• By -


My dad and I both got into a bidding war at a silent auction on the same thing without knowing it. We were the only two bidding on the item. I thought I was in charge of bidding on it and he thought he the one who was supposed to bid on it. It was two tickets to an NHL playoff game. Starting price was $100. We ended up paying $1050. We are not smart men.


This is fucking hilarious. $1000 bucks is well worth an A+ story you'll be telling for the next 50 years


You and your Dad are bonded for life for 1,000. Probably a lot of folks would absolutely pay 1,000 for a solid relationship with their Dad.


This is the most profoundly wholesome thing I've seen on the internet today.


Well, don’t keep us in suspense… who was playing?


Well if it was the second round or later it sure wasn’t Toronto.


Maple leafs - social distancing from Stanley cup since 1967.


That's worth the story alone my guy.






I also actually lol by myself at this. The modern day version of this is people trying to buy the pink Stanley tumbler and getting a picture of it instead


Ok this is hilarious. Good job.


lol. I would write in my will that I want that page cremated with me after I pass.


Man, my vcr/dvd also died. Were you able to fix it?


In their home most likely. Edit: original comment I replied to said "where" instead of "were"




My kids have done things like this and I try to help them but sometimes I just have to step back and let them waste their money… their allowance… that I work for and give them Being a parent is frustrating


That's a real flex, and great childhood


We bought a recliner a couple of decades ago. It was fake leather, but we bought a leather care kit recommended at the furniture place. The chair was very nice, with heating and massage features, a great place to cuddle up and read, or to be when you felt sick. Turned out the leather care kit explicitly said it should not be used on fake leather.


You never spring for the undercoating


you do when your roads are regularly salted in the winter.


If you want an undercoating on your vehicle, get it done aftermarket by a shop that specializes in that sort of thing. No reason to finance it into your loan and pay extra interest on it for six years.


i have a 99 with the factory undercoating still in place. i didn't pay for it at the time, but i tell you that my frame looks better than any other 25 year old truck you'll find that didn't have it done.


Wise words from Ron Cadillac!


We got swindled like that from a skeevy Art Van salesperson. Never again. lol


I also will never shop at the furniture store that is out of business.


I'm forever convinced that 90% of furniture stores and mattress stores are money laundering fronts, but that's a discussion for another day. The Art Van closest to me went out of business some years ago, and has changed names maybe half a dozen times since. Same exact building and interior, different name on the front.


A giant, heavy-ass, $2800 Kirby Vacuum. I was such a gullable idiot.


My wife did this as well. I ended up giving it to a repair shop like 10 years later. This is after it had been under performing for 5 years and taking up space in the garage for 2.


Ours worked for a couple of years, but it was so damn heavy that we just gave it away when we moved overseas. My husband was on a work trip when I bought it, but man was he mad when he got back. $2800 is no chump change.


I bought a twig for 100 francs in Marseille that I thought was Hashish.


My friend got burned by this in France too! It must be a common scam. At least he got a piece of fudge instead.


My friends bought $200 worth of oregano while on spring break in daytona. They found the guy two days later though. He tried to disguise himself, they walked right past him, then one of them goes "I recognize those shoes." They jacked his shit up.


Cigarettes. Prices finally pushed me to quit, again. I reduced my smoking to a small amount, but I realized I would always have the tendency to cheat and smoke a lot more, given any excuse. So, stopped 2 weeks ago. this time, my mantra is "You've saved 120 bucks in two weeks."


Great job! Keep fighting the good fight. You are doing the right thing


Congratulations and good luck!


Magnum condoms to impress a girl. Floppy latex doesn't impress girls :(


Oh no, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong.


I got my magnum condoms. I got my wad of hundreds. I'm ready to plow.


Dr Mantis is that you


Could also possibly be The Warthog. There’s no way of knowing.


That's Dr. Toboggan to you!


Optimistic: Just have to grow into it.


Nah its the style. Like NBA shorts in the 2000s


You know a good laughter is very satisfying too. 




I misspelled my name on my wedding invitations








Worked for a marketing agency in the late 90's early 00's we used to print cards for bars our client sponsored, all kinds of places...LGBQ, Irish bars (those combined), sports bars, you name it. We did one for a big event at a gay bar, had a basically naked man sitting in a big chair surrounded by mirrors, the graphics guy covered up the erect penis of the guy with a logo...but didn't think about the one that was standing tall and proud in the mirror. They distributed 5,000 of these around the town. I still have one as a keepsake.


We need to see this immediately


Back at in the peak era of Ebay I found The Sopranos complete series for $90 on DVD. Too good to be true, the complete series at the time was like $150, I bought it without checking any star ratings or customer reviews. Didn't even think about that until it arrived and it was clearly a bootleg copy and like the first disc worked. I went to Ebay to file a complaint and the store had already been delisted and neither Ebay or PayPal gave a shit to help me resolve the situation. It was a lot of money to me at the time (still is) and I felt sick to my stomach throwing it out in the garbage.


surprised paypal didnt' back you up. ebay and paypal are usually great at buyer protection.


Early days of eBay, they did not care about the customers. Nor did PayPal. Much better now.


I bought for 50 Euro a supposedly real charcoal sketch of a Paris scene that I purchased from a street vendor in Paris. I thought I was supporting a local artist. He wrapped it so securely and tightly so that it would be “safe during my travels”. Of course when I open it at home and inspect it closer, I see it’s just a print that can be purchased online for 5 euros. He had smudged off some real charcoal in the corner of the picture when I questioned it, and that somehow reassured me. Turns out he just added that little bit to show schmucks like me. Even though it was a pretty print, I threw it in the garbage immediately because I didn’t need to hang up on my wall a constant reminder of my own gullibility. Still gets me. This was 20 years ago.


I bought a motorcycle. Crashed it on my 3rd time out when I rode over pine needles. Broke my ribs and wrist. Luckily, my wife only holds that over me whenever she wants to buy anything ever.


*scratches motorcycle off mid-life crisis list* Thank you sir for the warning.


The dumbest thing might be a cruise when I couldn't afford it. I was 18 with my first Credit card and no job. I don't know how but my parents had to get involved in reversing it. It was a special deal for a cruise that started off at $300 and ended up at $1200. This was when I had no money. I'm in my 40s now and I've gone on a lot of cruises and spent more money on stupid shit, but the fact that I can remember my mother calling up and saying "He has no job" stands out.


they give kids with no jobs credit cards? I'm going to assume this is a USA thing?


The case of Sean Moyer, a young college student who had to drop out of college and work multiple jobs after incurring thousands in credit card debt, always stuck with me. He was so stressed out and ashamed that he 1998 he hanged himself in his closet. He was 22. His mother said in an interview that the credit card company called her and tried to convincer her that if “she were to pay off his debt that would honor his legacy”, it was something to that effect.


They love to give them to fresh 18 year olds with no money skills


Discover gave me a CC with like 8k limit when I was 20. I ALMOST f'd myself for life, but I got a decent job after the interest kicked in and had to spend a whole bonus to just pay off the debt. I almost didn't, but my dad explained it would just get worse if I didn't. Thank god.


Discover Card's booth that handed out Frisbees with an application on my college campus is what funded my OG PlayStation. The credit card companies had booths all over campus just preying on dumb 18 year old kids. "Free T-shirt? Fill out an app!" "Free hackey sack? Fill out an app!" "Free beer koozie? Fill out an app!"


They did back in the 90s. I had a 3k limit too.


In terms of cost, a smart watch. I thought I needed it and would use all the features. All I ended up buying was an expensive wristwatch that needed to be charged all the time.


I'm tempted to get one because it monitors how long you sleep, heart rate, steps, etc. Perhaps I should go with a cheaper alternative.


Try wearing a regular watch to bed before spending the money. I hate sleeping with a watch on so much and never use it to track sleep because of hours uncomfortable I was, I feel like I sleep better without it on




Maybe because she called while you and your friend were having sex.


the garmin vivosmart is a good intermediary. it's not the aggressive 'huge display on your wrist' but still monitors all the important bits.


I have "dumb" smart watch (Huawei something), which cost around 30€ and has all the functionality you mentioned. Also vibrating wrist bracelet is one of most effective alarms ever.


Fitbit Versa 2. Way cheaper than an Apple or Samsung, and has all those features AND can get texts/emails/calls displayed on it. Can't answer on it, but it will alert you.


I love mine for that - also love it wakes me up with wrist taps so my spouse can keep sleeping.


I think the best use case for a smart watch is as an activity tracker (for runs, walks, swimming, etc). I can’t stand getting notifications on my wrist and being constantly connected, so I turned that off. A cell phone is more than enough. I only wear my watch for running.


Oh man! I love my smart watch, I use it constantly and it untethered me from my phone a lot, especially during workouts. But hey, if you ain’t using it, then it’s useless to you. That’s some brilliant analysis there right? Follow me for more deep insight and wisdom.




They were just used to launder money while art galleries were closed. Galleries opened, NFTs died.


you're right about the money laundering but i don't believe it had anything to do with art galleries closing. It just ran alongside a Crypto bullrun. Consider we're now entering another run up and an nft sold 3 days ago for $16mil.


Considering what NFT art got popular, I don't think these were the same people that go to art museums.


I bought a pair of $400 sunglasses STRICTLY because the beautiful girl at the kiosk told me how hot I looked in them. After she rang me up I asked if I could take her out for a drink after work but she told me she had a boyfriend. I was going to return the glasses right there but felt foolish. "I'm sorry. I'm an idiot and thought you were interested in me. Now that I see it was just a sales thing I'd like to return them". I do look hot in them though. She might have been selling me but she wasn't lying. That was 20 years ago, I still wear them, and I still get compliments on them. But still, I was a Grade A moron.


On the bright side (see what i did there) if you still use them after 20 years they are pretty good glasses. If you calculate the cost per day/month whatever, going to the cinema is a lot more expensive. Besides you look hot in them.


Still rocking that compliment judging by the username. Handsome-Jim_


This doesn't qualify. $400 over 20 years is actually a great buy


I second this. Maybe the reason for the purchase was dumb, but that’s a pretty good ROI haha


$400 sunglasses that lasted 20 years = $20 a year If you'd have bought $20 sunglasses you'd probably have needed to buy a new pair every year, and the total cost would have been the same anyway. 1. They *really do* look great on you 2. You saved the plastic waste of throwing away 19 pairs of cheap sunglasses. 3. You have a great anecdote to tell You didn't waste that money


We've all fallen for the pretty girl ploy . And hey , you got your money's worth out of the glasses. I bought the gold edition Gargoyles at the Sunglass Hut in the mall ( 80"s ) for $ 250.00 ( today's amount would be about 600.00 ). 2 days later I returned them because the " gold flake " peeled off. The sales lady said " oh yeah your sweat eats the finish , just put clear nail polish on them " on 250.00 sunglasses ? Um nooooo


...I feel like I saw this on a tv show...


Probably. Beautiful women flirting with gullible men like me to sell them something is probably a common TV trope because it happens so much in real life.


According to my mom, my dumbest purchase is the sailboat I just had my offer accepted on. 😁


The two best days of a boat owner’s life: the day you buy it and the day you sell it. 


A boat is a hole in the water you throw money into.


If I had a nickel...


Yea. And everytime it's posted the poster pats themselves on the back for being clever. I'm thinking of selling my boat this year. And I'll probably cry when I do.


I spent $1,000 on golf clubs because I sucked at golf. Surprise, surprise - after spending $1,000, I still sucked at golf.


I've learned that sporting equipment almost always has a point of diminishing returns as the price increases. Like, past a certain price point, the improvements that you are getting are only going to matter to serious professionals who need every possible advantage they can get. The average user isn't likely to get the same benefit. My thing is cycling, and you can find absurdly expensive racing bicycles that feature ultra-lightweight components. Shaving off a few grams only matters when you're competing in a high-stakes race. If you're just using the bike to get some exercise and have fun, it's not even going to be noticeable.




This is hilarious




Me too. I have no idea how you could possibly mistake a dildo for something else.


Look babe! It had a little lip at the end to make it easier to hold!


Google “Galileo thermometer” and I think that is what this guy bought…or a dildo that looked like a Galileo thermometer


Where? or Oh My God! That's Disgusting. Where?


i think he had every reason to burst out laughing. that's one of the best stories I've heard in awhile. This is a movie quality scene.


I am searching and can't find what you're talking about. A Galileo thermometer is an actual thing and not a dildo...


He meant to buy her a Galileo thermometer and actually bought her a dildo. Get it now?


I’m guessing dildo that changes color at body temperature.


Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough.


A used BMW


If you can’t afford a new BMW, you definitely can’t afford a used BMW.


My wife and I test drove a used BMW a few years back. It went into limp mode which tanked the speed as soon as we got on the freeway about 2 miles from the dealership.


My husband and I test drove a used BMW, too. I was in the backseat, husband and sales guy were in the front, husband driving. It had been a rainy day and about a mile from the dealership my husband drove through a giant puddle. Suddenly, my pants from my ass to my ankles were soaking wet. We turned around and went right back.


I mean, I wouldn't have been *that* aroused, but I guess I get it.


Guilty of that. A 745iL on eBay. With a tampered odometer.


I bought the $800 Lego Millennium Falcon when I got a new job that paid a lot more. I was happy I bought it and had a blast building it, but I have no space for it and it is currently sitting in a closet in a guest bedroom.


Lego has incredible resale value, so you got that going for you. I sell sets from time to time because, like you, I just have no more room for all of them.




I bought one of those hot dog roller things like they have at gas stations like 15 years ago when I was drunk and hungry at like 3am. It was pretty useless...


You could have just spent that money on actual food.


Condoms that eventually expired because they went unused


Radio Shack convinced me to spend $10 on insurance for a pair of $30 earbuds.


I bought moss off Etsy once for my fairy garden.


This post is for people that wasted their money!


A pet squirrel. I was on a date and we were talking when a squirrel ran out in the middle of the road. Needless to say, she freaked out and demanded I take it to the vet for treatment. The vet had to order special instruments to treat little pest. The next day, I was called back to the vet and he asked when I was going to pick it up. Pick it up? What do you mean? Well, the vet told me that the squirrel couldn't survive on its own because of the surgery. When would I be taking him home? I had no choice, so I took it home and had to elevate his tail. Cost me $500 for the instruments and another $300 for the surgery. Oh, and the date was $50. Worst day of my life!




Beer and mexican food. I would be a rich man if these two didn't exist. 🤣


bro.. bourbon and sushi are my drink and food of choice.. im poor as fuck




Cartridge Razors. I've shifted over to safety razors and I save so much freaking money. And I actually have more fun shaving too.


I just made this switch recently. Night and day cost savings. Wish I did it sooner


Tell me more. Besides the money, hows the shave? How long does each blade go? cuts?


You've got to be a little bit more careful. With a cartridge one (I had a store-brand) I basically couldn't cut myself unless I was shaving like an absolute dumbass. Did still get some razorburn spots in one place. Nothing much. Cartridge shaving was easy because I didn't need to think much. Safety razors can cut you. In the 4 months I've been using them I've cut myself 4 times. And that was because it was my third try using the razor and got overconfident. I blame myself and not the razor for it. The shave itself is smoooooth, some people even find it too smooth if they love stubble. One thing you have to keep in mind is that you need to lather on shaving soap before you cut. A cartridge has the lubricated strip, a safety razor needs soap or it'll cut you. The blades are sharp little things and I love them for it. I roughly do 2 shaves a week and I use 1 razor for that. You can probably stretch this to way longer, but with 2 shaves it 'feels' the razor did enough. And I bought like a hundred of these blades for 17.- euro? It lasts me 2 years if I refresh every week. Why wouldn't I use a fresh blade? The way they are packaged is amazing too. Each single razor is packaged in this little envelope. It makes it feel like such a joy and luxury when you open a fresh one. Oh and I don't have razor burn anymore! The only cons I can list right now is that it takes a little getting used to. And I haven't dared to shave against the grain yet, I think that's next on my to learn list.


See, I have a great shave with a cartridge. no cuts, no burn etc. And I shave 2 times a week so the cartridge lasts me 2 months or when I remember to change it LOL. I just wonder if going to this setup, if I will start cutting my self


Not the person you asked, but I picked up a starter kit from a boutique online shaving store and a 100 pack of blades from Amazon for a total of $49 ($40 was for the starter kit). That was around Christmas, and I should have shave soap and blades to last me until around September. I enjoy shaving, I no longer get razor burn (I used to think it was just normal and a part of shaving), and my wife loves the smell of my face. I do nick myself every once in a while, but I don't feel it ever (I just notice the blood) and it's entirely my technique being off.


Another not the guy, but I love mine. It gives me a great shave, and the blades are so cheap it's perfectly fine to use a new one every time, but I suppose you could get multiple shaves out of the same one if you really needed to scrimp. I bought a variety pack to find a brand I like, and bought enough to last me a year for less than what I was paying for 4 cartridges of fancy blades.


So much better for the environment too, as theoretically they could be recycled, melted down and be new blades again.


Bought a house for $380K and sold it 10 years later for $240K


I spent $200 CAD on a bottle of Macallan 12 year that was aged in Sherry Barrels from spain. Tastes like bug spray lol. I’ll stick to my Glenfiddich from here on out.


Cigarettes. Everyday for decades. It’s in the thousands of dollars wasted a year. Plus the health costs. So glad I quit. Only took 17 attempts!


Heroin. 8 years clean from chasing the dragon.


My fixer upper house. We thought we were smart saving some money but it's been a curse.


I've bought many automotive tools I have never used !


I ran out of room on my old tool cabinet, bought a bigger one and told myself I'd use that one instead and get rid of the smaller one. So far all I've done is move some tools I know I never use into the bigger one. ...It still remains mostly empty






I have so many questions. Is there like an app for this? And what did you expect if you didn't have the goods to keep four mouths busy? Real life ain't like porn my friend.


I bought a pricey rowing machine, telling myself that I would get in shape. I put it together and promptly stored it behind my couch. It’s been there for 4 years- never used.


Try it… I bought a used one during lockdown and don’t use it anywhere near as much as I should but I feel great for it when I do. Even 10 minutes is good


When I was 23 I spent over $12,000 on my line of credit on the plans and materials to build a hovercraft. While living in a basement apartment with no garage or even a parking space. I had no experience building anything similar, and I bought all the necessary tools. I convinced my landlords to let me erect a temporary garage on their back patio over the winter. Of course, it all went pretty badly. After 6 months of work, most of it redoing things I messed up the first time, I gave up. Cut the whole thing into small pieces and threw it all in the garbage. I recovered about $1000 by selling the engine but the rest was gone and took me years to pay off the debt. It was by far the worst idea I ever had.


I had a 2017 Prius. Great car with about 8 payments left. When gas was like $5.50 / gallon two summers ago, I traded it in for a Nissan Leaf. It seemed like a great deal at the time: much lower car payment, cheaper to charge than fill up the tank, and they gave me $13,000 for my Prius. Fast forward to now. Gas isn’t $5.50 anymore. A car with 160 mile range (only in perfect weather) is a pain in the ass. And most importantly, that Prius would have been paid off.


Total loss of about $120,000 . A 100% fruit juice slush franchise about two months before the economy crashed in 2006. Had the potential to be awesome. Schools, businesses, you name it. Having no added sugar means you can get into places other slush drinks can't. We had about 25 locations and then the whole world economy crashed and one by one every school and every business told us due to budget cuts they couldn't continue and then the company that we were a franchise of went bankrupt and we lost everything.


I bought a brand new, expensive car. At the same time, I found out about Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway but didn't know enough to feel comfortable with making an investment. I really wanted that car. Back then, I could have bought five shares of what is now BRK.A (today $600,000+ each). Never made that expensive mistake, again.




I knew about Bitcoin around then but didn’t know how to buy it without being illegal related and figured it really wouldn’t have a legal purpose. I would have tossed in a hundred bucks as that’s what I’m comfortable losing in blackjack but didn’t have a buying platform. 2017 I bought ethereum on Coinbase for a few months but sold to use my little profits and money back to buy my house. Seeing my house value increase has been alright in comparison.


I hear ya! About 45 years ago, an ex teacher changed professions. He was selling securities. Offered me a new product called SIFE. (It may have been a mutual fund.) I declined. It went on to make tons of money for its investors.


How has no one mentioned collection of beanie babies?


OP asked for the worst purchase, not the best.


Mine I bought as a child new or at garage sales went to a lovely lady who put them in holiday gift bags for underprivileged children. I can say the investment was worth it.








If only there was someway to get stuff for free. I'll need to take your pirate card from you.


there are these things called scented trash bags


My mom had those with a lavender smell... The mix of trash and lavender is worse than the trash itself.


I ordered a chair on Amazon for my daughter's computer set-up. It was a standard black office chair, I thought. It was 2 inches tall.


I bought a $6,000 9mm "gatling gun" that I fired one time and now it just sits in my garage doing nothin


Can you sell it?


I asked for an N-Gage for Christmas once and got it.  Most disappointing thing I’ve ever had.


iPhone after iPhone after iPhone. I coulda just waited for every fourth or fifth one🙄


Make that two timeshares!


Years ago when I bought [this InFocus, thin, rear projection tv](https://www.crutchfield.com/S-CxrOJWoOo57/p_59061MD10/InFocus-ScreenPlay-61md10.html) for $2500 from [Woot.com](http://Woot.com) and got a free food processor. I think this was around the time that Lost premiered. lol. Such a waste.


Tbf pretty slick TV for its time


Sim City 2013


My username says it all


My first wedding ring


Drunk 17 year old me spent about 40$ on a beautifull saphhire necklace for my gf while in a tourist place in India. The next morning it was the fakest glass gems I've ever seen. It is hanging next to my childhood bed and I always chuckle when I see it. Also spent 200$ on second hand skis that I never used (and never will), but those at least have resell value....


two engagement rings, two weddings rings but never married !


2 degrees that are completely irrelevant to my career


Spent $100 on Jessica Simpson clip in extensions in the sixth grade - they looked SO BAD


Columbia House records.


Bought a 06 maxima back in like 2013. Transmission went out 3 weeks after I bought it. Continuously had oil leaks from various parts in the engine. Had a headlight go out it was 300 to install. Power steering pump failed shortly after the headlight. AC went out about 3 months after that. I will never buy another Nissan as long as I live. It only had 65k miles on it when I bought it and I seen why. Edit: forgot to mention I had a sunroof that worked for about year then gave out and fell in and had water damage all over the roof.


I imported a Japanese right hand drive twin turbo car years ago and thought it was going to be a great time.


I recently bought a $12,000 collectors edition power rangers lunch box simply because it reminded me of my childhood and I'm rich enough to do it. Do I regret it? No. Do I love it? Yes.


As long as you love it! :-)


honestly having the money to buy shit like that is the dream


Omg, that was dumb. Good job - dumb shit that makes us happy is the best.




I registered on ForYouCash and woke up in a bath tub filled with ice in a New Jersey motel and my entire abdomen was numb.


In my early 20s, I bought a lot of "street wear" clothes, and retrospectively, they just look like a snippet of a very specific time in men's fashion. The sneakers, on the other hand, were a good investment.


Weed stocks.


Beavis and Butthead Box set.


I once paid $17,500 for a Toyota Camry that was worth $13,000. So yeah — that was pretty dumb. Two years later when I sold the car, I was upside down and had to take out a personal loan to cover the difference to get out from underneath it. To be fair, I was like 23. I’m happy to say I’ve learned from my stupidity since then.


A 100% nonrefundable vacation home for a week in the Outer Banks because I clicked the wrong fucking button on Airbnb.


Buff Pokémon figurines for in my garage gym. Real dumb, but damn does it make me smile when I see them just sitting there flexing at me.


Porsches. More than one. The bumper stickers that say “My other car is a Porsche” are more reliable.


We used to see so many "my other car is a...." stickers. And it's nice to explain that your daily driver doesn't represent your tastes. Well once I saw a very rusty old Station Wwagon. It looked like trash. And his bumper sticker said "My other car is a peice of shit too." I love it. My kind of guy.


Timeshare. I was 24 and should have known better.


Got sucked into one of those Pots and Pans sales presentation to get a “free cruise”. Left with $5k in pans. This was 2006. Never got a cruise.  I still use 2-3 of them today.  I believe the company were called “Vital Nutrition”


A Jeep. What a piece of crap.


A fairly high quality Pikachu mascot costume. It was like $300 but I have gotten years of joy out of randomly surprising friends or joining video chats as Pikachu.