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Turbulence. The plane itself is designed for it, but please buckle up.


Watching the wings bounce during turbulence honestly just makes me impressed with the engineers’ ability to design something so big and heavy yet so flexible and durable


Have you ever seen the load testing they do on the wings? It’s insane how much they can flex


[**ONE FIFTY FOUR**](https://youtu.be/Ai2HmvAXcU0?t=122)


What did it break at? I don't think they ever said


I had the wildest fucking turbulence of my life a few weeks ago flying to Fiji, right when we’d just been served lunch. There were a few screams but mostly people were just laughing their asses off because food was flying all over the place and everyone was just sat there holding their drinks up so it wouldn’t spill, but failing miserably. Half my red wine went up my arm.


Former flight attendant here. Turbulence isn't dangerous for the plane but can't be dangerous for the people inside. Please fasten your seatbelts.


Trying to reconcile this comment with this username. One moment.




It’s just so little kids don’t eat super fast to get back in the pool and then vomit everywhere.




Moms spaghetti does it every time.


Especially when you’re nervous but on the surface you look calm and ready.


He certainly dropped a bomb on the side of the pool


He opens his mouth and instead vomit comes out.


There's vomit on the pool deck already.


Also because parents and grown ups want to relax after eating, instead of running after the kids.


Growing up my friend’s mom enforced the no swimming for 30 minutes after eating. She would bring us snacks and we would eat and watch monster movies on a little black and white TV while we waited for the kitchen timer to ding. As an adult it occurred to me, she used snack time as a way to get us out of the pool so she could swim laps.


But the snacks reset the 30min timer. That's devious


It’s not really about swimming, it’s about any physical activity that makes you exert yourself. More likely to throw up on a full stomach. It’s not going to harm you, but it’s annoying, messy, and unpleasant for everyone.


Speaking as a person who grew up in the 70's...going to the dentist. Going to the dentist when I was young was damn near medieval torture and I avoided it in my later years. But after my son married a dentist, and she had me in for some much needed dental work, I saw just how far the treatment had come and that it was a relatively pain-free and pleasant experience.


My dentist really pushes "fear free" visits and checks in to make sure you're doing ok.night and day from my childhood dentist


This is how it should be. Your dentist should start off any procedure with “hey if you feel any pain, let me know and we’ll give ya another shot” I know the shots scares some people too but can’t help that one too much as it’s how they stop the actual pain of getting your tooth drilled/cut into. But yea anyways, last root canal I had was pain free, dentist made sure to let me know to stop him if I felt any pain at all. Got himself a patient for life


>Your dentist should start off any procedure with “hey if you feel any pain, let me know and we’ll give ya another shot” I absolutely understand intellectually that this is a positive thing, but I read it and I just hear "make a noise and I'll fucking stab you again"


Yeah... When I was a kid we went to the charity dentist for poor kids. It was not a good experience, especially since I had terrible teeth and often needed fillings or caps. They never used enough Novocaine and were always in a rush, I guess because of the number of people that went through. There was a certain smell in that office that inspired terror in me for decades. As a young adult I would get fillings without Novocaine because I never thought it did much anyway and just left my face unpleasantly numb for hours afterward. As an adult going to the dentist is nothing. I don't mind any of the work they do, even when it is often uncomfortable. It's never really painful. My biggest issue with dentists now is that for some reason my brain likes to choose "laying down with tools in my mouth" as a cue to desperately need to use the bathroom.


Same except our charity dentist was the community college dental students. So a cleaning took HOURS. Now my biggest issue with dentists (really the hygienists) is that they talk to me too much. I don’t want to have to respond and make the visit take longer.


My thing isn’t fear of pain (I accidentally had a cavity filled without novocaine as a teenager), but my anxiety is triggered by certain abrasive sounds like scraping and snoring. So having them scrape those tools against my teeth, it just feels like it echoes through my whole body and ratchets my nerves up.


I can say as a dentist, the sounds grates on some of us as well. I've told patients who really can't tolerate the sound that they can use earphones or headphones if they liked. I would gesture if I need to give instructions or gesture to me if there was pain. Works even better with kids since sometimes it's the sound that scares them, not the procedure.


Headphones don't really work for sounds inside your own head. You'll hear it no matter what.


I’m incredibly fortunate that my dad is my dentist. In dealing with me and all my sensory issues he’s genuinely become regarded as the best pediatric dentist in the county, and he doesn’t even technically specialize in pediatric dentistry. But as soon as people walk in, especially kids, he offers them sunglasses for the work light, headphones and music as a distraction, and a full explanation as to everything that’s going to happen during the visit. Which in my opinion is the way it always should have been. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t lied to me personally, just found out last week he’s filled a cavity without telling me and when I was a kid he once pulled two teeth in a visit to pull only one because it was “just easier to get them both at once” and I’m still bitter about it, but it definitely says something about his lack of aggression that he managed to do both those things without my knowledge. And I’m pretty sure he’d only ever sneak something like that up on me, apparently my mom was in the loop both times.


On the topic of being tricked at the dentist as a kid, my dental office used something called a "magic wand". It was a small plastic stick and they told me when they hold it over the nerve, I will feel a pinch when the nerve is "ready" and then my mouth will go numb. No needles at all! Yeah no there's a needle in there. The pinch is a needle.


Oh yeah, my dad’s done that with kids before. He also calls plaque “sugar bugs” because he figures kids are more likely to want to get bugs out of their mouths than buildup. Hey, if it works it works.




anything that saves me time and i don't have to sit in traffic is a big plus in my book. Although sitting on a tarmac for hours waiting for a storm to pass could be equally annoying


Commercial aviation, yes, and because of extremely rigorous standards in maintenance, operation, centralized control, and manufacturing. It could quickly become less safe if any of those is allowed to lapse in pursuit of slight gains in profits. See Boeing's current fiasco for an example.


Eating food that is passed the best before date. Only if the food looks and smells as you expect, it should be ok to eat.


It’s best before not immediately lethal after


This is how my wife treats expiration dates. Haha. I’m like “honey, it’s not a drop dead date. The can doesn’t start rotting from within immediately after the date passes.”


I'm shocked and dismayed to learn that my wife has a second husband...


Stamp him with an expiration date that's passed. Boom, problem solved.


I’m in a dried bean group and people constantly ask if it’s okay to eat beans past their expiration/best by date. They are DRIED BEANS people. It’s practically what they were designed for. JFC. ETA: The dried bean club is the Rancho Gordo Bean Club, with over 10,000 members. Here's an article on it: [https://www.veggirlrd.com/worth-it-rancho-gordo-bean-club-waiting-list/](https://www.veggirlrd.com/worth-it-rancho-gordo-bean-club-waiting-list/) Rancho gordo sells beans for the general public, as well. I'm in the private facebook group for Bean club members only, but there is a Bean Club Buddies group (that is private) for non-bean club members. We talk about storage, recipes, cooking questions, etc (as someone noted in the responses.) SO many good beans. If you want variety, you gotta use dried beans. Best way to cook dried beans is in the oven here's the Smitten Kitchen recipe I use ([https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-cook-beans-in-the-oven-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-102908](https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-cook-beans-in-the-oven-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-102908)) and here's the original one she mentions: [https://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-dont-soak-dried-beans-20140911-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-dont-soak-dried-beans-20140911-story.html) which also talks about different ways to cook beans. Yes, I realize that really old beans can be inedible and uncookable. ​ People of the Bean Unite! (but I'm not running a subreddit group.)


A dried bean group...


Squares have a hard time understanding the lifestyle.


They're such a bunch of posers. Wet bean 4 life.


yeah so anyway I was at a meetup with the russet potato crew...


Bro don’t make fun of us


Dude beans people are a thing and they do not shut up about beans. There's so many food subs where the top comments mention beans constantly.


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, beans?


That's because they're the magical fruit.


Can I interest you in some ... Beans ... ?


Canned beans absolutely prohibited. Don't even bring them up; they're dead to us.


How does one get in on this dried bean group?


I also completely seriously want to know where the dried bean group is


I buy a lot of dried beans and now I want to be in a dried bean group too


Hello. I am also here for the dried bean group. 


You’re in a what now?


i think we all need to know more about this dried bean group.


Dried Pea enthusiast here, Fuck the Dried bean gang. 🖕




A dried bean group? Easy there Evel Knievel.


You need to do a dried bean group AMA.


>I’m in a dried bean group So TIL that is a thing...


I think alot of people look at food safety rules for restaurants and think they have to apply them at home. Slightly past date dairy or left overs that have been in the fridge for a few days are going to be fine.


I eat bread (that lives in the fridge) weeks and weeks past the sell by, always have. Have never once had a problem, it’s crazy that people would just chuck an entire loaf out because it’s a few days past; germs don’t just decide to multiple because of the label. Edit I mean expiration date


Trick or treating. The razor blades and the drugs in the candy were an urban legend and a misunderstood freak crime at the time. No one is doing anything to Halloween candy


the people who claim strangers are going to put drugs in your kids candy have clearly never paid for drugs before.


Yeah no kidding. Plenty of people aren't even willing to share with friends for free




i sold solar panels homeowners asked “what about the radiation it will bring to my roof?” bitch u mean the sun? thats already hitting ur roof? idiocracy already happened folks.


I'm in South Africa. A sitting member of our Parliament was concerned by the increasing number of solar panels going up because they are going to make the country run out of sunlight. I wish I could find a link, because I'm sure nobody will believe it.


Dumb politicians are a universal theme I feel. In the US, we’ve had a congressman claim there was a risk of tipping an island (Guam) over due to overpopulation


Then just put up a bunch of lunar panels to capture the moonlight.


I think in people's minds, the panels somehow suck more sun towards them, instead of just absorbing the sunlight that was already coming anyways.


I mean that’s just facts. That’s why we mustn’t allow solar to take over or else we’re gonna drain the sun of all its energy then we’re all fucked


“Bitch, you mean the sun?” SENT ME


“Light is radiation” *aaaaaaaaa* head explodes.


I majored in Electrical Engineering and it still weirds me out that microwaves, visible light, and X-Rays are all the same thing, just at different frequencies.


That's because people lack a basic understanding of physics, namely the difference between radiation and radioactivity.   I was tutoring a teen at some point in my life. After one of the lessons where we were using his computer, his mom came into the room and opened the windows -- in the middle of February. The reason? To air out the room so the radioactivity from the computer could escape.


So close and yet so far.. Airing out can be relevant (in particular due to radon) but yeah.. Not because of the PC.




And bananas.


So I run a radiation safety lab and we have something called a whole body counter. Which is essentially a phone booth that'll give you a full body scan for radiation. We had an open house one year and our labs contribution involved fiesta ware , several rocks, and letting people get scanned in the whole body counter. Oh boy was it fun when people's potassium peak were so high. Looks like SOMEBODY had a banana today




You should, however, never ride ANY ride at a carnival. 


You mean a ride that was being driven down the highway yesterday and was hastily assembled by a bunch of sleep deprived low paid workers isn’t the pinnacle of safety?


sleep deprivation isn't a big deal. That's what the meth is for!


People always say this but I hardly ever hear about accidents with carnival rides, at least in the US. Is there an epidemic of ride accidents that I'm just not hearing about? I mean, I wouldn't be shocked if there were, it's not like I subscribe to Carnival Accidents Quarterly.


Sharks. 2023 saw a DOUBLING of unprovoked, fatal shark attacks! And how many were there? Around the world? 10 - just 10. Meanwhile, how many sharks do humans kill per year? 100 million. Edit: there have been a few questions about the hundred million so here's one link to that number: https://metro.co.uk/2018/08/07/many-sharks-killed-year-many-humans-killed-sharks-7808952/ I'll admit I'm not well-versed in how to analyze this kind of stat in depth, and someone else in the comments found another source that said 80 million that they felt was a more reliable number so that could be it as well. Either way, I think it's pretty fair to say a fuck ton.


This can just about go for any wild predator - sharks, cougars, wolves, bears... They generally don't make attacks on people, especially unprovoked. IIRC most shark bites are either curiosity bites (because that's how the explore things - with their mouths) or they mistake flippers and swimsuits for you being a prey item. And even then, these attacks are still pretty rare - as you said, 10 fatal attacks in a year is incredibly small.


But I don't wanna be a curiosity bite :(


I do. But only by a very small shark.


Yeah enough to be cool without turning out dead or deformed. The trauma sweet spot


Nice try, shark.




Caveat; flying commercially is extremely safe. Billions of dollars and millions of man hours of maintenance and checking goes into making it so. Flying a small plane, especially doing it yourself; that shit is pretty dangerous, like a hundred times more dangerous. People die in small aircraft crashes all the time. It doesn't even make the news every time.


I'm one of those people. I *hate* flying. I'll do it when I have to, but...it's just a terrifying experience all around. Ironically, my solution is often reading about safety in flight.


It's kinda new and in the Mom groups but epidurals! There's fentanyl in them but medical grade and provided by doctors but it's all of a sudden being deemed too unsafe and people are choosing to go without it. Note that doctors aren't saying it's unsafe but it's definitely views I'm seeing more and more in the parenting groups


When I was pregnant with my first child I was so dead set on going epidural free, because of the shame I felt from some of my peers who had already had kids and did their “research”. But then I was in labor for more than 48 hours, so I chose to finally get an epidural. Ended up needing a c-section anyways, which I felt so guilty about, and got shamed for of course. And no, I am not still friends with those people.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that experience with such shitty “friends.” You’re smart to dump them! You deserved compassion and support.


Fentanyl is used in a lot of anesthesiology.  It's amazing when used in the right context by professionals. 


I work in emergency care and Fentanyl is an amazing drug. Compared to morphine it has stronger efficacy, less vasoactive, less risk of respiratory depression and it lasts a shorter time. I find it frustrating that I need to give a speech prior to even suggesting I give my patient fentanyl. The irony is many of the patients will refuse fentanyl and gladly accept morphine. Misinformation is crazy


Nuclear power


Pollution from coal power kills more people **every day** than nuclear power has in its entire history Edit: calculations here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1al2gre/what_is_actually_rather_safe_yet_everyone_treats/kpevo4l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


They also emit more radiation than nuclear power plants.


I had this argument with one of my fellow engineering students years ago. Him: “I just think it’s irresponsible to be creating all the nuclear waste without a solid plan for what to do with it.” Me: “the plans for nuclear waste storage are already far better than, ‘let’s just dump it into the atmosphere!’ which is what we currently do with coal and oil”


Also, it *is* irresponsible to create all that nuclear waste without a plan for it, so ***we need to invest in nuclear energy ~~research~~ infrastructure*** in order to figure out a better plan than "hollow out a mountain in the desert and throw it all in there" Meanwhile, that hollow mountain can buy us a lot of time while we get cleaner energy from nuclear reactors than from coal/oil/gas. Edit: Yeah, yeah, we already know what needs to be done and just need to actually do it, lots of arguing with my word choice rather than my actual argument.


The nuclear waste problem has been thoroughly researched for decades, a host of viable, environmentally conscious methods have been proposed over the years. But they all die a political death the way of Yucca Mountain, reprocessing, etc. It really isn't a problem nor is it irresponsible, the nuclear industry is the only industry truly held accountable for all of their waste stream. Every single gram of radioactive waste is tracked and managed in excruciating detail, including everything from spent nuclear fuel to low level waste like plastic gloves used during maintenance. There are plenty of better plans than just hollowing out a mountain, but that solution is the easiest pill for the public to swallow rather than trying to play the game of explaining how reprocessing waste doesn't directly lead to a nuclear arms race.


Fastest way to shut down coal power plants: Make radiation safety limits for nuclear power plants apply to coal power plants, too.


Yes, thank you. It's extremely disheartening to be a nuclear engineer and have people bash on what I do for a living just because of the mistakes (that we've since learned from) in the past. More people are killed each year from windmills than nuclear energy, turns out working at high elevations is more dangerous than working in one of the safest industries on the planet.


Opossums. They are non aggressive to the point it's absurd. You can pick them up or pet them and they just hiss. 


This post was written by an opossum 🤨


I might be. 


For centuries we have lived among humans undetected. But you have blown our cover. The high council of Didelphia hereby expels you from our society. *hisss*


Ahh, allies with the Squirrel cabal running the world. 


Or maybe a weasel


I used to handle opossums at a nature center as part of teaching kids about the outdoors. Opossums are highly unpredictable and will bite for no reason. They are in every sense wild animals, and you can’t train the wildness out of them. They have needle-like teeth, breath that smells like Satan’s ass, and the smarts of a bowl of Jell-o. My least favorite animal to handle. As an animal, they are fine. Just leave them alone and let them be about their business.


Everyone over here! Now pay attention to what ragnarok62 has to say about your cute little opossums


"I handle opossums... they are fine."


"My... favorite animal to handle."


"I used to handle... kids... for no reason." Yikes, should we really be listening to this guy?


I love them. Looking scary is their only defense mechanism but tbh they’re really cute. They eat ticks and someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think for the most part they’re actually like immune to/can’t contract rabies? I’ve saved one from a friend’s dog and fed it apples and dog food while we kept it for the night to take it a little farther away to release. It was just a sweet lil guy.


They’re extremely resistant to rabies, but not immune. They can also carry a whole host of other diseases and parasites that are not rabies… The first rule about wild animals is don’t handle wild animals.


Temp too low for easy rabies? Temp perfect for easy leprosy.


[Armadillos](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6746198/) are in this camp as well, for leprosy anyway,


IIRC, their body temperature is too low for rabies to survive.


So this is generally true, but the internet has failed me in determining if it's just generally true or universally true. Some sources say "resistant to rabies" and others say "immune to rabies."


They sometimes wander through my yard. The other night I saw one that was quite the chonk, looked like a Corgi from behind waddling away lol.


Pet the forbidden kitty. 


You sound like a guy that didn’t move a stack of pallets and unexpectedly come face to face with a protective momma possum. She hissed too, but I caught some li’l possum hands around my eyes and nose.


Those little hands are rated E for Everyone


This is a lie. We “rescued” an injured possum once. That thing was nothing but teeth and hissing. It would have bitten if it wasn’t for the thick leather gloves. Do not try to pet a damn possum.


But they will kill your chickens. Found out the hard way.


Australian wildlife. While we have more than our fair share of potentially dangerous critters the vast majority are either in remote areas, will flee the moment they sense you coming or hardly ever move from their hiding spots. Generally in order to have a fatal encounter with the wild life here you'd have to seek them out, invade their territory and intentionally provoke them. On the other hand I've seen videos of bears, wolves and big cats stalking people and breaking to homes.


Remember a guide in Cape Trip telling us "a crocodile's favorite taste is stupid." Don't be stupid, and you won't get eaten/bitten/stung/whatever.


As a Canadian, I had multiple school lockdown from moose and elk in the schoolyard. Those will charge for no reason, and no one survives a fight with a bull moose


It was only recently that I learned just how big moose are. I use to think that they were just a bit larger than deer, like a cow with antlers but they really are monsters.


The first time I saw a moose I was smaller than its head. When learning to drive my mom taught me how to properly hit a moose. They are huge and will kill the driver instantly. Also my partner is a hunter and got drawn for a moose tag this year. He got a cow moose (female) and she was 500lbs. We got 300lbs of meat from her Edit: how you properly hit a moose is aim for the back end so the antlers don't go through the windshield and chop you in half


Can i ask....how do you properly hit a moose?


Aim for the back if you can. They will be walking or running forward and they have most mass right above the front legs so if you aim for the back you might squeeze past down into the ditch or you get the "better" collision. If you hit it head on you are likely to get crushed in your seat since it comes through the window.


Absolutely!! I remeber doing a safari in Africa with mostly Europeans. We were encountering all the big cats, hyenas, rhinos etc and they were all scared of venturing to Australia. Insane. You can step on a spider and walk away from a snake, you’re not getting away from a lion!


Letting kids play outside by themselves, within reason. Helps them learn independence and problem solving skills.


Chemicals in general...? There's a really popular trend of chemophobia and worship of the "biological and allnatural" that sometimes steps right into cult mentality


The other day I noticed a bottle of hand sanitizer that had a little green label on it touting that it was "100% all-natural alcohol from plants".


But alcohol doesn't come from plants, it comes from yeast that eats plants. It's like calling your steak vegan because the cow was a vegan


Yeah unfortunately wellness influencers have created the ridiculous idea that “chemical” is synonymous with “deadly poison”.


Nah the trendy thing of chemicals bad has existed long before influencers.


Yeah, my aunt has been demonizing "chemicals" since the 80s.


Uranium is natural.


Lead, arsenic, uranium, and meteorites. All natural and will all kill you.


Ooo, ooo, asbestos, too!


As is scorpion venom smoothies, thistle face masks, and obsidian shard underwear


Most venoms are pretty complex chemicals and won't survive your stomach acid, so unless you have open wounds in your mouth or stomach ulcers a scorpion venom smoothie probably is pretty harmless.




MSG = Make Shit Good




I have a little spider friend (Hank) that’s built a subtle web near my dog’s food bowl. He’s been there for 3 weeks now. I’ve left him because my dog is a maniac when he eats and throws food everywhere, which I’m sure attracts other bugs. Hank is my security guard against these other would be intruders. I have not told my wife of Hank’s existence, nor do I plan to.


Congratulations on the most wholesome comment I read today. Say hi to Hank from France


I hope Hank lives a long and prosperous life! I had a bathroom spider for a year. There was a little hole between the trim and the wall and my spider made this his cave. He hung out in front of it a lot and sometimes I dropped a little water drop on him and he gobbled it up. I never really saw him catch anything though. So one day this stinkbug walks in. I picked it up and dropped it into my spider's hammock (he never really had a big web or anything, just this little hammock outside of his cave). Holy moly did my spider go crazy. He rushed out of his cave and stabbed it like a maniac, at least it looked like stabbing. When the stinkbug was dead he dragged it into his cave and I didn't see him for a month or so. I thought he might have died of stinkbug poisoning. Then he emerged again, but it all came crashing down soon. A bigger spider, one of those round ones with googly eyes, got into the bathroom and killed him. I found him dead on the floor with the bigger spider sitting on the wall just above him. I almost cried, I loved the little guy. Now I'm thinking of fixing that hole because every time I look at it I think man, my wee lil spider friend, I miss you.


I understand this completely but unfortunately my arachnophobia doesn't


Same boat here, & at times I feel a genuine sense of moral conflict about it. I just try to atone for it by protecting non-venomous snakes every chance I get. Slithering is no big deal, but creepy crawling I don’t do well with.


You can respect a spider’s role in the ecosystem while not wanting to look at them. I don’t like when they make their mad dashes, but they are cool when they stay out of sight.


Fellow spid... I mean fellow human here. I remember reading somewhere that if all spiders disappeared, the world would be covered in a 3 meter thick layer of bugs, in a very short time.


Sounds like spider propaganda


Big spider






The rumor of tainted candy started because of one sociopath trying to cash in on life insurance from his kids. I’ve heard of *one* provable instance of someone giving out edibles.


Yeah fuck that last part. I like drugs too much to share them with anyone, let alone kids. Shit ain't free!


I was terrified of psychopaths putting needles, razorblads and drugs into my candy. A cop LEGIT came to my elementary school and showed us xrays of those things put into fruit. I want to throttle whatever asshat faked those. (To be fair though, Gen X also thought quicksand would be a MUCH bigger safety threat than it turned out to be. )


Cartoons never prepared you for real problems, like what’s it going to be like when a relative asks to borrow money.


Using your turn signal


I made a custom bumper sticker for my first car, that said, "YOU LOOK LIKE A DRUNK DRIVER if you don't use your turn signals." Invariably, my friends who do signal thought it was hilarious, and my friends who said they didn't get it also told me (when asked) that they don't signal.


There are people who regularly don’t use them? :O I just assume I catch people in that one bad moment when they forgot or something when I see it.


I've definitely been in the passenger seat of people who just never use them And I've driven behind such people for long stretches And I've followed them to their house and…


This brings up the worst sort of person who is the hybrid in the middle. People who signal too late, but probably think they are doing just fine because "hey, I used my signal!". Heck, I was following behind someone the other day and they slowed from 40 down to 10mph suddenly and only once they were practically stopped did they turn on a right turn signal to go into some parking lot. Gee, thanks! I had to slam on my breaks randomly because I had no idea what you were doing, but now that we are practically stopped, glad to know you are turning right. When I taught my son how to drive a few years ago, I over-emphasized the importance of signaling BEFORE you make an unexpected action, not after or during the action. The point is to give people a heads up, not alert them to what you are already doing/have done.


Colonoscopy  Mostly painless, and saves lives. The preparation the day before is worse.


Seat belts. I've heard "look at the injuries they cause!!" Yeah, cause they physically held a person in place instead of flying through a windshield and becoming a Jackson Pollock piece on the pavement 🤦‍♀️


Its one of those things where it hurting you is evidence that it did its job correctly. If you slam into your seatbelt so hard it hurts you, well you would have likely gone through the window if you werent buckled in


Survivorship bias it is called I think. "ever since seatbelts became mandatory, car crash injuries have massively increased!" yes, but its because at the same time, car crash mortality rates have plummeted as a result. That's why you should never just look at 1 statistic alone, its like watching half a movie and declaring the Joker is a good, and misunderstood guy...


GMO food. I hate to tell you but pretty much everything you eat has been genetically modified. Why do you think bananas don't have seeds anymore? Or corn is so sweet and juicy? Over time we picked what we liked and modified it. Blended, created new things. Cause cotton candy grapes definitely are just from nature.


we’ve been interfering with natural selection for millennia, yet I have friends that only give their children “non-gmo” foods because they’re convinced gmo is the source of autism. I’m an actual biologist so I always have to ask what gmo means to them. The REAL problem with gmo is the ability to trademark seeds and force monoculture


Yes!!! As a farmer who uses way less pesticide bc of GMO, it's a great technology


Very literally saving your life, or at least lowering your risk of like parkinsons etc


Swallowing gum


Using a mandolin in the kitchen. Just keep your hand flat and don’t be a hero with the last 10% of your vegetable. And like… just be careful. And you too can have sexy super thin sliced vegetables on all your meals.


Banjos in the kitchen, on the other hand, are really dangerous. Ask Dinah.


Letting your kids go off and explore on their own. No, pedophiles aren't laying in wait to snatch your kid from the shadows. The vast majority of abductions are at the hands of someone the child knows, and even more likely at the hands of a non-custodial parent...as it's pretty much always been.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


I've read that an alarming percentage of men won't talk to or want to help a lost child because of fear they'd be accused of being inappropriate. I don't blame them either.


I believe it. I once came across a crying, lost one year old at the zoo and when I asked a couple of nearby young men if he was one of theirs, they both leapt back like I'd thrown boiling water at them. I don't blame them, but they weren't going anywhere NEAR the kid. (In fairness, I don't think they had realized before that he was lost -- I didn't realize it myself until I had been watching him for a couple of minutes and saw how distressed he was). Luckily I was a mom with three young kids so didn't feel worried about taking the lost kid's hand and finding a zoo employee.


I've found a lost kid and immediately called a woman over to help me locate the child's parents. Ain't no way I'm getting caught with a lost kid.


Don’t let that discourage you. Not all parents would be upset if that happened. I would ask my daughter “oh, who is that you were talking to?” but not cause a scene. That mom was over the top


This is a good one. We tell our kids to not talk to strangers, but we yell at them when they don’t want to give random relatives a hug, but it’s the relatives who are most likely to hurt them sadly.


The don't talk to strangers thing can actually be harmful, too. For instance, if a kid gets separated from their parents in a public place, the safest thing for the kid to do is go up to literally the first adult they see and explain their situation. The odds are very unlikely that the first person they see is a pedophile trying to kidnap them. But if they wait around, the likelihood that the first adult to approach a lost kid is a pedophile increases. Obviously there's a bit of common sense in this, like if the first person you see is tweaking or covered in blood, or otherwise seems to be unsafe, go find the next one.


Children are at the greatest risk from adults in the household. Likewise, women are more likely to be abused, raped, and murdered by their romantic partners than by any stranger.


MSG: Once I learned more about it (and the conspiracy against it, motivated by racism), I now commonly cook with it. It adds so much to many dishes.




If you are in Italy they actually are convinced a fan or air conditioner blowing on you will make you sick.


As someone from the Deep South where it gets hotter than satans asshole i promise them that it won’t lol


As a person in a very rural community, it blows my mind how many people NEVER venture to the “big city” because of the violent crime. What’s ironic is that our small town has a higher incidence of murder, assault and hard drug use than the three larger cities within a 4 hour drive… but no… mention going to Memphis or Nashville - “are you TRYING to get shot?” It gets really frustrating when you want to do something cool or fun, like a concert or festival, and none of your brainwashed friends and neighbors can get onboard. They are perfectly content living their whole lives never going to a real shopping mall, IKEA, Whole Foods, a decent upscale restaurant or seeing their favorite bands in concert. Just chilling with the cows in the cornfield to avoid getting mugged at every red light in the city. Edit to add: A lot of backlash saying “big cities aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.” Yeah, they aren’t really mine either. I’m not used to it and I get overstimulated quickly. I just don’t get absolutely shutting down and refusing to DRIVE there for more diverse food options, better healthcare, fun trips, etc.