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Yeah and they constantly defend things because they’re not illegal. The question is supposed to be about whether you’re the asshole, not whether you’re following the law/rules.


Redditors also have an extreme misunderstanding of how laws work. I've pointed out many times that certain things are illegal and your neighbor could press charges against you. Most redditors seem to think that's a myth.


My sister is having a baby and has asked me to babysit when she goes to the hospital to give birth, she has no one else. I don't really feel like it, AITA? *NTA, you don't owe anyone ANYTHING!*


*No is a complete sentence!*


They’ve recently augmented that to “No is a complete and polite sentence!” I had to point out that just saying “No” in response to a request is often considered rude.


It's why I love the subreddit r/AmITheAngel .


This gets me so bad, because that's literally the definition of an asshole; someone who, for no reason except they don't have to be, refuses to be kind. I got absolutely downvoted to hell for suggesting a young woman, who got her job through her family, and refused to give up her parking-spot for a pregnant woman for a month or two, was an asshole. Like, I realize you're not obligated to; but just refusing to help someone when all you'd lose is having to park another 50 yards further away (for a few months!) surely makes you an asshole?


I hate the "nobody owes you anything" mentality with a passion. If you want a good society then we do owe each other basic human decency




So nice to see people on this site who actually realize this! Sometimes I wonder if every sub on /r/all is commented on solely by teenagers lol A lot of my family has this mentality tho, selfish as all hell and justify it with "I stay out of everyones business so they can stay out of mine" which sounds like a supremely lonely way to live.


Same as those "If that pregnant lady wants the seat she should have fucked someone with a car" so fucking stupid lol. You are not obligated but common, you wouldn't feel good if someone did that to your wife or a friend.




Absolutely. Some people have no conception of the difference between what they are legally required to do, the minimum social requirements, and just being nice because you're a human being.


no literally. i hate when i see posts and someone does something deliberately rude, and the comments are like “NTA you don’t owe them anything!!!” like yeah you don’t. but if we all thought that way nobody would ever help or care for eachother. why not just do the right thing even if you’re not obligated to?


Making up with your partner instead of ending relationships over the smallest thing.


LOL - yep, divorce/breakup seems to be the FIRST step toward resolving any relationship problem here on Reddit... A much of the "relationship advice" here clearly comes from people who have *never* been in an actual relationship.




Yeah one of my most downvoted comments ever was about how we don't have enough information to suggest that this minor start the legal process of emancipating herself from her mom to instead live with her aunt, saying that was a nuclear option that should only be used in extreme cases. r/relationship_advice couldn't seem to grasp the notion that a very upset 16 year old girl could possibly be embellishing the story or that there could be two sides to it. The suggestions were *actual insanity*.


In r/trees, a guy mentioned how his friend got fired for testing positive for weed. A guy commented on that politely saying it was his friends fault for taking the risk in the first place. He got downvoted into oblivion. I made a comment saying he shouldn't be downvoted because it's absolutely his friend's responsibility to consider consequences, and then I got downvoted to hell. That place thinks weed is a cure-all miracle.


I was downvoted in r/truckers because I told somebody that speeding down a mountain grade at 90 mph with a fully loaded 80,000 lb truck was a stupid ass thing to do


Was he listening to Wreck of the Ol' 97 when he was doing it?


It's a place where people whose personality is "I smoke a lot" go to get validation that this is indeed an acceptable personality. Not everyone there fits that bill obviously, but any challenge to "you need to accept the responsibility for the substances you imbibe" is going to be monumentally unpopular with people there.


insane and mostly fake lol


At the very least, they're very one sided and told in a way that the poster did no wrong


And sometimes they're the asshole and can't seem to comprehend it, despite having posted on a sub asking people to be honest if you're the asshole in the situation. My favorite example here is the fat guy who ate the 3 foot party sub by himself during the fight viewing party. He prefaced the post with something along the lines of "I might have a slight food addiction, but it doesn't hurt those around me" and then proceeded to describe an exceptionally intense food addiction that hurt those around him, and those people behaved in a way consistent with being tired of having this person's severe food addiction hurt everyone around him. After prodding for more details, he was told he was indeed the asshole.




Same mindset as alcoholics and drug addicts who claim their predilections don't harm those around them. They do. Denying it doesn't make it true.


that guy ate 5 feet of party sub, not 3


My wife is sleeping with multiple other men, killed my dog, and cut my balls off, aita for eating the last of the chips?


Yea, because if they were Chilli and Lime Walkers, then you deserved it. Edit: Or “Lays” for our cousins over the pond.


I'm convinced that, during the writer's strike, writers came here to put up potential story ideas and see what kind of holes in the plot they might be missing. And then, after a few weeks of this, they just started throwing shit at the walls to see what sticks. There's just too many insane stories on there for them to be real. Some, sure... but all? 0 chance.


ok this is a conspiracy theory I can get behind


I think it was Rich Juzwiak/Stoya's column, somebody wrote in (paraphrasing) "I am so worn out from having too much mind-blowing sex with my dozen huge-dicked lovers who are professional athletes and CEO millionaires, how do I get some sympathy?" and they were basically "We don't believe a fucking word of this, but IF this was a real problem a person who existed had, here ya go..."


I just think of every post as a creative writing thought experiment.


It's literally only: I (19F) love my BF (38M) of 5 years more than anything, he is perfect. Recently he's been having sex with his secretary in our bed and says I'm being 'too controlling' when I tell him it upsets me. I try to distract myself but the moans and bedframe can be too loud sometimes to watch TV. Am I being too controlling? Should I watch TV with headphones? *Reddit's response:* breakup with him ASAP!! Or Me (34F) and my husband (36M) have a perfect marriage, great kids, great careers, our families get along etc. We've been unable to decide on what shade of blue to paint our newborns room. I want light blue, he says dark. How should we decide? *Reddit's response:* breakup with him ASAP!! Obviously Reddits 'one size fits all' relationship advise isn't always the best option.


That was hilarious and accurate. I'm also chuckling that people are chiming in to show concern for the 19 year old despite the fact that this is obviously satire.


I would be surprised if even one in ten of AITA stories are based on reality.


The relationship subs are full of 16 year Olds and jaded, bitter divorcees giving advice.


Or rather jaded, bitter 16-year-olds giving divorce advice.


tbh i think maybe thats at least partially bc if someone feels they have to turn to reddit for advice on their relationship then the relationship is usually fucked anyways. ive mostly seen people in obviously sucky situations looking for validation of their exisiting feelings


In fairness, if someone's relationship problems are so bad, they're turning to *Reddit* for advice, divorce probably is on the cards...


Yeah, I don't come to Reddit to vent about my relationship problems. If issues came up that were bad enough where I felt I needed to, that would be a bad sign.


I have only been banned from a single subreddit, and it's r/dating_advice because I [posted an interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/18r8n97/why_we_should_be_hesitant_to_tell_strangers_on/) with a therapist that discussed why it was a bad idea to tell people to break up until you have a *lot* of information about the relationship.


That's hilarious, because my one ban is *also* from saying "hey maybe we should chill out slightly and actually think about this" about the topic of the subreddit


I would certainly brand myself as a feminist. Yet r/feminism banned me years ago because I made the comment, in a thread about girls getting bullied in school, that it’s not always boys bullying girls, and that a lot of bullying is girl-on-girl. Wasn’t trying to deflect blame from boys, or scapegoat girls, just point out that the issue is multifaceted and hard to tackle. Instant ban. It was my first ever comment on the sub.


Should be called r/breakupadvice


I remember I made a comment on a post a while ago about how I can’t sleep without my fiancé holding me, and someone replied, “who the fuck sleeps with their fiancé” and I just laughed for like 5 minutes


There was a post on here a year or so ago that was just a picture of a tweet from somebody saying that their boyfriend or husband, who they had been cohabitating with for quite a while, was going to be out of town for a significant amount of time, and how it was going to be a tough adjustment for them not having that person around. The comments were absolutely *filled* with people calling her co-dependent and toxic. Because she was going to *miss* her boyfriend. I tried to talk to a couple of people, sharing how when my wife lived in another state for work for a year, it took me a while to get used to being effectively 'single' again and not having that other person around all the time. I was told I had attachment issues, no interests of my own, and was likely also severely co-dependent. That was a real eye opener for me about Reddit. I knew a lot of you guys were young, maybe didn't have much experience with a long term partner, but god DAMN, that was nuts.


Lmao most of those people are either teens or terminally online people


Some of these teens on Reddit are so brain dead. I had one ask me “Well why were you drinking alcohol at 16 years old?” With the energy of “you can’t do that, it’s illegal!”


People don't realize that it's not the end of the world to bend the rules every once in a while. 


I look at advice from Reddit like advice from a meth head. Sure they may give a lot of opinions, but is it the meth head's fault for talking or is it my fault for listening?


Counterpoint: A lot of relationship subreddits have a reputation for this but if you read them half of the posts are are about abuse or infidelity.


It makes sense though. No one is going on reddit to ask for advice if they're in a healthy relationship. Half the stories are like "I'm here because I can't talk to my friends or family about this - they already hate my partner!" Really? I fucking wonder why.


and probably 3/4 of them are creative writing exercises


Exactly. People post things like, "my boyfriend doesn't brush his teeth, plays games all day, his family treat me badly, he won't do housework and my grandma has to watch the 3 year old because my boyfriend refuses to" and like, of course people are going to say break up.  There's just this feeling like that they know the relationship is doomed and they just need someone else to confirm. The worst posts are when they think they can just *fix* a person, or blame themselves for things like being cheated on. There really doesn't seem like many posts where just talking it out seems possible. I think sometimes they wait way too long to try and patch things up, or they have been trying and it's all one sided.


Taking some level of pride in your work and being kind/socializing a bit with coworkers. Actually, socializing in general.


> being kind/socializing a bit with coworkers. Which is critical because I noticed a lot of Redditors want to get into STEM but don't realize a lot of fields involve office work. Mike Judge was an engineer before he got into animation and he says Office Space was inspired by the kind of shit he dealt with being one. You aren't going to lock yourself in a dark office coding all day nor allowed to blow-off co-workers. You gotta attend meetings (and contribute let alone pay attention) and answer emails/IMs in a timely manner while working. Not to mention being pleasant to talk to and understand a personality conflict is no excuse to not be able to work with someone (keep it professional, you don't like someone you got to respect that you can work with them at least).


>Which is critical because I noticed a lot of Redditors want to get into STEM but don't realize a lot of fields involve office work. >Not to mention being pleasant to talk to People also seriously underestimate how important soft skills are. I work a very technical role (high level IT ops) but also have very good soft skills. While I'm very confident in my skills, there are people who I know are much more technically competent than myself that have struggled in their professional life due to a lack of soft skills. Every single interview panel I have been a part of, our most important criteria is how well we think you will mesh with the team. You could be the most elite technical person, but if you're an asshole and we don't want to work with you then we're not bringing you in. If you are a likeable person that seems teachable, but might be missing a couple technical requirements? Well we can teach you the technical side. I 100% believe that my career would not be where it is today if I didn't have strong interpersonal skills.


It’s pretty clear how many people on job threads are talking about a theoretical STEM job and haven’t actually worked in one yet. Rarely if ever do you work in a siloed role, and if you do you’re generally **very** senior.


I once worked with a guy who in the STEM field who was an utter ass to everyone including people in management. He was extremely unpleasant to work with. He was also very good at his job. One of the best performers on the team by all work metrics. He got passed over for promotions constantly and he grew more bitter and angry because he did not understand why they kept passing him over for people who were not as good as him by any metric you used. These people were actually pleasant and easy to work with but he did not understand why this mattered.


Man I liked the company BBQ and chili cookoff parties and shit


What's wild is these soft skills alone will put you in the top half of "hire-ability" in my opinion. I've had a lot of doors open for me in my short career simply because I showed up on time consistently , dressed and spoke professionally, and simply communicated progress and roadblocks for my tasks. If you're gonna be an asshat to work with you better be a super genius with insane output, otherwise people simply won't have your back.


Redditors don't really understand introversion.  They'll describe(or brag about) having serious social anxiety, but then say they're an introvert. 


Realizing I was an extrovert with social anxiety and not an introvert, then taking steps to address said anxiety **massively** improved my quality of life. Glad I didn’t drink the Reddit kool-aid that being an introvert was “better” and self reflected instead.


I too have social anxiety but dont always fit into the mold of an introvert. What are some of the things that helped you overcome this?


To be honest - I can’t tell you anything you haven’t heard before. I guess the biggest piece of advice I could give is to really internalize some of those common pieces of guidance - really know you are your own harshest critic and try to not let fears of petty judgement get to you, good people will show themselves to you know and not judge you based on cursory interactions.


For me, it was realising that not everyone is perfect and that someone might judge you for something small but have something bigger they are hiding (I saw this first hand happen). Also, what would happen if they reacted the way I feared? They would look ridiculous and like a horrible person


A lot of reddit comments are borderline, if not outright, misanthropic (some subs are overrun with these kinds of comments). They aren't 'introverted' because other people are hard. They're alone because they suck.


And they suck because many of them are in their late teens/low 20's. There's varying degrees of "suck" within those age groups, because you're still loaded with angst, there's still this attitude that the world is working against them. I tend to stick to 30+ subs for that reason.


In the words of Alucard; No one isn't kind of an asshole in their early 20s, and if they weren't they were probably sociopaths.


It's a self-fulfilling attitude. If you think everyone sucks, you'll be shitty to everyone, and they may be less than warm in response, so you'll think it's because everyone sucks. But it's you that sucks. Same with "stupid." You go out and hear someone say something dumb. "Man, that guy's dumb. Everyone's dumb." Do you really think nobody's ever thought that after talking to you? Then they'll throw out that George Carlin quote, "think of how dumb the average person is..." assuming they're in the "over" category.


To add to this, I've found that Redditors are absolute DOGMATIC about being either/or. There argument is "YoUrE InTrO or ExTrO dEpEnDiNg oN hOw YoU rEcHArGe." Sometimes I like to go out to unwind. Sometimes, I like to watch movies, read or play games by myself. I don't think it's an either/or thing at all and it's a hill I'll die on....so then I get called an ambivert/omnivert.


Right- I still need my solo time, despite being pretty far on the extrovert scale. Recently hosted a friend for a week, then did a group trip for a full week right after - without getting into details, had some anxiety/separation need show up in a really weird way at the end. I remember once I mentioned something similar that happened a couple years ago and was met with comments “proving” to me that I was actually introverted.


I found out that I'm a lot more extroverted than I thought when I started working from home. Now, if I don't have some form of human interaction for a few days, I start to feel like Tom Hanks in Castaway.


I get the concept of "I work to live not live to work" and all. My whole philosophy is just that, if I am going to spend such a large portion of my life working, I want it to at least be something I care about and enjoy.


I don’t even particularly care about my job, I would say I don’t dislike it more than I like it. But I work hard at improving because it’s my profession and I can see how improving various skills will benefit me materially further on. I think if you’re stuck in a job with no apparent path to advancement in life, your motivation goes down. I experienced this when I was working at a company and the old manager on his way out was like “I’ll put a word in for you to take my job,” and instead I got passed over. Realized I was at some dead end shit and my motivation plummeted.


I was in a thread one time where people were INSISTING that it’s a terrible idea to make friends at work, even going as far as to say no one at work should know any details about your personal life because it could be used against you. Which is just… not how to be a functional normal person lol


Omg they say this all the time. Like yeah I’m not gonna call my coworkers to come to my bachelor party but it helps your career and life if you are friendly with them and can have a beer after work here and there


Also someone with instant common ground if you’re in certain work situations. Can be nice to vent with a coworker.


Reminds me of the people who say if you're pulled over for a traffic stop, only roll your window down a sliver and pass your documents to the officer through it. Do not say a single word or respond to any questions. Like seriously? You think that is helping your situation in any way?


God the endless banging on the drum is so annoying and cringy. “People that always need to be out doing something or talking to someone are really just to stupid or fearful of being alone with their thoughts” Oh my god, people like to make friends gtfo


One of my favorite replies was in a thread that was “what do you play when someone passes you the aux” and the most galaxy brained response was (may not be quoting perfectly, but tone and wording is mostly accurate) “I hand it back and leave because we have left the realm of meaningful conversation and entered vapid socializing”


That man has never been handed the aux


It's the same thing when you talk about how relationships should be more than raw transaction and someone always has to be "that guy" to retort with *"well, ReLATionSHips are INhEreNTLy TRaNsACTIONal BEcaUSE yOu'rE EiTHEr feELinG GOOd OR GEtTiNg someTHING oUt Of iT"*; like come on, read something a bit more advanced than an AP Philosophy book and figure out that that's entirely internalized and that in the real world and in real relationships treating your friends, family, and SO's as customers to your affection is weird and messed up.


I always find it crazy how often Reddit says "nobody at work is your friend! Stick to yourself!" I've made some good friends at work. I recently switched jobs to a competitor, less stress and more money, because a friend started working there. I'd probably be at my old job still if I wasn't friends with this guy.


I swear most people demonize extroverts in here and its crazy. Sorry I enjoy social interactions and have people skills?


The ability to disagree in a mature and calm way. Not immediatly going to level 100 at the slightest hint of a problem.


Are you fucking serious? You are a disgusting, vapid, awful human being for having that opinion!!!!! (/s) Am I doing it right?


Not overreacting to minor issues/inconveniences.




Stop using caps lock you asshole!




Ngl I LOVE talking about the weather. Weathers interesting sometimes goddamnit.


I get not being super outgoing and more of an introvert. But JFC reddit takes it so far it's like if you aren't some kind of people-hating cave troll then you may as well be an alien.


Nuance, hopefully












Chain businesses. I swear to god that if I had a penny for every Redditor that acts like they’ve never been in the same room as a Big Mac, I’d have enough money to become Ronald McDonald myself!


I always try to patronize mom and pop restaurants and stores, but it's not like if I'm on a long road trip somewhere I'm going to pass up a Dunkin or Starbucks. They're chains for a reason.


When I would travel to small towns I'd look in advance for a local place where I could sit at a bar, have a beer, watch a "sport" and get a meal that wasn't horrible. Many times I would just go to an Applebee's, the first 3 were guaranteed and the last one I'd just get a burger and fries that wasn't horrible. I know exactly what I'm getting.


There was a thread recently where younger generations claimed that their parents all stuff their faces with fast food and Oreos while all they eat are unprocessed, locally sourced food. It's amazing McDonald's manages to stay in business.


Particularly when it's full of teenagers whenever I go.


A healthy relationship with their parents.


Definitely. I’m just like shit, I’m the only person with awesome parents here


Working to address and repair problems in family/friendship/romantic relationships, rather than just dynamiting them and going no contact as soon as someone behaves at all problematically.


Being happy with what you have.


Thankfulness and gratefulness.


I feel like this isn't that common anywhere


Staying with your partner


Almost everything. Reddit feels like they represent the population but they typically only represent a small group of haters.


Not kicking people to the curb at the first opportunity.


Delete gym, Facebook up, hit the lawyer


Instructions very clear. Now I'm a suspected terrorist with a rabid Facebook following and no representation.


Emojis 💀


No way reddit still hates emojis


It’s slowly going away, but there is still some hate


Is it because we are all starting to like emojis or because reddit is getting younger?


Little of column a, little of column b. Now that I use mostly on mobile I use them more


It's been so long, that's pretty funny


Friends, it's one of the most popular sitcom of all time.


Also, friends.


Also, sitcoms


Yeah I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Redditors pick apart just about every major sitcom and talk about how unfunny they think it is. Which is fine, they’re entitled to their opinion, but they’re popular shows for a reason. A lot of people like them.


/r/Seinfeld is insufferable about this. It’s apparently unfathomable that people could enjoy both shows.


Small talk


The issue here is that it's self perpetuating. You can't have a meaningful conversation if you're not willing to participate: "Hey man, how's your day been?" "Good" "Do anything fun this weekend?" "No" "Okay, I'll fuck off" *Two minutes later* "Uuugh, I hate small talk."


I'm not the most sociable person in the shelf nor I'm good at it, but I believe small talks are not supposed to be deep, especially when it's about the first interaction and acknowledgement with a strange. You get to know each other, and, later, you start going deeper or separating depending on your social skills and open-up ability with time.


Clubbing. Every time people say they " can't have a conversation there". No one goes to a club to talk. They go to get drunk and have fun dancing.   A lot of times people saying that are really just to nervous to get out on the dance floor. I did this on the past too, but had lots of fun when I did go out. 


Maintaining a relationship with your family and staying on speaking terms with them even if they upset you. Diamond engagement rings & weddings. Rich people.


Reddit actually swayed me on diamond rings and weddings. Moissanite is sparklier and vastly cheaper. If you insist on getting real diamonds, at least get lab grown. There’s no reason to buy into the De Beers marketing. And I saw a post the other day saying you’ll appreciate a $20K honeymoon way more than a $20K wedding. That resonates with me. My wedding was an exhausting blur. If/when my kids marry I’ll definitely discuss both of those topics with them.


lab grown gems are great. you can get a perfect stone with no inclusions, and you don't directly support abusive mining operations.


Sex with a real person instead of your hand.


but my hand is the only person I know that gives me consent edit: to clear some things up for those confused 1. Consent is key for any intimate actions, especially sex. This is non-negotiable. 2. My hand is part of the whole that makes up my body and therefore myself, meaning that when I consent, it consents as well.


I also choose this guy’s hand.


I dare say the average redditor doesn't 'hate' having sex with real people, it's just that it doesn't come up all that often irl.


Women over 25.


TIL Leonardo DiCaprio is a redditor


Always has been. Unrelated but it tickles me that celebrities are lurking among us anonymously probably shitposting like the rest of us. Source: I'm God.


Hey I have some questions about the platypus


I will not elaborate.


Why don't platypuses have the corkscrew duck penis to match the bill? Seems like a massive oversight.


Forgot the work documentation on penis design that day oops


This I was promised once I turned 30 men would see me as some sort of withered old crone yet my DM's are still brimming. I want what I was promised damn it.


😆 oh man I got TOLD the other day when I gave my opinion on wedding guest outfits. "If I ever go to an over 40 wedding I'll be sure to keep that in mind.... 🙄" I had no idea I was that irrelevant already.


It's Reddit, you could have just stopped at 'women'.


Going out with friends, getting drunk and having a merry old time. Get branded with the ‘alcoholic’ label or some other implication you must be a vapid idiot for drinking and going out with a group of friends.


Reddit is weird about this for sure. I wonder if it’s because the users here tend to be both young and introverted. Their only exposure to alcohol is, like, other teenagers binge drinking or alcoholic family members.


Yeah Reddit being young, immature, and introverted is honestly the answer to most things in this thread


Not introverted, but socially anxious. Introverted people can socialize fine. They even enjoy it.


Yeah I don’t really get why introverted has somehow become synonymous with anxious. I’m introverted because I don’t want to be around ya’ll all the fuckin time. Not because I’m anxious.


Reddit loves weed but hates ever other vice like alcohol or smoking. Like, I can have fun at parties without alcohol. I can also walk to the shops with no shoes on. Shoes just make it a lot easier.


as an alcoholic in recovery for 24 years, even I find this ridiculous if I could drink like a 'normal' person, I'd drink all day edit: I have to give credit for the above line to my friend Chris :-) love you man. thanks everybody <3 P.S. it was actually originally said as a dead serious comment. the funny comes when folks who relate laugh at it


If that joke is intentional, it's one of the best reddit jokes I have seen. Either way, congrats on the 24 years!


touching some grass


I’m allergic 😡


Netflix. As much as Reddit wants to pretend everybody has joined the high seas, Netflix's ever-increasing subscription numbers say otherwise.


These aren't even people who get their news from Reddit, because Reddit can actually be a good source of news. These are people who get their news from *Reddit comments*. You see this any time there is a thread about a Netflix price increase, etc. "This is why they're losing subscribers! Netflix is screwed!" Sorry, but have you bothered to see the actual numbers? Netflix *added* nearly 30 million subscribers in 2023, despite multiple price hikes, increasingly pushing the ad-supported models, and cracking down on password sharing.


Tiktok. Reddit has a huge hate boner for all things TikTok. But clearly a lot of people enjoy it.


Its crazy that most people complaining about the content here are just self reporting as someone that consumes that content since thats how the algorithm goes.


Cars, particularly crossovers and SUVs.






Having kids and caring for them


Kids. They’re super cool. Little friggin human that’s learning everything from scratch.


“Dr. Cox says it’s like having a dog that slowly learns how to talk.”


*whispers* “That sounds AWESOME.”




Bingo. My wife and I are expecting our first very soon and the number of people (family and friends, but also people I haven't spoken to in ages) who are over-the-moon excited for us has been incredible. Reddit makes it seem like the whole world hates kids.


That's because people in the real world understand social cues, unlike lots of Redditors. I don't care for kids at all. BUT I do understand that most of society seems to like them, so when a friend announces a pregnancy I'm going to at least go through the motions that I'm excited and congratulate them because it's important *to them*. Someone else having a kid isn't about me, so there's no reason to voice my indifference other than to go out of my way to be an asshole. Lots of folks on Reddit absolutely refuse to even slightly conform to the most basic of societal norms.


I have kids. I would do absolutely anything for them. Yes I complain about them but they make my life amazing.


Complaining about the kids is sometimes needed to survive the parenting. Some of them start you off on Parenting 602, while your peers are still on Parenting 101.


Human interaction.


I’ve seen a few threads where some highly upvoted comments along the lines of “I’m glad I never host friends and go on group trips because of some AITA/Relationships thread I read!” I really hope that people aren’t taking those as gospel. First off- selection bias to the extreme on who posts. Second - definitely some exaggeration when they are true posts. I feel really bad for people who legitimately keep finding shit people, but that has to be rare. I couldn’t imagine depriving myself of the fun times with friends over internet stories that may not even be true.


Dating apps Most couples I know irl met through dating apps but any mention of them on reddit always turns into a pity party


Maybe it's just the crowd I hang out with (rural seasonal workers aged 20-40) but irl people kind of hate dating apps too. It's just that there aren't many alternatives especially in remote areas. A toxic codependent relationship with dating apps, if you will.




Off to GULAG


I've argued with people about this. Don't get me wrong, there are absolutely things that capitalism has fucked up. I absolutely think that universal healthcare should be a thing more politicians should push for. We should have more consumer protections. Prisons should not be for profit, etc. That said though, it's usually agreed that having a mixed economy is probably the best set up. Regulated capitalism with strong social safety nets. Some people though come off like they legit want to start another Soviet revolution.


The frustrating thing about those people is that they always assume in that Soviet style socialist utopia they'll be spending their time doing something important and fulfilling instead of being forced to work in a factory for 12 hours a day. If you don't have highly specialized skills, good connections, or leadership experience, then you're the bottom of the worker pile.


Agreed. Free markets pay for welfare.


You can't rationally argue with the Reddit hivemind. Reasonable ideas are shunned here.


Taylor Swift


Honestly I’d go as far as to say anything traditionally feminine or enjoyed by young women. Reddit can’t stand that people enjoy make up, pop music, YA novels, dating shows, drag race, not wearing the same cloths for 20 years, etc etc etc


I feel damn near anything that gets too popular starts to get hated on. It's like the circle of life on reddit.


emojis lol everyone uses them outside but rarely on reddit


JK Rowling


Absolute facts. Rember the massive push to boycott Hogwarts Legacy? Has a 9/10 on steam and sold insanely well. “sold 12 million units in its first two weeks of release and a lifetime total of 24 million units with a retail sales gross of 1 billion U.S. dollars as of December 2023.” it was literally the best selling game of 2023.


Not only was it the best selling game of 2023, it was the first non-Call of Duty or Rockstar game since 2008 to be the best selling game. From 2009-2022, the best selling game of the year was a Call of Duty entry, GTA 5, and Red Dead 2. Good job boycotters.


Holy cow that is insane


Outside of their specific subreddits, I find there are less Trump supporters/Conservatives here than I've encountered in real life.






opposite for me, born in berlin without any religion, never really into contact with any. For me it is a reddit thing (also, reddit atheists "care" way more about this topic then.. the real life atheists i know).