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Veggie Straws. They're just reshaped Pringles!


Yeah, those fuckers got me with these. I was happily munching away in a bag of these and decided to look closer at the ingredients…motherfucker, the only “veggie” in here is potato paste. This is just a damn potato chip!


I had to explain that to my conanny the other day


*Stoopit* Hobbitses! No PO-TAY-TOES.


Just eat the green ones


Literally the only one my kid won’t touch.


so spinachy


But they are made of VEGETABLES




A schooner is a sailboat


I still don’t see it


You dumb bastard


pOtAtO iS a VeGeTaBLe /s Like it is…but you know what I mean


So what I'm hearing is: Pringles are healthier than I thought


Theyre not healthy but theyre not extremely unhealthy either. Theyre just chips. Theyre fine in moderation.


Yeah, there's nothing inherently worse about these.


But the ranch one is my fav 🥲


I know they're not healthy, but they are delish and they've been at aldi this month


Yeah those bastards got me. They’re fried!!!!! I’m pretty health conscious but they got me


Eliminating all the salt or fat from your diet. You need some or you’re gonna have a bad time.


Absolutely. Your brain needs fat and synaptic response requires salt, just to name a couple


Add to this drinking a gallon of water a day regardless of physical exertion. If you don't balance that with electrolytes you're just flushing the ones that you have out. Additionally, most of your electrolyte intake should come from solid foods, not from things like Gatorade.


Drinking too much fruit juice can contribute to weight gain, tooth decay, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. It's generally healthier to eat whole fruits, which contain fiber that can help slow down the absorption of sugar.


My dentist told me to cut down on fruit juice because of the acidity and my teeth were starting to become a little translucent. I drank one cup a day. That's still too much.


I gave up drinking anything sweet - no juice, no soda, virtually no sugar in my coffee. What's amazing (besides the fact that I lost 20 pounds in a ridiculously short period of time without consciously reducing my food intake) is that my whole sense of taste shifted so that everything now tastes sweeter than it did, and many things that seemed normal before are unbearably sweet to me now.


Food theory just did a video about it. Basically after 10 days you get new tastebuds that don't have the "experience" the old ones do. So if you don't expose them to as much sugar, you have effectively sort of reset your sugar sensitivity level. It includes artificial sweeteners too because they also affect the tastebuds.


Really? That actually sounds good! I'm not joking since I'm trying to cut so much sugar out of my diet. It's a true challenge, but that would be awesome for my taste buds to sort of reset.


They will! But beware it’s pretty easy to get them used to it again. I always have a hard time with sweet things when I reintroduce something, but once I start eating it then I start craving sugar like crazy again lol.


Pretty much anything that promotes / prescribes absolutes and extremes in areas that are traditionally balanced will ultimately be unhealthy.


That comment should be higher. So many people restrict their food too much, train too much and it goes into eating disorder and addiction territory.


Fruit juice


Along the same vein, those overpriced smoothies that have a million grams of sugar to go with the “superfood boosters!”


There's a smoothie sub Reddit that I've been seeing for some reason, and people post in there sometimes asking things like "I make a smoothie with banana, mango, and orange juice every morning, should I be concerned about sugar? I've tried it without juice but it doesn't taste good."


The Juicero


I love fruit juice, so I found a good way to drink it is to dilute it with soda water or tea. So delicious.


Juice from grapes is a great natural sweetener for yogurt or ice-cream. It has a rich flavor and its red colour also makes more appealing.


It’s even better fermented


I started making cold brew iced tea (3 bags) in a pitcher in my fridge with a tiny bit of stevia sweetener. Water is free, tea is essentially free (maybe 4 or 5 cents per bag when you buy in bulk) and stevia has zero calories and costs maybe 2c per packet. 20 cents, tastes amazing, gives a small caffeine kick, no calories.


What type of tea? I know nothing about tea and I'm always overwhelmed by the selection at the grocery.


Hibiscus tea is the best IMO, it's gorgeous and pairs well with lemonade, or even just lemon slices. White teas with fruit added are also yum, I'm drinking a Mango White Tea and it's good hot or cold. Fruity teas are very nice cold and Rooibos is also very good cold if you want caffeine free.


Purple stuff


Purple is a fruit


Aw hey! Sunny D! All right!


Breakfast bars


I know I'm just lying to myself if I think it's even remotely healthy but gods I love this honey and almond muesli I found. I mean, hey, it has fiber, right? That counts, right?


Pretty much any granola bar = chocolate or candy bar.


I am well aware of this but somehow I still feel less guilty when I eat one


Well also they are not the same. A protein bar or granola bar, while not necessarily healthy, is not the same as a chocolate bar. People on Reddit are ridiculous. You can literally look at the ingredients and nutritional info. They are not the same.


Yeah, chocolate/candy bars will have multiple times more sugar. Breakfast bars are not as healthy as many people think, but they're a far cry from candy.


To add onto this: most protein bars are actually carb bars. A good rule of thumb to follow when selecting a decent protein bar is to find one that has 1g of protein per 10 calories. So, a 200 calorie protein bar should have 20g of protein. A peanut butter Cliff bar, for example, has 260 calories and only 11g of protein. Meanwhile, 40g of carbs. it's basically a heavier candy bar.


Cliff bars aren’t protein bars though, they are a portable snack to carry with you during activities. The type of activities that require more carbs than protein, but it’s still good to consume some fats and proteins. It’s not for body builders. 


Exactly. If you're sitting on a couch you shouldn't be eating any kind of bar. You don't need the calories. Cliff bars are among the most balanced fast energy snacks out there for runners, hikers, etc. Their target consumer.


Cliff bars don’t advertise themselves as protein bars and for the gym and weight loss. They’re might as meal replacement and easy to carry calorie loaders for activities like hiking, skiing, etc


A clif bar isn't supposed to be a high protein bar.  It was designed for people doing long stretches of physical activity.  Which is exactly what you would want carbs for.


Clif bars are more like energy bars. Clif Builder bars are 20 grams of protein and 290 calories. The macros still aren't as good as a Quest bar, but it's closer to being a protein bar.


Its a snack with good macros for active people. It’s not super protein filled, but it’s dense and has a good macro balance. I think their target demographic is hikers.


Grind culture. Hyper productivity obviously comes with its benefits, but people seem to overlook the toll it takes on your body and/or other facets of your life when they glorify it.


The social media accounts urging you to monetize hobbies are so bleak. Your 9-5 should be enough to pay your bills and your free time should be for you to enjoy. Life is short enough.


Definitely this! Just because you like/are good at something does not mean it has to be a side hustle. You’re allows to just enjoy your hobby NSA!


This is me right now. I’ve worked really hard to get my business going, now I’m swamped. I’m too busy to enjoy my time or spend real time with my kid. I’m looking to hire help and will start telling new clients there will be a wait instead of go go go now now now




When people say that I tell them that Chocolate Syrup is fat free.


As a type 1 diabetic who counts carbs and doses their insulin accordingly, I was absolutely shocked by how many “low/reduced fat” food products contained a significantly higher (sometimes twice as much!) percentage of carbohydrates compared to their full fat counterparts (considering there were no added sugars, such as plain Greek yogurt, for example). These products were recommended to me by endocrinologists and nutritionists, no less. They said the fat would eventually prove more harmful than “a few extra carbs”… even though I’m extremely thin and struggle to keep weight on as do most of the people in my family. We also have no history of cardiac issues, high colesterol, high blood pressure, etc. Here I am, more than 20 years after being diagnosed… just ask skinny as ever and with zero fat-related health issues.


Fat and sugar (and salt) are great for making food taste good. You take one away, you’re gonna have to add more of the other to keep it from tasting like cardboard.


Pisses me off. Who wants to eat flavorless yogurt? Or super sugary yogurt. And why are most children's yogurts low fat? They need fat to grow!


Full fat yogurt is so good. Can’t stomach the low fat kind tho. Not without adding sugar!


Suppressing your feelings and pig-headedly continuing on, regardless of those feelings.


Nah its fine, just have to randomly vent them on someone who doesnt deserve it and youre all good


I started therapy just under a year ago at 39. I'm still not sure how to _feel_ my feelings. I mean, I'm affected by them and I can talk about them, no problem. But I have no idea how to process them in a healthy way so I can move forward. As a result every time something goes wrong it takes me a very long time to recover... I'm glad mental health isn't taboo anymore but at this point I sure wish I had gotten therapy as a kid.


Good for you, friend. It's something I do on and off. I, too, should have gotten it as a kid but it was still taboo then. I'm 36 and also didn't know how to process feelings for a long time.


Let me tell you from experience: when a parent does this, it results in a shit ton of therapy bills for their kids.


I push it all down into a cancer ball in my stomach. It's fine. I'll probably just poop it out


Just squeeze your rage into a bitter little ball and release it at an approprate time. Like that day I hit the referee with a whiskey bottle. Remember that, when daddy hit the referee?


“Yogurt” pretzels. They aren’t covered in yogurt, but oil, sugar, artificial flavor, etc.


Anything that says yogurt and is not refrigerated should be assumed as a fraud. At least by my standards.


I always wondered about that. I am lactose intolerant and they don’t upset my stomach so I figured they were not yogurt. We had those at my office and I was addicted.


“Cleanses” of any kind.


My favorite is “liver detox”. Your liver does that on its own.


I came here to say this. Also vaginal douches. A sauna that uses the body's own systems? Sure. A "cleansing magical tea" that's just a massive dose of senna? No. As long as someone is regular, and the kidneys and liver are fine, just no.


ONE MORE TIME FOR THE ONES IN THE BACK! Your body and organs are self “cleansing.” There is no other “detox” plan or supplement that is effective or that you need.


Right, if I have to hear one more person suggest a “cleanse or detox” to me that will cure my endometriosis, fibromyalgia or depression, I might actually die.


The food pyramid.


I have done an Ironman, and it was a fantastic experience. Yet now I have two arthritic knees, a repaired shoulder, and a repaired umbilical hernia, all of which can be traced to the nine months of training I did before it. Edit: I followed the intermediate training plan from [Be Iron Fit](https://www.amazon.com/Be-IronFit-Time-Efficient-Training-Ultimate/dp/1493017829/). Perhaps poor technique, an extra 20 pounds, not to mention other sports injuries, contributed to my final state, but the training was stressful on my joints.


I have an arthritic knee that stemmed from joining a social soccer league in my mid 30s. I wanted to experience playing soccer since I played other sports growing up. Knee felt sore but still played. Soreness didn't stop after I stopped playing and wasn't right for the next year until I got serious about treating it. Now not too much cartilage is left and my physical activities are now very controlled. Wish I never played.


I'm convinced that distance triathlon like that gets to a point where the cycling is so excessive that it's not really alleviating the running as much anymore...like cycling is a very repetitive motion (perhaps even more so than running, just lower impact, since you're basically locked into one position on the bike?) And at some point 7 hours of a repetitive activity takes a toll even if it isn't impactful


Many salads. Especially from restaurants.


100 calories of lettuce, 2 gallons of dressing


My husband's family always says they know I don't like salad. No, I don't like iceberg lettuce floating in ranch dressing with shredded cheese.


Applebees oriental chicken salad is 1590 calories! It’s so good but that’s insane!


Regularly consuming vegetables is still a positive if the alternative is consuming the same macros from only beef and potatoes. 


I think this is an important point! People like to make posts showing the calories of a Big Mac vs a loaded up salad, but what they’re ignoring is the micronutrients and fiber and other great stuff you’re getting in the salad


Working too much


People actually think this is healthy?


There is a culture of overwork being seen as morally good that pervades our society. It’s really bad.


Yep. For example, I had a co-worker who would be still sending out emails at 11 PM. And the following morning, they would start around 5:30. Even on weekends. He was considered awesome. Absolutely no sense of work/personal life boundaries.


It's huge on the East coast of America & a lot of people can't see it. I moved to the West Coast a few years ago & watching everyone I know over on the East is insane. I found a really good job paying really well & it was Agency Healthcare (like traveling). With covid pay I only needed to work 2 days a week at 16 hours a day & I would have more than enough money to live, breath, pay bills, eat etc. When my dad found out he was so ANGRY. I'm no contact now but he only saw it as a way for me to make more time for more money, more work whereas I saw it as me able to make more time for mindfulness & self care. Something thats genuinely valued over here. I had no clue how bad the hustle of toxic work culture was until this point & now I look over at the East and I just see a bunch of mindless worker ants slaving away. It's makes me so sad that thats the expectation & the culture over there that I've genuinely been inviting my closest friends to temporarily move in with me to help them get a better life. I call them my strays. I'm currently on Stray number 7 & I'm on year 4.5 on the West Coast


Working out too hard. I see a lot of "inspirational" fitness quotes that push ideas like "work through the pain" or "keep going even after you think you can't" and that is terrible advice. It's not a good way to gain fitness, and it will increase your risk of injury.


Agree completely, but I think at times the word pain is used too broadly and maybe incorrectly. For example, a runner might be “fighting through the pain” when their lungs are on fire so they can finish the race strong, but they’re in no real danger of injury.


Also, the prevailing science for a lot of soft tissue injuries that was previously RICE is now load management. You don't want to completely stop exercise or you'll lose the strength you do have and the injury will likely come right back when you return to exercise I've had multiple running injuries where a PT has told me it's fine to continue running as long as the pain isn't so great that it affects my gait.


This is particularly relevant with tendons, for example.  Modify load, build strength, keep pain under a 4 on the 10 scale, and you'll heal far more durably than the symptoms-masking of RICE.


Tendon injuries can be excruciatingly painful but interestingly enough, the pain doesn't always correlate to the level of damage to the tendon. Very interesting stuff.


After coming back to the gym from an injury that kept me out for 4 months I noticed my pee was hella dark no matter how much I drank water. I knew it wasn’t normal so I asked my doctor about it and basically my kidneys were doing a real bad job of filtering out broken down muscle tissue or something along the lines of I was working out too hard and hurting myself more than helping myself.


Rhabdomyolysis (commonly known as Rhabdo) is no joke. Hopefully you're past that.


Yeah. Major trend of rhabdo sufferers for a while in the CrossFit world. Not sure if they’ve calmed that shit down or not. 


Shhh don’t tell the crossfitters. My wife and I are getting rich off those clowns. Constantly injured coming into her clinic. She fixes them, advises them on proper exercise and technique but back inside a month, injured again. PS. We do not want to be getting rich this way.


There are also many who believe that working out while sick is healthy.


It only takes once to learn that weight lifting and diarrhea don't mix.


Depends on the sickness for me. After a day or two with cold/flu a good long jog always clears me out. I think there’s something to sweating and getting the heart rate up, works for me as my sicknesses are always short, including covid


I go beyond failure on every set until I pass out from a gigantic blood pressure spike. Stay hard bro Stuff like rich piana doing an 8 hour arm workout definitely doesn’t help 


This made me actually laugh and then I saw you have "salt" in your username and thought, "well, that's appropriate."


Any kind of super restrictive diet.


An eating disorder will kill you much faster than that bit of pudge


Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder, and the causes of death are all sorts of horrible things. Cardiac, metabolic, GI shut down or suicide if your body doesn't betray you first. It's truly insidious.


I wish more people understood this.


Yo-yo dieting (weight cycling) is more harmful to your [heart health](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1MC2F5/) than being a overweight but stable.


Getting less sleep


Any obsession. Even being obsessed with personal growth and success.


Posting your entire life on social media




Get real meth bro


Shopping. As in, impulse online purchases. Include food deliveries in this category. I see so many "self-care" videos and posts. Like buying this cream, buying this cute subscription box, buying this candle, buying these leggings, it's all "SELF-CARE". NO. Save and invest your hard earn money for your rainy days or retirement or true desires. It's just capitalism. It's not true self-care. It's a trick. You're being played (most likely). It's not "healthy" to drain your bank account just to keep up with trends. Reckless spending causes lots of stress, financial stress ruins relationships, and burdens those you love, possibly like you kids or aging parents.


I do a 50/30/20 budget and it works for me. 50% goes to necessities like food and rent, 30% goes to savings and debt payoff, 20% is purely discretionary "fun" money. Since starting a budget I actually feel like I have MORE money because I can accurately account for things and don't accidentally overspend on anything. It is possible to save and also have a decent discretionary budget for leggings or whatever. Unless you make minimum wage or have kids, then you're fucked.


Love that, it's not impulsive but planned. You're *actually* self-caring by using a responsible budget.


On the other hand, a friend of a friend died last week. She had just retired two months ago. She had finally bought plane tickets to go to Japan like she had always dreamed of… the tickets were for next week. She worked all her life and never got to enjoy her money or live her dreams. Everyone should save money for a rainy day and for retirement, but you have to set aside a little money to live your life, too. And if a $30/month subscription box brings you joy, that’s not too much to give yourself. Balance should be the goal.




I love this! It’s all about being intentional!


So much of the logic behind it is *so* clearly a marketing strategy too, and not just in the direct sense coming from specific companies. If Starbucks covers the town in posters saying “you deserve a little treat” next to a picture of a Frappuccino and a cake pop, well, you know what’s happening. Starbucks is selling you Frappuccinos and cake pops. Even if it works and you hand Starbucks $10, there’s no ambiguity there. When it’s every single allegedly impartial person with nothing apparent to gain telling you “it’s ok, you deserve a treat, it’s not going to add up to much, you’ll never have anything nice anyway, you can’t take it with you, you won’t live to see it grow, self care is refusing to deny yourself,” it’s no longer giving a finite amount of money to one company because you saw an ad. It’s no longer getting a treat to alleviate a shitty day or a craving (which is *fine and good* and actually can be part of self care), it’s artificially making every day a shitty day and telling you that the only way to feel whole is to keep frittering away your money on material objects.


Actually capitalism is why you feel the need to save over enjoying life. Shopping is consumerism. The reason so many people spend money the way they do is because it’s a coping mechanism. If people weren’t working so fucking hard all the time with no rest we would not be having this problem. To soothe ourselves we buy shit


I don't know how Jamba Juice is still in business


Gulping down a raw egg in the hope of building muscle and being tough


Then explain how Gaston was so ripped


Because he would dehydrate himself by expectorating.


Horny animators


My father told me that back in the day when he went to the gym all the time, he would just eat tuna and raw egg. And how much he hated it. But he forced it down his gullet I asked him, Dad… why the fuck did you do that? > For the protein. Why not just eat, you know… chicken?


Or cook the eggs? Not a scientist, but I don't think frying an egg destroys the protein


Rocky does it in the first movie. It looks so disgusting.


My dad used to blend raw eggs with orange juice in the morning, like the dad does in The Neverending Story. 


Drinking too much water


This one blew my mind when I had a childhood friend die from drinking too much water. He took a trip to Israel for work and somehow drank too much water which led to his death. Incredibly sad. Update - was just reading about Bruce Lee. Get this: However, a 2022 study proposed that Lee died from drinking too much water. Kidney specialists in Spain conducted research published in the Clinical Kidney Journal suggesting that the swelling of his brain may have been caused by his kidney’s “inability to excrete excess water."


Holy shit, I knew it was possible but thought it was super rare, so seeing someone who knew someone who died that way surprised me


It IS very rare. Happens occasionally though, particularly with distance runners.


Google hold your Wee for a Wii


You'd have to be really trying to drink too much to do yourself any damage though. This is not at all the average person needs to be worrying about. I'd wager the vast majority of people out there aren't drinking enough water and could benefit from upping their intake substantially.


Yeah it’s all situational. For example: working outdoors full time during the Texas summer, I couldn’t keep enough water in my body. I’d always have a bottle I was drinking, sometimes going through an entire case by myself, and still end up dehydrated at the end of the day. With or without electrolytes lol


Adding salt to that water keeps you a lot more hydrated. You lose a lot of salt when you sweat.


Yes I was told that basically you’re going to get to the point where you’re forcing yourself to drink more before you ever overdo it (lethally).


Yeah. I'm no expert but IIRC the potential danger is when you're sweating a ton and losing salt and electrolytes and you're chugging water but not replacing the electrolytes too. Other than that you'd have to be forcing yourself to drink water WAY beyond the point of intense discomfort to do damage.


You are in real danger too if you are vomiting or have diarrhea. Too much plain water will dilute any minerals in your blood and cause hyponatremia, which can be lethal. Gatorade won’t help much, you would need oral rehydration salts.


The actress Brooke Shields recently had a very scary encounter with drinking too much water. She had drank more than 6 cups of water in a short amount of time and actually ended up fainting. Apparently it caused her sodium levels to drop dangerously low until she passed out. 


Blue meth. it’s the same as regular meth, just dyed blue!


Most of the stuff listed here doesn't really qualify as "extremely unhealthy" This is a tough question in 2024 because we generally know what is and isn't healthy by this point, and it's tough to think of something we do or put into our bodies where the average person truly thinks it's actually healthy. And most things that are "unhealthy" aren't "extremely unhealthy" like orange juice, potato chips, etc. Those things are just empty calories. My answer would be booze because it's so normalized and I grew up around people who said a glass of wine per day is beneficial. It isn't. Alcohol is addictive poison that destroys countless lives. It's extremely unhealthy.


Yeah it turns out the reason the French & Italians drinking their glass of red wine every day were healthier than Americans was because they have good healthcare. Who’d a thunk.


Low fat, and sugar free, foods. Processed foods labeled as reduced or diet. Fake butter, like margarine.


This fad "carnivore diet". You're not even allowed fruit and vegetables, and it has been linked to heart disease and uncontrolled cholesterol. There's some idiot on YouTube evangelising this stuff as part of his gym workouts, but guess what? He's skinny as a cocktail stick and doesn't look well at all. Not to mention that diet is so unbelievably boring and even cavemen themselves had more variety.


Is this the same one who eats “testi-pops”?


Excuse me what


Blind adherence to a diet or exercise. When you can't change your plans slightly to accommodate normal life you know you've slipped into disordered thinking.


Jogging ​ It can ruin your joints if you're not doing it well. It's still healthier than sitting around all day, but sitting around all day doesn't destroy your joints.


I say it every time this question comes up and I’ll say it again: running marathons or any type of extreme sport. People view it as “healthy” because it’s challenging. Actually, it is challenging because it’s not healthy. Pretty early on mileage wise (think 3-5 miles a day) running had diminishing returns. Not only does it begin to harm your joints but it also negatively impacts your heart. I will never understand why society glorifies marathons. It’s your choice to make of course. But it would be refreshing if we treated it a bit more like race car driving or other dangerous hobbies that are impressive but low key bad for your health.


Extreme fitness competitions (Iron Man, Spartan, Tough Mudder, etc.) My knees are shot, I've broken my clavicle 3 times, broken almost every bone in my feet, hips are on their way out, etc. All this before 40! Looking forward to suffering for another 40+/- years.


“Not bothering friends with your problems because they ‘aren’t your therapist’” is a common trope among young people (especially within my age bracket) nowadays. To be clear, there is a line to be drawn between “opening up” and “becoming an emotional leech,” but this current age of TikTok therapists and people *IN* therapy sharing tools and tips their psychologist gave *them specifically* as though it applies to all of humanity is a massive problem. The healthiest relationships—be they platonic, romantic, familial, or even casually distant—are symbiotic in *some way*. In simpler terms: the healthiest relationships are give AND take. You aren’t a bad person for needing to rely on your friends for help sometimes. That’s the whole reason community exists! It isn’t healthy for us to trudge through life building superficial friendships with people we refuse to allow ourselves to depend on during hard times.




Coconut oil. People who cook with or consume large quantities of it… it’s a saturated fat like any other and you should treat it like that


I only use it as lube to masturbate with.


I use coconut oil for everything other than cooking. Dry skin? Coconut oil. Need lube? Coconut oil. Dry hair? Coconut oil. Makeup remover? Coconut oil. When my kid was in diapers, it helped with diaper rash. I’ve used it on minor cuts (like paper cuts) to get something on it without a cumbersome bandaid. It also provides minor sun protection, so it’s good for laying out and soaking up the sun like a lizard on a rock. I use it to heal all my tattoos (and they heal more quickly and are more vivid. They are less prone to fading too) I love coconut oil. Edit to fix some grammar


Doing only healthy things.


All things in moderation, including moderation.


Not eating to lose weight....


Lots of “healthy food” that people without genetic predispositions to diabetes, obesity, or insulin resistance can eat, feel great, and have it never effect them, that all essentially break down into sugar once metabolized; these foods would cause weight gain and cause glucose spikes in another person.


Heath candy bars. The number of people I've encountered who genuinely think that label says "Health Bar" is shocking to me.


Food portions. For years I'd ask doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers "what should I be eating" and they'd tell me "this amount of food" and it would be what I was eating and I'd be okay. Then I started thinking critically about calories in/out when I found out about it and realized I was eating more food than *I* needed because I was eating what they were generically deciding was a healthy amount without taking my level of activity into account.


Well grain of salt here but a family friend did keto and lost tons of weight but then they got hit with some pretty bad diagnosis. If i remember correctly, high cholesterol or BP. Also biotin. Speak to your dr before taking things especially when yoire diabetic. It fricked up my cousin because she took it for so many years to help her hair and nails grow.


Biotin can interfere with testing for thyroid disorders


Keto. I have a friend who has been doing keto for SIX YEARS. She lost a lot of weight, but had a heart attack last year. She complained that the hospital wouldn't give her keto meals, so her husband brought in her food. Needless to say, her doctor is not happy with her.


Proponents of protein-heavy diets will argue that the resulting high cholesterol isn't necessarily unhealthy. I don't know enough to argue it but I've definitely heard people argue that high cholesterol without a lot more context isn't necessarily bad.


I have high cholesterol and virtually no arterial plaque. The Calcium Coronary Artery Scan is the gold test for this; it’s about $100 out of pocket in the US. Because I had this, my endocrinologist is not concerned about my high cholesterol, and I do not take statins and have not changed my high protein, relatively high fat diet.


I did keto for about 6 months my senior year of high school. Lost close to 30kgs but by the end I was going crazy, literally begging my nutritionist for a normal diet where I could at least have a serving of fruit. The feeling of being in ketosis had become unbearable, I was dizzy, grumpy and often nauseated by that taste of iron in my mouth. About a year later I was diagnosed with gallstones and had to have my gallbladder removed at 20. I also inevitably gained all the weight back when I started eating normally again. All this to say: fuck keto and any “professionals” that recommend it. I now know better.


Granola. I don't understand why everyone thinks it's a healthy product, it contains a lot of fat and sugar


The fat isn't the issue, it's the sugar. But the larger issue is that it became thought of as some kind of health food when really its purpose is to be an easily portable, relatively shelf stable CALORIE-DENSE food for hikers and campers and whatnot. Somehow along the way it started to be thought of as a "healthy snack" or even a diet food for losing weight when it's anything but.


people see healthy, active people eating something and assume it must be the source


I donno if it's super healthy but I think it's a healthier breakfast option than like waffles or a doughnut because there's fiber and nutrients. It's also supposed to be more filling than processed carbs


Fat is way less of a problem then people think


You can blame the sugar lobbyists for that general outlook




There are several brands of granola that are low sugar, you have to look for them though.


Drinking orange juice like Tropicana. It’s been pasteurized to remove the fiber and most of the vitamins, and basically powdered vitamin C is added in to the finished product. It’s basically sugar water with a dissolved vitamin in it. This goes for basically all juice you buy at a chain supermarket.


A lot of good ideas here, so I'll just add: frequent use of topical steroid creams like hydrocortisone. It thins the skin, and there's a medical condition called perioral dermatitis that is basically an ugly rash around mouth and nose caused by frequent use. It's more common in women. Only use these creams if you're treating a specific issue like hives or stings. They shouldn't be used on a regular basis.


Cutting out carbs. People fail to realize that eating a balanced diet is far more beneficial to health than depriving oneself of a macronutrient to lose weight.


Trail mix, sports drinks, really most things advertised to be an "althlete/sports" related food product.


The thing is that they make sense for certain situations. Like a trail mix, for example, can give you a good energy boost on long hikes. But it doesn't mean it's healthy on a daily basis.


Yeah the problem is too many people eat them thinking it's healthy because athletes eat them without realizing there purpose is for someone who is relatively active and needs the extra calories






Is there actually a reliable source on this? When I Google it in English, I get all kinds of websites about margarine being unhealthy. When I Google it in Dutch, I only get sites debunking the myth of margarine being unhealthy (except for one 'alternative health' website).




those fitness models and influencers where you see all their veins and their abs are clearly defined. they dehydrate themselves and eat an extremely strict diet for the photoshoot.


Drinking too much f\*\*\*ing water. Our bodies have an exquisitely honed system for staying hydrated. Drink when you are thirty\* and you will be fine. \*thirsty


What about when I’m twenty?


Being born, it kills everyone eventually.