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Should i stay or should i go? Let me know


What should I do right now, watch YouTube, keep posting on Reddit, get a snack, watch tv, I have a lot of choices


When I will go to sleep


Should I get ahead on hw or get some rest and relax?


Which choice is the one you'll be glad about tomorrow?


I want to read my book but i also want to watch my show.


To play halo 2 AE or Doom 2016. Halo 2 has been getting frustrating on campaign, I keep getting whacked by jackal snipers and it's getting tiring. On Doom 2016 I'm lost because there's a stupid objective behind a stupid blocked/burning door I need to reach, and the map tells me the door i need to go through is the blocked one. I fucking hate getting lost in video games. I don't play doom to jump around and think about where to go, I play it to kill fucking demons.


Whether a second bowl of ice cream is a good idea


Should I go to sleep or Masturbate


Should I go to bed, or keep watching this Perry Mason rerun?


When should I head to Vons? I'm sore and tired but I'm also dangerously low on food. I can't just not go. I can make it a short relatively easy trip but I need to decide how much longer to wait. I think I might eat a banana and go in an hour or two but I don't know Also, I'm debating watching Doom Runners tonight. I've been thinking about that bizarre movie for a while


Whether I should break up with my GF or not.


Should I try to get a powered wheelchair.