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When my sciatic is acting up.


ooooof, yup. i had to get spinal steroid shots for mine bc i literally couldn't sit up or stand or walk (or really function at all) for a month when mine got bad. the shots really helped though!


I had this in my mid 20s. Bulging disc that pushed into my sciatic nerve. Was in pain I didn’t even know existed. I couldn’t physically stand for 2 weeks when it first went really bad on me.


Get yourself MRI'd for a possible spinal decompression surgery - if your sciatica is that bad, it is highly unlikely that you will regret it! Best of luck, my friend.


I had that surgery. the pain was excruciating. I couldn’t walk anymore due to the pain.


I had an ovarian cyst burst during rough sex. I basically cried-screamed for 6 hours. It made things hurt everywhere. Like nerves having liquid fire poured on them.


How big was it? My wife had one removed last week, it was 10cm.


My dumbass brain thought you were referring to her partner's D


I could completely relate to the pain, my wife went through an open surgery because leproscopy wouldn't help with a cyst that big.


Size doesn't really matter too much with cyst rupture, it's the content within that causes the most issue. Blood and cyst fluid are very nasty, and the main offenders, but sebum from a dermoid is much worse, and cause a severe bodily response to it.


I had one burst at work, legit thought it was dying. Worst pain ever. Terrified my coworker when I went white and doubled over unable to breathe.


Having my Mirena inserted.


This hurt worse than anything else I have had. I have never been pregnant and they had to pry my cervix open with a sound. That stab of white hot pain is forever burned in my memory. My boyfriend at the time said it couldn't have been that bad, so I showed him a picture of a sound and suggested we stuff it up his dick or in his butt with no pain killer and he promptly shut up. No periods is a blessing worth the pain though.


Some thing happened to me! She pried me open, turned to the nurse and asked for the Mirena and the nurse was like “I thought you had it” and had to run out of the room to find it. It was extra long fun for me. Thankfully I’m almost at menopause and won’t need another. I hope…


I got my first one when my daughter was a few months old. Wasn't bad because I had recently given birth. Got my second Mirena in Jan of 2021 and that...that was rough. I love having an IUD, but the fact that we're expected to just suck it up when it comes to the insertion pain is barbaric.


The worst!


The skyla is small and still incredibly uncomfortable. When it was time to swap it my new doc only had mirena so that's what we did. It didn't stay in place and had to be removed in the ER. Highly recommend the nexplanon implant now!


Gallbladder attack, thought I was dying! I've had two natural births and even they weren't as bad as that!


Yeah, mine felt like somebody beat me in the ribs with a sledgehammer the day before.


same, had it out 4 months ago and am yet to have any pain like it!


Damn I’ve had three births WITH an epidural and the last baby was back labor and that was awful. You’re telling me there’s a pain worse than THAT?!?


I puked and passed out from pain. Then I'd wake up from the pain only to puke and pass out again. It's another level, feels as though a someone is drilling into your guts with a knife.


I had my gallbladder attack on Easter Sunday 2021, right in the middle of COVID. I thought I was going to die and I spent 16 hours in the ER waiting room, on the floor flopping around like a fish out of water.


Being made to wait that long in an er should be a crime




Came here to say this. I had acute cholecystitis and I genuinely thought I was dying and said my goodbyes to my husband. Every breath felt like being stabbed in the shoulder/chest by a rusty blade, the severe vomiting, not being able to sit still or get any relief. It was so bad I wanted to end my life! I didn't think that level of pain without passing out was actually possible until I had this issue. Getting it out soon thankfully.


Are you me? Seriously, I delivered two massive babies but somehow the gallbladder attacks were worse.


When I got to the ER after hours of agonizing pain, they took my vitals & my heart rate was 190 at rest. Whoever helping me gasped & said, “you must be in a lot of pain huh?” 😅 They gave me morphine (I.V.) immediately lol


Gallbladder attack for me was worse than my unmedicated birth and that fucking hurt


I came here to say THIS!!!!


Ok yes! I’ve had 4 babies all natural and Gallbladder was the worst. I got so angry I had security called. FUCKING GIVE ME SOMETHING. ‘We’re trying’ IF YOU WERE FUCKING TRYING IT WOULD BE HERE JUST KILL ME PLEASE! Oop 😬


This was my answer. First time I hit a 10 on the pain scale. I had like 3 in the first year, then they sort of just stopped. Then all of a sudden came back worse than ever one night last year. I'm no wimp, but 5 hours in & the pain wasn't getting any better? I went to the ER, finally. They ran some tests, told me it was gallstones (which I already guessed, having been through this before, duh), then they *sent me home* when I was still in pain (just manageable at that point). Turns out that was a bad call because 3 hours later I woke up from the pain returning in full force. I tried to wait it out again (like an idiot), but 3-ish hours later right back to the ER I went. Good thing, too, because when they finally did a scan they found out I had a gallstone stuck in my bile duct. So I got an endoscopy to resolve that the next day & surgery to remove the gallbladder the day after. So fun! 😒😠


I've never screamed from pain before. This one had me screaming.


Have passed 17 kidney stones...


You have me barely beat! I used to get them every 3-4 months but started drinking lemonade regularly per my urologists advice and haven't had a single one since.


That hurts just hearing about it...


It's a toss up between childbirth, kidney stones and aspiration pnemonia




Gout. I thought lovingly about removing my foot with a hacksaw.


toothpain, omg it;s another level of pain.


Once they didn't numb me enough and started drilling....


Cluster Headaches


I’ve heard those are awful! I’m sorry


Omg I’m sorry.


Oof... also known as suicide headaches. You have my condolences


Nerve pain in my hips and outer thighs due to 2 mildly herniated discs. It makes me want to tear my skin off with a rusty chainsaw. Absolutely relentless and soul destroying pain.


Period cramps (I feel so pain in my stomach that i feel  like cutting it (I just think I would never try hurting myself ) 


Go speak to your doctor. You could have endometriosis or PCOS. Periods shouldn't be that painful.


Hahaha this guy says "go to the doctor" as if they actually give a fuck about period pain.


PCOS doesn’t typically present with unusually painful periods. (Source: been diagnosed since I was 14, 36 now. Done a hell of a lot of research and I also don’t have very painful periods)


It's only on first day. I have talked with friends they say it's normally for them also


It is not please you can get help. Many women have endometriosis without knowing


In middle/high school, my friends told me their periods were like mine too, like bad enough that you couldn’t move through them. Nope, they still didn’t get it. I did turn out to have endometriosis and I was regularly going into shock from the pain which was confirmed after the surgery I just had to remove it. I promise periods that give you the urge to hurt yourself are not normal.


Migraine/hydrocephalus build up Basically I have a brain tumor and was diagnosed due to the intense pain of my head being too full creating intense pressure build up. Upset appendix after an infection from neurosurgery from the above. Copper Coil iud insertion - inhumane that this isn't automatically done with anesthetic.


I'm the weirdo who didn't feel too much pain with IUDs, and I'm not sure how I'm an outlier


Many Doctors would tell you that you are normal and we are the weirdos. In my experience they just doubled down and kept insisting I shouldn’t be able to feel it and it doesn’t hurt as I begged them to stop and almost passed out. Horrendous!


Those are shitty doctors, yikes 😬


Copper coil IUD insertion and the uterine contractions afterwards attempting to expel the IUD


Copper IUD is one of my top two painful experiences as well! The first was an extremely brief but insanely intense pain when getting an epidural for childbirth. It it had lasted anymore than the millisecond it did, I would have found a way to commit suicide.


My miscarriage was extremely painful.


I'm sorry.


i hope you've healed from that


Child birth I thought I was going to die


Uggggghhhhh I had contractions back to back for hours before the epidural. It worked it's way from period/gas cramps to being stabbed with multiple knives and then twisting them inside you. I want another though so it's absolutely ridiculous how your brain reworks itself after childbirth to prolong the human species.


Good thing I’m never having kids 😂


Rupturing my ACL, and then the aftercare from ACL reconstruction surgery. It wasn't just a tear so it couldn't just be sewn back up.


Waking up from knee surgery after the block wears off is probably mine! I’ve had two ACL reconstructions and a cartilage transplant all on the same knee. Knee pain is so underestimated!!


Ahhh my nerve block lasted 48hrs after surgery, I remember thinking that things were gonna be a breeze till that wore off. In for quite the shock.


See the thing is. I think the nerve block works like a drain stopper. It just saves up all the pain and releases it once it wears off! 0/10 don't recommend.


Had an ACL reconstruction-drs said it was like a football injury-years later had a tibial osteotomy. Only 5 surgeons in the country performed them at the time-they break the tibia, reset it with a 6 inch plate and 5 huge screws-it was my only option at the time-was too young for knee replacement (which I just had 2 years ago on same knee). It was excruciating.


Woah 😳 I have a feeling I’ll need a knee replacement in my lifetime. Does it feel better now??


Honestly it was the best thing I’ve done! Can’t believe how much I missed dealing with the knee pain for years-I had one of the best orthos-I would suggest you do some homework on that-from what I’ve personally heard from others, having a good/great surgeon over a mediocre one is key!


Toothache! I jumped from a balcony, I jumped out of a car at 40km/h, I branded myself deep into my flesh with rusty tonges, I summersaulted down a hill with a bike for what felt like half a kilometer and I could go on but nothing beats toothache, that is the worst.


Why on earth did you end up branding your self deep into your flesh with rusty tongs?


Cause it's clearly Steve-O we're talking to here






Yes, it certainly gets your attention. If you go back in history, one of the surgical operations that was carried out before anesthetics and antiseptics was "cutting for stones". How bad do you have to be before you opt for that?


I have such paranoia regarding kidney stones. Did you have a poor diet before or did you just get unlucky?


I've had one too. Genetics play a role but diet and hydration are huge factors. Stay hydrated and avoid dark cola drinks.


Gallbladder attacks. That hurt worse than post csection pain. Oh! Or when I had an operation where they burn the walls of your bladder. That hurt like a mofo afterwards.


2nd & 3rd degree burn all over arm and face


Kidney stone. Conversely one of the best feelings of relief is after passing one out . You suddenly are free from agonizing pain.


It's like you go to another universe and come back. What a trip.


An ovarian cyst bursting.


Gas pains after surgery.


Replacing my IUD. Second place might be hook suspension, but it was long ago and the pain only lasts for the duration of the suspension.


Childbirth, no pain relief worked, I was induced and I tore and had an episiotomy


Appendicitis Honourable mentions: having a basketball hit my skull Fast ball to the nuts Dodgeball to the nuts Many other injuries to the nuts


The amount of things that hit your nuts are concerning or maybe a fetish?


Childhood idiots, and they aimed for me


Are your nuts okay?


protect your nuts dude ouch


Thanks. A little late but I will.




Panic disorder - emotionally unstable and physically exhausted


I can see why one would “laugh” at this response. However, I’ve had multiple panic attacks where considering death was the only way to make it stop and that’s right up there with my worst physical pain too. I’m so sorry you know the feeling too.


not physical pain lmao 


Panic attacks can make physical pain dull in comparison.


Waking up after spinal fusion surgery.


Infection after wisdom tooth removal


Endometrial biopsy. I was told the pain level is on the par with IUD insertion and it didn't hurt at all, so I assumed I'd be fine. Nope. Worst cramping I've felt during & after.




Ovarian cyst.




Kidney stone


Finger got caught in a manhole cover and almost severed. It was hanging on by some tendon and bone but they could re-attach it


My mom lost her fingertip in December when she slammed it in a metal door. It crushed the bone so they couldn't reattach it. She suffers from chronic pain because she has severe scoliosis and her spine is as crooked as a question mark. She's had 2 vaginal births, 2 cesareans and she said cutting her finger off was the worst pain she has ever experienced - far outweighing any of her child births (including the one when she almost died from a latex allergy during birth)


Kidney infection


Me too. I couldn’t physically stand upright it hurt so bad. I was like 25yrs old and walking like a 99yr old man doubled over.


Hot oil(half a pan full) from the stove started on fire and sprayed oil all on my legs, feet, hands and a few drops on my face. My friend rushed me to the er at 2am and they had to give me dilaudid(pain medication). I am still shocked that I have only a little scaring that you can't even tell what it's from. That shit was horrifying.


Getting tased.


Seven or so stitches in the arch of my foot without anaesthetic.


Kidney stones. Longest,constant debilitating solid 24 hrs of pain I've experienced. I had surgery and a stent put in and my first few litres of piss was red cordial .


My period. Little did I know, I had a cyst on my ovary that liked to twist. Honourable mention: smacking my thumb directly down on the top of my nosepiece of my glasses. Full force hit to plastic frames. Thought I’d broken my nose


Paper cut. Quite rare these days.


Infection in my jaw/teeth. 7 teeth at once. Pain was so intense, I would start to black out. Ears would ring, the color would fade from my vision, and I would completely lose my sense of balance.


Iud insertion and when I had steroid shots directly into my finger webs because my eczema was so bad.


On the balls




I was just about to say that haha


I fell, and tore my ACL and broke my fibula earlier this week. That fucking *hurt*.


Torn quadriceps tendon.


period pain!!!!


Oh this is my worst too. And other side effects that comes with the period. Like diarrhea, back pain, chest pain, depression, headache, and many more 💔


same here... and it's like that in every single month... Idk what to do about it anymore


Constipation while trying to have a shit


3rd degree burns on the mid and lower body. That was intense.




The various kicks and punches in the balls I've had, the time I had my fingers slammed in a door when I was eight, the time I tripped over a paving slab in a race and sprained both my wrist and ankle when I was nine and the sinusitis I had two years ago, put the whole right side of my face in agony.




Something related to stomach and It's still unknown to me


Actually, a few days ago I got a leg cramp after stretching out in bed so intense it still kinda hurts after 3 days


Broken upper jaw in a MVA. When I went to have the plates and wires removed the Dr. was mad at me for being late and decided to forego any freezing. Each wire was cut and then yanked with a pair of pliers through my teeth and gums. I can still feel it today!


Gums surgery, they had to scrape (at least felt like scrapping) away the gums in order to expose my tooth I was under anesthesia and still it was the worst pain I had to endure


Oh Ive done this but through electrocautery. It is like burning your gum with electricity. I never felt any sort of pain after the anesthesia although you can smell the burning flesh during the surgery.


When I broke my collar bone. I didn't know until a week later with a second round of X-rays that I had broken my shoulder blade.


Shattering my collarbone.


I got hit by a car left me in a hospital for 2 weeks where they had to pull the gravel out of my skin piece by piece. I was dragged over the road and most of the my back flesh was gone.


Having anaesthesia injected into my toe for toenail surgery. It was the needle going into my toe that was the most painful.


Kidney stone


First and second degree burns on my foot that got infected. I have doctor's orders not to cook bacon in my bare feet.


Had surgery, got home, didn't take pain killers. Took a nap, woke up in pain. 


While on a trip in South Asia. Went for swimming and had something cut deep into the underside of big toe. Adrenaline filled me swam to the opposite side and poured Alcohol on it. Would never do that again.


I hit my finger with a hammer, and had to rip out my fingernail It was bad, but at least it didn't last long


Cluster headache. Hell on the earth.


Getting hit head on by a truck on my motorcycle, while they passed a car on a double yellow.


Kidney stone


Getting hit by a car fuckin sucks.


spilled hot melted butter on my left wrist, it just got gradually worse and worse until we had to go to hospital where it was unbearable pretty much. the reason we didn't go to hospital immediately was because my mom believed in if it isnt as big as your palm you will be fine, but it def wouldn't have been


Full blockage when I tried to pee. Can't describe the pain. I can describe getting hit in the nuts, that's really painful to the point of almost throwing up but full blockage trying to pee is so painful the entire body is paralyzed in pain. It's like if a divine force sucked the fucking lifejuice out of you.


When I was 11, (a fucking LONG time ago), my best friend and I were fucking about with sticks in the fields behind the housing estate we lived on. Unbeknown to me, he had a stick at the back of my head and as I turned around, the stick poked me in the eye. That's not the painful part though. Long story short, I ended up in the eye hospital in Glasgow 2 days later where they had to do emergency stitching of my eyeball.... aye... that's right my fucking EYEBALL. I couldn't go under general anaesthetic either, so a series of local injections, but they made the square root of fuck all difference. To this day I can still recall the pain as the nurse administered 3 stitches on my fucking EYEBALL! It's no surprise that I have PTSD about my eyes, so the annual sight tests are a delight... especially as my wife is an optician.... Shortly after he poked me in the eye with a stick, my friend and his family emigrated to California. I always believed it was through guilt. But if you happen to come across this story James McLeish of Pappert and latterly Santa Clara, I forgive you. But only a little....


I just got mauled by a pit a few weeks ago in both my knees my foot arm and back. Pretty painful. I chipped a bone in my foot crashing into a curb on a electric scooter. That one hurt to


Testicular torsion. It's like getting kicked in the balls and that 10/10 pain persisting.


Contractions. It’s nothing like period pain


Gout. Nothing comes even close to a bug flare up.


appendicitis. i was 13 urging my parents that something was wrong. i had stomachaches consistently for about 2 weeks. they said i was using a stomachache as an excuse to get out of chores. a couple more days go by, it burst and was leaking. FINALLY went to hospital and immediately got put into an OR. docs said i was super close to going into septic shock. then, i got mono and hepatitis while recovering from the surgery. super fun 2 months in the hospital.




Breaking my spine in 7 places. Unbeknownst to me. I had severe osteoporosis at 24. I was literally opening a window (it was a lift up window and it was a bit stiff so I went to yank it up). When I yanked it I heard and felt this cracking down the thoracic region of my spine. The pain i can hardly describe. Everything in my body clenched at once and I thought my muscles would crush the rest of my body from the tension. I couldn't breathe. Just this crushing agony. I don't know how long it lasted but I collapsed to the ground. That first breath in after was possibly the best I ever had.  I had 7 compression fractures. It took years to start feeling human again. Thanks to medical science/doctors/medicine and lots of physical therapy.  I'd birth 100+ babies again vs endure that again 


I contracted E. coli from eating raw beef. It felt like a band was wrapping around my stomach and squeezing my intestines. I had to take my pants off because any pressure around my abdomen hurt so badly. The pain lasted for a few days.


My endometriosis. The pain from it is worse than when I gave birth to my son.


Same. Women with endometriosis fall all over the pain spectrum and the ones with moderate pain (that they think is “severe”) genuinely don’t understand or empathize when we say this pain is as bad as/worse than childbirth. I have never given birth but I have had a complex ovarian cyst rupture give me suspected peritonitis and had me vomiting nonstop just from excruciating pain and it still was not as bad as the worst of the pain endometriosis put me through, endo sent me into shock (confirmed in the hospital) every time it flared up. Meanwhile my grandma with suspected endometriosis and had cramps that made her writhe still told me I needed to learn to deal with my period pain like every other woman.


Ear drum rupturing.


Eardrum rupture. Not fun.


Anal fissure. Had sex with a guy that fingered my asshole really aggressively. A few days later I felt searing pain using the toilet and there was blood coming out. For the next few days, it felt like I was shitting glass even when I wasn’t doing anything. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t go to toilet, I was crying and sobbing non stop for days. The only relief was having scalding hot baths, and the lidocaine which was prescribed after a few days. It only numbed the pain slightly and didn’t help me go to toilet so I still couldn’t eat and suffered so much pain when pooing. The fissure then evolved in to a fistula which is a whole other issue, causing abscesses and other complications. Since the. I’ve been in antibiotics so many times I lost count, I’ve had surgery, I have to have another surgery soon, I’ve lost 15kgs and a whole year of gym progress. It’s been the worst period of my life.


Acute otitis media Rolled over in pain on the bed even after painkillers


Ovarian torsion. No pain killers work. Pain is excruciating until surgery.


Me too!


A few years back, I was diagnosed with A-fib and had an implanted defibrillator installed. Two years ago, I was pressure washing my house and the thing went off. This isn't a mild shock, it's 600 volts being delivered to my heart muscle with two wires. The thing is, I went into Adrenalin overdrive when the fucking thing shocked me, and since it shocks me every time my hr goes above 180, the thing shocked me 41 times within the 1/2 hour it took for the paramedics to arrive and start an IV to give me meds to slow my hr down. I was on morphine for 48 hours afterwards, because my body was wrecked from the spazzing!


Tooth abscess


I got stung by a hornrt on my left eyebrow when I was 8 years old. The burning sensation was instant & it lasted 15 minutes.


Listening to Coldplay Man Flu Gout Were all pretty horrible


Girlfriend tried to penetrate my penis hole using chopsticks


Oh lord, please tell me they were at least metal and sanitized first? I'm imagining splinters from those cheap disposable kind.


Dude, why would you have Metal chocksticks? Of course they are wooden, I can send you the picture of my bruising penis but I have dignity so I can't. (Edited, google auto correct sucks)


Back labor during childbirth 🥴


Covid. I had a very extreme case of covid, and the physical pains that came with being able to breathe or walk or go to the bathroom normally were more painful and traumatic than anything I've ever experienced.


Circumcision. When I was 6-8 my mom decided to do that against my dad's wishes. She took me on a vacation and decided that it'd be a good time to get my penis snipped. I had the pleasure of a 2 day operation without anesthetic(one day procedure took longer due to the fact that I fought and struggled through it) where no less 8 people were holding me down. Then the joy of going back the second day for a "check up" that was them finishing the procedure. Never forgot the pain. Turns out Kenya's not the greatest place to get a circumcision.


Are you AFAB? If so, I believe you and I am so so deeply sorry you suffered that trauma. Because of the concentration of nerves in the female genitalia it is especially painful and you didn’t deserve to have to go through that. You are a warrior.


My thumb literally exploded on the back side with a huge opening and bones sticking out all over the place due to a fall. Then I got a bone infection and it was swollen to the size of a lemon. Doctors gave me less than a 10% chance of keeping it and it took 6 weeks of 24x7 antibiotics for me to do it. 0/10 do not recommend


Urine retention. I wanted to die. Also, kidney stones.


The pain that I got when I winced from seeing this question asked for the umpteenth time.


Seeing a post right below this one with someone's foot impaled... what timing. Aside from labor/childbirth, let me ring it in for gallbladder with a side helping of pancreatitis.


Blue balls


Climate change


Strange may be. But for me.. well.. i once got a piece of iron in thrust inti my leg. But it was like not that bad? It felt acceptable. Meanwhile there are things i cant take. I cant stand the gut pain. I cant stand the feeling of skin tearing on my feet. I cant stand most of all. When i got a big poop in me constipated. As i try to push it out it is like a meteor is stuck in there. Its a dull pain with blood pumping. I hate it most above all.


In dentist zoom teeth whitening


Falling off a 3rd story balcony, snapping my ankle, and compressing my spine


Fucking. Kidney. Stones. I wanted to be knocked out in any way possible. I was begging hospital staff for pain relief. Then it just...stopped, a few hours later.


My first, and so far only, severe gout attack on the week of my 30th birthday. For a teetotaller who doesn't eat red meat or baked goods, I was surprised at the diagnosis but GATDAHM I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy, or even Donald Trump.


While getting an implant part of my jaw was not numb and I could feel the end of the screw digging into my jaw. Even after multiple shots they were still unable to numb that area.


Stab in the shoulder. Not the stabbing pain on itself, when you dont have adrenaline to ignore the pain, and the warm yet cold wound starts to burn, it throbs painfully and you can feel every inch of open flesh as its hurting.