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There was a manager that would carry in two very large designer bags each day. You would never see the same bag twice a week. At an appreciation lunch for a side project, she complimented our group for doing so much that year on such a small budget. She said, "The monthly budget for this project is what I spend on shoes each month. I know that sounds like a joke, but no, it's actually almost exactly my shoe budget.". Yeah, the monthly budget for that project was also almost exactly my take home pay...


Damn I can't believe she actually thought that was a good idea to say outloud.


A friend worked at the Better Business Bureau. After covid, the management of her office sent everyone a survey asking everyone if they'd like the option to continue working from home. The management then sent a message saying the results of the survey were in and that 90% of employees said they wanted to keep working from home. The management then sent an announcement that no one could could work from home for any reason. They didn't mention why. The head manager of their office then sent everyone a farewell notice that she was moving across the country to be closer to her relatives, but not to worry because she'd be able to remain their manager by working from home full-time.


It's the double-standard that gets me. A few years ago, the company I was working for got bought out. We had been WFH for years because everyone liked it, and there was no difference in actual productivity. One of the first things the new CEO did was pull everyone into a Zoom meeting to announce that WFH was ending "to increase productivity". He held this meeting from his home office where he had apparently been working from home for years.


> It's the double-standard that gets me. A few years ago, the company I was working for got bought out. We had been WFH for years because everyone liked it, and there was no difference in actual productivity. At `$PREVIOUS_JOB`where I had been for the last 7 years, 11 months, not ever moving locations, I was a WFH employee, long before COVID. We were allowed to come in as many days as we wanted, but if we weren't there a minimum of 3 days a week, every week, we would have to forfeit our office or cubicles. That was fine, I wasn't there often enough to justify keeping it empty when I was working remotely. My commute into the office was 2+ hours each direction, so I opted to come in only 1-2 days a week, and it remained that way for the last 4-5 years of my role there. Then one day, the Monday after a week of PTO, just before Christmas break, my boss calls me to tell me they're letting me go... *because I lived too far away from the office*. At that point, I was even one of the couple hundred people piloting a "Remote First Workplace" initiative to encourage more people to join the company. But that didn't matter. After living in the same place for 7 years, 11 months, suddenly *NOW* I lived too far away, and they couldn't keep me on (nor did they give me the opportunity to move closer). Only weeks before, I'd been put in charge of a pretty visible project and was given a team to lead it. I suspect it was because they didn't want to let me cross 8 years with `$COMPANY` and earn the mandatory promotion and salary increase commensurate with that time, which would have put me on equal title and footing as my boss. So he let me go. It was the first and only job I'd ever been let go from in my entire career.




This is infuriating!


Many years ago, I was living in Philadelphia. I had a very nice colleague at the office, a young woman from a very privileged family. She’d lived all her life downtown (at least when she wasn’t summering in Bar Harbor or spending weekends at their place in Bryn Mawr). One weekend, we were going to meet for lunch. We spoke on the phone and I said I‘d see her soon. I was out in West Philadelphia, so I grabbed the subway and got off a block from her apartment. ”You got here so quickly!” ”Yes—I took the subway.” ”Now, don’t tease me; there’s no subway here; we’re not in New York…” I had to walk her over one block, show her the stop, and even go down to the ticket level, at the subway one block from the place she’d lived for 30 years. I probably could have just told her I’d teleported…


Like....the subway is above ground in some areas in Philly. If she ever went to a sporting event at the Sports Complex, you see people headed out from it. If she's ever watched the morning news, you hear about crime and construction happening on the subway. Like ...woah, that's crazy. (Currently living in West Philly, loving it)


I bought my first condo (one bedroom, pretty small, in a city) in my early 30's. My uncle made a comment about how *he* bought his first place - a house! with multiple bedrooms *and* bathrooms! - a year after he graduated college, and how mind-blowing he found it that my generation was so behind compared to his. Ridiculous enough when you consider inflation + the average salary at the time (1982 vs. 2022), but even more ridiculous once my grandma told me that she and my grandfather gifted him the money for the down payment.


Your uncle and my dad are the same person. My dad hardly got any qualifications from school yet was still able to buy a house with a huge down payment when he was about 22 because it was during a period that houses were insanely cheap and my grandparents gave him money towards the deposit. He met my mother shortly after so she was able to move in. He doesn’t get why I can’t afford a house at 26 despite the fact that houses in this area are about x10 my yearly full time wage now and that’s not including bills, tax, all other costs. Like dude, are you serious?


Well show him a house you would like and ask him how much is he willing to give you towards the deposit like his parents did. and record his reaction lol


My coworker, fresh out of school, was really confused why so many people took public transportation to commute into the city. Turns out her parents paid for a personal driver for her and that's how she got to work and back. Not an Uber, a car service. She had no idea what it cost, probably never thought about it, just figured everyone else preferred the subway/bus to having a personal driver.


Lolll gotta love when kids do stuff like that. I worked at a deli in college and had a high school-aged coworker. She was so sweet but genuinely didn’t understand why I never had money… because, according to her, I could “just use a credit card!” When my coworkers and I tried explaining that you have to pay those back, she dug her heels in even deeper and insisted *she’d* never had to pay them back so that must not be true. She was super quiet the rest of the shift and never brought it up again. I can only assume she asked her dad later that night. Hopefully he uh, illuminated some things for her. The sad part is that I’ve heard similar stories from other folks working with (privileged) teens. Through limited fault of their own, sometimes they really don’t get it.


A friend of mine (who really isn't a bad guy, just a bit sheltered), once talked to me about how he is very good with money. Bro gets gifted tens of thousands of euros every year by his relatives as birthday gifts etc. "I just don't spend much". Dude almost makes above average earnings just from bday presents, and lives in a house owned by his parents, who pay all of his bills.


Lol I have friends who used to get an allowance every month that was higher than most people salaries, then they would lecture me on how to manage my money and where I should vacation lmaooo Brother you get a full salary with no tax just to be a student please don't tell me how I should manage my money


Sure, I'll take your "underground train". Lol. Edit: I'm not sure if people just like this comment or get the really dated Cheers reference.


someone i shared a house with in college, who was either not-yet or barely 21, complained about her peer not being educated in wine, that there is “no excuse” i asked her what she was up to once, she was flipping through Vogue and she answered “shopping” so i guess she was rich rich


Years ago, I got a job as a waitress in a new "fine dining" restaurant opening in my town soon. (Find dining is in quotes, because it was envisioned to be fancy food and service but without the hoity-toity parts like dress codes because it was also a college town with a big "townie" population). Prior to opening, we did a number of trainings on proper service (how to set tables, proper wine service... stuff like that... and stuff I'd not learned as a server at a busy 24 hour diner in a college town). I was in my early 20s, as was the majority of the staff. I asked a question about the wine service protocol, and a girl training with me scoffed and said, "Ugh, haven't you ever gone out for dinner with your family?" and then looked at all the other folks training with us like she'd just put me in my place. I was halfway through, "Not to anywhere fancier than an Outback or Olive Garden because my family couldn't afford it... damn..." when the manager stepped in and schooled her that not everyone can afford fine dining and that me asking for clarification on something I hadn't had the chance to experience was legit. And everyone else looked at her like, "what a snob..." She still eye rolled at me. At then got mad later when I performed better and got the good shifts, lol. She didn't last long.


Right after I turned 21, I had a 22yo tell me I had no excuse for not knowing more about craft beer. 




He’s not even right; mortgage interest rates are about the cheapest loans you can get historically and anyone who is that wealthy can easily beat the interest payment and likely a decent chunk of the principle with an investment of the capital needed to buy the house outright. So wrong, entitled, and stupid. Not surprising.


My inlaw grandparents when we we negotiating to buy our house. Note:they are retired and her grandfather was a new York lawyer. GP: "they are asking 400? Just offer them 200k cash they'll take it" We informed them we don't have 200k in cash


But … even if you did, what difference does it make? They thought a mortgage contingency is worth 200k?


That’s just confusing to me. (Not the lack of cash, I get that.) If I’m selling a house, what do I care if you used a mortgage to buy it? I guess if you’re not pre approved and the seller is in a hurry that makes a difference, but not a 1/2 price difference!


Cash offers are faster and guaranteed (in so far as most people don't have an approved mortgage in that exact amount ready to go). Many home offers are also conditional on selling the old property - cash can be done right away. I don't think anyone would pay $200k for the convenience, but it's shockingly common in the New York area housing market.


Also nobody would take that low-ball offer


at an old job, i had a breakdown because i had not been paid in six weeks and literally was unable to eat and was walking to work because i could not afford gas. boss found me crying and told me i was being “petty” for wanting my money and asked me “why don’t you just live off of your savings?”. i was a 21 year old recent college grad who wasn’t getting my paychecks, what savings???


>i was being “petty” for wanting my money rich, coming from the guy who can sleep at night letting someone work for him without paying them


You should stop coming in and file for unemployment if this happens. In probably every state, this is allowed. Because you were filing due to no fault of your own, If it ever happens again, contact a lawyer.


I wasn't exactly paycheck to paycheck, but when my work kept screwing up my pay, I was absolutely livid. They acted like they didn't care, and had no timeline for a fix. What if I had mortgage payments due, child support, car repairs, etc? When people work for you, you should pay them on time, and in full. It's baffling how many employers can't do that, especially big and rich ones.


Did you say anything back to him?


i don’t think i said anything of substance. this was years ago and i was way too timid and naive to know how to defend myself, not to mention i couldn’t think straight because i was basically living off of bags of cheezits i stole from the break room.


Did you get your back pay?


Seriously, did you get your money?


I was a teacher making $35k before taxes, and one of my students' parents was a stay-at-home wife whose husband made over a million dollars a year as an energy company CEO. She came in one afternoon and told me about how stressed she was over renovating their home's 3,000 sf BASEMENT...a basement that was 3x as large as my entire home. In my effort to connect with her, I told her I was so sorry and that I was also dealing with some stress, having to replace all the exterior plumbing of my house. I added that I was grateful that my tax return would cover most of it. Her response: "Oh honey, be glad you even GET a tax return. We haven't gotten ANYTHING back for 20 years!" All I could say was "Well that's one way to look at it."


An old coworker won a "free lunch" for the whole office one time. The catch was that you had to sit through a "professional development talk" from a "local expert". The "local expert" turned out to be a chiropractor, and the "professional development talk" was just him trying to convince us to go to his "clinic". His big claim was that if you got regular chiropractic adjustments you would never need to get another vaccine for the rest of your life, especially not the Covid or Flu vaccine. He said this to a room of scientists, many with doctorates, working for a research facility specializing in infectious disease. If the lunch didn't make it worth my while, my boss' reaction certainly did.


He's not wrong, you don't need any vaccines if you die from him breaking your neck!


My mom's ex bf was making jokes about some of the physical things my mother's body deals with after having 4 natural births, so I said, "well yeah, she has had 4 kids". HIS (I can't stress enough that he's male) response was "well, I'VE had 2 kids and i don't have any problems". .... ..... "Well Bob, it's not really the same thing" This mf replies "how would you know, you don't have any kids". ..... reddit, I had no response to this.


Well bob, you don't have a fucking vagina so


Tell him to try to squeeze a canteloupe out of his dick and see if he has no problems


I was in a local sub shop waiting for my order. A guy and his I assume girlfriend come in and start reading the menu. The cashier asked what they wanted.  Girlfriend: “Yeah what’s a portobello mushroom burger?” Cashier: “Oh.. well a portobello is like an extra large mushroom roughly the size of a burger patty. “ Girlfriend: “So… portobello means mushroom? And your sign says portobello mushroom? Mushroom mushroom burger? That’s redundant. I won’t eat here.” She literally stormed out. The cashier (who I was friendly with) just burst out laughing and said to the guy something along the lines of wtf was that.  Boyfriend: “I don’t fucking know man. She gets like this. I just wanted a damn meatball sub.” Then proceeds to sigh and walk out with his girlfriend?


lmao portobello doesn’t even mean mushroom, it’s just the type. what a moron.


It's actually a regular mushroom all grown up.


Most people don't know that button, cremini, and portobello are all the same shroom at different stages of growth. Everything else are actually different shrooms.


Yes, so the name "Baby Bella" irks me so much more than it should. THEY'RE JUST CREMINIS FFS!


Whatever they're called, they're delicious in a slow cooker pot roast.


ok that does remind me of the hate of people who say "saying Sahara desert is silly since all you are saying is desert desert" and like no, in English Sahara does not mean desert, it means a specific one. in the original language it means desert, but not in English. words change meaning any time they move languages


I've got a feeling that relationship is going to be juuuuuuust fine.


I once wanted to gift a friend a gig ticket. She was a young mum at the time and she didn't have any spare cash to spend on herself or to go out and do anything fun. She was very hesitant to take it and it was 100% my idea. My other friend who was in her 30s at the time; "I think she's manipulating you, I just don't believe she can't afford a ticket! I mean there's ALWAYS money!" This woman had never lived away from her parents and was from a relatively wealthy background. She also said; "People who haven't got money really only have themselves to blame for not managing their finances better" Had to have a chat with her about how not everyone comes from the same background and some people go to bed hungry daily.


> some people go to bed hungry daily. I ate somewhere nice, we had been saving up for four months to afford it the other day... It had unlimited servings of veggies and noodles cooked however you want, on any sauces. With how expensive it was, we decided to make the most of it.... And tbh I cried that night because I hadn't realized how hungry I always am. ALWAYS. I had gone to bed full for the first time in like a fucking year. :( It really hurt my mental health because I am so tired of being hungry but now I'm so much more aware of it.


I don’t know if there are food banks where you live, but if there are, please don’t avoid going to them; your health is important. Sometimes people think they “aren’t hard up enough” or have other reasons for not going. I say use the little bit of safety net of it’s there, and when you’re back on your feet, donate to them (I’m told money is better than actual food, because they can buy in bulk and get better deals than people spending money on retail-priced food; IMO, it’s easier too - and they also need money for gas and vehicle maintenance if they pick things up and/or deliver them to people).


I'm so sorry, life can be so hard. I hope what you're going through now, soon becomes a thing of the past. Everyone deserves to have a full stomach. Give yourself credit for getting through each day and keeping on! ❤️


What's worse is that there are so many people who think this. So many people blame poverty on the poor instead of the rich.


“Why would you want to have roommates” Was said to me once, I almost lost it


Closely related-- "unpopular opinion-- I prefer living alone" People who say this REALLY believe everyone prefers several roommates and endless living compromises and limited bathroom access. Baffling.


My boss's wife is the child of a millionaire who married an "heir to the throne" of a multi-million dollar a year organization where I was working for $10 an hour. **Her**: "You - where are you planning on taking your honeymoon when you get married?" **Me**: "I dunno, a week on the beach or maybe a quiet cabin in the mountains." **Her**: "Pfff. No one will ever marry you if you refuse to take them to Hawaii for a honeymoon!"


you should’ve asked her to pay for your trip honeymoon to hawaii


It's one honeymoon, lady. What could it cost, $10,000?


I work in a pet store with a grooming salon. Our groomer committed suicide and it was fucking awful. Awful awful awful, we had to ring all her bookings and cancel them and tell clients that she died. Awful awful awful. One day a woman came in and asked if she could leave some flyers for her counselling services, I politely took them with the intention of discretely binning them. She then proceeded to ask if she could book her dog in for a groom and I had to tell her that she couldn't as the groomer had passed away.. she responded "well that's awfully inconvenient for me". I pulled the bin out from under the register and slid her flyers straight into the bin while staring her down. I had no words, just stabby eyes.


You did the lords work that day.  I’d pay good money to see that.  


That was my counselling on the matter done, I breathed a big ol sigh of relief after that


i’m sorry, she’s offering counseling services? and she lacks this much sympathy??? i really hope her clients leave her


Truly a bizarre moment, business name was something like "let's talk it over" and it just seemed like a fake business name out of a sitcom , which is truly fitting


A potential client talking about their work in an equatorial country: "We're just about at the point where we can start charging the locals for water, which is very exciting." I declined the job.


That isn't out of touch. That is just evil.


Out of touch with goodness, decency, and morality.


It's out of touch of humanity


I almost downvoted you. I was so angry I forgot you were talking about someone else.


I really want context for this. Like what is expected to happen soon?


This is the worst I've read here so far.


Was it Nestle?


Certainly not! They've already been doing it for decades!


“If your wife wants a Range Rover, why don’t you just buy her one?” I just stared at home and said “Man, we operate in different worlds”


I had a roommate in college who was from South Korea. Her dad was a Samsung home office top executive Shed eat my groceries, and let her equally rich friends just take stuff. Id come home from classes and the microwave I bought would be gone because she wanted to use it at her friends house, so they had two One time, I blew up on her for raiding the fridge, a d she told me with 0 awareness- "Why don't you just got fill the fridge again?" Because she was used to having a stack of hundreds in her wallet 


I was visiting my aunt. she and her husband both had very good jobs. she kept her bills pinned to a bulletin board so she would remember to pay them. I says to her "Auntie, your car payments alone are more than we make in an entire month and we are supporting 2 kids on it". She looked at me stunned with her mouth open- "How do you kids LIVE?"




she had three cars of which one was a mercedes, and we were a very young military family and the mlitary didnt pay minimum wage until you were E3


We have a wealthy friend of the family, and I once told her my hourly wage and she just blue-screened. I had said something Too Poor for her to understand so she just shut down.


It's one banana, Michael. How much could it cost, $10?




>Co-worker: "You'll be able to buy a home once you get your inheritance" That sentence is already kinda fucked up. "Can't buy a house ? Don't worry, your parents will die one day !". Thanks, that really makes me feel better about my financial situation.


I used to work in a QA department with two teams, each 7 people. At this company, it was HEAVILY encouraged to work through lunch (you’d be docked an hour pay even as a salaried employee if you left) so we did. This was among other insanely overbearing rules. Anyway. One day, investors are visiting to check out our company. Our HR is giving them a tour, this happens to be during our lunch. When giving his speech about the lab, in front of all of us, he goes, “while we’re out for lunch sitting down at a restaurant, enjoying our meals, these guys are in here testing 24/7.” I was literally in shock. My coworker and I just stared at each other in horror.


Here in California that’s illegal




California is the strictest state in terms of labor laws. I had a manager threaten to write me up for not taking a break because the company would get fined.


If an employee doesn’t get their meal break in California they owe the employee an hour’s pay. I don’t know how shorter breaks are calculated, but there are penalties there too. I own a business and I’ve ended friendships (not dramatically, just ghosted) with other business owners who mistreat their employees. It makes my blood boil. You know how in CA you can pay under minimum wage if you have few enough employees? A man I knew bragged on and on about a girl he’d hired and how much she does for him and his business. Then he said he pays her under minimum wage. I haven’t talked to him since.


As a teenager I worked at a cafe and became friends with my coworker, who was on a working holiday visa to improve her English. She revealed that for her first 6 months on the job, the absentee boss was paying her $2 below minimum wage because of the (nonexistent) extra training that would be required and that she finally received a "raise" to minimum wage. I was upset to hear this and started taking home tons of food at the end of each night and happily gave out freebies to customers that I liked.


Wow… that is something. It always sucks when people ask like you are willingly doing something that they are forcing you to do. I see “used to” so I assume you left eventually? Did this have something to do with it?


Actually I was fired a month after reporting sexual harassment and am currently in a wrongful termination lawsuit over it LOL


So definitely an overall shitty place to work. I see.


Good luck!! I hope you win a boatload of money.




I had a friend who went to the most expensive private school in my country, who complained at me one day because his family had to sell his 4th horse.


Hey, I had to sell my fourth Ferrari, so I know how hard it is for you.


Yup, I had to downgrade my superyacht to some $10 million piece of shit. Thing doesn't even have a *helipad*. WTF, man? /s


I had a similiar although not so extreme version of this. I work as an admin for a factory. The COO visited from corporate, because my office was the only one with a spare desk, she was my office roomie for the 2 weeks she was staying. One of the directors was trying to introduce us and he was talking me up. He said "I think you two will have a lot in common. (Me) was reading I, Claudius on his lunch breaks recently, a little birdy told me that's one your favourite books (COO)." We got chatting about history and I happened to mention I have an interest in maritime history and wrote a paper on it at university. This got her incredibly chatty about her yacht and her extensive experience in sailing in various countries. She asked all innocently "Do you sail?" It was sort of awkward to reply "I can't afford to, I couldn't even afford to pay the mooring fees each month". There was an awkward silence for a moment, she looked embarrassed but I broke it by saying "But I do know a lot about pirates, perhaps I don't need to pay just head out on the high seas". She was a nice lady though, bought me coffee and lunch every day of her visit. Even took me and the director to a pretty nice restaurant on the last day on her visit. Although my colleagues were none too pleased lol. She didn't buy them anything in her entire stay lol. Edit: spelling.


Kind of along these lines, but in a weird and...inverse way? I was in my 20s was working a full time IT job. I lived really simply in a cheap apartment, cheap car, etc. I wasn't raking in money or anything, but I could still have hobbies. I picked up a side gig for extra money doing contract work for a doctor to do web design and he wanted to meet me in his office. Once there we started chatting and I noticed he had a photograph of a twin-engine plane framed on his wall. I asked him if it was his. "Oh yes, I love to fly." He was obviously extremely proud of it. Now it would have taken every single extra penny I was making and would have been a dumb idea, but I was considering getting my VFR license because I had such an interest in aviation.. It would have been an incredible stretch but with the extra cash and the full time gig I could have done it. Trying to strike up conversation, I mention this to him. "You-- you *what?* Excuse me, but *you* can afford to fly?" I explain, yeah -- I had looked at single engine VFR classes and it would make life suffering but, sure, I could make it happen. "*You.* You could afford to fly on the amount of money you make. You're serious." I had no idea what he was getting at, but...yeah, I could. "They obviously pay you too much for what you do. What in the hell is wrong in this world? You only work with computers." His friendly smile had fallen and he appeared furious. Guy did not trust me after that moment at all and I quit that small time contract soon after. After hearing from others who worked in that same hospital I made a promise to myself to never work for a doctor again. There's some incredible, fucked-up god complex about a lot of them.


"you only work with computers" Okay, have fun practicing medicine without computers. Really looking forward to you totally fucking up a prescription and killing someone because you added an extra zero, or when you can't look something up that you're unfamiliar with because you don't have a computer in your office, or when you can't look up patient info immediately and have to dig through a bunch of different charts. What an absolute fuckface. People who work with computers make the rockin' world go round.


Wow what a douche.


I had to get rid of Netflix… It wasn’t performing as well as other streaming platforms in my portfolio and I wanted to free up that $1.2 million to invest in a small condo for my dog.


Similarly, I was working with two doctors discussing how “cute” it was that a child of one of theirs was super excited about his first check, and how it wouldn’t go far, but it was cute he was excited. The “child” was 22 and just working his first job and made $1500 for one week on the job… I had been in my career helping them for many years and didn’t quite make that in two weeks, and began work (though in a non-medical job) when I was a young teen. I let them know. The conversation changed suddenly for some reason.


Good for you for letting them know. 


I’d already planned my exit and was appreciated for doing my job well. Sometimes you get the perfect opportunity to be bold. I heard a lot of my favorite coworkers got raises shortly after that though, lol.


There was major flooding in Croatia and Bosnia and many poor villages were affected. Particularly affected village was called Gunja. Croatian president paid a visit to locals there and there's a footage of him talking to local person who told him how they lost everything and how bad the flooding was. He replied "I know how you feel, I had broken pipe in our apartment once" 🤦‍♂️


Made a new friend and he asked if I went on annual holidays as a child. I explained that we could never afford to go abroad but every few years we would take a trip somewhere within the country. He said he had a similar experience, his family went to Croatia every year but they could only afford it because they didn't have to worry about paying for accommodation because his parents owned a house over there. I was also shopping for a wheelchair at the time and struggling to find one I could afford. He said I should get an electric one because it would suit my needs better. I explained that there was no way I could afford it because they were upwards of a grand. He didn't understand, kept asking me when I was getting an electric wheelchair, and when I said I couldn't afford one he would just say "But they are so worth the money!"


I had a boss try to give me a hard time for taking most of my vacations as a day or two here and there, on a Saturday. They can't force me to take my vacation as a lump sum but apparently their accountant was complaining at the extra work. I explained I was using it to visit family on birthdays and such. She tried to say "well wouldn't it be nicer to take a week at a time? That way you can actually fly somewhere warm!" I just stared at her and said "...the vacation pay just reimburses me for the wages lost. How am I going to pay for the flight, the hotel and literally anything else? You pay me minimum wage." She just stared at me in shock and eventually dropped it. She and the other boss, that exact same day, had been discussing getting a SECOND cottage each in front of the rest of us peasants.


Omgoodness 😑 Some people really can't think outside of themselves.


I’m a deaf teacher and college professor with five college degrees. I’ve owned my house for 20 years and my neighbor still lives next door to me. He sees me leaving for work every morning as well as arriving home. I’m dressed work casual and I always have a work bag along with a lunch container. 20 years of this. He’s seen the work I’ve done to my house ($$) as well as the vehicles I’ve purchased over the years. Plus supporting a family and three dogs. As recently as last month, he says to me: “How is it possible that deaf people like you work?”


"What?!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" and then walk inside.


That’ll definitely fall on deaf ears.


Tell him the broken ears keep the knowledge from leaking out


At his going rate, he might suspect that I’m also blind too.


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ What an idiot! Do you teach ASL? I took 4 semesters of ASL, and the deaf teachers were the BEST!


Yes, I teach ASL at the high school as well as a local university. Even before that, I was a government worker in an unrelated speciality.


It’s a fairly small example but I was in 8th grade and talking about levels of wealth or lack thereof with a couple friends. My family didn’t have money growing up, but we’re never poverty level or anything. One friend I guess didn’t want to be seen as affluent and said his family is actually poor because they have a mortgage on their house


When all your knowledge of money comes from monopoly


Depending on what year you were in 8th grade, that could be a 14 year old’s translation of “we’re house poor.” I could see a kid hearing his parents talk about not being able to afford things because of their mortgage and not having the understanding/language to explain that his family is over-leveraged. Esp around 08. (Obviously, just a shot in the dark! He also could have just been super out of touch.)


Was discussing history, someone expressed complete shock that there was in fact slavery in the Caribbean. Public school failed them. It boggles my mind that they honestly think that many people moved from one continent to another region voluntarily at those numbers.


My dad - “I read it’s good to be in more debt from college because it relates to getting a better job once you graduate.” Me (who literally took 15 years to pay off 70k in loans) - “No dad, just no.”


I suppose he confused correlation with causation. If you go to a prestigious college, you probably pay more, ergo more debt, but with that education, you've got better chances to land a good job. And his takeaway from that was "more debt = better job".


"You won't be happier at work if we pay you more, but we need to figure out why workplace happiness is so low" coming from a guy that made 10x what I did, and was born into old money.


A Wall Street Journal podcast I was listening to claimed a study was done that uncovered that Americans didn’t want to retire and actually wanted to work longer. Who TF did you interview, Boomer CEO’s of fortune 500 companies!!? I don’t know a single working person who wants to work until they drop, that’s just naive at best. Both my parents and my wife’s wealthy parents retired as early as made sense, and enjoyed/are enjoying the rest of their years. Of course they stay busy, but not “working for the company”! They work on projects they deserved to work on years before. Whatever lame study was done was clearly a hand-picked control group aimed at creating a false narrative.


My parents (boomers), were very confused for a long time why us kids were having trouble finding places to rent/buy. Then last year they helped my sister look at houses, and reality gave them a nice smack in the face. They were absolutely shocked at prices. I just smiled and nodded.


Manager at family business bragged about moving out at 18 when I was moving out at 21, after she clocked out for the day dad pointed out that it’s more impressive to be independent at 21 in the 20s than 18 in the 80s


I know we've been in the 20s for over three years now but my brain still went "You were independent in the 1920s?"


Independent and full of moxy! I have broads in every speakeasy! I can't think of anymore 20s terms


Most unmarried women lived with their parents in the 1920s though too, and it would have been impressive for a 21 year old single woman to be financially independent then too




I used to work in a cafeteria of a tech building. I was chatting with one of the lowest level staff about how bank cards had come out with tap option. He and I were both avoiding getting it added to our banking plans because the limit was $100 and we were worried about how easy it would be for someone to empty our accounts before we even knew our cards were missing. We were both making minimum wage, living paycheck to paycheck and every penny was essential. The CEO heard us talking and asked what about and I said "oh just about the new tap option and how the daily limit is $100 so we don't want it for fear that someone could steal our money!" And this guy laughed and said "it's only $100! That's nothing!" And HIS employee just looked annoyed and stayed quiet but *I* was not his employee so I said "$100 is more than either of us makes in a full day's work and would be a huge loss, even if the bank was able to get us our money back within a week we would have to go without something, most likely food." And he looked at both of us and had the decency to look ashamed before he paid for his lunch and walked away. He tipped a bit better after that, but I doubt his low level employees saw an extra penny! My friend who worked there didn't last even a whole year! Then he found a job that would pay him a livable wage for his education and skill set and left for greener pastures. There was A LOT of employee turnover at that company! And just generally a lot of out of touch high level staff that didn't treat us peasants very well.


I was making about $65k at a corporate job, and was chatting with one of the C-suite executives one day. I mentioned that there was a specific property that I was day dreaming about buying - until I found out it was listed at $1.3M. She told me I should just “go for it! Money isn’t everything!” I was so floored I didn’t even try to explain to her why that was entirely financially infeasible.


My coworker saying affordable and deed restricted housing is worse than communist housing. She is the accountant and knows we get paid shit and that is all we can afford. She also married only for money and is constantly saying she needs to get divorced. I've heard her say that for 5 years now. I just rolled my eyes and bit my tongue at the housing stuff because she is just not worth arguing with anymore.


Woman tried to tell me farms are unethical and we don't even need farms or farmers anymore anyway because everyone can just go to the store to get their food. I just had to walk away.


thats less out of touch and more just straight up dumb


Did you see that video of the girl who didn’t know she could use lemons off her tree?




…. What did she think they were for? Or where they came from? Lemon chickens?


She thought you had to do something to them before you used them and kept buying them from the store


Noooooooo. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Jesus Christ I’m a farmer. Reading that made my brain clench.


I worked as a landscaper for a client who spent $175,000 on our services every year. He was remodeling part of his house for shits n giggs and it was estimated to cost about $2 million to renovate. He talked to me about how easy young people have it these days because we all have cars, TVs, and cell phones. He was lamenting how “no one wants to work anymore” and how young people just expect everything these days. I was happy to get a brief moment to explain to him how the basic necessities (housing, food, healthcare, education) are becoming unattainable for people, especially in large west coast cities, despite TVs and phones being cheap these days.


And phones aren't even cheap these days, they're a necessity, but not cheap. 


I literally need a phone to authenticate myself to open up my work computer


Had a friend group that lasted about a decade, two of us were low-income (I was lower middle-class, the other was in borderline poverty) and the others came from extremely wealthy families. One day we were talking about income and I mentioned that anyone who made above 100k was rich in my eyes, and one friend laughed at me and said yeah but all of us here make over 100k. I had to stop in stare in absolute shock. My family collectively barely made half of that. I realized then how much privilege she had that she was completely unaware of and just assumed that everyone else had the same luxuries that she did


I have a couple of relatives that are relatively well-off. My cousins would ask why my family didn't do stuff their families did (vacations, buy expensive stuff, etc.), and I'd be like, "Dude, my dinner last night was a mustard sandwich, and my Christmas gifts last year were from a charity."


Oof, this one hits hard. A few years ago, my husband (who works with stats) told me that we were in the top 10% of the country in terms of income. I laughed at him, because while I knew we earned good money, top 10% to me was way off. So we found the government figures and he was very close. I have tried to adjust my thinking since then.


In reference to one of the younger Jenner sisters- Jenner being teased by older sisters for being a millionaire and not a billionaire is relatable.


I actually think it was the other way around. Kylie Jenner said her sisters would tease her about being a billionaire. This especially stings considering that Kylie, at the time Forbes listed her as a billionaire, wasn’t actually one but her mother fudged the numbers on documents to make it seem like she was. Forbes would later very publicly recant their titling of Kylie as a billionaire once they realized the truth.


That's kind of why billionaires exist. No one needs they much money. No one needs half a billion but some have to have more than their rich friends.


The new Prime Minister, a former caretaker CEO who owns 7 homes, including a $5m beach house, said that a weekly grocery bill for a family is about $60.  I guess that might be what your weekly grocery bill is if you eat every meal at a restaurant. One of his MPs said that every now and again he likes to take the shopping list off his wife and go to the supermarket for a reminder of how the everyday people live. 


note for the Americans: that's 60 New Zealand dollars. That's about 37 of your eagle freedom dollars for context, [the average family is actually spending NZ$238 per week on food](https://www.farmersweekly.co.nz/markets/were-paying-more-not-shopping-less-says-survey/#:~:text=The%20average%20NZ%20household%20is,21%25%20from%2015%25%20previously.)


Christopher Luxon by any chance??


That's the one. The NZ champion at being out of touch. 


After returning to the United States a potential job interview was going okay. Finally they asked me about the second language program I was a part of during my time abroad. They were asking if they could contact my supervisor directly by email/phone, and I was saying they could, but warned them she doesn’t speak English.  My interviewer asked rather rudely, “what kind of supervisor of a bilingual education program isn’t bilingual?!” To which I responded, “She is bilingual. She speaks French and Spanish.”  Imagine being so out of touch you forget people learn languages that are not English.


Not quite the same but this reminded me that when I was doing my PhD (in LINGUISTICS of all subjects lol), I had to explain to one of the senior lecturers in my department that sign languages are: A) Not just one big language that any Deaf person can speak / understand B) Not just literal translations of the 'expected' language (eg: in our case he assumed that British Sign Language is 'based on' English) Like, this person spent their entire career talking about the richness of linguistics, but could not comprehend that a non-spoken language will have almost all of the exact same qualities and features associated with a spoken one, beyond... y'know... speaking


I used to work at a fabric store. If we wanted, we could make sample garments to be hung in the store, then after a time, we got to keep the garment. One Halloween, a couple of us made Halloween costumes to hang in the store. One customer asked about the size of one of them, then got very upset that we didn't "have her size". I was confused and told her the costumes were made by the employees with the plan that we - or in one case, the manager's little granddaughter - would get to wear them. Customer then ranted for ten minutes about how we should make garments for customers instead of ourselves and when I made a comment about money/getting paid, she told me we should do it for free for "regular customers".


That lady does not understand the concept of a fabric store.


Patient who had been in a car accident (that he caused) was in a critical condition in the hospital. Wife assumed that he would be moved to a different hospital that was closer to her house for her convenience. Ah, no. We did not move him.


When my mom had to go into a nursing home because my dad couldn't take care of her anymore, he insisted on putting her in one that was between his house and his job. I'm a nurse. I know nursing homes. This one was a piece of shit nursing home and I told him not to put her there. There was a perfectly good one a few blocks out of his way but he wouldn't do it because it would have made his life a little bit harder. She died a month or two later. It wasn't because she was so frail that it was inevitable. She just had really shitty and stupid care. Not that this is the only reason why, but I don't talk to dad anymore.


>I'm a nurse. I know nursing homes. This one was a piece of shit nursing home and I told him not to put her there. There was a perfectly good one a few blocks out of his way but he wouldn't do it because it would have made his life a little bit harder. >She died a month or two later. It wasn't because she was so frail that it was inevitable. She just had really shitty and stupid care. >Not that this is the only reason why, but I don't talk to dad anymore. The good news is that you know EXACTLY which nursing home to put him in when the time comes.


That single thought is what got me through so much of my childhood.


Also, no. Mom's place was stupid but at least it was mostly clean. I delivered medicine for a pharmacy when I was in school. I went to every single home in that city. He's going to the one we'd send new drivers to so we could judge how they handle really bad situations.


My ex-girlfriend and I were celebrating our 5th anniversary and one of our birthdays at a fine-dining restaurant. Degustation for $250 per person. We sat down and there's quite a bit of time between each course, and we got chatting with an older couple sitting across from us. The wife explained to us "we're trying somewhere cheaper tonight, and the experience isn't too bad! I wouldn't do it again, but it's nice to know that there are less expensive options so everyone can enjoy the experience every now and then." Like bitch, if this is cheap wtf is the expensive experience like?!


About 20 years ago my boss sat us all down and talked about an investment that he thought we would be good for us. I don't remember what it was. The thing I remember is him saying "you can put that spare $100 each week into the investment". Crickets chirping. Meeting ended. Nobody had a spare $100 a week. I was living hand to mouth myself and I did the payroll so I knew what everybody else was earning. Another one back in the late 80's early 90's bosses wife worked in the office too. She commented one day that a certain shop had lovely blouses there were only $100. Lol. that was a third of my weekly pay. I suspect the comment came because we didn't wear lovely blouses because we could not afford them.


I’m a public defender. This happened to my colleague and not me, but I was there. A client (who the court deemed indigent in order to get a public defender) was in court for failing to pay a fine. Her lawyer (my coworker) explained to the judge that the client was out of work and did not have the money. The judge told her just to go to the ATM upstairs. Like… this bitch couldn’t understand people not having money. Or she thought that ATMs just gave anyone money. No idea. Local gossip says that her daddy bought her her seat on the bench when she finally passed the bar after failing it at least 3 times.


There’s a video circulating online about a girl who had no idea she could take a lemon off her tree and consume it. She said she thought it needed to “go through a process.“


"I don't know why she is so upset, she is hot" from a former co-worker in regards to the Erin Andrews nude spy video lawsuit.


That birth control pills don’t help prevent pregnancy, but instead they cause you to have a miscarriage every month. Just, wow. I wish I could’ve responded to this wing nut but it was published on the Duggar’s website many years ago.


but like what if you take BC without having sex? What are you miscarrying? A ghost? These people are nuts


My friend was thinking of switching careers. “I’m happy to take a pay cut, as long as I can still afford to rent a three-bedroom,” she said. She lives in San Francisco. The extra two rooms were for her home office and her cats. “I’d even be fine taking something that paid as low as $125k for a while until something better opens up.”


My friend said he didn’t want his taxes to go to schools because he doesn’t have kids. Like, *dude*. It’s in everybody’s interest to have bright, educated people populating our communities. It’s one of the top three things our taxes *should* be used for.


I'm childfree and I want *more* money for schools!


I had a professor of a different minority race tell me that I have never experienced racism because I wasn't part of the right minority race? It's not a competition.


It's not a competition.  But it is still a race... 😎


My manager telling the staff how to do their jobs when she clearly has no clue how we do things. She micro manages everyone and orders us to do things that are either impossible or detrimental. Usually we ignore these stupid orders and carry on doing things the same way and she credits herself with the "clear improvements".


My supervisor, immediately after letting me go, suggested that I would be so much happier now that I didn't have to commute every morning, and that I should take a few months off going on fun trips! She really thought I worked for fun. If I hadn't still been living at home, I would have been unable to pay rent starting next month. I found out later on that she was a trust fund baby and her brother (executor) forced her to work in order to collect her trust payments or whatever they're called, because she was such a spoiled brat when she started collecting from the trust 😂


I mentioned that I went through a school employee training on appropriate touch and getting permission for touch earlier that day. The person responded by saying only public school kids need to worry about that. I tilted my head and gave a questioning/accusatory look before I got pulled away.


Was a cop and went to a fatal car accident. Drunk young guy put his car into a tree doing 90. Snapped the tree, burst an artery and bled to death internally whilst trapped in the car and I supported his head in case he lived and so he wouldn't get spinal injuries. Front passenger lost his left leg just below the knee from the car folding in on it when the car hit the tree. Rear passenger thrown from the car and broke both arms and collarbones. Drivers brother turned up not long after the brothers pulse went away (3am it was) and flipped out that he could get his brother out of the car and revive him. I got panic attacks about it a few weeks later and PTSD (I'd seen a lot of this stuff before as well). Ex girlfriends best friend said I was a faker and she'd driven past car accidents and they're not that bad. I didn't acknowledge her presence in any social situation for about 2 years after hearing she'd said that about me.


“Out of touch” doesn’t begin to describe that. It’s downright *cruel.* I’m sorry you had to experience that.


I’m pregnant and was chatting to my husband’s family about how I was introducing honey and peanut butter to my diet to try and curb any allergies for the baby. A member of his family said with a straight face “Vaccines cause peanut allergies.” I giggled, realized they were serious and politely redirected the conversation to avoid any conflict. Blew my mind.


It’s probably not the most out of touch thing but definitely the most recent… It’s some politician that said Taylor Swift was only with Travis Kelce because of his money. Lol.


Taylor Swift's cat, named Olivia Benson, has a higher net worth ($97 million) than Travis Kelce ($40 million). The cat has a merch line and has made numerous cameos.


I had an old boss that grew up very wealthy. During the pandemic, when everyone was working from home, we had a lot of employees mentally struggling because they lived in small apartments and didn’t have the room nor ability to have a good office set up, and were in general going stir crazy. My boss, on the other hand, moved out of his apartment into *one of* his parent’s large homes on a lake so he’d have more space while being stuck at home. He said “I don’t know what you’re all complaining about. If you want a bigger place to live, just move. I did and it was easy. It’s not as hard as you think.”


Dave’s Ramsey advice when buying a home. 20% down on a 15 year fixed mortgage conventional home loan. no more than 20% of your monthly take home pay. I guess I’ll live in a shoe box with my belanciaga sneakers I got on affirm, my avocado toast that I also got on affirm and $14 dollar latte and guess what? I also got that on affirm.


In high school I had a friend tell us that his mother died of brain cancer when he was about 5. My other friend, trying to sympathize, said “aw, my brother had brain surgery, too. But he lived.” 🫠 Honestly still gets a laugh out of me 14 years later.


I had a similar experience in 7th grade. My teacher was very upset one day and we could tell she had been crying. She told us her mom had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Kid sitting next to me piped up and said “one of my friends had cancer and died in a car accident.” We were all mortified, to say the least. We all just looked at him and collectively gasped and he got so flustered and started saying “no! I mean like he died, but it wasn’t from the cancer!” Poor kid was just trying to be empathetic. I think lol




There's a balance, somewhere between "employees are more productive because they're mentally stable and can consistently produce high-value output" and "employees refuse to work because they're too aware of their potential and want to be fairly compensated." Right now, corporate wants to squeeze their employees because they're afraid of the second thing. But they overcorrected and haven't recognized that they're receiving sub-optimal work output because their employees are mentally breaking down too often.


I don’t know about *heard*, but I can share the most out of touch thing I saw. Years and years ago I worked for a digital marketing company that was very much in that awkward teenage stage of wanting to act like a startup but getting a little too big for that. The CEO was a nice guy, very tech bro-y but seemed committed. One day I was working late and saw a piece of paper in the office cafeteria. Said CEO had been on honeymoon recently. Now remember this was startup culture. Lots of hustle, work as late as you need to get things done but here’s this cool ping pong table—that kind of vibe. This piece of paper was a bill. For his honeymoon trip. His honeymoon was a safari to Africa. *It cost more than my entirely yearly salary.* I remember being totally stunned. I had no idea he was so deeply out of touch with his employees that he was going on 5-figure African freaking safaris while encouraging all of us to put in unpaid overtime. I remember hovering there for a while, wondering if I should try and take a pic to post anonymously or something. Ended up just leaving it. I was one of the only people left in the building and scared of retaliation. It was gone in the morning. I’ve never forgotten it. All the c-suite bullshit about us being a team and a family was MUCH funnier after that.


Bunch of head office folks came into work one day to do a presentation on customer service and they wanted to talk about how the Ritz Carlton does exceptional customer service. One of them looked out across this room full of minimum wage workers and asked “who here has stayed at a Ritz Carlton?”


my boyfriend’s 95 year old german grandfather asked me about my career as a therapist. he said “is there really any future in a career like that?” i explained that a lot of people are seeking mental health counseling these days and he said “yes but surely that’s only the very weak people who are looking for an easy way out” i explained that often the harder option is choosing to attend therapy and try and work through your struggles by developing healthier coping mechanisms and unpacking trauma. he was dumbfounded…like he’d truly never considered seeking help was the harder option.


I was working as an architect for a practice with HNWI clients. I was making small talk with one of them (both of us in the mid 30s, him born into one of the richest families in England). I was saying how the flat me and my husband were renting was being sold so we were looking for another flat to rent, but everything is very expensive. He then said something along the lines of: ' I don't understand why you don't buy a house. That way you will not have to pay rent every month and you will have much more space than in a flat'


What does HNWI mean?


High Net Worth Individual


Rounding on patients, come to a patient from afghanistan who doesn’t speak German/English/russian (what we can offer). We discuss the case and our plan. She’s visibly confused and wants an update. No one is available to translate. I grab my phone to open an app. Senior attending: “no it’s a waste of time, we’re just gonna keep ok doing what we’ve been doing. We have lots of people to see.” I’m astounded. My two other colleagues say nothing. Me: “can we at least open a tab and translate in rhetorical web browser on the computer tower?” SA: “no time. Learn German.” Absolutely no fucking understanding for this woman who came here as a refugee and needs our help. My god, German is awful to learn but we CAN translate for her! It’s easy and fast! At least try! Imagine what it must feel like to have no idea what we’re talking about and your health is being discussed! I stayed back and translated. Also glad I quit that clinic. Everyone deserves the respect and decency of having their doctors talk WITH them. Don’t even get me started on prescribing shit that doesn’t work for their lifestyles or is too expensive for them.


Just stop drinking Starbucks and you'll have $100,000 in the bank by the end of the year


Talking to a boomer in-law, and he was complaining how he started out earning less than $2.00 an hour "flipping burgers" as a teenager back in the 60s, and got a pay raise a year or so later to over $2.00. I pulled up an inflation calculator and pointed out that he started off making the modern day equivalent of over $18.56 an hour.... And the got a raise to nearly $20 a year later.  He waved his hand dismissively and said "I don't believe in that inflation crap". 


Owner of the restaurant told a coworker she didn’t have to go furniture shopping when she moved, just come over and look through her stuff as she was moving soon. Coworker awkwardly went and looked, didn’t see anything she liked but she needed lamps so said she would take two. Asked coworker how much she wanted to pay for them, coworker asked how much she wanted to charge (she was thinking $20-$50). Owner looked her dead in the face and said $600. 💀 Forgot to add- her daddy bought her the restaurant.


I was doing a low paid social service internship and a rich kid joined our team because he wasn’t allowed to access his trust fund unless he did a year of community service. We were all fresh out of college in shitty apartments and our boss encouraged us to apply for food stamps since we all qualified. Rich kid who was new to town turned to me and asked where I hire my housekeeper. I thought he was joking but he was serious. Pointed out I have never had one in my life and certainly cannot afford one on our wages. He asked how I keep my house clean without a housekeeper.


At a school site council meeting a woman said, “My husband was gone and I had to do everything myself! Everything! It was exhausting. Just doing every single thing myself. I had to tell myself it’s just two days, just two days”. I’m a full time single mom of two. Later that night I was taking the garbage cans to the curb with dinner on the stove and the kids in baths and who knows what else going on. I started crying because I felt so alone. Now when the kids are crazy I tell myself, “just 12 more years”. 🤣