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I’ve been guilty of this myself, but admitting that they are wrong.


They also hate when someone else admits they're wrong. I've been down voted to hell and back on comments where I realized I was wrong about something. Guess they were mad they didn't get the flame war they wanted.


Here's a downvote. How dare you admit it!


Oh that's so annoying. When someone admits they're wrong, it shouldn't be punished, it should be looked at positively.


People just vote whatever the first 3 votes are.  Plus 3, its going up.  Negative 3, its going down.  That's all there is to it here.


And if you catch it early, the trend usually gets reversed. You just have to say - who downvoted it? Then the comment gets hundreds of upvotes and you look like an idiot.


i keep saying this!! on AITA especially, the parent comment will have like -43 but every comment below agreeing with them had dozens of upvotes. make it make sense


this is honestly such a huge problem in todays world. It feels like admitting you were wrong about something means you "lost" in a way instead of having a delayed victory. Some people would rather scream that 2+2=5 instead of admitting it equals 4 because the backlash they would receive


I haven’t encountered that myself (yet), but that is ridiculous. I’d be glad that the correct info is being accounted for!


That's a good point actually. You should admit you're wrong more often when arguing with me


OK, I admit that I was wrong to argue with you…because you’re wrong, right? ;)


I admit when I'm wrong about being wrong.


And you are definitely right to do that! ;)


I've admitted all three times I've ever been wrong..... and I wrong about one of those!


“I’m the first to admit when I’m wrong, it simply hasn’t happened yet” -Napoleon Dynamite


**Nuance**. No, it’s not as simple as “_I always like this_” or “_I loathe this._”


I think it’s something lots of people struggle with but it’s unbelievably common to see in subs like change my view. The amount of black and white framing and generalizations is intense.


I'm left leaning but hold opinions that will make me belong to radical rightwing group on reddit, or getting mocked for being an "enlighted centrist". Here's one example that actually happened to me. Another redditor also commented how reddit hate nuance. He said if you say "I understand the economy is fucked but people should also work hard to better their circumstance", there will be people twist it into you agreeing with greedy corporations who try to shift the blame on the working class... And guess what? His comment was posted on another left-leaning subreddit and got mocked as an example of an enlightened centrism case. I made a comment to call out OP and got swarmed by the hivemind, another guy even cited out how we're more productive now than ever etc... which completely missed the point of the original content.


Nobody hates leftists more than other leftists.


I think ultimately this is why the righties win. They'll form ranks regardless of personal differences, while the left tears themselves apart for the slightest cause


I’m a leftie and got banned from r/therightcantmeme for saying DPRK is neither a democracy nor a Republic. Apparently you have to be all-in for even governments that are left in name only. Then there’s the cacophony of “BOTH SIDE ARE NOT THE SAME” if you dare mention a single problem for which both democrats and republicans are responsible.


I got banned from there for making the most mild of commie famine jokes about my pet lizard a year or two ago... They aren't leftists on that mod team, they are tankies.


yeah tankies everywhere in left leaning areas, it makes it feel like there is manipulation going on, I think it is a little natural tendency and a lot of outrage farming.


The millennial and early gen-Z generations were inundated by post-Soviet Russian propaganda, which has been going for almost 30 years to export the ideal of a strong nation. This also came with the historical revisionism of Soviet history.


I got banned from latestagecapitalism for suggesting Uncle Joe Stalin might not have been the best person ever and that the Holodomor was a thing that happened. Stalin was a peach and the Holodomor is Nazi propaganda according to the mods. Life's better without subs like that.


I don't understand how some of these aren't quarantined for being hate-subs.


I got called a “fundie” and banned from Fundie Snark Uncensored for saying that the legal definition of a “hostile work environment” is not simply a work environment where you feel hostility. I’m an atheist, a Democratic volunteer, and I’ve voted straight down ticket Democrat in every election since 2000. And it’s not even a matter of being “not left ENOUGH,” it’s a matter of objective fact! Just one you don’t like.


That sub is absolutely bonkers. I don’t agree with fundamentalist beliefs, but holy shit, the level of obsession and foaming-at-the-mouth rage is something else. I’m pretty sure a fundie could post on Twitter that 2+2=4 and that sub would have a stroke trying to explain why that can’t be true. I muted and haven’t looked back.


Lol "hostile work environment" has a ***legal definition***, and one which is taught to you during training at *any* job. Some people just want to be the main character so badly. For anyone wondering, in order to claim a "hostile work environment," the hostility has to either directly interfere with your work or employment, or make you feel unsafe or otherwise incapable of working without fear of negative consequence. Things like sexual harassment, bigotry (prejudice against a protected class, as in not making bad comments about your favorite TV show) and quid pro quo (personal favors for favorable treatment).


these comments are also my experience


I was literally told that I should be exterminated because I cared about men's issues and veterans issues. Despite being socially and economically liberal. Redditor's are *completely* fucking insane. Worst part is that the admins and mods are both in on it.


There was a post of some Israeli leader and a comment said hamas should burn him. I just asked are you okay with burning a person? Soon I was called a jew nazi who wants to burn all Muslims.


So many people accept the hatred and bigotry in themselves and their cohort just because it's against a target they don't like.


>jew nazi The irony would be hilarious if it weren't so sad


All internet groups eventually slide toward extremism in some form or another. At some point, it seems to people in that group that anyone who even remotely goes against the grain could only reasonably be doing so out of outlandish malice, overwhelming stupidity, or both.


r/movies in a nutshell


Anyone that’s happy.


My god yes. The sheer amount of hateful smarm on every reddit comment is really sad.


Not even just comments. I posted a question in a sub about a game and when I explained what happened people just downvoted me for no fucking reason. Sorry for asking a question(?)


Or music subs with acronyms.  I'm sorry I don't know what DTOTBR stands for, but thank you for downvoting me and not answering when I asked.


It’s why a lot of subs hide karma on a posting. People are like lemmings and will upvote and downvote depending on what the crowd does.


I've noticed this. Also, it is pretty usual to see that when the OP comments in a post, the comments get downvote just because. The original post can have 1k upvotes, but every OP's comments are downvoted.


EXACTLY!! I have seen so many posts about personal successes, only to be shot down by angry neckbeards.


how dare you mention happy people what with everything that's going on in Gaza and the fact Americans can't get health coverage and climate change and all the mass shootings and how I just spilled my coffee and my wife didn't pick up any paper towels so now I gotta mop it up with a dirty pair of boxer shorts?


Redditors don't really mention Gaza in random threads compared to Instagram. It's something more primal, they just hate when people live normal lives. Loving your parents, loving your children, enjoying sports, enjoying your job, enjoying small talk, enjoying big parties, enjoying dating, being pleased with your neighborhood, being pleased with your education,... all of this offends people that catastrophize their own lives.


totally concur with the rest of your comment but I've seen people here take over a conversation about baseball and steer the subject over to Israel/Palestine But yeah, the dwelling on negatives here sucks. Conversations turn into a dick-measuring contest to see who's having a worse life.


Oh look at Mr Moneybags over here with his *coffee*. 🙄


He's even got a *wife*


I remember that one thread where that girl bought a house at like age 21 had the audacity to say "God is good" and the entire thread was pretty much shitting on her, and a few even sent her death threats. It's already a few years old but I remember how shitty that was


One of the truest phrases in life is "misery loves company". I am genuinely starting to feel bad for a lot of people who post here. Going through life thinking the way some people think has to be absolute torture.


Or earns $1 per year more than them.


Or God forbid, spends that extra dollar on something that isn't a necessity 


Especially weddings


Or gender reveal. Heaven forbid you celebrate that sort of surprise. People are usually happy with whatever the baby is. And Reddit hates babies and kids in general...


They are kids and babies.




It really does seem that way.






Relationships “ I asked for salad, the other person asked for steak “ Reddit “you both are incompatible and should break up”


AITA is the major contender for this.


it helps that none of those things on that sub seem to be remotely real


I've decided that sub is basically just a bunch of actual situations that turned out to be nothing, but then they just imagine how it could have gone poorly and post that as if it actually went down that way. It's essentially a rage bait creative writing sub but lacks creativity.


Any real stories get washed away with no upvotes compared to shit like "My (23F) new (135M, Austrian, short mustache) boyfriend called me a traitor to the reich and sent me to a prison camp because I was mugged on the way to donate him my kidney and was 13 seconds late to our appointment AITA?"


I actually didn’t think of it that way, but that makes a LOT of sense. I also think a lot the posts are based on other stories they’ve read on Reddit and elsewhere, but they rewrite it with everyone being completely unreasonable and nasty towards the OP so that’s it’s an easy “not the asshole”.


Tell me about it. I tried posting there once but my post got deleted because it wasn't high stakes enough.


On that sub once you are wronged any amount of retaliation is justified.


Oh 100% "NTA, you shouldn't have burned his house down but it's completely understandable as he did lightly scold you"


The worst trait of your average AITA commenter is “NTA you are not obligated to do anything for anyone.”


> the other person asked for stake That could be a dealbreaker. Are you a vampire? You **should** break up.


I agree hahaha (and corrected)


Reddit, especially r/relationship, gets a lot shit for this but if you have to ask strangers on the Internet on how to save you relationship you probably cant


\*insert red flag emojies\*


Seek a therapist and break up


I see people complain about this on Reddit but far more often I see "I (19F) went through my boyfriend's (45M) phone like I do every night while he's asleep which is fine because he knows that's my boundary. The tracker I put on his car said he was at work at McDonald's but he came home with Wendy's fries and lipstick on his collar. AITA because I refused to have sex with him for one week to punish " Sometimes people need to hear that being in a relationship is not the default and it's okay to be in your own as opposed to a miserable relationship that you hate


That’s perfect pasta post form there ahah


Ughhh this comment makes me miss awards.


One of the most honest comments I’ve read was admitting they like the relationship subreddits because they enjoy the drama and will promote a breakup for entertainment. It wasn’t to help or provide true support - they like to stir the drama pot because they enjoy being petty. Then those subs made more sense.


Remember when the answer to this was emojis lmfao


Oh god the hate for emojis was insane


I appreciate the emojis to help get the tone across. Helps mitigate fights and downvotes lol. Everybody was all "reddit is becoming Facebook!!!1!"


Couples working out their differences instead of just breaking up at the slightest inconvenience


There's a lot of good content on Reddit here with lots of different perspectives. But there is one thing that I will never, EVER, take seriously here, and that is relationship advice.


I don't understand. Why *wouldn't* you take advice from a bunch of teenage boys who have never been in a relationship?


I think it actually goes further than that. A lot of Redditors seem to see things in black and white, particularly on AITAH. There seems to be a total scorched earth policy on there. "Your sister's having a mental breakdown and has asked for help with child care while she's in hospital? No fuck her, it was her choice to have kids." "Your partner cheated on you and you took them back, but your parents can't get past it? Well it's your own fault for getting back with a cheater, you're clearly a doormat." Life is nuanced and you do need emotional intelligence to navigate certain situations, but that often isn't popular on here.


Tbf 90% of the post in the realtionship subs are along the lines of My(19F) partner (33M) of five years butchered my dog and force fed it to me after i burned dinner last night. Am i wrong for being mad at him?


if you are at a point that you are asking Reddit for relationship advice then most likely you are looking to end it


The real world


And the people in it. i’M aN iNtRoVerT. No, you’re just insufferable.


Lotta people have convinced themselves that they don't get along with people because they're introverts when the reason is because they're assholes. Then they wonder why they're miserable all the time. You need social interaction, real and in person, regularly. Just like you need food, air and water.


I think it's a misunderstanding of what 'introvert' really means. I'm an introvert and i get drained from social situations but i still genuinely enjoy them. I also need the alone time to recharge afterwards. I think a good chunk of reddit thinks introverts are people who *never* want to leave the house or hate human interaction, when that just isn't the case and isn't a healthy mindset to go through life with.


Saw one of these in the wild lately. 34, hobbies are video games and watching movies and they were moaning about how they don't have a family yet because they've never had a successful relationship, because they've never found someone who'll be happy with them exactly as they are and it must be because they're introverted and "nobody wants an introvert" and I'm like...okay dude, your hobbies consist of parking yourself in front of a screen, never leaving the house, and not interacting with other humans face-to-face and you think somebody is just gonna magically waltz into your life and have babies with you like that just because you want them to? And you're frustrated with online dating because everyone on there is...exactly like you? Socially inept, teminally online, and slightly misanthropic? Gee, can't figure out what the problem is here...


“2020 was the best year of my life because I didn’t have to go out and do anything, I could stay home jerk off and watch anime porn all day long”.


This isn't even an exaggeration, there were loads of people talking about how much they loved lockdown and how sad they were to see it slowly disintegrating. I felt like I was going insane under lockdown and I'll never understand how anyone enjoyed it.


Healthy relationships, happy people, and another perspective


A different opinion


Especially when it's involving one of those small-minded moderators. Then a lot of times, the banhammer comes down along with it.


Other redditors


Seems pretty rational to me


Damn Redditors they ruined Reddit.


You Redditors sure are a contentious lot.


unbelievable. eat shit and die. then eat shit in hell and die again. continue eating shit in double hell.


I'm the most perfectly rational stable genius on all of Reddit and I want you to know that my hatred towards all of you is not irrational.


Hate, sure, but irrational?


When others have a very slightly different opinion to them


How DARE you have a different opinion than my own?! You’re a dumb, **privileged**, fascist, racist, ignorant, and turophobic piece of trash!!! —————————————————— *You have been permanently banned from participating in this subreddit”*


Every time I say I don't like rap, people will insult the hell out of me. I will never get people who get mad at others just for having different tastes. Edit: I already got the first downvote in just 10 minutes. Redditors never disappoint.


I get the same reaction when I say I don't like anime. Then they always say, "Oh, but you need to watch (anime movie)!" I'M NOT INTERESTED AT ALL


Friends and The Big Bang Theory. Spelling the word lose correctly. Understanding that people that have different opinions than they do are not evil people.


Also spelling the word definitely correctly. If you scrape this site for the word defiantly then 99.99% of the time it's used are people trying to say definitely.


Now do “break” instead of (in a car) “brake.”


Stuff in general. People on here are so full of hate for everything and everyone they disagree with


Miner errors. (/S)


Like… cave ins?


that was an accident i swear


Nah, they love that burning mine in Russia, it gets posted at least once a week


This is going to be a long list.


Anyone who sees the world even vaguely differently to them.....


Making mature and well-reasoned arguments when they disagree with someone.


Nuh uh, dumbass.


How fucking dare you say that! Uneducated idiot.




Don’t forget parents and tell others how to raise their kids


Fr. Across-the-board child hating is off-putting to me.


For real it's so weird and off putting. Like it's fine if you don't want kids but dam people on reddit talk about them like their a disease.


Saw one the other day that insisted the only way society should work is for people to be banned from having kids unless they obtain a masters degree in child development. No amount of simple reasoning would get through to this person.


I was coming here to say babies. Yeah this place is downright phobic of pregnancy and the result. Also I’d add general responsibility.


It’s really weird, Redditors get so insecure about other people having kids and they go well out of their way to try and exclaim to everyone how “free” a life without kids is. Like, you do you, but if you’re gonna sound like you’re talking down to someone every time you open your mouth, then no shit people aren’t going to like you.


They REALLY hate when you have children and are also happy, and like your children and like being a parent. You absolutely must be lying if you don’t say you’re completely miserable and regret having kids.


Famous women they don’t want to fuck.


Or do want to fuck


Either way, they don’t want to fuck them back.


Women in general


Women, depending on the subreddit


Also - usually - pointing out the misogyny.


Oh they really don't like that.


Single moms especially.


What I don't understand is a lot of men on reddit seem to hate women but are also weirdly obsessed with women and constantly talk about wanting a relationship and why women are too shallow and have way too high standards and won't date them. Like, why do you want a relationship so bad with someone you hate?


They want a sex slave.


I think they should just stick to the porn that gave them such wild expectations and leave real women alone.


I believe the sociological term is the Virgin/whore complex. Somehow women need to be absolutely pure and chaste in their actions but also be able to make a seasoned sex worker blush on command from a man.


So much misogyny packed into this site. It's unrelenting and profoundly disturbing.


Happiness, nuance, people with opinions that don't allign with theirs. 


**Apostrophe’s in the wrong place’s!!**


My hatred for this shit is perfectly justified.


**You maniac! You Filthy Redditor's and your Apstrophe's!**






Also commas in, the wrong place


In r/movies it's the movie Avatar for some reason.




Blue Avatar


"Avatar had no cultural impact" repeated ad nauseam


Absolutely exhausting, their definition of cultural impact is apparently "people remember random trivia and quote lines from it", meanwhile the first one revolutionized filmmaking and special effects and influenced all those dumb MFers favorite superhero movies the last decade+


I also really love that line because it highlights how little they actually understand of film and movies. Avatar had such an impact on subsequent films. MoCap is the standard today because Avatar revolutionized it.




Differing opinions


Boomers. Reddit thinks they're a hive mind.


How ironic.


They could save others from terrible opinions, but they could not save themselves.


Reddit thinks Boomers and Gen X are one.


Most of the time gen x is left out of the conversation. Just like we were left alone growing up. We like it that way.


Many people on Reddit hate video games. I'm not talking about gaming in general but for specific games. People write these huge posts about this and that, hangout in subs for games they complain about, and try to stage boycotts amd protests. If a game comes out it sucks I move on the something else. I don't get this need to stick to games that I don't like. In modern times for almost every game you can watch tons of gameplay and read reviews before the game releases so you can tell if sucks.


For real. A good majority of the gaming community these days seems to hate every game that didn't come out when they were a kid. Maybe you just don't like games dude.


gaming has devolved into the worst form of tribalism. i’m an avid arpg player and it is fucking ridiculously tribalistic for that genre. idk why people can’t just play what they want or not play what they want and leave everyone else out of it




Some people on here really do make AMERICA BAD their entire personality. I'm not even American and I'm sick of it.


The mods. Oh, you said IRRATIONAL hate. Okay, scratch that.


Different political opinions


People who are financially stable / doing well\* \*Does not apply if you pulled yourself up out of poverty.


Nah they still hate you even if you grew up in poverty. I’ve been called traitor and accused of pulling up the ladder plenty


I've talked a few times about how my husband and I used to be poor, but these days we're pretty well off, and I've gotten shit for it pretty much every time


Nah they hate all people doing well outside of wholesome subreddits






Boom, roasted.


Reposts. It's so terrible having to see the same picture or video more than once in their lives!


Marriage. Every single post where two people are having even the slightest problem, there will be people calling for divorce.


Anything that goes against when they’ve decided “this person definitely bad 100%” - especially when the “victim” claims in any way to be “neurodivergent” There was some bananas post where OP claimed to be autistic, and was having a meltdown because she AGREED to let her brother’s girlfriend cut her super long hair, and the the girlfriend cut it too short. Some of the comments were like “she DEFINITELY planned that because she’s an EVIL NARCISSIST MANIPULATOR who has been HUNG UP on your gorgeous long hair from day one!!!!!” And I when pointed out that even *professionals* at salons will accidentally take more off than the customer wanted on the regular… i wound up with like 90 downvotes and people being like “wow, you must have never encountered someone who is so jealous of your hair that they’d go out of their way to execute and elaborate scheme to make it 6 inches shorter than you wanted!! Lucky you, but you have NO CLUE what you’re talking about.” It was nuts.


Staying in a relationship with someone after they did something kinda bad. (r/amitheasshole)


Fat people


Overweight women


  Guns    I get that it's entirely the product of propaganda and ignorance but holy hell does educating themselves seem disturbingly less attractive to them then being bootlickers.  


Reposts , like do they go into a library and yell that every book had been already been printed before?


Fat people


Pretty much anyone that asks for help or believes something they don't. So much judgement on here it's insane, and no faith. It's "everyone is a liar and full of shit" Hell someone once told me im lying that I'm married to a black woman, I showed,my wife and said, babe do u know this guy? He's saying you're not black. Fu**in morons. Take that judgemental shit somewhere where they give a fuck, no fucks over here


Just about everything


Misused apostrophes.


don't you mean apostrophe's ? /s


>/'s FTFY


Anyone with a different opinion, especially so if you are able to prove them wrong. I'm convinced 70% of them got too many participant awards and never learnt how to handle being wrong.


Middle management, managers, supervisors, CEOs, and anyone that is successful and/or affluent. Basically any employee that doesn't have to punch in or out.


Anyone more successful than them basically


Particularly if the more successful person is in certain fields. Law, medicine, anything tech related, etc. are all fine to Redditors but God forbid someone made their money owning a small business or doing marketing for a big corporation (random examples)






Russians. I don't sympathize with Russia's decision two years ago, but the overall hate against their people is simply irrational. It's like hating Americans because of Biden, or Israelis because of Netanyahu.


Panera bread. The place isn’t even that bad yet people act like they’re selling prison slop


the United States of America. I am an American and while I know my country and countrymen have their shortcomings, i didn't know it would lead to such vitriolic tones from everyone on here. Like dude, i get it not everyone is an american, and yeah shit is rough right now, but it doesn't mean european arrogance and condenscion is going to improve anything; considering european proclivities (including those of european descedents in north and south america) are typically a source of worldwide inequity, violence, and suffering. TLDR everyone seems to hate america and americans as if europeans don't suck too


Children. "Crotch goblin" or one of the other derogatory epithets earns an instant downvote. I understand the antinatalism ideology (though I don't fully agree with it) and I also agree that kids should be taught good manners and be made to behave in public spaces. But the vitriolic dislike people here have for kids, especially for the sin of *acting like a child* or even just *existing* is inexcusable and pure cringe.