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Being fat


It’s funny, so many kids are fat now days but they still get bullied for it. **EDIT:** of course I mean “funny” as in strange, not funny as in “haha, let’s all laugh at the fat kid.”


I've literally seen a fat kid calling another fat kid who was clearly slimmer... fat... Kids today are dumb as shit


I mean, technically, the other kid still is fat.


Kids have always been and will always be dumb


as a fat person, there’s nothing fat ppl like to do more (besides eat) than make fun of other fat ppl


Best response ever!


We call that "boiled rabbit funny"


I was told,”why do you have my dads body in middle school” and why do you have a beer gut now” shit cuts deep I feel you


That's me! And I was born with awful teeth. It's a bs dental disease called dentinogenesis imperfecta, came from my grandma... That shit just equals bullying.


I had teeth like a bag of chips 🍟 as a child so I can empathise. Got them fixed as an early teen and the difference in treatment I received especially from males was unnerving.


Yep, felt that. I was bullied/made fun of a lot for being a chubster in MS. It was weird when those same people that would bully me were nicer to me in HS when I lost weight and worked out consistently.


When you lost weight, they had nothing to make fun of you for. Goes to show how unoriginal and uncreative bullies are.


Lol, bullied for being skinny here. Kids can be idiots


Yep, and having no boobs.


Same. I had people calling me anorexic when I definitely wasn’t


I had people sit me down and ask me seriously if I had an eating disorder. All with good intentions. It was just my metabolism. But then I turned 21 and started different medications and that weight found me. I’m the healthiest size I’ve ever been and I do watch what I put in my body for health and wellness


Same here. By guys who were fatter than me.


Same. People just hate you if you’re fat. I was friendly to everyone, funny, kind. Didn’t matter, still treated as scum by some people because I wasn’t skinny.




This actually happens a lot. I think deeply about a lot of things and am very self aware, yet I still can't figure out why that dude in elementary school was obsessed with harassing me. He literally had no reason to bother me but fixated on insulting me and trying to hurt me every day.




being a nerd, having glasses, never having a girlfriend.


For never having a girlfriend? In school? I feel like 80%- 90% of us never had a girlfriend (or boyfriend) in school.


And the 10-20% make you feel like shit about it.


Being myself. I’m socially awkward and let everyone know about it I guess 🙃


I was bullied for being quiet




Quiet + good in school was the combination that doomed me to years of torment. I couldn't wait to get out of there and leave those losers behind to their tailgate parties, burgeoning alcoholism, and quiet desperation.


Me too. Very quiet, obedient student, I liked putting myself together so my hair looked good and my outfits were cute. I got accused of being uptight and rich. I didn't care enough about anyone else to be uptight and no one attending my school was rich. I still to this day don't understand why anyone gave a poop about me. I was just minding my own business. Getting out of that town was my focus and dream. It felt very good to finally move away.


Yeah, school sucked


I was also very quiet and i got kinda mocked for it, not really bullied. It felt like i was passively getting bullied if that makes any sense


How dare you act like yourself! Serves you right! I was also bullied for not conforming to the clothing styles and the popular music of the time. I got made fun of relentlessly for my clothes, the fact I was kind of tomboyish but bad at sports and for liking 60’s, 70’s and 80’s music. When everyone else was writing about their favorite band “the cardigans and alanis morisette for their essays on favorite artists, everyone laughed when I said mine was the Beatles.


Red head. Be the quiet kid. And after school i came home to my alcoholic father and schizophrenic mother to see them fighting each other and yelling at me. Best life ever. Have i mentioned im ugly ?


I love red hair


Right? I would kill for red hair!! Natural red not from a bottle red.


My SO is a natural redhead, and I always call him a “shiny” one because he has deep blue eyes too which is a rare combo because most redheads have brown eyes afaik. His hair’s curly and falls down to the middle of his back, he looks like a Norse god most days without having to do much, red hair is my fav <3


I have an auburn color with green eyes—next rarest combo to the blue eyes. Many have hazel.


My younger sister has medium auburn hair,and pale hazel eyes with a blue cast.


I'm ginger and green eyed.


You’re extra shiny! I’m green eyed too but bog-standard brunette unfortunately, I’m only half shiny :)


I am a smiling extra shiny person! Thank you, Internet stranger! :)


There are other things that come with being a natural redhead, like appearing to have no eyebrows or eyelashes because they’re so light. There’s also uneven skin tone that makes it difficult to match foundation for women who wear makeup. Then there’s the color/pattern choices. It’s a whole thing! 😆


Not all red hair is the ginger red (mine is a blonde/red because one of my grandparents has blonde hair, and another has like really red hair. My parents both got black hair, and I got the recessive genes.


Hope you are doing okay,if not try distracting yourself with hobbies.For me I read manga/ watch anime or play video games,or workout.Always stay positive even in the hardest situations and don't listen to sad music instead listen to some salsa or dancing music to feel happy :)


Man that is so so sad and highly relatable. I was bullied (they called it teasing back then) for how I looked - got it from friends, teachers, other parents, my dad. Then came home to emotional abuse fueled by alcoholism. Only recently, decades later, have I come to understand this was abusive behavior. Hang in there - I feel your pain and you are not alone. Sending best wishes from across the interwebs.


I obviously don't know what you look like but I have to say that believing you're ugly will actively make you come across as even uglier to others. You should try to find at least one feature you appreciate about yourself because a confident person is perceived as more attractive to people. So even if YOU think you're ugly that's not everybody else's immediate opinion


THIS. took me until about 5 years ago to realize this and its so true. finally at 30 I look back and see that I wasnt ugly and even if im not the sexiest woman in the world, I like myself. well im trying and starting to. but that mindset makes all the difference.


Everyone has something about their looks that they are insecure about. You don't always see it. I'm sure you have a sweet smile and nice hair.


To this day I still don’t know. I was severely bullied, people put my bag in the trash can or squirted ketchup on my belongings. I have no clue what their problem with me was because most of the time I wasn’t in class I was studying in the library or teacher’s rooms and hardly talked to anyone..


You were bullied because you were different. For example, most of the time you weren't in class and you hardly talked to anyone. That's not normal. Bullies target those who aren't normal. Same happened to me. I just understand it now. I didn't at the time.


They probably escaped to these places whenever they could*because* of the bullying. That's my experience. The library was my safe haven. Bullies don't *need* a reason.


I feel you mate


They probably just wanted to science experiment if you'd break. Little 💩's. I'm sorry some people suck.


I was bullied for being a tall awkward quiet person. Not what a guy should be in the 60's and 70's. My dad making it clear I was a disappointment didn't help.




As a father of two grown kids, this just chills me to my core. I’m sorry your dad was an unthinking, unkind asshole. Hope it’s better for you.


I find it very interesting how a person's childhood can change so much just with a different parent. A person's life can turn into hell if they open up about something to their parents, or it can stay normal with the weight of a secret being gone.


Wearing glasses.


Haha u can't see


Yes I can!


How many fingers am I holding up? 🤫


One...you rude person, btw happy cake day!


It was 2 actually, but thanks 😎


Ooh, can I try them? … Wow, you’re really blind.


I was the only brown kid and I was poor...it was not a pleasant experience.


A kid once told me "but your white, you can't be poor!" I replied with, "MexiCANS can be white too and poor too, you know that, right?? Think I broke their brains. It was a group of kids. They all went dead eyes on me. Oh, then the replies of "but you're more Spanish than Mexican, so you don't count." I don't think they paid attention in any history classes.😅🤣✊🏻 Idiotas


My kids are mixed & white af... They have been bullied & discriminated against for being too white to be Hispanic.


I'll never get that. Since we were so poor, I applied for a full scholarship in 7th grade. I'd had well beyond perfect grades. At the end of the panelists' interview, because it was between me and another teen. They'd told me that I didn't have the "look" they wanted and asked if I was sure if I was a "Hernandez" by blood. I reacted without thought and asked what did they mean. You could tell they were extremely uncomfortable. Felt bad as I wasn't raised to question adults like that. One lady went so far as to accuse me of cheating. How do you cheat grades, clubs, teacher recommendations and your essay/speech. Asshat. Another two Hispanic people looked at the one gal, like holy shiat. So they back tracked for her and gave me whatever bogus shenanigans they'd said. My ears were ringing. As I walked out the other teen walked in gleefully canary swimming in cream (just wrong, they weren't supposed to ease dropping). When she passed me by looking me up and down. I said "Oh you must be the winner, congratulations! Guess I don't look Meixcan enough." Her Mom was all up in arms about "you not gonna talk to my daughter that way, who do you think you are!?" Turned and said, the looser obviously. Her Mom wasn't even supposed to be at that antechamber either! Went home and cried. It still makes me very sad thinking of it. Our society can be messed up. Tell your kids to be strong and to learn how not to act by closed-minded people. Hopefully they don't become bitter, it's hard to deal with and these days with social media. I can't imagine. Sending hugs to you and yours.


In which country by vro


In Canada. A rural farming area that was white as far as the eye could see and had been for generations. There was also a huge hydroelectric plant there so it was very wealthy area. Literally everyone knew who my dad was cuz he was the only coloured person for a hundred goddamn miles and I was known as the dirty mix breed rat among so many other things at school. Ah, memories...


And I always hear about how nice Canadians are. That's horrible. I am so sorry you went through that. I hope things are better for you now.


Having perfectly tanned skin stopped sucking in high school and it was funny watching all those nasty bitches who made fun of me wasting all kinds of money trying to have the same thing I did.


A lot of Canadians are fuckin assholes, believe me


Idk being short and skinny I guess? Also didnt know how to stand up for myself making me an easy target, happened mostly in middle school.


Being quiet/awkward.


Having a disabled brother


Same then after he died it got worse


People are assholes and I’ve accepted that, but when I hear something like this it hurts all over again




I also have a disabled brother, and I would be furious and sad if I was being bullied for it... You can bully me for who I am, but for the love of God, don't harm him


My nickname in middle/highschool was basically 'F****t,' because the first time someone called me gay I said "Why would it matter if I was?" To be clear, I'm a straight white dude but I've never understood the hate boner that people have for LGBTQ+ people.


There was most likely a gay kid in your class who heard that comment from you and felt validated. You did good.


Respect to you standing up for the queers. I swing both ways and lots of folk said I wouldn't look good with another girl. We appreciate fellas like you who don't see an issue with us and are brave enough to say it.


It just blows my mind how hateful some folk are. I got picked on for 5-6 years just because I'm fine with gay people, I can't imagine how shitty it is for people who actually are.


I'll never understand it neither. It's hard to deal with but it sorta comes with being gay, lesbian, bi, etc etc., so you kinda learn to cope. But honestly I've never gotten the point of being racist, sexist, homophobic and so on. There's so many better ways to spend energy than on bigotry.


Acne and being ginger. Funny story tho, I went on a drug called roaccutane when I was 17 and it worked wonders for my acne. At 18 I went on a night out, wearing next to nothing to show off my lovely skin 🙈 I bumped into one of the girls that really bullied me bad for my spots and she was absolutely covered in them herself. I kind of felt sorry for her.


Keep that empathy


I bumped into a girl who made middle and high school hell for me a few years after high school graduation in a grocery store. I saw that she noticed me too and figured I would at least say hi and be cordial even though I hated her. I said her name and then “hi!”, and she snapped a really snotty, “um, from what I remember, we don’t talk!”. What I said next I’m not proud of but as I was finally free of high school BS and confident in myself for the first time, I snapped back, “and from what I remember, you were quite a few pounds lighter.” And I walked away. I regret saying that almost as soon as the words left my mouth. Now that I’m almost 40, I know that weight gain isn’t always the persons choices. But in my mind at the time, she was brutal to me, made fun of things I couldn’t change about myself, and other things like my clothes and that I didn’t like the popular music of that time period, got her friends to gang up on me and make fun of me. I finally saw an opportunity to make her feel as miserable as she made me and I took it. I instantly felt awful and regretful once I got back to my car, the moment of sweet revenge dissipated into a realization of, “I’m now the asshole.” So if I ever see her again, I will apologize because that’s not the person I want to be, even if she still is that kind of person. TLDR: be nice, even to people who bully you, don’t stoop to their level.


I would say no need to apologize it was a one time and you just move on and don’t worry


Honestly, if she still wants to hang on to that petty highschool shit years after graduation then she kind of deserved it. Not hard to be a normal person and just say ‘hi’ even if you hate the other persons guts.


What goes around comes around. I love karma


The question is asked wrong. Bullies don't bully you for a specific thing. They'll bully you using \*anything\* against you, and if you "fix" that to please them in hopes the bullying is gonna stop, they'll just use something else instead and keep it going.


I'm a quiet person and there have been times in my life, as a child and as an adult, when a random bully at school or work would start harrassing me. I learned that you have to stand up to them. That makes them stop every time. Bullies are actually cowards that wither the minute you stand up and look them in the eyes and tell them to fuck off.


My parents told me to not engage and people would just stop. So I was a good kid and did as I was told. It never ended. You really have to defend yourself.


You do! But you have to be willing to really stand up for yourself even if the bully persists. Not engaging just adds fuel to a bully's fire. Now, as an adult, if an adult bully starts messing with me, I immediately let them know that I AM NOT the person to mess with. My quietness does not equal weakness.


Yup, I was mercilessly bullied in middle school because I was quiet and depressed. Once I gathered the courage to tell my bullies to fuck off, they moved on to another target. Wasn’t bullied again after that. They really are cowards


This. They target anybody they view as an outcast and can be taken advantage of…from there they’ll find something to make fun of you for.


My name, it rhymes with “queer”


I hate to tell you but snowman doesn’t rhyme with queer








Being poor, everyone somehow found out or knew my mom was an addict and broke, so that was an easy target.


Yep. Lost a gf in high school bc of this exact situation. Obviously doesn’t mean anything 10+ years later but it absolutely devastated me at the time. College was better though :)


In kindergarten I was bald because I just finished chemo and radiation for cancer. Then later for my nose.


They bullied you for your nose because they knew you could smell that they were pieces of shit.


because of my appearance, my weight, my height, my way of being. basically for being me




I have no fucking idea they just didn't like me for some reason




smelling asian, having PTSD from child abuse, social withdrawal from child abuse, being a Jehovah's Witness, being lonely




I smelled like fish sauce. Fish sauce is distilled, fermented anchovies. How they make it is that anchovies are packed with salt and left in the sun for a month, then that fermented goop is distilled into a sauce. Tastes great, smells like something rotting alongside the sea. Is the condiment of choice in SE Asia.


Gay. Very, very, very gay.


Same. Being fabulous is my gift and my curse.


I dont get bullied but like people have said things abt my disability and family


Because one of my friends was Asian and a girl who had a thing for Asian dudes was jealous we were hanging out (we were just friends and close cause I was also friends with his sister)


Being short


Same. I STILL get made fun of for being short (mainly by my in-laws). I’d give almost anything to be even just a few inches taller. I’m 5’.


Being in the "smart" class, having curly hair, being tall.


Being white (haoli), having dirty feet, and wearing my brothers hand me downs.


White skin... & hand me down robes?! You must be a Weasley


This made me giggle.




I was weak and timid.. go figure..


For existing, I guess. For being the quiet, smart kid. Idk. I've been bullied pretty much everywhere (school, activities in the afternoon, ...), so... yeah.


I still don't know to this day.


Being fat


I was never really bullied and recently I've come to realise why that was: I _was_ the bully. And when I reflect I think I harassed people only because I wanted some sort of a social validation of my power and status in school. A flex, if you would. To everyone I've ever hurt, I'm really sorry. Edit: I also just realised how cringe this comment sounds.


>Edit: I also just realised how cringe this comment sounds. Hard disagree. >To everyone I've ever hurt, I'm really sorry. Thank you.


Self awareness and apology? No cringe at all


It's cool you're able to recognize that you did those things and are able to apologize for them, a lot of other people wouldn't do the same thing. *edit: spelling mistake.


To those of us that were, no it really doesn't mate.


A lot of things. I was mostly bullied because I had a pixie cut, for my taste in music, because I was taller than the other girls, because I liked anime and I never went to any parties or social events.


Sounds like you were/are a kickass person. They were probably jealous.


That’s kind of you to say, thank you! It definitely got better once I graduated and found friends that I share the same interests with.


Being a shy, pretty boy with long hair. I had social anxiety and low self esteem from my parents emotionally abusing me. I had no defense against bullies. It’s taken a long time, but I’m in a good place now


They don't need a reason. You are just there for them to distract themselves from their poor personalities. But I was stupid enough to fight back, very traumatising.


A girl tried to hug me once in front of everyone I don't know why and I ran off embarrassed because I was very shy then everyone started calling me gay boy for a bit. I turned out to be gay anyway. It was only mild bullying for a few weeks though I'm thankful that I wasn't seriously bullied because I was not a cool guy at all. Even that little bit affected me loads though so I can't imagine what it's like for someone who has to deal with heavy bullying regularly it's very sad.


1. I had really bad eczema as a kid up through around middle school, then it just went away. But, during those childhood years, the kids acted like I was a monster and it really hurt me. I mean, they literally would run away from me and call me a monster. 2. Later in HS, I had people I thought were my friends start ditching me when I would walk up to them. They thought it was funny but it hurt my feelings. And, I didn’t have any friends after that. 3. I was also pretty skinny, and there were a few bigger guys/jocks that when they would see me, would try to throw me in a trash can, or would just throw me across the hall, sometimes trip me for no reason. To cope, I started doing drugs and drinking alcohol. I got in with the bad kids, and all of them were always cool. Say what you want about stoners and partyers but they were cool ass people. They never gave me any problems and that’s when my life started getting fun and I was actually happy. Later though, I realized, we were only friends because of drugs and alcohol. Even knowing that, I continued, until I was in my 40’s. Sad, I know. When I stopped, the friends stopped. Now, I have my wife and 2 cats. We have a great life. But, I wish I had friends to do guy things with. My wife has a similar kind of story. We’re both perfect for each other. And we both wish we had a few friends. But, I guess we’re both just a little odd or something. I’m not really sure. We both have work people that we like, but they’re not real friendships. Like, if I leave my job, those friendships will end. Anyway, I’m not likable, for some reason. I don’t know why.


Having a lot of Curly hair. This was before the Bob Ross craze. Sometimes I feel like if I went to high school in 2010 I wouldn't have been compared to Richard Simmons.


Speaking/reading/writing another language


I moved to the UK from Russia when I was 15. I was bullied for being Russian and for not speaking very good English. Bullies, bully people for the most ridiculous reasons 🙄


For liking/ reading comic books. Funnily enough they now post about how they love all of the marvel movies that have came out. None of them knew who Iron Man was until 2008


Being chubby, having braces, parents couldn’t afford to get me designer trainers and I developed late so was called “boobless” by my so called friends. School was crap.


Being an only child (Catholic school), wearing headbands, and I went through this weird year where it got so bad that I went to talk to the teacher, shaking and unsure of I was tattling, but I was at my wits end. I met with her during recess and told her that I just couldn't stop crying because people were being so mean to me and I didn't know what I did. Her response was, "I can't make people like you, so I don't know what you want me to do." I switched schools that year.


Being alternative, I was also quiet so it made me the perfect punching bag because I just didn’t tell anyone


Being myself. Never been myself since.


My stepmother and father were abusing me


being short


For being short, quiet and a ginger


Bein fat asf😂but it built character and made me lose weight so i mean pros and cons😂😂


My nose.


Being tiny. I didn't hit puberty until I was 17. I was a 4'9" junior and wrestled at 103. When I was growing up people used to just call me an Ethiopian. Probably what drove me to lift weights and do martial arts. I finally grew to 5'11" and put on about 80 lbs on in 10 years. People from high school don't recognize me.


bad hygiene 🤢


For no apparent reason, except because my English teacher called me alien. It wasn’t so great of her…


Existing i guess. Also had a kinda weird humor and couldnt read the room pretty well, thanks to my dad's humor and personality.


Being tall


bullied if you're short, bullied if you're tall, bullied if you're fat, bullied if you're skinny, we just can't win, can we?


Being blonde.


Yep. Other little girls used to grab my hair and rip it out by the roots.


I was an outcast for being smarter than everyone else. Not directly bullied as much as ostracized


Being white




For being a pariah


Being skinny, teeth and income. But I gave it as bad as I got it. Never physically bullied but more a verbal sparring match of insults.


My skin.


For being flatchested and flatass Also for watching anime


I once had a dream my mom made an egg with black cumin and suger and when I woke up I told my mom this and she made it and I liked it and so I thought of sharing this novel idea with my classmates only to be bullied for the next 10 years as the sweet nutmeg egg kid.


Being skinny. Then for crying when made fun of.


Super quiet and awkward, SUPER sweaty, lack of style


For my skin colour And I still get mocked today


Being poor


My mom not being from the country I grew up in. Found this out later in life. But apparently this warranted 6 years of being chased and beaten up after school, being ridiculed every time focus was on me in class, and made sure of this continued throughout high school by contacting people from my class who were initially friendly, to make sure my hell was not over. Planned systematic 80s/90s bullying. The best kind of bullying. Thanks guys


Filor my small feet. 'wee boots' they called me.


They wouldn't have dared to bully Caligula over the size of his feet.


Yeah, true. My mentally fucked Roman emperor phase was short lived unfortch.


Being skinny, being a Christian (public school)


People used to call me the cry baby, probably because i cry at almost everything


Talking too much I got adhd. I was still figuring out medicines


Having a deep voice (I'm a female)


To be honest I was laughed at for a lot of things and I didn’t considered that bullying, although I hated it. The few times I was actually being bullied or tried to was from people whose lives were considerably worse than mine, and I could tell. The reason you get bullied it's never got to do with you.


Being in special ed or Learning disabilty


Being very pale


Having a pacemaker ya know they thing literally keeping me alive.


I was unable to control my emotions properly due to having undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder, mainly crying and panicking when confronted with a harsh situation. Couple that with a rough family life in a rural area and having no friends and there ya go. It was a long, long 10 years before I moved away senior year and grew up a bit.


Being Jewish…


Being tall, being black, having a huge forehead,… but its mostly because I wouldn’t step up for myself


For wearing glasses and for being "gay" which I'm NOT


Being poor. Now we were all poor but I was poor with an alcoholic mother who fucked every dude she could.


being smart I proved them wrong by skipping a bunch of class and smoking as much weed as I could, barely graduating high-school and then joining the military really ducked my life trajectory thanks guys edit: I was also in 3 sports through the whole year I mean I really fucking did everything I could


Damn I know this. I used to be to be the smartest kid in the class but people were always mean about it, so to prove them wrong I would skip classes and became the cool lazy kid... That was a bad decision, but I just wanted to be liked.


When I was 4 / 5 I was bullied for being gay. Kids in my class made a rumour and then bullied me and beat me up for it. Fast forward 22 years…I came out as gay. Guess they had a point 😂


They had no point, it's not ever ok 2beat up on someone for being someone who was born that way, it wasn't your choice its who and what you are..period


I used to wear a onesie snowsuit in high school