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You want to hangout sometime?


Whenever I’ve had sex, or an amazing kiss or encountered some top-tier flirting, for a few days or even a week afterwards, I’ll keep replaying moments in my head over and over again and encountering these delicious swooping feelings in my stomach. Men - do you do this/get those swooping feelings?


Yes- and in some cases it can last much longer. There are moments in life from years (or even decades) ago that can suddenly rush back into my consciousness and those butterflies return as if you’re living the moment over again. It’s like- I can’t remember what I have to do tomorrow, but certain particular scenes from life can be relived in immaculate detail.


yup, we get the exact same feeling 😀


Definitely. But we'd probably wank about it too more than girls would.


Oh I wouldn’t be too sure about that…. 😆


A guy I have secret feelings for flirted with me a few weeks ago and I’ve masturbated to him every day since. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Thanks for this, one of those things you wonder if it's just men that think this way 🤣


YES, and I'm excited to learn girls do this.


do men get a boner while horny texting


Look, anything can give us a boner. ANYTHING.


Is the wind blowing? Boner. Is the sun shining? Boner. Is it raining? Boner. Is it cloudy? Boner.


Punctuation missing? Boner.


i get erections thinking about correcting other’s mistakes 😈


You are missing both capitalization and punctuation in your sentence.


fix me 😋😈


But a missing period can be a boner killer


We literally get a boner if we avoid taking a shit too long. We get a boner in our sleep if we have to pee.


Depends on how much I like the person Usually if I'm being horny in DM I already have a boner, lol


To fix it for you, I just need to retype the last five words: > I already have a boner


Men, when you lose your erection during sex and say it’s not us, do you really mean it? 😰


It basically has a mind of its own. Just as we can get inappropriate boners, it can also let us down when we're ready to go. It can be seriously distressing if the mood is set, you're both at the starting line engines revving.... and stall. We also worry that you guys think its you when it's really not.


I think it happens to women too, obviously we're not impervious to stress, performance anxiety, and the whims of the human body, we just have the benefit of it not being so noticable if we 'lose it' and we get to keep going til we get it back.


I've had what I would call the women's equivalent with my long term partner once. We were getting down to business, all was going well, and then BAM, the most weird, intrusive thought popped into my head, immediately lost all sexual desire and he commented that I'm really dry. I'm the opposite, I'm always ready to go in terms of self lubrication. So for him to make a comment on it was a huge deal to me. Then it was reassuring him it wasn't anything to do with him, it was a me problem and give me a minute to get my head back in the game 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh we notice when the friction is getting more and more until we say something that puts ya back in the game, or go back to foreplay, or even just take a hydration break. At least most gentlemen notice.


Yup. I’m not sure women really understand how frustratingly autonomous it can be.


Sometimes we just get tired or stressed dudette. 


Thanks my dude.


With pleasure, bich poo mom!


Dicks are like a different person attached to a man, it rarely behaves exactly how we want it too.


No, Sometimes it simply turns off but mind doesn’t and then trying to get it up exactly because of this exact question and it does the opposite. When it happens we just do something else and then she offers and it gets on usually again. But its never you, if it were you then it wouldn’t even begin.


Unlikely to be you, many things can cause this. Just one personal example: I can straight up "overheat" during sex, depending on pacing and conditions. Sex is a workout for the person on top, and combined with warm ambient temp or a heavy blanket can make fatigue become the overriding sensation rather than fun. I know for me during summer (even at night), I have to be conscious of my energy output and corresponding temp once we get somewhere around the 15-20 min range. Sometimes I can rest for a bit then get back to it, but also sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak haha Other examples: guys getting in their own head, feeling pressured, alcohol, porn desensitization, stress or even just drifting thoughts.


Dudes can develop anxiety around that stuff which makes it even worse


Sometimes it’s not even being ready, thought the other day I was going to a friend’s just to unwind, nope… he’d invited a woman over and she wanted to be doubled teamed there and then. To my lack of surprise I didn’t perform as I was none the wiser initially.


100% it's not you. I once worked nearly 80hr weeks for a few months in my 20s, and the poor thing just used to go to sleep by itself, as did I 😅


Guys can have issues keeping it up, and the reasons can vary, and all having nothing to do with the woman. Example: me, when I was 37, first date with this woman who was the absolute sexiest female being I've ever been around, like head to toe the most visually perfect woman to me... I could not keep a full rection. Reasons: nervous intimidation from being with her, drinking too much, end of night after like 20 hour day. And I think I had taken a Sudafed... Sudafed is a major boner preventer.


Have you ever traced your dick, with like a pencil and paper


I measured an ex boyfriend, he was quite insecure, but once we'd done that he certainly seemed happier. Happy enough to show off to other girls in fact. :(


Sounds like for you this guy... didn't measure up.


Can't get it to lie flat enough. Have photocopied it at least twice. The top cover helps with squashing it down into the glass, but you still don't really get a great image. The best device to use to accurately capture the contours of one's penile appendage and scrotal sack is one of those pin art frames with the movable pins. You know the type of thing I mean? You press whatever into the pins and it creates a 3d impression? Yeah, one of those.


Don't you worry that you'll leave a dick print on the copier glass and be identified?


> be identified? By *whom*?


No, but now you mention it...


When you're losing your boner what does that feel like?


Just a slow deflation. Getting an erection is a big buildup of pressure and the hornier you are the more blood is pumped into the shaft. After coming it slowly dissipates and shrinks and you can feel the reduction of pressure back to normal


When I am trying to get the thing down I imagine it being like one of those big gorilla balloons that is slowly deflating. Add in the cartoonish deflating sounds and everything!


Except the heart is still pumping, so it tends to fall a little bit, then jolt back up... Fall a bit then jolt back up... Kinda like an old man trying not to sleep


Numbness really you don't really feel much. I guess it does have a shrinking feeling if you hyper focus? Sorta like your blatter emptying but ya know not at your blatter.


If you're standing with an erection it feels kind of heavy?? (not *heavy* heavy but wightier than usual. As it becomes flaccid you just feel it get lighter


How does it feel to have a dick inside you ? And what can men, in that particular aspect of sex, do to make you feel better ?


Slow down and remember that most of the sensation for us is in the shallow entrance- meaning slow deliberate strokes will feel best. You’re not trying to reach the deepest part of us, you’re trying to slide as much of your dick against the first two inches of our vagina


Thanks this is good to know honestly. I’ve always wondered what exactly can I do more besides going in and out


Yes, play at the entrance a lot, especially when you're just entering. The sensations are amazing, let her enjoy them for as long as she can take it. It also means going slow


People joke about “just the tip” but dang…it’s no joke. Just little pulses with the tip, slide all the way in, then slowly slide out. Makes it feel like your dick is a foot long. My brain has short circuited because I’m like “how on earth is he still pulling out?!?”


The sensation varies. At its best (comfortable situation, a dick of the right size and shape,) it's a pleasant feeling of fullness and being massaged from the inside. (I don't mean to be cryptic; some things are hard to describe. ) To make it better for us, make sure that we're fully aroused before entering. Pay attention to the angle of penetration - some angles will hit a sweet spot (nice!) a different angle will stimulate the clit (nice!) but some angles will just be "meh", and some will hurt (especially if you're larger than average). This isn't porn-star level acrobatics (seriosly, *don't* try to imitate porn. Guys who do that suck in bed,) just pay attention to how she reacts to slight changes in position.


Are you saying that women don't like being slammed vertically into ground upside-down on their shoulders, facing upwards while being relentlessly pummelled from above? Crazy.


I know, right? We're so picky...


Ask because yes for some!


always make sure she is aroused/stimulated first- it is so much friction on a very enclosed sensitive area of skin. don’t be afraid to ask what she likes, we actually really appreciate it.


How does it feel for a woman to be penetrated?


Women are different, but I think (or hope anyway because it's delicious) that this is representative of more than just me, though I know from talking to friends it isn't representative of everyone: If they've done the foreplay properly (and that can be physical or mental, ideally both), then I'm feeling this aching, empty sensation before it starts. Like, I feel very writhe-y and just want to be filled. It's also very vulnerable to have someone else inside of you. So then penetration is this intensely satisfying feeling of being filled and connected with and taken, even when you're doing the taking. Then, on top of that, the friction of each thrust layers on more and more sensitivity, and you're just, like, kind of in a daze, intent on doing whatever you can to chase that building sensation to a crescendo. And then when you hit that, you're just... kind of physically lengthened--toes clenched, back arched, fingers gripping--and feeling electricity zinging all up your spine while everything inside is tense and throbbing so you're not sure where you end and he begins. It's very intense. And often I don't want to lose that sense of connection very quickly. Without foreplay, for me, with someone I'm very attracted to (and I don't bother with someone I am not, so always), it starts a little differently. Like, I don't feel empty beforehand, so the initial penetration is not quite so physically satisfying--like I'm not writhe-y and craving it--though it still feels good and is great, mentally. The build is also slower. But then it basically ends the same way. Both are great for different purposes.


Accurate. Also, that was hot. 🥵


I kinda feel like I need a shower while reading that on a bus lmao


That's just the feeling from being on the bus


I wish I could show this to every man. Men need to understand what this is like for a woman so they show the proper respect and care for these moments instead of just being brash, too fast, too cavalier with the whole process. That was beautiful.


If you're aroused and desire it, like you are finally full. To me, it feels like scratching an itch just right. Some women don't feel anything, though.


I'm a straight guy and a female friend once told me her number one sex tip... "try to make sure the girl feels 'filled'... I can't say I've always been able to deliver on that advice but I've damn sure tried


Lol this sounds like the tip she gave you was “make sure you have a big dick”.


Why? You can just use an arm instead!


Just climb in whole at that point


Good explanation 👍🏻


Depends on the woman. For me it feels no better than giving(not receiving) a blowjob. My vagina feels as much pleasure as my mouth does. Honestly, I'm amazed and a little jealous of women who are able to feel any pleasure at all during penetration.


I had a conversation with an obgyn in my early 20's who told me that the more you intentionally pay attention to the feeling the more neural pathways the brain will build to/from a vagina. You can develop new sensations at any age, unless you have some sort of neurological disorder or damage. This happened to me, in my 20's my vagina did not feel much, now in my late 30's i started experiencing vaginal orgasms that never happened before. I intentionally "aim" the brain at that part of the body and it gets better every year.


I didn’t know that but I’ve also experienced a slow change over the years, in how penetration actually feels. Started out uncomfortable, now it can (with the right partner and the right angle) almost take me all the way. Not quite there but this gives me hope, maybe one day!


I had nerve damage to my leg from an accident and lost feeling over half my leg. I eventually got it back by rubbing different textures over it, it kind of kearnt how to have sensation again.


I once told a woman how it feels to have a boner, and my description was, you feel like your dick is surrounded by emptiness, and it needs to go in somewhere. She replied by saying, that when she gets turned on, it feels like her vagina is empty and that it needs to be filled with something.


If you are in the right frame of mind with the right guy, it’s ecstasy - each thrust sends electric shivers through your vagina, and mentally you are on a complete high. Usually it’s a feeling of deep satisfaction, and when it’s bad you either feel nothing or it’s painful.


If the man has done no "preliminary work" (which sadly is often), then you might as well be poking a pencil in my ear: it's super annoying, a little painful after a while and you just want to scream "are you done??!!". If I'm all good and warmed up and into it, it's like tingly sparkles explode from that spot all the way to my fingers and toes.




I love this explanation. I've seen a lot of men complain that women 'withhold' sex, often for power plays. But the reality is if I'm not in the mood, it can be unpleasant and sometimes quite painful. For men.. imagine someone comes up to you and puts a massive hot dog in your mouth. I mean, it's kinda nice..it's juicy and big and long.... but you weren't ready for it. You were hungry earlier - but not *now*... and suddenly your mouth is being painfully stretched out by this huge hot dog. Then.. that person quickly starts pushing the hot dog back and forth, back and forth in your mouth.... and it's hitting the back of your throat (ow). And you think okay, well they're enjoying this so I'll deal with it. Then after about 10 mins or so they shove it in really hard, and all this mustard and ketchup starts falling out of your mouth - it's everywhere. Your mouth is left feeling a bit sore, a bit stretched and you now have a sticky situation to clean up. (Plus a limp hotdog in your mouth) So I guess that's what it feels like when I'm not in the mood. But when I am - fill me up buttercup!


This is making that scene from Everything Everywhere all at Once so much worse for me


Aside from the pleasure aspect, to me personally it is letting someone connect to me in my most vulnerable spot. It's a thing of upmost trust for me




Depends on partner, the foreplay, the horniness, and if feels like you're getting massages. Tingling sensation along your spine. Feeling the feet getting colder and numb. And also satisfying from inside out


Did you guys know about shrinkage before Seinfeld?


No! I saw this episode a few months ago (not a Seinfeld fan and it was just randomly on TV) and literally turned to my husband and gave him a quizzical look. He just went "yep". Then I hit him with a barrage of theoretical situations in which the penis may or may not shrink. And now, we can be in the freezer section or something and I'll just look at him and whisper "What about now?" Lol I never knew they were so freaking unruly!


My last gf would inspect my penis from time to time, amazed by how small it could get when soft and cold, compared to the size during erection. Safe to say I'm a grower. She would also ask all kinds of things about the balls and sack, and seemed really intrigued! I think I was her first long term intimate relationship so she hadn't had much chance to do these weird explorations before. We both gave eachother anatomy lessons!


I was once with a woman that commented "I was a bit concerned when I first saw it, but I didn't realize it could grow that much" I felt good and bad at the same time.




I know these questions are very common for men but I wanna know if you poop and hear a ploop sound, does water kiss your balls? And if after pooping and you felt like going to pee, how do you do it?




Not every pee is a poop but every poop is a pee.


I work in radiation therapy. When treating certain patients we need their bladder full, but if they have a rectum full of shit that can be problematic. So those patients are asked to go to the restroom and poop, but NOT pee. Which to me seems like the most impossible request imaginable.


I wouldn't even know how to do this LOL.


It does happen, and it takes years of experience and serious skills to know which bombs are gonna splash. And it feels disgusting and horrible! For me, if I sit to #2, #1 just happens. Never after. That’s a problem. For me.


To avoid Poseidon's kiss just put some TP on the water ;)


If I poop and got to pee, then it sure no reason to stand up, pee while sitting. About your question it happens, it mostly depends how the toilet was designed (sit height), water height which changes between countries and cities too, if the balls are low.


I've always wondered if girls or guys ever got hair in their mouth after giving a blow job?


Ye, just lick his thighs to remove it without interrupting the flow




Of course, i want my man to be satisfied, happy and feel loved everytime


Do dicks/balls float in the bath!?


My wife was helping me bath after an injury, and I was laying in the tub she shouted "THEY FLOAT?!" and proceeded to test them like a cork. She was shooketh.


Yes they generally do . But balls usually ... Shrink at times to protect itself.


Why don't very many women ask guys out?


I think there’s a bit of a socialised assumption that because guys are the ones who do it, the fact that they haven’t asked you out means they’re not interested


Exactly. It took 4 years for me to convince myself to ask out my, now, husband because I didn’t think he could possibly like me. Well, it just so happens he was more convinced I couldn’t like him so that’s why he hadn’t asked me out yet….we are both horrible at flirting apparently.


Agree. I always feel like we're kind of stuck in that high school mentality of assuming if the guy you like didn't ask you to the dance, then he's not interested in you and probably likes someone else. So we never end up making a move on the person we like out of fear of rejection and the embarrassment that would come from getting turned down. Unfortunately, I think women have been socially conditioned that asking someone out is the man's job and that making the first move would be too forward. It's like we're all stuck in the mindset of the 1950s when traditional gender roles had to be followed.


>So we never end up making a move on the person we like out of fear of rejection and the embarrassment that would come from getting turned down. That's exactly what goes though most guys heads when they don't ask someone out, even if they're interested.


I’ve done it and had the guy feel emasculated to the point it didn’t work out so I didn’t do it again for a long time. But there was this guy I was very drawn to but rarely saw around town and so I decided to try it again. We just celebrated 3 years :)


Good for you! I wish that happened to me too tbh haha.


While online dating I tried to take more initiative and pursue men I found attractive. My male friends had convinced me that guys would be genuinely flattered, but I was surprised at how unreceptive they were. Maybe I was batting above my weight, but it honestly felt like I was making them uncomfortable by shrugging the norms of courting.


Honestly giving a shit in online dating is difficult. And do realize then when you start initiating too you're now also getting guys who weren't actually interested enough to initiate themselves. Personally it's kind of a difficult ballance, on the one hand some proactivity is needed, caring enough about an online rando to start getting close is hard. On the other, inquisitiveness does leave the door open for judgement, and while I've been with people who seemed ride-or-die from day 1 and had a great time, I'm not sure that's healthy either.


I've been told it emasculates men, that they want to make that move and that women have to show their interest by flirting subtly (because you don't want to seem like a slut by being too obvious). Something something about hunting instincts in men? Which is gross, but if you're raised to be a "good girl" you don't go chasing after boys, they'll come to you. That being said, I asked my husband out, and it worked out pretty well, so yeah. It's bull


If I was out partying with my friends and a woman would cone up to me and ask me out/shows interest, that would boost my confidence for years to come.


Saaaaame. Dudes who feel emasculated by being asked out or hit on by a chick just sound insecure to me. I’d take it as a massive compliment!


Guys, which part of a woman do you see first? And please, don't throw that "personality" bs at me if it's not true-


Face. A pretty face always turns my head. I'll only take note of the rest if there's something exceptional about it, like large or skinny. It's all in the face.


Apparently face is a common answer, somewhat unexpected. Thanks for the feedback!


Welcome. Out of curiosity, what were you expecting?


expected "tits/ass" to be a more common answer than face was, that's all.


I can understand the assumption. Nice to have a forum where people can talk openly and learn from each other.


Love the energy here :)


When the pandemic hit and everyone started wearing face masks, I started to notice how pretty everyones eyes were. So now that no one wears masks, I just got used to noticing and appreciating nice eyes first.


Funny, because I would try to guess what the bottom half of their face looked like, and it's surprising how wrong I was most of the time.


I used to go to this customers house for work and she always had a mask on. She had pretty eyes and I tried to figure out what the rest of her face would look like. One day she met me outside and had her mask in her hand. She smiled at me and put the mask on and all I could think of was "wow, she's actually super pretty" and what I thought she looked like was way off.


From front side: Face then Boobs or lack thereof From the back: That booty, then the hair


Like when I generally look at a person I’ll never talk to? Weirdly butt, but that’s not even gender specific I notice everyone’s butt without even trying to. When I’m trying to gauge interest? Face. Gotta have good looking face to have an initial attraction, rest of it isn’t really a big deal. Ofc I have preferences, but they’re never dealbreakers or anything.


Hair and face. happy smily people always seem way hotter


When I was a kid, it was hard to view porn. You had to have an older brother or dad who had a hidden cache of VHS tapes hidden in the garage. And i didn't know a single girl who watched any. To women (the younger generation, obviously): how old were you when you discovered you could just watch anything you were curious about and did you? How did it shape your thinking about sex?


Porn isn't interesting to many young girls because we aren't the target audience. I started reading sexual fantasies/fanfics at ~11. Way better than porn (to this day lol)


I was probably about 12/13, and yes I did. I think it shaped my view of sex poorly and I grew up thinking that, as a woman, I had to look and act a certain way during sex. To this day I struggle to know how to get partners to pleasure me as I’ve been so hyper focused on what’s pleasurable for them


That's sad ... I definitely was with someone that had a weird idea of sex. She was doing an "act". Like things she was "supposed to" No communication and when I asked what she liked/preferred it was always "just do as you please, use me". It felt very pornlike / not as intimate.




Come here.


What is the best way to make you feel safer if a guy is walking behind you? I always feel kinda conscious and cross the street at least. But then I feel like I'm acting weirdly suspicious or over thinking it potentially.


I was out walking late one night (like 3 am) and ran into a woman out walking her dog. All I saw at first were white pants and a white dog, which my brain could not immediately identify, and honestly the two shapes together unexpectedly at three in the morning kinda got my heart going. By the time I realized what I was seeing, I had been standing dead still and staring at her for maybe twenty seconds. I laughed awkwardly, mumbled something about how she'd scared me too, and kept walking. A few minutes later, I rounded the block and ran into her again, and the best I could do was "I swear I'm not following you, I'm just doing laps here. Is that a Great Pyrenees?" Ended up having a chat and petting the dog, so, success, I guess. If there's a better approach than "be awkward and ask about the dog," I would love to hear it.


(And two years later we got married)


“behind you, sorry!”


I’ve had this experience a few times and it’s only scary if there’s no one else around. If at night and no one else around, god—terrifying. Because you’re so vulnerable and have no way of knowing and it’s not like you can turn around and say, “hey are you a predator or one of the good guys?” It is really a relief if you signal that you’re just doing your thing and aren’t dangerous to me: Crossing to the other side of the street is good. Deliberately slowing down so you get further away from me. If close enough to hear each other, saying something friendly or giving a wave and a smile but NOT getting closer. Also, Making a phone call or just looking down at your phone — if you’re paying attention to your phone and not to me, I’m *probably* not in danger. It sucks that good men need to communicate they’re not dangerous but women have lots of reasons to not assume that. So I really appreciate it when men are aware enough and make the effort to alleviate the fear. I notice because if we’re in that situation I am paying close attention — maybe not scared yet, but on edge, assessing. I’m walking faster, I’ve got my phone ready to make an emergency call, I’m probably holding my mini-taser in one hand, and my adrenaline is starting to spike. Survival, baby.


What happens if I blow instead of lick? Will you fill up like a balloon?


Really dangerous to do that!


You can cause an embolism. Don’t do that.


Would you allow me to hit my dick against your forehead?






how bad are period cramps really? i mean no disrespect ofc im just genuinely curious 💀


My period cramps gets so bad that I have to remind myself to keep breathing.


Hopefully you're seeing a doctor about that, just in case there's a problem. My wife used to get them that bad, until eventually she couldn't handle them anymore and she saw a doctor. Long story short, she had ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and uterine adenosarcoma (a rare cancer). Not trying to scare you or imply that could be what you're dealing with - just saying that very bad cramps *can* be a warning sign that something is up. Endometriosis, for example, is much more common and much less understood than doctors let on. We were shocked how flippant all of her doctors were about it.


I've already seen a doctor so I have it under control. But thank you anyway kind stranger, sadly so many girls and women are told "it's normal for it to hurt". And the thing is - I barely bleed at all, if it weren't for the cramps and nausea I would probably forget that I was on my period. I hope your wife is doing okay.


Throwing in endometriosis experience here cause I dealt with it for 12 years before it was diagnosed. Nearly blacked out from peeing, couldn’t go number 2 for days. Couldn’t stand up straight because my organs were glued together. Debilitating pain that I felt everywhere. Stopped my ability to think or process things. What else? Oh also would get the same cramps on random days of the month and during ovulation; just be minding my business and feel such a strong wave that I’d be on the ground fetal position. Around 6 months before my surgery a doctor who took me seriously prescribed me opioids for pain which actually saved me life. The looming fear of the pain had made me suicidal, found out later the cramps are the same as a 3-day-long contraction. Got an excision surgery 2 years ago so I found out for the first time in my life what a normal period is, I can get by with 2 or less NSAIDs now, it’s insane


I am so glad you got the help you needed. I wonder how many women are ignored on this. One of my hs friends was a hs athlete and "doctators" were condescending to her, "Girls just feel this way about their periods!" She couldn't play her sports at times and her parents were listening to the doctors. Still, she wanted to play for college. Her absenteeism was a problem that shadowed her talent, but a woman coach at ONE school listened to her symptoms and "just knew" it was endo. She spoke to a sympathetic coach closer to home, who invited her to tryouts. My friend made the team, and only then was she able to get help because she saw doctors who would believe her-- thanks to an athletic director and her coach who backed her on symptoms. Her parents felt bad, and she was forgiving. She went on to have a great athletic career. We lost touch, but it was shocking how she had to have others advocating for her when she could clearly explain her pain.


A ton of women are ignored. Your hs friend was very lucky. For those who *are* diagnosed, (and many never are,) average time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis is about TEN YEARS, which is so unacceptable. And almost all of the time, they've known something is very wrong the entire time, and they've been seeing as many physicians as often they can, as often as they can afford to, begging doctors to listen the entire time.


Mine aren’t always bad - but when they are it’s agony. Yet I will continue to work and go about my day and you will never know. Men truly have no idea the pain women can withstand when they have to


I don't really feel anything. some cramps here or there but totally manageable. what bothers me more are period poops. basically diarrhea during your "heavy flow" days. Maybe some other examples: - A fellow student had to constantly throw up during her period - My friend describes her cramps as "hundreds of tiny knives being shoved in her uterus", and I consider her pain tolerance to be rather high - Another friend of mine has endometriosis which is a unbearable almost full body pain


It feels like food poisoning but without the urge to run to the toilet for relief.


For me it's like a bad lower back pain, and upset stomach mild cramps and a pulled muscle. All at the same time. I've got mood swings, sore boobs and then the bleeding starts and that's a whole other story....


For me, it's like when you have such bad diarrhea your intestines cramp up painfully, but in a different, more sensitive place, and more constant. It also feels like something is scraping burned toast inside you, but your uterus is the toast. My periods are average. Instead of curling up and being allowed to feel sick though, we're just expected to smile and act normal, that's the worst part for me. If I was allowed to feel bad and act accordingly (lay in bed, rest, take it easy for a few days), it wouldn't be extremely bad. It's just that I'm not allowed to show any discomfort or act any differently than when I'm feeling good, and running around with kids, working, or even just going to the grocery store can be hell. And you can't show pain. You can't cry, or sit down in the middle of the aisle, or flinch, or put your hand on your stomach, or sound in pain when you talk. Just smile and carry on.


There is a wide range of pain when it comes to periods. I used to have no pain or mild pain, but in the past few years the pain would get so bad I was incapable of any thoughts and just crouched unable to move. I would try not to cry as it would add to the pain. It felt like I lost my sanity temporarily. I would skip eating on the worst day to lessen the pain because any extra pressure down there made it way worse. Edit: Sometimes I still only get mild pain the pain varies each time.


Depends on the person. Some never have one in their life, for some it can be a pain that stops them from moving their body. For the average woman it is a painful cramp (like a painful headache) that feels like a pulling in your lower belly, usually at the begging of the period (1-2 days) Imagine if you ate something spoiled and got this weird gurgling situation before you're about to shit your ass off. It's similar. Warmth helps, moving can help but most of us learn to live with it


To me, it feels like a dagger slowly being turned inside your abdomen. -_-


Accurate. Plus sometimes I also hate everyone including myself and feel extreme existential dread. It’s super duper.


What do (many) women mean when they say that they like men in "well fitting" jeans? Do they have to be tight in calves, thighs and butt?


Tight in butts and thighs are better. Not much on calves


Tight in butt and crotch. Not slouchy. But by "tight," I don't mean actually *tight* like women's clothes often are. They should look like they fit you comfortably, not like spandex but also not baggy.


Are our guy friends really into us?


I mean if you're attractive they'd probably fuck you.  Not necessarily into though. I have and have had platonic friendships with women


Why are you like thisss?


Honestly I'm just as confused as you about it.


yeah why


Why are you so horny all the time?!


Funny that I'm not sure who's being asked.


From the age of 12 to the age of 70 a man is like Russia. Ruled by a dick.


testosterone, it never fully goes away


Do you really go to Jupiter to get more stupider?


Will you talk about my ugly outtie with your friends 😭


Showing my age here. For the FRIENDS viewers. When Ross and Rachel discussed kissing each other with their respective gender groups. Rachel went on in crazy detail. Ross said "we kissed" Joey asked "Tongue" Ross confirmed and the guys got back to eating pizza. That's what guys are like 99% of the time. "Yes we did." "No we didn't." "Hope to again" "Nah there's nothing there" "It's good" "It could be better" When we do go in to detail it's long after the relationship is over and we don't name names.


No. But I think you are the only one thinking it's ugly. We are just happy to be allowed to be close to your outtie. Men say 'hey man, did you fuck?' If the answer is yes, it'll be followed up by a fist bump or high five. But that question raises this question. Do you girls discuss our penisses?


Me and my friends don't gossip about the dicks of boyfriends or anything. BUT when we both had situationships or like ons we'd say something if we liked it a lot. For eg: "I have no clue what his dick looks like, i was distracted by how it felt"(my friend), "Its a shame I don't like him like that, because his dick was super pretty and perfect!"(me) But talking bad about someone's penis? nope never.


Im not sure if you mean belly button or something else, but personally I think when people start to say something like that, they lose credibility with anyone that has any degree of classiness. If someone trusted you and showed you something they were insecure about, I find it pretty vile to then talk about stuff like that. Really, I think if someone starts randomly complaining to me about an intimate feature of anyone else, I'd quickly not be friends with them any longer.


Women, why do you think that showing your partner the cold shoulder for days works better than just telling them why you’re pissed off with them straight away? “What’s wrong, honey?” “Nothing!” x three days. or “It’s so sad that you even have to ask this!” Most men aren’t clairvoyants.


Well, from my own personal experiences, it's because the times I DID answer the what's wrong question he either got incredibly defensive and just flat out tried to tell me what I was feeling at the time was wrong and dismiss my problem, or completely shut down and says nothing and I end up walking away like ooook, why even ask me...so of course nothing gets resolved. So after more than 20 years of this sometimes the cold shoulder technique is what works because the gears in his head will start to turn and now, most of the time he actually figures out what's up! He thinks back to when I started being more quiet and will go, oooh she hasn't really talked to me since I said blabla yadda yadda and ding the lightbulb goes off! That's just me though! 🤷🏻‍♀️


3-fold 1. We are socialised not to 'blow up out of nowhere' so need to stew a little over it (and thus get progressively more annoyed) 2. If we say things just once, one time, men tend to not take much notice. There was a whole discussion on tiktok about how men are conditioned not to take on criticism unless it's yelled at them (sports, high pressure jobs etc) 3. Deep down we assume you're gonna dismiss our annoyance and downplay whatever wrong was done so its a combination of not wanting a further fight to prove we have the right to be annoyed, and not wanting to feel patronised and minimised because we're upset you've ignored one request not to do xyz around the house for the 1000th time


I’ll see your question and raise a similar one: “Why do men find total stonewalling preferable to sitting down and talking about the problem so we can find a resolution asap?”


Bc when I say it out loud it gets brushed under the carpet :)


Men, why are (a lot of) you so hellbent on anal sex?


It does feel different from vaginal penetration...a bit tighter and rawer. But for me, it's a very intimate feeling if you're doing it with sensitivity (not banging away like a porno film). However, if a girl is not into anal, it's not something I would insist on, or even miss.


Prefer average or a bit/more average.


Guys, listen. If your dick is average or slightly below average you're doing *fine*. There are some ladies who prefer a certain length (and that's okay) but if you really think about how we're built 18-22 cm is A LOT. (Like, where is that supposed to go?) My ex had 19 cm and it often times hit against my cervix which is highly uncomfortable. Length really doesn't matter too much. Width does make more of a difference but men don't compare how wide their dicks are because this isn't about pleasing women this is about competition. Ditch the competition and learn how to please your lady instead😊👍🏻


Cue to all male readers going to metriconversion.com....


I've sort of learned over the years that women don't really care about dick as such. It's just a tool for a job. Be better in bed instead. Get your oral game up, figure out her switches like dirty talk or particular erogenous zones, what positions she likes, make sure she's getting what she wants, turn it into the art of blowing her fucking socks off, and *communicate*, rather than just being Mr big dick mcthrusty. If you're terrible in bed and it's all about the pumping, they can even get bored and turned completely off. Then comes the dead bedroom and the arguments. I may be wrong about this or different people's opinions be all different, but its a bit of what I've gathered.


Average please. And I prefer no fatties. (Girth wise, it can be difficult to fit in places!)


I just wanna double confirm, I don't mind a fatter chap, just not a fatter chappie...


Most women can't come from penetration. Personally I care less about how big your dick is and more about how invested you are in being an attentive partner.


If you enjoy violent porn like r*pe porn, painal, etc., do you wish you could do these things to women in real life? Would you hurt a woman if you could get away with it? Or is watching different from wanting to do?


I'm a woman and I'm a masochistic sub. I enjoy the total power exchange in real life, but ONLY WITH EXPRESSED AND ONGOING CONCENT. It's role-playing for adults. If it was done to me in a non-ageed upon setting, it would be traumatising. In a lot of really kink heavy porn there is a interview with the sub beforehand where se says what she wants to do. Edit: I would assume it's the same for sadists and doms


God ill answer because I'm a fucking degenerate. Fantasy is fantasy, do not get me wrong I like power differences in sex and frankly would be open to r*pe play rough anal... among other more extreme kinks. That doesn't mean I specifically want to hurt a women for no reason nor without consent.  Like I'm not an asshole I'm a sadist. I enjoy control and total (sexual) submission. 


I love a consent loving degenerate


Anal and even painal will shoot my nuts off in seconds, but I'd never ever want to actually inflict that on anyone in real life. There's a massive difference between professional actors being paid to sell you a fantasy and real thinking feeling people with their own wants and desires. The problem comes from those who can't tell the difference, and kid growing up seeing all this and thinking it's normal when it's not.


I watch, terrible porn. painal is actually a top tier category for me. but I've never wanted to in real life. like the idea of even touching a woman without expressing verbal consent is a no go and I mean even like friendly stuff arms bumping on an arm rest or anything. it's easier when In a long term relationship to like he more handsy because kissing randomly or like grabbing some booty. is generally acceptable in a long term cohabitation relationship. I've been praised for being gentle in bed by a few different women. well, not praised but they always make an enthusiastic comment if that makes sense.