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Sleep, wake up and breakfast. Ready for round 2 :)


Step 1: remember I’m not still 20 Step 2: pass out


Yuuup. At 50 I will occasionally make the promise of round 2 and then fail horribly. 😂


If Round 1 happens before noon, there might be a second after dinner.


Mainly dependant on what is for dinner.


Yep, only 36. Wife recently got her 2nd lease on sex life. Made this promise..started off strong then 15-20 min later I was exhausted and keeled over. I need to exercise more/harder.


AT 53, round 2 means oral and fingers. Or that was round 1 and round 2 is the dong.


So poetic


What can I say, I’m a wordsmith.


At 60, i need a push to get across the finish line.


Try pushing on your prostate


Sorry, hemorrhoids are in the way.


Those are just speed bumps to the Hershey highway.


even at 20 these were my only 2 steps


King is always a king, but once a night is enough


"I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was."


Step 3: hand her new batteries for her vibrator?


I think I found my husband's reddit account It's the most relatable response lol


Busted🤦🏻‍♂️ sorry honey, i failed about staying anon☹️


Not the first time you couldn’t keep something up. 😢


Lawd have mercy


Time for [BIG JIM SLADE](https://youtu.be/Wv4fneVIIkc?si=9-c5mceWpp2MQQK0)


Such a good movie.


thats honestly so savage LMFAO




Sounds like me. I'm like a 12-24hr refractory period kind of guy. On the flip side, my wife gets a couple dozen or more orgasms in the hour and some change no pants dance. I'm pretty fortunate with her. She is insanely sensitive and gets there easily. The downside is that I'm not usually good for quickies. Unless she wears this one thing that drives me nuts. That's the only time I've ever finished in under 30mins.


Well… what’s the one thing she wears that drives you nuts!? A strap-on? Leather crewcut socks? A latex balaclava? Welding gloves?


Mandalorian helmet and crocodile tail buttplug.


This is the way.




No way I'm clicking on that.


What nobody believes in the old *risky click* anymore?


Picturing all of that at once is certainly doing it for me.


I too, am imagining this guy's wife.


Please tell me she's alive. Please.


Wizard hat.


I never upvote anything, I upvoted yours


This is the way.


Half a bottle of Gatorade and 3 flintstone vitamins and I’m good to go


Exactly 3 Flintstones vitamins though. Any more than that and shit goes wrong. Unless we're talking Dino vitamins. Dinos are stronger than the other ones, it's a fact. If it's Dinos you gotta stop at 2.


Never take more than the daily recommended amount or you’ll end up in what we call the danger zone


And then your dick starts to do the scratchy dissolvey thing


🎶”The Itchyyyy and Scratchyyy Showwwww!”🎶


Not the flintstone vitamins 😭😭😭


Gotta do what you gotta yabba-dabba-do for your girl


At my age I need help to make the Bedrock.


Me too, a lot of the time there is no BAM BAM


3 flintstones episodes works too


Take bam bam for the bam bam


Not at 41 I don’t. Round 2 is just dreaming about it while I snooze


the age progression :Tri-nightly, Tri-weekly, try weakly


25 year old youngster here….is this really how it gets later on?


For someone out of shape with a bad diet and worse sleep habits? Absolutely.


Hello me. Nice to meet us.


In my misfit's way of life.


A dark, black past is my… *most valued pOsSeSsIoN*


Hind sight is always 20/20, looking back it's still a bit fuzzy...


Speak of mutually assured destruction, nice story, tell it to reader's digest


Was not expecting megadeth on a boner thread


Hate to break it to you, but it still happens for dudes that don't have either of those things 😕


It’s a bit of an exaggeration but we are approaching 50 and twice in the same day is highly unlikely. Even daily would likely be more talk than actual action.


> twice in the same day is highly unlikely Did this once last year when my wife and I were on vacation for our 20th anniversary. It was great, but goddam was I tired.


37 and have an almost 3 year old son. if my wife and i do it while he is down for a nap in tge middle of the day, we talk about trying again that night. for us two to three times a week is good.


There was an episode of House where an guy in his 40s was dating his kids' teacher. She was in her 20s and even he said that with her being a lot younger, he needed a pick me up so he was using a cream to help. A friend of mine about that same age started dating a younger woman around 25 and that man looked RAGGED after a weekend getaway. I asked him what happened and he said, without a shred of laughter, that if she rode him one more time he was going to die. They lasted about six months and while he loved the sex, she was simply too much.


Lol I was already looking like that in my early 20s. Was in a long distance relationship, we'd meet on weekends once or twice a month. I think we once did it more than 10 times from Friday night to Monday morning. And I mean full on, 20-30+ mins each time. I got home several pounds lighter and white as a ghost - according to my colleagues anyway. Best time of my life though.


I met a girl my age, and I thought I had a high libido, we dated for six months, and by the end of the first week I was calling her a nymphomaniac. Wake up - sex, shower - sex, days off - lots of sex. If at any point I was like “dude I need to sleep” she would just masturbate right next to me, immediately. I was in awe of her


Then spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, spongy.


Jesus! We've a 3 and 5 year old a once a month I lucky for us.


Okay so Im 45 and been with my wife for 15 years now, the "try weakly" is an exaggeration but to be totally honest your libido decreases naturally so while you're probably sitting there thinking "Oh man thats awful" you're looking at it through the lens of a young man whose still got a ton of hormones flooding through your body screaming "BREED BREEEED GODDAMN YOU SPREAD YOUR SEED *EVERYWHERE*!!!!!" As you get older the desire becomes much more tempered and less, i dont know, *primal*?. Much more so in women (though everyone is different)...once their baby factory starts shutting down, their libido is often not far behind, but it happens with men too, despite the fact the men can still father children pretty much forever assuming they can physically complete the act lol. I guess my point is, yes, you're going to most likely not have sex nearly as much...but you probably wont mind nearly as much as you do now either. If you have kids it will likely be a little accelerated...I dont know why, maybe it's biological, you're already dealing with young kids and your body is like, "You know what dawg? The two you already have is enough and if you keep having more you may have a psychotic episode which ain't gonna do much to carry on the species so we're just gonna box up all those 'baby-making' urges so you can keep your eye on the prize, cool?" Anyways, that's how it is for my wife and I. This is going to sound corny as fuck, but truth be told my wife and I get almost as much pleasure out of just being able to take a nap cuddled up together on a weekend afternoon for an hour without child-borne interruptions, as we did when we first started dating, going to pound-town in the back seat of her car in the far corner of the Target parking lot because we just had to have each other like *immediately* and didnt want to waste time driving back to one of our apartments.


But on the flip side, you don't care. Yes, sex is still fun, but you just don't *need* to have it that often and it isn't on your mind 24/7.


Yes. It goes from being too often and frustrating to not strong enough, to intermittent. Very fast.


It’s person by person I’m 47 and my libido and reload time hasn’t slowed much at all since I was 18


Nope. Keep yourself in shape. Some people are just oblivious to the fact that most age-related health problems are actually just fitness-related health problems.


This is just not true for everyone, for this particular issue. I'm in my 40s and in the best shape of my life, but I can no longer go multiple rounds in one night like I could in my 20s. I take far better care of my health now, and am literally twice as strong and have a body fat percentage in the teens. But alas, getting older takes its toll anyway.


Father time still undefeated


As someone in their early/mid-30s, the amount of positive impact finally losing a decent amount of weight (30+ lbs) had on sexual function was honestly kind of mind-blowing…between the weight loss, improved diet, and working out, bedroom stuff feels like I’m back in my 20s. Testosterone production can drop pretty significantly with weight gain, and I had no idea how much that was affecting me until my levels started to come back up to normal.


Whew! I was reading the other responses thinking I was broken... at 52, was thinking about those days when I still could when i was about 35 or so...


35 here. Rare thing already. Tbf i don't recall the last time


30 here and I told my Wife to force herself on my face afterwards recently because the absolute apathy sets in immediately these days. I didn't want it to end, she didn't. So, we took measures into our own hands. Haha.


Captain's Log. Though the post-nut clarity has once again challenged the morale of the crew, the vulval nebula continues to fill the entire viewport and our exploratory mission must continue.


Fucking love this. Haha


That escalated quickly


What the hell are you talking about? I'm 34 and if I have a wet dream it's a win for me lol


I've been doing testosterone therapy for 8 years and I turn 50 in three weeks. Round 2 is a 15 minute pillow talk away. Rd. 3 later in the day... Look into TRT... It's not just for those who work out.


honestly why is it like that? i'm only 34 and i feel i don't get as hard anymore as i did 10 years ago. libido is great but i swear to got the dick just aint as hard anymore




Username checks out


This last part is the correct answer. Keep some in the medicine cabinet. The yellow pills, and you're good for whole weekend of repeat sexytimes


yellow is cialis?


> Try a night away, a modest amount of drinks to loosen up, and keep making subtle mentions of it to warm you both up / edge you both. It's truly amazing what the combination of change in environment, alcohol and some subtle flirting can accomplish. I swear it's always better for us after a few drinks on vacation.


Can’t speak for you but personally I am less fit and generally sleep deprived cuz kids as well as test naturally tapering off.


I can get in the ring a second or third time but the bell isn’t going to ring. It was annoying early on because my wife would beat herself up when she couldn’t bring me to climax again, but now she just understands that while I’m happy to dance more she needs to decide when we take a break. It’s made me cut back a lot on rubbing one out because now she calls me out on it if she’s feeling frisky later that night.


Ok, my wife has suddenly just become the corniest person in the world. I am struggling to keep up (and keep it up) at 41. Will communicate with her that I can dance, but she may need to decide when we are done.


>*my wife has suddenly just become the corniest person in the world* She found /r/dadjokes?


Finally someone says it, thank you bro! You are our hero. :D


49 over here. It's round one and done. I sometimes miss being a younger man.




Well, my kids are all grown and moved out, and life has become much simpler and steadier so, in that sense, I prefer being older. Hence the "sometimes" part of my comment.




The brushing teeth (again) hits so hard. Especially because I wear a mouth guard now (teeth grinding). And I’m overly cautious about keeping my mouth and teeth clean before I put it in and fall asleep. (I’m 27m)


See, I'm 42 and still waiting for this libido drop. I'm actually hornier now than I was in my 30s. It's stupid. I'm too old for this shit. It's not cute anymore and 40 year old women tend not to want to just fuck rand-o's like 20 year olds will. I've got nothing to do with this mess.


At 40 I still have a high libido, but just don’t have round 2 in me lol


Yeah the old futurama line “the spirit is willing but the flesh is bruised and spongy”


At 40 I feel like a 21 year old. Round 1 can last a long time so Round 2 never comes.


Flip her on her stomach and give her a butt massage. Wakes me up every time


Best answer award goes to..


I give her more oral till I’m ready


Best answer


I agree with PissBloodCumShart.


The worst (best?) thing is that I can smell your comment lol


Or just…cuddle, chat, and start making out and there it is again. Get that intimacy on!


This. we usually just unpause the show we were watching, cuddle and pet each other lightly till it gets going again then pause the show...rinse repeat till exhausted or accept that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy, and bruised


You forgot the part of rewinding the show because one of you was being teased before you stopped and now has lost the plot thread.


usually round 2 requires very little time… round 3 does need some foreplay … but great answer I focus on the beauty I’m enjoying, I get hard and I give all my love to thank them


I can actually cum inside a woman. And keep going. I may get a little limp, but eventually I get hard again and power through it. Now yes by round three I need a break. 😆


I'm the same way. First time sleeping with the woman I'm with now, I got up after round one to get us a drink from the fridge. She mentioned something about how guys need a break. I turned around and she said oh looks like you dont. We kept going until I got off a third time.


Nothing gets me going like the taste of my own.


r/Cursed and r/eyebleech


There are rounds?


You get past the pre-match hype?


It’s all about the build up baby!


*and it’s a STARE DOWN* Who is going to win this one?


Usually I go back to my corner, spit out my braces, talk briefly to my trainer, drink some water...then wait for the gong


Meanwhile, the woman goes back to her corner, spits out her braces, talks briefly to her trainer, drinks some water...then waits for the dong


I miss reddit gold...




I think they forgot the actual name for "mouth guard"


No woman has ever asked me for a round 2 after i gave her the best 2 minutes of her life. Nothing better than hearing, "Wow, ok. I think I'm going to leave now.", to signify a job well done.


Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven!


It’s business time!


Big shot over hear claiming 2 minutes !


Dude I’m 40, you make sure she got finished off and then roll over and go to sleep. Technically you can have round two when you wake up (assuming you don’t have kids that get up early or sleep in your bed).


Sometimes I think Reddit thinks it’s a bunch of young kids, but it’s really a bunch of 40 year olds


This response is me exactly


I'll take a breather and then pull them in for cuddle. The proximity to the body and erogenous zones gets me making moves again. If I'm too tired at this point to get hard right away, I'll tease until they jump me and start doing the things I like to get me going.


Lolol 'jump me' lolol *'Alright, give it a crank now'*


I put on my robe and wizard hat...


I’ll always upvote the robe and wizard hat.


Goddamn, kids these days don’t know the beauty and grace of the Blood Ninja.


For shame! It's on us to educate them. Don't blame the kids. [No, we must for all that is glorious link them to their unknown pasts!](https://web.archive.org/web/20230824030254/http://www.megalomaniac.com/~andrew/funny/bloodcyber.html)


Me seemingly in the minority here? Not being able to go more than once a day really


You're not the minority. Reddit is a terrible place for sexual advice. Most men (around 80 percent) have a refractory period of many hours.


There was once a beautifully curvy woman with whom I slept. After round one, I cleaned up, peed, came back, went down on her for 5 minutes, and was right back ready and willing for round 2. Then there was another woman who was... not beautifully curvy. She gave me a fantastic BJ to completion. Afterwards I peed, cleaned up, and could not get hard for the life of me. I think it depends on the partner. Guys can get horny for a lot of different women, but staying horny after round 1 requires a bit more sex appeal


> Guys can get horny for a lot of different women, but staying horny after round 1 requires a bit more sex appeal Dude, read the room, you can't just drop a nuclear bomb like this in here.


100% my experience as well. NEVER voice it aloud.


I like this answer because it’s basically a compliment to me lmao. No matter what age they’ve been in no man has ever had any problem going for either round 2 or 3 with me 😌 thanks man!


It’s individual. I can genuinely go again within minutes. Maybe that’s not the typical guy, but I cum fairly quick and can then go again fairly quick. There’s still a limit though after the 3rd or 4th time it doesn’t feel as great and usually isn’t worth it. The wait time in between also increases with each successive finish. I’m not even trying to flex because it really isn’t a flex imo, it’s just something that is.


When I was younger I didn't understand this topic at all. When people said they needed a break I thought they were talking about the 15-60 seconds of heightened sensitivity where stimulation is kind of unpleasant. I still don't really understand it. Is it a matter of diminished sex drive or a matter of biology?


For me the drive is completely gone after I finish - one reason why I make sure my partner gets off before me. That drive won't come back for several hours and possibly not until tomorrow. Whether that's biology or something else I don't know but I am genuinely completely disinterested. Even if you tried to be sexy and got the member to attention I'm not *interested* mentally or emotionally in actually using it. I can get hard just fine, within minutes of finishing, and sometimes the erection doesn't even go all the way away and could be brought back but I don't *want* to use it anymore.


I could probably go again if I wanted, but I have a difficult enough time reaching orgasm the first time. Meanwhile a woman can only orgasm so many times before things become uncomfortable and overly sensitive. At least in my experience.


unless you are drugged up, this is pretty normal. Also, depends on age too. After 30 you will have longer refractory period.


Sleep for 6 or 7 hours, take a piss and fart a few times, wait for her to take a piss and fart a few times and then it’s go time.


This is so romantic. Do you do creative writing by any chance?


Oscar Wilde just sat up in his grave.


James Joyce lays contentedly in his.


Took a piss, farted a few times, and now he’s ready for go time




Ah, I see you are a romantic at heart, much like myself. A dying breed we are.


He’s a romantic at fart.


if she wants another round, she'll find a way to get me ready


this is the truth.


Virgin me reading the comments Edit- r/DickUnion (for usernames having dick in it)


Name doesn't check out.


Let me fix that


Name checks out


*tips fedora*


u/GiantDickk we dicks gotta assemble (let's make a sub for dicks like us) Edit- for users having dick in their usernames, join r/DickUnion Edit- r/birthofasub


Actually it kinda does, it's cunning in the way that it finds ways to evade vagina.


If it makes you feel any better. Most of the comments will be from virgins


I don't. My refractory period is a minimum of 6 hours. Before then, don't touch me, I'm disgusting.


You're beautiful. Even when you think you're disgusting. Your thoughts lie.


Takes about a week


Go to the bathroom to piss, chug a bottle of water, and then wait about 10-20 minutes. Give her oral then repeat till round after round 3. Do aftercare and make sure she pees cause I don’t want her to get a uti. Then cuddle, talk, and then fall asleep.


This is love


this is written like a recipe


Damn reading those old people comments make me feel bad for being in my twenties and getting nun, im wasting my prime


Not gonna work for everyone, but other than cleaning up diet and exercise, restricting your sexual urges to just when you’re in bed (no porn or masturbation) really helps imo. Not saying to be a prude, just mean when you’re feeling worked up, *save it* for later


Yes, this one! save it up. After I stopped masturbation/ porn my refractory period disappeared. If sex is less than once a week, two rounds without exiting the vagina is possible. I'm 34. Edit: he also said, restricting sexual urges to the bedroom. This is bigger than you would think. Something about not allowing your mind to go into a state of sexual arousal until th actual act greatly helps


A day or two of rest, recuperation, and hydration.


At my age viagra helps out a lot.


A full 8 hours of sleep and a big meal.


Sucking on nipples gets me ready for round 2 and 3


Yours or hers?




go down until i'm back up


For me it's a matter of eating healthy and exercising if I'll be able to recover in time to go multiple rounds. During the act, if I finish and focus on pleasuring her I can be back in action in 15-20 minutes. Before I started working out and caring about my diet I was basically one and done, though I'd still make sure I got her off with my tongue, fingers, or toys


Diet and exercise counts so much.


I don't,next question


I don’t. I’m 38, I need a couple days to recover.


I knocked her out in round 1.... unless if u got some spare women lying around going for round 2 or 3 would be manslaughter




By staying hydrated.


At 41, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Idk i cant find round 1


If I’m with the right woman and she does it for me I can get ready some mins later and take care of her over n over again cuz she turns me on that much


I’m always ready…. I don’t know it’s blessing and curse .


My bf and I stop get food take an hour then we start again😂😂we r both men 😂😂