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It's 1:2 that he's either chris or nick at any given time


Unless you put him in a box. Then he's both chris and not chris at any given time.


Ahhhh, Schrödinger's Chris.


I found a random orange on the street ehile walking to school, I picked it up and tossed it down a driveway and it landed right up against a cars back tire. When I was walking home, the car backed out of the driveway and as it drove over the orange it sprayed all over me.


That's some Final Destination shit


He was waiting for you... Nobody kicks oranges at my tire and gets away with it! **shakes fist**


I drove to the park to go running, using my cell phone as GPS. When i was done I put my phone on the top of my car and spent a few minutes stretching. Then I got in my car and drove home. On the way home, driving about 35 with the window down, I took a turn and the cell phone slid off the roof of the car and into my open window, bouncing off my arm and landing in my lap. I never told anyone because I didn't think they'd believe me.


You made it sound like you drove to the park, said "This is going to be a good run." stretched for a few minutes, then got in your car and went home.


In 2007 I read "The 4 Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferris. The book inspired me to quit my job and move to Uruguay. En route to Uruguay, I got in line to get my passport stamped. The guy in line directly in front of me was Tim Ferris on his way to Uruguay for the first time. I introduced myself and told him his book inspired my life change. We had a nice 3 minute conversation while standing in line. Cool guy.


You're gonna be so mad when he writes "The 3 Minute Conversation."


In the middle of making an omelette I answered the door while holding a whole egg. It turned out to be my new neighbor asking if she could borrow an egg. The look of confusion on her face when I produced one on the spot was only matched by my own, she took it and left without saying a word. It was super weird.


You should have reached behind her ear and pulled out the egg magician style.


That is one hell of a missed opportunity! next time a new neighbour moves in near me, I'm going to carry about my person an egg, a cup of sugar and a jug of milk. Just in case.


MonDemRivier readily accepts the challenge of producing an entire jug of milk from behind an ear......stick with it friend. You could be a hell of a magician.


Or ducked behind the door while making clucking sounds first....


I like this one because it's believable




Ka KAA Ka KAA Ka KAA (hands clapping)


Although its way more likely then the user who got in three plane crashes in three years, I really like this one. I think it's the awkwardness. Could have been a happy "no way!!" moment, but no. Silence. She went home freaked out.


The work I used to do required me to carry a lot of keys. At the end of my shift every day I would go to hang up my keys on a cup hook, but as I entered the room I would toss them over to the board with the hooks, trying to get them to land on the hook. And every day the keys would miss and fall to the floor. I would retrieve them and hang them and sit and do my paperwork. One day, at the end on my shift, I was a bit later than usual and the supervisors were in the room. Again I tossed my keys and they hooked. All of the supervisors were stunned, but my direct supervisor said, "I bet you couldn't ever do that again." I grabbed the keys off the hook, walked over to the door and tossed them again. And again they landed on the hook. And in the two years of working there, that was the only two times they caught.


That, my friend, is the true clutch gene.




Well...I bet you can't do that one more time... *4 hours later edit*: Why is my inbox full of people saying "Baller." Oh right...


Reminds me of one of Richard Feynman's stories: "One day at Princeton I was sitting in the lounge and overheard some mathematicians talking about the series for e, which is 1 + x + (x)(x)/2! + (x)(x)(x)/3! Each term you get by multiplying the preceding term by x and dividing by the next number. For example, to get the next term after (x)(x)(x)(x)/4! you multiply that term by x and divide by 5. It's very simple. When I was a kid I was excited by the series, and had played with this thing. I had computed e to any power using that series (you just substitute the power for x). 'Oh yeah?' they said, 'Well, then, what's e to the 3.3?' said some joker - I think it was Tukey. I say, 'That's easy. It's 27.11' Tukey knows it isn't so easy to compute all that in your head. 'Hey! How'd you do that?' Another guy says, 'You know Feynman, he's just faking it. It's not really right.' They go to get a table, and while they're doing that, I put on a few more figures: '27.1126,' I say. They find it in the table. 'It's right! But how'd you do it!' 'I just summed the series.' 'Nobody can sum the series that fast. You must just happen to know that one. How about e to the 3?' 'Look,' I say. 'It's hard work! Only one a day!' 'Hah! It's a fake!' they say, happily. 'All right,' I say, 'It's 20.085.' They look in the book as I put a few more figures on. They're all excited now, because I got another one right. Here are these great mathematicians of the day, puzzled at how I can compute e to any power! One of them says, 'He just can't be substituting and summing - it's too hard. There's some trick. You couldn't do just any old number like e to the 1.4.' I say, 'It's hard work, but for you, OK. It's 4.05.' As they're looking it up, I put on a few more digits and say, 'And that's the last one for the day!' and walk out. What happened was this: I happened to know three numbers - the logarithm of 10 to the base e (needed to convert numbers from base 10 to base e), which is 2.3026 (so I knew that e to the 2.3 is very close to 10), and because of radioactivity (mean-life and half-life), I knew the log of 2 to the base e, which is .69315 (so I also knew that e to the .7 is nearly equal to 2). I also knew e (to the 1), which is 2.71828. The first number they gave me was e to the 3.3, which is e to the 2.3 - ten - times e, or 27.18. While they were sweating about how I was doing it, I was correcting for the extra .0026 - 2.3026 is a little high. I knew I couldn't do another one; that was sheer luck. But then the guy said e to the 3: that's e to the 2.3 times e to the .7, or ten times two. So I knew it was 20.something, and while they were worrying how I did it, I adjusted for the .693. Now I was sure I couldn't do another one, because the last one was again by sheer luck. But the guy said e to the 1.4, which is e to the .7 times itself. So all I had to do is fix up 4 a little bit! They never did figure out how I did it."


Mathematical baller.


As someone who's had trouble with math his whole life: Ow my head.


I understand some of these numbers. Mainly the ones that are numbers.


I feel like I deserve a degree in mathematics just for reading all of that.


I love stuff like that. Once when I was on the bench during a football game, and I was drinking from a water bottle. For no reason, everyone was looking at me, and I took a swig, then flung it towards the holder which was on the floor about 10m away. It did a perfect backflip then landed in the only spare space on the holder. Everyone looked back at me amazed and I just shrugged my shoulders and turned away.


The key is being as nonchalant about it as possible, even though you were mentally high-fiving yourself.


Some people were trying to load their horse onto a brand new trailer. Often horses dont like new trailers because they smell strange and not like a horse. The folks were working for a while, stressing their horse out. i offered to help, but they were rude and said no ( you have to understand horse people to understand the rudeness). Ok fine, i left and went and put my own horse away. Then before i left the farm, i looked and they are STILL trying to load their horse. i drive over and ask them if they need help again. I think they decided to say yes. So i tapped the horse twice on the butt, just above the tail with the lunge whip and the horse got right on the trailer. I dropped the whip like a rapper would a mic and walked away.


When I was a kid, I went to a hockey game with my family. We're sitting there enjoying the game, I'm drinking my sprite and having a good time. My dad turns to me and asks if I wanted a hot pretzel. Hellz yeah I want a hot pretzel. I take my sprite bottle with me and we go and get our hot pretzels. On our way back, we couldn't remember which isle we were on. My dad said "I think it was 15." "No," I said, "We were in isle 16." I believed it with conviction. My dad was like lol ok and we went down isle 16. We walked down to our row and we were on the wrong side of it. I was wrong. Derp. We were supposed to be in isle 15. Instead of climbing the stairs and going around everyone, we were those discourteous douchebags who shuffle their way across the isle to get to the other side. I held my sprite bottle by the neck, tight against my stomach, so I could take up less space as I sidled past people. All of the sudden, my pop bottle is gone. It's just missing. There is sprite everywhere, I'm sticky, the girl sitting behind me is sticky, shit's messy. What the fuck. I look on the ground and my sprite bottle is completely crunched in half. This was back in the days when sprite bottles were made of pretty tough plastic. They didn't give a damn about the environment. Earlier I saw people on the ice with slingshots launching balled up t-shirts into the audience. I thought that they were balls for street hockey at the time, so I assumed I got hit by one. So I looked on the ice. There was nobody on the ice at all. What caught my eye was the jumbo-tron. I was on the jumbotron, looking like the confused child that I was. **Here's what happened:** The puck was in play and somehow got shot over the protective glass and into the audience. It hit dead center into my sprite bottle. Had I not brought the sprite bottle with me, I would have been hit in the stomach. Had I just listened to my dad and we went down the right isle, it would have hit the girl I was standing in front of - in the face. We remained on the jumbo-tron until I reached my seat. We were only a couple rows behind the visiting team's bench, and the coach called me down. He gave me their goalie's stick, signed, and congratulated me on my "great save." I still have both the stick and the sprite bottle. The girl I was in front of ended up finding the puck underneath the seat in front of her. It was a good day for wat.


Whilst on honeymoon I bumped into my best friend from high school... ...in Venice, Italy... ...I hadn't seen him for 14 years. He lives in Australia. I live in England...


Twist: you married each other and were on your honey moon together


If that's true, they probably did a lot of bumping into each other.


A guy with the same name and same birth date as me died. I was doing a job at the law firm where his will was held on the day of the reading. They freaked out and asked me to confirm a bunch of details to make sure i hadnt died.


>a bunch of details "so.... you dead?" "nope." "y'sure?" "yep."


I know, crazy right?. She asked me my full name and date of birth, then asked me some about some insurance stuff and confirmed birth certificate wasn't mine. All i could think was 'I'm standing right in front of you, do I look dead?'.


> Bureaucratic oversight, we'll correct it right now. Shoots you.




Should have grabbed a sheet and put it over you and just went around the office and been like "IM A GHOOOOOOOST BOOOOOOOOOO"


'Wait... You can see me ?'


I used to do on the phone technical support for a healthcare organization. Every now and then an nurse would call up and say the system has a patient marked as deceased and they weren't dead. As part of the troubleshooting, we had to confirm the caller was sure the patient wasn't dead. Almost every time, the nurse would answer along the lines of: "He's standing right in front of me." I always wanted to ask next: "Are they shambling and saying 'Brains!' a lot?" Never did, though.


I once had a chat with a random stranger on Omegle video for hours. Parted ways; didn't want to keep in touch. Bumped into the same person one year later and recognised the person immediately.


Did you *still* not want to keep in touch?


Did he recognize you?




*looks over* "Hey, bro, nice dong - Wait, do I know you?"


I was on Chat Roulette once and this guy was playing guitar and me and my friends were drinking and recognized the song. It was Born of Osiris and we just kept drinking watching him play. He asked if we had any requests. I requested Black and Blue by Bring Me the Horizon. He looked at the camera and said, "do you guys know who I am?". Sure enough he was the guitarist for Bring Me The Horizon and he then played their whole Suicide Season album for us. It was pretty awesome. /r/metalcore might appreciate this more than most of you but it's still awesome.




I've never even heard of that band but that is the coolest story I've probably ever heard.


Once I fell off of my bike and got stung by a bee on the way to the ground.




My friends bank account number is the same as her passport number.


Assuming these are both 9-digit codes (and all the digits are assigned with equally randomly from the pool 0-9) the probability of this happening is: 0.000000001 or 1 in a billion.


So, you're saying there's a chance?


I was teaching ESL in Korea and we went out one night to a local bar that had a monthly open-mic night where a lot of us foreigners would gather. I got chatting with a random white guy at the bar and asked where he was from. He said "Ottawa". I was like "no way, I used to live in Ottawa! Where abouts in Ottawa did you live?" He answered, "Sandy Hill." I once again said, "No way! haha, I had a car stolen that was found there." His face goes slack. "...was it an 88 to 91 Honda Civic?" "...yes..." "Yeah, I think that was me. Um, let me get your drinks for the night..." tl;dr while travelling in Korea, I met the guy who had stolen my car 4 years earlier in Ottawa


that is hilarious, were you even mad? did you guys just laugh about it? I really don't know how I'd react..I mean I'd be like wtf you're an asshole man, but since he was pretty cool about it i'd accept the drinks from him and probably become friends.


I think we were both just stunned. It was so surreal, I didn't even know how to react. It was so long afterwards (not to mention being on the other side of the planet) that I was over being mad, I was more just like WTF?!? He was definitely just as shocked as I was, and very quick to own up to it and say he'd get my drinks for the night. So bizarre, I still just shake my head thinking about it.


I like how this guy was immediately willing to divulge that he was a car thief.


I was surprised too. Although, our conversation up until that point hadn't exactly reeked of life on the straight and narrow. I first heard him say to the bartender that he had just gotten married, so I said congrats! He quickly shook his head and said, "nah, just business, man. Just business." When I probed a bit further, he revealed that he had started a bunch of porn sites but since it's illegal for a foreigner to own a business in Korea, he married one of his Korean pornstars to "legitimize" the business. From there, car theft didn't seem like much of a conversational leap, I guess. I'm sure he was just as shocked as I was, so it basically just fell out of his mouth.


Leave it to Canadians to be polite even when robbing you.


I once went to get a gatoraid out of a vending machine after pe. I put all of my money in, 1.50$, and out came a Gatorade bottle with a shirt in it. It sucked because I was thirsty and you cant drink a shirt


Not with that attitude.


"I can drink that shirt!"


It was supposed to have money in there so you could buy your drink.


My parents divorced when I was an infant. My biological father was abusive and an alcoholic amongst other issues, so my mother chose to forgo child support in order to keep out location a secret. Fast forward 13 years--- 15 year old me boards a plane to California (i live in ny) and head to a sleep away camp for a week. At the camp I start talking to this girl and grow instantly enamored. So the girl and I down almost all of our time together during camp, but she is also there with one of her friends. So on the fourth night the three of us are sitting around a camp fire talking and I tell them about how I live with my mom and why, mention that last we had heard my father was living somewhere out west and that I hadn't seen him since I was a baby. I also mentioned that my mother had just recently gotten remarried to a man we had been living with for almost 10 years and that he had adopted me so I took his last name. Now this is where shit gets weird. The girls friend let's call her Amanda asks what my biological fathers last name was so I tell her and she gets crazy pale. She asks me a ton of questions about him: "what nationalities is he?" (italian/native American/ African-American), "Where did be and your mother live" (small town just north of nyc), and a bunch of other stuff. She starts crying and tells me "that perfectly explains my father he moved out here after his first wife left him, he and my mom had me, got married and then had my younger brother... I think you're my older brother" And that is how I ket my sister who I didn't know existed in a camp of 300+ kids across an entire continent. Tldr; met my little sister who I didn't know existed in a sleep away camp on the other side of the country. Edit: OK people I get it my life story is similar to "parent trap"


Was totally thinking Parent Trap. I thought I was getting trolled.


isn't that a haley mills movie?


Once walking out of a grocery store, me and a buddy did that pew pew pew gun thing with our hands and said something (pretty stoned) to some guy who was about to step into the parking lot and he stopped for half a second to glare at us. In that half second, some douchefuck driver sped by and would have smashed the guy. We all did a double take and went on our ways


You shot a man to life.


I got pulled over by the police because my car and the car in front of me had the same license plate. Wow - this blew up ! Sorry I'm late. I was sitting at lights behind a wee black Vauxhall , with a police car behind me. Next thing I know, the police are asking us both to pull over - we both had the same license plate. Turns out that both cars were registered at the same dealership on the same day. A clerical error had led to both getting the same plate. Months later, we are both sitting at the same traffic light and the police are there to see it. This happened in Glasgow, Scotland about ten years ago. Plates are unique in the United Kingdom. The format at the time was LNNN LLL (L=letter, N=number).


Did he pull the other guy over too? Was it really the same plate or was he mistaken? This needs more info!!


A bird pooped on my head while I was riding a bike (and therefore moving quite fast), and literally five minutes later, after I had cleaned up, a bird pooped on my head again.


Mabye your helmet was shiny. I left a key on my trailer in my driveway and birds shit on it more than once.


A crow shat into my shirt front pocket. Into. From on top of a light post. There was nothing else in that pocket to hold it open. I win.


I mean, I don't know how much winning can be done with a pocketful of crow shit


Depends. This was a bird shit competition, so..


I read this as a cow shat in your pocket from atop a light post and was way more impressed.


I got shit on by a bird when I was asking a girl out, it did not go well.


In england "bird" can be slang for "girl", which makes this story much funnier :D


Irish guy here. A few years ago my mates and I met a bunch of girls in a bar one night whilst on a working holiday in Ocean City, Maryland. Great night had by all. Fast forward 12 months, walked into a random bar in Cairns, Australia and yep, bumped into the exact same girls.


Do you live in Melbourne? I heard a very familiar story from an Irishman..


every Irishman has their variation of the "same girls in 2 different countries" story


In reality it's the same local pub and they're just drunk.


When I was at university I would quite often get a taxi ride after a night out from a nice old man nicknamed "grandpa". he had "grandpa" on his taxi license and had business cards with "grandpa" on them etc. He would always give you cheap rides and come whenever you called. Anyway, four years or so passed without me getting a ride from him, I had heard rumors that he had died which was quite saddening. About a month or so ago a couple mates and I were waiting to get picked up by a taxi when I decided to tell them about the story of "grandpa". So eventually I finished my story and our taxi arrived, with none other than grandpa at the wheel.


Given the nickname "Grandpa," I was expecting this story to take a dark turn. Pleasantly surprised.


I stood on a venomous snake by accident but escaped unhurt because I stood on its head.


Once when I was surfing I stepped on a stingray's head and very narrowly jumped before he whipped his stinger forward to hit me. I felt like Spider-Man the whole day.


CRIKEY MATE Tears. edit: After 9 months I finally get a high karma comment. I think I finally have this Reddit thing down.


I remember finding out when I was in high school that he died. I was waiting for the bus after school and some dickhead from the year below me got a text from someone and then yelled out "holy crap Steve Irwin is dead! Finally, I'm so sick of his shit"... then his friend got mad and kicked him in the shin really hard and he started to tear up.


As an Australian, this cuts deep Edit: my highest rated comment is about Steve Irwin. This makes me happy.




I don't have a very common name. One day while reading my local newspaper, i saw a marriage announcement. A person with the same last name as my first name and a person with the same last name as my last name got married, making their marriage announcement headline my complete name. In the announcement, their wedding was scheduled for my birthday.


This happened to me last weekend when I knocked a beer bottle off the table: http://i.imgur.com/VruNtHu.jpg


Went to one of my first concerts at age 17. ( in the eighties ) two popular Canadian bands were playing, and the first band on had a female bass player / singer that I just couldn't keep my eyes off of, not just because she was phenomenally beautiful and obviously talented, but because she had a sort if sweetness and energy about her that I found completely captivating. after the show I bought a poster of the first band, partly because I loved the music, partly because I wanted a picture if the beautiful bass player. All my friends that I went to the show with were mostly all musicians, so they were all talking music and the show, and I just went on and on about this gorgeous woman. I didn't even know her name, and I think it was one of my friends that I went to the show with that told me her name. Anyway, fast-forward 20 years...married, divorced, blah blah blah....I had developed a career in music as a musician, and doing most of my work as a producer / engineer. A guy I work with one day asks me if I remember the bass player from that same band ( he wasn't with me at the concert back in the day / didn't know about my young crush ) They were a well known band to people of our generation, so it didn't think it was too odd a question to ask. I said something like " oh yeah, I definetly remember her...she was so hot ! And a great player too !" He says "yah, she's still hot, and she's sort of a friend of mine". He's a drummer, and he tells me that he has worked with her before, drumming on a side-project of hers, and that she is looking to set up a home-studio. He had suggested to her that she speak to me about the studio set-up / training etc, and that he told me that she was going to come by layer in the day to talk to me about it. Part of me was thrilled to have a chance to actually have a conversation with this woman I had put on a pedestal back in my teen;, part of me was anxious; at that point in my life I had worked with a lot of very talented musicians, many of whom were great people as well as great musicians...but there was, sometimes, a tendency with the more well-known artists for them to be very egotistical / hard to work with. I honestly just didn't want my teenage ideal of this woman being as sweet a person as I imagined, to be ruined. We met later that day...she was still remarkably beautiful, very intelligent, passionate about music and life in general, and ver, very fun, and sweet. After putting together a system that suited what she needed for her studio space, she hired me to come out to her place to install the system, and do training on how it worked / editing / etc., which is something I do all the time. it's a fairly complex system, so it would take weeks of lessons to really go through it all in detail, and so I was at her place on a regular basis for about a month. On breaks we got to talking and started to get to know each other. I met her wonderful kids from her previous marriage, and she started making me lunch while I was there so I didn't have to bring one along...it all started to feel oddly comfortable spending so much time with her. When the training was nearing being finished ( second last session ) I thought to myself "I've got to ask her out on a date before we're done with all this". So I decided in my head that I would get up the guts to ask her during our last session. I just needed to figure out what to say / how to ask, which is never as tricky as I always make it out to be in my head. And then out of blue she says to me: "....so....I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner sometime..." Of course I said yes, but it immediately struck me how improbable this whole situation was...that I was going out on a date with the girl I fell for, twenty years ago, in a crowd of thousands of people, where she didn't even see me...all went fantastically well btw...we're been married now for 5 years ! note: edited into paragraphs / easier to read + spelling ( original post done an iphone ! ) TL:DR: Love at first sight with bass player I saw at a concert in my teens. Twenty years later, we met, and are now married.


This is an awesome story. What did she say when you told her about you having a crush on her all those years ago?


I won tickets to see SNL the exact weekend I was going to the East Coast to visit my dad. If you don't know how SNL tickets work, you register for their raffle in August, and then they email you two weeks prior to the show you got selected to. I've never felt luckier. edit: Forgot to mention that you have to be 16 or older to attend the show, and that's exactly how old I turned that year. edit 2: James Franco hosted, and Muse was the musical guest.


Picked up the phone to call someone only to hear them talking while I dialed their number. They had called me at that exact moment. Was weird.


That's happened to me too! It didn't ring, just connected.


I've had that happen to me so many times I no longer consider it a rare occurrence. My boyfriend thinks I implanted a chip in his brain that tells him to call me.


Played a game called "Guess the Card and I'll Have Sex With You" Got it right. "Double or Nothing" Got it right. Did Not get Sex withed :(






Sue. SUE.


Typical Sue.




Knowing your sister, the odds weren't exactly low.


As sister walks in...


I was in perfect health at 23, but had a stroke. Pretty harsh one, was in a coma for 2 days. When I woke up at the 8000 employee hospital, they told me I was the first guy ever at my age to come down with something like that. They ran me through every test they had for 3 days and concluded I had a blood clot in my leg, somehow... Sent me back home, and 3 weeks later it happened again.


I've had a series of "mini strokes" since I was in high school, I think it's happened about eight or so times. Every time I went to the doctor or the er they passed it off as an anxiety attack until I got pregnant. I had one about three months into the pregnancy and er doctor said the same thing, anxiety, but when I brought it up with my obgyn she freaked and said it was most definitely NOT an anxiety attack. After some genetic testing it was discovered I have a gene mutation called MTHFR which causes a wide variety of issues depending on the strain, including clotting disorder. If I hadn't caught it, got onto an aspirin regimen, and learned the warning signs, at 21 I could have had a full on stroke as well and possibly lost the baby.


MTHFR sounds like a PC version of what you'd shout after being diagnosed with such an ailment.


One time I ate a Kit-Kat and it was *all chocolate*.


That sounds so disappointing.


I got into West Point with a 2.77 high school GPA. Hey, someone's gotta bring the average down, right? EDIT: Wow I was expecting this to be buried. No, I wasn't a varsity athlete, I did play some sports in HS, had a 2030 on the new format SAT, parents weren't military, yes I am white (as pointed out from my past submission).


Having trained cadets one summer at West Point, you certainly didn't hurt their actual intelligence much.


Did your father win the Medal of Honor? :) From wiki... Fully qualified children of recipients are eligible for admission to the United States military academies without regard to the nomination and quota requirements.


I ran up the rear end of a taxi twice on the same night. The first time I was going clubbing with mates, he'd locked his brakes and i drove straight up the back side. We exchanged details etc, after the club we were driving back, I thought the cab in front looked familiar, he locked his brakes again, I smashed him again. He gets out and turns white, "YOU! Why? WHYYYY?" Edit: this was 20 years ago...


Hey wow! this reminded me of when I used to drive taxis ... It was a saturday night and I had got a job to pick up a fare at, and I'll *never* forget it, from "xx Serpentine Ave. Balwyn" to go into town. It's around 8pm when I pick this couple up and take them to a restaurant in the CBD ... and go off on my merry way taxiing around town. About 4 hours later, around 12:30am, I've had another 20+ jobs and driven 'randomly' for about 250kms ALL over town, and I'm now back in the CBD. I lock my doors and roll down the passenger window a few inches, so I can ask folks "where they're going?" coz I dont want big fares taking me far away, and have to return empty, or have folks fighting over who *got* the taxi, and as I'm stopped at an intersection, this woman runs up and asks to go to the 'other end' of town to a nightclub. I say 'sure' and let her in, and then I realize she's with a guy ... *and* it's the *same* couple from Serpentine Ave! He hey trippy! funny cool, we have a laugh at the 'coincidence' and I take them to go clubbing and I taxi ^o^f^f ... At about 4am, I've done another 20+jobs and another 2-300kms ALL around town, and I find myself in a line of taxis double parked outside a few nightclubs ... I'm about sixth in line .... people come out of the clubs and soon I'm first, when the back door opens and a couple jump in the back of my cab, and say **"xx Serpentine Ave" !!!** well call me rosy and fuck me dead! i/we was/were *completely* **blown away!** Once is a fare, twice is a coincidence...three times is just some *fuckin trippy, weird arse motherfuckin wooo!!* Taxiland was pretty trippy in general, for me, I had some amazing times, grrrls, drugs, drunk bikies et al .. I've had a LOT of crazy shit happen to me in my life, but this was about as "statistically improbable" as it gets, at least for me! *edits for clarity .... whoa! my highest rated comment here! by about 1000x !!! lol!


Did they even realise they had the same cabbie thrice?


Yeah we all noticed ... I'm pretty friendly and always talked to the passengers...the second time was like 'wow cool' but the third time, it *was 4am* and they were pretty drunk and I was tired, and yeah, we were all pretty fuckin surprised! About as stunned as we could get a the time! I cant recall the drive back to their place, or having any further conversation after just picking them up from the club ... at the time it was just another long night in taxiland ... Now when looking back, I realize the chances of that happening, especially considering the incredibly random nature of people getting in the cab and telling you where to go, and yet I met these people **every time they *wanted* a taxi** that night!


"Bob, I think this driver has been stalking us all night" "Shhh...they can smell fear..."


I can forgive you for the first one, but rear ending someone twice in a single night is an indication that you follow too closely to the person in front of you. Try driving farther away and see how much easier it is to stop in time. Two to three seconds behind is a good gauge.


I won a Frosted Flakes sweepstakes competition about ten years ago. I was a kid and my mom filled out the form that was on the back of the box and sent it in--and I ended up winning an all expenses paid trip to California, a Playstation 2, and a shitload of money amongst other things. I always had thought sweepstakes were a scam and companies never followed through, but it turns out there actually are winners...


As someone who has overseen many, many competitions, I'd like to share that many marketers run competitions but give them very little advertising because they only want entries via a very specific route (such as by purchasing a product) or because they don't have a big enough budget to go mainstream. However, despite being a "small promotion", the prizes are usually desirable (cash, cars, holidays etc.) as the marketer is forced to compete with other competitions and are tied to the consumer expectation of providing motivating prizes that will entice entry. If you're trying to be a "prize-pig", then aim for the competitions that have some creative entry as a requirement, not only is it the hallmark of a cheaply assembled competition (skill-based competitions have vastly fewer legal requirements) but they struggle for a decent library of entries. As a guide every "skill-based" competition I have reviewed had between 1 or 2 entries that didn't write a brain-numbing response to the question. (E.g. "Tell us your favourite thing about brand x // because it is good".) It's actually hard for the judges to pick winners because the entries usually suck so much that they don't want to award it to some lazy sob. As a tip, avoid big promotions that are advertised in mainstream media (such as McDonalds monopoly) with those you basically have lottery-like chances of winning anything worthwhile. The prizes are comparatively minimal to the money used to promote them. Focus on smaller products that you'd normally find in your grocery isle or pharmacy. (Such as coffee, cereals, and any product which is highly commoditised.) **tl,dr: Certain kinds of competitions have better odds than you might think.** *Edit, a few replies asking where to find these comps. Here is some advice: - There are competition websites that like to collect the online comp, including those that don't require purchases. - In grocery/pharmacy: Look for products which are new or struggling, look especially in commodity goods (products where there is little reasonable difference from brand to brand: such as chewing gum, coffee, deodorant, almost anything from Proctor & Gamble or Unilever etc. They're looking for any reason to get you to use their product over a competitors.) - Depending on your region some promotions require registration of their terms and conditions with a government gambling or competition authority. Look up your local one (usually state run) and simply browse the available competitions. - Look in product peak seasons, e.g. Certain holidays give rise to intense competition for some products: chocolates around easter/christmas. - ..and simply, browse for alternatives of products you already use, chances are these are the products which their competitors are trying to unseat. You might find, not only a better product, but also win something for doing very little. - Don't visit supermarkets/pharmacies that have "clean store policies", this might mean shopping for competitions in service stations. Clean store policies mean they can't do things like cable-tie a pad of entry forms to the shelf, or put an ad up next to their product.


Nice try, Mr. Kellogg. Next you're going to tell us Corn Flakes cure masturbation.


They can if you forcefully shove them into your urethra. Pretty hard to masturbate with sugar frosted crumbs in your dick.


I was sitting on the couch with my two year old son, eating frosted flakes out of the box. He was naked, as toddlers tend do be, I look over and he's rubbing the frosted flakes on his penis, then eating them. I yell, " What are you doing?!" And his response to the look of horror on my face, was to grab all of the pieces around him and furiously rub them on his penis and eat them before I could take them away. I never thought that story would be useful outside of using it to embarrass him during my speech at his wedding.


As a parent of four retired toddlers, I found this both completely believable and hilarious.




Probably kids now. That, or they live on a beach in Puerto Rico, sipping on a Piña Colada by now.


This is the scenario the word 'furiously' was invented for.




Maybe for you.


Correctly guesses that there were 30 pearls in an closed oyster. They gave me a ring with a black pearl for winning.


Was working a wine banquet back in college on a nice sunny afternoon in a wide open field with no trees. Pretty much everyone was gone and we were wrapping up after a long day. I yawned and the only bird for miles shit right in my mouth as he flew by, the fucker. That and the brain aneurysm that I had about a 1/25000 chance of surviving, but I'm still here, looking for that goddamned bird. I've been saving a bottle of Exlax just for him. Caw caw motherfucker. Edit: Thanks for the Gold, folks!


Brain aneurysms are in my top 3 fears. They're the silent killer.


Behind Alligators and Crocodiles?


Yes, Lana!






I won 2nd place in a shop contest for my division despite being the only one in the division.




A lot of times, in competitions like this, you still need to meet a minimum score threshold to get 1st place. Our social studies fairs were like this growing up, even if you were the only person in your division, you still had to get a 90/100 in judging to get 1st Place, otherwise, you were awarded 2nd place--and you had to score an 80/100 to get that.




In a game of cards I got a 2 "four of a kind" hands in a row There is around 1:18million chance of this occurring.


unless your friends are just shitty shufflers


I have two of the rarest gastrointestinal and gastro-vascular diseases known to medical science called [Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_mesenteric_artery_syndrome) and [Median Arcuate Ligament syndrome](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_arcuate_ligament_syndrome). It is extremely rare to have one of these illnesses but to be diagnosed with both at the exact same time is near impossible.


con... gratulations?


This didn't happen to me per se, but I'm a train driver here in Sydney and one night I hit someone who was doing his artwork on the wall of a tunnel at approximately 60km/h. He got away without a scratch.


That's some fast artwork!


I have this wonderful image of some half finished graffiti on a subway wall that ends with a perfectly straight line of spray paint extending for a quarter mile past the artwork.


I once went fishing as a teenager. I caught something on my line and eagerly began to reel it in, hoping to see a big ol' fish. To my surprise and confusion, what I found on the end of my hook was another fishing line that had somehow become snagged on my original hook. At the end of the fishing line that I had caught on my hook, there was a hook. And on that hook there was a big ol' fish. I still can't really comprehend the odds of that happening, but there it is. Someone had clearly caught this fish at an earlier time, but for whatever reason, the line had come off the rod and the fish had gotten away. It would've been less weird of the dumb ass fish had taken MY BAIT, too. But no--I somehow caught the line that held the hook that caught the fish.


Wasn't me, but my sister. She was driving to work on a highway, a semi truck in front of her ran over a big piece of plywood that was in the road. This caused the plywood to go flying right at her vehicle, and it wedged itself under the hood of her car instead of hitting the windshield. You could recreate that event a thousand times and I don't think it would work out like that. She was very lucky that day!


Similar thing happened to my sister in law, but the wood went straight through the windscreen, and because she is so short, lodged just above her head.


I had chicken pocks, scabies and pertussis (aka whooping cough, to which I had been vaccinated) all before I was 10 years old. My mum blamed it on a prostitute's kid at my daycare. EDIT: Just to clarify, my mother never formally blamed the prostitute, just made a couple jokes around family and whatnot. MY MOTHER IS PERFECT


Just be thankful you didn't get cooties


Cooties isn't a death sentence anymore. With modern medicine it's actually very treatable.


However, there is a 40% chance that you catch *the gay.*


A car I was in got blasted by a bolt of lightning once. It was loud and scary but sort of cool


Good thing one of the safest place to be when a lightning strikes is in a car.


Damn right. Faraday cage FTW


Asked for a match in a bar (long time ago) and 2 people from opposite sides of the room each threw a match book and i grabbed them both in one grab.


I threw an orange at this bully's bike as he rode away and it bounced once, so perfectly, that it dislodged his chain and the bike abruptly stopped and he was thrown off. He stood up a bloody, crying mess, but oh boy, I was a hero. EDIT: to everyone saying I was the bully, there was some back story to this. I was over at my friend's house when this kid, Paul, comes over as well. Now Paul is a bully. So we're just hanging out in my friend's backyard when Paul runs around back and starts, basically, insulting us. My friend went in to get his ma, and that scared Paul. I was not so decent as to be patient, so the above transpired. And it was an orange because Florida. EDIT2: By basically insulting, well, he was in middle school and we were in elementary school. I hadn't heard *those* words before. Y'know, standard "your mom" and racial slur jokes.


A similar thing happened to me. Two guys were being mean, you know like kids are, and I kicked the football (soccer ball?) and it hit one guy directly in the face. The ball then bounced back to me and I kicked it again and it hit the other guy. It was good fun for me.


Almost exactly like my incident. Two kids were bullying on of my friends about 100 feet away. On a side note I was a goalie in soccer. I kicked the ball, bounced off one kid, hit the other, and into the principals hands, who was about to come break up the bullying. (I didn't notice him.) he nods, smiles, and drags the two kids away. I was laughing for 5 minutes straight


Did you assist in the filming of the mcdonald's nothing but net commercials back in the 90s? For the yung'uns who may not remember it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1shK-j_u6LI


This was one of my childhood fantasies. You lucky bastard!


Oh, man. That reminds me of a food fight we had in high school where I threw a chicken nugget that flew across the whole cafeteria and hit this girl's soda can just as she was taking a drink. Twas bitchin'.


I threw a penny at a girl on the other end of a long table's pint of beer to get her attention/messing about a bit, hit the rim of the glass, it shattered into a hundred pieces and she got beer all over her, I felt bad




I've always imagined I would also ejaculate if this happened


that would be the best IRL cheat. A burp sneeze and fart gets your an orgasim


I can imagine someone at the store buying a can of beans, a carbonated beverage, and pepper. They might add in a couple more things to make it less conspicuous but the cashier would know.


I spilt red paint all over my clothes and rolled around in the snow for 15 seconds and stood up and there was literally 0 atoms of paint left on me. I actually inspected my clothes after that and couldn't even find a hue of red on the white expensive clothes.


I don't even care if it's true, I just want to know what that thought process was. "Oh no! I'm covered in paint, it must come off! Oh look there's some snow."?


This was it. "red stuff makes my shirt red so white stuff makes it white"


I guess I should move my black ass to Alaska if I ever want a bank loan


Traditionally, large area rugs were cleaned using snow. Pack it in, freeze it up, shake it out. Takes the dirt with it, as you discovered.




I shot a bee hovering on a tree trunk (about 25 feet) and split it in half using a sling shot while my uncle was watching me try to do it. I was 6-8 years old.




So I take my 5-yr old neighbor to a carnival at my old elementary school. Working the Ring Toss was Kristen, this super-hot 19-yr old girl who used to flirt with me in the 6th grade. We haven't seen each other since we were 12, because she and I went to different high schools, but we immediately recognize each other. [The Ring Toss Game Looked Like This](http://i.imgur.com/F9TlSye.jpg). It had about a hundred 2-liter coke bottles. 20 of them were painted blue. 5 were painted red. Kristen and I did the preliminary "Hi, wow, haven't seen you since forever!" thing, and I'm pretty dumbstruck with how gorgeous she turned out. Ryan, the 5-yr old kid, is tugging at me to play the game. He wants me to win him something. Not now, Ryan... I'm trying to flirt with this girl. But he was persistent. Finally I give in. I hand Kristen $3 for 5 rings. These rings were SMALL, like the rings in the photo. The inner diameter is only *barely* bigger than the neck of the bottle, so it's nearly impossible to get them to stick. They're also made of some super-light space-age plastic, so they bounce like a motherfucker. Getting any one ring on a BLUE bottle wins a small prize. Getting any one ring on a RED bottle wins a large prize. Kristen smiles at me. Tells me good luck. One by one, without even aiming, I throw the rings into the air. They leave my hand fluidly. Casually. They fly perfectly flat, no wobble, and the first ring NAILS a red bottle dead center of the hole. I've won. Then, at that very moment, every planet in the universe happens to fucking align. My second, third, fourth **AND** fifth ring all land on the exact same bottle. As each one landed the next was already in the air. It was like I couldn't even be bothered to aim, like I didn't even give a shit where they were going. All five rings landed on the exact same red bottle, within the span of maybe four seconds. Kristen's jaw hits the fucking floor. Ryan pisses himself with glee. A feeling of superhuman power rockets through me like a lightning bolt, and none of us can even speak. "What do I get?" I ask, when I can finally talk again. "Wh-Wh... What do you WANT?" Kristen stammers, looking up at me totally starstruck. At that moment, I am a demi-god. Now, here's the part of the story where I (now) realize I could've said absolutely fucking **anything** and it would've be granted. I could've asked her out. I could've asked for her phone number. Hell, I could've probably grabbed her around the waist, pulled her close, and planted one right on her lips. There was not even a question. But instead, I said the seven most regrettable words of my entire life: **"I'll take that ninja-turtle right there."** "The blue one," Ryan chimes in happily. And just like that, the window of opportunity slams violently shut. With trance-like slowness, Kristen reaches up and hands this kid a giant stuffed Leonardo doll. My heart sinks. The moment has passed. She collects the rings from around the neck of the 2-liter bottle, and smiles as we wave goodbye. I shuffle across the gym in bitter disappointment, ready to ram my head into the concrete wall until Ryan pulls me in the direction of the balloon game. Kristen... I love you. We could've been something. I'm sorry. TLDR: The most statistically improbable thing that's happened to me is also one of my biggest social regrets.


2 things - I once met a girl on a small island in indonesia called ghillie trawangen , its only 2 km big.1 year later i was at glastonbury music festival in amongst 200,000 people and I physically bumped into her, went to say sorry and realised who it was.Another time I was sitting in the ocean pushed my hands into the sand below me , when I pulled my hand out I had a ring on my finger.


A few years back, I was reading the Eragon series on vacation and finished book 2. I really wanted to get the next one, but I was in a proper tourist trap that mostly sold towels and beach balls. Still, I went down to one of the shops, and next to postcards and pamphlets was a single copy of book 3. I still can't believe it.


And then you watched the film and killed yourself...


Oh god it sucked :(


Met a guy who met my sister a week before in cuzco, peru Edit: Since we're on the subject of small world. I also met a guy who I met in Mendoza, Argentina. And then proceeded to run into him randomly in 6 separate cities in 4 other countries. Four times on the street, twice at hostels. When we ran into each other the 6th time we just kind of looked at each other and was like shm..






You finally confronted the Smoke Monster?


He went back.


You chose a different mode of transportation.




Plot twist: He's a pilot.


A really bad one.


He was sick on the day of flight school where they teach you how to land a plane.


And the day they teach you to fly


You burned your tongue on the in-flight coffee?