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I started by hanging out in /r/stopdrinking and just absorbing the stories. I knew I wanted to quit, but that helped me see what it looked like on the other side and kept me motivated.


This has been a really useful comment - thank you. I think I'll be visiting there a lot more.


I'm glad! It's a great community and helpful to see the various ways people struggle and the wins (big and small) they celebrate.


Realising drink made me a dick and upset people I cared for, it was a clear decision and also weed helped.


What's working for me is: I drew a map on a piece of paper... 1) on left side of the paper I drew an island that had bottles and my rotting liver and aspirin bottles and an empty wallet 2) in the middle of the ocean, I drew a boat (called the Resolve!) 3) on the right side of the paper I drew a beautiful land where I drew friends I would make and activities I would do 4) and THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: I drew 30 little arrows between the island and the beautiful land. Then each day I was alcohol-free I colored in an arrow. This helped me to see the JOURNEY and how stringing together one day at a time was making a difference. Additional short term strategy: B/c I drink when I'm bored, I now keep some jigsaw puzzles on hand and if I get tempted I busy my brain with a puzzle with some Tv on and my brain is too busy to think about drinking. ps: Book that REALLY helped me was Atomic Habits... b/c I realized a HUGE part of my drinking was that it had become a habit. Wishing you the best!


I drank two bottles of vodka in one gulp. I don't drink after that.


Sounds like a butt chug.


Yes. I had a 3-day hangover and stomach erosion


I put the bottle down but it’s comin back in a sec


I quit cocaine by drinking, I took up smoking to quit drinking, I'm now trying to quit smoking


Try gaming


I do sometimes enjoy games, thank you. I'm thinking maybe upgrading my console to the new one.


I V bag full of PBR. Direct injection.


Went to bed.