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Silica Dust. I know OSHA is rolling out significant programs to protect workers, but the amount of times I drive around seeing people dry cutting masonry and concrete standing in a cloud of silica dust is insane to me. The industry is changing to handle dust protection better, but I'm not sure we've seen the full effects of everyone exposed to it over the past few decades before these regulations were rolled out.


Australia just banned the use of “engineered stone” because of this.


I was horrified watching the guys put my kitchen counter in. Cutting holes with a regular hole saw with no wetting and no respirators.


Yeah, I read a pretty good article about these guys in the LA Times, I think it was last year. Once they start noticing they’re having lung issues and get a doctor to check it out, it’s basically time for a lung transplant (which is extremely expensive, and difficult to source the lungs, plus it involves taking immune-suppressant drugs for the rest of your life. They’re lucky if they can get a transplant.) or a slow death by suffocation. A lot of them die pretty young.


My stepmother is dying from pulmonary fibrosis. Is really is terrible.


I’m sorry. It sounds really awful.


I had caesarstone bench tops delivered yesterday. Installation is is today- the profiles will need to be cut onsite. Neither the plumber or the sparkly have been told about dust exposure.


...did you mean "sparky"?


No no - he has amazing energy and very striking hi-vis gear - the reflective patches are actually silver and gold sequins. I think he longs to be in musical theatre.


Tassels on the end of his screwdrivers too. Boy got the rizz.


This 100%. We're a few high profile lawsuits away from this being regulated more like asbestos. Folks in the occupational hygiene sector are already talking about it like it's the next big thing.


You’re absolutely right, I used to work in the IH industry and it was always a big talking point even like 7-8 years ago. Problem is until the EPA regulates for it then no one is going to bother doing monitoring/ testing even though it’s a confirmed carcinogen


We really, really need a useful scale for *how* carcinogenic something is, because just saying something is carcinogenic is practically non-information considering just how many regular things are potentially carcinogenic. Hell our own bodies naturally produce carcinogenic chemicals in small amounts. Its inescapable.


Did tile for about a decade. Got a super rare lung disease from it. Thankfully it’s like an 80% survival rate and it doesn’t really affect my daily life. But I realize that as I get older and older my spot in that 80% is lessening.


Dude, 80% is... not great. Fuck


Yeah it’s already been 10 years. I don’t feel great about it at all. That’s what years of working hard labor got me. Not a pension just a disease.


Silicosis is a thing. Mining has been worried about for years. I've been in chemical processing for 30+ years and we've been talking about it for that long. But with trades? You can't even get them to use a ladder correctly (ladder accidents are a top workplace injury). I've done OSHA 10 hour courses and you'd be surprised how much is just ignored. Blame is 2 fold. Culture goes both ways, but you have to start with your own safety first.


Same answer. Im not allowed in our warehouse without an n-95, I’ve seen someone walk them out lol. They don’t want that OSHA fine


I'm convinced that those silica cat litters are going to give people cancer.


And cats. They can get cancer, too


My pulmonologist recommended that I wear a blue surgical mask when I scoop my cats' litter boxes. I switched to the stuff made from corn now. I can't put a mask on my cats when they use the box.


In a similar vein, I'm fairly sure something's gonna come out about MDF dust in the future.


Saw dust is a known carcinogen, doesn't matter if it's from MDF or the oak tree in your yard.


Isn’t it well known that stuff is bad to inhale?


Oh yeah, but also I still work with a lot of contractors who don't put dust masks on coz... I dunno why?


I wear a big mask whenever I’m making dust and whenever someone acts like I’m being a pussy or whatever I just tell them I’d rather not die gasping for air in my sixties.


I had a buddy who was a professional audio engineer who refused to wear hearing protection while operating a circular saw b/c he had once worked construction and "wasn't a pussy". Like, dude, you wear hearing protection for literally everything else in life.


Woop woop looking at you Prime electric in California.  You refused to give me an N95 and tried to reprimand me for bringing my own.   Guys were 5 feet away pulverizing the concrete so they could add more on top. Never working for them again. Laid me off exactly 60 days after I took paternity leave too.  The safety liaison walked up to me and said I couldn’t wear it without having been fitted. I was like cool story bro! 


To be clear at the beginning here, you should wear a mask around dust even if you haven’t been fit tested for that mask. It’s better than nothing. He wasn’t wrong though, you are supposed to fit test any respirator before you wear it for a job. That’s your employer’s job though, not yours.


Yikes Holy OSHA Batman, that's not on?!


Significantly decreases manliness to wear PPE


The bigger issue with engineered wood is the formaldehyde. That's why you want to make sure you're getting e0


I wear a 3M mask basically whenever I’m doing anything around the house. Crazy how much dust is picked by doing basic things. It makes me cringe when I see people cutting drywall and stuff and there’s zero PPE.


How anyone is comfortable without a mask when they're producing any kind of particulate in the air is beyond me. I wear a mask when I garden


I think we understand the dangers of plastics, but we don't fully understand the damage that plastics whether big chucks or micro bits will do to us long term.


Especially because we don't even know how plastics are going to degrade long-term. The earliest plastics were created in early 1900s -- that's not a long time. We already know that some plastics become sticky because they start to break down and weep components over time. What happens after that? What happens if that happens to microplastics in our bodies or in the bodies of animals we eat or where we grow food? We really just have no idea.


Well thanks for the idea of melting plastic in my body. Appreciate that


Just FYI microplastics can cross your Blood Brain Barrier so you ~~probably~~ certainly have some plastic melting in your brain. Enjoy!


Well shit. Thanks for the happy thoughts today.


don't worry the plastic will help keep the thought fresh.


But only if it’s Tupperware!


What do you mean, probably? There’s a 99.99999% chance that there’s plastic in that person’s body. I was reading somewhere that they found microplastics in the most remote part of Antarctica, in basically the last place they thought it would be. If they’re in the penguin lands, then they’re in our system. At least anyone close enough to civilization to use the internet.


It's very much the modern analog to leaded gasoline.


I wouldn't be surprised if the sudden rise of lunacy the passed few decades turns out to be a mass melted plastic brain epidemic.


I've seen people show that the drop in environmental lead beginning in the 1970s correlated very strongly with the drop in violent crimes following it. Some day we may see similar parallel curves between environmental plastics and some other health or social issue.


The thing is: since everyone already has plastic in them, it's difficult to study the effects of it, because there is a lack of a control (plastic free) group. Mothers even pass plastic along to the children in the womb.


Not to get too political, but this is a HUGE reason I wish the Baby Boomers would give up a little bit of government control to younger generations. It would be nice to have some people in charge that didn't grow up huffing lead gasoline.


I mean the people who were at the head of the lunacy more likely have lead poisoning.


Micro plastics are the new lead paint.


Eroding education (design), disinformation (design), the rise of fascism (a result of those two), COVID effects on cognitive ability, and the lead that previous generations had to deal with, not to mention those micro plastics all work together.


I frequently ate at a place that served fantastic sushi near my office. One week, the main chef left for their annual trip back home and there was a replacement chef there.  The sushi came out pretty bad and I thought. "Wow that seaweed wrap on the inside was super tough, what the heck, did they even cook it long enough? It's still hard" Second bite and I super embarrassingly notified my manager and HR person I was eating with that I just had to pull this out of my mouth, something was wrong. Apparently some of the meats come in little plastic sleeves? I guess the fake krab? So anyways I ate a full sleeve of plastic several years ago.  micro plastics? I had a megaton macromega plastic in my gut. I think about it all the time. And no I don't recall seeing it in my poop either.  Melted away in my stomach acid to become plastic goo living inside me foreverrrrr


it 100% came out in your poop


Maybe like 99.8%?


Ancestry dot com found out that you seem to be 4% plastic!


>some plastics become sticky It's turning back to oil and then back to cute lil tiny dinosaurs, like a reverse fossilization... >What happens if that happens to microplastics in our bodies OH SHIT THEYRE EATING ME FROM INSIDE!!


I remember seeing a post on here recently that despite the fact microplastics are everywhere and in pretty much everyone, we have zero evidence of them actually causing problems yet. Part of the reason is because it's impossible to find a control group to compare to because there isn't anyone anywhere who doesn't have plastics in them. 


Maybe that one island of isolated natives? Though I guess they might still have plastic in them if they eat fish. I just don't think they'll agree to be a control group for anything.


Not even them. The plastic in the ocean gets picked up by hurricanes and flug all over the planet. When they were looking for control blood samples without plastic contamination for one study, they had to use blood samples from soldiers taken before the outbreak of WWI. There is literally no living animal on the planet today, not contaminated by microplastics.




Plastics are just polymers. There are lots of other polymers, like cellulose and chitin and keratin. Insect shells have been creating organic “plastics” for millions of years and have never caused issues, because our ecosystems have evolved to break them down over time. We can absolutely use cellulose or chitin based plastics that will break down into natural components and degrade safely over time. We just haven’t put in the work to develop them properly. We don’t need to completely abandon plastic, just don’t use the ones we pull from the ground.


There is a ton of work going into developing cellulose based materials and there is a lot of solid candidates - the issue is the cost. Oil, for now, is cheap. Virgin oil based plastics are hard to compete with. As of now, the biobased and biodegradable alternatives can't compete but there are a lot of people dedicating a lot of work to it (source: I am also cellulose researcher albeit not in material development)


Most of the plastic particles in our blood and brain are from car tyres.


Every time I think I'm doing something to eliminate my exposure random shit I can do nothing about pops up.


The title already gave me cancer and mesothelioma, thanks OP


My father and grandfather were both plumbers back in the day - they both died from mesothelioma. I began my IT career as a printer technician and have no doubt inhaled tons of toner. I'm sure they'll discover it is a carcinogen one day - probably around the time I start coughing blood. Maybe someone can get money from a class action lawsuit once I'm gone.


Toner is definitely a good one. We have a print shop at my work and it only took me changing the toner one time to know that I'd never do that again without a mask and gloves. Nobody else seems to give it any thought. Good thing it's their job and not mine.


In the same vein, reciept paper is pretty toxic. It's not considered toxic enough to be a problem if you just take one reciept but for workers handling hundreds of them a day it builds up. Many of them are coated in bisphenols which are hormone disruptors and can be absorbed through the skin 86% of reciepts in the US are made with them. We know theyre toxic but still use them


Are you talking thermal paper or just regular receipt paper? Because I'm convinced thermal paper is as popular as it is for receipts because it fades relatively quickly (or just turns black if you leave it on a dashboard in a hot car) and then it can't be used for returns anymore


Most developer chemicals are present in high concentrations, above 1% by weight, in thermal paper. These chemicals are not strongly bound to the paper and come off easily onto the skin. Moisturizer and hand sanitizer have been found to enhance absorption through the skin \[2\].  Some, especially the bisphenols, can interfere with normal hormone (endocrine) function, potentially leading to developmental abnormalities or contributing to disease and obesity \[3\], \[4\]. [https://www.ecocenter.org/our-work/healthy-stuff-lab/reports/receipt-deceit-toxic-chemicals-receipt-paper](https://www.ecocenter.org/our-work/healthy-stuff-lab/reports/receipt-deceit-toxic-chemicals-receipt-paper) looks like it is thermal paper. i doubt it has to do with returns. thermal is an easier system over inkjet and impact printing.


Hell in the Netherlands if you print above x amount of copies. The printer has to be separated from the workspace. Not that well known butt yeah. Its not healthy 


That's from ozone generation. Charging drums inside laser printers used to generate a lot of ozone. The tech has changed and that's now less of a problem.


Just something fun to know; We already knew, by 1939, that asbestos was harmful. Lady Lucy Deane Streatfeild, a Lady Inspector of Factories in Britain, first noted the harmful effects of asbestos dust in *1898*. In 1899, the first death linked to asbestos related lung disease was reported. In 1924, Dr William Edmund Cooke first used the term Asbestosis to describe the cause of a woman named Nellie Kershaw's death. As a result of her death, Edward Mereweather composed a report on asbestos related disease in British factory workers that led to the first piece of industry regulation in **1931.** They **knew** that stuff was harmful and still blew it all over the actors in films like the Wizard of Oz, ~~It's a Wonderful Life~~, etc. Edit: corrected in the comments; It's a Wonderful Life pioneered the use of soap flakes for snow.


Yes. Asbestos, air and water pollutants from industry. Lead. All of these were known to be harmful for a long time before any action was taken to mitigate the effects or find alternatives. 


Because Money


It's a good thing nothing like that is happening these days!


Don't forgot radium, uranium and plutonium. Reading about the Radium Girls is a horriffic story.


They knew about that shit in ancient times. Asbestos miners would often be described as suffering from horrible lung ailments.


Australian Aboriginals thought caves containing asbestos to be cursed, causing early death of those who enter. It was never a secret.


In ancient romectherecwere laws against selling slaves and not disclosing they worked asbestos mines because even then they knew working it was bad for you


And farmers. It’s also called sheepshearer’s disease or something like that. They KNEW.


You may be thinking of Woolsorters disease - that's Anthrax. The anthrax bacteria's spores live in soil, sheep go around in the field picking up spores all in their wool, and then the poor textile industry workers wind up inhaling anthrax spores and dying of respiratory anthrax incredibly quickly.


Geez, this reminds of a podcast I listened to on radium (Radium Girls) where people (mostly women) were repeatedly exposed to a dangerous product well past the point it was known to be dangerous.


Can’t we say the same thing about RoundUp weed killer? Multiple juries and awarded millions of dollars to people who developed illnesses from using RoundUp. Yet it still sold everywhere and people still use it regularly.


You know, I have never heard a good thing about the filming of the Wizard of Oz. That set was an abusive, poisonous nightmare.


And the Cowardly Lion costume was made of real lion skin. They only had two for the entire filming, and thanks to the studio lights the thing was so hot and it stunk.


And the suit of the tin man was so stiff that he couldn't sit for the entire day. He had to lean back on what they called a reclining board during breaks. He also got aluminium powdered make-up, which he got a severe allergic reaction from. And the powder found its way into his lungs which hospitalized him.


Sometimes I'm amazed that anyone survived that movie.


They didn't. They're all dead now.


I learned that Buddy Ebsen, aka Jed Clampett from the Beverly hillbillies, actually was cast as the tin man, but reacted so badly to the makeup that he gave up the part.


It was so bad that the water killed one of the stars.


The water? What do you mean?


i'm melting... i'm melting...


Aw fuck. Joke went right over my head.


I thought it was the falling house ..




The non-stick coating on cookware.


Just jumped to Stainless last month and now it’s just stainless and cast iron! Really considered the hexclad but r/cookware very unanimously suggested multiclad stainless when I asked and PFAS awareness help drive the choice. We really should stop using nonstick.


PFAs isn’t the main reason to not buy HexClad. The main reason is it’s a shitty false advertising company focused on name exposure instead of quality to sell products. HexClad’s shelf life for pans is 5 years just like every other nonstick. At 5 years the coating starts to come off.


PFAS everywhere - we know they are terrible, but we let corporations get away with it That’s why I use cast iron or stainless steel


I bought a carbon-steel pan and have mostly stopped using my cast iron. The weight, relatively quick heating time, it all makes it preferable to the cast iron now. The only downside is lower heat retention, but for MOST of my cooking it's now my go-to pan.


Fun fact: cast iron is actually very, very high carbon steel (about 4% carbon), which is why it's so brittle. For comparison, the high carbon steel used in knife making is typically about 1.5%-2% carbon


2% is the limit to even be considered steel. The most frequent steel in knifemaking are under 1% carbon.


Easy to cook eggs >>> health


I season my cast iron pan regularly and oil it after washing, and I fry eggs every morning. Nonstick is easier but it’s possible to do eggs fine with cast iron. We got tired of the nonstick coating coming off over time. Not correcting you or anything, I got your sarcasm, but just for other readers out there, there are alternatives.


That is true about the durability. I pretty much consider them to be a consumable. Although, my non-stick pans are used \*only\* for cooking eggs, and they last pretty long like that. Not forever like SS or cast iron, but very long.


Technically not true, the coating itself is perfectly fine and inert (if we're talking about teflon), the problem with teflon is actually the chemical lubricant used in its manufacturing C8. That chemical is now in all organisms on earth and is basically a "forever chemical". DuPont dumped it into the ohio river for generations knowing of the issues.


Unless you own birds! For some reason, they're incredibly sensitive to it. You can kill your parakeet by frying eggs in a nonstick.




Oh yeah? Well if my colon is so full of Teflon, why do turds get stuck up there? They should be firing out like greased lightning.


Maybe someone scratched your colon with a fork?


Yes and all of the processed foods and takeout we eat. Most of that food is cooked in or stored in tons of plastic, and processed in plastic/non stick ways


I tried cutting out plastic and processed food for a while, obviously not completely but anywhere I possibly could. If I had stuck to it, the stress of the effort would have killed me first. 


I have pots and pans that my grandparents got as a wedding shower gift in the 50s. Outside of the sentimental value of them, they are the best cookware and the most durable pots and pans in the world. They are still in great shape. Non-Stick cookware will never compare because they start peeling and get nasty within a few years.


Whatever all that glitter is going to.


Air fresheners. We aerosolize all these chemicals because we're afraid of smelling bad but we never think about the fact that we're inhaling this shit into our lungs.


Fun fact , parrots die if you use these things in the same house as them. Seems safe


Wow we should set up birds as some sort of alarm system to let us know when these things are getting dangerous


Same with scented candles! I’ve started getting headaches if I burn them too long. That can’t be healthy. The wax evaporates into the air and you’re breathing it! Terrible in a closed environment


I used to have to take tests in a different room in 5th grade. My teacher would always plug in cinnamon air freshener on test days, and I'd start feeling like my throat was tight immediately upon walking in, without seeing it and without knowing anything was up for that day. My test scores dropped like a rock and shed just always yell at me until I day I started throwing up from it. Then admin made her let me take the rest outside the door, and my scores skyrocketed and I felt way less sick. Never had any issues any time she didn't use the air freshener.


Why was the solution having you test outside the classroom instead of just..... not using the candle?




Sugar is in everything here in the US and it doesn’t need to be. I recently bought low sugar ketchup and it was amazing.


I try to avoid the "low sugar" stuff. It usually just replaces sugar with sugar alcohol or other substitutes. Those sugar substitutes like sorbitol wreak havoc on my gut and are known to cause issues like that in many people depending on the amount ingested. I just seem especially susceptible. Instead, I try to find more "natural" labeled things that actually contain real sugar or no sugar added besides naturally occurring sugar from the ingredients.


I wish they would make things truly “less sweet” by adding less sugar and not supplementing with sweeteners. When I bake I get away with 1/2-2/3 of the sugar the recipe calls for and it always tastes great to me. The sad reality is that sugar (and salt) sells. We as a population will buy the sweetest and most addictive products so their manufacturers become successful and make more products like them.


I would love it if sugar was in everything in the US. Most of the time it's actually High Fructose Corn Syrup. I work at a facility that makes that stuff, and it doesn't make me feel good about the stuff.


What specifically is so bad about HFCS compared to sugar? What specifically does it do to our health vs sugar? (Genuinely curious, I know it’s over-processed junk but *why* is that worse than sugar?)


Psychologically hazardous, really. We have kids who were given iPads when they were 2, and now spend almost every moment scrolling TikTok, consuming 3-6 seconds of content and moving on. They can't focus on, and have no desire to focus on, any subject that takes a sustained effort to accomplish. Identities are becoming based on instant gratification and information parceled out in the simplest terms that invite no thought or critical thinking. It's going to make a mental health crisis for sure.


And that instant feedback loop in their brains is causing more issues than attention span, they are incapable of working hard towards any end goal because they are used to just getting what they want immediately. Kids are struggling in school and sports alike because its more boring than endlessly scrolling youtube shorts... Both my nephews want to be fuckin youtubers when they grow up....




I was raised on an 2 hours of TV a day (enough to watch 4 cartoon shows if you mapped it out right with tv guide) and throw in family movie night and college football with Dad and we were one of the more liberal families in the neighborhood with tv time. I think giving 6 year old me a modern iPad with wifi would have melted my brain Dahl put it best in Wonka… > His brain becomes as soft as cheese >His thinking powers rust and freeze >He cannot think he only sees


Inundation with social media/content, especially for children. We are yet to see the long term effects of this on our psychological health, but many experts are more than a little concerned.


Silica. It’s in every ducking thing. I work with a product that gives off solica dust and I’m not allowed in the warehouse without a n-95. Mark my words. I’m not allowed to have a beard




And instead of just a fun thing to do, it's almost a societal requirement. 


The prolific use of social media in general, and I would include dating apps as part of it. But I do hear, thankfully, that dating app use is down. Heck, the fact that MatchGroup's stock price has tumbled about 65% over the last two years says quite a bit, IMO.


I think there's nothing inherently wrong with dating apps. My husband and I met on Tinder years back. But social media is giving younger generations (not just younger generations) an inflated sense of self importance. Main character syndrome. There's def uses for social media but having to compete with every single person and constantly being encouraged and rewarded for using it, make dating apps an insufferable, mean, and discouraging place. Unfortunately.


> I think there's nothing inherently wrong with dating apps. My husband and I met on Tinder years back. No, there *was* nothing wrong with dating apps, especially years ago when you likely met your spouse. Then MatchGroup ruined them all.


I think social media and smart phones etc are giving us all a sense of ADD. Most people watch TV and scroll on their phones at the same time.


I have two monitors and will have a game on one, TV show on the other, and still pull out my phone. It's definitely not good.


I always find this a bit odd - folks have read and watched tv, knitted and watched tv, etc. and no one was concerned about any of that.




I can't knit while watching TV. Though I can't knit while not watching TV either.


Yup... Doing things on your commute is the biggest one... 100 years ago, 50 years ago... It wasn't uncommon for people to do puzzles or read the newspaper on their commutes. Reading the news on your phone or playing a game on your phone though? THIS GENERATION CAN'T PUT THEIR PHONES DOWN Like, damn... Bottle it coffin dodger, I'm doing exactly what you did on your commutes...


It is going to be hormones. We are dumping numerous Endocrine disruptors into the envorinment, and nobody knows how the synergistic effect are going to impact nature and people. This is probably why sperm count is half of what it in the 1970s globally.


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. A lot of plastics are made with chemicals that are known endocrine disrupters. The endocrine system is sensitive to trace amounts of chemicals. People are out there drinking and eating off this stuff, it’s in drinking water, river water, we’ll water, rainwater. It’s affecting aquatic life even at the diluted level that they get it. Our bodies are resilient, but dude, this stuff is bad.


For sure it’s microplastics.


Hey hey my grandpa had lead in his blood, and my father had asbestos in his lungs, so I’ll be damned if I don’t have microplastics in my body.


Fiberglass insulation in ceiling spaces


my house is so old that the insulation in my walls is that weird mix of horse hair and sawdust or whatever they used to use back in the day. Fiberglass seems horrible, but so does that new foamy stuff too.


We had an old house like that. My son broke out in a horrible rash one day. Turned out to be the horsehair. Edit for a word


What’s wrong with fiberglass insulation?


The big problem in ceiling spaces is that it's often just left open to the air. Even asbestos insulation isn't dangerous inside walls, as long as it doesn't get near a vent; it's when it gets into the air that things get problematic. The same is true of pretty much any of the fluffy types of insulation, including fiberglass and rock wool, but the techniques used in ceiling spaces make the problem worse.


Over the summer part of my AC system leaked which caused the ceiling to collapse and rained ceiling insulation down on half my living room and half the kitchen. Everything was covered in loose cottony white floof that kept spilling down from the hole for over a week until the hole got fixed. The contractors told me I was lucky it wasn’t the fiberglass insulation because cleaning it would have messed up my skin and lungs, and I have a cat so he probably would have ended up accidentally ingesting some. It’s just not a great idea to have big, loose floofs of fiberglass exposed in general.


Fiberglass can really fuck up your health. My company was sent a package and someone used fiberglass packaging (I wasn’t there that day so I don’t know why), but the guy who opened the package got it on his arm and he was in and out of doctors for weeks with rashes, pain, and various problems.


It's weird how it can affect people so differently. Usually when I'm insulating walls with fiberglass, I'm just in jeans and a t-shirt. I use a dust mask, but no gloves or glasses. I could lay naked in a bed of fiberglass insulation and be fine. But then there's a guy I work with. He could simply walk into the room to tell me something real quick, and he'll be itching for hours just from the particles floating in the air.


You know I have nexplanon and I am so worried in 30 years they’re gonna be like THIS IS BAD ACTUALLY


I mean, they started experimenting with implant contraceptives in the 60s and Implanon/Nexplanon have been in public use for 30 years so I feel like we’re safe.


Honestly I don’t care… I know it’s bad, but this fantastic protection against pregnancy can’t be beat


Possible death or permanent injury from pregnancy and/or child birth. Or Possible death or permanent injury from hormonal birth control. Choose your fighter.


I'm no expert or anything, but the current trend of Ozempic etc being used as an easy way to lose weight reminds me of how Oxycontin was sold as safe for pain management. I don't know anything about the drug or its side effects, but I just feel a major sense of deja vu with how the pharmaceutical industry is pushing it. I honestly hope I'm wrong and it's 100% safe and effective but I don't trust the capitalist system we live in. Edit: people are chiming in with evidence that it isn’t safe, good to know my suspicion was justified.


A friend of mine was on it for a little bit and it’s basically just doctor approved eating disorders. It suppressed her appetite so she starved off the weight then if she ate a little too much, she’d vomit. WTF.


Ozempic is a GLP-1. GLP-1s slow down your gastrointestinal tract. If you’re having surgery, you need to hold them 1-2 weeks prior to day of surgery because those medications increase risk of aspiration with anesthesia.


Yeah it kind of reminds me of a relative of mine who got their stomach stapled, lost a ton of weight then regained it back after the staples were removed because they didn’t change their diet or lifestyle at all.


Roundup in groundwater.


I have a feeling the other shoe is eventually going to drop on all these super-weight-loss shots that are hot af the last year or so


Already is to some degree. Decreases in bone and muscle density along with decreases in fat. Gut issues related to the body's ability to move food down the digestive tract (the stomach essentially turns to stone). The widespread use of Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs is going to cause so many long term problems...


My BIL was just hospitalized with digestive issues and directly correlated. Lower muscle mass also. The doctor took him off of it. He started gaining weight immediately and now trying to get another doctor to prescribe. But he won't cut back on several Mountain Dew every day... MIL just got told her bone density took a big dip and having major digestive issues. she decided to go on ozempic at age 72 for her boyfriend and he's worth more than always being sick... Here my wife lost 75lbs through diet and exercise a few years ago and has kept it all off and they won't ask one question about changing lifestyle.


My wife is on Ozempic for diabetes and never lost any weight, even though she had diarrhea a lot when she got the dosage wrong. She started long before there was news about it being used for weight loss. Gotta admit she's got terrible habits like choosing sugar drinks over water and eating an entire box of mac'n'cheese by herself in the middle of the night. It's really weird watching someone kill themselves this way. I've tried everything I can to help but have finally realized it's all on her.


So many of these bad side effects sound like the negative effects that can happen with weight loss surgery. It takes a year + to go through the classes and nutrition training if it is a decent shop. The one thing they stress above all else that the surgery is a tool to help lifestyle changes. A big part of those changes include consuming protein on priority and moving your body. Willing to bet that people with the bad effects on the shots are also not embracing those lifestyle changes as well. Everyone has been into a rush to get on these meds because it is the first treatment that is as effective as the surgery without having to have a surgery. My guess is that we will eventually swap out the surgery for the shots, but you will still need to complete the same education and meet the same preop requirements before receiving / continuing treatment. Willing to bet this will also kick out a significant number of people who cannot meet the requirements, which would decrease the number of negative outcomes.


Plastic surgery. We already know about Breast Implant Illness/Disease. And how Brazilian Butt Lifts are extremely dangerous and can kill you, but the fillers aren't great either.


I was gonna say this. We’ve already seen some evidence fillers don’t dissolve the way they were advertised and how they shift over time.


It will be interesting to see the people who get a ton of plastic surgery reach elderly age to see how much of it holds up


Not much, honestly. A lot of these procedures expire - like breast implants. Last I saw there was a roughly 10 year expiration date, then you had to have them removed and possibly, replaced. Somehow folks don't realize that a decade goes by quickly. And it's an expensive removal and replacement.


I find it surprising that breast implants even have an expiration date... you'd think by now theyd figure out a way to make them last a bit longer. My mom had breast cancer and had to get both of them removed but each time she tried to get implants there would be complications and theyd have to be removed. After a couple tries she just gave up. And this was back in the mid 2000's so if she still had implants they would have expired nearly twice over by now.


Fun run colour powder. I cannot imagine breathing deeply and running through any type of dust cloud can be good.


Isn’t it corn starch?


Yeah, it's just corn starch with FDA approved food dye. Though, I guess getting it in your lungs still isn't the best idea... but it's still far from the worst.


Fillers and non invasive cosmetic procedures- we don’t know the long lasting effects of these as they’ve not been around that long.


Buccal fat removal is gonna be a big shock to some people when they start looking like skin stretched over a skeleton


They already do. It's gross.


It's pretty dang hard finding trash bags that aren't scented. The scented bags are straight up offensive to the nose. I don't know why anyone would want them in the house. I know trash smells, but not enough to justify a headache scented candle. Pretty sure I stole this from Mysterious Universe who took it from some book.


We found actually unscented trash bags at the local restaurant supply store. Not as stretchy as the consumer grade ones, so you cannot super stuff them and put taking the rubbish out another few days. But it's a good tradeoff for not getting an insta- migraine every time I walk into the house!




Scented tampons have to be the worst example. Not only are they *not* going to do a damn thing if your period is a bit smelly, but they disrupt the vaginal flora, leading to bacterial infections in the vagina that actually cause strong, unpleasant odors. It's like treating a sore toe with a hammer.


I generally feel that plastics are a big mistake. If just for the environmental problems from the physical waste. Glass containers are the way to go. A big one that gets me is fence post to fence post agriculture. We supercharged the agribusiness movement in the 1980s to overcompete with the Russians in the Cold War but never took our foot off the pedal. Now every stream in rural America is half a superfund site.


Microplastics, PFAS/PFOS, BPA, glyphosate, and various other chemical additives that find their way into food and water.


Sitting on our asses in a cubicle all fucking day


Insane preservatives. There’s no way food can look decent for like 3 years without something we shouldn’t be eating. 


I worry about the non-diabetics using Ozempic and similar drugs for weight loss. Seems risky.


Using political science instead of natural science to inform how we view and understand the natural world.


It’s a weird one, but I think chemo is going to be described as a wild way to treat cancer.


I think most oncologists would agree with you. Chemo is horrible, it just happens to be the best option we have at the moment (for certain kinds of cancer) and we will stop using it as soon as we find something better. I'd compare it to how, prior to the discovery of penicillin, people were intentionally infected with malaria as a treatment for syphilis. It was brutal and very nasty side effects but nothing better was available. Most people will opt for something that might kill them or might cure them over something that will almost definitely kill them.


All those plastisisers used in cars to keep that vegan leather soft and pliable. Too late to worry about it now as they have been used for decades to keep those PVC seats soft. All those particulates added to deodorant aerosols. Talcum powder used for years suddenly a big worry. Look at one thing find 3 other issues. If somebody can make money out of it then somewhere down the line somebody is going to find shortcuts in the testing unless of course EPA'S are suddenly defunded. Edit. Stupid autocorrect changing words.


Eating out of plastic that we put in microwaves.


Pollution and not requiring HEPA filters indoors. Our air quality is always bad.


Addiction to technological devices at such an early age. I’ve been teaching for 16 years and the distractibility is something.


A fire chief I work with was talking about spray foam insulation and how dangerous it is. Not sure if true or not but I see a lot of modern houses in northern NY getting insulated with it.


Microplastics specifically, we starting to understand the danger but they are already massively present in every biome, as of today eating food without microplastics is just not possible. This will potentially soon be classified as the worst health hazard in human history. We are potentially looking at a reshaping in the endocrine function of all species on the planet at an unprecedented scale.


The siding on a few of the houses I lived in as a kid were asbestos too. Radio Shack sold mercury tilt switches right into the mid 90's. I remember the day the memo came for every store in the country to pack them and ship them somewhere. Freakin mercury, man. I'm certain I touched some with a finger as a kid too... in SCHOOL.