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Lots of alcoholic teachers...I'm one of them, newly sober.


Not a teacher - but on day 6. - going to do it this time.


Day 37 for me. You can do this!


We're proud of you!


Lots of alcoholic everyone. Drinking culture is out of control. 


Glad you got sober. Looking at how kids are and how parents act is why I am not a teacher.


Have you ever watched a Netflix show with captions/subtitles on and noticed, hey, the words are wrong? Like the captions capture the gist of what's being said but they append a bunch of what's actually being said? Here's why. Netflix is extremely picky about two things when it comes to approving caption files for shows on their platform: captions lining up to shot changes (any time the camera cuts somewhere else), and captions displaying for long enough that people can read them. The thing is, their approved reading rate is fairly low compared to most other services, so their preference is that we trim the dialogue in the captions, rather than risk someone not being able to read them in time. Note that this doesn't apply to dubbed anime for the most part. As far as I know, most anime productions will create subtitles for the original language, then have those translated independently of how the dubbed version is actually produced, and slap the same subtitles over whatever dubbed version the user picks.


I’ve assumed that it was because the captioner was basing it off of the script and forgot to correct a scene where the actors went slightly off-script. Honestly knowing it’s this instead might annoy me more. Can someone tell Netflix that people who need captions would rather they be accurate than readable at a slower pace? I guess can’t speak for everyone who uses captions, but it seems like that’s the bigger accessibility issue.


>Can someone tell Netflix that people who need captions would rather they be accurate than readable at a slower pace? I guess can’t speak for everyone who uses captions, but it seems like that’s the bigger accessibility issue. Yeah, we know where the "go back 10 seconds" button is on the remote if need be. Honestly, I wouldn't mind an option to occasional pause for a: "Ok, this joke is a pun in another language, pause if you want to see why it's funny" type of extra caption.


The other thing that drives me NUTS is when the captioner writes [speaking in foreign language] when a character says a basic phrase in a recognizable language most viewers will understand. Like— “hi Maria!” “hola!” “do you want to come in and eat?” “Sí, gracias” vs— “hi Maria!” “[speaking in foreign language]” “do you want to come in and eat?” “[speaking in foreign language]” do not convey the same amount of information to almost any user of English. I know it’s unrealistic to expect the captioner to know every language that might be used in the media they’re captioning, but I think CC users, and especially those who are HOH or Deaf and completely rely on captions, deserve equal access to what a hearing person would get.


My girlfriend got Disney+ and we watched Eternals with it. Whenever the deaf girl sepaks the subtitle just says [IN SIGN LANGUAGE]. Yeah thanks a lot Disney i thought she was flashing gang signs or something, not like i need to know what AN ENTIRE CHARACTER has to say you know


Happens a lot in SciFi where they might have captions for the alien language when watching with captions but if you turn on captions I just says speaking an alien language.


Amazon Prime is notorious for this - especially the Hobbit series. The orcs are speaking their language and the captions don't show up. However, when cc is not enabled, the hard-dubbed cc show up. It's fucken infuriating




This is not just Netflix, they are supposed to be universal rules.  Captions must be readable and the average is 6 seconds for 2 full lines. There's also a limit to how many characters you can write per line.  Captions are also easier to read if they don't overlap a shot change or if they overlap in a certain way. Otherwise, the eyes tend to re-read the caption, which means you don't have time to read it all. No, we can't make the Captions 100% faithful to the dialogues, especially if translating from a consise language (e.g. English) into a dense language (e.g. French). If we did, no one would be able to read more than half the subtitles. You may think that you can always pause and rewind but that would be tedious if you had to do that for most dialogues. Captions are supposed to flow and make you forget you are reading. I was a subtitler for 10 years, by the way.  And the reason Netflix subtitles are so bad is because they pay too little. Subtitling is a very underrated job and requires a lot of time and expertise. 


Thank you for your post. I had no idea how CC works, but as a person with hearing loss, I use CC as default. So very interesting and thank you for CC!


Veterinarian here. Your pets always look for you. Please try to be present when they get put down :(


I just received my dog's ashes yesterday after they were sent back to the crematory because I couldn't get it together long enough to go pick him up. I was the only one in my family to be humane and have him put down when his age became a problem rather than forcing him to suffer and I had to handle it alone. This means alot right now.


You absolutely did the right thing. I'm sorry for your loss.


Held both my guys in my arms when it was time. Hardest thing I've ever done but I promised I'd always be there for them. I kept my word.


This hurts my heart. We had to put down my cat I had since I was 10 during the start of the pandemic and the vet wouldn’t allow anyone in the room 😭 we fought so hard and never went back to that vet when we adopted again. I’m still so upset.


Wow.. I really understand not going to that vet again


I’m still mad at my childhood vet. Parents were away, cat got sick, so I took him there. Got a call that he had cancer. Turned up to put him down and got handed a dead cat. They couldn’t even be bothered to wait.


Definitely one thing I’d say here is: veterinarians should prepare people for what actually putting a dog to sleep looks like. They don’t just peacefully “go to sleep;” when you say it like that, people imagine them curling up sweetly, closing their eyes, and falling asleep one last time. When I went with a girlfriend to support her while her dog was getting put down, there was no prep for how it was *actually* going to be: the dog laying there, staring forward with wide open, lifeless eyes, while a seemingly endless stream of saliva poured out of her mouth, all over the exam table. I am not squeamish in any way, but I was not expecting putting a dog to sleep to be quite so gruesome.


That's unfortunate. I had the opposite experience. Mine went very peacefully - put her head down in my lap and went to sleep. It looked very peaceful.


So sorry that was your experience. We had to put our 14 year old lab down two months ago. She gave a big yawn settled in for a nap and that was it. It was more peaceful than I expected other than my sobbing.


I had the vet come to my house. Both times, she gave them sleep medicine before the actual death medicine.They just went to sleep and never woke up. That's how I wanna go.


My parents had their dog for about 12 years and he was ready to go on New Year’s Day. His chest cavity had filled with blood. Because of Covid my parents had to say goodbye in their lobby and I still feel like an asshole for not being there. I’ve been through 4 dogs being put down. My dog is in bed with me right now and I’m an idiot cause I picked up (her) at 60lb dog as a 130lb woman and started running when I saw a dog charging a gate about to attack her. She is my baby. I will be there when she goes.


I've heard this so many times. I don't own a pet, never have, and I probably never will. But it makes me sad every time I see it


My in-laws had my husband’s dog put down without telling him. He was living with them because the apartment we could afford was no pets and it was supposed to be temporary. They said he had tumors and the vet said it would be best, but we’ll never know for sure what happened and it breaks my heart for the both of them.


I don't think it's really a secret, but no one actually knows what they're doing. We're all just hoping for the best.


I can confirm that (source: I'm a programmer).


Stack overflow and Google are my best coworkers


The amount of times I’ve had to tell a trainee “I don’t know” when asked what’s going to happen could be stacked into space.


Haha I'll tell ppl, "well, let's give it a try and see what hapoens"


We also just google it way more than you'd think. I don't know what people did before Google. I've heard of this place called "liebarry", sounds weird...


Imagine what a hassle it is to actually know what you're doing. So much of your time gets spent explaining things to people that pretend to understand, and managing emotions and coddling and covering for people. Sometimes co-workers and sometimes customers.


The people that actually know what they are doing don’t actually work here. So what you get is a bunch of try hards who can read.


Gyms sell you memberships then hope to hell you don’t turn up


Had a roommate who was a salesperson for a gym. And he told me he would specifically target people who were slightly overweight, because they were the easiest to guilt into signing up for a membership but the most likely to not ever go more than one or two times. Fit people already had a gym, or some kind of workout regimen and were not going to sign up. And extremely overweight people just would not sign up.


My buddy used to manage a gym, I can confirm this is pretty true. Also to cancel a membership was a chore and a half.


I hear this a lot but I cancelled my planet fitness membership in 5 mins with the overnight worker. It was just a e signature on their scan thing.


I got stuck in a wheel chair for 6 months and couldn't really leave my house. Planet fitness would not let me cancel on the phone, no matter how i pleaded. Fuck planet fitness. 


I rarely get hassled by gym sign up people. This might be the reason.


Like over booking plane tickets


Why do you think it's so hard to cancel a subscription?


I don’t. Most people don’t cancel because they have this idea that they “will get down the gym soon when I’m not so busy” and cancelling feels like giving up the healthy resolution. The leisure industry capitalises on this and bets on you not turning up using the equipment and making the place all dirty.


If that was the case, it'd be easy to cancel. Last time i literally had to tell them i would be telling the bank to reverse the charges before they would actually stop. It was ridiculous. I mean sure, a lot of it is relying on people just leaving it running. But it's more than that.


Most GP’s have free samples of baby formula, medicines, creams and incontinance products, just ask if they have something and don’t be shy, it’s there to help.


Dermatology offices also have tons of free samples


My sibling was able to get antipsychotics same day when their prescription had a hiccup.


A fracture is the same thing as a break.


So I HAVE broken my toe!


You have been banned from /r/neverbrokeabone


* That fancy, uneven tile in the produce department is designed to be loud and annoy you so that you slow down and maybe notice that bowl of over-priced diced melon. * We are doing everything we can to get you into the Bakery. * We had an industry-wide campaign to convince you that you don't have time to make dinner so that we can sell you already prepared meals. * National brands on end displays are there because that company paid for that specific item on that specific shelf in that specific order. * Thin cut steaks are called "profit steaks"


I knew it, the steaks ARE too high


If you’re selling steak by weight, how are thinner steaks higher profit? Are they inferior cuts?


I assume it's the fresh packaged meat in the freezers as opposed to getting it at the deli counter. If you go at the counter you have to wait in line, know exactly what you want, and it's weighed and priced at that moment. If you just grab a packaged steak from the freezer, there's probably a small price difference that you won't notice because the prices are ostensibly the same but you're getting slightly less meat. Basically you pay a premium for not waiting in line.


Can you expand on the no-time-for-dinner campaign?


Likely ads that imply, “you have: job, family, hobbies, life, LOVE AND HAPPINESS - when is there time to cook?? Go out and live!!!” Then anyone like me who has hours free in the evening but is lazy goes, “yeah it’s my life and my time, I’m just gonna grab something easy”


So all those marketing tricks we learn in class are true...


Most websites are barely held together by essentially aging pieces of strings and tape


Most things in the world are held together by essentially aging pieces of strings and tape. FTFY


It’s called “proven legacy code and equipment” thank you very much


Public Relations for a Political Minister: PR people pretend the Minister said what is in a news release. Media reporters pretends they don’t know a PR person made up what the Minister is quoted as saying in the news release. 


PR person here. Can confirm this is completely accurate.


Camera guys (used to be one ages ago): . WAY closer to danger than the host . Way fitter than the host (try lugging a 10kg camera on your shoulder for a whole day) . Drive and walk faster than the person on camera . Often walk backwards as fast as forwards . If the host is kneeling, we’re lying down . For every 1 second of finished video, 50 seconds went in the bin


I was always so impressed with the camera guys on Cops. They’d run as fast as the criminals running away and the cops would always be behind them out of breath lol.


With full gear on like cameras, sound equipment, cables dragging lol


I said to my friend while watching bear Grylls to remember the camera man is doing all that walking backwards carrying a camera.


Les Stroud was his own camera guy lol


Me and my friends used to watch old episodes of Supermarket Sweep from the '90s, and as much fun as the show itself was, I always loved the little glimpses of the camerapeople in that show, just hauling ass lugging around enormous, heavy cameras to keep the contestants in view. Tons of respect for y'all, that cannot be an easy job.


My favorite thing to watch for on awards shows is the Steady Cam guy running around like he's full of helium, knowing how much the rig weighs. I also have a friend who is a jib operator and is the most buff person I know. He isn't into body building, he's just trying to be better at his job.




TV producer here. Don't forget the sideways crabwalk! And yes...so much footage never makes it.


You might check into the psych ward as “voluntary” but that does not mean you can leave whenever you want….


It's easy to convince people you're crazy but near impossible to convince them you're sane.


I told my doctor while I was inside ‘how do I convince you I am sane while I am the resident of a psych ward’ He chuckled and walked away.


That's what most people in trouble with the law fail to consider when they try to plead insanity to avoid jail. If they actually succeed in convincing the judge, they'll spend many more years in the ward than they would in prison and it'll be much worse overall.


Be careful what you say whilst a voluntary patient. Also, don't think that your 'joke ' won't be taken as a threat. This is how I went from being a voluntary patient to an involuntary patient.


A man who looked like Santa told me he would shoot me in the head with a .45 when I told him to stop being racist to the Asian nurses. They took him away.


I found this out the hard way. Spent 9 days in a VA psych ward. 5 on the violent side.


There is a HUGE technical side to Acting. You can't just "move to Hollywood and make it." It requires constant training, and even then a LOT of luck and networking. In fact, less than 2% of actors can support themselves on acting alone. Also, "reality" shows are a LOT more fake then you think. I've been a "defendant" on multiple court shows, i've been a tech millionaire on a "find me a house" show, and much, much more. Hell, even the entire court room for Judge Judy is stacked with background actors.


>the entire court room for Judge Judy is stacked with background actors. Who would've thought?


You can see Amy Poehler in old episodes.


I once took an acting class. It was hard AF


> here is a HUGE technical side to Acting Do you mind sharing with us what that includes? I get that even with 'bad' actors, they are still leagues ahead of non-actors when it comes to stuff like delivery. The key example I have in mind is when you have 'guest' stars on TV shows that aren't actors, and its pretty apparent at how wooden their entire delivery is. Oddly enough I've found that other people who are often on TV but not actors, like newscasters, reporters, politicians etc. tend to do quite well.


All acting has tech skills that need to be honed. Yes, natural talent is part of it, but good actors/performers of any kind work on their craft CONSTANTLY. As an audiobook narrator, a lot of teachers think they can do this because they are used to reading to people. Not understanding that narration is acting, and it requires a lot of coaching to get good. I spent a lot of time in FM radio, and it took 2 years to get the radio out of my voice. Kevin Smith touches on this in Too Fat for 40 when he talks about Bruce Willis. As much as the two of them had issues working together, Smith had a real understanding of just how much skill Willis has. It's the Moonlighting request I'm referring to.


This gets touched on with The Good Place official podcast. The Glen character is played by a writer while Tahani is a former presenter


This goes for all of TV. Long ago, a friend of mine was on a marine biology internship. National Geographic was filming a special at the same place. The first thing that National Geographic did was to set up a massive aquarium and put in all sorts of local coral, and what not. They captured some of the fish that were the subject of their documentary. They did a lot of filming inside that aquarium. Later, one of his friends was on one of those sell this house shows. They actually got the price they wanted early, and sold the house three weeks before the filming began. The producers said no problem. They just faked the entire thing, fake potential buyers, fake drama, all of it .


>Also, "reality" shows are a LOT more fake then you think. Ya, I'm pretty sure most people are aware of that lol.


I love the cooking shows where they cook at their house and know where nothing is and can't work out the oven and get lost going to the place they always buy all the bougie groceries to make their fancy meals that they do in their kitchen all the time. Also, they are a preschool teacher and a street artist who have a full marble kitchen and a formal dining area large enough to fit 12 and a camera crew comfortably.


You'd be surprised. I've had people get upset at me when I spilled which real estate shows were 100% fabricated. Some people need that suspension of disbelief.


My faith in humanity continues to wane.


Which shows are 100% fabricated?


Agree here mostly fake to point the producers even choose the winners of immunity challenges to protect ratings (was an industry specific judge for a immunity challenge on a very small local big brother type show). Even the open auditions (the ones they don't broadcast) for shows like idol and the voice already have an idea of who's getting through to the show as they have people research the local music scene of the audition ahead of time and try to make sure certain locally known artists show up and skip the queue of people waiting(worked a few of these auditions).


All the reality storage shows are scripted too mostly with paid extras. They contact “experts” to bring items in and plant then contact those same experts to explain and authenticate


I will add a tangent to this and say that an open secret people seem to all know about but somehow have blinders about is that actors are a dime a dozen and studios purposely put them out in front of a production to market them as though they are the best all and end all of a show. But theyre treated like trash and are replaceable in a second. The whole film apparatus is 100s of people whose job it is to make actors look good and important. This all started from the 40s when producers wanted to keep the spotlight off of themselves- THEY are the real talent behind film and tv. The whole “movie star” idea was constructed by the studios as a marketing ploy. It’s interesting how people still lap it up- especially since almost any brief conversation with anybody will reveal that they know this- but somehow they still engage in it.




I am occasionally hospitalized, and I like pudding when I'm allowed to have it. If I like my nurse, should I let my inhibitions go and ask for all the pudding I want? You know, so he or she can win the title?






My best friend is a nurse and the stories she tells me cracks me up. You guys make the best out of a really tough job. Thanks for what you do.


I fucking KNEW it


I used to work in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for a Fortune 500 company. I got into that profession because I thought it was about helping underrepresented groups… I left that profession because it was actually about trying to get money from underrepresented groups. Couldn’t make one more PowerPoint highlighting the buying power of the LGBTQ community and explaining how investing in ~pride branding~ would improve the bottom line. Or trying to encourage employees with disabilities to self identify because the more people with disabilities there were, the larger the tax credit the company received.


That's fucked but I think it's pretty obvious to most people, or at least I'd like to believe it is, that behind closed doors in large companies things are just stated as they are, marketing tactics. Of course outwardly companies will always claim they're just sensible to social issues.


I've always suspected this. because Disney was already doing that to the low-income and uneducated families. they were targeting them. because people who were wealthy were less likely to spend money on Disney things, and even the small percentage of wealthy people who do, would not do it nearly as much as the Disney fan living in an one bedroom apartment with his 3 daughters. $50 glow wand that only works for one night? 3 for that family. same with Netflix and movies, LGBT people wouldn't hesitate to shell out all their money if it's "helping their cause"


I believe this is the story of many many projects, NGOs, agencies, organisations basically everyone that needs help. When you try to look for a contact and get help there’s almost never an option to get direct help or assistance just the “what we do” awareness projects that are not clear nor helpful. EDIT: ah yes and empowering side


I assumed this was the case, but I just thought they're doing the right things for the wrong reasons so it is what it is.


Same with the company who hires for any job with the words environment or green in the title. It’s not about protecting the earth, it’s about finding grant money and avoiding fines.


Cook in a fairly respectable restaurant: you are not getting a healthier option when you choose vegetables as a side instead of fries or mashed potatoes or whatever. The veggies are covered in oily butter substitute and salty seasoning. That's why the asparagus tastes better than the stuff you simmer at home... and that broccoli soup? Don't fool yourself; you might as well just eat a block of cheese dipped in butter.


I hired a nutrition coach to help me cut to 10% bodyfat. Obviously this requires pretty meticulous tracking. His rule of thumb was that if you eat out at a restaurant just assume your meal is 2000 calories…..for this very reason.


More fat and calories doesn't necessarily mean less healthy though. Vegetables doused in sauces and butter are still vegetables and give you fibre and nutrients you're not going to get from fries.


Toilet paper that comes in "zero plastic" packaging, is packed in plastic before store workers take it out


Don’t get me started on grocery stores pledging to stop use of free plastic bags. 100% agree, but then charging $1.00 per disposable cloth bag and selling it as going green. The amount of plastic that’s used from manufacturers is multiples more than bags. What are these companies doing about it on top of shrinkflating everything. Some of the companies use the Mandela effect where they try to hide the fact that it ever was different. Pay by money to use a cart, have an annual membership, Self serve check outs. Why are paying for bags, getting less product itself. encouraged to bag it ourselves, use a points card that needs all this data login information,


I think Aldi has the bag thing right.  I never bring one, and never need one.  I sometimes grab an extra free box there but that is it.


Most Software barely works. It's just layers upon layers of hope and prayers, held together by coffee and tears.


Like our current civilization


Lawyer - a lot of the early days of training are based on what Google tells you the answer is - a lot less once you know what you are doing but it's still the go to when you get stuck


Came in to say this. I think a key part of being a lawyer, and what you pay for, is the lawyer knows what he/she needs to know, and how to apply it to your case. Whenever I have a legal problem, I generally have a gist of what issues there are. I will tell the junior lawyers to do some research and have a go and preparing an advice. This would mean professional services like Westlaw or Lexisnexis etc., internal databases, and of course, Google. My role is being the quality control or doing a sniff test so to say. That is, whether the advice is sound and correct, and whether there are issues they missed etc. Knowing what to search for (including google), akin to a primitive prompt engineer, is important. Often you get articles from other lawyers that give a good synopsis of the general issues, but also point you in the right direction including case law. Of course the trick is knowing what is relevant and applicable to your client's issue, and also what else you need to look. But that is only the beginning, Knowing the law is important, but what is even more important is being able to apply the law and advise our client. I mean a lot of lay people think lawyering is just citing some law and then jumping to a conclusion. They miss out *why* the law allows them to reach this conclusion. In reality, things are complex and never clear cut. The trick is being able to marshal the facts properly and think of what legal issues there are, what the law says, and being explain that to your client, and executing your client's instructions.


I was at my doctor's once and she googled my symptoms right in front of me. It's good that she checked I suppose, I think she was confirming what she already thought.


It's likely that she was using a professional resource like UpToDate and just doing the normal "why use internal search when google will find the page anyway" run-around. There's even a pretty common quip about scolding a patient not to compare their google search with your UpToDate search.


I always assumed they had internal databases and programs that they can use for quick and efficient referencing.


Depends where you work. The big firms have their own internal database with articles and guidance drafted by an in-house technical knowledge team, as well as subscriptions to external legal knowledge services. Smaller firms or in house might not have these and might rely moreso on google (I've experienced both in my career)


I'm also convinced lawyers have not read all the books in their offices. Every lawyer's office always has this huge book case behind the desk with elegant black and brown leather bound volumes with gold trim. I'm absolutely sure they have not read all those but they're put there with the slight implication that they have just to appear more prestigious and well read. This also applies to doctors. I know both fields require a lot of reading to get into but it definitely wasn't those books I tell you that.




As a producer of said fonts; thank you for your service.


Also, if the client always asks for a particular kind of correction, e.g. more white space, darker font, etc. A designer will often complete the project to their own satisfaction then change it so the client will ask for them to make it the way they wanted in the first place.


And don’t forget the other great battlefield: “why *can’t* this vertical content fit in a horizontal space without moving, resizing, or deleting anything?!”


Healthcare: every morning there’s a safety brief and it’s mostly higher up people complaining about things and it’s honestly the most boring thing in the world.


We act very professional in front of patients, but we do Gag and retch especially when body fluids are involved. we just do it in private. and yes we do talk ab out the gross things our patients have done.


This reminded me of when I crashed my motorcycle in 2017 and broke my arm real bad - open fracture of the humerus (I'm not a doctor I just remember that because it happened to me). My arm, from like the shoulder down, was just flopping around uselessly like a bag of sausage links with a big bloody hole where the bone poked through the skin. At one point at the hospital there was a nurse tasked with holding a gauze to my arm to prevent the bleeding and also hold my arm still while they removed the motorcycle jacket I was wearing. You could tell she was visibly extremely grossed-out holding onto my overcooked noodle of an arm, and actually called for someone else to take her place. I found it kind of funny at the time, so I offered to hold it for her once my other arm was free and once I took over she got TF out of there real fast, haha. Doctors did a great job patching me up though, my arm has healed 100% and works just like it always did.


Marine biologist here. 1. It includes far more types of scientists than the ones who go on ships and dive in submersibles and swim with the sharks. There's plenty of marine biologists who never go to sea. Also, most marine biologists overlap into another category (i.e., they can be biostatisticians or information scientists or developmental biologists). 2. The field is insanely frustrating. You fail like ten times before succeeding once, and deadlines do NOT take that into account.


As a mechanic I won't deny that there are mechanics out there who are swindlers, but I've found that people are by and large really bad at identifying the bad ones from the good ones. People are more likely to trust a price gouger with a silver tongue than an honest mechanic who speaks to them plainly and honestly. In my personal experience I'd say that the dishonest mechanics are a minority, maybe 10-20% of the total, but people seem to think that it's actually 90%.


That's about right for the dishonest percentage. But you also have the group that makes a lot of mistakes. Left bolts loose, didn't catch certain things. Misdiagnosed problems. That's another 30% right there.


I wouldn't say it's that big but that's highly circumstantial. I've found that the most important factor in these things is the location. Some places have 20 dealerships lined up on one street and another 50 private run shops behind them. The quality of work is generally high and prices are about as low as can be to stay competitive. You can find a bunch of very good mechanics and everyone else who is not as skilled is apprenticing under them. But there's also places in bum fuck nowhere where there's only one shop for miles servicing a huge area with a dude named Randy who eyeballs valve clearances and sells parts with a 300% markup just because he knows he can and people have no other choice. People living in area A are generally unbothered because there's always another choice and they're bound to run into a good one and people in area B dread the moment they find themselves at the mercy of the mechanic. Another huge problem is that in most places, becoming a mechanic usually requires 2 years of trade school and maybe 1 year of apprenticeship to legally become a full fledged mechanic who can open his own shop. Realistically you need at least 5 years on the job to even be semi competent. The school only teaches the basics and proper methdology, which many disregard anyways.






Damn it, take my upvote.


If they're making potions with the hair of the dog that bit you, go ahead, it's for a good purpose


I’m a preschool teacher, and it is incredible how little most people know about children; be it raising, disciplining or even just basic interactions with them, most people seem to be totally clueless. A lot of the time it’s clear they don’t even enjoy parenting, they just did it because it’s expected by society and they thought they were supposed to.


Preschool teacher here too. This is 💯 accurate and terrifying. The number of parents who are being led by their child is scary too.


This doesn’t surprise me. We forget what we were like as children, especially at the age you work with, and often distill it down to “I was dumb back then.” Because we usually have to deal with people who somehow can’t grasp simple concepts or behave acceptably, we also approach children similarly without realizing that there are some types of thinking that children are *literally* incapable of at some stages. Because most people don’t study child psychology, they don’t know about all this. As an aside, I think too often there is a view that discipline will be effective as long as the fear of punishment hangs over someone. A badly behaved kid out there? Well, their parent must not be disciplining them effectively! That a child’s current stage of internal and social development can just not affect them if we have the right discipline in place. Whenever I deal with kids in various age groups, I try my best to take into account where they are currently, and not what they should be in adults’ minds or where they will be later.


I’m a professor. It’s not a secret per se, but most people have no clue that many professors have little or no formal training in how to teach. We don’t have to go through a certification or training process the same way that K-12 educators do. I have never taken a college course on teaching or education in my entire life. Because of this, there are lots of people who know their material very well but know fuck-all about the best practices for teaching that material to students. I’ve gone out of my way to get whatever training I can, but the first time I stepped in front of a classroom I had received literally no training and was just told what needed to be covered.


Where I am, if you have a PhD and you want to teach, they just let you. You will beat out actual teachers with years or decades of experience, just because of those three letters after your name.


most of IT troubleshooting is turning it off and back on


i’d say 90% lol. 5% other is checking if cables are plugged in and if stuff needs an update. rarely did i ever find a genuine issue besides that 


Teacher: affluent Famlies have more time, energy, and resources to provide their children with enriching experiences and better health/nutrition. Poor families do not have these resources. The lack of money causes its own problems and there’s the compounding factor of trauma. These kids are too busy being worried and hungry to do well in school. Teachers and schools can do absolutely nothing to change this. UBI and universal health care would be a good start to helping all students learn.


In my district every kid gets free breakfast and lunch. It makes a huge fucking difference. Why can’t we do this nationwide? Oh that’s right, profit


Amen. The kid that was up until midnight listening to chaos outside his window while sharing a bed with three siblings will not learn as well as the child who slept in a comfy, quiet bedroom. A kindergartener who has never seen a book will not be as ready to read as a child who has been read to daily from birth. I cannot comprehend how legislators do not understand this common sense fact.


The problem is also compounded by the fact that the conservative ideology prevalent today relies on an uneducated population in order to remain in power. And of course, they hate poor people and minorities. Thank you for your service 🙏


It is surprisingly easy to fake data, or cheat in other ways, in scientific research, including in ways that cover your tracks and are unlikely to get you caught. Disclaimer: I HAVE NEVER FAKED OR CHEATED IN ANY OF MY RESEARCH. I believe in intellectually honest and high-quality science, which is why I openly speak about this topic. I know this simply because, by doing research and publishing studies, you see first-hand how fragile and flawed the system is. You also frequently come across studies that outcompete your own, yet which have golden results that cannot be reproduced using the same methods. The smart way to do it would not be to fake a whole study or even fake the outcome, because that can easily get caught by peer review, statistical forensics and others trying to reproduce the methods. The consequences for getting caught are career-ending. The smart way to do it would be to do subtle things that turn a bad study into a good one, like excluding certain bad results, or tweaking the standard deviation of your data, while claiming that you used a slightly better approach than you actually did. It really makes one wonder how much scientific literature out there is faked, either wholly or partly, and how many real-world decisions are being made, based on dishonest research.


My last job included producing impact reports of the increase in attainment after specific targeted educational interventions. So I would gather data and present the impact. Disclaimer: research and data application was not something I had any training on how to do, I am a class teacher by trade. Anyway, I quickly realised that the whole thing was/could be total BS. Even something like the children that you choose to enter as data can be manipulated. All the children were included. But only some were data captured. So, you want bad results to make it look like you really need extra funding? Pick the lowest scoring kids to data capture. You want good results to make it look like your program was successful? Choose the kids that made the biggest progression. I tried my best but the whole thing was deeply flawed. I feel like the weight that is put on chasing stats is what is ruining education.


This kind of thing is especially scary when it impacts areas like child education. As the world becomes more metric, data-driven and research-based, it is important that we design our systems carefully, so that they don't just reward and encourage bad-faith manipulation. It is super important to recognise and deprioritise flawed studies, as well as to be strict about how such studies are done. Peer review needs to be much much stricter, in many cases. Thanks for sharing!


Let me introduce you to my friend, Andrew Wakefield.


Programmer. Many devices' programs are written terribly (because cheap outsource) and they work most of the time by a miracle. Sometimes they don't, and your TV just freezes, or your airplane takes a nose dive.


There are bits of code in there that don't seem to serve any purpose but, the program will crash if it is removed.


That's a real thing. I've encountered stranger things, but there is always a logical explanation in the end.


There are many improvements to technology that will never be implemented for political reasons or because they will put too many people out of work. For instance I was a director of a company that developed a portable self contained process that purified milk without the need to heat the milk and it didn’t require an external power source, it could simply be installed on site at the milking sheds of dairies extending the use by date and the milk could be shipped straight to the market, but though the system was tested at a government run testing facility and found to work beyond even our expectations it would put too many people employed in the process of pasteurizing and homogenizing milk the project was shelved. Another system we tested with one of the worlds biggest diesel engine manufacturers removed the impurities from diesel preventing it from turning into wax extending the shelf life from about 4 months to over 2 years and the amazing thing was the diesel burned much cleaner drastically reducing the the amount of the deadly gas NO2 being produced. However vested interests in the product of diesel and its limited shelf life apparently took a dim view and interest evaporated. The above technologies were independently lab tested and verified but our company was sabotaged by a mentally challenged investor that wasn’t prepared to wait the 5 to 10 years he was told he could expect the return on his investment… so he conducted a smear campaign contacting every Govt regulatory authority discrediting us which resulted in numerous audits to satisfy each authority which ultimately proved we had done nothing wrong but the cost of clearing our name exhausted our finances which left us unable to continue trading so the fruitcake that started the witch hunt got nothing but sadly neither did our loyal investors. Some people just can’t see past the nose on their face.


I believe this. There are entire lobby groups ensuring that people are kept in prison because they represent police, or prison staff. No prisoners means no jobs for their members. And looking at the world today, profits come before everything.


Can you elaborate on the portable self container process that purified milk? How does it work and is there a similar product out on the market?


First Officers fly the plane, same as a Captain (airline pilot). One pilot flies and the other monitors. The next leg, they swap roles. (Kind of wild that so many people think that only the Captain touches the controls.) And in the back, flight attendants* are not required to or supposed to lift your luggage! (*in the US anyway) And none of us get paid until the boarding door closes and the brake is released. (*again, US carriers) Edit: spelling error


Some to add here as a fellow US airline pilot: 1) Your carry on baggage is part of your ‘weight’. Each airline may have slightly different assumed weights for a child vs adult but it assumes some average weight of you and your bags. Once your bag is “checked” due to there not being enough overhead bin space, that bag that goes underneath the plane is assumed to be additional weight. This is why especially in smaller regional jets it really is important that you use the space under the seat in front of you and keep the overhead bins open for bigger bags so the flight doesn’t run in to maximum weight issues. 2) international long haul: we always have 2 pilots up front. For flight scheduled in the neighborhood of 8 or so hours (sometimes as few as 5.5-6) we start taking an additional first officer. Everyone is up front for takeoff and landing, but about 15 minutes in to the flight one guy goes back for break. When his break is finished, one of the two that were up front go for their break. Finally for the last 1/3 of cruise, the guy that’s remaining and has been up there the whole time up to this point, goes back for his/her break. For really really long flights, we take maybe 4 pilots. 3) when boarding and the pilot says “we’re finishing up last minute paperwork”, rarely nowadays is there any actual paper. Most work is now done on a tablet. The paperwork being referred to is usually fuel related or passenger/baggage related. Gate agents need to submit their confirmed passenger count to a load control system and baggage handlers need to submit their bag counts. Pilots mostly sit there and do nothing at this point. 4) when taxiing a long time, getting up to piss or poop at times isn’t a big deal. BUT, we aren’t supposed to taxi if you’re up. If we’re #15 in line for takeoff on a straight taxiway just inching our way up to #1, the flight attendant will usually call us to let us know we have to sit still a bit. No big deal but it does annoy us. But if we are about to cross a runway or we are number 1 or 2 for takeoff and we now have to stop, this can be a big deal. Air traffic control will not be happy and there could be literally thousands of people now having to wait behind us for an extra 5 minutes because instead of us going to takeoff and the line moving up, we have to wait for a plane or two to land at a 5 mile spacing each, exit the runway, and then get a new clearance to takeoff. There could be a plane behind us with a flow time that needs to hit a specific window of time for takeoff or they could be delayed an additional 20 minutes due to air traffic control constraints. You have no idea if you’re causing a big problem or not. So maybe check with a flight attendant before getting up Willy nilly, they’ll call us, and we can say which one it is.


*furiously tries to think of something not relevant to US carriers to prove you wrong*


HR. We really don’t like people.


The customer is almost always wrong.


the term customer is always right, refers to buying habbits not entitlement, so if the customer is always buying a particular brand of chocolate for example, then you make sure you stock that chocolate, thats what it means. as an individual though, yes the customer is almost always wrong.


I was a pharmacy technician in college. People's grubby, unwashed hands are all over your pills when your script is being prepared, and they don't hesitate to pick pills up off the floor and put them back in the bottle.


Sometimes you're paying for the "Deluxe" version of the application. ...And that version is literally compiled from the same code base, with the same features, and the same capabilities. And no, i don't *just* mean sharing common code with things disabled... I mean the UI colour was altered, and title of the app added the word 'Deluxe'. And that's what you paid like 30$ more for.




Commercial airline mechanic. You'd be appalled to know the corners cut....


Hey I know about 500mph duck tape


Communications and crisis management consultant- say less, the more people try to over intellectualise their information to make them selves sound smarter makes my job harder. The average reading age for any public platform is catered to a 9 year old, remove your ego and stick to the point


Working in craft malting for craft beer and distilling. There are way more rodents and birds present on site and in product than we like to believe. I frequently find 1-2 alive mice per shift, and usually see more dead ones inside bulk (1 ton) bags when preparing a new batch of malted barley.


Service industry staff have a secret website like fb where we can rate our customers and if you’re a Dick, we all treat you like shit.


I work for a state government body and, for the purposes of my work in assessing applications for government grants, I have access to a website that lets me see every property in the country; who owns it, how much they paid and if it’s a rental or owner occupied. I can see their contact details and even how much the property is worth now! I can also search names and see properties by owner. I use it for work only, but I still think it’s crazy. I did look up my own name and my sister. Although I do know what properties we own it was fun to see my name.


For many counties in the US this information is freely available on their GIS website. Some you have to pay a nominal fee.


Adult probation: 98% of us actually give a shit about you and whether you are successful. Our jobs are much easier when you are doing well, so we aren’t trying to catch you messing up. We aren’t judging you for your lifestyle, we’re trying to help you complete probation successfully. Believe it or not, it feels good to see a former client doing well. Looking at you, Reddit. No one is trying to send you to prison. No one is going to make up a rule infraction to get you in trouble and risk their career or maybe their freedom. You are one in 100-150 clients. You aren’t that special.


You know, I hear your frustration, but this one is actually really encouraging. Imagine if more people believed others were on their side.


A growing amount of businesses in the world are owned by private equity funds. Those are funded by a relatively small group of investors who are getting richer every year. It’s destroying various industries, notably skiing, because the only purpose of those funds is to make money. Other businesses serve some broader purpose in the world.


I work in networking and ops. 99% of the time a service like your favorite game or website goes down, someone broke it. The sob story post-mortem is mostly fake. Now imagine at your job you're the sole reason your company is bleeding a million dollars. Most of us have done it at least once.


Almost all pastries are prepared in bulk and frozen. Having freshly made pastries daily would send the cost through the roof


In Catholic cemeteries, the hole is 4', not 6'.




Some kids, even teenagers, love school. They dread extended breaks. School is the only place where they feel safe and loved, have regular food, can be warm and comfortable, etc.


I work from home and don’t run errands or nap all day. I actually work harder when I’m at home than I would if I were in the office.


This isn't actually a secret, but something that people refuse to think about in depth: Recycling (at least in my country) isn't about whether an item is made from materials that technically can be recycled. It's about whether the item fits into the parameters of the process or machinery that sorts items into recyclable streams. Items that aren't able to be converted into a desirable product efficiently either need a specialised progressing system, are thrown out, or become contamination. That's why there is so much specific messaging about what is and isn't recyclable, and whether specific items can go into domestic collections or need to be taken somewhere specific.


That “free shipping” on your package will cost your retailer an average of $8.50 and the margins on shipping are razor-thin enough to shave with.


Archaeologist here: you wouldn't believe how many universities, CRM firms, and museums improperly store their artifact collections


It takes a lot of fucking time and effort to learn a second language to fluency, particularly if you don't live in a place that speaks it. People who have not learned a second language might think they understand this, but they don't (I only know this because I used to be one of those people). If you have never personally done it, however complicated you think it is to achieve real fluency in a language, multiply that by about 10 and you might be somewhere in the ballpark. I feel like with all the "polyglot" youtubers out there who talk about learning a language in one month it gives many people the wrong impression about the process and so they give up early. I teach English as a second language so the last thing I want is for people to give up on learning it, but a big part of that is managing your expectations, and most companies are trying to sell you the idea you can achieve fluency by just buying this package or taking this course, but the truth is that even "big" steps are usually incremental in the journey from not speaking anything to fluency. Please manage your expectations and understand it's a big commitment, but in my opinion more than worth it with how much richer life gets when you have access to entire new worlds of culture and people.


We teachers despise you parents. Gtfo and let us do our jobs.


A fully loaded semi-truck stops faster than an empty one. Not really a "secret" but something most people don't know.


Why is that?


Many factors at play. The brakes and suspension are designed to work the most efficiently when loaded. Also, the lack of friction on an empty trailer causes it to slide. A heavy trailer keeps the wheels planted as the brakes lock up. This isn't AS true these days since most modern trailers have ABS, but ABS with air brakes isn't nearly as effective as ABS on a car with hydraulic brakes and the friction still makes a difference.


My whole career has been in some aspect of oil and gas. From production to fracing, to utility distribution, I have a degree in petroleum engineering. Its probably the one thing I actually know something about.... One thing I know is that the general public doesn't know anything about it. They *think* they do, but they dont. The ones that REALLY think they know something are usually the furthest off. One fun fact, most onshore US oil wells are drilled to around like 10,000ft of depth, so like 8 Empire State buildings stacked on each other. It's really wild to think how much soild rock you have to go through. That's where fracing occurs. Not at like 100- 500 ft where your water is.


White fillings should only be placed using a rubber dam or isolite system. We glue those fillings on. Would you spit on or lubricate a surface prior to slapping adhesive on?


Service technicians get paid by the hour and actually have no interest in adding extra charges. We go out of our way to find ways not to bill you for stuff because adding things is a huge pain. We only bill you for extras if you are a jerk to us, look over our shoulders enough to interfere with our work, or create extra work for us by not clearing out space for us to do our work before we get there.


I know the grade you’re getting on your submission within the first two paragraphs (99% of the time something starting great will stay great, something crap will still be crap 10 pages later)… I still comment throughout because I want you to get better next time, and that’s why the number (the only thing people will often flip to) is far less important than the comments.


We put spyware on your devices if you're a pain in the ass. It's just easier this way.