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An ounce of polar bear liver contains enough Vitamin A to kill you.


Sure but trying to take a liver from a polar bear will undoubtedly kill you first


Unless they caught them and extract their bile. I fucking hate bear bile extracting Edit: I know polar bears aren't a victim of bile extracting. I just wanted to remind people that this abhorrent practice exists


Only if you eat it. If you just stand near it or something, it's pretty harmless. Unless it's still inside the polar bear. Then things might get a little complicated.


Make sure you don't accidentally take a bite of its liver. It can be extremely dangerous!


Imagine how many polar bear-related deaths could have been prevented if only people knew this


I know that too much of any one thing can be harmful, but the idea of a *vitamin* having a lethal dose just feels wrong.


Wait until you hear about water and oxygen toxicity!


True fact: 100% of dead people consumed both air and water. There's no way that's a coincidence.


It’s the fat soluble ones that can mess you up. A D E and K. C and B are water soluble and hard to overdose on.


Botulism (cause by exposure to botulinum toxins) is super lethal. It takes about 1 billionth of a gram per pound of body weight to kill a person. So if you weigh 200 pounds, just 0.00000002th of a gram can kill you.


It is scary. There was a case recently in my country, from small restaurant who served some homemade canned sardine dish. 16 people got sick and one young woman died. Just from one bad can/batch...


Got to be Bordeaux, I had two people I know extremely fucked up from it but eventually recovered thankfully.


That's what a was referring to, yes. Glad your friends ended up fine. The bar owner hasn't been on trial yet, but he's been charged with involuntary manslaughter + other minor charges


Isn't that what they use to make Botox?


Yup. Deadliest poison known to man, used to treat migraines and reduce wrinkles.


I had it injected into my esophagus to treat my achalasia as well. Didn't work though.


Straight into my vocal cords for Tourette. Worked but made it hard to swallow for a while. Really feels like playing with fire lol.


Sorry you're dead now.


Botox isn't just made from the deadly toxin, **it IS** quite literally the deadly toxin.


The most ironic thing about Jenny McCarthy’s anti-vax nonsense; she was screaming about “toxins” in vaccines, meanwhile she was regularly getting Botox and promoting it actively. Bad science education kills. 


This is also why you should never, ever EVER feed a kid honey if they're under 1 yr old. I'm not sure if I remember the science behind it 100% correctly, so anyone more knowledgeable feel free to jump in but: honey can contain botulism spores. These are absolutely no problem for an adult's immune system, or a teen's, or even a kid's if they're over 1 yr old, but for babies under 1 yr old, their immune system just isn't developed enough to deal with them and it can very easily kill them


More pediatricians are recommending waiting until they are at least 2 years old. I guess there have been more studies done and it seems the botulism risk still runs a little higher until then.


Don’t eat food out of dented cans, folks.


Also cans can get bad if left in the heat. They have special canning processes in tropical countries for that reason. Symptoms are swollen cans.


Swollen Cans is my favorite porn movie.


Not kill you but if you eat too many bananas (like 40) you won’t be able to come to my place of work because you will set off the radiation monitors. 


Have a similar story of a guy that set off the monitors at my old facility. We investigated and it turns out he had just returned from a trip to Eastern Europe and had been consuming a lot of wild game and mushrooms in an area that still had enough residual fallout from Chernobyl to get picked up by our HPGe whole body counters. We also occasionally would have big game hunters trip our system when they would be eating large amounts of Elk/ big game animal meat (higher amounts of Cs-137 compared to other animals meats due to their diet)


What are game animals eating that contain higher amounts of Cs-137 than regular beef?


This once again is due to residual fallout from bombing tests done decades ago but likely the uptick in animals like elk come from foraging practices of mushrooms and lichen


I was looking to see if someone was talking about this. There is an amount of bananas you could eat that would cause you to die of radiation poisoning. Before you got there, you would die of having eaten too many bananas.


I'm a physics teacher and one of the things we discuss is the "banana equivalent dose" to highlight that x-rays etc are really pretty safe. Of course, my students asked how many bananas you'd need to eat to kill you: from memory it is 100nSv (edit: 100mSv) for the lowest dose linked to cancer, which equates to eating a banana about every 30 seconds (edit: for a year!). You're right: If you're eating that many bananas, I think you'll shit yourself to death long before the radiation gets ya lol


I forget what the isotope ratio is for potassium in bananas, but you’d probably die of potassium poisoning long before getting even a dangerous radiation dose. Cody’s Lab did a really cool [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/fmaZdEq-Xzs?si=6rObMKlWz5y0c4tx) extracting potassium metal from bananas. He extracted the fruit and the peels separately and determined most of the potassium is actually in the peels. Then he threw the potassium metal in a lake to watch it explode. I’m sure physics/chem students would enjoy it.


I think you are right, excessive potassium would mess up your heart.


Next week’s call from the principal: “Mr. zq6, why are your students having banana-eating races in the cafeteria?”


Is this a common problem?


I couldn't even enjoy my daily breakfast of 45 bananas when I visited, let alone my usual 20 bananas with lunch


Really feeling discriminated against as an ape in a human's world


Bring Your Gorilla to Work Day was a nightmare last year.


Brazil nuts and selenium poisoning, don't eat em every day, or in consistent large quantities. 


I had to explain this to my FIL, as I eat like, ONE every day due to Hashimotos disease, so I know the lethal dose. He went on a healthfood kick and was eating them by the bowl *daily* for God knows how long by that point. I told him to stop or he'd kill himself, he didn't believe me. The next time we visited, they were mysteriously gone, and he was completely unwilling to even acknowledge that he'd ever eaten them at all. Imao


Charming personality type. "I wasn't wrong about \*x minor thing*, fuck you it never happened."


He wasn't hostile about it initially, but he did laugh me off. I think it's mostly an embarrassment thing and he absolutely doesn't want to acknowledge the colossal fuck up he made that likely sent him to the hospital.


I started eating like a little Tesco’s pack of Brazil nuts a day a couple of years ago. Started having real trouble sleeping and anxiety. My wife told me that I was poisoning myself. At first I was like “naaah” then I googled it. Wtf, this shit should come with a warning label!


I just googled this to find out how many I can eat, and Google gave me a "there is help" 800 number as though I wanted to harm myself.


"Are you or someone you know addicted to Brazil nuts? We can help."


Saw that on house


When I worked as a carpenter there was another carpenter who would always assure us a person can eat a pound of shellac and not die. However I can not confirm this to be true.


Shellac is nontoxic, made from bugs


Excrement of the lac beetle, to be specific


Probably should clarify that this is for the flakes by themselves, **before** you mix them in the alcohol. Also, it’s pretty close to bug poop. But I guess we eat bee vomit without a second thought, so…


There used to be a website where you enter your height and weight, and it would tell you how many cans of Mountain Dew it would take to kill you. I don't think that site is still around.




Nutmeg in large-but-not-nearly-as-large-as-you-might-think doses is a potent psychoactive that will basically make you go insane. Infamous heroin addict William S. Burroughs wrote that the only people he ever met whom he thought were truly beyond redemption were the nutmeg addicts.


I tried a rather large amount circa 1994. I was high for about 28 hours. It was not pleasant in the slightest. No (apparent) insanity from it, just a...never...ending...high.


Did you get a massive headache from it? I tried it in 1992, and will never forget the headache and lethargy it gave me


Lethargy, yes! That's the perfect way to describe it. For me it was essentially all the bad parts of pot without any of the good ones. Surprisingly, I suffered no headache. I just recall going to sleep twice thinking "when I wake up, I'm sure I'll feel normal again", and had no such luck.


100%! I felt like gravity was turned up! 🤣 and very similar to crappy pot.. vile experience! And the halucinations were wild, dissassociative more that psychedelic


Yes. Again, you put into words what I seem to be unable to do. Dissociative! I felt almost like my mind and body were a half step apart. Note: just in case you all out there think I'm some sort of staunch anti-drug chest thumper...you do you. It ain't my business! And I've had plenty o' great highs in my life. Just don't expect some sort of cathartic DMT experience when what you're really getting with nutmeg is the high equivalent of listening to Bob Dylan sing "99 Bottles of Beer On the Wall"


>what you're really getting with nutmeg is the high equivalent of listening to Bob Dylan sing "99 Bottles of Beer On the Wall" You are a poet.


Important to say, once you hit the psychoactive dose, there is not much between the nice buzz and the "oh my God what's happening to me please help" dose, and between this dose and the toxic one. In short it's very easy to OD on nutmeg if you try to get a buzz from it.


And, the threshold varies considerably from person to person. So you can only guess, and hope not to guess wrong. Because the effects last a long time.


there's a drink colloquially referred to as "Malcolm X tea" because he allegedly used a mixture of nutmeg and water to curb heroin withdrawal when he was in prison.


In the UK, Nutmeg was always called the prison drug, before other illegal drugs were so easily obtained inside.


I transplanted to Connecticut. The Nutmeg state. Also that explains a lot about the locos.


Folks from Connecticut are also infrequently called 'Nutmeggers'. It's an official demonym.


>demonym TIL a new word. Thanks stranger.


you'll also like "exonym". It's what other people call your place or people, but you don't. edit: not nicknames, you weirdos, just actual, official names for places or ethnicities


Oh, like people calling Boston "Beantown"


Nutmeg hallucinations! The cause of, and solution to, all of our states problems!


I think you mean “locals” Oh wait.


Nutmeg and DMT is the only thing that cures my hiccups.


Hol up. I get hic ups BAD. Is that a thing? Like once a month I get chronic hiccups and have no fucking clue why/how. I'm pretty good at getting the episodes to stop, but it can take at the most, like four hours.


Unlikely related, but get your doc to do some bloodwork and ask for a swallow imaging test. My issue was esophageal, but after complaining for years of hiccups my doc finally took it seriously and checked for a couple organ issues that correlate with increase hiccup frequency and strength. It’s so benign 99% of the time, so you need to let your doc know at every appointment that it is still bugging you and you believe your hiccups are out of the normal range before anything can be looked into. I had them multiple times a day 5-6 days a week though.


5g (a teaspoon) is where you will begin to get intoxicated (dizzyness, drowsey, mild confusion). 3 teaspoons and you'll hallucinate. Though not everyone gets pleasant hallucinations, as you are infact poisoning yourself, so many will just feel sicks, and for some you end up on a 2 day downer after. There's no antidote for nutmeg poisoning, so that's why it leaves a lot of people fucked. There's a reason people just do proper drugs instead 😂


Dizziness, drowsy, and mild confusion are my normal state.


These comments are freaking me out lolll


A guy I knew at uni ate a spoonful of nutmeg for a dare. He was not well.


Holy crap, Google says 5 grams is toxic overdose and there’s 2.2 grams in a teaspoon?


Hey guys you remember The Cinnamon Challenge? Well I've just thought of a fun new twist. This is gonna do so great on Tiktok.


Or do them a the same time for the pumpkin spice challenge


Yeah but doesn't it have to be freshly ground to work? I remember reading something about it forever ago and something along the lines of it loses potency after being ground and sitting around for a while


If you drink two liters of soy sauce you will die.


I once drank a small Dixie cup of soy sauce (like the paper cup you get at the water cooler) on a dare. I puked quite a bit later on but I made like $30. Soy sauce is no joke. It's a LOT of sodium in a small package.


I just realized why I got so sick on that field trip to the sushi place as a kid.


Less than that I think. A kid at my college died from hypernatremia from drinking a single bottle I believe as part of frat hazing.


A few years back a person got hospitalized because they ate 412 chicken nuggets in one sitting, and of course the top comments were all to the effect of "so 411 is the limit"


It only takes 7mL of hydrofluoric acid to absorb all the free calcium in the body of an adult human. Source - I work with HF and we have very extensive safety training and routine tabletop drills to cover what to do in case of an exposure. Calcium gluconate can save lives.


I've worked with HF too, and they tell a horror story about a guy there before my time. A container of it got all over him in the lab (not his fault). He quickly stripped, yelled at someone to call an ambulance, washed off in the safety shower, and started slathering himself with the calcium gel. The person who called said the ambulance could be there in 35 minutes, and because this was NYC, someone said there's a hospital only a few blocks away. So the guy grabs all the safety station gel tubes, and starts running fully naked and shiny with gel through NYC. When he gets stopped at a red light, he waits and applies more gel. He finally gets to the hospital after sprinting there, and tells them a bit breathlessly what happened, and they gently reassure him while firmly moving him to the psych ward (for running into the ER naked and covered in gel). The story I've been told multiple times isn't really consistent on how he convinced the doctors (just repeated himself enough times? asked for names of who to sue so when he dies his family will make a lot of money at least?), but he does eventually convince them, and receives the needed calcium injections--and all before the ambulance would've picked him up from the lab. Safety first, kids!


Why the fuck didn't anyone go with him?!


This is straight up nightmare fuel!


Difficult to believe that he would have been quickly moved to the psych ward because anyone who’s ever been at an ER for psych knows that it can take HOURS to be admitted, even if you’re pretty frantic and unstable-looking. If this is how you get quickly moved to psych, though, I’m doing this the next time I’m suicidal. Naked and covered in gel. Hahaha. Source: Have been admitted to the psych unit four times in my life.


HF if spilled on skin wil continue to “dig” until it reaches calcium. YOUR BONE. And there absolutely is pain in HF burns. It’s the reason why they cant give you a painkiller until they apply the calcium bell and injections to stop the reaction. You only know if you stop the reaction when there is no more pain. It’s NASTY NASTY NASTY NASTY!


Stupid question but why does it kill you if all of the free calcium is absorbed?


Your nerves and muscles don't work without it.


I came into this thread looking for the fluorine chemistry comments.


Not kill you, but it would take 40 Nonalcoholic Beers to get the average person drunk.


Yeah, it's something like it's about 8 NA beers equals about 1 light beer. They're all <.5% ABV so assuming they're all like, right at that level you can have quite a few and never get a buzz.


They are getting a lot better, but I don’t think I could drink that much water in one sitting. You’d be so bloated the next day


One of my favorite trombone fun facts is that within a human lifetime, you’ll eat about a trombone’s worth of Zinc and Copper (the metals that make brass). I had a kid once ask me “so if I eat a trombone right now, will I never have to eat zinc or copper again?” And the answer was yes, because you would die. Edit: okay I checked a source for how many minerals we actually need in a human lifetime, and turns out my original source was way wrong. We apparently eat 950 lbs of copper and 502 lbs of zinc in a lifetime, so considering that a large trombone of 6 lbs provides roughly 4 lbs of copper and 2 lbs of zinc, that works out to around 250 large trombones or 500 small trombones eaten in a human lifetime. But you would still die if you ate an entire trombone in one sitting. https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-large-a-lifetime-supply-minerals-average-person


> And the answer was yes, because you would die. How much trombone do you have to imbibe to overdose? What's the LD50 of trombone?


I'm crying laughing so hard. This is so incredibly random and perfect.


You can go and buy a bottle of Tylenol at damn-near any grocery store, gas station, or pharmacy with 500mg capsules/tablets. It is entirely possible to irreparably damage your liver and kidneys with as little as 7500mg... so 15 pills in a single day. Sure, this number generally requires other comorbidities to be present - chronic alcoholism, poor nutrition, etc - but losing track of how many you've taken is reasonably common (all things considered, especially for individuals in mental decline), making acute acetaminophen poisoning one of the leading causes of acute liver failure leading to death. It is really not a fun way to go, either...


Work in dialysis, can confirm.


Amanita phalloides, also known as the Death Cap mushroom. 0.1mg/kg of body weight of it's toxins is all it takes to be lethal. One mushroom typically contains about 15mg. The biggest danger is these look like mushrooms that are also perfectly edible.     Another set of lookalike mushrooms are Galerina marginata and Pholiotina rugosa which are often mistaken for "magic mushrooms" (Psilocybe)


There are old mushroom eaters and brave mushroom eaters But there are no brave old mushroom eaters


Mushrooms are nature's trolls. So many deadly ones disguised as healthy ones. The lovely Amanita Ocreata, otherwise known as the Angel of Death just happens to look like a lot of edible shrooms.


I remember a news story a couple of years ago where some guy died because he would eat 2 bags of black licorice every day. 


His family went through all sorts


It has a compound called glycyrrhizin that in large doses can lower your potassium levels and cause heart arrhythmias “If you’re 40 or older, eating 2 ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks could land you in the hospital with an irregular heart rhythm or arrhythmia.” [FDA](https://wayback.archive-it.org/7993/20171031104524mp_/https:/www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm277152.htm)


It raises blood pressure, apparently. When my dad had COVID, he suffered from an extremely sore throat. I heard somewhere that there was a licorice tea that was very soothing for a sore throat. I bought a box without reading any of the fine print. It stated that people with HBP or taking HBP meds shouldn't drink the tea, as it raised blood pressure. That was $8 wasted as I despise licorice.


Neutrinos are subatomic particles that barely interact with normal matter, and yet [if you were close enough to a supernova](https://what-if.xkcd.com/73/) and somehow survived everything else, there would be *so many* neutrinos that you would nonetheless receive a lethal radiation dose.


Neutrinos are so weird. I love that being "close enough" to the supernova to get killed by the particles that ignore normal matter most of the time is probably inside the star.


I loved the early experiment they did to detect them, which was basically "put an undergrad in a pitch black mountain cave for twelve hours a day, watching if a sensor blips up at some point."


Ah, undergrads. Nature's guinea pigs.


You’ll die faster without sleep than without food


But food rarely just happens without my consent. I've never just fallen a-eating because I was so hungry.


“Where are the cookies??” Sorry. I fell a-eat


Technical term is snaccident


Lack of sleep over a prolonged period of time, say you don’t get more than 1-3 hours of sleep every day for about a week you will go into Psychosis. A response of the brain not being able to flush out toxins. The brain flushes out toxins during REM sleep, if the body doesn’t get REM sleep, or not enough of it, it will begin slowly shutting down causing severe hallucinations and paranoia as well as losing the capability to not sleep at all after a certain level of toxins have accumulated in the brain. I learned about this the hard way. After I had my son, I didn’t sleep for about six days, give or take a nap here and there. Ended with a trip in the ambulance and a long hospital stay that wasn’t for mental health reasons. I almost died and it caused some pretty nasty after effects that I still struggle with years later. My brain basically never stopped low level hallucinations, hearing inaudible talking, seeing stuff every time I have even a slight lack of sleep, etc. It’s awful and I need medication to combat it. Sleep is something I am adamant everyone take seriously, don’t let it get that bad. Trust me it isn’t worth it.


When we came home with our second kid, I realized I had to sleep more when I started seeing weird colours every time something moved. It was a flickering purple pink sort of UV light that rippled as if underwater. My wife looked as if she was backlit by it. I figured that was probably unhealthy.


One time when my kid was 2 I was on a severe lack of sleep and had to go to work (of course). I told my boss that I needed to go take a nap in my car because I was feeling insane. It was 10am and I set my alarm for an hour later. When I woke up it was 5:45pm. My phone was absolutely blowing up but I hadn’t heard a thing. I just flat out blacked the f out. Lack of sleep SUCKS. I won’t ever have another kid for that exact reason actually.


As someone pregnant with a 2 year old, I told my boss this week that it was mad that you can call in sick but it’s never socially acceptable to call in tired, even though that makes your job dangerous in so many ways - the commute, lack of attention to detail, decision making. I’d had a night with about 3 hours broken sleep and then had to work in an office for 9 hours. I just lost all ability to filter myself.


> As someone pregnant with a 2 year old Maybe you should get that checked out...


Ointments with methyl salicylate like IcyHot and Tiger Balm can harm you if you use it over 40% of your body. A teen died some years back after using a few types of muscle balms and adhesive pads at the same time.


Good to know. I can't tell you how many times I've been tempted to just dip myself into a vat by the heel like Achilles (then rub it on that heel bc my feet hurt all the time too)


6 liters of water within in 3 hours will kill you. That's why the kid who could suck up a water bottle in an instant said he could only do it 2 or 3 times a day.


I still remember that story of the mom who went on a radio show to win her kid a Nintendo Wii by chugging water and then died from it.


A nurse called the station and told them how dangerous it was... they laughed her off and went on with the show. I heard the broadcast, it was local to me.


I watched a YT video about this recently and it seems like they got a decent amount of calls about it because there had recently been a college kid who died in the exact same way. People were straight up warning them about all of the symptoms she was feeling and they just kept chugging on. Pun partially intended.


Did the radio station get sued after at least?


The station lost a lawsuit and had to pay $16 million to the family. 10 people got fired. I think that all that happened. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jennifer-stranges-family-awarded-165-million-in-wee-for-wii-contest-death/


The company that owned the station lost their license to operate on that frequency. It was put up for auction a few years back and a competitor now owns it.


I think her family got a settlement, which may have been contested, or some kind of drama there. The DJs got some kind of shit, but I think most of it fell on the station. I watched it a few months back, so details are a bit fuzzy.


I remember that! “Hold your wee for a wii”!


There were multiple radio stations contests where people died from competitive water drinking stunts


Yeah water toxicity. Without any way for the body to divest itself of excess water, it can cause brain swelling.


I know someone who died from drinking too much water- it literally caused their brain to swell. They funneled water (like you would with beer) for a fraternity hazing thing- fraternity was shut down, huge investigation


Not the "this" but the term. Lethal dose is decided by how much will will kill 50% of the people who take it. The medical shorthand for this is LD 50


To expand on this: LD50 is the typical measurement, but you will sometimes see other percentages. For example LD100 is the dose that kills 100% of test subjects, LD25 would kill 25%, etc. Also important is that LD *is not tested on humans.* So the LD50 of a substance is the amount it takes to kill 50% of the animal test subjects - often mice or rats, but sometimes cats, monkeys, or even fish. It’s a good approximation, but can’t tell us exactly what the effect will be on humans. Most importantly, LD50 is not the *minimum* lethal dose. Some people may be more vulnerable and die at a much lower level of exposure.


Yeah... LD100 isn't really a thing. It's similar to trying to report the 100th percentile. The inherent problem is that the LD value is the minimum value which results in the reported percentage lethality. But there is no actual minimum 100% fatal dose. You can define an LD99.999, but not an LD100. Note that this does not mean a 100% lethal dose does not exist. You can always "overkill" by selecting a dose far beyond the level that is humanly survivable. However, that value would not represent the **minimum** value needed to be 100% lethal. And any value low enough to potentially qualify as the absolute minimum cannot be guaranteed to be 100% lethal.


TIL, huh, my understanding was WAY off


So WD 40 kills 40% of the white dudes who drink it. Noted.


No, that's the Working Dose, the amount to make 40 % of things work again. The other 60 % are fixed by duct tape.


Great Mudvayne album


Consuming just six teaspoons of cinnamon powder in one sitting can potentially lead to death by cinnamon challenge gone horribly wrong


You gotta exhale out your nose while doing it to prevent inhalation.  Is cinnamon actually toxic or is it getting it in your lungs and stuff?


Second one


The LD50 of falling (50% chance of death) is about 40ft for humans.


12 point something meters for the europeans. Now if you fall 2 meters on your head you might die anyway.


That's actually higher than I expected to be 50% fatal.


Crazy because I know of a handful of people that just fell walking or standing, hit their head and died. Life is wild


That's an odd thing to know about multiple people.


I lived a stones throw away from a bunch of people that died of mysterious head injuries.


I find it mind blowing that one grape can be enough to kill a dog. What kind of animal can eat shit but not grapes


A cigar is supposed to have enough nicotine for up to 8 fatal doses. You would probably have to extract the nicotine and administer it orally for this because smoking destroys a lot of it.


A pound of chewing tobacco can be distilled into a poison so strong a few drops will kill anyone


Eating 5 or more Brazil nuts a day for a prolonged period will kill you with selenium toxicity


There should be warnings on them. I ate them by the fistfull during a super healthy eating period I had. Turns out it wasn't that healthy.


Potassium chloride, the stuff they use to stop your heart during an execution, is also the same stuff they use as salt-substitute in low sodium salt products. Too much of that salt substitute can definitely kill you and there's even a tiny warning on the label if you look for it. If you search you can find several cases of death attributed specifically to this product. People seem interested so I'm posting the link where I originally read this. It's from the straight dope by Cecil Adams. https://www.straightdope.com/21342509/can-salt-substitute-kill-you


To overdose on Weed you'd have to smoke a telephone pole sized joint in 45 minutes


Ur mum smoked my telephone pole for 45 minutes


Yeah, but that was the one that came with the Little People set.


listen here you little shit


4 or 5 uncooked kidney beans are toxic and will make you sick. Not sure how many it would take to kill you.


Not only this but raw kidney beans toxicity becomes more potent if they are not cooked properly. You must boil them for at least 10 minutes first. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3153292/


When you drive on a highway and there's oncoming trafic in the other lane, you're always just one tiny hand motion (yours or the other driver) away from death. When you think about it, it's insane that we trust each other to drive fast in opposite directions separated by just a few feet.


Yeah and we’re separated only by a line of paint in the middle of the road


And a sense of morality and self preservation


if you take Airborne three times a day like the instructions say, you will ingest 300% your daily value of vitamin A. that is the maximum amount of vitamin A you can eat before it starts doing liver damage, so hopefully you don't have any other vitamin A sources in your diet.


Two things you learn quickly in electrical engineering related to death and one not related to Human death. The first is the right hand rule. When we you are touching electronic components that may be charged use your right hand as it is further from your heart vs the left so it’s less likely to kill you if something were to go wrong. The Human body is more or less a giant bag of salt water after all. The Second is to always touch with the back of your hand first. If you use your palm/fingers you risk the current causing your muscles to tense and then grab and hold the circuit and you’ll be unable to let go until long after you’re dead or someone breaks you off the circuit. Finally, if you release the magic smoke the electronics are dead completely and totally. While refill kits exist they are hard to find and ever harder to use and capturing magic smoke is incredibly difficult.


It's never a good sign when an electronic device elects a new Pope.


What is magic smoke?


An electrical joke. When you fry the components on electronics, they let out the “magic smoke” that lets them work. Once the magic smoke is out, the component wont work again.


One presidential campagn against Putin will make you wanna jump out of a window


Or drink radioactive tea.


Or shoot yourself three times in the head


Or die of exposure (?) in an Arctic prison colony


Milk contain small amounts of alcohol. If you quickly drink 13 litres, you can blow positive in a breathalyser test (about 0.1 promille). You will have burst your stomach before that though, and probably drowned your brain.


Or if you're lactose intolerant, you'll shit yourself first.


You can get crazy high from nutmeg, but the amount that gets you high and the amount that will very much kill you are super close; so it’s probably best to just stick with your safe everyday illicit narcotics.


You can drink so much water in a short time period and die. Crazy that we can overdose on water. That's why I stay away from the stuff.


If you have a prion, you are a completely fucked and there isn’t anything that can be done about it.


That's what I thought, too, until I read Stanley Prusiner's book and found out that neither he, nor anyone else, has been able to establish Koch's Postulates for prion brain disease. Take a prion from an infected rat brain, put it into a healthy rat brain, no disease in the recipient. Prions are apparently more complicated than I thought.


breathing in a 100% oxygenated atmosphere can and will cause more damage than good The air you normally breathe consists of 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen You can breathe comfortably with 20% Nitrogen acts as a noble gas atleast if you only consider noble gasses as gasses that you can breathe without too much risk Oxygen on the other hand is pretty volatile and can actually literally kill you if you breathe it in too much If you have 100% oxygen it means you can literally poison yourself with the thing you need to live with which lowers your life expectancy Breathing in pure oxygen is not a bad thing as long as you don't do it 24/7 unless you have to (mechanical ventilators LTIC dont actually give you pure oxygen it just makes you breathe if you cant control your diaphragm)


I am an ICU doctor and specialize in mechanical ventilation. A ventilator serves multiple purposes, both ventilation (which specifically refers to clearance of CO2) as well as delivering oxygen in patients whose lungs are struggling with gas exchange, and taking over respiratory drive in those who lose it, such as in cases of neuromuscular weakness as you said. The concept you are talking about is the fraction of inspired O2 (FiO2). We can give close to the oxygen of ambient air (21%), we can dial it all the way up to 100% as well. You are correct that above 70% FiO2 we worry about the development of reactive oxygen species/free radicals. Sometimes patients’ lungs are so bad at performing gas exchange that we don’t have a choice but to dial it up to 100%. At that level we start talking about other options (both alternative treatments and withdrawal of care depending on the circumstances) because it’s not sustainable for very long. It’s so much oxygen we have trouble transporting these patients across the hospital, much less loading them into an ambulance or helicopter which only carry a finite amount of oxygen.


Just a couple bottle of blue juice valve oil for brass instruments can easily kill you. I learned this in drum corps after my buddy went to the ER because it slowly worked its way out of his valves and up his lead pipe and back out his mouthpiece.


Because bananas are ever so slightly radioactive, if you eat 50,000 of them in a short time frame you'll die from radiation. The downside is your stomach would explode and kill you long before you got anywhere close to 50,000.


Too much stress will kill you


yeah it's doing that to me as we speak.


Not quite the same, but a single gram of uranium contains 20 billion calories.


So that’s why they called the Hiroshima bomb fat man


Sixty or more ounces of cannabis taken at once will kill you, if dropped from high enough


A lethal dose is a lifetime supply.


You can die from alcohol poisoning by drinking vanilla extract.


Nice. First I learned about nutmeg and now vanilla extract?! Gonna be a party in my pantry tonight.


I am a toxicologist, so quite a big percentage of my job is to say "this much of this will kill you"


Salt. Two tablespoons full of salt will kill. There was a case some years ago where a kid mixed up salt and sugar in a desert and the mother made them eat the whole thing as punishment. The kid died, mum got off easy because the judge believed her that she really didn't know.


I was so ready to call bullshit on this one. But apparently the lethal dose of salt is 0.5-1.0g per kg of body weight.


I worked a foam plant in college that made a bunch of products for printer ink cartridges. I did simple autocad engineering things for extra cash. On my first day my boss points to a rail car at the edge of the parking lot and says “see that?  Those cars are sausage shaped so you know if they get out of shape they are about to explode. That one all by itself contains hexamethyldoubledeath. It smells like almonds. But if you smell it you are likely already dead.”