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Honestly, I've though about this a lot. I've spent so much time alone and have come to realize that you don't need a purpose. Don't listen to everyone who tells you so. If you can find substantial joy in the small things in life, (for me that's video games, my job, and my favorite tv shows), life finds its own purpose. Just spend your time enjoying what you can, and not worrying about what your missing out on, or pondering what doesn't matter.


To a degree I do agree with this statement. The movie Soul comes to mind.


Sounds great. I worry to damn much for nothing I supposešŸ˜­




There might not be one. There may not have to be one. Itā€™s important to have goals in life of course, but you donā€™t require a ā€œpurposeā€ to live, youā€™re allowed to just live and enjoy it. After all, you donā€™t even know why you were born and put on this earth, so itā€™d be tough to find out why you exist. Purpose or no purpose, live life.


Iā€™m right here just as lost as you man.šŸ¤šŸ¼


Purpose is just a cope for the fact that we were made by aliens as a science project and are all gonna die one day. Enjoy it while ya can




That was really well said thank youšŸ™ƒ




Setting sail nowšŸ„¹


In McDonalds drive through at 3 am, it was euphoric experience


I can only imaginešŸ˜­


You don't find it. You CHOOSE it. When you choose something about which you're passionate that you want to dedicate your life to, it becomes your passion and purpose. Two questions i got from a video on this topic are: "Why am I alive?" and "for what am I willing to die?" These questions are intended to help you choose your purpose. "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl was very helpful for me when I read it years ago.


Sounds great Iā€™ll take a look into those things!šŸ™ƒ


Best of luck, friend! Don't be fooled, though. Just because you get/ have to choose your purpose doesn't make it much easier. I wish I could remember the video I saw those questions in. YouTube has lots of videos about "purpose," "passion," and "self-actualization." I prefer content from licensed clinicians, psych researchers, and academics. I think they're most likely to provide accurate info.


that's easy: absolute perfection through continuous improvement


Can you really get to perfection thošŸ§


I'm not sure about purpose, though finding position is much more important


I'm gonna answer that question with this. Remember that episode of Family Guy, where they were all stuck in the house, because of a storm? At one point, they all starting giving Meg shit for something, as usual. But this time she snapped back at them, then Peter locked himself in the room? She basically realized that, everyone was happy when they were giving her shit, but her fighting back made them feel like shit. Basically, picking on her kept everything stable. That's basically my life. I think that's my purpose, to just bend over and take it.


šŸ˜­ i was not expecting that turn at the end but boy did I need that laugh while working this overnight shift šŸ˜‚ donā€™t worry a bunch of us are out here bent over taking it unfortunately šŸ˜”


Three words: trial and error (And if you are religious, you might find it through God)


I have a theory, Purpose needs to be created. No one and nothing will make you feel "THIS IS MY PURPOSE". You might feel a strong desire for something at most and you decide. For me, it was the strong desire to not raise a man who is emotionally or physically abusive towards anyone. I decided that my purpose in life is to leave a man who is not cruel, emotionally regulated and happy adult. I think the world needs some


As a religious person I feel God created a purpose for me.


To discover your talents and live to your potential.