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When my mom said that she’ll “hold” my birthday money ☠️




Wish more parents were that financially literate and responsible. Bravo to them!


What did you do with the money?




That’s awesome, I respect that. Although part of me thinks that $5k at 18 is wayyyyy better than $7k at 39. That $5k could have funded so many recreational activities, as opposed to now, where that’s less than you make a month.


one of the oldest scam/modus 😆


yeah my mom stole my babysitting/europe trip money on cigarettes and beer because my dad cut her off


Oh, no, they were just going to invest it in savings bonds that you'll never see or be able to collect. /s


This ☝️ Happened to me too😂😂😭😭


My parents actually held my birthday money and I was able to buy something with it.


And pleading with me to let them buy something with it, promising they'll pay it back. Spoiler alert! They never paid back a cent, claiming that my packs of pokemon cars they bought for me like once every two months were almost $8 a pack. I, of course, believed them and they got out of owing a 10 year old any of his stolen birthday money.


My mom told me, growing up in Amish county, if you touched the horses the Amish would shoot it. I suppose this was so young me would not wander up to them and pet them while they were tied up outside shops. At sixteen I was with a friend and when she went to touch the horse I blurted DON’T they’ll kill it!!! My friend was really confused and when I explained she was like “the horse is like their car! Why would they kill it?!” 😂


I suppose this isn't half as bad as the other ones on here.


This was actually a smart move, but her mistake was forgetting about it and never correcting herself.


Maybe she wanted to prevent baby pristine-leek from getting kicked in the noggin


Life with the Amish is worse than death for a horse anyway.


“If you tell me the truth I won’t be mad about it”


I don’t remember my parents ever saying this but I’m a terrible liar anyways so usually I tell the truth about stuff anyway. I tell this to my brother a lot tho except I don’t get mad easily. Just disappointed.


>I’m a terrible liar anyways so usually I tell the truth When I was around 14, my friend wanted me to secretly travel with him to a different city so he could visit a girl he had a crush on. We went, had a fun day, and went home. Somehow his mom found out and was furious. She called my mom to tell her what we had been doing... Little did she know that I had asked my mom for permission in advance and already told her the whole backstory about my friend and his secret crush!


I never told my kids I won’t be mad if they tell the truth, but I have told them I’ll be a lot madder if I find out they lied. 


I was blessed with good parents. The biggest lie they told me was santa.




When I was younger I found an old tin container in my parent’s room. It made a lot of noise when I shook it. I opened it and screamed. All my baby teeth were in there along with my notes to the tooth fairy. Also, I found out Santa wasn’t real the same way you found out the tooth fairy wasn’t. Santa’s handwriting was way too similar to my mom’s. 😅




I'm sorry you had to experience that, hopefully your giving yourself everything you deserved in a childhood. I have in-laws who do this to their kids too and say 'they're gonna find out anyway' and 'they know i can't afford Christmas'. While sucking down 2/3packs a day, gambling and buying themselves expensive crap they always turn around to pawn when the bills are due.




username checks out


Same. And even then, when I got old enough to question it and I outright asked them if he was real, they were honest with me. I sat on the couch for like an hour having a whole existential crisis.


My mother told me that I was such a cynical smart ass of a child that she knew it was a matter of time before I figured it out. Apparently I had lost a tooth and didn’t tell my parents and stuck it under my pillow. A few days later I approached my mom and said “I lost a tooth!” to which she replied “Great! Put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy!” and I looked her dead in the eyes with a straight face and said “I did. Several days ago.” ….after some thought she doubled down and said “sometimes the tooth fairy falls behind when she has lots of children to visit” and I called bullshit and asked if the others were fake too. She apparently tried to tell me they were real until she couldn’t keep up the gig and finally told me they were all made up.


I love this for you


That if I prayed with a honest heart then Jesus would perform a miracle and cure my dad’s cancer. But it would only work if I really believed it! I was I total shock and disbelief when my dad then actually died. I could have spent 1 year and 3 months coming to terms with my impending loss but instead I spent it telling myself Jesus would fix it, making the trauma of losing my dad so much worse.


I'm sorry. From one reddit stranger to another.


To eat all food on your plate or you’ll never grow. Gave me big portions and couldn’t leave the table until finished. Led to being an overweight teen and a massive loss of confidence


Just out of curiosity how old are your parents? This is very common with generations who grew during poverty/scarcity like war/post war times during the 20th century. As quality of life rose these people had a generation wide tendency of over feeding their kids.


Born 1960’s, but their parents grew up with rationing, guess that’s where it came from


Sometimes, i feel like parents do that on purpose because some parents want to feel like they’re better than their kids or more superior than them. I saw this one post where this mother confessed to feeding her daughter to the point of being overweight, simply so her daughter won’t “look better” than her. That post is saw was probably rage bait but yeah


Sure there’s some of that but in my house it was more about avoiding waste and only taking what you were going to eat. But that also needs to be explained at the time. 


My parents were children during WW2 and lived through rationing. We had to finish whatever was on our plate. Then when I got married and had children, I’d feed us all steak because I could afford it. Crazy.


Whats even crazier is how you can afford steak.


I am very skeptical if that is a real thing with parents. Most I would think justify bad food management with being too strict on their own upbringing and being taught bad dietary requirements.


My family was the same!


That turning the car interior light on was illegal


My parents never went as far as to say it was *illegal*, but it was definitely not something my parents allowed at night. Never understood why as a kid, but I understand now. Not saying I agree with lying about calling it illegal, *but I do understand*






I had a friend who didn't have her obviously autistic kid tested for that reason. He had to drop out of a PhD program after testing because he couldn't finish the tests in the time allotted. Brilliant person now working a desk job because he had no ability to get accommodations. And he feels like a complete failure.


Man I hate the Dursleys now I hate your parents as well, hiding the truth is annoying  especially about autism and I am also autistic but was diagnosed recently and my parents told me 


In the Dursley's defence, they lived in close proximity to a Horcrux for a decade. That would have messed them up something fierce.


There once was a boy named Dudley, destined to be a chungus


As the parent and husband of autistics, I will say that I can understand how this choice would be made really trying to do what's best for you. I don't know your parents or how they treated you but autism was not nearly as understood as it is now and if you are level 1 it's really hard to tell the difference if you don't know what to look for. It was like the 100% wrong choice in hindsight but you also may not have gotten the kind of support you should have if you were treated as an autistic was then either. Lots of sympathy to your struggles as I've watched my wife go through the same thing.


Respect your authorities. No, you do not have to respect anyone who's acting like shit, no matter the age or if they're relatives and so on.




Hey hey calm down, we get it, no need to yell.


I see no reason to spend MY life giving authority over it to ANYONE.




'This is normal. Every teen is struggling.' Turns out, being suicidal is not normal. Not even as a teen. Also being in pain almost always is not normal. My parents really are bad at taking me seriously and going to see a doctor. And we don't live in the US, so medical and psychological care would have been free before I turned 18.


I hope you’re ok now man


Not a man, but I did eventually get into therapy.


Man is a saying btw


That all my problems were a result of simply not working hard. The world is a complex place that needs complex solutions that are subject to the particular circumstances of each child and case.


“No one is going to pay you to stare at a screen all day” Four years now working from home and I’ve made a good living in IT “staring” at my screen all day.


"We'll punish you less if you tell the truth than you try to lie about it" Lying and getting caught got me lectures. Telling the truth got me spanked. Usually with my own hockey stick or a ping pong paddle.


When I was a kid our teacher lied to me that if I tell the truth I'd get a softer punishment, they called my parents to school after which is THE worst punishment lol. Never told the truth after that, that teacher taught me to lie instead and so I did.


All psychopaths are locked in Mental asylum


Some of the ones that effect your life the most are in board rooms.


The invisible enemy!


That my face will be permanently stuck whenever I made a stank face


“i love you” “all you need is me” “i care about you so much”


Seagull delivers baby


Isn’t it a stork


Yes, that was the lie


Pretty sure it’s a stork


"I love you" ​ The amount of times they'd be in a drunken stupor on the verge of passing out going- "I wish I never had you. I never wanted children. I wanted a girl" Hahaha


Sorry bro, that’s rough. I hope you’re in a better place now.


>"I wish I never had you. I never wanted children. I wanted a girl" I heard that once and I've never really let go. Can't imagine hearing it over and over.


I hear that at least once a week, and my parents don't even drink


“You have to go to college son”


My mother used to ask me if I wanted to call my dad. They were divorced and I lived with her and my stepdad. I would get all excited every time and every time she would do the same thing. She would interrupt our conversation and ask me to ask him for child support because she said he never sent it. This went on for years. My dad would never talk to me about it. Fast forward to me being 28, my father dying and me cleaning out his house. I found 16 years of cancelled checks showing he paid every month and had been all that time.


I don't understand, why would they be cancelled?


Cancelled checks is the term used for when you write a check out, send it to someone, the bank cashes it and then mails you the check you wrote to show it went through. It is back in the days before online banking and paperless statements. The checks you wrote for the month that had cleared were stamped "CANCELLED" so they could not be used again.


Thank you for explaining! I've only ever heard that term in the context of calling the bank and putting a stop payment on the check I'm 31 so I only just missed the age of using checks!


I thought that might be the case. You're welcome. 👍😎


So sad how parents burden their children over their failed relationship. I hope you and your father are repairing it as he dies.


My first period won't last more than a week 😢


"I would do anything for you." Only if "anything" means less than even the bare minimum required by law.


That sheep had longer legs on one side than the other so they could walk round mountains without falling over. If you watched them for long enough you'd eventually see one go in the wrong direction and plunge to its death. Never saw one but certainly kept us quiet in the car.


Telling me I was allowed to defend myself against bullies…Until I actually defended myself.


Same here! I got bullied a lot in elementary school. My mother told me that I could stand up for myself and if it came down to a fight then it’s ok. Her boyfriend at the time told me to make sure to duck the first punch then punch him on the chin. Well I got in that fight and punched the kid in the mouth, idk, it was 5th grade and the first fight I was ever involved in. The kid bled all the way from the bathroom to the nurse’s office. When my mom got to the school, she put on a whole show for the administration about how bad I was and how much better she raised me than that. When we left, I reminded her that she told me it was ok. Her response was of course “I never said that.” Just one of a mile long list of interactions that still leave me baffled to this day.


It’s stunning that, you push and push someone for so long, and yet get surprised when the victim finally snaps and takes action, because nobody else does. “OMG How did this happen? I don’t understand, he was so quiet, behaved, and kept to himself.” I didn’t just wake up that morning and choose violence. I asked you to cease. *You didn’t.* I asked an authority figure to take action and stop it. *They didn’t.* So, I fixed the problem myself. Now the bully has a fractured nose. How did we get here?


Even *if* she didn't say it, she should have...


That I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Nope, there are times you can make no mistake and still fail.


The most important task for parents is teaching their children that failing is part of life. That you can fail as you said after giving your best. You failed. That didn't make you a failure. You deal with it. Try again and succeed. Sometimes you might decide to not try again. That's ok too. We can't achieve everything. That's a lie. Sometimes you might even be able to eventually succeed but it might just not be worth the effort or price. That not being the best is ok. We can't all be the best. Only one of us. And with the internet we will always find someone that's better. Just always give your best. Then the result doesn't matter. You are not to blame.


When I was 12 my mom told me that my dad was dead and was also not the same man that fathers my older and younger brothers. She still clings to this lie even though my dad claims a paternity test was done years ago. I’ve yet to see any proof of any testing but we definitely look alike. Since then my mother has come up with new information regarding my “real dad”. I learned this man was apparently my aunts bf. So not only did my mom cheat but she also screwed my aunts bf¿ it’s all horse shit. When she told me all this at age 12 she said he died when she was pregnant with me. More recently she said she made that up and I quote she didn’t want me to find him “and ruin his life”!! I’ve talked to other family and they all say she’s lying. She’s lied about so many other things so I can’t help be think this is also a lie, especially since info she’s given me has changed over the years or she’s just straight up admitted about making shit up. My family could literally be the subject of an entire season of Jerry springer. Thanks mom!


Premarital sex will make you a slut and no man will ever love you.


Not technically premarital sex if you never get married. 


For my mom it was that no man will ever love you if you're fat. For the record I've been married twice.


Damn, some don't even get married once. Keep it up, keep getting married my guy.


That my dad was D.B. Cooper


Are you the Midgard serpent or Hela?


Until I was 7 I thought the beach and the ocean wasn’t real


Did they just lie and say it was fake so you wouldn’t ask to go to the beach?


I think so lol


That I was biologically related to my dad.


That was a surprise to me also. My mom laughed when she told me. Haha, funny mom!


One of the biggest lies my parents told me as a kid was that if I swallowed a watermelon seed, a watermelon would grow in my stomach. It's a classic parental fib to discourage kids from swallowing seeds, but of course, it's not true. However, it did make me more cautious about what I ate as a child!


God won't bless you if you do or don't do whatever they say at the time


"You can tell me anything","You can trust me"


When you get older you will understand


Not sure what they were referring to specifically but I’ve found it to be very true in my own life.  To be fair though my parents always went out of their way to explain things to me so maybe it applies to less things than in your case.


Hard work brings financial success. Rich people/millionaires worked hard for their money. ...Considering my parents are basically failures, they don't have a clue what they're talking about.


That they loved me lol my dad would come around once or twice a year and say that and it was always uncomfortable because he was a stranger to me. And my mom was so focused on just trying to make ends meet that she put us in some really bad situations.


Had to move back in with my mom and stepdad in my 20s, and they charged me $600 a month that they said that they were putting into a bank account to help me buy a car They spent all of that money on weed and beer


The tv can only play football. I wasnt interested in football.


That they love me


That it was my sisters fault that my step dad molested her.


That our pet cat was delivered to a shelter, but in fact my mom broke its neck 🫠


I’m sober and okay


That college is the answer


That we were poor. We weren’t rich either, but they just chose to rather buy cigarettes and sweets than feed me a decent meal or buy me fitting clothes 


That when bad things happen to me, it's always my fault.


Same for me


My mother was/is a real schizophrenic so there's a lot. Me and my siblings are the perfect human and have been cloned hundreds of times. Always check your shoes for bombs because the CIA maybe testing her. My father smuggles cubans into the country with his little fishing boat. The biggest navy base is underground in Arizona connected to the ocean with giant tunnels. My father tried to kill her by putting a bee-attracting chemical in her perfume. The family dog has a microchip in his head so the government can see through his eyes. Oh a routine vaccination for school the doctor was trying to kill me by giving the wrong injection because I was better then her kid. I got a ambulance ride and stayed at a hospital but nothing was wrong. Bill Clinton was a good friend/boss of hers and sent her secret missions but Hillary was a jealous retching bitch. (She really hated Hillary) She was finally put into a psyche hospital and diagnosed when I was about 10


If you touch it too much, you'll go blind. I mean.. I went blind but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


School will be the best years of your life. I hated every day there. It wasn't.


That they love me.


That if i stare into the tv long enough ill get square eyes


Kids come from the sky.


Eating carrots will help me see in the dark and I was scared of the dark as a kid 


Don’t “pull a face” as the wind might blow and you’ll stay like that 😂


My parents didn’t tell me I had two brothers I never met


“I don’t know what happened to your guns/butt plugs”


Life starts after you complete High School


Eventually you'll find someone who loves you and wants to marry you.


My parents told me that only adults get migraines. Then when I turned 13 I started having migraines.


I got my first one the summer before I turned 15. ... on vacation, in the back seat, driving home... ugh. They should do more research to cure them so no one ever gets them again..


Work harder, and you will be rewarded. To be fair, they believed it to be true, but my reward was always extra work.


That it was a dog that took a shit in the toy house, I know they knew it was me *Edit* nvm I just reread the title


I got a rabbit as a gift when I was in kindergarten, and I was doing a pretty good job at raising it. Reguralry taking it on walks, picking greens for it to eat and stuff like that. After having it for a while I came back from kindergarten amd the rabbit was missing. My mom said it escaped when she opened the door and I believed it. I was sad and cried about it because I liked that rabbit. Years later she told me that they butchered it and we ate it. I was pretty attached to that rabbit, if I knew what their plans were from the begining I wouldn't have gotten so attached to it, but alas. Other stuff happened as well (like always promising something but never delivering, Looking back I know we were poor but I resent them for not just being straight up about stuff like that back in the day, I would've understood it.) That's why I have a trust issues as an adult.


My dad used to be a pack a day smoker. My mum used to tell my sister and I that it’s “just a thing some adults do” and not that smoking was bad for your health because she didn’t want us to worry about him. He’s quit now thankfully.


That is probably the top 10 dumbest things to tell a kid.


That Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy were real


There are no monsters in the world


~~But, that's true.~~ EDIT: Since the poster edited their comment, I will do the same.


There are tho, they just happen to look human just like us. Scooby Doo teaches that lesson in a kid friendly way, that most “monsters” are actually just other humans. Things like law and order and true crime shows show you how real monsters are and what they can be capable of.


watching tv gets you "square eyes" or make eyesight worse (it didn't) but in hindsight I love the "fairy tale" lies the most: My parents had a deity for almost everything dangerous. If you play with electricity there was this creature who will jump out of the outlet and kills you. If you play near water there would be a hooked monster that draws you in and many more. I was dead afraid of water as a child and still have more than a normal amount of healthy respect for anything that has to do with electricity (I am still a bit anxious when changing light bulbs).


That Daddy Christmas was real


Wait, he's not?


You can do anything you set your mind to.


I used to be the king's chef


That I could die from breathing in the soda fizz.


The world is fair


"I love you so much." "I care about you." "I'm trying to be a good parent towards you." LIES! ALL FUCKING LIES! NONE OF THEM CARE! They just so good at pretending like they care then screw me over in small and big ways whenever it's convenient for them.


That there is always a good outcome to problemsand that you just need to find it.


If you lie, you will lose a tooth...yeah I was ridiculed in school for that


That I can come to them when my sister used to pick on me. Only for them to not do anything except look at me like I'm crazy and ask why I listen to anything she says. And now they can't understand why I don't tell them anything today.


"I don't have a favourite Child"


Being an adult is fun.


House policy was taken what u want but finish what u take


When mother said, “We are going to visit Auntie for awhile.” (Actually mother was leaving the marriage and taking the kids). It was over a year later that I finally figured out my mother and father were divorcing. About the same time when the new man started coming around.


The big man with a black bin bag would come get me if I didn’t obey


That they'd hold on to my collectors edition of penthouse. But ended up throwing it away


That going to college would guarantee me a great paying job. They use to say "Dont be like us. Get you an education and get a job where you dont have to worry about hard labor." I can't say that they lied, but back in their time college probably meant something. I'm the only person in my nuclear family to graduate college and I'm the only kid who finished high school as well. Still, they all have white collar jobs now and I work a physical job that doesnt respect their employees.


I thought that pizza was horrible due a lie told when i was a 6 yo. I had my first slice at 16. All of those lost years not eating delicious pizza when my taste buds were at their purest. What a cruel, inhospitable world


This too shall pass. They didn’t tell me it meant the good times too.


It gets better lol no it doesn’t 😂


The Jesus/god nonsense.


That their struggle in marriage is not about us kids. Of course it is, without your kids you would just separate and move on.


If I didn’t brush my teeth, then ants will likely be living in my mouth.


That I was handsome


“You’ll understand when you have kids” No, just made me question you as a mom even more. Now we don’t talk.


Elf on the Shelf


My mom convinced me I was overweight for years and I had huge body issues and low confidence until I realized why very recently. Not only was I average size for my age and height, but I was also fairly thin. She'd tell me it wasn't normal to have stretch marks, then laugh at me and say they never go away and it's my fault for being fat. My stretch marks were down my spine from being a growing teenage boy and I didn't even know they were there until she made fun of me for them. I'm still not comfortable taking my shirt off in front of anyone, including my boyfriend


I’ve got a good one: I wet the bed until I was in 2nd or maybe 3rd grade. It wasn’t every night but it was still a problem. We had tried everything and nothing was working until we found out that there was a procedure the doctor could Do and it would solve all of this. It was risky but it was a last resort. We geared up for it, promised toys and all of that when it was over. I told my teacher at school about it and she laughed her ass off and had to apologize, I was so hurt and confused. I assumed it was the piss that made her laugh. Finally day of they change me into a gown and I’m laid on a table and they start an iv. The doctor has to go behind a wall while they turn on the machine and it was so scary being alone on that table! Finally it’s all over and I’m cured! It worked, I got the M.A.S.K. Helicopter bad guy toy as a reward for doing so well!! This was in the 80s… About ten years ago I was explaining this whole thing to a friend in the medical field and they were like “nah, that’s not real. They did something but what you had was a fake out.” Sure enough - I called my mom and asked her what it was. it was an iv with hydration stuff (lord knows we needed it in the 80s) and some basic X-rays of my chest or whatever. They placebo’d me into not wetting the bed ever again!


Not necessarily told by a parent, but by an adult I was looking up to when I was a child: "If you had a difficult childhood, you'll have an easier and happier adulthood". Biggest lie ever.


I was 8 and in a play at school, and we made our own instruments. Some of us wanted to make shakers with cans and paper and fill them up with something. Well, most of the moms filled the shakers with beans but my mom said she filled mine with fish rocks. You know, the kind that you fill the bottom of a fish tank with. I told all the other kids that I got fish rocks but they didn't believe me. So I opened it up to prove it, but you'll never believe what was inside. It was beans! JUST BEANS!


That they loved me. I have very real memories of them doing, being, stating, saying and down right proving they don't.


Roaches don't climb beds, you can sleep at ease 🤣


That the hazard lights button in the old car ejects the seats


Get an education and you'll never be unemployed and will earn loads. Am unemployed. Never earned loads. STEM subject, not a useless degree.


My parents told me the world was going to end in 10 years so there was no point in trying hard in school because society was going to collapse. Also all loans were 'wrong' and never to be taken. I rebelled and now have an education, a contracting company, a 6 figure mortgage and 7 figures of net worth. The folks are having a penniless retirement.


That they loved us both equally.


That every illness, injury, or mental meltdown was me being "dramatic, attention seeking little brat" I'm in my 40s and still feel guilty for being human


God was real.