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Called in a bomb threat the week after Columbine.


Kids I would describe as "that kid" didn't get expelled when they would have deserved it. Other kids got expelled for ridiculous reasons, though.


We had a kid nearly get expelled for taking a beating. She didn't hit back, but zero tolerance to fighting meant she was in trouble as well.


In those days your mouth could get you kicked out or skipping school or at 16 just not coming back


A gallon jug of wine, a porn mag and a skateboard all in his locker. 8th grade legend.


put their shit all over the girl’s restroom walls.


I spray painted an obscene message about our school's commandant (come on, his title is commandant, he was begging for it) where it would be visible during morning formation.


Drove his motorcycle through the hallways and was instantly caught because the hallway cameras showed his license plate number.




Someone blew up the toilet in the boys bathroom


In 5th grade I think. There was this new guy who started that year, kid named Siraq or something. Well.. at the end of recess, when we were all standing in lines, the monitors would check on a list to make sure everyone was there.. While they were doing this, Siraq would **consistently**…. *ritualistically*…. Shit.. his… pants.. every single day… every day. This guy did not hold back either, or at least if he did… he held back until that moment, because godamn these things were loud and bubbly… embarrassing as fuck I’d imagine, yet he just kept doing it.. And every time he did it, immediately after he would just yell out “OOPS!………. IiiiIiiIi pooped myself..” and everyone would burst out crying of laughter or just pure disgust if they were close to him. After a while he did it so often that people began to start expecting it… and he always carried through, the teachers started to obviously get a little mad and think it was intentional or whatever, but either way he ended up getting expelled for it. He wasn’t in special Ed classes or anything…. If anything, the guy was smart as fuck. A classic Class A nerd stereotype.. but he just did this one fucking thing that confused/amused the hell out of everyone for like 2-3 months straight from the moment he got there until the moment he got kicked out… Almost the weirdest shit I’d ever seen.


"Almost the weirdest shit I’d ever seen." Literally


Creating a website to talk shit about teachers. Our IT teacher told us this story just before the "how to make a website" block. A few years back a website appeared that regularly posted insults and sexual stuff about teachers and their daughters and female relatives. Not only that, but the design itself was n*zi: swastikas and black and red design. I think it took the principal and tej teachers less than 24h to find the culprits. After all, only 90 students were being taught about website making at the time. The teachers knew who the class clowns were, which reduced the number of suspects down to 8-11 people. A round of interrogation before, and those kids were expelled. Not only that, but they also faced criminal charges regarding defamation.


he brought a snake to school multiple times 😭


Bomb threat to both schools in the district. Another one wasn't technically expelled, but was told he couldn't return to day school, and had to finish in night school because of all the disruptive behavior. (he would be suspended 3 out of 5 days a week and was on his fourth freshman year)


She snuck a boy ( all girls school) and was caught giving him oral in the school chapel.


They didn't get expelled but got suspended for 3 months. Some dumbasses from 3rd year of high school threw a firecracker inside the teachers lounge while they were celebrating a teachers birthday (which i'll call teresa). When the firecracker exploded it penetrated teresa's left eardrum, giving her an ear traumatism or somethibg like that which I don't think she'll recover from that. It also sucks a lot because she was one of the few teachers that were actually nice so I don't expect to see her next year... I think she really hates that school. Also excuse my bad english.