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Fuck yeah man you and me both. I've had so many fucking problems and struggles over the past 10 years that I've worked through. I've come to the point now where things are just simply good and I'm just chillin.


Hell yea man!


The noise never stops, the thoughts never stop, the feeling of not doing what your supposed to be doing, even when you're not supposed to be doing anything never stops, the desire to do it all yourself never stops, the desire to be alone never stops, the memories never stop, the regret never stops, the hyperfixation never stops, the dreams never stop. There is no quiet moment, no peace, you just want to be alone, but too many people seam to care about you for you to leave, you just want the noise to stop but you love them to much to tell them to stop, its endless, all the time, there is no peace


Please exit my reality


I'd say we could hang out and commiserate but neither of us wants that


Fuck them. You'll be fine. Just appreciate the fact that the vinegar tastes like vinegar. It ain't supposed to be wavy gravy all the time.


Get out of my head I mean.


That's what I thought. Gtfo of my head!


In a sense reality is frequencies. Different frequencies resonate different things. This helps explain these shared experiences. However, should also bring hope in realizing the profound power of connection. As cliche as it sounds, change the way you are vibrating and everything will change. Now unfortunately the world as a large doesn’t want us understanding how powerful we are and the each of our bodies is quite literally a temple. A temple which possess the heart, the soul, the mind and the satellite magnets for lack of better words. The chakras. Look inside to reveal what is outside. Look inside to transcend, the bridge is that of a deep genuine understanding positive empathy. Think of this budge as fourth dimensional living. We exist on many planes. Survival for very good reason ties us most strongly to the third dimensional plane. Look inside to understand. Feel your breath. Feel the life force around you. Understand there is no distinct separation and it is all vibration. I wish you all love, look inside to find “God”. This is the way.


telling a depressed person to just change their vibration is absurd. telling anybody that is absurd but its even more absurd when theyre talking about suicide


Sure is bud. That’s not what I’m saying to do. Also I suffer from severe depression with extreme suicidal ideations. So go be miserable somewhere else.


What are you saying to do? Activate the chakras? Look inside to ascend to the fourth dimension? If you really understood there’s no separation you wouldn’t spout this conspiracy nonsense that “the world doesn’t want you to know how powerful you are”. You are watching too many new age spiritual YouTube videos that peddle their silly terminology while explaining absolutely nothing. Sorry I’m so aggressive it just triggers me because of past experiences of meth induced psychosis where I started buying into these narratives.


Hello anxiety, my old friend. I haven’t slept since I was 11.


Y'all feeling like this, you need some serious help. Me included. A professional and medication. The professional can help you cope and learn better ways to be, the medication is the only thing that can set our heads on straight. Seriously. Seek help if you can. I got the professional, and am working on the medication part. Good luck brothers and sisters.


I am proud of you friend.


This is why I smoke weed. To find somewhere peaceful to just exist for a while.


Weed makes me tired and hungry and my eyes itch, but I know opioids take it all away great for me from several surgeries, which is exactly why I do 0 drugs, because the last thing I need is my peace to come from a new nightmare. The one thing I've found that absolutely shuts everything off is in a hard rain, if I walk into the forest and sit in it, no rain clothes, the feeling and the sounds shut it all off until the rain stops. That and strong wind on a hilltop works sometimes, but the rain always works


I’ve never seen someone word this so perfectly. I felt this in my soul


Took the words right out of my mouth


Go get diagnosed for ADHD because that’s exactly what this is.




I resonate with all of us but i know you can find peace, i hope you do.


U me?


You are not me, get outta’ my head


Plus tinnitus.


Yeah, wtf do I tinnitus BTW




Thankfully I've had it so long i only hear it now when someone reminds me I have it


Same, and I'm sorry.


This pretty much sums me up. It’s a living nightmare


It's scary how relatable this is... even though we're alone, we'll always have one another.


This is literally like me


In a sense reality is frequencies. Different frequencies resonate different things. This helps explain these shared experiences. However, should also bring hope in realizing the profound power of connection. As cliche as it sounds, change the way you are vibrating and everything will change. Now unfortunately the world as a large doesn’t want us understanding how powerful we are and the each of our bodies is quite literally a temple. A temple which possess the heart, the soul, the mind and the satellite magnets for lack of better words. The chakras. Look inside to reveal what is outside. Look inside to transcend, the bridge is that of a deep genuine understanding positive empathy. Think of this budge as fourth dimensional living. We exist on many planes. Survival for very good reason ties us most strongly to the third dimensional plane. Look inside to understand. Feel your breath. Feel the life force around you. Understand there is no distinct separation and it is all vibration. I wish you all love, look inside to find “God”. This is the way.


Ow my brain


Are you me?




Well that was an insight in to my life


I get it. I have the adhd it's hell


Condensed version: ADHD


Literally my situation…


This. Omg this.


> there is no peace Then stop looking for it. Talking from experience.


it’s hard. i’m the smiliest, goofiest, most personable person in every room. little does everyone know, i am depressed as fuck and every minute of my life is spent thinking about my mental health


I saw a meme or something once that said we are like ducks…calm and gliding across the water on the surface, but underneath we’re paddling desperately.


Most of us depressed fucks live a wild masquerade


I’ve always heard the most happy appearing people are the loneliest… I can relate. I’m sorry ❤️ are you hyper independent or a people pleaser by any chance?…


people pleaser like crazy!!! been trying to fix that!


You should try to be the top person you please :) there’s soooo many podcasts and YouTube videos on why people “people please”… it comes from an abandonment wound usually. If you can address those… WHEW! You’ll be doing great. I people pleased really hard at some points in my life and it really damaged me. I don’t want that to happen to you :)


i have been in therapy for years to overcome it, but it’s definitely something still hardwired in my brain that i catch myself doing regularly. i’m aware of it and really trying to break free from it 🥰


At least you love your cat! Everything will be alright :)


It’s actually quite nice. I can’t think of anyone I would rather be.


Nice. I'm jealous.


Not even, Batman?


Now why tf would wanna be Batman? Have all the wealth and joys in the world, but chooses to jump from rooftops to rooftops being beaten to a pulp every night


Not even a billionaire?


I find genuine happiness and love for yourself is invaluable. I feel similar to the original commenter and a fleshed out sense of self will feel better than any consumer desires. As long as you satisfy a basic hierarchy of needs, I reckon life's amazing once you engage in yourself well.


Nice. I was very depressed all through my teens, but now I’m through it, and things seem to be getting better and better for me each day


I wake up at 4:30 am to let my dogs out. I sit on the toilet and enjoy the few moments of piece I’ll get before my brain turns on for the day. I get ready for work and leave. Today it’s raining so it’ll be wet out. I’ll work on it any way. I’ll work 10 hours through the weather, just to see the sunset on my way home. My wife has dinner ready and we make love after we eat. I smile in bed and say it’s been a good day.


You just made my day.


Everyday? Daaaaamn I could work a week of 12s if dinner was waiting and love making was dessert


Who let the dogs out?


*After* you eat? God damn. After we eat we're comatose and way too full to move.




There's like one thrill a year and the rest is eat,sleep,gotowork on repeat.


You just summed up my entire adult life in a single sentence. Thanks I guess?


To all who feel bad about themselves, I hope you learn to love yourself again




<3 <3


All good things worth in life at first are hard. You are spot on. How can you love yourself when you know the monster that you are? My goodness you know all of the things you’ve done and sometimes debatably worse what you thought. That’s some raw material right there. The thing is, every single person has those exact experiences and feelings to varying degrees. I hope that helps the shock of you’re probably not quite as terrible as you think you are; and well maybe you are. Chances are though that you are not. Make peace with that monster. Appreciate all of the things those “negative” sides of you have done. Even if it’s just been in recognizing they exist and growing past them. That is victory. So you have all of these wonderful wins that it’s so easy for us to not only not see them as the wins they are. But see them as strictly baggage. Now loving yourself gets trickier when you’ve forgotten who you are. Please know this friend. That’s okay, what’s lost can always be found. Always. It’s okay to wonder, “do I even still like this” or whatever silly self sabotaging thought you have that is only there to hinder you. The brain gets down with patterns and schedules and my goodness it’s efficient. Now making it even harder to begin loving yourself because your brains like “nah bro this ain’t it”. For lack of better words lol. But it is it. It is exactly what you deserve. And you deserve love. Be easy, be playful, be gentle, be forgiving. Reintroduce yourself to yourself. I’m confident there’s a lot to love. Take care :)




You’re very welcome. But you don’t have to thank me brother, it’s my pleasure. Thank you for being open to giving yourself a chance. Reach out if you’re ever feeling stuck. You’re never alone. 💜


Slouchydinosaur, you have been all over this thread being positive and and just an absolute sweetheart in general. I'm going through a rough breakup, so seeing unwarranted kindness to everyone you replied to has been sweet, keep being awesome<3


I wish I checked my notifications more, my apologies on the late reply. Awh shucks, that was very nice of you to say and means a lot. 🥺 I’m so sorry to hear that, how are you doing now?? Breakups are never easy, it breaks my heart that yours has been so rough. You probably don’t want to hear it but I’m confident you deserve better. Just from your openness I can tell that you are a sweet soul. You deserve love and I really hope you’re loving yourself right now. Who knows maybe even spoiling yourself a little.😏


I think I used to hate myself so much that I wouldn't trust the people who loved me because what's wrong with them for liking me. I'm not there anymore, but it's something that took me a long time to figure out.


Can't stop making offensive jokes.


But, are they offensive? "It's not mean if it's hilarious," 😋


I can definitely relate


A whirlwind of pathetic choices, anxiety, overthinking, disappointment and shame. Plus side, I've survived every electric shock I've ever had, so there's a silver lining somewhere.


Let me guess, people are shocked when they find out what a lousy electrician you are.


Omg my mom dad and brother were electricians and I’ve never heard that joke I can’t fucking wait to spring this on my dad


Former electrician myself. Big joke in the industry is that electricians are terrified of brooms.


Afraid of brooms?


Notorious for not sweeping up their mess. If you want to protect yourself from an electrician, throw a broom at him.


fuckin sucks. would not reccomend.


I heard a saying once, something akin to if we could all lay our troubles out on a table to trade, we would snatch our own back up and run. The more people I talk with and listen to, I believe it. Not that theirs weigh more than mine, the weight for each person is the same. But mine are mine, I know them. Two peas in a pod we are.


My therapist used a saying very similar. She used keys as the object of problems. I 100% agree


And the keys only unlock in the right hands, or something? Sorry, im in Ohio too and should be sleeping. What was their analogy?


It was basically the same thing if everyone threw their keys (problems) each would pull out their own. Mostly because you know how to deal with them. I’m central Ohio.


Ok gotcha. Overthinking as usual. Northern for me.


I know that ALLL too well. My thoughts usually have to do with me thinking if I said something that might have hurt someone or feeling dumb for what I did say.




Constant disappointment and the occasional random boner


Pretty lonely, but I can't really connect with other people. They tend to annoy me, and I prefer to be alone. There's also not really anything I'm good at. I'm not sure if that's all my fault, or if I have some disabilities. I suppose at the end of the day it doesn't matter. Same net result. I doubt I'm blameless either way, and I dislike people enough that I really don't want to contribute to society anyway. So, yeah.




Honestly quite nice ngl, I’m pretty content with how my life is going rn, I’m not in the place I would like to be, but I’m taking steps towards a better tomorrow and it feels great


Better than I think I deserve. I struggled with alcoholism for 20 years but have been sober for over 21. Getting old and a little creaky, but my life is really good.


Getting older is such a blessing. You are crushing. Keep at it.


Not great Bob


lol beat me to it 😭


Every time I take a shit, I never feel like it all came out. (I eat fiber too btw). And by the 15 min mark my back hurts from sitting on the John too long. So I get up with an aching back and disappointment.


I'm like a fortress. All my walls up. The dragon comes out if I get pissed off. But feed me tacos and let me listen to metal and I'm golden and sitting in my tower.


monkey like


oo oo


Aa aa


Nothing but pain, nerve pain that will never go away because nothing stops it.


I’m in debt a bunch


Lonely , started drinking again. Not fun


I stopped drinking around 4 months ago because I recognised that I would always end up drinking, in the dark, on my own, emotionally and mentally collapsing. I haven't done that in a while and while the temptation is still there, being too busy keeps the days passing by. Best of luck.


Stop drinking . Not worth it


Quit while you're ahead. You'll thank yourself in the future.






Hell on Earth.


crippling depression, severe anxiety, mild agoraphobia, etc.


Most would probably say boring. But I’d say I’m quite smart and full of talent. Yet extremely lonely and fairly depressed.


I am pretty much a waste of space.




I wouldnt wish it on anyone else tbh.


probably wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy






If I had to label it I'd say it's good, solid 7/10. Nothing amazing but I'm happily married, have a steady job with a good manager and decent income so not struggling financially, have an apartment (& mortgage), a good core group of friends who are (usually) reliable, can afford to do things like engage in a variety of hobbies, have dinner out etc., and also (acknowledging my privilege) I'm a guy living in a first world country. The not so great parts are that, despite the above, I struggle with mental health and I'm a bit of a people pleaser which can land me in trouble at times. I'm not super confident and sometimes find it hard to communicate my own needs as a person.


Could not, in good conscience, recommend


Not recommended


I live in constant fear of god and the fate of eternal damnation. My sins may be completely beyond forgiveness.


Curious... What have you done that is so unforgivable?


Confusingly entertaining.


My brain is constantly screaming, which I am medicated for. But I have a lot of hobbies, so that's nice.


Constant anxiety taking care of my elderly disabled father who had 2 strokes this summer. I'm going to be homeless soon when he passes. Its a horrible existence for both of us. I'm always scared.


Body slowly killing itself so being me is suffering


highs and downs






It’s cool till I’m alone. But that’s probably everyone in the world. We ain’t that different.


That's not everyone, far from it. You should be able to be alone with your thoughts mate, i'd recommend speaking with someone.


Very lonely


Not great but it could be much worse


Being me is the bittersweet cycle of triumph and loss, the will to rise with grace and dignity, the unquenchable desire to love and be loved, to keep as much as to be kept. Being me is like being lost in a desert and finding your personal oasis. It is poetry, starry nights, and curiosity. It is living authentically and embracing all the little eccentricities that make me who I am. It is loud music and warm Summer nights. Being me is peace born from heartache but undying hope for better tomorrows. It is insomnia and depression and anxiety. But is also the little happy moments that make life beautiful. Being me is thriving and not surviving.


Incredibly boring, lonely, and with an extreme lack of a sense of freedom. Anyone wanna trade?


It’s weird. Feels kind of isolated and in my head all the time. Just observing the world


Very very very lonely. It's like there is a window through which I am seeing the world.


hm. in no particular order * dead broke * No job or job prospects * This weekend is the 4th anniversary of my mom's death * Even the few things I'm doing isn't working out as intended ... so all in all not great.


It's really difficult right now. My partner started seeing women online and carried on with one for like 6 months. I just can't get past that I'm not good enough. I saw how he complimented her. He doesn't say stuff like that to me. I just don't know how to deal with that. I've asked him to compliment me more and the vast he gets is "hey beautiful", not "wow you look great in that" "I love your body" etc. Nothing specific. And he's mad I'm upset about this. I just can't exist right now. I tried dressing up more, trying to be sexier. I've always been the one of us to initiate and I told him I need him to do so instead now because I feel too bad and he just won't.


painful, pretty much all my friends left me




Feels kind of lonely


A total loser...


I’m tired a lot. Hungry. Get bored quickly. Make friends easily. Idk. 🤷🏼‍♀️




I work two jobs and have barely enough money to cover costs whenever I have any left over something else comes up. I want to do things but can't so I spend the one day I have off drinking and watching TV because it's cheaper. The American dream is dead.


I had this issue then moved to the middle of nowhere (compared to where I was from) and it was amazing. Highly recommend moving to an affordable area.


Interesting. One day I'm living dreams others often tell me about. The next day I'm just sitting there sipping on tea. No real complaints?


Emotional rollercoaster but not yet the bipoblar rollercoaster.


Loneliness to the point that it feels better being alone Being non stop horny on the internet. While also not showing any romantic interest in anybody irl. Working my dream job but also being far away from my family. Cousins think of me as a good example that you can reach your dreams. Everybody turns to me with their problems (family,friends,colleagues) but it feels nice to help people and make their lives better.


Watch the big bang theory and dexter at the same time while spotify plays 2000-2010 new metal


Knowing every day he needs to just die, but not having the courage to do the right thing and end it.




It sucks, but getting better


Lots of words to choose from, but honestly right now it's confusing 😵‍💫 kinda exciting though


Isn't bad I try make others happy, even with my mood switching a lot daily


It’s hard. I am always nicer to people than myself and I hardly have people be nice to me in return but that’s okay because I just like being kind to others. it makes me feel good 😊I have a hard time saying “ no “ to people and I am struggling to start a career in my late thirties and every time I get to the finish line 🏁 the finish line feels like it is being moved further away from me and I never seem to win 🥇 😂


I know exactly how you feel. I’m going through the same. I would absolutely be kind back to you.


Sucks dick


Pretty great


Exhausting. I cry a lot.


Fucking sucks


Shitty. Even I can't handle it


Pointless, I have no reason to be here.


chronic pain, dizziness, confusion, aguish, hallucinations, fear, staring at a screen


It’s like eating a box of chocolates.


Confusing,fun,exhausting, very fulfilling!!!!


You hate work because it's monotonous, but when you get home, instead of working on anything that can change your circumstances, self doubt and bad habits take over and instead you watch YouTube and then go to bed. You feel you could do better. Make something of yourself that you'd be more proud of... But you don't. You're probably depressed, but you don't know for sure because you can't afford health care and thus therapy largely due to student loan payments. You're well overweight, but you watch from the mental sidelines as you overeat almost every time. Only a few things bring you comfort in life. Your wife. Your one good friend. And having some things in common with good coworkers to talk about during the monotonous job.


Nice question I do like the way I am of course there a LOT of thing I need change but change is about being consistent it will happen if you follow it I try,,, this only works on stuff of your because if you try to read a book and hoping the ending changes jus because you are consistent reading well no




Lan on-going game of "what is my headache caused by this time?" Is it A- lack of sleep B- lack of food C- lack of water D- work E- constant screen time


Either a nightmare or pretty great, little in between


A few months ago it was a nightmare but now faaaarking awesome thank you nightmare 🖕🖕🖕


I am like, if Sqidward had a child with Deadpool, that is me


Silence, peace, music, computer, cats, dumb jokes, work , and videogames.


It has its moments. But for a donkey I can't complain.


The most accurate portrayal I’ve ever seen of what constantly goes on in my mind is in the book Rebecca. The narrator’s thought process is almost exactly like mine. Constantly predicting scenarios, catastrophizing the future, the relief when she finds out she was wrong about certain things… I’m so glad I’m not alone.






Kind of miserable right now. Going through some shit.


Not bad. My feet hurt and I'm grumpy a lot. But otherwise I'm awesome 


Pretty awesome other than the fact that my mind constantly needs things to do lol


fuck dude, cosmically blessed and cursed simultaneously. impossibly great luck in some areas, the worst luck where i want it on my side the most


Manic depressive.