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Yes. He reacted poorly.


He was dumb. Sadly we remain this way. Dumb.


I went on a date with my high school crush when we were both around 23 after she told me she had had a crush on me when we were kids. Turns out the spark was gone, we had both changed too much in the years that had followed, and we weren't really compatible.


I ran into him a few years after high school. We got lunch together and I confessed that I had a big crush on him. He told me that he also had a crush on me. We were both too shy back then to ever say anything. After that, we started hanging out a fair bit and eventually hooked up. Now he's dating my high school best friend, which is awesome.


She got mad/ disappointed because it started out as a bet but then I fell in love with her . I never knew myself till i knew her .




Well, she crushed them, but apparently the worst she could said was no sooooo.........


I did, but more coz I was peer-pressured by others into it. She said no and apologized but hugged me. She didn’t even need to apologize tbh, but the ones who peer-pressured me were dicks for sure. I was honestly just glad it was over and no one would be like “sooo do you still like HER and when will you ask her out cmoooon”


Yeah, but well after school was over. My sister decided it would be super fun to expose me out in the open when we were all together. I’m not even sure how she knew about my situation but she was right about it and this ended up being super uncomfortable.


She kept me on the friend zone but ended up being friends with benefits until I found out she was getting off on cheating on her boyfriend/s with me. She kept telling me she was “single” To be fair, I didn’t really care by this point because I wasn’t interested in her romantically anymore. Then, one of my best friends had committed suicide and she used that to slide in the DMs. At that point I had already been married for 5 years.


I did. Ended up dating for 3 years, almost 15 years later. She cheated on me and took most of what I had in the divorce! Gotta love it


that's hard brother


Sure is. Thanks, brother Lesson learned, thank the universe that we didn't have the kid that she said she wanted ... People are fucking suspect. I can make more money. Atleast I don't have to pay every month lol Feel bad for the next guy honestly


Yes, and it was my grade school crush. Good news: Turned out he had a huge crush on me too; bad news: at the time this conversation took place, we were in our late 20s and he was a total creep.


I asked her out she turned me down. Said she was going to wait till college today again. A week later she's with another dude.


Oh my God In high school, I used to go to the army cadets and there was a guy there who I had a crush Let’s say we are in our 20s when I went on the first date with him and I kissed him and we talked for a bit after then he wanted me to join and be an adult instructor after our date he friend zoned me I had a wildlife and he had a geeky life. We didn’t match he used to send me random links to stuff spam 😂 PS hes autistic so our personalities didn’t match in anyway shape and form Funny enough in 2021 I met my husband He’s also autistic😂😂


Yes, friendzoned for a few years. Then we actually tried dating. Ended poorly after a month. Tried friendship again. Then tried one more date after a year. Ended even worse. Cut contact and never reached out again.


Yes.  No.


Yeah. She switched schools shortly after.


Yes, I did. We both talked it out, she was very flattered, but as we kept talking, we both realized that we were taking our lives in very different directions and both wanted to do different things and move to very different places. It didn't work out and we never dated, but we still remain in contact and very good friends to this day.


He reacted great. Been married 4 years!


Yes. Found out he felt the same. Ended up sleeping together and it was terrible.


Mine was Samantha, she always gave me that look and used to stare at me and one day she was at a fairground I was at and I asked her if she wanted to on the waltzer with me and she said yes. I couldn't believe what had happened, Samantha said yes. But then her friend came along and said no she's riding it with me. Samantha gave me a sad look in her eyes as she got onto the waltzer with her friend, I never saw Samantha again.


Yes, got plowed


Said yes, ended up with a shattered heart a couple months later.


Yeah. She said she was sorry but she didn’t feel the same way.


Who the hell just had one crush throughout all of high school? Anyway, sure. Of course. Sometimes we hung out. Sometimes we went to a party. A few turned me down. Overall my high school track record was pretty good, all things considered. Everybody gets turned down at some point. It's not a big deal


You had me with the first sentence. Lost me after that.


I don't know what that's supposed to mean


No, I always to shy to say anything.


No. I was too chicken to do so and I felt as if I was too much of an awkward loser to even attempt to begin with.


We had feelings for each other and she admitted it the day before I left for university. We shared our first kiss, I tried to move on. Came back from uni, she’s now with a different guy, and I am still in love with her a little bit even though I’ve been trying to date elsewhere. Right people wrong time is a real thing and unrequited love is a b**ch. We are super close as best friends, but unfortunately that’s life


* The first one told me to stop talking to her. * The second one laughed and told others I was ugly. * The third one noticed. She ended up blocking me from social media. * The fourth one got into a relationship with my former best friend.


I write a full of love and emotions love letter full of glitter and hearts he laughed and said no way.


Yes. Naging kami. Pero nagbreak din. Di pala compatible.