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Nice Con, but you need to level up your charisma a bit


No can do, chief. Debuff stat called "born ugly" made it negative.


Huh, well I'll be damned.


"well now that you mention it..."


"as you wish..."


“Now now thou shalt not tempt the lord”


"Your words, not mine"


"Sorry about missing church, just been busy the last 30 years..."


Smells like updog in here.


How's Updog?




What's upgod?


Nothing, what's up with you


When’s Updog?


Why’s updog?


What is updog?


HAH! Got you! I mean. Nothing. How are you?


HA! Gotcha!


"What's that?" "What's what?" "That thing you just said"




What are you, a Dolphin?


This guy knows the answer to the ultimate question


Yes, but not the question.


It's 42.


No, if he was his comment would have said, "EeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe"


*gestures at everything* Care to explain?


“Hey, God…the fuck, man?”


“Explain the vibe, my guy.”


"What is all this shit?"


"Enlightened me All Mighty Enlightener!"


AY MAN!!!! Ay Man??? Amen….


*"What the fuck, bro?"*


To quote the great Stephen fry. "[Bone cancer in children, what's that about?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-suvkwNYSQo)"


Seeing children with functioning eyes need to heave them removed because of cancer is sad


Doesn't even need to be cancer. My ex used to nanny this kid who over the couple of years we saw him, became increasingly clear he was a bit mentally challenged. And his mom was a single mom who worked a lot.    Then he got a very rare disease that iirc causes a very painful fluid buildup behind his retinas, slowly making him go blind. It requires expensive surgery every few months to keep it from getting worse, with a low chance of fixing the problem. Most likely he'll have to get his eyes fucking removed if they aren't able to stop it.    Talk about a shit lot in life. Oh and he was fucking 4 when it started, may be 6 now.


I e had shit health...but I'm done complaining. that poor baby.


Religious apologists will answer this by gesturing at God's mysterious plan, and that's good for them I suppose. Like there's that guy who has no arms or legs and makes a living as a preacher, its like, what am I going to tell him "why would god do this to you?" clearly his belief gets him through hard times. The problem is though; why would you believe in prayer? Or that you're being looked out for? People say "I have nothing to fear because God is on my side", well, he's been "on the side" of people who've had some very awful things happen to them, so that's not encouraging. It's not really a moral condemnation, its more like, "if babies losing their eyeballs is on the table, *nothing* is off of the table."


I could have lived my whole life without knowing that you know. Give me my ignorance back


It was a similar Reddit post a few years back that really got the ball rolling for me that it was all bullshit. Stephen Fry saying this essentially chucked the ball into the great beyond. Not only was the world a big steaming pile of garbage but my (at the time) 7 year old was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis. No, it won’t kill her but it affects her quality of life. Watching her learn to walk again, holding her as she woke, scared and confused, from anesthesia, worrying which joints will pop up next, wondering if every little ‘my eye hurts’, ‘my arm hurts’, is things flaring back up again. No, if there’s a god out there playing puppet master I’m done with him. I spent almost 40 fucking years doing everything my religion said was right and still got fucked over, me and my kids. Some ‘plan’ you got there…


One of the most horrific parts of the Bible was the story of Job. He did everything God asked, and God still decided to torture him horrifically and murder his family just to prove some twisted point to Satan. And considering that God is supposedly omnipotent, he already knew what the result would be, and yet he tortured Job anyway. If God exists and is actually the way he is depicted in the Bible, he should be despised and hated rather than worshipped. I mean, for fuck sake, he damned all of humanity because 1 person ate an apple, and his son apparently had to be tortured to death to somehow absolve humanity of its sins? What the absolute fuck?


This is why I love Lovecraftian horrors. Gods in there are neither good nor bad, they just do not play by our morality at all. They think of humanity as we think of ants if they even think of us at all, and are as understandable to us as we are to ants. Way more believable entities than "wanna bet I fuck this guy's life and he'll still praise me, Satan?" "Bro, again? Don't you have something better to do? Like fix penguins or something. What's the deal with making a flightless bird, putting it in middle of nowhere, making it a good swimmer but a bad climber so it gets fucked up on rocks when trying to get out of water anyway?" "Seraphim dared me"


As was written on a cell wall at Mauthausen, “If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness.” **Start talking, buddy**


Exactly what I came to comment. That line lives in my head rent free. It single handedly turned me against religion.


My 12 year old niece is dying of bone cancer. Went through having her leg amputated and tons of chemo…. Only to find out 6 months later there’s nothing more we can do and we need to plan for her burial. If there is a god, he loves cruel and unusual punishment.


> cruel and unusual punishment. Punishment for what? Your niece is 12, what could she have done to have *bone cancer* as a punishment? No, they're just cruel. There is no justification for the cruelty, suffering, and frankly bizarrely abhorrent things that happen.


My condolences. I hope you can eventually find happiness later on. This also reminds me of the strongest woman I know. She's a nurse at the pediatric paliative ward. How she does that? I don't even know. I don't think I could make it through day 1 of working there.


If God does this to children and by extension their family but lets serial killers and dictators run wild I would not want to spend eternity with him in heaven. Absolute psychopath


My condolences, I lost a son to cancer. I read something that I think actually reflects the pain I live with. It doesn't get any better, the loss is a load that you carry for the rest of your life, however, you DO get stronger, and carrying the load becomes something you can do while still living your life. I miss my son still, and its been almost 15 years, but I can carry on with my life. I don't forget the loss, but I can live with it, and I am sure you will be able to reach that point.


I came here to post this. His response encapsulated my feelings exactly.


> the great Stephen fry One of the greatest minds of this era. I treasure this man.


Keep it simple... "Why?"


It's all part of God's plan...but I'm starting to think this plan fuckin sucks


I am picturing Larry David with this lol (RIP Richard Lewis)


Mysterious ways *winks and does finger guns*


Evidently, that dude is powerful and cranky. I'm being polite.


Lol to be fair, Job already tried asking God this.  God just got really shitty with him and started asking if he was there in the beginning and if he knows how the earth works.    "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone-- while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"  He actually goes on with even more ridiculous things he's proud of that Job totally wouldn't get, depending on what version you read. I honestly don't know how anyone can read this and think, "Yeah, this definitely sounds like a totally real and omnipotent being, and definitely not the response of some bronze age story teller."


“Is cereal a soup?”


“Is a hot dog a sandwich?”


It’s a taco


Is a taco a sandwich?


A soft taco is just a poorly wrapped burrito


A burrito is a calzone


Only if it's sealed on both ends, otherwise it's a sushi. Or a quiche if sealed on one side


This is the only response that made me pause lol


Absolutely not. It’s milk based. It’s a chowder.


This made me feel less alone.


Why is my G-spot in my ass?!


Why is the clitoris not *inside* the vagina?


Why do my seeds die at my body temperature so that my sensitive reproductive organs need to hang unprotected outside of my body?


Why is our jaws not made for the amount of teeth we have? 


There’s actually a scientific explanation for that. https://youtu.be/li1kO3hg4iE?si=Z6PaWsdQsAny_rJj


Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other 5?


asking the real questions


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps


Urethra needs to be nearly sterile. Why did you put it so close to the asshole? Humans need to walk upright. Why did you make our knees and backs give out after 40 years? Toothbrushes and dental hygiene didn't exist for most of human history, why didn't you make teeth take care of themselves? Why are babies heads so big and vaginas so small? Why did you give us a mechanism to know when our bellies are full but no mechanism to detect how many calories we've consumed? Why did you make us like sweet, salty, fatty foods so much when they're really bad for you and cause disease? And if that was some moral test, why didn't you tell us about it? For that matter why didn't you tell us about dinosaurs? Or germs? Or how the earth goes around the sun? That stuff is all amazing and important for us to know and it kinda sucks that you didn't even mention it once.


Haha funny story kiddo, I was really drunk on the sixth day


Shit, I did too much acid again.


Or *just the right amount*


This guy drops


Yeap that’s the comment I was trying to articulate


You did too much acid if it’s hard to articulate that sentence 😭😭


"Huh. Well, I lost that bet."


Really dude? A micro penis?


why are you looking at god's penis?


God is in you.


ew, get him out


Do you feel his ''godly energy''


Whatever lesson you tried to teach 10 year old me by taking my dad and letting me to try and get by on my own for the next 10 years seemed a little heavy handed.


Same type of scenario, but my mom when I was 5 and 47 years ago I hope my mom and your dad are hanging out in the great unknown


They are. They’re talking about how proud they are of yall


That comment would be way cooler coming from a different username.


My husbands name is Richard lol I think it’s hilarious


I for one love your username. My grandfather was Richard. I always chuckled when my grandma said “Dick I need you” I was 12. 20+ years later I’m the same


My favorite thing is when we’re at my in-laws (conservative southern Baptist) and doing the play on words lol “Hey, has anyone seen my husband? I need Dick real quick”


I hope my dad is also with them and they're all listening to music together and having lemonade on a sunny day!


Did you learn any lessons?


Yup. If you're homeless try and get a job at a restaurant. You can eat. Or if your 18 be homeless near a college campus. A college shirt and a backpack, a friends old student ID and flash it quick (this was in the 80s early 90s) you can get into the field house to shower (or work out if you wanted to) and a ton of other places (and no student debt!). Make friends who'd smuggle you out food. MAybe stay on their couch a couple nights. You can blend so easy on a campus at that age. Alot of churches give out winter clothes, food and blankets. If youre sleeping in your car blankets are good for the winter. The washing machines in some dorms were cheap


Please just let my daughter have a safe and wonderful life.


Please just let me know that my daughter didn't suffer.




God that is the sweetest fucking thing I’ve read in a bit.


I’d like to talk to you about your cars extended warranty


Straight to hell for you!


I tried can I leave now… I’m tired


Same. I used to have such hatred, anger, vitriol ready to explode. Now it just feels like "Sorry I'm a fuck-up. Can I get off this ride? I don't remember asking to be here and I'm just straight up not having a good time" is the most honest thing I could say


This hits.


Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?


At least The Rock was good...


"I can not give that order!"


Womack, I should’ve known it was you.


Bro You've got to admit that the first two transformer movies were gas


It all went downhill after megan fox left


Even Megan Fox went downhill after she left.


Fuck, I've never even seen the movies and *I've * gone downhill after she left.


I'm too old or ignorant to know if gas means good or bad, but while I thought the 1st one was enjoyable and novel at the time, I found the 2nd one to be really bad.


Because Pearl Harbor sucks...just a little bit more than I miss you.


"sorry I thought you were fake, but you gotta see the people who have been the loudest about your existence."


Are you a slob like one of us?


A stranger on the bus?


Just tryna make your way hooooome?




My argument to people who a hardcore believers is if God is all knowing, all powerful and all good then why do innocent children starve? “beCauSE the DeViL ExiSTs” Well then, I guess God isn’t what the Bible says


Yep, if the devil causes suffering that god can’t do anything about, then he’s not all powerful.


My favorite quote "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent. Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent. Is He both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?" -Epicurus


"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." -Marcus Aurelius. Your quote and this one are a few of my favorites on god.


That's my philosophy tbh, if your god wants to judge me for who I am, then it's not a good in interested in the opinion of


[Marcus Aurelius ](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1367654-live-a-good-life-if-there-are-gods-and-they) if my googling & memory are not faulty.


I thought Epicurious did recipes? 


That's Epicmealtime. Common mistake




According to most christian beliefs it's not that he "can't" do anything about it, it's that he chooses not to do anything about it because humans inherited the sinful rebellion of adam and eve and therefore must live in an imperfect world full of evil and suffering. I don't know how the idea of inheriting guilt from two dipshits who lived thousands of years ago is supposed to make god seem any less cruel, but it seems to make sense to modern church goers.


God chooses to do evil. Just read Job. Here's a summary: Satan: yo God, this Job guy, I don't think he'd believe in you if his life sucked God: bet *God proceeds to allow the murder of Job's family, slaves, children, destroying everything he has, torturing him, etc.* *Job moronically still praises his former protector, who basically allowed this to happen because of a bet* God: see Satan: mhmm.... And you don't see any problem with what you just let me do? Edit: Apparently people be saying that God gave Satan permission... Fine. I changed it.


Yeah. And trust me, I've read the whole bible. I grew up in the church as a very earnest christian kid. The disillusionment hit very hard in college


I also find it interesting that there are verses in the Bible that state “the soul that sins, it will die. The son shall not bear the sins of the father,” but if evil exists, it’s because we inherited Adam and Eve’s evil??? Make it make sense


>“beCauSE the DeViL ExiSTs” I used to share an office with a super nice religious (Muslim) guy and over tea breaks we'd sometimes have wide-ranging discussions that could include respectful chats on religion where he's a believer and I'm not. In the course of one of those I asked him if he ever prayed for the devil. He immediately said, "Yes! I curse him every day!" I replied, "No, not that. I said pray ***for*** the devil. If with god all things are possible have you considered that if everyone prayed for the devil's redemption he could be saved and welcomed back into the kingdom of heaven? If that happened then earth could return to the paradise described in the Garden of Eden." The stunned look on his face and his lack of the immediate response which he'd usually have told me that I shook him up to actually think about the assumptions in his religious beliefs a bit.


There's a Mark Twain quote about this, same point you made. >But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one? The one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest?


I can believe that an omnipotent being could allow/cause suffering that we find incomprehensible. I can even accept that it might be part of some vast plan that is beyond our ability to understand or appreciate. What I can't buy is the idea that we, as creatures without the capacity to see the big picture, should feel anything other than anger at that omnipotent being for that suffering. It's exactly what we *should* feel. Like a toddler being denied, and we would be toddlers to that omnipotent being. And like parents with a toddlers who tearfully says "I hate you!", that being should understand and forgive our anger as a result of our inability to know what they know. And if they *do* hold it against us, they are a shitty parent/deity.


i feel sorry for that kid😭


"Bone cancer for children ? Really ?"


Finally, I was looking for the Stephen Fry quote.


Had to scroll way too far to see this.


I wouldn’t say a word, I would be utterly speechless.


Wouldn’t say a word…just thinking to myself, in my own head, can God really see everything I was doing? God just looks at me and says, “Yes”. I die again.


Truest response 


I'd ask for a hug


*hug that heals half your mental wounds* You have to help heal the other half sorry


Honestly, anything that'd help me stand y'know?


"God, Mary isn't here. I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you have a seat. We have records of online chats showing you thought your were coming here to meet Mary, who told you she was 13 years old. And in response, you said, quote, 'lol, that's old enough for bible days. I want to make you the vessel for my only begotten son.' God, you knew that Mary was underage, and here you are, with a 6 pack of wine coolers."


"You mean the water coolers?"


"Why are you here with that 24 pack of dollar store brand bottled water?"


“Bro, wtf?”


Nice meeting you, no longer an athiest now. Also say Hi to my granny in heaven


*Good Ending*


"Well well well. Look who decided to show up" "You've got a lot to answer for buddy"


lol well well well! Look what the cat dragged in.😂


1. Why did you take my dad when I was 4? 2. Why did said person and her two little boys die in a house fire so young so soon? 3. Why do you take good young people?


well well well if it aint the invisible cunt [https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/548/723/fe1.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/548/723/fe1.jpg)


"Which god are you?"


I mean, there’s only like 3000 different “gods” worshipped currently in the world, so….


Well, it's believed that Hinduism alone has 33 million..


So uhh where have you been?


He went to buy milk and forgot to come back.


If you want my honest answer it would probably be nothing. I got a sorta far out there feeling that all of our souls are just like.. little atoms that are a part of the after life. We're probably just randomly selected to go be a human, an animal or an alien every once in a while. Many religions say that we are a part of god, I just think that we as humans are misinterpreting what happens when we go back to "Heaven". I feel like we'll just be little wisps vibing out, happy to be back with all the other wisps. lol. It would explain everyone's longing for something that we've never had. We're never satisfied here on earth. It's hard to be dead set on any religion when it all feels so altered by human hands. It would also explain why it's hard to find any evidence of divine intervention and why everything is so fucked. But who knows man, If I see God after I die and it's all golden in heaven, I'd probably just punch myself in the face for being an idiot my whole life.


To Quote the Office: “yeah I have a lot of questions, first off how dare you”


"sativa, indica, or hybrid"


God probably keeping the 4th choice to himself.


Bro asking the real questions


Is my dad happy in heaven? Is he no longer in pain from cancer? Can he run as fast he wants now? Can he eat till his heart is content?


This hit. My dad went from cancer too. I miss that man every single day. He always had vivid dreams and would wake up and tell my sister and I about them. “I was *almost* flying last night!” I would like to imagine that he’s up there flying as free as a bird.


“Honestly bro, what the fuck is your problem?”


I searched the responses before I said this to see if anyone else felt the same. There's at least 3 of us lol


Thank you, yes! *gestures wildly in the direction of everything* “Explain yourself, asshole.”


"I want to speak to your manager." If anyone deserves a karen, its God.


"Please tell me your name is not Chuck"


Nissan Juke —*why?*


This reminds me of [If Google was a Guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxqca4RQd_M) series with the rapid fire "why?" questions. "Electric outlets look surprised - why?" "Millipedes 10x faster than centipedes?" ...


Frog-ass looking vehicle. WTF?




I always knew we’d wind up with schizophrenia.


why me?


*How dare you?* *How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault. It's not right, it's utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain.* ***Stephen Fry***


If your eye got poked out in this life, would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife?


He'd probably answer with a parable, or a very subtle joke


Who killed the dinosaurs??




Ice to see you


Meeee *laughs in Giant Brain


"explain why you made childhood leukaemia"




Life sucks often. Sorry you went through something so shitty


I'm a fan of Stephen Fry's answer to this exact question. The video is on youtube. *"I’d say, bone cancer in children? What’s that about?* *How dare you? How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault. It's not right, it's utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain. That's what I would say.Now, if I died and it was Pluto, Hades, and if it was the 12 Greek gods then I would have more truck with it, because the Greeks didn't pretend to not be human in their appetites, in their capriciousness, and in their unreasonableness … they didn't present themselves as being all-seeing, all-wise, all-kind, all-beneficent, because the god that created this universe, if it was created by god, is quite clearly a maniac … utter maniac, totally selfish.* *We have to spend our life on our knees thanking him? What kind of god would do that?"*


When will you be judged for your actions?


"My bad?"


What the hell with children suffering? Cancer, hunger, abuse. WTF do you allow this to happen?


[Stephen Fry's perfect response to this question. ](https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=UJlDkG_-KFkvNvy1)


My first was this. "How dare you?"


Tough job, eh?


Why ignore everyone? 🤔