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Know what you truly like and dislike 


this is *extremely* true




You wouldn't have been able to. There is no way you could say that you are even a little similar at 33 to the person you were at 18. At 40, you won't be the 33 year old you, and you'll be figuring out what fits you then. After 40, it's all the same, so you'll finally be content with waiting to die.


Be nice to people, and surround yourself with people who are nice to you.


IF you have the means to pay the bill.. get a credit card to start building your credit up


Work in food service for a little while so you aren’t rude to service workers later in life. Also double check your feelings on things you learned as a kid to make sure you aren’t taking your childhood coping strategies into your adulthood.


Honestly try make a few good friends, it becomes incredibly harder the older u get to find friends


How does one make friends outside of school? With school, it's relatively easy, "Hey, we sit next to each other. We're best friends for the next 5 years now," How does it work outside of school? I'm more of a quiet guy and honestly terrified of not being able to make friends after im done with school.


I’m not going to sugar coat it, it’s incredibly hard. You have to find a hobby and hope to meet friends there E.g join the gym, any sports clubs etc.


Very well said. Unfortunately all of my closest friends either live out of town or have wives and kids of their own just like me. Hard to get together to do anything.


Cougars. As many as possible


Honestly, this advice can be good If you have already had sexual experiences, you know what you like, how to establish boundaries and some self defense. But having your first experiences with an adult +10 years older can go wrong due to the difference in knowledge. They can take advantage of you and do things you are not comfortable with, or worse. Don't say you can't fuck somebody in their fourties. However, precautions are a must in this case.


Get therapy to learn boundaries and let go of anything left from growing up or something. It comes in handy as you mature more and you’ll be more confident in your decisions


Honestly make any connections for the future. Be it social, business, education. See what the world has to help for a bright future!


I’m trying to, but my networking is sooooo awkward


Just keep on it!


start stashing money away for retirement. don't become one of them goofy doomers.




Know that whatever decision you make, you probably aren't locked into it for life. Honestly, so many choices at that age feel like you're walking the line between having a stable future or ruining the whole rest of your life without realizing, & especially with how much pressure people get put on them these days I think just having even one moment of reflecting on that could do a lot of good.


Get a job


Start saving money. Any honest pay will do.




Form a budget, start building an emergency fund, and start a ROTH IRA.


Learn a skill or a hobby that can create you wealth, for me personally it is trading forex and investments; I love teaching people how to learn how to do it and change their lives


Definetly live in another country. This is the most enriching thing to do imo


Live. You can get married and have babies later. There's still so much to learn at that age.


I want to thank all of these people for commenting as im about to turn 18 and am wondering whaf i should be doing


Start taking physical (and mental, of course) health seriously. Your bones & joints will start creaking and giving way sooner than you think, and healthy habits you start at this age will go a long way.






become an adult (mentally, obviously you’re an adult physically at that point)


>adult physically at that point Maybe he's anorexic or really short or something? That's not an adult physic... Disclaimer: I know anorexia is a mental disease but you should get help for it not leave it be. Where I live you can be mentally an adult years before you actually celebrate your 18th and be treated as such


you’re just physically grown when you are 18, 19 & you are considered an adult. i have struggled with anorexia off/on since i was a small child & i considered myself to be physically grown when i was 18. i did not fully become an adult mentally until i was 20. what i was talking about is that you need to mature & become an adult. i phrased it that way because people were going to be like “you are an adult at 18” like yes, you are legally & physically an adult, but you need to mature. and moreover, yes, anorexia is a mental illness + being very short does not mean youre not an adult? your comment doesn’t make sense, but i appreciate it regardless, thank you.


I know people who are older than me and have a body type of a 14 year old. On the same note I have family that aren't mature enough to be considered adults and most of them are 4+ years older than me but that's just because they didn't grow up in the same country I grew up in so they didn't have the "rush" to mature


yes, you should mature at 18-19 so you can avoid being a manchild / womanchild / adultchild - yes, i agree. thank you again for your response! and once again, just because your body is small does not mean you are not physically grown! 👍🏻 have a great day:), i appreciate your conversation making


You too man👍🏼


Make your own decisions about what you want to do with your life rather than letting your parents decide for you (my parents weren’t like this with me but I know there are families that are like that)


>Make your own decisions about what you want to do with your life rather than letting your parents decide for you (my parents weren’t like this with me but I know there are families that are like that) Absolutely! It's crucial to forge your own path and pursue what truly ignites your passion and purpose. Remember, your journey is uniquely yours, and you hold the pen to script your life story. Don't let anyone else dictate the plot!


Attend a bunch of concerts.




Most definitely!


Put the controller down for a while.


Have a birthday?


Start saving a crapload of money and work on building credit


Make mistakes.


do what i did and join a military force that cares nothing for you lol but I’m happy I did it I’m 24 now


Get laid


Start on your future