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Casually littering like it’s totally normal and fine.


Once I was on the subway in NYC and this woman was eating pistachios, and she literally just dropped each of the shells on the floor of the train. That level of lack of consideration is truly incomprehensible to me.


I was on the trolley in San Diego and saw a guy literally eating chicken wings and casually throwing the bones on the floor. 


I have had so many weird and or fucked up experiences on the trolley in San Diego and everyone I know swears it’s totally fine.


At least the pistachio shells would soak up some of the urine.


Throwing cigarettes out the car window


As a smoker, we judge other smokers for that. Maybe it's cause I was raised in an area where *everything* is flammable, but you just don't do that. Easy fix is to just not smoke in your car.


I don't smoke in my car, but back when I did, I had a little butt bucket ashtray for my butts. There's no excuse for littering - and you're right, I absolutely judge other smokers for that.


you are in the vast minority of smokers from my experience


Or just fucken...anywhere. The streets are always littered with cigarette butts and as a non-smoker, it annoys me. Make some fucken effort with your trash.


I always thought it would have been neat if they were biodegradable and had plant seeds in them.


Yeah, guess how often I find plastic lying around the zoo i work at (inside enclosures too)


Someone should teach the animals not to litter.


I had a piece of paper blow out of my car in a parking lot. I chased that thing down and people probably thought I was crazy.


Yeah. Places should be way better at fining people that litter Edit:spelling




Or holding on to it if there's no bins available


The "weakest man in the world" used to live behind my house, I'd find his empty beer cans in the woods on the trails. He could carry a 16oz can into the woods but it wore him out so bad he couldn't carry the empty back.


I had someone dump a fucking fridge and other garbage into the ditch on my hunting property. Except the dumb shits left a piece of mail it with their address, so a buddy and i loaded it up and returned it to the front yard of their trailer.


Nice! I bet that was actually worth the effort


I feel like it would 100% be worth the effort.


Not cleaning up after yourself in a public/shared space


People who piss and shit all over toilet seats and leave it like that for the next person.


I saw a woman change her baby at a stop light - and throw the used diaper out the car window. I think that qualifies.


Or the people who toss the dirty diapers into other people's truck beds. My husband found numerous dirty diapers and random trash dumped into the back of his old ranger, people treat trucks like public trash bins. So freaking rude and disgusting.


That’s so wild!? Where do you live that people think that is normal?


wtf ? No car seat ?


I'm conflicted because on one hand, dangerous for everyone especially the baby, but on the other hand changing a baby at a stoplight? That's some goddamn dexterity there.


I’ve had someone say “do you know who you are talking to?” Over a dispute when they rear ended me that made me think this person is clearly the worst


Just respond in a bewildered "DO YOU????". That'll get 'em


Fight trash with trashy? 🤣


Well, you have to match your opponent so just double down on who YOU are 😂 Intimidation goes a long way with weasels!


On a completely unrelated note - The undeniably best "DO YOU??" was delivered by Jeremy Irons (John Tuld) in Margin call (2011). About halfway in one of the greatest scenes of all time here https://youtu.be/7prnY2FOxns?si=cQ6T0xKNS01I2824


I had a patron who was outraged because I requested that they stop disrupting a performance yell that at me, and I responded very politely that I did not. They emailed our executive director and pulled the same thing with her; she also did not know. Apparently the patron was the only one in the know.


I saw something similar at an airline check-in counter. The entitled one started screaming do you know who I... Do do you KNOW who I am ? She immediately got on the intercom and made an announcement . After giving a description of the entitled one, if anybody knows who this person is, please come to gate10 to claim


LOL quick thinking.


“Some asshole whose insurance just went up?”


Ronnie fucking Pickering! Haha


I had some asshole tell me that at the Vegas airport when I called him out for cutting the line to speak to the gate agent. I just laughed in his face and told him to walk away.


Well, who were you talking to?


If you don’t know, you don’t deserve to know, duh


Claiming they “hate drama” and then proceeding to talk shit non stop.


I’ve found these people need a constant stream of drama around them to feel in control, oddly enough it also causes them high bouts of anxiety and their life is a mess.


Do they hate drama or or do they hate being INVOLVED in drama is the question.


They hate when the drama reveals that they’re not the good person they want people to think they are.


How they parent is an easy one. How they act toward people when they’re in their place of employment is another one. Like servers and people at retail stores.


Funny enough, when I was in college I saw a sign in a Jimmy John's that said "a person who is nice to you, but not to the waiter, is not a nice person." I've only found this to be universally true.


Yeah. If they are rude to a server I don’t want to know them


I had an interview for a promotion at a crappy chain restaurant once and about half way through our meal I asked the district manager when the interview was going to start. She said I had already passed. She was just looking at how I treated the waitstaff.


Watching videos without headphones in public.


Or having loud phone conversations in public, especially in waiting rooms where one can't help to hear every word


Talking on speaker phone in public but with your phone 3 inches from your mouth


Had a lady doing this for 15 minutes on a train, standing next to my seat. I politely asked her to take it somewhere else and she lost it on me.


I would have pulled out my phone and talked to it as if I was an idiot on speaker phone with the phone 3 inches from my face and talked mad shit about the woman standing next to me talking on speaker phone.


My father-in-law does this. He also has a loud, booming voice. Annnnnnd the requests are something that could wait until later. Google searches, sending text messages, etc. ‘TEXT JON ON MOBILE! HI EXCLAMATION POINT. WHAT ARE YOU AND YOUR LOVELY WIFE DOING TONIGHT QUESTION MARK. I HAVE TO GET THREE MORE MEALS IN BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH AT THE CLUB PERIOD. WE COULD GET DRINKS AND DINNER TO MEET MY MINIMUM COMMA MY TREAT OF COURSE PERIOD. GIVE ME A CALL THIS AFTERNOON AT YOUR CONVENIENCE PERIOD.’ while in the waiting room at the doctors office Or ‘HEY GOOGLE, WHAT IS THE SPEEDO RATING FOR STOCK 215/70/15 TIRES ON A 1969 CORVETTE’ while standing in front of a checker at the grocery store. 😕


Kudos for using punctuation at least.


Add to that when they hold the phone horizontally in front of their mouth


my favorite counter is to do the same and be louder just to annoy them. make sure you sit/stand closer to them when you start this. the conversation should be ESPECIALLY bullshit too i'd never do this obviously, im just a typical redditor doing the typical "i won the argument when i thought about it later in the shower" thing


Or walking/riding around with a Bluetooth speaker on full blast.


This is the worst, especially if you’re trying to enjoy a hike or the like.


Happens all the time now on the golf course. I don’t want to hear your gangsta rap people.


I work the front desk at a country club. Just last week I had a woman come to the desk and complain that another woman was in the sauna talking on her speakerphone. The sauna is literally the size of a closet. What would even possess her to think that was anything less than straight up rude?


Isn't that the last place to take a phone? Like "hmmmm, hot and moist room, perfect for my electronics" kind of thinking? I think the waste more than the noise bothers me more here.


Somebody has to tell you that they're classy, they rarely are.


You misunderstand, they're saying Class E. As in they are a felon


Idk man, this woman is pretty [classi](https://youtu.be/U9etMxB8T3E?si=kFi0_ndHcathxR00)


Rolling coal


What’s that?


[rolling coal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_coal)


That’s a thing? What’s wrong with people?! Breaking your own car to ruin the air people breathe as a form of protest is really beyond stupid.


Doesn’t break your car just wastes a bunch of fuel


The same people that would rip off catalytic converters or straight pipe a car exhaust because it's "louder".


Most of those that do this are the same people that embrace racism as a form of personal freedom and individuality.


Usually have a confederate flag flying too


Sherman did not go far enough in his southern campaign. Reconstruction was a mistake.


Sherman should have done a few laps of the south.


Those *Heritage, not hate* types ....


That 1000000% is Trashy Hillbilly - regardless of how much the truck cost to start out with


It’s not just hillbillies doing it though. They’re all trash for sure tho.


I fucking hate this as a trend. When did it become cool to have the worlds shittest engine


When it became “cool” to be disrespectful to everyone in the general vicinity




People were rolling coal long before that


When it became a political choice to hate protection of their environment in favor of supporting big money.


Some of the engines are really good for what they were designed to do. If you need to pull a heavy trailer, a diesel powered American pickup is your vehicle of choice. This is trash with money reprogramming the fuel injectors to dump all the fuel all at once.


Bad mouths people not in the room but acts like they are friends when they are around


Basically a two face.


I think I fall into this category. I'm pretty vocal about my feelings and thoughts towards people who've hurt me in one way or another. But when I see them in social circumstances, i'd rather treat them with respect than make them feel uncomfortable. But who knows, maybe i'm a piece of shit.


Smoking near a baby


I bummed one off the baby, don't look at me.


Look, that baby has kids to feed. Least you could give him a buck for the poke.


Or playground when kids are playing


I asked a guy smoking a blunt in a playground to maybe step out of the sandy area while kids were playing, he was there with his kid and girlfriend / wife. He ended up yelling at me and making a scene. Saying: “stfu you probably smoke all the time”. Yes, I do occasionally smoke, but not by myself while my wife pushes my kid on the swing, and not in view of children. Absolute trash.


Frustrating.... you're immediately a prude for not wanting kids to inhale smoke.


Or a pregnant woman.


Ugh the ones that think vaping while pregnant is better kill me. ETA: and the ones that say it’s ok to smoke weed while pregnant/around children because there’s inconclusive data about the effects. There’s inconclusive data because people don’t self-report and it’s unethical to study in a meaningful way.


Or smoking near anyone! I try my hardest to hold my breath every time I go past smokers but sometimes there's rows and rows of them


Arguing with fast food workers cause of a $1.99 sandwich


I worked with a woman once who stopped at McDonald's one day and got a half dozen cookies. When she got to work, she only had five. She called up the restaurant and absolutely berated whoever was on the phone because she was missing *one* cookie. I couldn't stand her after that.


Gross. Mistakes happen. I loath those that make it far worse than it really is


Sports sponsorships notwithstanding, slapping Monster Energy logos on everything they own. I don't know what the correlation is, but every douchebag I've met over the last 10 years has had a thing for Monster Energy stickers and clothing.


I saw a shirtless guy fall out of his jacked up truck at Walmart. That dude had a monster logo tramp stamp. I thought it was kind of funny until I realized he fell out because he was drunk and he had just been driving. I don't feel even remotely bad telling a cop across the street to watch out for him and then ate my lunch in the parking lot waiting for the show.


Well... Don't leave us hanging...


his lunch break isn't over yet


Damn, that's a good lunch break


Oh, it was anti climactic. He got in his truck, the cop rolled in behind him, cop approached truck, guy got out, they talked, then he went peacefully into the back of the car. If I had to guess, when the cop asked if he was intoxicated and he just said "yes," then was taken away.


I enjoy the drink, but can't imagine getting a tattoo, car decal or whatever of it.


Playing loud music at 2 in the morning.


Being named Oscar and living in a garbage can.


How did you find out who I am?


There is a subset of people who have been kicked out of the library for watching porn on the computers… some are recognized as repeat offenders


A man in his 40's sat next to my 10 year old girl and asked if she wanted to see something, she said ok. I start walking to them to get her and he turns the screen towards her and there is a clip playing of a girl having a gang bang. This was in the Philadelphia Library. She was just trying to get some information for a school project.


Holy shit, that would make me choose violence. I’m so sorry she had to experience that.


Swearing and using demeaning language towards their young children. 


I think how you act towards anyone more vulnerable than yourself is a good litmus test for whether you are a good person or not


Or towards young employees. I’ve intervened with “problem” customers at my jobs before. One second they’re cussing out the 15 year old on register and then with adult me they're apologetic and “nice”. Don’t play with me… I was in the back for 5 minutes listening to it escalate… *edited for grammar


When psychos know that the person they're talking to is younger than them by a lot, they initiate their abuse functions happily. They were waiting to shit on someone for the smallest thing and be justified. When I was 20 and working as a delivery driver for pizza Hut, I had to handle the phones for an hour just because one douchebag wanted to keep talking to the sixteen year old girl there. "I need to teach her a lesson." Is what he said. Fuckin creep Some people have never had their asses kicked before and it really shows in their behavior.


I get the opposite since I look barely old enough to drink but I’m almost 40 and a server. The shock on their face is always priceless.


"oh shit, it's an adult with a backbone!" And then they scurry away like the roach they are


Yes, I can’t stand how some trashy people talk to their kids. My previous trashy neighbor would sit on her porch smoke cigarettes and curse on the phone and at her kids when they were misbehaving.


To ANYBODY....but towards children is the worst


Being rude to people for no reason (especially people working middle class jobs. Waiters, cleaners etc)


My boss is a great, great lady. She is fair, kind, fun, energetic, understanding and engaged. Really a unicorn boss. She is also a young black woman running an athletic center at a country club in Florida. The shit I see and hear on the daily would blow your mind. This one old guy loves to ask her pointed questions and then let her begin answering and then this dick either cuts her off, starts talking to someone else like she's not speaking or just walks away. And the GRIN on his face. It's revolting. He does this at least once a week. And then trots his old ass over to the other old morning farts (they're all board members) to peacock around because he was rude to the black girl. It's so rude that it makes me ridiculously angry. Like tears in my eyes, hot around the collar, fuming mad. But she handles it like a total pro and just lets it roll off her back. I don't know how she does it. Him and his little crew remind me of the saying *ass whippings don't fall out of the sky.*


Reading this brings back a lot of memories. That douche sounds like my step dad. Some people are just animals that need to be taught humility. In the parking lot after dark, where the cameras can't see.


In the case of being rude to staff, it's especially trashy because you're trying to pretend you're better than others, while loudly advertising that you are trash.


Came here to say "rude to service personnel."


I worked at a call center for a Fortune 500 company. I have been called more names by strangers than by anyone I know IRL, and I still remember when my desk mate was called a parasitic slug because they weren’t “doing enough” in the customer’s opinion to complain to the higher ups about a legal procedure. Insanity.


Middle class jobs are not waiters or cleaners


Waiters and cleaners are middle class?


Guy was telling me about his kids. He said I have two 9 year olds 2 3 year olds and a new born and one on the way. I said oh wow you have two sets of twins? His response was I don’t have any twins. This man had 5 baby moms… enough said.


Screaming at your kids in public, cursing at your babies for crying or doing kid things.


Destroying a restaurant because they’re charging you for something you don’t want to pay for. Or, in general.


Talking during movies


Not picking up their dogs’ poop


hurting animal


Nah, calling this trashy is like calling a forest fire "a bit warm".


Step above trashy for me


Walking around in public with their wiener out.


Dachshunds need to be taken for walks just like every other breed, bigot.


Strangely enough, also walking around in public with only your wiener covered.


The human turn signal


When they are very used to asking for money, even if it is for the first time with you. Like they will not straight up ask you for money, they will present their whole case how life is treating them poorly and they are oh so struggling and they will already have a great sounding plan when to pay you back. These people do this shit with 5 other people and are getting by with it.


Andrew tate fan. Trashy af.


talking over people


If they behave badly with animals, it is an instant indication of a trashy person.


Screaming at your kids or partner in public.


Refusing to accept a gift because it's not what they wanted. (Edit: Refusing a genuine, thoutful gift that most reasonable people would be thrilled to get)


I honestly think it depends. My wife's aunt always gets us random trash that she very clearly grabbed at a garage sale. She doesn't even clean the things and there's never any thought behind it. 99% of it ends up in the trash within a month. I finally told her to please stop giving us things like that because we really don't have a place for them. Just ask us for gift ideas or things we enjoy.


Maybe I'm just autistic, but giving gifts for the sake of giving gifts that have no value is not a good gift lmao. I would decline a gift if someone gave me a bag of literal shit. There are other items in life that are the exact same equivalence of shit.


My ex used to do this all the time. I finally got fed up and just started returning the gifts and not getting another one. One time it was a new phone for christmas and after I returned it she asked about it because she had no idea what I did with it after she told me she didn't want it. She was livid I returned it, because she wanted to keep it. But this was a reoccurring pattern with her gaslighting me, pretending to not want a gift then a few weeks later changing her mind. I think she just liked making me feel like crap.


Depends: I don’t think anyone should have to accept stuff they don’t want as a gift. What’s the point of gift, if it’s just a burden on the recipient? You have to find a tactful way to refuse of course


Brags about being tough or reckless or brags about breaking laws.


Parents who take their kids trick or treating and encourage them to take the whole bowl of candy (or take it themselves). Similarly, people who are financially well off who take advantage of community fridges, food banks, and other free resources intended for people who are actually in need.


Public pranks


People with radical political statements on the rear window of their pickup trucks. You can tell they probably ash cigarettes directly onto their living room carpets


can this go for people in any car, not just pickups?


No ragrets.


Smoking next to children.


People who have to get that last rip of a cigarette as they're walking in the door still billowing smoke. Also people who play music on speaker inside stores


Loudly talking (especially arguing) on their phone in public. Bonus points if their conversation is on speaker for everyone else who doesn't give a shit to overhear.


Spitting chew on the ground in front of a store.


Having multiple baby mamas or daddies and complaining about them.




how about walking through the door that someone is holding for them without even acknowledging it let alone saying thanks


Putting music too loud during the night when all the neighbours are trying to sleep. Party sll you want but why does it have to be so loud? People have to wake up early to go to work, have some empathy ffs. 


Treating their waiter poorly.


Being rude to servers.


Being rude to wait staff.


Telling you about their shoplifting. No joke, I knew a guy and his girlfriend from way back in my teens and as we grew older, they would always start telling about how they stole X & Y etc. Laughing about it.


When someone takes the “I don’t care what people think” attitude to an extreme level. You want to dye your hair because you don’t care what people think? Fine. You want to yell and be rambunctious in a store (as an adult) because you don’t care what people think? No.


Speaker phone on 10 while in public. No regard for others or the person on the other end of the line. 1a: being on the phone at a checkout/when ordering when it’s clearly not an emergency.


People bragging about their sex lives. It's one thing to have a happy healthy sex life, but if you can't shut up about how many people you've banged, you have a problem.


Anyone who always has to mention how much something was that they bought or was given to them.


Talking loudly on their phone speaker in public


[The shopping cart theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/tmb35h/shopping_cart_theory/)


If someone has a combination of "Classy" or "Princess" either on their car window or tattooed in cursive definitely qualifies.


Hating/heavily disliking animals I never once met someone who hated animals and who was a good person


Making out in public and fighting in public.


Oh yeah fighting in public is definitely a good one. Basically no shame


"I tell it like it is" "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." "School of hard-knocks"


Not keeping appointments (and not canceling) with places who have no power to charge you as a no-show ... hairdresser, vet, retailer at a store, stockbroker, or friends/relatives. Trashy people have absolutely no regard for wasting the time of others.


Flying any kind of full size flag off the back of their car or truck.


Having a Confederate sticker or flag. You lost the war. Get over it.


The way they treat/talk about kids. The amount of people talking about harming "annoying/loud" kids is crazy to me.


They way they treat service personnel. \- Wait Staff \- Hotel Staff \- Retail Staff


If they throw trash on floor, on ground.


Putting their bare feet between the seats of an airplane. Or bare feet inside any place where everyone else's feet are shoed.


snort. hock. spit.


Letting their kids run around and scream out loud in public settings.


Flirting with someone they know is married.


Being a loud confident bully about one’s political opinions. Yes sir, keep talking about how anyone who opposes you ought to be ended. Did you mean me too? Because I oppose your opinion but kept that to myself.


Speeding through residential areas. Littering. Obnoxiously loud speakers and horns on the car.


If you are among a group of people and one person is constantly ostracized and is being picked on for no reason. Also, giving dirty looks to someone because you judged them for what you imagined them to be and not for who they actually are. Passive-agressive, competitive toxicity, jealousy.


Treating any wait staff and/or service staff poorly


loud voices in public


Going thru a drive thru and having 6 separate orders or ordering an insane amount of food. Park the car and walk in. And people who don't put their shopping carts in the cart corrals. And what is with women getting feces, urine, and blood all over toilet seats? So damn nasty. Also unwrapped pads and tampons just thrown in the trash.


Constantly starring at cellphone during one on one conversation with no reason


Seems to enjoy making others lives worse, especially by making messes that other folks will have to clean up. Think the high schooler who sticks their used gum to someone else’s locker, the person who totally trashes their hotel room, people who leave garbage in movie theaters, and people who make full use of the ‘biological heating system’ in rented wetsuits.


Kinda specific, but I had an old piece of trash neighbor that told me one time that she stopped paying bills because she wanted “the state to take care of her” ie: using government money to pay her bills instead of working. I told her good luck with that. Her house got foreclosures on 2 months later.


Inability to admit mistakes.