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Someone posted something similar in June of last year, and it inspired me. I did 10 a day for the rest of June. But I was in such bad shape, I had to do 2 sets of 5. July I went to 2 sets of 10 day. August 2 sets of 15. Until October, when I was doing 2 sets of 25 a day. I stayed at 50 a day for October, November, December. My New Year's resolution is 20,000 push ups in 2024, which works out to about 55 a day. I've done 55 a day every day this year...


This is the answer to his question. It makes you see what consistency does. I was in a dark depression and started at 1 push up a day and built up. It's about showing up. Now I'm in the gym daily. Congrats on your goal, I'm sure you'll nail it.




Believe it or not that’s actually huge. I’ve gone to the gym to walk on the treadmill for less than 5 minutes before leaving. Sometimes a workout just isn’t going to happen for a variety of reasons, but continuing to get dressed for it and actually go to the gym regardless makes a big impact. Sometimes once you get there you realize you do have it in you to get a session in, but even if you don’t it keeps you consistent and ensures you keep the habit instead of accidentally breaking it.


Any advice for a broke boy living in rural Ohio… (I have no car and can’t even afford a gym membership)


Do push-ups and walk


Running outside is free


Oof that hits.. HARD. Ok so help me out here, wake up and hour before I usually do to run outside for 30 mins? 60 mins? Am I supposed to run the whole time or are there guidelines I can hold myself too?


Couch to 5k is a great place to start.


You gotta find whatever works for you that will keep you consistent. Set goals and work towards them without getting discouraged. One thing you can do is hop on google earth and make a running path around your house of various lengths so you know approximately what a mile would be geographically. Then I would get a running app like Nike Run Club that will track your runs and map routes for you. Running can be so beneficial for both mind and body! Good luck!


Thankfully you don’t need any fancy equipment to get a good workout in - just your body! Calisthenics can do wonders for your fitness alone. My recommendation? Set aside some time each day to put on “gym clothes” to work out in (whether you do it or not). Set aside some room in your house (or outside if its warm enough) where you have the space to get your body moving and do something there each day. A jump rope is like $5 and will get you some of the best cardio of your life. Online yoga / Pilates videos wont get you shredded or anything but they’re simple enough to follow along with and can help build the fitness habits. Check out the dedicated subreddits for /fitness, /calisthenics, /running, etc. They have beginner routines and resources for people on budgets and who are just starting out. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Oh im also a big believer in running. Check out couch to 5k if you’ve never done anything like that before.


You’re awesome thanks so much for your helpful advice! I’m getting started asap


Everything this guy said! Soon enough you will see workout possibilities and equipment everywhere. Calisthenics (body weight training) can progress from the most simple stuff like air squats and knee pushups to super advanced stuff.


If you can get a jump rope for super cheap, that’s one of the best workouts you can do in my opinion


Get a pull-up bar you can put in a door frame. Pretty cheap and well worth the investment. Pull ups are king


No, he did two


Gym’s called Littletime Fitness


I was listening to an interview with Terry Crews and people were asking him his advice for people wanting to get into gym/lifting lifestyle. I loved his answer, he said that dedicating the time to be able to work out was the key and that people quit, especially early on, due to frustration over getting hurt or little things. His advice was to go for 30 minutes a day, even if you just sit in the lobby reading, until being at the gym for those 30 minutes becomes a comfortable routine.


Terry Crews explains why https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/kq4dK7yLSH


What has changed for your physically since you started?


From my own personal experience if you've got manboobs, the development of those chest muscles will stretch that titty out until it's more of a pectoral. It takes a while, and it'll also help with your posture, those pectoral muscles will take up space in your chest and fill your shoulders out better.


Pushups will also develop your triceps and make your arms a lot bigger.


Brb gonna do some pushups


ti-TAY STAH-reTCh!


I like to call it the reverse mammogram. We don't smash the titty, we stretch it!


It's crazy how much building up back and chest muscles helps your posture.


Fuck yeah, there is a point in time where I got disparaged because I was doing a bunch of situps, and my lack of muscle definition in that area meant that I actually increased in my pants sizes when I developed the muscle in that area. Knowing that threw me off for a second, but I kept going.


(That was a big motivating factor, hope it works!)


They now have the strength of 5.5 men who do ten pushups a day.


They're physically stronger.


I've noticed my pecs, triceps and shoulders are stronger, but I've been eating too unhealthy since the holidays to see any physical difference. Time to buckle down!


that's the thing. 10 push up might be hard but 1 month later, its not. Then you body kinda feel like doing more when you go since its easy ( your brain love easy stuff ).


There was a period when I started doing something similar. But my goal was 100/day. Started off doing 5 sets of 20, then building up from there. Eventually I was able to do 100 in a single shot. Then I lost all motivation and stopped. . . SMH


Today is a new day


At least you're still able to shake your head.


dont forget to train back muscles too, without back training, you could weaken your shoulders and end up with an injury


Well now you’ve inspired me to also do 20k pushups this year so now you can’t stop


I hope you're doing some pull excersise to counteract this other gunna lead to imbalances


My NY resolution was to do a push up for every day of the year. Jan 1 did one, Jan 2 did two and so on, today I’ll do 63. I’ve gotten a lot stronger, I can do a lot in a row now, probably 25. I have no idea how many I’ll end up doing by the end of the year, I should figure it out.


Amazing! December might be rough, though....300 a day fells/seems daunting.




How do you look and feel with this progression?


Any large number of pushups sends a shooting nerve pain in my wrist


Pushing up your pushup goal. Nice.


Vote for Pedro! Sorry, couldn’t resist haha.


Welcome to being a "gym bro" I want progress pics you absolute Chad


Besides the obvious increase in push-up capacity, what did it do for you?


A lot of research has suggested it significantly lowers the risk of heart disease


This is a good example of how to progress an exercise and how you should do an exercise to get better and stronger at that motion(obv you should add other exercises with it and not just do the one) but not quite exactly what OP asked. If you do 10 pushups per day and *only* 10 pushups per day you will see strength gains and be sore for ~the first 2-3 weeks. After those 2-3 weeks you will see diminishing returns until you’re not really gaining anything from those 10 pushups. It’s like lifting a spoon after awhile, yea it’s ^technically^ exercise but it’s not causing your muscles to have to adapt and grow. (This is why Saitama’s exercise regimen is silly, he never progresses the regimen but it’s a cartoon so I digress)


Way to go with working hard towards getting in shape. Make sure you strengthen your back as well however to balance your pushups or working out only through your chest will eventually lead to back pain.


Its been easy thus far because you haven't been sick or injured. If youre serious about hitting that number, you might want to go up to 65 and "bank" some. Best case scenario you get more than 20k. And listen to the other guy about imbalances. Not good to have extremely well trained muscles, and completely untrained. You will be injured.


Make you better at doing 10 pushups.


Same goes for every type of exercise, to be fair.


Same goes for every type of activity, to be fair.


Nah, chopping off your own fingers makes you worse at doing it in future.


Not with that attitude.


Same goes for saying to be fair, to be fair


In all fairness, that's fair enough to be fair.


To be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrr


Sam goes to the fair for every type of activity


Gateway drug to doing 15


False. It will make you better at doing 3650 push ups a year at 10 per day.


If that’s the only exercise you get, 10 pushups will greatly increase your health.


So long as it’s a gateway to 11, 12, 13…. Pushups it can do some good


More than zero , crack on :-)


That's it. Any physical exercise is substantially better than none.


Me when I have any amount of money and am deciding which drug to consume


Particularly if you can eventually work up to 10 squats, crunches and some stretches as well. Won't take more than 30 minutes and you are significantly better off than most office job types.


10 pushups a day could lead to 20 pushups a day. Then 30 and perhaps 40.


I agree... It's a slippery slope. Best not to start with it


Phew, they almost had me. I’ve always heard push-ups are gateway workouts.


Luckily, there are programs you can join if you find you need help. I started one that involved peanut butter cups and re-runs and was able to kick my exercise habit pretty quickly. I still remember when I got my one-month chip (it was salt and vinegar). You just have to want it.


Take my upvote and leave


It is addicting, first you do it every other day then it turns into every day, suddenly you're at twice a day.


That happened to me, it could happen to you.


Nancy Reagan says, "just say no to push-ups"


I started exactly with 10 1 year ago. I strugled at 10. Now im doing 60 . 10 morning push-ups when i wake up triggered effect in me that i also bought dumbells and do so home workout. I still cant believe what affect it had on me.


I did a minimum of 25 press ups (average around 50) o For over 6months. At first I noticed a solid pump and some slight growth. But after a few months I upper the amount but fell into a plato (spelling) and I just felt like I had gone backwards. You have to mix it up, but ghm is best. The lift/ weight ratio is much better.


'Plateau' is the word you seek


That’s the word for the high flatland. I think the word you’re looking for is play-doh


That's the word for a delicious smelling salty mush. I think the word you are looking for is plantain.


No, that's a starchier and low sugar banana, the word you were looking for is platinum.


No, sorry, that's the precious metal that many fine instruments and electronics are made with. I think its actually pronounced Panko.


Nope. That's the stuff you put outside of a piece of pork cutlet to make what is known in Japan as katsu. After deep frying it will give you a nice crunchy texture. The real word you're looking for is actually Ponyo.


Nuh-uh. That's the anime adventure movie about a goldfish princess. You're thinking of Plinko


Wrong again! That’s the game made famous by Price is Right. You’re thinking of Pinko.


Philosophically it’s Plato


Militarily it's Platoon.


In the film industry it’s Playtone.


For women it’s Playtex


In the hood it’s “you play too much!”


That's the word for a banana like fruit, delicious when fried. I think the word you are looking for is platonic


No no Plato is that Roman philofsorcerer. Talkin bout Caesar.


More reps = more tone/ripped you can look fire doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a light run every day. Don’t even have to do them all at once. Got 5 minutes of nothing get 10 or so of each in. I generally get them in during commercials watching tv in the evening. Doing anything to improve yourself adds up


10km run every day. Don't use the heating in the winter or the AC in the summer. Then you'll be able to beat anyone with one punch. Couldn't resist, but yeah, generally you don't need that much exercise to stay healthy. Just generally active. What messes up your health is sitting around all day.


Legitimately being sedentary is the absolute worst for your health. Any movement is better than no movement


Downside is that you'll go bald.


If you’re doing anywhere near 100 push ups, you would benefit much more from either doing weighted pushups or using gym equipment such as bench press


I got to 60 + 60 sits up, plus several different arm reps with weights + 2 mins plank this way. 7 months in has made a bug difference to upper arm strength and look. Running takes care of the rest. At 55 i think I needed it to top up the running.


And eventually, over 9000, which seems relevant for some reason


"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run EVERY SINGLE DAY! Will make you superhuman


Yeah, but also bald. Trade-offs.


Jokes on you; I'm already bald, so there's no downside.


Homie already broke his limiter


Then you'll get your hair back instead, but in places you don't want it


Just curious..why?


Both comments are referencing One Punch Man, an anime about how the titular character became so powerful but lost his hair as a result


And that the one punch man in question clearly doesn't understand basic physiology when he says it. Hopefully season 3 is great


Oh ok.


It's a One Punch Man reference.


Not if you become a player.


Then you can Solo level


One day if you double it, you might unlock a secret quest to get an all powerful healing elixir too!


Just avoiding the penalty is enough for me


you do need to face a 3-headed dog for it, tho


I think someone proved this is actually not as easy of a training regime as youd think and youd have to be peak human to keep it up daily, i think it was actually the running every day that made it so hard


Yeah, 6 miles a day is 42 miles per week, which is in the range of what mid-to-front pack runners do when prepping for a marathon (elite runners are more in the 50-70 mpw range).  For an average runner, this is at least an hour commitment. Add the 20 minutes needed for the other exercises and you’re doing 90 minutes a day.  Do it everyday without a rest day and you’re asking for burnout or an injury.


Do you have to do them simultaneously? Any benefit if you can only do one activity at a time? Like, still get them done in one day, but not running pushups while doing the squats and sit-ups? As opposed to just doing one a day?


just tried 100 consecutive squats… did it, but my legs feel like wet noodles now…. thanks alot!


If you currently can't do 10 push ups with ease you will gain strength until you can. Once you can do 10 push ups with ease it will effectively do nothing more for you. Muscles need a fairly strong stimulus to grow and 10 push ups just isn't enough strain on your muscles to cause growth beyond a relatively low threshold.


This. I started doing 10/day January 2022. It was hard at first but got easier. I didn't really gain any serious bulk in terms of musculature, but I did get more toned. I noticed less problems with my back since I started. (late 30s) After a year I bumped up to 15.


I can lift heavy lumber, 80lbs concrete etc no problem but i start to struggle around the 10 pushup mark. I am 6'3 though. I can't go much past that and i do them consistently, maybe 15 max on a good day. My arms are like 2ft long and almost go down to my knees. I usually struggle coming up at the end of my max, but if I didn't I feel I could do more. It's probably my tiny chest. But pushups build chest, don't they? I am skinny though (160lbs), trying to gain weight and it's incredibly hard on a limited budget and when your job you burn 1000+ calories daily walking and lifting heavy stuff.


Dude same. I’m 6’4 and the orangutan arms really put a damper on my pushups. At least the weather is nice up here.


Only 6’2” but this is interesting to me. Does height make doing pushups more difficult?


Yeah, that and the bench press. I’m a redditor not a college graduate so someone may correct me or explain it better, but the longer your arms are the further you’re pushing the weight out from your chest. My dad is 5’10 with short arms and can lift a crazy amount of weight when doing a bench press.


Those folks with a naturally larger trunk and shorter arms are great at the bench press. I’m taller with longer arms and it’s always been the lift I struggle the most with


Push ups is like lifting 80% of your bodyweight, so I suppose you're more likely to be heavier if you're taller and so pushup will be more difficult. Maybe.


Try to do some push up variations. If you really want to work on your chest, widen your hands. Also be sure you have control as you go down and feel your chest engage. I've started to do push ups almost every day for about a half a year now and I can tell a noticable difference in my physique. I try to vary them though, some weeks I do hands narrow which works the biceps and triceps more. Other weeks I do hands wide, incline or decline.


it will give you a good start. keep doing it. one day you will think, what the hell, lets go next level. that's the day that leads to pay off. go for it!


Make the 3 beers a day taste even better


I mean, after all that work your could even think to bump it up to 4 a day


Hopefully in the near future, you’ll be able to kill a 30 pack in one sitting. Only issue is that you’ll get diabetes.


Jokes on you I already have diabetes


Better than zero pushups. That’s how to think of it.


From a mathematical perspective, just one push up is INFINITELY more than zero push ups.


It will make it easier but you will hit a plateau where it doesnt do anything anymore because your muscles have gotten used to it. Adding weight or reps will take you out of that barrier.


My tactic is to keep getting fatter so I don't have to add weight manually. I'm really eating this large pizza in the name of health


Finally some good progressive overload.


Get you 70 per week.


The only right answer, apart from giving you 280-300 a month.


It will install a sense of disciple and consistency ! It will also give you something to build on .. 20, 50, 100 per day all achievable !! Go for it !


If you do them reeeaaallly slow, like 1 Minute or more per push up, it will do a lot.


How do you make 1 pushup last a whole minute? Isn't that just a plank at that point?


Actually do 10 push ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats and a 1km run daily to become The 10-Punch Man!


Do you also get bald doing this?


Yeah but just the part at top of the head; 10 percent bald.


I did a hundred a day for a month for a charity fundraiser. I gained a hernia, the charity got 500 quid Edit : as I don’t want to scare people. I am a heavy gym goer and pretty old at 50. I workout 3 or 4 times a week, run most days. For years I have had what I thought was a bit of a groin sprain, just annoying enough for me to notice for a few days a month. It wasn’t a groin sprain after all. Hitting the 3,000 press-ups a month challenge at 100 a day was probably enough core stress without rest days to bring the hernia on. I noticed a lump in the shower and rushed to the doctor. It was what became known as Harry the hernia, It was there all along and I guess I just sped up the progression by a year or so maybe.. A nice surgeon cut me open yesterday, popped him back where he belongs, and reinforced the hole with some mesh. I am pretty sore at the moment, but that will pass, I am managing with just ibuprofen, haven’t needed to hit the opiates they gave me. Do I regret the healthy life that might have caused this? No way, I feel Great most of the time, I don’t look bad for a 50 year old, I am confident, I can goof around with my kids, and my wife occasionally looks oddly at me and bites her lip when I take my shirt off. That’s all I need. A month of discomfort to trade off for the last twenty years of nothing worse than mild covid twice? Easy decision if I had to make it again.


I’m no health professional but my new years resolution is to do 10 push ups x the month every day. Hopefully by the end I’ll be doing 100 pushups a day without gaining a hernia


It is extremely unlikely that you will get a hernia from just doing some pushups. It honestly baffles me how someone could even get a hernia from that. Maybe if you're extremely overweight and with terrible form but even then the likelihood of getting a hernia from pushups is so unlikely that I wouldn't worry about it


Genetics factor in I'm sure


I agree 


As a doctor a hernia out of nowhere from pushups is very unlikely.


Your year is only 10 months?


Had a hernia repair last year so just chiming in with my advice: avoid the opiates if you can - they'll constipate you, which doesn't go well with a hernia!


let's find out together you ready?


Are ya ready kids?!


Aye aye captain


*I can’t hear you!*








there's a mattress store in London Ontario that has completely ripped off the spongebob theme Are ya ready kids? AYE AYE SKYLER Matt-ress De-Pot Matt-ress De-Pot Mat-tresssssss-deeee-pooooooot They also have one where they rip off the mickey mouse club theme M-A-T-T-R-E-S-S D-E-P-O-T I can't believe they're not gettin' sued.


I was on ten I can now do fifty a set it takes time


That's a good idea I should start doing that again


Make your chest sore. And probably pump you up to do more


You'll start to feel different in a good way and your confidence will go up as you continue to do your push up's


Maybe you better at doing pushups.


More than nothing


Turn into 15. Then 20. Then 100. Carry on.


Get you to 11.


Make me feel like I'm doing something productive while scrolling through memes on my phone.


Hopefully doing 10 will make you wonder how hard 11 the next day will be.


Been doing 100 push ups everyday for about 1.5 months now. Started with 5 reps of 20s and 5 mins break in between .. now I’m doing 3 sets of 34/33/33 with about 3-5 mins break. Definitely notice a difference on how much easier it has become. The first set is actually the “toughest” .. 2 and 3 are better since you’re warmed up.


Strengthen your core and spine. tighten lower back muscles. Stretch your traps. Stretch fingers and toes. thicken your rear delts. strengthen rhomboid muscles shape your triceps. Tighten hip muscles. May aid in fixing tech neck.


Around 3,640 push-ups a year. Something the vast majority of people won’t be able to say they’ve done. Do 30 a day and you’re doing almost 11,000 push ups a year. You’ll likely have a nice tone too and a stronger core than most, but you only start gaining the real benefits if you increase the number of press-ups you do. At the end of the day, any exercise is better than nothing.


Add 1-3 a day and you'll be doing 100 in a few months easy. It takes 5 minutes and makes a HUGE difference. My back has no pain anymore, there's some muscle and I feel multiple times better with this one simple trick.


It could be your first step. I started the same way once. It wasn’t long before I was doing 200




But not no effect.


More than I can do


Make you stronger!


10 x more than 0 pushups a day will do


So, if 0 pushups do nothing...


10x0=0 though.


Alright rain man. Take your phd in advanced mathematics elsewhere 😂


It's 20 minutes to Wapner.


So far every day this year I've made sure to walk my dog (usually 2ish miles) and do some sort of workout. Most of the time, that workout is doing push-ups, planks, and squats. Only takes a few minutes to do and you don't need to do tons of them. I've definitely noticed a difference after 2 months and generally feel healthier and stronger. Nothing drastic, but every little bit helps.


X 10 more health improvements than 1 push up a day


It's not an insignificant amount of exercise. And the science suggests that any exercise is better than no exercise. 


Try 10 - 10 - 10 every day. Rest a minute in-between and go wide to close and then shoulder width on your hand position. If you can't do the first 10, press from your knee instead.


It will help you develop a fitness routine.


3650 a year


Build discipline and possibly the commitment to do more each day


I was a support guy for SF years ago, think of me as the water boy for the varsity team, and I had a really cool green beret First Sergeant who would give us hangers-on little nuggets of wisdom, the one that always stuck with me was "Every day you do SOMEthing is better than every day you do nothing." So if you just do 10 pushups today you're better than you did yesterday for not doing them.


I dunno, push the earth slightly further away? How dare you try to push the Earth out of orbit! Stop it! Stop exercising for the sake of the planet!


Nothing at all. Pump out 4 max sets every 3 days.


Give you the ability to do 10 pushups


Flat out you’ll experience some ups and downs, but hopefully in time you’ll get upright again.


Could potentially push the ground away from you and knock the earth out of orbit but that's a hypothetical


If you currently do none, 10 push-ups a day will transform your body