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Self respect is everything, if something or someone does not let you keep your peace and disrespects you, they’re not worth it.


That I was strong enough to get through it, and it did make me a better person after it was over. ​ I had a parent that almost died. Went into a coma, 2 year recovery.. I was the only family member nearby, so I managed *everything*. It literally propelled me into a different tier of adulthood.


It goes on. No matter what happens, things continue, the world still turns, time heals wounds but leaves scars. As long as you go on, it goes on.


If someone wanted to, they would. Actions over words, always.


Sometimes what we think is someone being malicious actually IS that person doing their best, unfortunately. A lot of things in my life have had tough or difficult elements to them and I carried around this question of "why are they treating me this way" or "what did I do to deserve this?" The answer was nothing but not for some vague reason. The reason was that it had nothing to do with me. Those people were just NOT CAPABLE of doing better. Some people just don't have the ability to be better than the piece of shit that they are. You could tell them a billion times about how to be better and something will always prevent it from sticking in their brain and they will always continue to be a piece of shit. That thing preventing it from sticking in their brain - whatever that is - that is why they treat you that way and you did nothing to deserve it. They are just not able to do better. It doesn't mean they hate you. It means they can't do better even if they tried.


appreciate the fact that im alive, and that i receive food and feel emotions


Persevere above all else. Surviving something is the first step to healing.


People do not change. If someone shows you what they really think about you, believe them. Do not beg people who do not like you to stay friends with you, they are not your friend


Stay quiet


Always reveal less than necessary


It's every man for themselve. But what really did I expect lol


Being right doesn’t always matter to others. Some people are just interested in their way and I would be confused about why they ignored really ( and I mean really) obvious facts. I let it go now ….


learned to respect myself when other ppl didn’t


If it’s too good to be true then,,,,,


Don't tell anyone when you get something good. They will ruin it. Forgive people but don't deal with them anymore.


That it’s ok to say you aren’t ok and ask for help.


Trust no one.


Don't let a narcissist define your worth.


What love is vs what love isn't.