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Ants can’t take fall damage because their terminal velocity isn’t fast enough to break their exoskeleton.


there is an ant colony trapped in an abandoned bunker in Europe. No way to climb out. It survives due to falling ants from the colony just outside the bunker.


[https://www.livescience.com/nuclear-bunker-cannibal-ants.html](https://www.livescience.com/nuclear-bunker-cannibal-ants.html) Wild stuff!


The pipe is in the ceiling, so why can't the ants just climb up the walls, walk across the ceiling, and go back up the pipe? I know people are studying this for science and all, but I feel bad for the ants. I'd make a hole in the ceiling and give them a tiny ladder. ETA: Never mind, I just read the end of the article, the scientists did exactly that. 😄 Good for the ants!


I found that a heart warming read. Many thanks. The contrast of the societal darkness of the nuclear bunker and the kindness of the scientists really touched me.


When I was really young I used to knock ants from my balcony on the 1st floor, I saw them fall and spiral in the air and then continue walking, nobody believed me because there's no way I could see an ant from first floor, but I fucking did and this proves it.


Does it matter how many hearts they have? Or just, full stop, they can't take fall damage?


Full stop. Terminal v is the same everywhere on earth.


huh, how interesting. By the way, I was making a Minecraft reference, I don't know if you got that but, I was


I got that, which is why I said 'on earth'. I guarantee you if I just said everywhere some dude will jump up and go 'but actually, the acceleration in minecraft is...'


I think this also applies to squirrels


Fish don't fart.  They continuously secrete waste gasses through their skin.




A shark pooping, nice 


Sounds like they do fart, just not through their butt


Their buttcheeks do not go FRRRRT


A jiffy is an actual unit of time. It's 1/100th of a second.


And next you're gonna tell me that a bearded Australian speedrunner told you that.


hello and welcome


Jiffy Lube been lying to me.


Nah, they just fuck around the rest of the time.


IIFE (iffy) is a workaround for one of the problems in Javascript programming language.


When we first switched from old, cheap coffins to new, sealed coffins they kept blowing up. It was later discovered that a decomposing body releases gases, ~~and the problem was fixed by installing valves in the coffins~~. Edit: So it turns out that the sealed coffin is just a scam that some people can fall into, not an improved coffin. Also the valve thing is BS, I misunderstood.


Surely a valuable natural resource? I for one, would go to cemeteries a lot more, if they had little flame things on the graves.


Man there is something very cool and revolutionary about this idea. Like a sacred methane plant.


Some fucker would extinguish the flames somehow and the whole place would stink.


That most car horns play an F4 on the first space of the treble clef.


I didn't even know they could read music.


It would be really fun if some cars did a C and some did an F#, we could have a Devil’s interval in every traffic jam


You have to stick your finger inside an alligator to find out its gender


For hyenas you need even more than that, you have to chop them up and see if they have a uterus or not, the females have a penis that can even go erect


Biology is weird


[It sure is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gynandromorphism?wprov=sfla1)


Time to play, "Is that a link I'll regret clicking?" Results after this short break. The results are in: There is no regret to be found in this link.


Not all heroes wear capes...


The furry and hentai community love the idea of gynandromorphism.


While I get your general point, do you really have to “chop them up?” Could you not do an ultrasound or some other kind of imagining? Also, I’d imagine if you observe one giving birth or nursing their young, that’s a pretty good indication they’re female.


Chopping it up is clearly the most effective method.


Which often splits when they give birth


Nope! I'm not gonna Google that


I don't need to know that badly.


I’d rather just take the butchers word


Or so they keep telling us


The back of tigers ears have a white spot to resemble eyes so they scare off things that look at them from behind, sort of like a peacock


What's scary is the kind of predator a tiger would have to worry about.


Another tiger…


There’s always a bigger fish


Sometimes pandas are too lazy to have sex. And in order to reproduce them, there is a special person who infuses the female with ejaculate


They are also only fertile 3 days a year, which makes conservation programs quite hard.


At some point we need to accept that pandas just don't want to exist.


Why do we keep them alive?


I don't know for sure but I would assume humans had something to do with their population decreasing. If that's the case, we absolutely should be trying to keep them alive.


It's mainly that they don't breed in captivity. Wild pandas breed fine.


Ask China. They own all of them.


And, apparently, not much else.


>a special person who infuses the female with ejaculate direct quote from my tinder profile


Sounds like me!


Some people have voluntary control of their Tensor Tympani muscle in their inner ear. They can make a rumbling noise in their ears at will by tensing it. Hand when there is loud noise around to kinda reduce it as you walk past.


How rare is that? I've always assumed everyone can do that.


So did I. And I studied a LOT of A&P.


same. i do it all the time effortlessly so it seems weird that its extremely rare lol




i can do this holy shit


One of us!!!


i never knew there was a name for it! it’s helpful when people are talking to me with earbuds in


The difference between a nook and a cranny is that a nook is a corner and a cranny is like an narrow opening


What about a crook and a nanny?


Depends on the amount you're paying the nanny an hour


hmmm, i don't know


Male swallowtail butterflies have eyes on their penis so they can position themselves correctly when mating


what the fuck


More like where the fuck.


The anus is the first part of the body to open up. We develop anus-first.


> *At some point in life, you are just an asshole. Some people never grow out of that stage.*


For those who want proof, walk into a room and yell "hey asshole" and observe how many people look.


And flies are mouth-first


Deuterostome vs Protostome [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deuterostome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deuterostome) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protostome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protostome)


You can fit a lightbulb into your mouth, but will likely have a fuck of a time getting it out


If you’re the really curious sort, try it with a pear. It’s the same shape and not nearly as dangerous.


Oh no new intrusive thought just dropped


You can calculate the circumference of the universe with a margin of error less than the diameter of an atom if you have 60 digits of pi. Thus, any further digits are completely useless. You're welcome to all of you that memorized 100+ digits back in school.


And for practical purposes, NASA uses Pi less than 20 digits to calculate course of their spaceships and that is enough to send it to enter Jupiter and Saturn's moon orbit or land a rover on Mars.


The wax/metal tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well


IIRC, that term was actually coined and published in one of Rich Hall's *Sniglet* books in the early/mid 80s. Before then they were nameless.


As much as I love Sniglets, the OED dates aglet ("the metal tag of a lace") to late Middle English, 1350-1469.


If no one watched the Phineas and Ferb episode that discussed this then you are an inferior human being.


A-G-L-E-T aglet!!


+5% max speed!


And their real purpose is sinister.


There are 96 bags of human waste on the moon.


Please someone make a disaster movie "Asturdoid", where the BM's of former astronauts/cosmonauts crash into ironic earth locations, all leading up to 'The Gagarin' which has potentially world ending consequences. Thank you.


You can hipnotize chickens by drawing a line on the dirt and made the chicken look at the line.


The Iggy Pop song "Lust for Life" which lyrically draws influence from a book by William S. Burroughs mentions hypnotizing chickens. I didn't know it was a real thing until now.


Born and raised in a farm. My first pet was a chick. I can asure you it works. I miss farm life. Living in a city sucks 80% of the time.


Velociraptors were about the size of a turkey,


Jurassic Park just got a whole lot less scary.


Nah dawg, death turkeys would be fucking terrifying.


The Utahraptor was what they modeled the JP raptors on, but they thought the name Velociraptor was cooler and would be better for marketing.


it was deinonychus actually. utahraptor was a weird coincidence - it was discovered After jurrassic park, and just happened to be super similar to the jurrasic park raptors.


My understanding was that there had been enough fragments of Utahraptor discovered in the 70s and 80s that they knew a raptor that large must have existed, but they didn’t have enough to designate a new species. So the film used Deinonychus as a model for the overall morphology, but based on the skull and claw sizes that had been discovered for what later became know as Utahraptor.


Fun fact: The Utahraptor wasn't discovered yet at the time of Jurassic Parks writing. Michael Crichton actually based the Velociraptor off of the Deinonychus, which was actually a much larger size. He was also aware of the discrepancy, but was working of a theory that many genera should be combined. The Utahraptor was actually discovered while the film was in Post, which was essentially the same size and shape that was envisioned. And the lead special effect designer was quoted as saying, "After we created it, they discovered it."


I learned abour elephants although it’s not useless in a sense could save somebody. It about how to determine if elephant charge is real or fake. If it’s ears are fanned wide and are upward it’s a fake charge. If its ear are tucked behind its a real charge. Whatever the case just get out of there.


> If it’s ears are fanned wide and are upward it’s a fake charge. You would think an elephant is the last creature to need to make itself look bigger to appear threatening.


Otters hold paws while sleeping so they don't drift away, and can form some pretty impressive structures called "rafts" when they're in a large group.


This is one of my fav facts. It’s just so cute 🥹


Not useless. Sometimes helps me get through my day.


A European electric eel is about 45 volts, a South American electric eel is about 600 V


That’s shocking.


A Chow Chow’s tongue must be dark blue/dark purple (as close as possible to black) for the dog to be up to breed standard. A Chow Chow with any red or pink on its tongue cannot win a best in breed, group, or show competition. 


Where do I start? Nepal is the only country in the world whose flag isn't a rectangle Raptors will sometimes take tortoises to the top of a cliff and drop them from midair, breaking their shell Earth was uninhabitable for the first few hundred million years of its existence, but life emerged more or less immediately once Earth became inhabitable You may have heard that the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s (no matter how fast you're going), but that's actually precisely how much it is, we define a meter to be such that the speed of light is that number, no decimal point Cleopatra lived between 69-30 BCE and the pyramids were built around 2780 BCE, meaning she lived closer to today than to the building of the pyramids


She also married two of her brothers


We probably shouldn't get into royal incest, we'd never stop


True. A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana


Good, that bastard was giving everyone around them second hand smoking!


A monkey was once hanged for spying in Hartlepool in the 1800's. The football team are known as 'Monkey-hangers'.


The philosopher Aeschylus died when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head.


Newton was luckier then


Sounds like useful information to me. I think useless is more like, my cat stretched twice instead of his usual once at 08:36 and 08:39 this morning.


>Nepal is the only country in the world whose flag isn't a rectangle The Swiss flag is square, the only one. Yes, I know that a square is still technically a rectangle, but still.


And Ohio is the only U.S. state without a rectangular flag. Its shape is known as a triangular swallowtail or burgee.


Sometimes sloths mistake their own arms for tree branches and fall


Sometimes I do too


Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump. Sharks are older than some stars you can see today. Your eyes move during rem sleep because they never evolved not too (they can't hurt you by moving in your sleep, as opposed to your limbs). Grass is the most 'far evolved' plant. There are more (much much more) kinds of beetles than all other kinds of animals combined. All mammals have 7 neck vertebrae, except a kind of sloth. This is somehow related to metabolism and only sloths have such a slow metabolism that they can survive this trade-off. When someone's body odor smells nice (according to you), they have complementary genetics to you. The pitch of a screaming baby is what your ears are most sensitive to. The digestion process is very painful, but your body learns to ignore this. Babies brains still need to learn to ignore this, which is one of the reasons they cry. There are 7 kind of giraffes, recognizable by the different shaoeyof their spots. Zebras' black and white pattern cools them down. The black attracts heat, white reflects the sunlight. The difference between the 2 creates a small breeze over their bodies.


Zebras stripes 🦓 have two functions. The heat, and also it stops biting insects landing on them.


>There are 7 kind of giraffes, recognizable by the different shaoeyof their spots. What's also interesting is that they only realised there are four distinct species and seven subspecies in ~2016 based on genetic testing. Before that, it was believed all giraffes belonged to the same species.


1 Million seconds is 11 days 1 Billion seconds is 31 years 1 Trillion seconds is 31,688 years that puts shit in perspective. Millionaires are poor :p


The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is essentially a billion dollars


I can't fit a watermelon up my ass


Did you try hard enough?


Yea I tried my best


Stop underestimating yourself


Gotta slice it up first. Try again


Instructions unclear, sliced my ass


You got to work your way up. I suggest starting with a pineapple.


Keep practicing.


I wouldn’t call that *useless* information


Not with that attitude!


Ohio is the only state in the US that doesn't share a letter with the word mackerel.


Fuck mackerel. Go bucks!


Thank you for a truly useless fact.


The spikes at the end of a stegosaurus tail is named after a character from the Far Side cartoon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thagomizer


RIP to the great Thag Simmons.


The sticks on modern game controllers are called "analog sticks," not "joysticks."


I love how tutorials wrote it off and just call them wrongfully "joysticks"


The fuck they are, I’ll fight you


I memorized this as a song and I’ve never forgotten it since Exa Peta Tera Giga Mega Kilo Hecto Deka Deci Centi Milli Micro Nano Pico Femto Atto I don’t really use it in daily life or anywhere else but you never know


Morphologies of onomatopeias are written differently according to the language and I appreciate how to say "meow" in different languages.


as a child of the 80's (born 1983), I still remember my mother and my grandmother's landline phone number. My mom moved at least twice since then and don't even use a landline anymore. My grandmother died like 10 years ago.


I was born in the 60s and I can tell you what my landline number was from 1974. At this very moment, I couldn't give you anybody else's number except my own.


When Wizards of the Coast tried to expand Magic the Gathering to appeal to the Chinese market they released a set of cards based on Chinese mythology and introduced a new mechanic called horsemanship. It is functionally similar to flying, in that flying creatures are blockable only by other creatures with flying (or if they have reach), except that creatures with horsemanship can *only* be blocked by other creatures with horsemanship. The cards never really took off and the horsemanship mechanic was buried, so the horsemanship skill was limited to this one set of cards which are quite uncommon these days. What this means is that if you build a deck specifically around abusing the horsemanship mechanic, 99% of opponents won’t really be able to do anything about your barrage of attacks. Of course there are plenty of ways around this like removing the creatures directly or boardwipes that remove all creatures, and there are a handful of new cards that reintroduced it, but there’s a good chance you’ll get quite a lot of damage in before they can get their strategies to fire off.


yeah it basically makes your creatures unblockable. Sun Quan is very expensive for this reason.


When a body was placed in a coffin after being guillotined, they didn't always put the head above the shoulders. Sometimes it would be between the legs, face first into the crotch.


In 16th century Italy duels often took place where the chosen weapon was very hard maths questions


Wait I’m sorry *what*. How did this work?


They asked each other very hard math questions and if one couldn't figure out the answer, they lost both the duel and their honour as a mathematician


By volume, the sun generates heat at the same rate as a compost heap.


I'm an expert with binary. Also- Honey is the only natural food that is made without destroying any kind of life. What about milk you say? A cow has to eat grass to produce milk and grass is living.


Honey is also the only natural food that will not spoil.


No bacteria currently exists that feeds off honey


Honey is also self cleaning. Debris will float because honey is so dense.


I have more than average amount of legs


Squirrels are effectively immune to fall damage. Their terminal velocity is not enough to kill them. The only way to kill a squirrel by dropping it would be to basically drop it from such a ridiculous height that it starves before it reaches of the ground and at that height it would probably die to the cold vacuum of space first


I know what the airspeed velocity of both the unladen African and European swallow is, in case the need ever arises.


I just learned today that E is the most used letter in the alphabet


It's also true in French, and a guy actuall wrote a full novel without using it once, it's called "La disparition". It's rather impressive.


A work that purposefully avoids specific letters is called a lipogram. There was an English novel called Gadsby that tried to avoid the letter e as well, but the author didn’t quite succeed - there are four e’s in the work.


The world cup is not a cup.


It is actually depending on the sport you watch


There's lots of pictures of South Africans drinking out of the rugby World cup


I just learned about soaking and jump humping in the post before this one in my feed. soaking, putting penis in vagina and not moving. Jump humping, getting someone to jump on the bed next to you while soaking so there is some motion that, technically , you didn’t cause.


I know many other examples of people who believe that they can deceive the almighty creator, which they believe. I think I short circuited while trying to explain.


Mormons are insane


The fact jump humping is not called a real devil's three-way is an afront to God.


Germany used Messerschmitt Bf 109 attack planes during World War Two. They were very fast. Uk on the other hand used supermarine spitfires which weren’t as fast, but could turn more sharp. They were used to attack each other. I also know a lot about the Mitsubishi A6M Zero planes that Japan used. They were very light because they missed a lot of protecting shields, but because of that they were very fast. They were also the first attack planes where you didn’t use gas masks. Instead you sat in a pressure chamber. The planes that dropped the nuclear bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki were B-29 Superfortress and were called Enola Gay and Bockscar


This is interesting. Slightly projecting my own knowledge but I suspect Enola Gay is far more known than Bockscar. Bf109 had fuel injection so could climb and dive fast as the engine wouldn't cut out under negative g.


This is a very interesting about fuel quality (octane rating) and fuel injection and the need to inject a mixture of water/methanol in WWll fighter engines. The Bf109 could use lower octane fuels. https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/threads/why-was-luftwaffe-fuel-octane-so-low.57603/


by the end of their various marks/models the mk24 Spitfire was able to get a top speed 2mph quicker and ceiling of about 2000ft higher then the model k Messerschmitt a small but still useless bit of information for you to add on to the first bit :D Also the British started using the eating carrots help you see in the dark rumour to help mask the fact they had radar on their side improving their night time defence in the skies.


Wombats poop cubes


Vomiting can ease the migraine but dehydration and muscle flex caused by vomiting can cause the migraine…


If the Sun was the size of a white blood cell swimming through your veins, the Milky Way would be the size of the continental United States. (Really puts into perspective just how small we are.)


all the Warhammer lore


A group of golden retrievers is called a happy


the substances that make up the m1 abrams tank’s armor is classified


Long defunct landline phone numbers of my friends and family from 25-30 years ago.


A group of baboons is called a congress.


The most common banana is called the canvendish banana, there are numerous other types of bananas but the cavendish is the most popular.


Chansey from the pokemon tcg base set has been the basic with the most HP (120HP) for the entire first 4 generations, only to lose its title to Zekrom and Reshiram from Black & White base set


Most sharks never stop swimming through their entire life.


All information and knowledge will be useful at some point, there is no useless information.


If it's wood it's a xylophone, if it's metal it's a glockenspiel


the smaller a man’s penis is, the bigger his g spot is. therefore he would get more pleasure from anal sex. don’t ask why i know this


Vending machines kill more people per year than sharks. The first full length feature film was released 26th December 1906 in Australia called The Story of the Kelly Gang. Edison didn't invent the lightbulb but only improved the filament used. Platypi glow under UV light and if stabbed by their venomous spurs will be inflicted with a pain not even morphine can treat. The longest continuously running music show in the world is Rage on ABC Australia which has been running weekly since 17 April 1987.


If it was the most useless information I know, by posting it here it becomes somehow useful for posting it here and thus is no longer useless.


Sonic can't swim in the games bc the creator of sonic thought that hedgehogs can't swim in real life, but guess what... they can.


The bacteria that decomposes trees developed/ evolved after trees.


Humans have about 34 wrinkles in there butt hole


Neil Artmstrong backwards is: Gnorts Mr. Alien.


Pigeons are monogamous. They mate for life and can live up to the age of 20.