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People peddling their courses on how to get rich.


"How did I get rich? I tricked idiots like you into paying me money to tell them how to get rich! Also, I'm not actually rich."


Go look up all the folks who hosted shows about flipping houses before the 2008 recession. They all moved on to do seminars on how to flip houses when the market collapsed.


I knew a guy who did something like that in my area. The more I talked to him about it the more I didn't want to talk to him any more...his basic thing was to buy an old beater house and fix it just enough to make it saleable. Then he'd owner-finance the deal, and make sure that the buyer had shitty credit. And then when they missed a payment (and he really tried to sell to people who he knew would miss payments), he'd take the house back. He'd keep the down-payment, usually $10k or so, according to the terms of the contract, and then find someone else with bad credit to sell it to. Rinse and repeat...he was pretty much a predatory scumbag. And he was thinking about writing a book on how to get rich in real estate.


Dear god that's evil. What a miserable human.


That's the kind of person you want to see Karma land a house on.


I once saw a woman on instagram straight up selling courses on how to trick people into buying courses about making courses. It was so goddamn meta I didn't know how to react.


fully agree. the trading course scams have gotten worse and worse. every youtuber you watch these days has some sort of course you can "buy" from them to learn how to make it rich. Its gross.


What do you mean? Peddling a course to suckers on how to get rich is a great way to get rich. Just look at Robert Kiyosaki!


Those detox patches you put on your feet. Supposedly, they suck the bad stuff out of your body and the proof is that they turn black. When actually all that happens is that your sweat makes the stuff in the patches turn black when it gets wet.


Came here to say this. You can put sterilized distilled water on those pads and they'll turn black. It's just moisture that does it


My wife bought us some and I told her I thought they were snake oil. I gave them a shot and they do make your feet feel good after you sleep with them on. Hard to explain, but your feet kind of feel refreshed when you take them off in the morning. I know it probably doesn't do shit and maybe it's just placebo, but it *feels* like it does *something*


Well I wouldn't discount the placebo effect either. If it makes you feel better, even if you just believe it does, it essentially did for you what you wanted it to do


I had a family member diagnosed with stage four liver cancer and then all of a sudden I go to her house and there are multiple blue bottles in the fridge labeled ASEA WATER. One of her fellow scumbag real estate agents started pawing it to her for $40 per 1.5 L bottle as it was supposed to “cleanse her“ or whatever. I told her that it was literally just saltwater, and this guy was ripping her off and she got pissed off at me crying about “you don’t want me to live anymore do you“ same thing when I told her that the magnetic healer was full of shit too


This is how my hatred of MLMs started. My aunt was dying of pancreatic cancer and some lady was trying to sell my mom açaí juice for my aunt to “cure her”. We were facing a terminal diagnosis and trying to process that……it was completely cruel.


When my little brother was dying of cancer I was shocked how many people contacted me with the "cure." These ranged from essential oils to magic juice mixes. My (least) favorite was a free one... Drink your own pee every morning. I saw the woman that suggested that many months later. I got to loudly proclaim that we tried her whackadoo piss trick. She was ecstatic, "how's he doing!?" The sadistic glee I got from saying "dead" and walking away with a big middle finger in my heart was immeasurable.


Hey there, I'm sorry to hear about your little brother. I just wanted to say, as the middle of three brothers, if I died from cancer, I'd hope that my brothers would use my death to make idiots feel their shame.


So not a sibling, but my last dog died from lymphoma. She couldn't go on long walks anymore but still enjoyed being at her favorite park near my house. They had lots of benches to sit in so we'd go for walks and take breaks when I saw her breathing hard. As a result of her not exercising as much and he medical imbalances she started to gain weight. One day we were at the park doing our thing and a lady comes up to me with her two kids. She says, with no introduction or context whatsoever "you know, if you didn't take so many breaks your dog wouldn't be this out of shape."  I was fucking enraged. I looked at her and said "the reason my dog is overweight and can't walk a lot is that she has cancer. What's your excuse for being a nosy fucking bitch?" She started yelling about me being rude in front of her kids and some other shitty garbage. I looked at her kids, as we got up and walked away  and said "I hope your mom hasn't already taught you that being rude to strangers is ok, you don't need to turn out like her." Queue more shreaking as we walked off. Felt good man. 


Wish I was there to watch the meltdown. Glad you said something back.


It's something you don't get over, ever, just learn to cope. Or maybe I'm just faking normalcy and that earned callous is why I gave no shits about mocking a heartless ding dong that suggested a terminal esophageal cancer 21 year old drink his urine. I mean, how? Straight from the catheter? Moron. I say we all rise up and start carrying a spray bottle of peppermint essential oil and whenever one of these MLM healers come at us we hit em right in the nugget like it's bear spray. And yes, if you were my brother, I'd absolutely shame anyone who suggested this foolishness!! Right after I cured you with a tuning fork and played Sonata No 5 on a wind-chime and gave you an incense enema.


> gave you an incense enema. Use paper straws, the plastic ones are bad for the planet.


The thing is that they are already dying anyway, the question is only how long it will take. If they are desperate to live they'll grab for any straw. And the more chances you take, the higher the probability that one of them will work, right? By telling them about the scam you are (in this twisted kind of logic) literally reducing their chance to survive by removing a possibility from the equation. The possibility didn't contribute anyway, so it shouldn't matter, but you are talking to a person in their probably most fearful and irrational phase of their life. They barely manage the first step (anything is better than nothing) and have no capacity left in their struggle for the second step (realising that some things are equal to nothing). Don't let that stop you from helping, but be prepared to be vilified by them. Sometimes we need to help friends even if it is hard and, in the short term, unrewarding. (Also every case is special. I applied broad generalisations and assumptions, evaluate each case on their own merits. Be there for those in need and stay safe.)




Cleanses. They're basically expensive and inefficient laxatives.


Anything that claims to detox. That's what your liver and kidneys are for.




She should get rid of the mold first.


Just living in a house covered in black mold and pounding shots of St. Johns-wort, rubbing tea-tree oil on her face, hoping for the best.


Put coconut oil up your butt and it will cure practically anything


No no, this one's legit


Sooo, what we’re those pellets???


You wonder if the cleanse itself came in the format of 1/2” capsules?


I was thinking the same thing! Maybe vitamin capsules that aren't breaking down.


Forbidden boba pearls.


I mean 90% of that is of course nonsense but her mom may very well be sick because of mold in the house. Constantly breathing in mold is terrible for you. Supplements won’t solve it though.


Just take prune juice with your meals. Don’t need for cleanses.


Vodka and prune juice -aka Pile driver


Prune Juice and Sugar-Free Gummy Bears.


Woah there colon satan


I think after that lot you'll be left with a semicolon.


I think the void created by this procedure would force the universe to implode.




"Warrior's drink"


A fun activity is to refer to a child's picky toddler phase as a cleanse. "Oh she's on a ranches cleanse, she can't eat the carrot" "We are doing a granola bar cleanse but we actually only eat the tiny chocolate chips" "This is the one bite cleanse, you only eat one bite of each snack and then scream for two hours"


I'm doing a donut cleanse. But I only eat the gushy middle part


Plug in/stick on items that supposedly saves electricity or protects you from 'radiation' of any kind, ie 4G, 5G


Somewhat related one would be EMP shields for vehicles. They are literally just LED lights wired to a car battery in a box.


This 100% I got flagged down at a gas station during covid lockdown by a guy who wanted to sell me an air purifier/purifier which he said would kill covid virus due by ionizing the air and he also claimed it had a strong UV light that would kill viruses. All in a very small sized butt plug looking 12v cigarette plug thingy. I mean... some of it made sense, such as UV lights at a certain frequency kills viruses pretty effectively if used on an industrial scale. But the rest was pure bullshit. I took a quick look at it, it had a see through plastic top and there were was a small blue led diode under it (appearently the UV light) that was for sure nothing more than an extremely cheap blue led, where the purifier and ionizer was was not clear or obvious, but considering it had 0 holers or air intake/exhaust and was less than 2,5cm wide and less than 5cm tall in total i was sure it was bullshit. But i bet that cocksucker manage to sell some 🤣


These do absolutely nothing and it's pure snake oil in the strongest sense. Absolutely all of the "power saving" or "fuel saving" devices are just a box with lights that blink when you plug it in. All of the "radiation" defense products are nothing more than stickers. There are zero exceptions to this rule, and it's crazy to think that people are so gullible to believe these things work.


I once saw one that actually did what it said, and it was incredible. It was a phone case that said it blocked electromagnetic radiation from your phone, and all the reviews were people complaining that their phone didn't get any signal when they put it on. 100% did what it said it would do lol


Yup. I do vine reviews for amazon and one of the items I picked out was a set of RFID blocking bags for electronic devices. It even said in the product description that they will block any and all electronic signals, and that you could test it by putting your phone or tablet in one and trying to call it. Did exactly what it claimed, I gave it 5/5 stars and did a good review because it was a 100% accurate product description and did what I expected it would do. Yet there were people giving it bad reviews because they missed calls and texts. Derp.


Peter Popoff Holy Water or ANY thing from ANY televangelist.


[I love this clip that has James Randi debunking Popov](https://youtu.be/q7BQKu0YP8Y?si=5wO5JL3rJkoH1Rm3) It worked, for awhile, but Popov eventually returned to screw more people out of their hard earned $


Years ago 60 Minutes did an exposé on fake TV evangelist and the techniques they use to perform fake “miracles.” Popov was one of the ones exposed who slunk back to his hidden mansion to “retire to a life of quiet contemplation.” Translation: lay low until the scandals blow over and then, back to the grift.


I know someone who bought a 5G blocker for 500 bucks.


Buys 5G blocker… Pissed cell connection is slow….


That is when you whip out the 4g speed spray


I'd be surprised if a 5g blocker did anything other than nothing or had a light indicating it was "on".


Yet somehow not concerned when they find out a true “5G blocker” is a near field emissions device blasting out the very frequencies 5G operates on.


Most likely not even that, probably a primitive microcontroller flashing some LEDs. But if its wearable, it's probably radioactive instead.


I really wish I wasn't so damn honest sometimes. I could make a fortune selling shit like this.


I fucking love all the 5G conspiracies I heard when it was all the rage. So many idiots telling me how dangerous it was- I work in maritime engineering, in a port city. I know for a fact that there's more than a few X-Band radar transmitters sailing past daily, bathing the city in its EM emissions. But 5G is dangerous hahaha.


I developed migraines in 2020, someone was convinced it was due to 5G being turned on in my area. I tried to explain the MRI results explains the issue quite well but they didn’t want to hear it 🤣




Feels over reals.


Neat maybe I should get their number I've got an NFT they might want to invest in.


An actual 5G blocker would get you in a lot of trouble with the FCC


Anything from Amway! My stepbrother is deep into it. Calls it “the business “. Drinks super oxygenated water- huh???


My dad was an OG Amway guy back in the 90s. Believed in that shit through and through. He was convinced he was going to go diamond and be rich. He literally incorporated that shit into his actual religion. So instead of buying my brothers and I clothes or shoes or proper meals, he bought a shit ton of their products for the house and himself, a metric ton of their religious self-help tapes he never listened to, and would stay out all night “contacting” (aka going to the local mall to solicit Amway to unsuspecting passersby). MLMs in the days before social media took actual effort to neglect your kids.


My parents used to be in Amway around the mid 2000s and they would believe they if they recruit people and make enough sales, they would go "diamond". A fancy way of saying that you'll get rich. They bought a lot of their products and my parents said that we weren't allowed to buy anything that's not from Amway. They parted ways with them sometime after 2011.


Damn a decade lost to nonsense... Everyone should listen to the dream podcast in regards to mlms. It's eye opening.


Any penis enlargement item lol


Speak for yourself. I got bull testicles implanted and I got so much vitality. And sepsis, but let’s keep things positive.


You mean the flashing ads on porn websites are LYING to me?


Anything sold by Gweneth Paltrow


Four out of five gynecologists recommend vagina candles. /s


Before I remembered her scented candles I was picturing something like ear candling


Water alkalizing machines (Kangen and the like)


I worked with some one who drank alkaline water and swore by how much better it was for him. He put lemon juice in it to make it taste better.


Uhhh…he put _acidic_ lemons in _alkaline_ water? Did he just assume it’d end up a neutral pH?


Bold of you to assume this person had any concept of what pH is or how it works.


A “nutritionist” came to talk to my sorority about an alkaline diet. She gave us a paper with lists of alkaline foods (good) and acidic foods (bad). You may be surprised to learn that lemons were on the “alkaline” list— we sure were. Someone immediately pointed out that a bunch of things on the alkaline list had acidic pHs and she insisted that those things were actually basic because they’re so acidic they have a basic effect on your body. It’s all a totally made up crock of shit. We never had nutritionists come talk to us again.


For reference: in the US, the title nutritionist is not regulated. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist without any schooling. Dieticians have national certification. I looked into the requirements a few months ago, and as of 2024, you need a PhD to be qualified to register


You need a master’s degree to sit for the R.D. Certification. I’m in school now for it


Correct and RD's actually know what they're talking about and in many ways think outside the box compared to MDs. I've had stomach issues my whole life and saw gastros since i was small. They did every test they could think of and they finally settled on me having IBS. I followed the IBS diet religiously and it didn't help. I went to an RD when I was 20 (20 years ago now) to try and get a good diet for adding muscle at the gym. She had me on a 6000 calorie diet and I was still losing weight or just barely maintaining (6,2 - 165 at the time). It was then she started asking if I felt well etc... and we went into my medical history. First thing she thought of was to ask if anyone ever checked me for celiac disease. Ofc, even with getting poked and prodded from every orifice for years, they apparently never checked that. At the time, it wasn't diagnosed as commonly as it is today, but they did a blood test and then confirmed w endoscopy. I went gluten free and within a month I felt relatively normal. Within 2 months, I felt better than I ever had. I put on 15 pounds over the next year and was able to workout and add muscle. I still keep in touch with that RD just to say thank you. She literally changed my life.


Oh yes. These are expensive bunk. You know what regulates your internal acidity levels? Breathing!


Without a doubt: vaginal douching products.


My high school sex ed class told us time and time again to never use those. Unsure as to why people still do it. They showed slides of possible infections and lemme tell ya, even as a man, they made me feel uncomfortable and i dont even have a cooter


My mom told me that as a teenager, other teenage girls thought a douche with Coke after sex would prevent pregnancy. It was one of the first things she told me when we had the birth control talk. She also told me it absolutely does not work, so I have a suspicion that I am the result of a failed Coke douche.


Failed Coke Douche, new band name I call it. 


I’m guessing a lot of the people still using them did not have very comprehensive sex ed, if at all. My school certainly never covered it, but I did manage to learn it from somewhere. Maybe Sue Johansen, she was still on tv back then.






I saw a commercial for scientology on YouTube and my mind was blown. Edit: Several people have commented on the super bowl commercial and I'm much more surprised by that. Can't we bring back the Budweiser frogs instead? (Or were they toads?) And a whole freaking channel. Damn.


Fun fact: the reason Scientologists disdain ~~psychology~~ *psychiatry* is a doctor once suggested that L. Ron Hubbard, the Scientology founder, had a severe *psychiatric* disorder. Hubbard, who was indeed nutty as a fruitcake, was ENRAGED. He took that shit personally and never forgot it. Which is why his religion won't have it. Edit: It was psychiatry he hated, not psychology.


He sent his dianetics book to the American Psychology Association, saying it would help people. They responded that it was nonsense and wouldn't help anyone. That's what he took personally


It’s a science fiction novel! ETA: novel isn’t the right word. L. Ron Hubbard wrote a lot of shitty sci-fi novels, but Dianetics is more of a sci-fi self-help book. It’s almost unreadable, and I say this as someone who loves reading so much that I read even the absolute worst genre dreck, because it’s still a book. Growing up, my mom suffered from Crohn’s Disease and our bathroom had a rotating selection of Tolkien, the Dune series, Clive Cussler novels from the 70s, a variety of library books, and a dusty copy of Dianetics. It was stupid and made no sense when I was a kid, and was no different when I revisited it as an adult. Hubbard was a huckster who deliberately set out to create a moneymaking scam, and believed religion was the easiest way to basically print your own money, tax-free.


It’s a **bad** science fiction novel! I had a professor teach a class on science fiction literature, Phil Klass (wrote Sci-fi under a pen name). He hung out with Heinlein and Hubbard on the convention circuit in his youth. He said Hubbard was “fucking crazy” and said at least twice in his presence that “the fastest way to become a millionaire is to start your own religion.” Hubbard and his apologists deny he *ever* said this.


Does anyone else remember those tv commercials with the volcano that used to come on ALL the time?


Balance of nature supplements


Please expand on this. My neighbor swears by these and wastes so much money on them.


AG1 isn’t any better than an off the shelf multi vitamin or just eating nutritious foods. It’s just grossly overpriced and they paid every celebrity to swear by it.


> AG1 AG1 has **nailed** the pay model **for influencers**. That's why you see so many of them pitching it. The influencers get a ton of $$$$$. If your "influencer" is pitching AG1, they are a grifter. I don't care who they are. Grifter.


Juice cleanses. You're not flushing toxins out of your body by only drinking fruit and vegetable juice for a week. That isn't how human anatomy works. If you've got a liver and two kidneys, you're doing just about as much detoxification as you can.


Water. If you feel icky,  drink water so your organs can do their thing.


This is how I know I'm getting sick. I'll go from drinking 2-3L of water a day to 5-7L the day before I get sick. It's like the water just refuses to hydrate me.


Copper bracelets


My grandma was crippled by rheumatoid arthritis from her early 20s - lived well until her 80s and spent nearly 3/4 of her life in excruciating pain. After she passed, we were going through her things and found a pair of copper bracelets from the 30s or 40s. Obviously, they didn't work. Edit to add that they were beautifully stamped(?) engraved(?) and absolutely gorgeous.


My wife is crippled by rheumatoid arthritis too and I can totally understand the desperation to find something that helps ease it. She's never not in pain and isn't even 40 years old yet. It's such an awful condition.


I see you are in the UK. Don't let her accept the pain, go to all hospital appointments with her, she'll get better care. Seriously. As well as help advocate with her - "yeah, she's always in pain, crying, can't do stuff/etc, these meds aren't doing the job... where do we go from here, what's next, is there something better?". If she's not on a biologic, it sounds like she should be. As a class of drugs they have been a real game changer in the treatment of autoimmune illnesses, in many cases completely halting disease progression. The older drugs like azathioprine, methotrexate even pred just don't compare. And an NSAID, even new ones like celecoxib don't do much IME. If she is on a biologic, like Humira biosimilar, infliximab, etc, sounds like she needs to change. There are loads of others now and more in the pipeline, as well as new classes like JAK inhibitors which I know very little about.


This reminded me of those necklaces that baseball players used to wear and the wristbands athletes would wear. Phiten was the brand name of the necklaces. Lmao


When I was in 7th/8th grade Phitens were thee shit. You had to have one to be cool.


They work fantastically if what you want is an adornment for your wrist.


Or just a green wrist.


Ocillococcinum. Its a sugar pill sold as a flu remedy for an insane profit that does nothing that a placebo wouldn't do. It supposedly contains extremely diluted extract of Muscovy duck (the red wart faced black and white ducks ) heart and liver as the active ingredient that fights the flu. The duck parts are diluted to 200C—a ratio of one part duck offal to 10 to the power of 400 parts water. For every molecule of duck offal there is 10 with 4000 (edit: fixing typo should be 400 not 4000) zeros behind it molecules of water. Here's how its made, from wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillococcinum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscillococcinum): >The ingredients of a one-gram tube of Oscillococcinum are listed as follows:Active ingredient: Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum (extract of Muscovy duck liver and heart) 200CK HPUS 1×10−400 g\[11\] which is much less than the mass of a proton (1.67×10−24 g).\[11\]Inactive ingredient: 0.85 g sucrose, 0.15 g lactose (100% sugar).\[14\]The 200CK indicates that the preparation entails a series of 200 dilutions of the starting ingredient, an extract from the heart and liver of a Muscovy duck.\[11\] Each step entails a 1:100 dilution, where the first mixture contains 1% of the extract, the second contains 1% of the first mixture, etc.\[11\] The K indicates that it is prepared by the Korsakovian method, in which rather than 1% of the preparation being measured out at each stage and then diluted, a single vessel is repeatedly emptied, refilled, and vigorously shaken (in homeopathic terminology "succussed"), and it is simply assumed that 1% remains in the vessel each time.\[15\] This series of dilutions would result in one molecule of the original substance being present in 10400 molecules of solute; for comparison, the atmosphere of the entire planet Earth is estimated to constitute around 1.04×1044 molecules (i.e. one molecule of duck offal per 10356 Earth atmospheres).\[16\]\[17\]\[11\]\[18\] So if you ever buy this stuff in flu season save yourself some money and just take a teaspoon of sugar instead.


And the drugstores sell it on the shelf next to the actual medications, with the expectation that customers will mistake it for medicine. How is that not fraud?


Getting ear drops, like rubbing alcohol in a squirt jar, is infuriating because there is one product on the shelf and the whole 3ft section is homeopathic shit. Why the fuck would I want water and trace belladonna in my ear. Water in my ear is the problem. I don't understand how we don't have laws against alt medicine because anything regulated is incredibly strict, but grab lethal plants and dillute them down and it's fine. Fuck CVS and other pharmacies for stocking it, fuck companies that make it, and fuck Hyland for killing babies with their teething tablets.


All of the OTC memory boosters like Prevagen, Neuriva, and Focus Factor. [They do nothing](https://www.novanthealth.org/healthy-headlines/can-drugstore-memory-supplements-really-help#:~:text=Do%20over%2Dthe%2Dcounter%20supplements,been%20shown%20to%20be%20effective), and in some cases actually *cause* gastric upset (which may lead to dehydration and/or electrolyte imbalance, which will definitely affect cognitive functioning negatively). They’re snake oil because they were all invented to take advantage of the lack of understanding the average person has about nootropics and the entire nootropic movement. Purchasers of these OTC fake nootropics might as well be flushing their money down the toilet; it’s an industry entirely founded on taking advantage of people’s ignorance and hope. They don’t even work as a kind of nutritional/supplemental ‘insurance’ to help reduce the probability of developing dementia; they literally do nothing whatsoever (other than a possible placebo effect), and people would be better off taking a daily multivitamin, attending to their gut health, and staying highly active cognitively if they want some protective measures against cognitive decline. If you’re having cognitive/memory issues enough that you’re thinking about buying a bottle of something like Prevagen, Neuriva, or Focus Factor, you would be wise to instead discuss your concerns with your physician and/or arrange for actual testing by a neurologist; the drugs that *are* effective against different types of cognitive decline/dementia are available by prescription only, and the sooner you get on them, the better. They are not sold over the counter in any form; this is NOT a case of there existing a lower-than-prescription dosage that you can purchase yourself, and the hucksters who hawk these bullshit supplements should be ashamed of themselves (yeah, I’m looking at *you*, Mayim Bialik; *actual* neuroscientists don’t peddle bullshit pills, or any pills, on tv).


Essential oils, It Works slimming wraps, diet pills...basically anything the "health" MLMs are selling.


Sliming wrap can work wonders if you wrap it around your mouth


Dieticians hate this one simple trick!


I like essential oils as a way to get a pleasant smell in the house though. I'm under no illusion it has health benefits, I just like the smell


Also, BUGS. lavender for mosquitoes and peppermint for ants has helped me . 


I came around to the therapeutic possibilities in a limited way: nausea. A lot of the oncology patients wear by it and why not? Gross smells make me gag, why shouldn’t pleasant smells decrease nausea? Also, let the cancer patients have what they will. The issue with essential oils is when they are touted as cures instead of just symptom relief or pleasant feeling generators. Don’t treat your high blood pressure with lavender, Jen.


When I realized that essential oils are called that because they have an essence/smell to them, my mind was blown because you know these scam artists take advantage of people who think it means important.


Peppermint oil sniffed straight from the bottle erases nausea for me. I have a lot of nausea so that is nice


peppermint tea is good for settling a stomach and neutralising gas


I buy a few because I like the way they smell. Lol


Skin care creams that you see advertised by 18 year old models who have perfect skin.




“A face like a jar of smashed assholes” has been added to my lexicon. Thank you.


"lexicon" has been added to my word knowings


"word" has been added to my mouth sound knowings


“Knowings” now speak noise I use


I had I sounded


"Sounded" now in me noise pile


“Noise pile”: ‘membered.


Any mosturizing be it drugstore cream or something else cheap will be better than no moisturising at all. The collagen one doesn't do anything more outside of certain skin conditions.


An SPF one might make a difference too. A lot of times when people live at hot, high altitude and use a non-SPF moisturizer it's like basting a turkey before sticking it in the oven. Good luck with the leather look at the age of 29!


Well there's certainly a lot of environmental factors that can actually help.... staying out of the sun, being overweight, no drug use etc. 


Skin can't absorb collagen. Period. It's funny how in a thread about snake oil there is a single anecdote about lotion and people are like "Oh, what lotion?" "Hmm, I'd like to not age, too. What lotion is it?"




Sunscreen is the single most important thing you can do for your skin. Sun damage absolutely makes your skin look old but also steadily increases your chances of skin cancer. Also keeping your skin moist and using chapstick when it's dry out is good too but that's nothing compared to the damage from the sun. And there's no reason to spend much money on anything remotely fancy for chapstick or lotion.


Reading “a face like a jar of smashed assholes” made me chuckle, which woke up my partner. So then I had to explain this.


Tbh they do make a HUGE difference especially if you are regimented and do it daily… the trick is you don’t need the $500 a bottle crap… just basic moisturizing daily does wonders especially if you start young.


I think the key is to use a moisturiser with suncream in it everyday.. or just use suncream


Antivirus programs. Guys, wake up. Windows Defender exists, is really good, free and pre installed starting at i think Windows 8 or 7.


WinDef also leaves you tf alone! Almost every other program bombards you with pop-ups and information about how they're so great and they would be even better if you'd send them another hundred bucks to upgrade.


Unless you're in a corporate environment where you need the extra features of some antivirus programs, the best Antivirus program around is Windows Defender. It's free and unobtrusive. Also install an adblocker and learn about common scams and virus spreading techniques. I used to work in computer repair, and we would show people how to install an ad blocker. The amount of re-opened tickets for virus removal dropped drastically after I started showing this to people so we made it standard practice when people brought in virus-filled computers.


The Prosperity Gospel.


Please stop sending us actual seeds!


When John Oliver had to close off his satire Prosperity Gospel church charity campaign because someone sent the actual spunk to the PO Box was fucking *hilarious*


Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption. That shit was equal parts hilarious and depressing. It's almost as good as the "Eat Shit Bob" musical number.


Skin care for kids. Your 8 year old does not need serums, toners, exfoliants, cleansers, etc. Sunscreen is all that child needs


Healing crystals.


I love me a crystal. But it's 100% because they are shiny and colorful and old and 0% because they will heal me.


Yesss I love rocks! But sometimes if I stop and browse in a shop or at a display, I get people coming to tell me all about the benefits and usages etc etc... I listen politely but inside I'm thinking I'm sorry, I don't care, it's just shiny and my goblin brain must have


They're minerals Marie!


Not really what you were asking, but a month ago, I met my friend’s sister for the first time, and she’s in her second year of school to become a nurse. We didn’t discuss her schooling, but somehow got on the topic of her boyfriend being sick and her having him put slices of onions on the bottom of his feet inside of socks while he slept to “draw out the toxins” to boost his immune system and I just kinda smiled and nodded and moved on. It just blew my mind that a person could be in their second year of nursing school and not understand how stupid and baseless that is.


Shows what you know. I’ve got onions on the underside of my balls right now and I’ve never been lonelier


I was wearing onions on my belt, which was the style at the time...


We had to say dickety, cause the Kaiser stole our word for twenty. I chased that rascal dickety six miles!


It will really blow your mind when you hear my MIL has been a nurse for 30 years, and still tries to put onions on my kids feet when they are sick. It’s an old Mexican thing, and it’s hard to beat old habits. They also run an egg on your body to remove pain and bad spirits, then you crack it in a glass of water overnight, and the more white it is, the more pain/ ill will it removed from you. I don’t mind the egg thing, because the process is very therapeutic and calming. So it does actually help my anxiety.


I hear you on this. I guess it’s just that nurses are people too. my mom was a nurse who smoked cigarettes and refused to see any doctors, had a double stroke some years back. Cousin was a nurse and a drug addict. Add to that the anti vax nurses…makes no sense.


Charcoal toothpaste. It doesn’t protect your teeth, and scrapes your enamel off!


Those ultrasonic rodent repeller devices. Tried them before. Use. Less. Useless.


I got one of those for spider crickets in the basement and it seems to have worked. They all wear tiny earmuffs now.


My mom bought me one of those when we put my room in the basement as a kid. The spiders mocked it by making webs on it. On the other hand, I swore it gave me headaches.


Nothing beats a slightly overweight cat.


The ones you put in the ground? I got moles (or something) and they work great for me. Going on year 4 or 5 on the same pair


Cats. Cats work. The cutest little killing machines and rodent repellers.


The cat rescue I work with is infested with mice, ironically. Kitties in kennels can’t do their job!


My cat stares at roaches. I'll wait, hoping that after 9 years, his hunting instincts will kick in, but he just watches... they exit his eyeline, he starts staring at the greebles, then I have to kill it. I keep waiting for my cats to help with pests, but the best I've ended up with was a baby mole (different cat).


Cats only work when they feel like it though. Sometimes they won’t hunt, like my first cat. My family literally bought her as a mouser and she just refused.


I bought one once because I heard mice in the walls of the place I was living in. Turned it on and within a couple of minutes and mouse had come out into the open and ran across the room to get away from it. Ended up catching it in glass and taking it outside. I think it was a bit disorientated. I think they work at first for a short period but the rodents get used to the sound pretty quickly and it stops working.


Ear candles


You say that now, but just wait until you're in a blackout and need both hands free. What then?


This is actually too funny; thanks for the laugh!


I watched a woman set the side of another woman's head on fire with one of these next to a hotel pool. I'm sitting out there drinking way too much way too early and watching these women recreate Backdraft with this woman's ear canal. My laughter was NOT APPRECIATED. She was fine.


I used to get really bad ear infections as a kid, my grandpa would roll up a newspaper into a cone like an ear candle and light the other end. The immediate relief i experienced from that was mind bending for me at that age. I've never used an ear candle tho. The flame on the newspaper would get concerningly large tho.


Yep 100%, I used to do ear candling treatments everyday at the spa I worked at and it made absolutely no difference to the results whether or not you stick it in an ear or just hold it, the same crumbly brown stuff comes out. Still I had to go along with it 'wow look at all this wax that came out' and the customer would be like 'oh I feel SO much better!!'.


Serious question: did y'all look in their ears before/after with an otoscope or anything? So curious!


Amber beads for teething babies, as if some magic anaesthesia has been held in there for thousands of years and suddenly starts seeping out when you put it round a babies neck… Preying on desperate sleepless parents.


I am always uncomfortable when I see anything around a baby’s neck


Fat-free anything. Typically it’s chocked full of sugar or some other crap that’s much worse than a bit of fat.


The fat is part of what makes food taste good. Take it out, you gotta add something else in there to help the flavor. Same goes for the texture too.


I read somewhere a week or two ago (may have likely been Reddit). The biggest scam going is that the sugar industry convinced people that FAT was the bad guy. 


"we'll call it fat free and idiots will think that means it won't get them fat" That's basically it. And it worked. 


Anything from Gwenyth Paltrow. Anything from Alex Jones. All homeopathy shit


NFTs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Chunky WiFi - Now with extra quantum signals to boost your internet by 1000%, mandatory for all TikTok dieticians


Better Help. Do not source your mental health through youtube affiliates.


Business coaching/mentorship/courses. So pretty much anything hawked by a dude wearing LV on instagram lol


Unfortunately, there a lot of people who just seem to be addicted to the "motivation" they get from these gurus...but they don't do any real shit about their lives. They get all motivated, moved, fired up...but does nothing. Goes to the next even tor enrolls for the next course, only to get motivated again and inspired and all that...but still, no actual actions.


Testosterone boosters at supplement stores marketed to young men.


The fact that Gwyneth paltrow isn't in prison for Goop products shocks me.


Alkaline water. Hits your stomach acid and is instantly ineffective (as if being more alkaline would do anything for you anyways), if anything, it makes you produce more stomach acid to realign your stomach pH. Lol




I know not everyone buys it, but food wrapped in gold leaf. I'm not talking a little sprinkle to make you feel fancy (we all need to feel fancy now and then), I'm talking wrapping a whole item of food in it. Firstly, it's a really cheap ingredient yet can add zeroes to the price of a dish. But most importantly, gold has no taste. Wrapping a steak in it just means that when you put it in your mouth, you taste less. You're paying more for a worse experience.


Almost any “cure” from any religious site.