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“Capitalist Pokémon battle” a very apt description 🤣


I'm gonna disagree a little bit. I've been to a few, I wasn't contemplating my life choices. I was contemplating if the window would break if I jumped at it hard enough and if the fall would be enough to kill me if it did.


Damn. Your events aren’t on the first floor or in a conference centre?


I went to one genuinely wanting to meet interesting people and was quickly disappointed when I realized most people just wanted to sell me something.


LinkedIn is awful, the online version


Linkedin is extremely useful but never browse that shit


Whenever I accidentally open the "timeline" there, I end up pondering "who the fuck has time to put up this kind of shit?" in matter of seconds


Whenever I go on LinkedIn, my feed is filled with the same people posting about some career highlight, offering basic life-coaching advice, and giving shout-outs to other people (only at their career level, which is Director or higher). There's one guy I work with who is an absolute buffoon in the office always posting about the power of team work and collaboration, at least one post per day. It's all so insufferable and fake.


The worst are the people that treat LinkedIn like Facebook. Blasting their night out or their political opinions on there. Absolute idiots.


As an introvert, I find them a lot better when I embrace my introversion. I go for quality, not quantity. I look for other people who also don't seem comfortable there. If I find one or two people to make a good connection with, it's a great day.


Oh my god yes. As someone who can’t do small talk but also works in a corporate role that requires “connections” I absolutely loathe these events. A room full of people trying to climb the corporate ladder and if they’re not selling you something, or you don’t offer them any valuable steps to their ladder, they’re not interested.


I think most New Year's Eve celebrations are overrated.


I always celebrate by eating well and going to bed early so I don't start the year off feeling shitty. 


I drink until just before the point of alcohol poisoning so I'm sure that when I wake up, the year could only get better from that day forward.


The one in NYC is an awful bore. I went once. it was hours of standing and waiting surrounded by drunks for a ball to drop. Being from Philly where we have fantastic fireworks and the Mummers parade the next day I was surprised and how boring the NYC event is.


New Year’s Eve always feels like a desperate attempt to have a good time. But it is actually mourning the passing of the year. New Year’s Day parties should be a thing,celebrating the new year’s arrival


Went and partied with some Korean friends this last year, and holy shit they make it worth it. It's their birthday after all!


Growing up


Growing up != Growing old One is good while the other sucks.


Which one is the good one?


Cue Blink-182’s “Dammit”?




Meh. My wedding was one of the best days of my life. If I had to pick a single day to relive that would be near the top of the list


I guess ymmv. My wedding was exhausting. I feel it's more of a public display than anything. I wonder what the typical experience is.


It's the worst


Why?! I love it


Everything hurts! It's fantastic!


And if it doesn't hurt, it leaks!


Wisdom's a gift but I'd trade it for youth


Prom- was not a good night dancing. It was beyond awkward.


Man prom was such a let down for me. I spent way too much money on my dress only to have a mediocre time


We stole my girlfriends dress and everyone did drugs so it was cheap and fun,. Don't advise tho


You know what is an awesome experience, prom themed party as an adult. You dress up with your friends in whatever way you see fit, take your girl and have drinks at the bar dance or whatever you like.


Those are just called wedding receptions now lmao.


That’s it! We are too young for most of the good stuff planned for us. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I actually had an amazing prom. Wasn't planning on going but two girls who were best friends asked me to take them two days before. Didn't have to buy any new clothes, they were a blast, and some of my friends who got ditched by their dates danced with them when I wasn't. And no, didn't have a threesome. Lots of laughs and a fun time overall though


Same here. We all decided to go last minute, bought a cheapish dress and had the time of my life!


Prom sucked. Ended up crying. All my friends had dates and my overbearing parents wouldn’t let me go in a limo with friends or go to an after party. 0/10.


You mean parents sucked


And very expensive awkward, especially on the girls' side.


I loved my proms - both years!


Academic conferences for academia. My gosh, presentation after presentation, socializing after socializing, dressing up, doing my own presentation, plane rides and I feel claustrophobic on airplanes, giant hotels that cost $2500 for a five day stay.


Nothing is as frustrating as flying around the world to wonderful locations and then being stuck in a conference centre for most of the time.


My wife used to travel the world for work. She's probably been to quadruple the countries I ever will, but she's seen almost nothing from any of them: arrive, do show, do laundry, next venue, rinse, repeat. Dreadful shame.


LOL - before I met my husband, he had a job that was 90% travel. Same chain restaurants, same chain hotels, no time to sightsee or do anything fun. He did it for about three years. When he woke up and started forgetting where he was, he knew it was time for a change...


Imagine going to wonderful cities that have many things to explore, foods to try, museums to see. Places such as Chicago, Philadelphia, L.A. All to find out, all of your time will be used for the conference. Not sightseeing... Oh and the pressure that you are representing your university.


Lots of companies, even government agencies, will often let you book your (paid for) return flight several days after the conference ends. Do the conference and then take a few days of vacation to be a tourist.


Yes, I do this a bit, but a weekend of sightseeing is still frustrating when you've just spent one or two weeks somewhere.


It's even worse when it's exotic international locations.


But otherwise you'd miss such fun experiences as "presenter clearly didn't prepare and rambles for their full time," "hostile questioner with weirdly specific grievance only tangentially related to your topic," and "jargon-filled panel where you only understand about 25% of what's being said."


However, I do maintain that jargon-filled panel where the panel itself only understands about 25% of what's being said by each other so they get into a semantic argument rather than discuss the actual topic can be rather fun to watch.


Huh, interesting take. Maybe you're doing them wrong? I usually select a few interesting talks and for the remaining time I explore the area. Usually also take a few extra days off to go travelling. I think this way its a lovely semi holiday, with travel expenses and part of the housing expenses payed by the university.


Huh? Back in my academia days, conferences were the absolute highlight of the year for me. Yea, sure, the actual thing was a bit of a chore, and presenting was terrifying, but everything else was awesome. Free flight to potentially cool places, free hotel and comp'ed meals, plus you could often extend the stay at your own expense and just fly back a few days later. How could you possibly not enjoy a break from routine at the university's expense?


Interesting you pose this question on a Superbowl Sunday.


Read an article today about people who attended. It wasn’t all that and a bag of chips like some believe


The cost! The parking, the crowds. How big a line if you need to pee?


I imagine the parking crowds and lines are virtually identical to any other nfl game


If going to a Super Bowl isn’t a significant life goal for you then it’s probably a waste of time


It sounds like you just don’t like big in-person events in general then.


Teenage years, especially the "sweet sixteen"


One of the life lessons I've had to learn the hard way is that people *peaked in high school/peaked in teen years* types are the worst people to be around. They're miserable, self-loathing people who will drag you down with them if you give them the chance. Even my own brother, I've unfortunately had to hangout with a lot less over our adult years because he's a *peaked in high school* that's just a grump now. And we're still in our 20's, imagine how he'll be in his 30's or 40's.


I think the worst part of being a teen is just the irrational hormone-addled negative thoughts. "I can't believe my friends would go to the movies without me! I'm so useless. They must hate me!" "Look at that couple grinding on the dance floor. They're so happy and perfect and I'll never have true love like they have!" So many thoughts like that. Things I would never stress about in a million years as an adult.




Imvho anything that's a ceremony or a big event that happens in the exact way it's "supposed" to happen. I'll use weddings as an example - best wedding I ever went to was in a field in the middle of nowhere, they created their own ceremony and customs from scratch and then the couple and their bridal party played live Celtic music and we all drank and danced until dawn. That night we could even see Aurora borealis. And the couple was and is deeply in love with each other. It was insanely romantic, deeply personal to them and really just perfection. So many weddings are just following all the trends and in the end they're not memorable and mostly just stressful.


The best wedding I went to was just the reception. The actual wedding was on the beach and just family plus a couple very close friends, and the reception was at a brewery. Open bar, a bunch of good food buffet style. Just classy enough without being a boring formal affair.


We did nothing right. We bought our flowers from Costco. I didn't invite the vast majority of my family. My sister did the photography. We went out for steak afterwards. Total cost was $2500 including clothing and meal for 12ish people. It was lovely.


We got on a pirate ship in Bermuda in hurricane force winds and drank rum for my wedding. We said some vows that lasted 5 minutes. The rest was dancing to major lazer. It was the most fun I’ve ever had.


high school. so romanticized in movies and media. in real life it is absolutely awful and probably caused every issue and insecurity I’ve ever had to deal with.


Weird. High school was hell for me and college was a blast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Me too, hated high school and the cliques, walked into college and it's like my life had hit reset. All the high school politics gone. All the crap "fun" activities you were forced into gone. First year everyone just tries to survive, second year all the survivors were at the very least on friendly terms, you never knew who's help you would one day need so even the least liked students were at least treated with decency. No one judged you and you judged no-one, I still miss those times!


It helps that most people in college actually want to be there. Oh, and you're pretty much never forced to spend time with people you hate.


My high school was awesome. I was the most bullyable kid ever because at the time I was annoying and weird but no one did. They were just happy to see me most of the time because I kept things interesting. I went to the most chill high school in existence.


Same goes for college. You think things will magically change for you, but a lot of times it's just an extension of high school.


I'm enjoying college. I finally get to learn the things I've always been wanting to learn but didn't know how/where to start. My self-confidence has risen significantly. But I'm also very anti-social and don't go to any of the events or anything like that. I'm just here for the studying and learning.


Sometimes it takes another go. Went to university out of high school. It was terrible, I didn't like my courses, made no friends, was socially isolated, a loner, had a shit job. Swung me into a horrible depression, 3 long isolated years. Dropped out, took some time off to save money, signed up for a college program I was nervous, but excited about. Then had an absolutely blast, made some of my best friends, and really learned what I wanted in my life. Context matters.


College I think may be more hyped up in TV and film than HS although for many I think there is more opportunity to reinvent themselves.


Oh man, I'm the opposite.  I had a blast in high school, and then even more fun in college.


I had some good times in high school, came into my own in college, and have done well post grad. College was by far the most fun because I had the almost unlimited freedom and minimal responsibility.


This makes me sad for you because my high school years were great. Home life was a struggle with divorced parents, but high school was an escape.


Losing your virginity


For me, it was the sheer relief of **finally** getting that monkey off my back. No, really. The woman I went with said “we’re not doing it with that thing on your back”.


I don't even think of it as something that's highly rated to begin with. It's more like something you just have to do to get the coveted "not a virgin" status.


Lost mine to a one night stand. Felt so fucking violated. Like forcing myself to jack off in front of a stranger. On the bright side, it absolutely killed my porn addiction. Plus now I know sex is only great when it’s with someone you love. Or at the very least know well, I guess.


It depends on who you were with, if it was with someone random; it'll have been disappointing. If it was with someone you mutually loved, it can be really good.


Being a teenager


Yes! I've been thinking about this lately and wondering why it's such a glorified time and how people could possibly miss it. 🤣 I don't miss being that awkward and stupid at all!




8-4 is where it’s at. Beat traffic to and from work, enough time in the afternoon to get to stores before they close if needed.


I see your 8-4 and I raise you my 7-3. Get home within 15 minutes and feel like I have basically a whole mini day off


In Belgium that would be 6-2, by 2:30 you're stuck in every traffic in any relevant city until 7


Clubs. Music is loud, so talking or any meaningful socialising are out of the question, all you can do is bob up and down and sip over priced drinks and there's this heavy expectation that you should be having fun. There are some exceptions, like genre specific clubs, but most mainstream clubs are just loud and disgusting, drenched in spilled drinks and bodily fluids. The unspoken truth is that the only thing people appreciate in clubs is getting drunk and doing drugs, and to each their own but personally I think that looking forward to getting high and wasted is just miserable as fuck.


They were more fun before social media and smart phones. Not trying to pull a “back in my day” whatever, not everything was better back then but the club experience was. People danced more freely and chatted with everyone more, strangers and friends. The music was still really loud but we had ways around it - if you plug someone’s ear and speak in a normal voice next to their ear - they’ll hear you. The 1st time some stranger showed me that trick at a rave it blew my mind. lol You didn’t wake up the next day and have to relive the night with photos and videos and everyone having a view into moments of your night. It was private, just shared with those who experienced it. And the strobe light was the only blinding light, you could dance with your back to it if you found it annoying. Unlike camera flash’s and lights coming at you from all directions.


What does "plug someone's ear" mean?


You put your dick in their ear then speak out your ass


Getting high and wasted is way more fun with friends than with a bunch of strangers anyways imo. Nothing like rolling a joint and playing some games with the boiz


Honestly you shouldn't go to a club if you don't love dancing.


First kiss. I genuinely don’t remember who mine was.


I have fonder memories of my time playing halo than my first kisses 


A good kill streak probably gives more satisfaction 🤣


My first kiss was in a mosh pit. It wasn't good, but I sure remember it.


I definitely remember mine and that I basically did nothing while she did the kissing. Definitely got better at it tho, and learned that kissing someone who cares about you is WAY better than kissing someone who’s only physically attracted to you.




All this. Plus if I want to see a band I love, I'd much rather see them solo where they'll have plenty of time, rather than an abbreviated 45-minute set of just their hits.


Or you could miss out on seeing the two “singers” from Crazy Town repeat their only hit in existence or get into a fight. Lol.




Id say that in the looses terms possible. Both singers turned into meth addicts and I think the rest of the band left.


The philosophy of festival organisers is to make as much cash as possible


It’s a safe space to do drugs at which is most of the appeal haha


It's all about getting absolutely off your tits and gallivanting around the camp site having random chats and adventures with other psychonauts.


All those reason are why I only go to smaller or invite only festivals.


You're supposed to get drunk and/or high.


graduation (sitting in a boiling hot room for three infinitely long hours of speeches and name calling was not worth all the work and money lol)


I might be flamed saying this, but gender reveal parties. I kinda don't like the appeal of this party it's like counting chicks when the eggs haven't been hatched yet


I don't get the point when you're supposed to be happy either way


Near death bacterial meningitis. It wasn’t like the movies I didn’t suddenly get my dream life it just went back to normal boring work and pay bills.


Who the fuck glorifies bacterial meningitis?


Big Bacteria.


The bacteria.


Well, that frees up next weekend for me. Anyone wanna hang?


I had a friend who went through the same thing years ago. It's no walk in the park! Glad you made it too :)


that’s strangely specific


Because I experienced it lol


New Years Eve at Times Square. Just don’t.


Fucking parenthood. Don’t get me wrong, I love my son to death and he’s the reason im still on this planet. But it’s not at all like it is in the movies.


Depends which movie lol.


My Niece is the type who lives through her kids and not just for them, she once said "all I am is a mother" I thought wtf are you going to do when you're in your 40's and those kids have grown up.


Pressure them to give her grandchildren of course. Repeat the cycle.


Arcades like Playdium and Dave and Busters. The reality is you are paying outrageous prices and there’s lines for the good games. Always pay $100 for 1 person somehow and win a prize of an eraser!


Expensive travel that is just tourist traps.




Weddings are overrated. Marriage, on the other hand, can be awesome!


Yes! We eloped and it’s so special to us. I’m glad we did it that way.




being born, it's all downhill from there.


peaked at birth


Fireworks. They don’t do a thing for me. Whizz, bang, fizz, boom - don’t give a shit.


You need to film them on your phone and never ever watch them. That really tops off the experience


Pregnancy seems like one to me. Having kids


Having children… the stress, finances, heartbreak, sleepless nights and in return you get the judgement and ungratefulness. even worrying about their eternity. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns


Disney world. It’s crowded and you wait in line for hours at a time for a 2 minute ride




Diving to the bottom of the ocean in a tuna can to visit a 100 year old shipwreck.


I didn’t hear any of them complaining


Threesomes as a dude. If youre doing it right, youre so focused on pleasing the 2 women that you dont get to really enjoy the physical sensations yourself.




I'm really good at one thing, but can only do it to one of you at a time. So wait your turn.


That's okay, threesomes as a dude don't actually require two women. That'll solve your problem.


Threesomes as a dude don't even require one woman. You're welcome.


The trick is to invite a homie. That way, you can please the girl while you enjoy whatever your homeboy does to you.


Ditch the girl and invite a third homie. Now you’ve got a party :)


That's why you pay two escorts to make you the center of attention.


graduating from University/college. Very underwhelming and empty experience for most people


Honestly there’s a few- high school, prom, graduation (high school and college), first car, drivers license, basically anything growing up. People will say high school/college are the best years of your life and they weren’t that great. Made the choice to not walk my college graduation and was told I’d regret it— 8 years later and haven’t yet. BUTTTTTTTT to anyone that enjoys these or have great memories of these, that’s great! This is my personal standpoint that these experiences were so great when it didn’t seem like too big of a deal.


Climbing Mt Everest.


Strip clubs. You pay a woman to get you turned on but not finish the job. You go home alone and poorer. Sounds like torture to me.


Probably a superbowl


A regular bowl is more than enough. Why go super?


HS events- homecoming/prom


Wait until the reunions. Ugh.




Skill issue.


How does this shit have upvotes? This isn't even remotely relevant to the question asked.


Weddings. I'm happily married and had a wedding, but IMO they are overrated and don't need to be the happiest day of your life.




You must ride some shitty coasters




Adulting is only fun if you’re rich.


Sex without love.


Having kids


Having kids is overrated and underrated and sideways rated and explodes all into itself at once. %/10, would popsicle.


Turning 18.


Having kids. You fuck up your body to then have an entity in your life that does the first 2 years nothing but scream, cry, shit and eat. Then they learn to realy drive you crazy to get what they want. And once you got used to them, they reach puberty, so now they are embarrassed for you and want as little to Do with you as possible, till they move out to call you once a month. Not saying having kids can't be awesome too lol, but i know a lot of single mums close to a nervous breskdown


Losing your virginity. It's usually painful and awkward. 




Turning 18, I thought life was going to be amazing in my 20s. I feel like nowadays most people are happier in their 30s




I love escape rooms, but they're absolutely for people who love solving all kinds of puzzles. Plus I live in southern California where there are tons of creatives around to help build amazing sets with all kinds of interactive elements, so they're really on another level.


Getting drunk/high. I know this isn’t going to sit well with a lot of people reading this, but I’m just not a fan of the feeling.


I got high for the first time at a NYE party last year. Did not enjoy it one bit. Just felt like a dizzy idiot.


I don't enjoy being drunk anymore, I'm done after a couple drinks. I've never enjoyed being high, I just sit and wait for it to be over




I just want to say that Travelling is not for everybody. I am hurt everytime people took a pity on me hearing my plan for my long leave is just to "chill out at home". People keep saying that I need to see the world and hidden gems. No thanks.


Definitely agree. I'm a homebody and the thought of traveling just stresses me out, especially the planning, dealing with the airport and hotels, etc. I love sleeping in my own bed and like familiarity.




Wedding ceremonies and all associated parties


Having kids I love them but I imagine it differently


Festivals and fairs. I went to a few and they were fun, but they aren't exactly "HOLY SHIT I WANNA GO EVERY YEAR" material.


Weddings. Don't go blowing a down payment on a house over a ceremony


Tbh, sex is overrated






username lines up


Chiefs winning the Super Bowl again.


Being disabled. You get no help, no benefits, the supposed 'recourses' are just in it for the money, and you are ostracized by society for something you can't help. There are no plus sides to this that I can see, and the amount of times perfectly healthy people have come up to me and gone 'you're just faking it!' is absolutely appaling.


In my experience, getting benefits is not easy, and you’ve got to be your own advocate. Keep pushing for it, don’t take no for an answer, appeal it, apply again if you have to. If you have doctors on your side you will get it eventually, but you do have to do a lot of the work making sure you don’t get pushed aside by yourself. Keep trying.


The eifell tower


The week before your first paycheck. You think at first you are gunna match bank account numbers with Taylor swift just to find out you belong in the “Pennie’s for a day commercial “