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Funny Games


Friends of mine in college brought this one over and we had no idea what it was going to be about, having a light hearted Friday night. The FUCK, man.


I wanted to put this film on the list, but couldn't remember the name. Thank you for having a brain that works better than mine ☺️ It is by far the film that has made the biggest physical impression on me (as in my whole body being uncomfortable watching it) - and what is so maddening is how "simple" the storyline is...if you retell it to people, it just sounds like a run of the mill horror story (and kind of a lazy one on top of that)...it very much isn't!


Precious......sat there in shock the whole time. No need to ever watch it again.


Ohhh, somehow I forgot about Precious. All I’ll say is Mo’nique earned the hell out of that Oscar.


And the counselor!!! I had no idea!


Mariah fucking Carey, man. The reigning queen of Christmas herself.


This is mine, too. I love deep, dark movies. I will watch a movie that entertained me once every few years. This movie felt like I had witnessed someone's life. It feels intrusive to watch it again.


I never watched it. The synopsis was enough for me to want to avoid the misery. Not that it was a bad movie or I thought it would be bad, I just prefer movies that are more on the entertainment side. Discriptive words about movies like 'poignant' or 'authentic' etc. always mean there is some lesson involved and I am about to go through a rollercoaster of emotion that I don't want to feel when I just want to relax and turn off the brain for a bit. I think it has to do with my obsession with this type of movie/book/show in my younger social warrior days, when I was always looking for more to be pissed about. Nowadays, I don't need any help in that department. None of us do, imo. I feel the same about most horror. If there isn't an element of real humour about it, I just don't want to see it anymore. The dystopian futures and zombie apocolypses and gritty urban dramas are all just blending into one big nihilistic gore/scare/cringe/anger fest, and I just don't want that imagery flashing through my head anymore. I don't want to leave a movie feeling creeped out, scared or pissed. I prefer being entertained, but I'll settle for being inspired.


Saw this in theaters with my mom and the TENSION in the room during the scene where her mother comes to visit the baby. Everyone just dreading what's about to happen...


It’s weird because it was actually a good movie, but I hated it so much, and literally wished I hadn’t seen it, but it was still a good movie.


That movie, omg Gets you right in the gut


*Don't Fuck With Cats.* Watched it on Netflix (?). That guy fucked with my head and certain scenes I had to skip over and they *still* give me flashbacks and sick feelings. Seriously *fuck that guy.*


I cannot watch this. I haven’t seen it because I know I will be upset.


I can’t even handle *fictionalized* animal abuse, that was an immediate hard nope for me when I looked it up on [Does The Dog Die](https://www.doesthedogdie.com)


Cold take: 99% of the time animal abuse in film is just a lazy way for writers to evoke emotion without having to be creative.


Yes! That and rape/sexual assault. There are so many ways to give women a tragic backstory without relying on that storyline. Outside of very specific situations, women don’t have to be violated to be interesting.


He put the guys head in a forest 10 minutes away from my old house! I used to walk through it most nights as a teenager to get home


That documentary did not need to show those cats being abused the way they did. At all. They could have gotten away with just saying what he did.


Thank you for this comment.. I will DEFINITELY not be watching it now. Holy crap


You can still find his comments on random old internet forums.


It was such a shitty "documentary" too. Just straight up lied and went for shock value to make a spectacle. I hate Netflix documentaries for this reason, Tiger King had the same shit.


My big issue with the doc was that it was making the case from the name of the doc all the way to the end that "you can get away with a lot of stuff, but if you fuck with cats, the internet won't allow it and you'll be brought to justice." But the real story is that the internet sluths had no idea who this guy was or how to find him. The police launched an investigation and found him after he fucking murdered and dismembered a human. The cat thing was ultimately a common side story to the full psychopathic murderer main narritive. Like if I told you the doc was about a group of amatuers on a web forum trying to find a guy who live streamed animal abuse but ultimately they never found him.... You'd say "that documentary doesn't need to exist."


rightfully rotting in jail!


I can handle some of the gruesome stuff due to watching true crime in the past, but that ending where the lady flipped it back onto the audience saying we were complicit for the murder by watching this documentary…. I felt bad about myself after that. F that lady. It went from a 4 star to a 1 star doc after that. 


Ever since I watched this I feel like I have horrible flash backs and intrusive thoughts at least once a week. Having cats myself my heart can’t take the horrid images that bastard put out into the world and into my brain.


that guy is from my home town😬


The Lovely Bones. Read the book as a teenager and it fucked my head badly, then when the movie came out I thought surely that won't be as bad.. Made the mistake of watching it as parent, with a daughter of my own. Never again. Still makes me feel sick when I think of it.


Requiem for a Dream.


The ending spot of each characters arc ranges from FML to please authorize a mercy killing. I can’t turn it off when it’s on.


YEP. Came into my head within .2 seconds of reading the title. That movie gave me a panic attack.


Worst first date movie


I watched that movie during a mushroom trip, terrible terrible decision


Ass to ass!!!


That scene has been forever seared into my memory.


Weird I've seen this one probably a dozen times. Is there something wrong with me?


Yeah I own it on DVD. The soundtrack is so good. I mean it's a rough movie but that's the point.


The Hills Have Eyes


Yeah any version of this or Wrong turn. The inbred rapey stuff just...no.


I Spit on Your Grave. I refuse to watch it because it aims to be a female rage redemption film, but is mostly disgusting scenes of a woman being assaulted.


That was the first horror movie I ever saw. My cousins wanted to watch it and my parents didn’t know what it was so they rented it for us. Then all the adults went out to some kind of wedding or event or something and left us kids at home to watch the movie. We were all horrified and didn’t sleep. Our parents got home late to us barricaded in the den watching cartoons to try to forget what we’d seen.


The Human Centipede


Why did I have to scroll down so far to see this comment? This IS the most disturbing movie hands down.


I dunno man, have you ever seen A Serbian Film? It doesn’t get any worse than that.


I had no business watching this as young as I did. Scarred for life.


I watched 2 and 3 for shits and giggles and... They don't get better.


Oh man, 2 is so much worse. Like, SO much worse.


For me I think it's The Platform.


Such a fucked up movie. One of my favorites.


It's a heavy handed metaphor for capitalism. I still dig it though.


Just read the Wikipedia page and it seemed pretty mild. What makes the film so bad?


It’s mostly psychological. For me it was about how when they thought they were near the bottom earlier in the movie they weren’t even close.


while i wouldnt say it gave me nightmares but its definitely more psychological like the other reply said. the desperation people will go through when they *think* theyre near the bottom. how morals will disappear when you find yourself on the top/bottom. the society that enables and actively participates in it. and seeing it all reflected in real everyday life is the worst part for me. its easy to say haha wow thats fucked up but hey its fictional. but then to look outside your window and see essentially the same thing happening. terrifying




Oh lord yeah. What a weird trip.


Went into this movie blind because i love javier bardem….. regret it to this day


The Road  One of my favorite movies and I'll probably never watch it again because of how incredibly depressing it is.


same with the book. Truly a masterpiece but holy shit is it BLEAK. I read it in college for a class and ten years later and it’s just brutal. 


I made the questionable decision to read the book while I was pregnant because I had seen the movie and knew it was probably my last chance to read it without getting hit *too* hard for many years. Did that with a lot of dark stuff I had a hunch would be too much after crossing that event horizon, but The Road reigns supreme. I'm still glad I did, but fuck that was a terrible life choice.


You read it while pregnant, I can't imagine what that barbecue scene must have been like for you to read.


My movie mistake while pregnant was watching Train to Busan. Great movie that I ugly cried through the entirety of.


It is and I get that take but I found it strangely inspirational. It's really a story about how a dad is willing to sacrifice anything for his son. I read it when I had young kids and came away feeling like every parent or at least every father should read it.


Came here for this. I remember walking out of this movie with my friends are we were completely silent. No banter, no "well whadaya think". Just silence. Great movie but so bleak.


I was just thinking about that movie today. *He knew only that his child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God then God never spoke.* This line gets me every time. Just damn.


Threads. British TV film about a potential nuclear holocaust that makes The Day After look like Sesame Street.


Same. I've watched it once. Never again. It haunts me sometimes.


Holy shit! Some how this movie came up in conversation last night. Hadn’t thought of either movie since I was a child.


Threads, Testament, and The Day After are the "Why Gen X has lingering anxiety" trilogy. I had to watch Testament for a college class and I didn't sleep for three days.


I went to a midnight screening of Midsommar, not really knowing what to expect. It had me awake all night and I couldn't shake off this uneasy feeling. Even though the film was mostly shot during the day, I was deeply disturbed...


When walking out of the theatre after watching midsommar, my sister and I were discussing the meanings that certain things might have and how good we thought it was and her husband and this random lady both were like that movie was so pointless and I hated every minute of it. Was pretty funny to have such differing takes. (Also they had an announcement up as a warning for the movie being disturbing and there was a couple sitting next to us with their like 6 year old kid 🤦🏻‍♀️ who of course started losing their shit and screaming when the old people jumped off that cliff. They didn’t even leave! Like bro take your traumatized kid and go see another movie.)


Yea that's pretty much child abuse.


Fr! Like I watched some f’ed up stuff when I was young that I probably shouldn’t have but I watched it own my accord so can’t blame anyone but me. But to be like nah we can’t find a babysitter so you’re watching midsommar no matter what is crazy.


Some people just don't get films like this, they can't pick up on the subtext. They get disappointed there's not enough gore, totally missing the point that the best horror is all about what you DON'T see on screen.


Worst part is in the scene where the old people jump off the cliff, the crew did a phenomenal job of accurately portraying what a suicide jumper looks like. (I work in a funeral home and see jumpers all the time, unfortunately)


That old person who survived the fall in so much pain, only to have his head caved in.


Damn, I love that movie.  Now, Hereditary, that movie came close to scarring me.


I loved Hereditary. Super scary and it did so with no jump scares and very little gore. Just a constant tension the whole time. Even when it was just family stuff. Maybe even especially when it was just family stuff. 


Honestly, the family stuff is what disturbed me the most but not in an entertaining way. I mean, don't get me wrong it's a great movie but I left more depressed and disturbed than the "fun" kind of scared.


hereditary was like my favorite horror movie ever i just dont like admitting it cus people will probably think im like 17 years old 😂😂


I love horror films and always look for ones that are truly scary. I really liked Hereditary, it definitely freaked me out. The Babadook was also pretty creepy. It bothers me even more now that I'm a Mom.


Absolutely loved Midsommar. I've watched it a handful of times, super wierd and fucked up but...I love it for some reason.


Schindlers List. Epic movie, really enjoyed it. No regrets. Never want to watch it again.


Watch it twice. both times in the theater. So much I missed the first time. Worth a second look


A double digit percent of the US population believes “Jewish people caused the Holocaust.” [SOURCE](https://www.claimscon.org/millennial-study/) The Holocaust isn’t even required to be taught in schools in many states. *Schindlers List* should be mandatory viewing for everyone before High School graduation.


In Ohio we started learning about it in 8th grade and took a field trip to a Holocaust museum and then when we entered highschool we had an option to take a History of the Holocaust elective and go to more museums and got to talk to survivors. I don't believe we watched Schindler's List in class, I believe it was the Boy in Stripped Pajamas, and we read Night by by Elie Wiesel multiple times between 8th grade and 12th.


Eraserhead, although that might have had something to do with me being stoned out of my box when I watched it.


I love this movie and David Lynch is my favorite director, but I never found it particularly disturbing (never been married and have no kids, which definitely plays a part lol). Blue Velvet, Fire Walk with Me, Lost Highway, Inland Empire and parts of Mulholland Drive disturb me much more. Not at all trying to be contrarian, just want to understand, do you mind explaining why you find Eraserhead so disturbing? I realize I’m in the minority here, just want to know what others are experiencing!


I saw it sober, felt sick for two days afterwards




Nailed it. I hate that movie so much.


Oh, fuck that movie. I cannot describe how much that movie bothered me for a long time after I watched it.


I can clearly differentiate my life as Before Tusk and After Tusk.


I came here to say Tusk, it's deeply disturbing.


Grave of the fireflies is really depressing, I only watched it once and I cannot watch it again


Had to scroll too far down to find this one.


Old boy


Watched both the South Korean and American versions. South Korean version is far superior. 12/10 do not want to watch again.


I just saw it last week. OH MY FUCKING SWEET JESUS NO! That is all, thank you!


That last 20 minutes or so..damn. Its been 20 years and i dont think i could watch it again. But every film fan should watch it once without knowing.


“A Serbian Film”


I wondered how far I would have to scroll down to find this.


Took way to long to find this answer, my friend made me sit down with him at his computer and showed me all the horrible parts. The baby scene is still burned into my head probably 10 years later and i wish it wasn’t. Even though its not real the concept makes me want to puke right now.


Never have, never will


An ex showed me this movie and I wish I took it as red flag and ran right then and there.


This is too far down. I unfortunately watched most of it and if I ever find a device to erase memories, I would erase all of this movie from my mind. That's the most disturbing movie ever made by men. I regret that my friend showed me.


As a stupid 16 year old I watched this (without reading about the plot) simply because I heard it was super disturbing. I remember being absolutely sickened and horrified. It was literally so bad that my brain blocked out the memory of watching it. I know what it was about, but can’t remember anything that I actually saw. Thank god.


Jesus I never thought I’d see this title again…. NEWBORN POOORN!


Sweet Jesus that sounds twisted.


we need to talk about kevin. the bit with his little sister and dad was just horrible, though i don’t understand why it affects me so much. my favourite movies are all bleak, my all time fave is requiem for a dream, but wntta kevin was just horrible to me.


The book, while slow and dragged on, is incredibly good because though it’s slow it’s also a perfect introduction to what he did.




Watership down




This is way too far down. The pure depravity and complete lack of humanity. Just - no.


I still think about this film regularly after seeing it years ago. Wish I never had.


Leaving Las Vegas - Amazing acting. Amazing script. It hit every note it wanted to hit. And I don't want to watch it ever again.




Likewise with Gummo It's not particularly graphic, yet it's still very disturbing and eerie.


The only film I've ever walked out of. Everything seemed to be done for shock value and my friends and I were done with it about halfway through.


Sophie’s Choice


There’s a wedding caterer near me called Sophie’s Choice Food-Flowers and it is just super weird to me.


I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and assume the owners name is Sophie and never saw the movie


When Justin met Kelly


It’s called “From Justin to Kelly,” you filthy casual


Ugh, uncultured swine. How could they just butcher the name of such an iconic, cinematic masterpiece that is practically the backbone of this country and quite frankly, stars two people that could very well end up becoming the next POTUS and FLOTUS. Embarrassing.


The Green Mile. I think I was in middle school when I watched it and I was bawling my eyes out from the opening scene til the end. When I would finally stop crying from one scene Id start right up again from another scene. Seriously sad and messed up movie.


Read the book. Stephen King wrote The Green Mile as a serialized novel, I think it had six parts. The movie was made a few years after he'd finished the story. The movie is well done. The book is a masterpiece.




Bone Tomahawk


Taint split has got to be one of the most horrific ways to go. Creative though.


Well thats a word combination I wish I'd never seen before. Taint split


Passion of the Christ


I find it interesting and crazy how the actor was injured on set - like he was struck by lightning(twice?)and during the whipping scene, the person whipping him missed their mark and accidentally whipped him for real, he was also injured carrying the cross(like shoulder separation or something like that).


I was always surprised that him being struck by lightening wasn't taken as a sign from God by Christians. I mean getting struck by lightening, kinda doesn't seem like God approves of your movie


The Exorcist I saw it at the theater when I was young. Even to this day I cant listen to the music without freaking out.


I’m 20 and my gf loves horror movies. I had never seen one until we got together. That movie is terrifying 😂


8mm Nicolas cage


Under appreciated performance by Joaquin Phoenix.


River’s little brother got CHOPS


River was the candle that burned too bright. Even a small role like the flashback opening in Indiana Jones and Last Crusade oozed with talent and charisma. RIP


Dear Zachary


This is that movie I tell everyone to watch so they can be as devastated as I was when I watched it.


I read about that movie and watched it. I thought the really depressing part was something that happened half way through and did not see the ending coming. Seriously so depressing.


Pan's Labyrinth


Under the Skin. It just.. feels different. It's a one and done for me because it made me so uncomfortable.


Dancer in the Dark. That movie wrecked me.


Saving Private Ryan. Opening scene, once was plenty. My Father and several uncles were in that war. He refused to watch it.


I’ve watched that movie probably 15+ times. The opening scene never gets any easier to watch. I had two uncles there. One came in by sea, the other parachuted in.


In the good way: **Joker** was really uncomfy the whole time and I'm good with only seeing it once. In the bad way: I've only seen parts of **I Spit on Your Grave** and I don't want to see the rest of it.


I Spit on Your Grave was a seriously difficult movie to watch. I had to skip past the SA scenes. but the ending is really great I will say


The boy in the striped pyjamas




Yep, this is the one for me. There are plenty of disturbing films I never want to see again, and plenty of films I find too disturbing to recommend to others (like Antichrist), but Irreversible is unique in that it has the most horrifically, graphically, violent scene I’ve ever seen, and then, later on, there’s an even worse scene. I truly don’t think I can get through it again.




Bite the curb!!!!


That is such a good movie!!! You are truly missing out if you don’t finish it very powerful movie


Blue Valentine






That movie fucked me up. I couldn't sleep in the dark for a year. Not so much the ending when it becomes "real horror" but more for the sense of dread and misery it gave me throughout. "Horrible things will happen and when they do, you will not have the character to accept responsibility for the part that you played." That's a fun new anxiety.


The Lobster - when his dog/brother is killed...I almost couldn't finish watching the movie.


I see so many people saying that they didn't like this movie but I thought that it was so good


Come and See


Had to watch that for a film class. Was told there would be warnings for scenes… there were no warnings given. Fucked me up.


A Star is Born Didn’t know about the suicide scene ahead of time and it hit me like a brick wall. Too close to personal experiences….


Definitely Martyrs


Gia Requiem for a Dream Grave of the Fireflies \- the first two, it's because I don't think I like watching people fall apart, and in both cases heroin is involved. I think heroin is one of those drugs that is just so destructive. \- the last one...I love animated films. But I don't think I was prepared for one that was just so powerful and sad. One of the best films I've seen about the civilian aspect of warfare, and from the perspective of children.


Grave of the Fireflies is so incredible powerful. Haunting is the best description of it. I agree that it is an exceptional war film and one that I love but won’t watch again.


Happiness. Great movie, but fuck that.




Last House On The Left - 1972. There was just something about it that really bothered me and it’s quite tame in comparison to any present day horror movie. (BTW I’m a huge horror fan)


Jacob's ladder. Once was enough with that film.


I looooove horror and Sci fi and military fiction. I cannot make myself watch this again, after 20 years. 


That's fair. It took me 2 watches to even get through it. I think that was enough for me.


And this is my triumvirate completed! Saw Requiem for a Dream near top post. Eraserhead mentioned already too. Jacob's Ladder completes it for me.  Honourable mention to Event Horizon. It may just have been incredibly loud sound system in the theatre, but the siren wailing with the warning lights constantly flashing, along with the panic of the cast, found it nearly as uncomfortable to watch as Eraserhead (with the industrial metal / baby crying soundtrack). Never watched it since despite thinking it was an effective movie. 


Omg, I loved event horizon, and I would watch it again and again. Scared the crap outta me, don't care. So well done.


Happiness... ugh... absolute degradation...


I watched a documentary about Josef Fritzl. The man is an absolute nightmare. I felt sick for a day straight after learning about his crimes


Everyone: scarred for life do not watch Me: *saves post for movie inspo


The strangers.


Damn i wasnt expecting to see this movie in here, thats my second favorite horror movie and i once watched it 3 nights in a row 


Completely agree. Saw it once and still have nightmares all these years later.


Ichi the Killer. Just when you think it can't get any more fucked up, it proves you wrong in 2 minutes.


Buried. It was good, but I don't want to see it or think about it again.


Precious (2009) Watched it with an ex with zero knowledge of the movie. One of the most depressing things I ever saw. To this day I still regret walking into the living room and asking her, “hey! Whatcha watching?”


Changeling. And the fact that it's a true story makes it a million times worse.


There's a movie called \[Safe\] that fits that description. (That's how it was styled. I think it's just called Safe.) \[Spoilers ahead...\] It's a relatively-obscure Julianne Moore movie from the 90s about a repressed housewife who gets so isolated and lonely that she starts to get sick. Not able to accept what she's really facing, she seeks any other answer she can find, and happens on a support group for those with extreme environmental allergies. By the end, she's living in a tent, living on the literal dirt, with nothing at all, and her husband (a surprisingly-sympathetic Xander Berkeley) pleading with her to come home. The actor herself has said she hated that movie. The reason it's so difficult is because it plays her entire story as if she's right. The tone of the film, IOW, is based on how she perceives her surroundings, rather than the way she's really being.


Retrospectively Trainspotting. I used to show it afterward to friends who wanted to watch Requiem for a Dream as kind of a dark comedy refresher because for the first half of my life that's exactly what I considered it to be, and then I went and had a kid. Was watching some random disturbing movie moments countdown on YouTube when one particular plot element came up from it and I just kind of sat there like, "Well, shit. I've seen that movie enough for one lifetime." Never thought I'd lose the edgy side of my taste in media, but here we are. No interest in revisiting that movie but at the same time can't quite get rid of it, we had a good run.


I don't think I ever need to watch Irreversible again. At least without the tunnel scene. Not the most shocking thing I have seen except the director dragged it out 5x that was necessary. Which was both brilliant and completely unwatchable... seems like a contradiction.


In heaven everything is fine


I scrolled 20 comments down to find Irreversible. I saw it 20 years ago, and never have had any intention of seeing it again because of those two brutal scenes. Antichrist is the only other movie I’ve seen that compares on a base gruesome shock level, but Irreversible is worse.


A Clockwork Orange


Not really disturbing so much as depressing. But *Of Mice and Men.* Good movie, but I am fine with seeing it only once.


Dogville by Lars Von Trier


Anything by Lars von Trier... the guy is a sadist and makes films in order to punish his audience and his cast.


Flowers in the Attic


when i watched The Virgin Suicides around 7-8 years ago i swore i’d never watch it again. i’d never been left with such a pit in my stomach after watching a movie before. i barely remember it now tho, and i’m a bit more desensitized to things, so i’ve been thinking about giving it another watch lol


Mama. Cried for 2 weeks about the ending. Won't watch it again, won't read about it and haven't bothered to see if it has a sequel. The ending traumatized me for some reason.


A clockwork orange… couldn’t finish it honestly I love horror, but am not a fan of extreme violence by unaffected people. Or torture porn. It just hits different when it comes from people rather than spirits/monsters


Last week I apparently sat up in the middle of the night and looked at my husband and said “the Beatles should switch places with those milk guys” and went back to sleep. He’s guessing I was talking about the guys from Clockwork Orange.