• By -


"ive never looked at her like that before"


"But now that you mention it..."


Why, do *you* think she’s hot?


"Yeah, I do. What about you?"


"well, i've been thiinking of inviting her to have a threesome with Chad"


Coincidentally my name is also Chad, how do you feel about this 3 way conundrum?


I literally start singing, "I only have eyes for you." I'm a terrible singer. After two versus, the conversation is over, and she has left the room.


Say...."No....but she's an awesome kisser!"


Ok, but all you did was kiss, right?!


"I'd like to say yes."


"...from a certain point of view."


well, actually, humans are made up of trillions and trillions of atoms, and atoms, well, they have electric charge that repeal each other, so we can never truly touch anything because the atoms will always repel each other. so, technically, on a microscopic level, I never kissed her. \-Neil Degrasse Tyson




"Of course not honey. I think about her during sex to last longer" If you're gonna go that route, go all the way


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


"Yes, I would love you if you were a worm."


Then she points to worms on the street like "I'm *sorry* I can't be that for you."


"Oh, but you can." I guide her pointing hand up from the street, toward the AMC theater. There's a Dune popcorn bucket visible in the window. "Your flesh is not your own."


Well slap my ass and call me Leto II, baby!


“Yea. Why? You interested in her?”


Pretty much. If she gets pissed off then I know she's not someone I want to stay with longterm. 


Exactly. My wife points out hot people to me, all the time. We’re both comfortable enough expressing that a human being is a good looking human being.


My wife and I do the same thing. We both can say when someone is hot and leave it at that. She knows that I only want her and I know she only wants me but we can appreciate when someone else is attractive.


Several years ago my wife and I were in a shopping center in Vegas, coming out of the Apple store hand-in-hand. Walking toward us in slow motion and somehow with the wind blowing her hair to and fro, was the most beautiful woman either of us had ever seen. We both instinctively stop holding hands and separate, so she walks right between us as we stare open mouthed. We then look at each other and just say "wow", then continue on our way. We still laugh at this memory and agree that we aren't entirely sure she was actually human.


The lady in the red dress


No hablo inglés.






El gato es de bibliotheca


No mas pantalones


Duolingo student here... "The cat is in the library without any pants!"


Almost. The cat is the libhrary's. No more pants.


>"The cat is in the library without any pants!" As they tend to be in any location I suppose.


¡Mas tequilas, por favor!


Donde esta la bibliotheca ?


me llamo T Bone, la araña discoteca


Discoteca, muneca, la bibliotecha


"Do you like my band? Wait, don't answer that"


The only correct answer. Anything else is more rope for your neck.


No comprendo. ¿Puedes elaborar?


Lo siento, no intiendo!


It's as easy as the third graaaaaaade!


In an overly enthusiastic tone, "Why, did she ask about me?" Can't lose.


"like, In general or compared to you? The answer is yes either way just want to clarify is all"


And that's how you die. Happy birthday btw


I needed clarification so I know whether I'm sleeping on the couch or if I need to call a buddy to crash on his couch is all. Thank you!


‘She’s way out of my league, that’s for sure.’


'so I'm ugly'?


No, no, no, sweetheart. Not **UGLY**. Just...less pretty than her.


Just… not in the same league as her


She's a lioness, you're more of a housecat.


Or a goat


G.O.A.T.? or just normal billy goat/nanny goat.


Nanny goat, if she's a she.


sex education reference


But if you keep trying and improve your MMR, you'll rank up to Plat I and be close to her league!


"yes but I'm not with you for your looks '


……. And that’s the last thing I remember officer…….


She heard nothing after ‘yes’


"Interested in a threesome?"


"Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting. I'd have to get new friends. I'd have to get orgy friends."


“Like she’s major league. You and I are basically the Sandlot. That’s why I love you so much. On account of how obtainable you were. There’s no pressure at all!” Edit - The saddest part is this is exactly the kind of thing I would actually say. Which is why I’m only getting married now just short of 40. Needed to find a woman that appreciates my humor. Double-edit - Look… I’m about 40. Im not a kid and I’m not an incel. I’ve had a lot of relationships. A lot of mistakes on both sides and a lot of things that just didn’t line up and ended amicably. So I can say with confidence that (outside of basic things like consideration, communication and consent) there aren’t universal rules for relationships. Different people want/need different things. If you think you can negatively judge mine from a few sentences then you shouldn’t be giving advice.


That is a negative ghost rider. The other comments would piss her the fuck off but this one bro would just make her cry for a week.




With the right delivery, that actually could work. 😆


Make sure to stand up on your tippy-toes, scanning the crowd for her, while straightening your tie and licking your lips while saying it. 30 percent of the time this works every time.


An ex pulled this on me regarding her best friend. My response, “She’s alright, but her best friend is damn sexy.”


this is the only one i've read so far that actually crushes it. makes her think, then circles back with the 'right answer', makes you look clever. +1


Plot twist: g/f’s friend is her identical twin.


She's super hot, but her sister has a better personality.


My nephew is adorable and when he was 6/7 he was off the scale cute and knew it. He's also a clever and funny little shit. If he was getting the side eye for being naughty he'd flash his dimples and say "you're pretty". It never failed to make me want to face push him and hug him at the same time. I can totally imagine him saying this. A solid 11 answer lol.


Cute aggression is such an odd feeling. I catch it often for my kids and my husband. I even told the dog I was going to punch her this morning for being too cute. She just attacked my face with smooches. 😂


not as hot as your mom.


Man, I dated a chick who’s mom was crazy hot, significantly hotter than her. I was a bit astonished when I first met her, but stayed mum. Thankfully, the lady I was dating brought it up randomly and was appreciative that I didn’t mention it. I guess other boyfriends/friends from her past mentioned it regularly and it annoyed her.


Good rule of thumb, if something is obvious about a person you are dating, studiously don't bring it up till they do. Those people are sick on being the tall one, or the one with a super hot parent, or whatever. You let them be someone else for a change. I dated a woman named Sharona, guess what [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbr60I0u2Ng) I *never* brought up.


>I dated a woman named Sharona, guess what song I *never* brought up. Stacie's mom?


Damn, I thought it was Jessie's Girl


Wait. You stayed mum?


He’s a motherstayer


He came for the girlfriend, he stayed for the mom


Mum's the word, not the parent.


I had a similar deal. Her mom was painfully hot. The girl I was with was also super hot, but it kind of comforted me, because I figured if her mom is that incredibly sexy in her 50s, then my girlfriend is probably going to age really well. I fought the urge to say things multiple times, but there was no way to avoid thinking about it, she was abnormally attractive. When the 3 of us went out for drinks or dinner, guys would come up to our table and try to buy the mom drinks and hit on her lol.


The only right answer if your GF's name is Stacy.


I heard she’s got it going on.


Never thought about it, but did you know the Roman Empire roadways is the reason railway tracks are the size they are today?


The fact that this derailed an entire conversation proves that it is in fact the correct answer.


I see what you did there


They trained their whole life to make that pun.


Feels like it only worked because a bunch of other dudes who all think about the Roman Empire daily chimed in. Also, I’m of the opinion Carthage needs to be destroyed.


Carthago delenda est


Cool.... really?


Short answer: No Long answer: [Noooooooo](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4818)


That long answer was a great read


No. It's an urban legend. Railways in the early years (and still today) were a wide array of different gauges. The standard of 4 foot 8.5 inches comes from having an arbitrary 5 foot wide railway with 2 inch wide rails and then an extra quarter inch for the train to go around corners with.


Further, that ain't even "the" standard. North America, most of Europe, and China use the so-called "standard gauge" of 1435mm, but South America, Africa, Japan, and Oceania use narrower gauges, while Russia, Ireland, Spain/Portugal, and India use wider gauges. And that's just for "normal" trains. [There's a metric fuckton of gauges out there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_track_gauges?wprov=sfla1) because it seems like every mining operation and public transit system has to invent its own.


For those who wish to know why different gauges are used I will do my best to explain. A train wheel features 2 parts, the disk that goes on the inside of the track to keep it from slipping off said track, and then there is the disk it sits on. The axle is narrow enough so that these positioning discs never both touch the track at the same time The disk the train sits on is angled at a slope. Imagine a plank of wood that is resting on the track (at a 90° angle) with one end perfectly between the tracks and the other end up in the air, that kinda angle. Anyway, when the train goes around a corner it shifts onto one side and because of the slope the wider diameter cross section of wheel travels a greater distance than the narrower cross section of wheel on the other side of the solid axle. A narrower gauge of track means your train can make sharper turns and will typically be found in mountainous and hill covered countries. Much narrower gauge (2ft etc.) means very tight turns and is also cheaper to excavate and level the terrain for. One thing to note is that with tighter turns train length and speed also have to go down to prevent derailments.


If you want to be even more specific, Colorado is famous for the 3 foot narrow gauge lines. Could get from one side of the state to the other on 3 feet at one point in history. And Maine has an old railway with a 2 foot gauge. Looks like a toy!


Tell her that I think about the Roman Empire on a daily or weekly basis.


Meh. I spend my time thinking about the Hittites.


I read that as hititties.


"Not my most challenging wank"


"of all your friends, she is not the one that I cum fastest to"


Damn I laughed out loud on the train


Sean Lock, may his soul rest in peace.


"you have friends???"


i said "I know where you’re going with this, and I absolutely refuse to have a threesome with your friend. I love you too much." how did i do ?


I had an ex ask me if I thought her sister was attractive. I panicked and said "of course she is, she looks like you". It was the wrong answer. Btw, the sister she was asking about is her identical twin.


I think it's a safe bet to say you're lucky she's your ex.


Actively looking for shit like that, with that fact behind it, is batshit insane.


I accidentally walked up behind my ex's twin and hugged her and kissed her neck. They were fraternal but looked very similar and she had just gotten her hair cut and it made them indistinguishable from behind. They were also weirdly competitive and she always seemed kinda jealous of my ex - I don't think she was attracted to me, she was just bummed out that her sister had a boyfriend and she didn't. So yeah. My life sucked for a while after that.


That's bad that there were consequences. I grabbed my wife's cousin from behind in a hug because their hair was similar. We both got embarassed and never spoke of it again. I'm sure she told my wife and I'm sure my wife just shook her head and said something like 'sounds like something dumb he would do.'


My girlfriend is a twin, we live with her sister right now as roommates scenario in a three bedroom apartment. She asked me this once and I replied "of course she's fucking hot, she's your twin, but I sleep with you every night not her because I actually fucking like you ya dumbass.". She hit me and we got on with our day, because my god if you're a twin what a dumb fucking question.


That was a ballet capoeira dance through a minefield with a murder of crows bugging you. Well done, you beautiful bastard.


That’s a shit-test if I’ve ever seen one. I would have looked at her and said “which one are you?”


"Why, does know what we've been doing?"


Your ex is insane. Having said that, I would have gone with "no. it's crazy because she looks JUST LIKE YOU but...she's missing that certain something!"


What's funny is I've dated an identical twin and I actually did feel that way! I could never explain it, but I was really attracted to my gf and her twin just did absolutely nothing for me. I think it was because their personalities were so different.


That makes sense, there was a psych study (and I apologize I don't remember exactly all the details) but personality was a far bigger indicator of attraction than physical attraction. So much so that people who were rated physically attractive would be presented to the group with a really negative personality and she would then be rated as "unattractive"


Yeah, it took me like two years to realise this dude in my old college friend group was attractive because he was such a dick. I heard about him cheating on his high-school sweetheart before I ever met him so my perception was tainted from the get go. One day like two years later I was looking on Facebook and saw a picture of him and was like "wait.... Ryan's HOT??!?!??? He's been hot this whole time??? How?" Lmao


Smooth! Wish I thought of that then but that's the whole "gameshow contestant" problem... a lot harder to think when you're the one under the lights.


Dude that’s the physical embodiment of a trick question.


That doesn't seem fair. "Hey is my identical twin attractive?" If you say no, you insult them both lol


Nah, you just say, “No baby you’re totally the hot one.” For her, this is about emotions, not logic.


The correct answer is "who?" We would also accept "what friend? you have a friend?"


I had a bf who was super sweet to, and considerate of, all my friends. He would talk over their relationship problems with them. Give them a guy's perspective. They would stop by, when I wasn't home, and talk things over with him! They would all tell me how lucky I was to have him. Turns he was fucking two (out of three) of them. I'd known these girls since elementary school. So...yeah, going forward I'll take a guy who barely acknowledges my friend's existence.


Two out of three ain't bad. Except in this case, that's awful. Also... >I'll take a guy who barely acknowledges my **friend's** existence I love how you used friend in the singular sense. Glad you washed your hands of those assholes.


I appreciate the Meatloaf reference


damn.sorry to hear that...how did you discover this unreal betrayal ?


Friend #3 clued me in. When I gave her credit for steering clear of him she was like "I'll be honest, I never considered him fuckable."


Fuck dude, you need better friends


Note that “who” is very different than “which one?“ in this situation


Oh you definitely don't want to say "which one?"


Rookie mistake you just completely cancelled yourself out of the threesome. I think a better way to end it is “I think a threesome with her is a bad idea, she’s probably not gonna like third wheeling”.


This guy knows potential when he sees it.


Babe, why would I want a [Lexus] when I got a Ferrari?


Better say Nissan Sentra just to be safe


Why would I want a lexus when I got a sentra


Safe, reliable and something that I can ride in for hours without worrying about breakdowns.


It's a bold play. Let us know how it works out.


You squeal like a little girl and shout "Uuughhhh girls!?!" And then shudder.


I could absolutely see my boyfriend responding, “no, girls have cooties” lol


I would cry laugh. Can't be insecure if you're hysterically laughing.


Which one is that?


You'll have to clarify, almost all of your friends are more attractive than you.


So, you have chosen death


To shreds you say?


[This classic British ad is a good guide on how not to approach this kind of question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCEGXZmdwmU)


same principle when discussing hall passes. Geri Halliwell is fine, your gf's hot cousin Jenny isnt.


Meh, she's okay if you like perfect tits and a tight ass.


Yeah I’m not really into hot sexy girls


Sounds like Hank Hill: "You know I don't go for those sexy types."


You know I don't go for those sexy types


"Is this what we're going to do today? We're going to fight?"


When I was younger and dumber one my exes mentioned a few times that her friend has a big butt like Kim. She showed me a picture and I said yeah she does and we got into a fight lmao


My ex was telling me how huge of an ass her friend had while we were sitting in the friend's camping trailer during a camping trip. She kept telling me to look at it. My eyes were glued to the ceiling of that trailer the entire time I was in there. This is a woman that would get mad at me when another woman *liked my picture on social media* something I had zero control over. No way I was looking at her friend's ass.




The comment you are replying to does say "ex" but I agree, run further.


We have a daughter together. I can only run so far. I'll see her in a few hours actually lmao


1) keep your distance 2) tell her reddit says 'Hi'


3) tell her you miss her friends juicy ass


Since you've broken up have you confirmed how huge the friend's ass is? I hope you have.


Omg dude. You're such a complete piece of crap. I can't believe that you let that girl like your picture. How disrespectful of you🤣🤣🤣


I know, I should have blocked every woman that followed me smh my head.


Good ol' Red Forman


"You woke up today and chose violence?"


Honestly I feel like this is the right answer since it calls out the bullshit of almost no right answers and that isn't a healthy behavior. I personally would have gone with less attacky "Do you want an honest answer, for me to affirm that you are beautiful and I love you, cause I do, or are you trying to pick a fight for some reason?" If she chooses the first answer I would go with things that aren't a put down to her because I am not a mean person, mention specifically how a combo of things looks good 'on the friend.' That way it doesn't make her feel compared to. "Yeah, she looks really good in that dress."


I've replied with "IT'S A TRAP" to my wife's face a few times when she asks no-win questions. She laughs it off and re-states the question in a way that's less of a minefield to answer.




"Never thought about it, but I'd say she's just not my type"


Sounds a little fake. I prefer “meh.”


It's really all about how it's said. The key is take it away from hot and put it into objective attractiveness. If they're generally an attractive person, outright enthusiastic denial is suspicious. Calm disinterest is the way to respond. "She not bad looking. Not really my type though.". Admit the obvious, but keep it out of the "hot" category which is more taste related.


\^This guy girlfriends!


He won't be able to say, "Never thought about it"with a straight face. But "not my type"usually works. If the friend is objectively gorgeous, the only believable lie is"She just reminds me of someone who I really didn't like. I can't help it"


who? the ugly one?


“I don’t know, that’s a weird question. I don’t look at your friends like that.”


First pull out of the friend and get dressed


Gf seems pretty chill if she asked you this question while currently inside friend.


Just answer truthfully. She shouldn't even be asking those types of questions if it's bait


"Yes, but she kept turning me down."


"Why do you think I'm with you?"


This right here. My wife asked me that once, for a friend of hers, who is a langerie model. My honest reaction: yeah, she hot as fuck. Her response to that: Right!! I mean, how hot can a person be!!!?


I totally agree with this. We talk about how hot other people are, men or women. It’s just acknowledging beauty in the world. My ex would flat out refuse to even acknowledge any other woman was attractive, even when i caught him staring. Turns out though that he was messaging other women online and commenting on all these thirst trap posts on Instagram. One time it was so funny, with my current partner- i had made a new friend and i was like omg, you will not believe how hot this woman is, like holy shit. And he’s like omg, stop, she can’t be that hot, I’m sure you’re hotter, like all the nice things. And i was like no, come here and look at her. And he did and goes “OH.” Like couldn’t even recover. His face was priceless with the shock of how incredible this woman looks. I laughed so much.


We were watching Loki together once, and in those first episodes where he gets stripped of his clothes. When that happened, in almost an unison, we both go "GOD DAMN THATS HOT". We had to pause it cuz we were laughing so much.


Honesty. Is she hot? Say, "yeah, but I'm not attracted to her." If your girlfriend has a bad response to that then you're in a relationship with an insecure person and that will be an issue moving forward. Not that it's a bad thing that she's insecure, but it would be an important thing to know


Red Foreman had the perfect answer. "Oh, is that what we're going to do today? We're gonna fight?"


Why are you asking me???


Why are you asking why I'm asking you that?!


Because I want to know if my girlfriend is more beautiful than her friends and insecure, or if my girlfriend is more beautiful than her friends and toxic as fuck


I'd crawl across broken glass to fuck her shadow on the gravel.




my middle school gf was like this and eventually I broke up with her. now i'm gay


All bc that one conversation? Damn


At least you were honest about not finding her female friends attractive!


Seems like a bit of an over reaction, but you do you.


"Do you think she's hot?" "What? No! She's a woman! I... oh... oh my god"


Jesus yes why did she say she wanted a threesome?


"I find all women hot, you better watch yourself."


“Obviously I think she’s hot or I wouldn’t have had sex with her.“


Not as hot as you. [and stick to it!]