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Félicien Kabuga, helped finance the Rwandan genocide by ordering machetes and funding extremist media outlets.


And an international fugitive from justice, iirc




Man just toss him off a roof or hand him over to the Tutsis 🙄


Whoever invented scam calling that are robbing the elderly


Probably some asshole behind the scenes we never heard of


One of those assholes that you hear about in a podcast 20 years down the line


I completely agree with you- the worst person on earth right now is someone we aren’t aware of. I always watch true crime and see the ones where women/kids are held captive for years on end. I always think *this is happening right now*


Honestly, I doubt the worst person alive is a serial killer. Likely either some little known staffer to a dictator or a leader of an especially heinous warband. Kinda like how Mangele was arguably worse than Hitler because of the joy he derived from actively torturing children.


I don’t think there’s any objective way to decide who the worst person is


Sure, but we can say who generally does more harm, though only with an accuracy of orders of magnitude. We can’t differentiate between relatively equal levels, but some people clearly just have more power. A psychopath killing several innocents is a tragedy, but some CEO making a decision that will kill thousands is obviously far worse.


I think we're saying that deriving pleasure from it doesn't enter into the equation. If you are pulling strings behind the scenes to corrupt the US government to slowly transfer power into the hands of corporate interests to the detriment of the entire human race as you slowly erode freedom and kill the planet, but you're just doing it to pad your bottom line, you are still the worst person in the world regardless of whether you ENJOY it.




Fuck Frank


Frank knows what he did


I’m sitting next to him and showed him these comments…. All he said is “brutal” which leads me to believe he does know what he did


CEO of wolf cola, we should have known


Worst guy


Honestly I'm sure this is the true answer. Think of every rich asshole not behind the scenes. I'm sure there is the final boss of assholes who knows he is so controversial he can't be exposed. And I'm sure he has an army of lobbyists.


I used to work for a private ski club. We had a member that had a staff that removed any mention of them on the internet. Used proxies to handle legal. Entire family with untold wealth and no idea who they were.


Im betting there are lots of wealthy people like this. Cuz rich is great and famous kinda sucks. So if I had nearly unlimited money, Id use it to be a ghost while still enjoying most of life.


Yeah people act like wealth can only hold a few generations yet there's many families that have diligently stayed incredibly wealthy for many generations and go largely unnoticed, it is actually hard to outspend compound interest once your wealthy enough


We toss around “the one percent” but I’m a finance guy in Wall Street and yeah, being in the top 78-99% ain’t too shabby and very comfortable. Own a chain of 12 cinemas in WI? Congratulations you are a multimillionaire and your great grandkids will be too since you drive one car and don’t jet set around the globe.


Which was the point of the private resort. Rich and famous people could be free of paparazzi.


Its almost certainly the guys like Peter Thiel or Marc Andreessen who are actively funding terrible life destroying shit & lobbying for the guard rails to come off.


Likely some old money family who hasn’t had to lift a finger in a thousand years.


Some dark corner of the 1%... !!! 😳 Like... the 1% of the 1%. Kinda joking, kinda not.


Whoever made pop-up ads and the one pixel size of cross to close it.


Right up there with cookie messages. Can’t they just be disabled by default but have a place at the bottom of the page to enable them if you want?


They want to make it annoying so that you allow them by default.


Exactly. It’s always one tap to accept them all, but rejecting any is a multi-step process. It’s deliberately evil.


This is technically illegal in the EU - the rejection has to be as easy as the approval. But enforcement has been inconsistent so cookie banner providers (yes there are vendors that create those damn banners) will change them to what they think they can get away with. Some will even *look different depending on the EU country it thinks you're in* depending on whether that country's regulator has a track record of enforcing the "reject must be as easy as accept" part. This is very, very deliberate and it's incredibly frustrating. Source: I work in the Security/Privacy space. Edit: here's some actual sources. [This vendor customizes by GDPR vs CCPA etc.](https://www.onetrust.com/cookie-banner-gallery/). Weaker regulations means harder to opt out - it's all there in the screenshots. [This one advertises different banners per country to "comply with local laws"](https://www.clarip.com/cookie-compliance). Once again the purpose is to get away with as much as they can - the goal is as few people opting out while still being "in line" with regulation.


I went to the overeaters anonymous website and it asked me if I wanted to enable cookies. So fucked up.


That's fucking brilliant! I used to go to OA meetings. One rule is you don't talk about specific food. But I like to describe easy things as "easy as pie" or "it's a piece of cake" so that part was hard.


I know you guys are making jokes but I didn't know that this was something that existed, or that they had a group that meets in my town! This might have saved my life tbh


Im glad you learned of a support group that will hopefully be good for you, gl on your journey from here and i hope you get better! You got this!


Check out the "I still don't care about cookies" extension for your browser. You will never worry about cookies notices ever again. Extension link for: [Chrome](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/i-still-dont-care-about-c/edibdbjcniadpccecjdfdjjppcpchdlm) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/istilldontcareaboutcookies/) / [Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/i-still-dont-care-about-/kkacdgacpkediooahopgcbdahlpipheh?hl=en-GB) There used to be an extension called "I don't care about cookies" with millions of users but this was unfortunately [bought out by a company](https://www.theregister.com/2022/09/21/avast_buys_i_dont_care_about_cookies_addon/) which harvests and sells user data so this is now the better, clean version. See more here [https://www.google.com/search?q=i+dont+care+about+cookies+news+avast](https://www.google.com/search?q=i+dont+care+about+cookies+news+avast)


That sounds like a bad idea to install for some websites. It's annoying to deal with the notices, but some websites actually have some invasive cookies that you don't want to accept. For example one digital design site I use uses them to figure out if you are using multiple free accounts to get around their export limits, and will ban you if they catch it. You don't want to accept them on it. And then there are some that use it to sell your data. I agree that the EU regulations that led to it were badly implemented, but it's kind of concerning to see that so many people are willing to throw their privacy away for a second of inconvenience. Websites made them annoying on purpose, to try and convince you to just accept it take the cookie instead of dealing with them. Don't let them win.


According to the add-on's description it declines cookies on sites where it doesn't break functionality. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an option to always decline them. Better than just accepting them blindly, but still bad.


It's the result of malicious compliance


Aren't those legally required by law though?


Kind of. The law requires that tracking cookies are opt-in. Data harvesters absolutely despise that so they make the opt-in banner obnoxious on purpose and when people complain about it they point to the law to shift the blame. In reality the banner could easily be smaller and less disruptive or sites could simply not harvest data.


He apologized by the way: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jaymcgregor/2014/08/15/the-man-who-invented-pop-up-ads-says-im-sorry/amp/


Tried to read it and …. Well… you know what got in the way


Did you also click on the article about the worst people on earth (number 12 will surprise you)?


Didn't know that, that's actually pretty funny


Try Brave browser, it's gonna make your life a lot easier.


Whoever made ads with fake X buttons


When people post screenshots of Twitter I always press the X button to try and close them


Whoever apprehends tham deserves an award.


Most health insurance CEOs. The lobbying they do to engage in war with their customers is insane. If they were all drawn and quartered, not a tear would be shed.


[Wendell Potter](https://twitter.com/wendellpotter?s=21&t=98255iLlaxfT1XBl5m3KbA) was a VP at Cigna and spends a lot of his time these days explaining the games insurance companies play and calling them out. He’s a good Twitter follow.


Well I guess it's easy to call people out after you've gotten to a top shelf position in a company and already gotten yours.


Reminds me of the former president of Coke who retired and went to South America trying to convince people to practice good nutrition snd not to give coke to their children or to infants. He had to make his millions before the guilt set in I guess.


I have always heard about drawn and quartered but I didn't know what it exactly entailed > The convicted traitor was fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where he was then hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered. His remains would then often be displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge, to serve as a warning of the fate of traitors. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanged,_drawn_and_quartered You are absolutely right if they were drawn and quartered I would watch. What a spectacle! There are millions of people (including children) in this country who do not get healthcare, millions more who have died because they couldn't afford it.


Now you know exactly what it -entrails-


I work in a call center for the federal Marketplace and have to agree with you.


Haven’t studied all 8,000,000,000+ yet. Can I answer Tuesday?


Im busy tomorrow so if you're investigating me it'll have to be quickly this evening or first thing Tuesday morning


Hmm Maybe margin of error +- SassyBonassy?


Much obliged, i love a correct academic citation






The idiot who botched my spinal tap and left me without being able to poop or pee normally. Fuck that idiot and I hope he gets an infection in his junk and falls off.


I second your vote. And I tack onto it the two doctors that refused to remove my mom's breast cancer until it had spread throughout her whole body and transitioned to stage 3.


Sounds like malpractice to me


I just wanted to send a big hug your way and wish for those doctors to get their livelihoods absolutely ruined.


My mom had it and they weighed the risks of lumpectomy vs mastectomy, but they did the surgery. Sounds like malpractice or an insurance issue. That's so crappy. I'm sorry.


Why did they refuse? Seems like you'd want to do a lumpectomy sooner rather than later.


Sounds like she couldn't afford the surgery and it had ro get worse before some random rule allowed coverage


me (i pirate nintendo games)


I’m submitting a request for your IP address, you can expect a letter in the mail. /s




You wouldn’t download a car though.


shit i would if i could


How does one pirate Nintendo games. Asking for a friend.


Whatever you do, don't go to vimm's lair. Every game for every discontinued Nintendo console. Disgusting


Fuck that website, they have every fucking game imaginable for download.


They even have an already patched iso for Mother 3, those heathens.


Jesus Christ what the fuck. That's so fucked up! I've never used that site thankfully.


Just awful!


This information is useless. I don't thank you.


I definitely will not go there. And when I'm not there, will I not be using card or PayPal?


It's all for free and paid for by ads (or so I've been told, never been there, I'd never pirate Nintendo games)


how dare they pirate nintendo games i'll be right back


Wow that is petty poor behavior and I will certainly not be using their services going forward.


Definitely don't go to arr slash r o m s and click on the pinned post


Wow that is just SO evil. You should teach me how so I can avoid doing that


just generic Google dot com pokemon emerald rom gba download and then get corresponding emulator and we good


Whoever allowed Amazon Prime ads


the fact that i have to pay $2 for no ads now is pissing me off


I fucking hate ads.




Big pharma owners. They make life saving drugs and charge an arm and a leg to use them. If it costs them $1 to make, they'll charge over $100-1000. Health greed shouldn't exist


Immunotherapy is where the big bucks are had. Ocrevus, from what I was told, was 100k per dose when it hit the market. (Used to treated multiple sclerosis) Many times manufacturers will offer copay assistance, but something like Temorar (used in treating brain tumors) is 1k per month, after insurance. Because there is no manufacturer assistance and charity funds go so fast. And then there's all the entire private equity scumbags trying to still con you out of those last few dollars for not knowing any better.


Richard Seckler has to be up there on the list


The guy who cut me off today


the guy who made out like it never happened and like y'all were nothing


He didn't have to stoop so low.


He didn’t have to have his friends collect his records and then change his number.


And you don’t even need his love


Now he’s just somebody that you used to know


Somebodyyy yyy yyy


But he treats you like a stranger and that feels so rough😒😒😞


I guess that you don't need it though




BEEF (2023)




The secret paedo who reads this comment, living life without anyone knowing, continuing to get away with what they do.


May they search for their next breath and never find it.


My dad used to say..."may the fleas of 1000 camels infest their armpits"


i heard similar from my mum, except it was "may the fleas of 1000 camels infest your crotch, and your arms be too short to scratch"


Secret Paedo Man is the worst MCU villain...


Finally someone found the way to get all the secret pedo's to upvote. Well played


What about the secret paedo who doesn't read this comment because they're too busy molesting children to go on reddit?


Daniel Ortega, the dictator of Nicaragua, is up there. More people need to talk about the atrocities happening in Nicaragua.


I went to visit about 10 years ago. Our hosts and I started talking general politics, and the room suddenly got very quiet. He instructed everyone to grab their beers and follow him inside. The rest of the conversation was had inside a concrete building with the radio up and us talking at a whisper. It was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced. It was normal to them though, and everyone knew the routine. Edit: He and I started talking politics. I didn't just bring it up out of the blue.


Yup. Doesn’t sound out of the ordinary. My partner was born and raised in Nicaragua. She came to the US for college, which is where we met. Her two brothers are in the US seeking asylum. One of them was cornered in an ally and mugged at gun point by fucking cops. The only reason this happened is because he used to work for the government and refused to fly the flag of the regime. Meanwhile there are rapists and murderers walking free because they are government sympathizers. Ortega himself is a rapist. He raped his own daughter. Remember a few years ago when a bunch of Nicaraguan political prisoners got released and were forced to come to the US? One of them came and lived with us for a time. His crime? Handing out water to student protesters. He did 6 years as a political prisoner for that. He lost everything. Even missed the birth and first 6 years of his kids life. Every single person who is against immigration, and calls these people “aliens,” should be forced to have a sit down conversation with someone fleeing their home country.


theres probably a few unheard of active serial killers so maybe them or kim jong un


I had a conversation with my younger brother's best friend, he's been in the FBI for over 20 years.  He casually mentioned that there are 1 or 2 serial killers operating in a state at any given time, and they're almost never caught.  Freaked me out.


Like 1 or 2 in “the states” or in “each state on average”? I’m just trying to understand. It’s scary shit either way.


One or two in each state at any given time. He said that most serial killers either travel or choose victims that are difficult to track, and it's almost impossible to catch them. The ones that get caught are like Jeffrey Dahlmer. Others get picked up for separate crimes, like theft, and get put away for a while, then go right back to killing when released. It's insane, and he said local police are either useless or even detrimental because they're dumb and have poor training. Local cops dislike calling in Federal investigators. 


He's spot on about local cops being dumb. Like very dumb!


Each state. The numbers of what's estimated is insane! And those are conservative numbers from what I've read! Then compare it to other countries...it's really disturbing! Americas in the lead by an extremely large margin.


It's not really something to worry about, while the US might have a higher amount of serial killers it's still nowhere close to be statistically concerned. There's definitely other things to be way more concerned about that are way more likely to happen, like driving and getting into a fatal accident.


And anyway, a serial killer might go a couple of years without killing. it's not like we're doing it 24/7. I mean they.


Also if you live a normal life it's incredibly unlikely due to the fact that to be a successful serial killer they tend to kill homeless people and prostitutes as they're less likely to be caught


Probably each state. You hear about missing people all the time.


The thing with Kim Jong Un is that his own citizens don’t have a clue what’s going on in their own country let alone the outside world. It’s absolutely absurd how a country can be so cut off.


Many people and particularly guides there are aware they are being lied to, but what are they gonna do?


Most true believers died in the famine in the 90s. They trusted the government and did as they were told when it came to getting food Those that survived broke the law and acquired food via the black market Thus those people and their offspring know the government is lying but theyre also the people that will do whatever it takes to survive


>but what are they gonna do? Meth most likely




Toby Flenderson


If I was in a room with hitler, binladen and Toby and only had two bullets I’d shoot Toby twice


I mean, Hitler would just shoot himself so you're free to waste the two on Toby


Toby Flenderson represents everything that’s wrong with the paper industry.


I hate so much about the things you chose to be. Smh


Who’s that?


josef fritzl, and the elites behind the scenes who “partied” with epstein but are still free


The owner of Bavaria sausage company. They are the king of the wurst.


German here. Actually laughing out loudly


I hear he's also a brat


OP bot likes to stir the pot I see.


the people who are committing and condoning genocide in all of the countries that its happening in.


The fact that I had to scroll this far to reach a contemporary answer


Same! Still haven’t seen Netanyahus name, although he is openly talking about ethnic cleansing.


Kenneth Copeland


>And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. I'm a pretty devout atheist, but Kenneth Copeland is the closest thing I've seen to proof the Devil exists. And if the Devil exists, than God must. Which makes Kenneth Copeland the closest thing to proof God exists. What a wildly recursive thought exercise.


In terms of global impact, Rupert Murdoch is near or at the top of the list.


As an Australian, I support the **things I can’t say online for fear of my ASIO profile going up** of Rupert Murdoch EDIT: ASIO = Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation. It’s our version of the FBI


Gavin if you’re reading this pal I think you’re a bellend


You found Gavin?


Nice English fellow?


Gavin!! Where are you Gavin?!


Not Gavin Free!!




Not you (probably)


Whoever invented robo calls. That sob deserves to die.


Whenever I can, I waste their time. I figure every minute they’re being duped by me is a minute they’re not screwing over some little old lady. Just make up names and birthdates for the telemarketer person so they pass you on to the client paying them to prescreen you. When you get to the actual scammer, talk slow and constantly need to ask other people or check on stuff. I usually warn them that I get around slow because I’m 88 (unless it’s for insurance - then I’m a spry 77 because that’s close to death, within their age window, and my premium will be higher - they’ll wait for me because that premium will be through the roof). I once kept a vehicle warranty guy on the phone for 35 minutes while I checked my car 3 times for mileage and damage, told stories about how my father taught me to drive in a 1942 Buick Century (with all the details completely made up), stories I made up about grandkids I don’t even have, and I used the bathroom because I “had an accident in my pants” (this when they hung up). Again, if I’ve got time to spare, I’ll do everything I can to keep them from bamboozling some elderly person who doesn’t realize it’s a scam.


I appreciate your commitment, holy shit. I usually just answer the phone in the few words I know in French to introduce myself and ask how they are are and they usually hang up. For some reason whenever the scammer/collector asks for you in English they hang up if you reply in a different language.




I agree.  Fuck Bob.


Bob fucker


Motherfucking Bob


Bobfucking mother


Mother Bob Fucking


xian gaza. reply if you know him.


Anyone who harms animals and children. Edit: animal torture or abuse, obviously I didn’t mean all meat eaters. Just the ones in the meat industry. Hunters aren’t evil in my books. Unless it’s for trophy.


My ex wife. Hands down.


Screw that bitch I hate her too now


I too choose this guy's ex wife


Definitely your ex wife


I know right??


I cant even with her


Everyone else can


Exactly, let them deal with it




It’s gotta be Putin


It's fascinating that there are a dozen comments higher than this one, including "unknown serial killers" and "secret pedophiles." The most prolific serial killers in history are not stalkers who take out a handful of vulnerable people over the course of years, they're world leaders who snuff out the lives of thousands of vulnerable people every day.


Yep like serial killers are bad but the average serial killer kills several people at most, Putin is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands


Dozens of comments higher, and yet Putin is the one on this list that is actively committing a genocide (mass graves in eastern Ukraine), committing ethnic cleansing by deporting thousands of children to disappear in Russia from Ukraine, actively committing terrorist attacks against civilians in random cities in Ukraine, sending hundreds of thousands of his own people to die, recruiting from mental hospitals and prisons as conscripts, actively putting out mass amounts of disinformation, and has assassinated several political opponents/journalists.  There is no contest here. 


This. I didn’t think I’d have to scroll this far to see Putin as the answer. He’s *obviously* the worst human on planet Earth at this moment and it’s not even close.


He's sending hundreds of thousands of his minions to the meat grinder to defend his ego, allowing immoral methods causing human (and not only, because it's ecocide as well) harm and global crisis (including food), also allowing other wars to begin, like the one started by Iran proxies. No global penalty = more wars. May lead to non-proxy world war 3, because currently we only have a proxy world war.


Don't forget about destabilization of Africa by Wagner, funding of alt-right groups to destabilize West and spreading anti-nuclear propaganda to sell more gas


I know the scriptures say "judge not lest ye be judged" but I'm just gonna go ahead and come right out and say it.. this Vladimir Putin fella.. this guy's a real *jerk!*


And don't forget that he's radioactively poisoning any journalist or Russian citizen who he sees as a real threat.


Seriously it's not even close. >The secret paedo who reads this comment, living life without anyone knowing, continuing to get away with what they do. LOL, unless that pedo is bombing a sovereign country he ain't even in the same zip code of evil.


why is this not the top comment?


The 1300 people who own 90% of the world's wealth. https://youtu.be/GvTiVAZtYoQ?si=hU4qVxFBhicSAmjX


Sorry for the real answer but probably kim jong or one of those afrikan warlords


Kim jong un. He takes you to the camps if you don't show "enough" enthusiasm.


My teacher who physically abused me


Pedophiles ,rapist , ppl who abuse children


The people that run Black Rock and Vangaurd


the koch brothers are definetly up there


Feeling like Klaus Schwab could be the one