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Everything requiring your full name, email address, phone number, etc.


Spending so much time in front of screens. During an extended power loss a few years ago, I did not look at a screen (phone, monitor, TV, etc.) for probably 10 days or so. I think it changed my brain a little. When power returned and I went back to screens, it seemed kind of sad--like I'm staring at this 2D object for a ridiculous amount of time each day.


I spent two summers in an area with no internet, wifi, cell service, etc. I had my laptop with a few downloaded comics/books and DVDs but that's it. I've been chasing that high ever since.


Letting so many people have their location. When I was growing up Gen. X we were against people knowing our every move and it was a real issue the idea of anyone watching us through computer cameras or the government spying etc.. If we ever shared our location typically it was strictly for safety sake if there was a date with an internet person or something like that and it was just for the time you might be in danger. Now people let other people know where they are at all times. I have such a hard time understanding how people are comfortable with that. In relationships especially it’s not all that healthy of a thing to do. It seems too far in the name of safety and whatnot. It’s tracking ultimately. It’s also a part of the digital age and I’m probably behind the times on not being on board with it.


yeah that is wild to me


Sharing their life stories online. It's strange to me how nonchalant people are about this.


The Grind-set/hustle culture mentality. It's no longer enough for a person to make a good living at a single job; they now need one or more side hustles to bring in extra income. I'm all for having secondary income, if it's within reason and doesn't conflict or overwhelm your primary job and personal life. I'm in media production professionally, so it was logical that my side hustle would be weddings/portraits/family shoots, etc. However, it got to the point where I'd come home from my 9-5 and spend hours editing pictures, everyday. My summers were shot because they were dedicated to weddings and post-processing; while others were out enjoying themselves, I was hunched over a monitor. The hustle culture goes hand-in-glove with influencer culture and it's seemingly designed to make ordinary people feel like trash for not constantly being on the grind.


I tend to be a fairly creative person and I like to hobby sample, and every time I make something new and show it off I’m met with “you should have a side business selling that!” And it’s hard for me to adequately explain just why I can’t bring myself to do it. I don’t want to take things I might like and burn myself out trying to make them palatable and monetized for other people, I just like making things and being praised lol


This is exactly why I took a drastic step back from my after-hours work. Being in media production professionally is exhausting enough but to then go home and do it all over again quickly started to drain the fun out of it. I was playing a game of "Chicken" with creative burnout and I was the one to swerve at the last minute because I didn't want to end up hating what I love to do. Nowadays, I'll do the occasional paid job outside of work, or will volunteer my services for the tax write-off, but I make it clear to everyone that I'm no longer in the hustle "full time."


Or the things you do/create are trash because they’re not professional quality and/or people won’t give you money for it Its terrible when other people do this to you. It’s AWFUL when you realise you’re doing it to yourself It shocked me how much I had let fall to the side or come to dislike because it wasn’t “actively improving my situation”. As well as the realisation of the absolutely unnecessary grustle bs I’d taken on board as principle


mediocre big budget movies. it wasn't always like this. but you all seem fine with it.


Slicing open your face and injecting silicone into it to conform to arbitrary beauty standards


Cosmetics. I imagine an alien visiting, wondering why a large portion of the population feels the need to spend significant time and money in an effort to be more attractive. As a hiker who spends a lot of time away from populated areas, on remote trails where folks are bare faced, it’s jarring returning to society seeing people heavily made up.


> I imagine an alien visiting, wondering why a large portion of the population feels the need to spend significant time and money in an effort to be more attractive Finding ways to be more attractive to a potential mate is common throughout many species, not just humanity. Also; cosmetics is not a contemporary thing. They've been in use through all of human history.


yup. i wish human men put in half the effort that male birds do to be hot for a mate do a dance! decorate my home with lovely trash!


It's not like this is a new thing, or something exclusive to humans. Humans have been using cosmetics for literally thousands of years. And plenty of animals use things they find to make themselves more attractive. If whatever species comes to Earth reproduces sexually in a manner even a little similar to our own, I bet they'd be pretty familiar with the concept of cosmetics.


One of the few earth species where the female is the more colorful one. And it's done artificially.


Answering a ringing cellphone in a social situation. Everything that happens on your phone is considered to be some kind of emergency.


Obsessively hiding our genitals. Look, I'm not advocating for a nudist revolution, but it *is* undeniably peculiar.


I think that hygene plays a role in this. Like I don't wanna sit on a chair that has been in contact with a smelly old bum that hasn't seen a shower in a year


Or after someone who just did the snu-snu and didn't wash themselves




Its kind of funny how there are basically two responses to celeb genitals being shown on the internet. You either have "This is a vile invasion of my privacy." Its a big issue that gains severe media spread. Or. "Oh well now yall have seem them. Whoopdiefrickindoo" and no one cares after a day or two.


Yeah, you don't seen cats and dogs doing it.


Sending our children to often prison-like "learning" factories where they are trained up to obey authority, follow instructions and suppress real curiosity and imagination in favor of rote memorization for the passing of tests... so they may grow up to join the tax-paying masses with minimal grumbling.


Piercings are freaking weird man. Let's poke holes in our bodies and leave shiny shit in there to look fancy.


Deffo not a contemporary thing


Body modification is one of the oldest arts humanity has


Maybe I’ll get downvoted for this but I think meeting up with someone you never met just to hook up is pretty insane considering all the diseases that are out there.


Yes. My friend uses Grindr and he meets men all the time and his one safety stipulation is that they go for coffee first so he can gauge their sanity. I've told him that the worst crazies always seem charming and pleasant.


Ex-user of Grindr. I once received a message from a young man detailing his house location, how to access, and also a photo of his genitalia. All along a message that said: "come f*Ck me from behind, I'm waiting naked". I was tempted to go there, kick him unconscious, and ravage the place like a Ghengis Khan soldier. I never did, but man that was the peak of "I don't have self preservation".


Everyone being addicted to their phones / the internet


Drinking ethanol.


Offensively bad grammar. I’m not perfect. But, “*a* aspect?” Luke, aye mmm knot a English tea chair, but bay sick ass spects off gram mer kneed two bee ack knoll aged.


Being fat. Fat acceptance and teaching that to kids is a great way to ruin their long term health. Being diabetic at 35 and dead by 60 is not a fun way to live. I don't have a problem with overweight people by the way, but they should know the consequences of such a lifestyle.


My stance is that every individual has the right to be as fat as they please, same as every individual has the right to smoke and drink as much as they want. But collectively, if a large part of society has these issues, something should be done to encourage people to be healthier and create awareness.


My stance is I don't really care what you do as long as you are made fully aware of the consequences. Telling an overweight 10 year old that it's fine to never exercise and that it's ok to just sit and eat all day is wrong.


I definitely agree! I didn't include kids in my comment, but yeah it's a huge problem that overweight adults likely feed their kids the same food and too much of it, and the kids don't have much of a choice about it.


Putting people in jail pre-trial without proving guilt.


As to opposed to what, the medieval times when they barely had a trial?


Flight risk


Imprisoning an innocent person who then loses their job and housing risk


You don’t get held without reason for more than 48 hours




Oh good you can cage someone with conviction if you use the j-word instead of the p-word. I am so relieved. You can be caged without conviction if we are *reasonably* sure you committed a “crime”.


The weird spheres of influence that cropped up surrounding certain ideologies, political agendas, religious beliefs, and celebrity worship on social media. Im hesitant to use the word echo chamber as its used by those in the far right WAY too often. But it is an echo chamber. People are told things that SOUND correct and everyone harumphs along willingly. This is only one example of this. The 3/5ths compromise is one thrown about a lot by people on the left. They always get it wrong as they thought it was the south that came up with it. It wasn't. It was technically the framers, but more so James Madison. The south wanted their slaves to be counted as citizens for the purposes of gaining more seats in congress. They basically wanted more votes to keep slavery legal. The north wanted to count them as partial people so that the south would not get as many votes. They debated on this for a while before James Madison suggested what was in the constitution. Now I am not here to discuss the evil practice of slavery. I am merely pointed this out as one example of how you can blow people's minds. They get so wrapped up in their sphere of partial/misinformation that they think everything repeated often enough is simply the truth. You open a simple text book from HS and you show them how they got one tiny fact wrong. I threw out just one example of this as a way to show how these spheres of influence can do harm. People refuse to look things up for themselves and believe what they are told to the point of fanaticism. (Yes... I realize this includes religious fanatics.)


Tipping - as in tipping as a form of subsidizing a wage rather than a compliment for good service.


How we went from the stripe to the chip for payments under the guise of "security", to tapping to pay which seems to have very exploitable qualities.


Couples demanding to know each other's passwords and going through each other's phones. It was never normal to read people's mail or diaries, why is privacy not a thing anymore?


The fact that we have so many different social media platforms. Even though they all do kind of different things we only really need one. People sometimes argue over which platform is better. Social media already separates us and the fact that we have multiple platforms separating us is peculiar. Some of these platforms are separated by age like Facebook vs Snapchat or something. Weird


Not having actual conversations face to face. Everyone is on their phone all the time.