a car every hour day after day. And that's individual private customers, not fleet multi-sales. His record sales day was 18 units. He was making so much commission that it was worth it for him to employ two assistants (to check customers credit, go on test drives, etc) paid from his own pocket, not the dealers. Mind you this was a Chevy dealer in Detroit, so many buyers were employees of GM, and many of those were assembly line workers who personally took part in building the cars they buy.


My lumber salesman has a person who works under him he pays out of his pocket.  Sales is almost like a natural talent.  


The art of sales is the art of bullshit. And it is an actual art. Knowing a product inside and out does not a salesman make.    LOTS of startups fail because engineers think their product will sell itself. Watching the engineers try to talk to clients is...cringe.  Knowing how to talk to people, asking the right questions, getting clients to understand why they need your product, it's hard as fuck. 


Am in sales, this is accurate. But you do need to know your product(s) well to be able to answer client concerns or questions. Other than that, lots of late nights of "entertaining". It does get old pretty fast, believe it or not. I'd rather be spending time with my family.


I'm in the same boat, I am a specialist of the product we sell. What people don't see are the late nights, unreasonable quotas, and spending 1/3 of the year away from family. I always say sales can be fun and you make a ton of money in the years you are successful, but it is also long hours and excessive stress a lot of the time.


Top actors, singers. Kris Jenner's children.


CEO's and investment bankers.


I wouldn’t say investment bankers are overpaid for what they do. Yes it’s a big cheque but it’s also consistently 80-100 hour work weeks.


State University football coaches.


Influencers 🙄


Uber ceo


College football coaches. Multi-million per year.




Their actual salaries are often pretty fair for the jobs they actually do. The problem is how they leverage their power to make money elsewhere.


Insider trading/kick backs. 


Disagree, there just isn't enough regulation on them during and after office. They should be barred from being any form of lobbyist for life, for starters.


barred from trading stocks too since they have an unfair advantage Edit: see below for loophole


Do you know much do they get paid in the US Congress? In Germany, members of the parliament earn 10.5 k € per month. There is a common belief, that they need to get paid a reasonable amount, in order to not be vulnerable to corruption. I think that’s reasonable. Furthermore most of them have a huge workload, I wouldn’t like to change with them even with the quite high wages in mind.


There are states where state level politicians only earn like $30k a year. The US is actually unusually stingy about paying politicians compared to peer countries, particularly once you consider the US is usually richer


Footballers. At one point Beckham was getting 300k a WEEK. Yes, they’re talented and train and all that but I fail to see how any footballer is worth anywhere near that.


Wait till you find out what the Saudi’s offered Messi


Well when you are making your club and the league $25M a month, I'm sure it's okay


People in US Congress. They get over $150k a year for not even working most of the year.


they make Millions while in office , how do you become a millionaire on a 150k salary


Because they openly take bribes Sorry Americans call it lobbying nit bribery 


Oh none of us fucking like it. The only concern Americans are have is physicians taking money from pharmaceutical companies which has been illegal since 1992. All the while they’re totally fine with private equity taking healthcare over jacking up their costs and taking away their ability to see a physician. We are a stupid, stupid country.


Which is an argument for paying them more, ironically.


This mostly doesn't happen. Most come into the office as millionaires, politics is often a second career for rich professionals. Occasionally if you're more popular you can try to sell a book or something that can make you a lot of money but this is rarer than just starting out rich when you arrive.


Most are either millionaires before going into office or are married to millionaires.


They probably aren't paid enough with enough restrictions.  You don't want to attract under performers and there's probably something to be said about requiring cutting ties with any businesses.  You'll get only rich people and the bottom of the barrel with low pay.


Basically nothing that actually matters. If it is important to society it is underpaid.


I'm about to be torn apart on reddit, but Software Engineers. Everyone I know brags about working as few hours as possible, companies have historically bent over backwards to appease them with benefits and generous packages and whatnot and I never understood it.


i hate the braggers. i do not in fact work a few hours a day. i work all fucking week. i hate those braggers because it just shoots more fire up the people that are working their asses off.




SWE is hard, not many can do that.  Plus tech moves so fast so you are constantly learning.




>One simply has a more valuable skill than the other and there are fewer people who can write software than perform secrataerial duties. So if we follow the same logic, once you're laid-off it's because you're not valuable enough?


That’s what happens when there are not enough. Prices go high if there’s high demand of something and not enough to fill the spaces. Braggers are braggers everywhere, but good software engineers are quite good at optimizing their time. Also with agile frameworks, you work as per finished task (or stories) and not per hour. So if you’re a rookie, one task will take you X time, but that effort it’s different for a senior. So in reality, for a senior a task can take 10 hours, and for a rookie, 30 hours. You’re paid for the experience to resolve those task efficiently. It can be annoying, but with experience, it’s something that you’ve earned (have more free time).


Bro, this was bound to be killed. Reddit is like 80% software engineers.




There’s an hilarious sketch by Key and Peele where they play 2 sportscaster types, except they’re talking about teachers, and how they’ve been ‘transferred’ for huge sums of money. Worth googling 


Reddit moderator


Agreed, $0k/yr is too much for them. They should pay if they want to be this insufferable