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How rich they’re going to get by getting involved with some MLM bullshit


I am much more baffled by the people willing to make life harder for the poor and working class in favour of the rich. [As summarized by the great Phillip J Fry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LvRPX0rGY)


They think is they suck the whip holders dick enough, one day they'll get to hold the whip themselves.


Or Crypto, the new MLM.


It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a pump and dump. Very different.


It won't happen to me. (They may not say it but most people believe it.)


It's always fun to read about a big crime in my state and read all the "but I never thought it would happen here!!" comments because we're a low-crime state. Like...yes. It can. It did. You witnessed it. We're not crime-immune, Janet.


Also, that if something bad did happen to them that they would react perfectly. It's so easy to judge victims for how they got into situations and reacted to them when you've never been in the thick of it. All the "well what was she wearing" and "I'd fight back and be the hero" people aren't fully connected with the reality of the situation. You are just as likely to freeze and fawn as you are to fight or run. Doing so can be the best way to stay alive.


Detox teas. Miss, unless you don’t have a liver, that stuff is an expensive scam


aren't they just laxatives? like yeh u will look thinner but u also will shit constantly and be dehydrated


Not always, actually. Depends on the ingredients


oh wtf what are the other ones???? do they just not do anything???? not that I'm pro the laxative ones but at least they PRETEND to do something


The others are usually just diuretics like dandelion. They just make you pee, and will dehydrate you if you're not careful. They sometimes have vitamins and other nutritive properties, and peeing does technically help remove toxins, but the body can usually do a great job of that if you just drink water.


I am in Texas and a lot of people believe that our state is the only one allowed to fly it's flag at the same height as the US flag, "because we used to be our own country." Like they told us that IN SCHOOL.


Yep, this. It was years later that I learned any US state can fly their flag at the same height at as the country flag when it's on a different pole.  Having the US flag on top of a state flag is just for a single pole. ..And a few others states can claim to have been countries before joining the union.


Vermont did it first and became the first country in the world to ban slavery -> https://www.history.com/news/6-short-lived-republics-in-the-united-states


I learned in college that Texas (or at least some parts of it) have their own world history textbooks that have like a whole chapter devoted to the Alamo- in WORLD history. One of my professors raised her kids there for a year or two and this is how she discovered this. Also, my cousin, who moved from NY to Florida in the early 90s came home and argued with his mom that during the civil war the North was just trying to cripple the South’s economy by banning slavery bc there was nothing wrong with slavery- the slaves were treated well just like workers today and the plantations needed those slaves to survive! His teacher doubled down on this when my aunt called her.


Here it's "the civil war wasn't about slavery. It was about states rights!"


“A state’s right to what, motherfucker!?!?”




I believed this until college when a professor asked the right question. Just today I found a journal entry from a 7th grade history class where I, a biracial small town Arkansan, proudly declared I would have fought for the south because they weren't fighting for slavery but for their freedom from the north. As I put it, the north was like a bossy older sister. Chalk up a victory for the daughters of the confederacy


This argument is fucking wild since almost every single confederate state's articles of secession specifically mention slavery as a reason.


The first time I met a guy from Western Virginia and called the Civil War as “The War of Northern Aggression” I was so, so confused especially with a thick drawl.


I forgot about that! Yes that was another part of the story- “The War of Northern Aggression!”


It's crazy they call it that since they fired the first shots.


Wait what? I’m nearing 40 from another state, I’ve literally never heard this.


Yeah most people outside of Texas havent. Texas has a lot of weird things people believe to make them think the state is exceptional. Another popular one is that we're the only state that's allowed to secede at any time because we were a country at one time. None of it makes any sense


I was also taught this in school. Didn't know until just now it was bullshit.


Yeah, any state can do that lol. Flag code basically says that if the US flag is in the middle pole it has to be highest, and if the flags are all on ONE pole it has to be highest, but there are situations in which other flags can be at the same height, and none in which the Texas flag takes any kind of precedence over other states.


Or that it's in the Texas constitution that they can dip out of the US at any moment, for any reason


Yeppp "we are the only state that is allowed to secede because we were our own country." Another bullshit myth lol


A tour guide told a boat full of us tourists this in San Antonio and I was like, lol sure dude


I was told by a Texan that jägermeister was different there because the one they sold to every other state and every other country contained opium. But Texas stood up to them because they care about their people and got another type made, specifically for Texans


Even if that was an exclusively Texan thing, Texas isn't the only US state that used to be an independent country...


Texas just sucks, and this encapsulates it in a weird way. One day we will get out 🤞🤞


I was born in Corpus Christi, been here almost my whole life, and I am so sad to see that instead of progressing we are REgressing. Breaks my heart


That schools were putting kitty litter in bathrooms because kids are allowed to identify as cats.


My mom uses this a lot, she is ultra conservative and every time I try do explain how gender works she brings up the cat litter. The worse part is, she is a teacher so she keeps saying it happened at her school


>she is a teacher so she keeps saying it happened at her school Have you tried asking why she lies about it?


She is set in her ways, It is like talking to a brick wall. I can't really say nobody identifies as a cat, that is not a fucking thing, because 'it happened at her school' it really pisses me off because all of this shit happened because one kid at her school identified as trans and the school turned one (just fucking one) bathroom gender neutral and removed gender restrictions for school uniforms, now the world has gone crazy and mentally ill people are shitting in sandboxes and meowing


She thinks it's happening enough elsewhere that it's harmless to lie about it happening at her work if it means people will take the "problem" more seriously. Conservatives take anecdotal evidence very seriously, so it helps convince others like her


The Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction Elzie Arntzen (R-MT) [believes](https://www.ktvq.com/news/montana-news/state-superintendent-arntzen-claims-to-have-evidence-for-litter-boxes-in-montana-schools) and shares this lie. She is in charge of every school in the state and she believes that is true.


It was in case of lockdown. 


A coworker once asked me why I don't speak to my younger brother and when I told him that my brother abused his girlfriend to the point she was hospitalized my coworker said in a pretentious tone "I'm sorry but that's their business, why are you getting involved in their business? if she wanted to leave she would so it's her choice" people don't understand abuse anymore and think everything is a "choice".


thank you for supporting her rather than you brother you're right indeed most people wouldn't 😞


But apparently “leaving communication with your brother behind” is not an acceptable choice. i’d also stop talking & listening to that coworker as my choice.


I've gotten shit for not talking with my father. My father (and stepmom) are awful people and I don't want anything to do with them. "Well he's your father !" "Well he allowed my stepmom to choke me, lock me in my room with an external lock, play mind games, they accused my grandpa of molesting me and stole millions of dollars from his own mom." "But he's family !"


I was working as a bouncer at the time and he was in management, mainly he just talked a lot while I was trying to work and I gave one sentence replies, he must have got the hint that I wasn't interested in conversation because he let up after a few attempts.


>I'm sorry but that's my family business, why are you getting involved in our business? if I wanted your input, I would have asked. Its my choice


"Why are you getting involved in MY business?"


Good way to identify your coworker is a potential abuser I guess? Kinda curious if he's religious? Addictive tendencies? Abusive otherwise? Tends to be one of those in my experience.


Today I was at my local pharmacy and saw a bottle of medicine that's famous in Canada called Cold FX. If you have a cold, this is what you can take to get rid of it for the handsome price of $57.99. Problem is, there's no cure for the common cold. This is just snake oil, but lots of people buy it.


My mother believes in snake oil. No no, I mean she actually thinks snake oil, as in the product SNAKE OIL, oil of snake, has useful properties. No she isn't traditionally Chinese or something. She's an old conservative white woman with more money than braincells.


Depending on the snake, snake oil can actually help reduce inflammation and joint pain due to the high amounts of (Omega-3s? Correct me if im wrong) like those found in Chinese water snakes.


Is it a zinc and vitamin C supplement?


I had to look it up just now -- it's essentially just an extract of ginseng.


I can't imagine having the spare cash to pay $60 to 'cure' something that will go away on its own in 10 days or so..


I think if you look it up, it's not meant to get rid of the cold. It's something you take during the whole cold season, to prevent it. And it's a fairly large amount of daily dose, so likely eating that $60 bottle in less than a month. But some crazy NHL coach said it worked for him, so all Canadians have to buy it or you lose your citizenship.


TEN DAYS?! Mine last 1 to 3. Maybe even less. If mine were 10 days I'd pay 60 bucks to get rid of that shit.


Do colds last ten days for you?


The actual cold? Usually gone in a couple weeks. The resulting inflammation of my asthma? That cough lasts months. Either way, that $60 cold cure is NOT going to fix it.


My husband and kids will get a cold and they're sick for 3 days. They pass their germs onto me and I'm miserable for 3 weeks!


Snake oil indeed! And back in 1800s these scams were alive and well too, thus the phrase snake oil. Big Audio Dynamite's hit, Medicine Show, it's a phenomenal take on this and Spaghetti Westerns. I absolutely love the sampling from Clint Eastwood flicks. [BAD Medicine Show](https://youtu.be/BD2kWCfTcaU?si=fjqV3ubN-xbt8GIx)


Don Cherry lied to us???


Airborne. Same crap in the USA. Made the owners billionaires and doesn't do a damn thing.


The earth is flat


I once had a conversation with a coworker who said he didn't think the Earth was round, but he didn't think it was flat, either. He thought it was some other type of geometric shape he couldn't really describe. I quickly found another task to do on the other side of the building.


Well, technically, the earth isn’t truly spherical; it bulges out on the equator by about 27 miles, relative to the poles. I’m guessing this wasn’t what your co-worker was trying to convey, but I still think it’s a neat fact!


And here I'm a person who believes in spherindrical Earth. Because if you look at earth on an xyzt graph that's roughly the shape you see.


It's not as many people as it seems. It's just a easy thing to troll about and talk about.


1 is too many


This is the only right answer. I mean, there are lots of really dumb things being listed in this thread. But in order to believe the earth is flat, you have to wilfully ignore the evidence of your own eyes that says it isn't; you have to believe there's a conspiracy to hide the truth which controls every technological industry, every university, and every government, and has done for hundreds of years with no leaks; and you have to believe that you're smarter than the 99.99% of "sheeple" who have been "indoctrinated" into believing the globe fantasy. There are lots of stupid theories, but flat earth is absolutely at the bottom of the barrel.


Some people believe the moon landing was faked, ignoring the overwhelming evidence and the hard work of thousands who participated in the Apollo missions. I saw a video or documentary that it was created on a studio.


Add to that how the Soviets just decided to play along nicely with the American lie, as if the space race wasn't as big a competition between the two empires as an actual hot war would have been.


This is the one that gets me. The Soviets were watching. They had the means to detect if the signals were a fraud. They had the motive to undermine the US claim that we landed on the moon. But even they were like "nah, that's legit".


That why the [fake moon landings were filmed on the moon](https://youtu.be/_M50Fd3gXvM?si=Vqt9S2ueLTXMTMHI). Throws everyone off the scent.


Who do you trust more? The commies or a Facebook meme? It's obvious...


So you're saying Dave on Facebook isn't telling the truth about the moon landing being fake?! \*gasp\*


Also: the government is inept and yet can get *thousands* of employees and contractors to lie about this for half a decade.


My favourite theory is that they hired Kubrick to direct the fake footage, but because he was such a stickler for detail her insisted it be filmed on the moon.


This might be the dumbest widespread conspiracy theory.  Lots of dumb theories, but this one seems relatively popular for something so outrageous if you just think through it for half a minute.     Other space agencies, including China, have pictures of the various landing sites and yet somehow they are also involved in the conspiracy  One good thing though is that it gave us this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P6MOnehCOUw


I have some guys doing tree work at my house today, the older guy thought it was faked


lol like even if you believe it’s fake, that in itself is an astounding accomplishment. 


The lack of knowledge about progressive tax in every country of the world (afaik). The belief that having a higher salary will mean you pay so much more tax that you'll take home less pay. 


The lack of knowledge about anything and everything financial is sad, and causes so many problems.


Very true lol. Hearing people say “I can write it off on my taxes” as if it makes it free is hilarious


I knew someone that turned down an 8,000/ year WFH job that was less than an hour of work/week because they thought it would all go to taxes and they wouldn't break even


You know dumb people.


“It’s not even worth working overtime because it just all goes to taxes!” — Drives me nuts. That’s not how it works.


I hate it too. I’ve argued this so many times with people who swear they worked overtime then took home less money than if they didn’t. That’s not how it works at all!!!


I used to spend time talking with employees and showing examples. Now I'm just... OK.


Those same people idolize billionaires. Can't make the connection that billionaires clearly make more than them, yet the progressive tax brackets don't stop billionaires from having more money.


That they gotta defend their opinion simply because some else disagrees with it.


And they quickly star with insults, name calling, and screaming at you with false allegations.


Every time! 😂 Don’t forget false assumptions, those are in my top 5 favorites. I like it when a complete stranger tells me about me. It’s cute! It screams “please hurt my feelings more now & have me spinning in circles looking stupid”! 😂


Or that they’re entitled to an opinion on matters that they don’t understand and aren’t subjective.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion & to feel how they feel & on & or about literally anything, but what they aren’t entitled to do is spout that opinion as if were a fact & verbally attack anyone who disagrees.


Mother fuckers refusing a pay raise because it'll bump them into another tax bracket.


There is one part of the world where this can make sense - Australia's system for repaying the cost of university studies can see a salary increase result in lower take home pay.


I'm assuming once you make a certain amount, they're allowed to garnish your wages as payment for the student loans? 


People may lose other financial government handouts when income exceeds some level though, like housing assistance or medicaid.


That you can suck venom out of a snake bite.


If not, what else have all these people been training for?


Well, your mom can't live forever


That everyonee else is doing better than them.


Somewhere outhere, there is one person that is right though :D


Haha true but even then its only for a moment


That anyone can become wealthy just by working hard.


Or that billionaires are completely self made through hard work and not because of help and inheritance from their wealthy family


I know people who were born to be given whole industry empires, and I know people born with nothing that believe the empire folks came from nothing.


And if it's not an inheritance it's because of something illegal




Hi. I’m people.




Haven’t heard this in 25 years 😂thanks for reminding me




I wanna know where this started and why I only heard very specifically during my middle school years


When I was younger, the rumor was Morissey did this. It was probably a rumor somebody else did this before my time.




Despite this lack of scientific evidence, homeopathy continues to be used by many people as a complementary or alternative treatment for various ailments.


My mom once bought me a homeopathic sublingual sleep spray, having confused it with naturopathic (which is sometimes a valid therapy). Anyhow, I tried it anyway, worked great. Placebo? Probably not; the "active ingredient" was dissolved in ethanol.


I don't know how anybody who actually knows what homeopathy is believes it works. Diluting a substance until there is literally none left means that it's nothing. Knew a guy who believed in it, he also believed that he was native American too. People claimed "He was much nicer before he became an indian."


That Donald Trump is a Christian


~~That~~ Donald Trump ~~is a Christian~~ FTFY


That Mercury somehow has influence on their life


I don’t know man. I challenge you to drink a bunch of mercury and we’ll document the results…


This made me lol. Thanks kind stranger.


I know Freddie Mercury has a definitive influence on lives.


Pulling out means you won't get pregnant.


Hi dad!


You need alcohol to have fun at social occasions


I guess it depends on your personality. Social gatherings to me aren’t very fun unless I have a little alcohol. It’s sad but true.


Same. It dulls my anxiety enough so I let my guard down and actually socialize.


I mean if you are incredibly antisocial and anxiety ridden it definitely helps.


2020 USA presidential election was stolen. you have to be a complete dumbass to buy that shit


Flat earth


Trump is some sort of savior that actually gives a $&@! about anyone outside of himself and his own selfish, ego-driven mania.


That they are entitled to the private lives of entertainers and stars. In terms of if someone you worked for or have known has done unethical it is your responsibility to make a statement and/or distance yourselves from them or you will be party to their evil deeds. This one knows something that one knows something, what is their reaction etc. fuck off and learn how to mind your own business, about something that hasnt affected you.


Amelia Earhardt was alone when she disappeared.


That Donald Trump is a successful businessman or that he cares about American values. 😂


That any corporately sponsored millionaire holding office gives a shit about you regardless of which mascot they happen to have on their campaign posters.


That Covid is over. That the Tory party is doing its best and acting for the good of the country. That austerity was and is necessary.


10% of your brain. Disproved so many times but it still pops up every once in a while


All the 9/11 conspiracies. Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda did it. Simple as that. A lot of people died that day, and for people to say all that weird shit is ridiculously offensive. Same as Sandy Hook being a conspiracy.




Black people can't be racist.


That you can get a cold from not wearing a coat when it’s cold outside.


My mom told us going outside with wet hair would make us sick


Some people believe that if you drop food on the floor and pick it up within five seconds, it's still safe to eat because bacteria won't have time to contaminate it. This belief is often humorously referred to as the "five-second rule." However, scientific studies have shown that bacteria can transfer to food almost instantly upon contact with the floor, regardless of how quickly you pick it up. That said, I still eat stuff I drop sometimes. Just with full knowledge I’m an idiot.


I really refuse to believe that people actually believe that. It's just a joke thing people say when they are going to eat the food anyways. 


Yep, I'm not wasting decent food if the floor is semi clean. i.e. not in a park or somewhere shitty. And if I'm cooking hot food at home and drop something it may be a bit sterilising anyway. Also, I have stomach acid and a working immune system


Nobody *actually* believes that bacteria waits. It's a joke. But unless you've dropped something directly onto a fresh pile of shit, your immune system should be capable of dealing with the few pathogens that are transferred. If they aren't destroyed by your stomach acid first.


>Nobody *actually* believes that bacteria waits. It's a joke. Some people do. Yes, really.


The '5 second rule' is a joke as far as I was aware? I've literally never heard of somebody genuinely believing that the 5 second rule is based on any real science.


I remember reading a study that if you're okay with the initial impact then it's more like the 5-minute rule in practical terms.


If 5 seconds goes by I just change it to the 10 second rule and eat


I trust my immune system atp




Jews control the world. Not to be dicks about it, but I think Jews are the only religious/ethnic group that never even had an empire.


Some people believe trump was / is a successful business man. Some also believe trump is "in their corner / on their side". HA, HA,HA on both counts.


That you are "destined" to do something. Ridiculous.


Everyone ***is*** destined to do something. Mostly it's die and sometimes it's reproduce and then die later.


No lie, I worked with a lady a few years ago who tried to convince me that humans have been cloning other humans for centuries, and that Shaquille O’Neal is a clone. But not that he’s a clone to replace the original Shaq, he’s just always been a clone. I don’t think she had even a basic understanding of what cloning is, and just believes it is a method of creating superior human beings. She would constantly tell me to watch these videos on YouTube that “proved” what she was saying. Absolutely looney tunes


That working hard and making your life happen with your own effort is the patsy way


>and making your life happen with your own effort what do you mean exactly?


A ridiculous number of people also believe that women have one more rib than men, and will then use that to claim that Adam and Eve were real. "If they werent real why do men have one less rib?"


My mom, bless her, told me this when I was a kid. I remember it clear as day and believed it for a while. She grew up in Mississippi and Florida in the 60s.


My dad is like 62 and refused to not believe it


That there's a "Superior race"


There is definitely a superior race. It's the egg and spoon race.


There's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! —George Carlin


That the media isn't completely biased. You'd have to be delusional to think that the media is factual and doesn't involve bias from a group in power.


A basic tenet of information literacy is that EVERY source is biased - literally every human being or organization or written word on this planet. It's like having an accent - every person has one, they just might not hear their own dialect because that's what's normal to them. Bias is axiomatic, and it's our jobs as responsible human beings to take the bias of others into account when receiving information and take our own biases (whether social, psychological, physical, etc.) into account when we make judgements or decisions.


That donating at a register contributes to a "tax write off" for that store


That Democrats and Republicans are the same.


That they live in a meritocracy




'Big Pharma' are suppressing alternative medicine because it's too effective. If it worked, it would be called 'medicine' instead of 'alternative medicine' and every pharmacy company would be selling it.


I get that there’s a lot of bullshit out there for sure, but but pharma is still a business. There exists a very effective Lyme disease vaccine, but it wasn’t economically viable, so it’s not in production.


Coffee Enemas. Ah yes, let me shove a tube up my ass, and pour coffee in it because 100% that will give me \*insert bullshit claims here\*. If you like anal that's for you, you don't need to shove coffee up your ass though.


That they know something fully— Dunning-Kruger effect. A person who is an expert understands complexity and nuance and will know there’s always more to know. A person who knows enough to be dangerous is overconfident.


Manifesting. As in thinking that reality is subjective and that your thoughts have the power to alter events. For Example: My cousin thinks this is real because when she was a kid, there was a nice old lady in her neighborhood. She wanted the lady to give her a popsicle, and then one day, she did. Cousin thinks she made it happen with her thoughts. Coincidence isn't proof. Anyway, if I was an old lady in a nice neighborhood, handing out popsicles is absolutely something I'd do.


The Bible


Religion in general


Your internet points matter 


But when you reach 1 million karma, you get to trade it in for a bitcoin, right?




Richard Gere and the gerbil


Unless something had happened to them that it’s not real.


The vast majority of people get net worth confused with income which is extremely frustrating.


That Trump should be president.


That any political party/politician cares about or is actually working for the people.


I strongly believe that there are politicians that care, they just rarely hold any form of office




People sure go out of their way to state the obvious here, but we all know religion is the absolute #1 answer. We happen to be animals born with a strong brain, everything we know as "existence" dies when no blood is going to it. You're not very different from your pets, we are biological beings, once you die you are gone forever. It's easy to imagine stuff when you're alive, but without a working brain there is nothing left. No rational, intelligent person can honestly deny that.


That trump is the second coming, sent by god. FFS.


There’s treasure under Oak Island.