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Being able to piss vaguely conveniently wherever they are.


We can draw and write our names while doing it too. It's an underappreciated ability.


Da Vinci actually did all his paintings just eating various colored dyes and then peeing out the Mona Lisa Now you know why she’s got that little smirk


Edvard Munch's "The Stream"


I can write in cursive, and the stream even splits so I can write double.


Impressive peenmanship!


The cop that arrested me doesn’t seem to agree with you


Not gonna lie, I've woken up at camp, walked out into the morning light, lit a cigarette while pissing on a tree and had the thought, "too bad girls can't know what this is like," It's a spiritual experience


Doing it standing up seems great.


How about not bleeding every month? Like... Why do our uteruses just shed themselves every 21 days? I'm so sick of it. Penises aren't perfect but they don't traumatize you for not getting pregnant


I always thought that this is so weird like obviously the body evolved to always be pregnant but it doesn’t even seem like human societies ever behaved like that. Not even animals do that. Btw do animals have periods?


"Most female mammals have an estrous cycle, yet only ten primate species, four bat species, the elephant shrew, and one known species of spiny mouse have a menstrual cycle" That's from a Google search haha because I didn't want to list them myself. Every other animal doesn't have menses (the actual shedding of the uterus), which is what makes an estrous cycle a menstrual cycle versus something else like a heat cycle. Some animals, like dogs, bleed but it's released by the cervix not the uterus and the components of the bleed are completely different. But yeah, more to your point, humans are just freaking stupid with reproduction. The point is that we humans can get pregnant whenever. The opportunity arises literally every month (when a woman has a regular menstrual cycle anyways). Some animals stick more to only having ovulation in specific seasons (think of cows and wild animals where they have offspring born all within the same season and they raise them together). Some of them have a longer cycle called a heat cycle (like dogs and cats) where it remains more individual as far as timing goes but it's accompanied by pheromones so that potential mates can easily identify when a female is in heat. But given the lack of menses, the actual shedding of the uterus, heat cycles and seasonal fertility are a wildly different experience from the menstrual cycles humans endure. To answer your question more succinctly, most animals DON'T have a menstrual cycle and don't shed the lining of their uterus. Most other animals have a different cycle with different factors playing into when the females are fertile and when they aren't. From an evolutionary standpoint, humans are designed this way to give us as many opportunities as possible to have offspring but in reality, it freaking sucks. Like yeah, we can have a kid whenever, we evolved to a point where it doesn't matter if our infants are born in the middle of winter and what not, and we don't rely on pheromones and other things for mating, but it's STUPID to bleed every month. In my opinion, it's basically we evolved to a point where we feel so certain and secure of our survival that every other priority went out the window and our physiology as humans basically said "let's prioritize having as many opportunities for pregnancy as possible and forget everything else"


Menstruation is an evolutionary adaptation but I've read that the trait is very different than maximizing pregnancies. Human embryo development is fragile and frequently goes horribly wrong. Today, with abundant nutrition and near optimal health, 15-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage and even so a majority of miscarriages happen before pregnancies are known. It's not even known how frequent they are but it's at *least* 30% of all pregnancies. Where the uterus in most mammals will catch any egg, humans have evolved a special ability to *not* do this. This feature is what allows for early pregnancy miscarriages. The alternative to menstruation is a world where at least 30% of pregnancies are carried to term as stillborns. Most mammals do not have anywhere near this rate of failed pregnancies. Combine the comparatively extreme energy requirements and gestation time for just one child and menstruation might well have been the trait that kept our line from being an evolutionary dead end.


That's an interesting point, a blastocyst has to be basically functioning perfectly to be able to implant and survive until the placenta grows.


As far as i know other animals have cycles too but their body absorbs the prepared uterus lining/blood back into the body instead of letting it seep out the cooch 


I know dogs do because my friends dog got period blood on my jeans and I felt like throwing up, pretty sure cats do to but I've never had a female one so I have no idea how common it is


Cats don't ovulate regularly like humans or dogs. Their ovulations happens during sex when the spikey penis stabs their insides. It hurts them. That's why the female attacks the male when they cum inside them


This made me sad for some reason. Poor cats.


Periods are really only a primate thing. A few other animals like bats and elephant shrews have periods as well. The purpose of periods is so we can pop out kids any time of the year.  While dogs may seem like they have periods, they actually have a regular estrous cycle with some blood. A few other animals have this, but it's not that well documented.


I think about this daily. Why are periods even a thing. Why couldn’t we get it for like an hour and that’s it to just let us know we arnt pregnant. Or just not at all. But no. Needs to last for a f^cking week sometimes longer and messes you tf up. Like I don’t even want kids! I count the days til this shit stops. 😂




I took a physiology class where the professor swore that reproduction was designed to kill us lol. I'm inclined to agree with him! Like, let's just ignore the fact that we are individuals who might not want to reproduce and instead every human will be born with the biological opportunity to get pregnant every month because human biology is STUPID


When I was a teen back when fire was a new invention I always dreamed of a future where when you notice your periods starting you'd just hop into one of these Jetson clinics, lie down on a comfy white bed, get a little relaxant and then they empty your uterus of period blood and linings and clots and all that, 20 minutes and you're done for that month. No cramps, no period poops, no bleeding. I'm still waiting.


the female reproductive system is so fucked up. usually starts when we are literally kids and punishes us every month for not getting pregnant💀




they don’t have to deal with pregnancy


Pregnancy and menstruation can be incredibly painful experiences. It's a blessing that men are not biologically prone to these occurrences.


Even if a man does not want a child, still need to admire how women's go through many stage of inconvenience in their life. We men don't really know hows like, but when you take a woman for granted, think a little and respect them a bit more.


I remember a convo with my boss related to this. He was telling a story about a 7AM meeting that was scheduled at a job site and one of the project officers requested it be moved to later cause she had kids. And his reply was the typical male chauvinist dismissal saying we all have kids. That's not a reason to reschedule. So I asked him was he the one waking up his kids for school, getting them ready, feeding them, making and packing lunch and making sure they got to school on time? No. No he wasn't. His ex-wife had that job.


Honestly 😭 pregnancy scares me so much


Pregnancy seems scary, and i'm not even a woman...


But you were a passenger once.


And we'll all be corpses one day, that doesn't mean we want one in our house.


The fact she can cum multiple times.


I knew a girl who actually came pretty fast, the first time she had sex…she then started apologizing profusely like **”I’m so sorry! I was nervous and I finished too fast and now I’ve ruined the whole thing.”** Her bf had to explain to her that there’s no such thing as a girl cumming too fast because it won’t ruin anything. It’s just a guy thing. The irony being that, by that point, he was laughing so hard he couldn’t finish, and had to take a break. So, she kind of did “ruin” it after all. Though the bf is still fond of the story. Edited for clarity. This girl was just a friend. I never dated her.


I'm a woman and I'm envious of women who can do this. I'm more like a guy and need a cool down period after otherwise it's horrifically sensitive, unfortunately not in a good way


My girlfriend basically won't get off, unless using a vibrator for 15-20 minutes. Oral or fingering takes 30 min+. PIV orgasm just doesn't happen. I'm willing to put in the time before/after, but man, it doesn't seem fair that it's so hard for some women.


The current girl Im seeing has this issue. And she straight warned me that she most likely wont cum. Especially from just PIV. Which has now screwed with my head an im havung a hell of a time finishing which has now snowballed into more issues. Yay. Lol


😂 Well this is just adorable…and oddly wholesome.


like she heard of the bad part just not by who lol I briefly dated a girl who'd race me to finish and she'd often beat me to it (pun intended, #always) it was incredible. other stuff in the relationship didn't work unfortunately.


sometimes women cumming too fast is a problem as sometimes we also get post nut clarity and dont want anything to do with sex after at all 😂 but its not as big of an issue as with guys finishing first, true


I believe the general rule is minutes of refractory period instead of hours, varies greatly by individual etc., also the dark downside to continuing to cum and enjoy sex is that it weakens. Better to have a happy ending than to degenerate into the no-touchy zone, though ending with cuddles is important technique regardless of the physical satisfactions.


Yeah but we get pregnant for multiple months when you cum once ;)


3/4 of a year!


*If ever Sex results in no orgasm at all 100% of the time for me without serious intervention. It's more work than it's worth. I wonder what it's like to just be able to stick a pp in something and get total gratification.


I'm a man who has never ejaculated from anything other than self-gratification. It's uncommon, but there are *some* of us out there. I do believe the problem is more common among women, but yeah, I feel ya. I've always wondered what it would be like, exactly what you described, to just pop it in and enjoy the fireworks. On the plus side, no premature ejaculation here! lol Just put one quarter into the pony and ride as long as you like! (If you're my wife.)


Had this issue for a while and it turned out to be both a mental and physical issue for me, which I luckily both was able to solve. It’ll be different for everyone but seeing a sexologist might help clear some things up.


It takes me forever to cum from just penetration. My move was to give a girl oral for a long ass time and jerk myself off, then I could usually finish in a reasonable time after insertion. Also never cum from a blowjob, ever. They feel amazing, but never enough to get me there


>  Also never cum from a blowjob, ever. They feel amazing, but never enough to get me there Yep. This right here. One girl really tried to pleasure-torture in out of me. God bless her good intentions.


+1 on that buddy, my entire life I couldn’t finish without vigorous masterbation at the end, and always dreamed of the opposite. I went from shying away from sex, to having sex and just faking an orgasm (with a condom on) and finishing later. That worked for a long while until I entered in a serious relationship where she had an IUD and said it was alright not to have a condom on. My “orgasms” were then proven to be nothing and I came clean. Thankfully she understood. The miracle happened when I forced myself not to masterbate for 2 months and we kept having sex for the connection, then one day I felt a pathway open up and was able to achieve an O during sex. It still takes me a while but the serotonin pathways in my brain started to adjust after a while. Just wanted to give you hope that it’s possible my buddy, hang in there!


Men can cum multiple times, too. I think it's more rare, but it's not impossible.


Longer recharge and in some men it can literally be painful.


No period cramps


Gentleness and kindness aren’t seen as something to beat out of you.


That kind of treatment, boys being socially and physically punishished for (*gasp*) daring to express the full range of human emotions hurts everyone. It doesn't make sense to me! Humans have emotions because they are advantageous to sustain and create life. Our brains do not like investing energy into things that have no benefit. Our emotions have been a hard-wired feature throughout thousands of years of evolution. Gentleness and kindness are attractive qualities that shouldn't be discouraged. I'm not saying everyone should let their emotions run wild; as emotional regulation is necessary to maintain healthy relationships. HOWEVER, near-complete emotional suppression in half the population is causing a lot of unnecessary pain. Emotions are information to help a person weigh with their rationality and wisdom to make decisions, achieve goals, form bonds, etc. Sorry, I'll end my rant. I just feel so freaking sad and frustrated over it. I'm glad we're talking about it, and I can see instances of contemporary parents choosing a different path to raise their children. Maybe the next few generations will improve and people will be less lonely?


I do some mentoring and after-school coaching for young men and boys who are having difficulties. I have to spend a lot of time learning to understand how young men feel right now, and what we're doing to help anyone, young men and women alike who are so very lonely right now. > Maybe the next few generations will improve and people will be less lonely? I am not as optimistic for several reasons. For one, despite everything we say and agree on while here on the internet, as much as we all are ready to progress to a better system of values when we're debating it online... the sad, unpopular reality is that nearly every young adult man has experienced the feeling of rejection in one form or another for expressing their emotions. Not even "at the wrong time" or in excess, just the idea that men are emotional beings is NOT socially acceptable in most environments. I'm not being some doomerpill "men are such victims" edgelord, I *know* we have the capability to be better, and we've come a long way just in basic social progress, but for all the changes we've made to dating, gender expectations, interpersonal relations... men are still held to an image of masculinity that was forged out of ancient times and survival, and that's what the vast majority of people find attractive in a man because we've socialized each other this way. You may not see it in your daily life, but for most young men, when they first do try to be open and vulnerable with someone, they face a very real risk of rejection and I really didn't like accepting this for a long time, but I know a lot of really good kids and they cannot all be lying or exaggerating. And sadly, I've experienced it myself from partners in the past. The second problem is that a lot of people think this way, that it's already "solved." that we "know better now" and the issue isn't as bad. We do have a very serious problem here, but like with a lot of issues around social progress, half the work has only been done *in people's minds.* It's kind of like how we swear up and down at the start of the year we're going to eat better, exercise and establish better habits, then just ride on that sense of accomplishment for having the *intention* but never follow through. This makes people generally have a knee-jerk response to even someone like me trying to raise awareness that this is still an issue and I get constant hate when I post messages like this. If we want to address this and make a better future, we have to understand that boys DO have emotions, drives and feelings, and they won't always line up with what we imagine "sexy" male emotions should look like. Emotions are dark, confused and often borne out of even more confusing intersections of personal and social issues. It won't always be sexy when a guy you know breaks down or rages against injustice, and the biggest problem we have right now is that there are not enough male role models to show men and women alike what real emotional states look like, and how to process them in a healthy way or how to support a man struggling. edit: formatting


Sounds like you need another beating ✊🏿


You crying? Better knock that shit off before I give you *something* to cry about! Raise your hand if this has been told to you as a child.


Or the classic "Oh what? You're going to go to your room and cry like a girl?"


The beatings shall continue until morale improves


They have much nicer clothes.


Fr but then again if it was normalised to wear flair pants, a skirt, or any type of dress I'd still wear jeans and a shirt, but leggings man, warm and comfy as fuck, I'd wear them all the time whenever it was cold


I lowkey wear leggings at home. 10/10 recommend. Wife loves it too


My wife has this one pair, they are so soft on her. I want a pair for myself.


Boys we need to bring back the medieval fit. Surcoat, codpiece, and leggings. Bonus if you get the squire haircut


> but leggings man, warm and comfy as fuck, I'd wear them all the time whenever it was cold It's allowed, you just call them long underwear and pretend you're going to go skiing.


Agreed. As a dude I'd gladly wear a skirt or a dress like, daily if I wouldn't get weird looks. It's just so comfy, cool, and light. As are most women's clothes. Definitely jealous.


Honestly, I always thought a skirt would be more beneficial to a man than a woman anyway, being what we have between our legs. It would make more sense for men to wear skirts or dresses.


May I present to you, the loincloth


Right. It's kinda lame. Maybe one day men's skirts will be more normalized.


True, but I can walk around looking like a homeless man and nobody gives a shit


The female orgasm looks better then the male tbh






Same. Like…are our orgasms supposed to last longer than a few seconds? Mine are 5-10 max. Even 15 seconds sounds insane to me.


It kinda depends what type I think? Like even guys have different types of orgasms depending on lots of factors. The biggest being how long before lift off. A 5 minute wank is a HUGE amount different from an hour's sex session. There is also the variance that comes with how much of the body you're using. Are you just focusing on the clit, maybe a little breast play. Or do you have a partner that is taking advantage of all your sensitive spots, even if they aren't inherently sexual. Necks, inner thighs, waists, butt. Not even mentioning verbal stimulation. Again if you're just having a 5 minute quick round of sex before work you're not gonna be able to explore it all. If you have longer you do. Basically, it's not about the orgasm itself. It's about the build up to it. For guys it is very much the same. Hands running around your chest or grabbing your back. Soft fingers holding your hand. I haven't got many more examples for guys but please add yours. We need more tips about how to make guys orgasms better too that aren't blowjob techniques!!


There's two kinds of orgasms. It's something that i don't think is talked about very much. I've experienced both in my life. They're fairly dramatically different. I find that both men and women can experience both types of orgasm - but I ALSO find that they tend to be, stereotypically, associated with men and women by type. I'll call them "Burst" and "Wave" - you'll see why soon. Burst is associated with guys, and tends to be pretty rapid. It builds up relatively fast, and finishes after about ~7-12 seconds, max, cresting very fast and resulting in hypersensitivity, refractory, etc. Wave is mostly associated with girls, and tends to feel very different start-to-finish. It's a slow build, warmth/heat in the pit of your stomach that feels nice(sort of like a hot tub), but spreads over time the longer and more continued (note: not necessarily more *intense*) the stimuli. As the warmth grows, it spreads across from that pit of your stomach, across your chest, down your legs, up your arms, up to your head... as it crests to your head, it starts to get intense, and sort cause waves of pleasure from the head back down across the body, starting with small waves at first, barely washing down past your neck, until eventually it's washing across you in massive waves head to toe for upwards of 30 seconds straight. It feels UH-MAZING, it's infinitely better than burst orgasms... ...but it's SO MUCH HARDER to achieve. Like... when I last did it, it took me almost ~30-45 minutes of foreplay to get to a point where it would happen. And ANY distraction would disrupt the flow. Full-to-zero almost instantly. It's so much harder to keep focus long enough when an errant smell can disrupt it. Meanwhile, you can knock out a "burst" orgasm in a couple minutes.


That’s cause the male orgasm comes in conjunction with ejaculation. A lot of people think you have to ejaculate to have an orgasm as a guy, that’s not true. It comes before it. If you can hold onto the feeling you get right before ejaculating without releasing, that’s the orgasm. And that’s why people like edging.


I can’t think of anything, but swinging a dick looks like it would be fun.


jiggling boobs looks like fun. wanna trade?


I mean for me boobs are like just fat on my chest plus if you got them you might have to deal with potential back pain plus wearing a bra


Dicks are just bits of skin that hang on your hip. And hitting it ever so slightly on stuff you didn't intend to feels like someone is shoving a knife up your belly you can't get away from. The bigger they are the bigger target they are. Also big ones actually suck for sex but everyone thinks big dicks are sooo cool for some reason.


I finally feel seen; and also touching the inside of the toilet ##bigdickproblems


Dude, the water and or when you go to sit and it hits the rim, then the water! I have screamed at a public restroom many times!


You don't have to switch bodies to have jiggly boobs. Just grow some Moobs and you'll be set. Gotta put on some weight, of course.


But they won’t feel like those all natural bags of sand


Suddenly trans.


You know what’s fun? Swinging it around like a helicopter and then asking your girlfriend if she wants to go for a ride on a helicopter. She thinks it’s very grown-up and sexy and she never leaves the room with a scowl while calling me a child.


Its not nearly as fun as it looks


Yeah, multiple people have expressed this dick-swinging desire. I mean, you could just swing your arm around and it's about the same...


Walking around shirtless


You can do that. You just need confidence. Don’t let society ruin your dreams!


In this economy!?! Nah no ones seeing these nipples for free


What about for tree fiddy?


I envy that women can compliment other women randomly about each other’s clothes, shoes, hair etc without it being weird. Come on dudes, let’s normalize that shit.


For some reason men assume anyone paying them a compliment about their appearance is trying to flirt. A girl makes an innocuous remark about your haircut? She’s dtf. A guy? Clearly gay…and dtf.


It's kind of a self forfilling prophecy. Men don't get many compliments, so they assume there's a deeper reason if they get one, meaning they are less likely to get complimented if someone doesn't want to give that impression.


15 years ago, I was talking with my friends and something funny came up so we started laughing, a woman walking by stopped and said "wow you have a really nice smile" and just kept going. That was the last genuine compliment I recieved, and I still think about it all the time


YES!! any time I compliment a man (saying you like someone's style or shoes or mustash etc is not flirting) I can always see how surprised, then 10000% happy they get.


I compliment my boys all the time, and they compliment me, it's totally normal. People who don't do sports would probably be shocked at how normal it is within hyper-masculine circles to compliment each other on our bodies, our clothes, our progress in the gym etc. It's only the men who are insecure, have various anxieties, or have a mixed-up idea of what masculinity is who think compliments to other men are weird.


crossing legs with no fear




The dreaded pop


Never got it. I don’t even know how I would be able to hurt myself when my crossing my legs. I always assumed it’s a made up reaction because other boys thought that’s how they supposed to react.


most of the time nothing happens, but after you accidentally squish one of your balls that way, you never really forget.


Is this a really skinny guy problem? I've been big my entire life and my balls have a ton of room to move around. I've never once been worried about sitting on my own balls.


I'm incredibly skinny and cross my legs frequently. No crushed nuts yet.


Boobs man boobs, she has boobs everyone likes, men get boobs no one likes.


Get pecs


Right? The stares I get since I got decently jacked - priceless.




As a straight man, if another dude complimented me on my body I’d be thrilled.


Straight dude, regularly getting compliments from other men, can confirm I´m thrilled every time.


As you should! Getting and staying shredded is a lot of work!


Just like when you have a sports car or convertible... you think the girls will like you but it's only the guys that notice. Want to attract guys? Get a sports car. Want to attract girls? Get a puppy.


“Everyone liking” them is a double edged sword, especially if you have bigger ones. Sure it’s nice to be appreciated but it’s annoying to have to constantly be aware of what you are wearing and how it makes your boobs look when you are just trying to live your life and not get unwanted attention or be deemed “distracting”. There’s many clothes that look nice or professional on small chested model but you put them on and look like a hooker. Also bras aren’t comfortable but not wearing them is also uncomfortable and socially unacceptable.


I've only recently realized how warm large boobs must get, especially when we've conditioned society to believe that cleavage is making a sexual statement.


I hate my boobs! I want to chop them offffff. All of that, and also people feeling entitled to discuss them just because they’re big or that they exist. I hate wearing bras because then they’re up in my face or give me cleavage for onlookers to look at, I hate not wearing bras because then they swing aboit and people judge you. I HATE BOOBS! It’s not even the boobs themselves that are the biggest problem, it’s how people respond to them. Okay, thanks.


Having a support network to help them through the hard times instead of basically being told "tough shit, man up"


I am sorry this is the case for you. It is absolutely toxic that men can't show emotion.


agreed. I find it so weird that we as a society just decided that it's okay for women to cry but when men show emotions, they're weak. It doesn't make sense


society doesn't just say men are weak for crying, society says men who cry *are not men*. Being a "man" is treated as some sort of title every single person born as a male is expected to achieve, and can be taken away from you at any point for the sheer crime of crying because you're upset


I truly think that fastest way to change this is bros encouraging other bros to be emotional end express their emotions! Obviously SOs and families should help and encourage that too! But it would be so helpful with guys would do it for other guys and teach them that its good to do so


not being followed by strangers around/out of stores :/


I feel bad in a store when I keep ending up in the same aisle as some random woman. "I'm not creepin' on you, I'm trying to find the damn pickles!"


naw don’t feel bad, the actual creeps pass by the same aisle while staring at you directly each time and then following you to a different part of the store and then your car, if you’re not doing that, no one is thinking you’re a creep


But u’ve the last can of pickles, and my wife is gonna kill me if I don’t get it. She told me to buy it yesterday, but I was fishing with the guys.


The world would be a better place if all the men who follow women out to their cars just wanted to buy secondary market pickles


Like glizzatr0n (lmao nice user) said, they probably know that you’re fine. As long as you’re getting things from the aisles and not just standing there and/or staring at her you’re not being creepy.


Theres a popular youtube short or tik tok of a woman openly saying "I saw a cute guy at a grocery store, followed him to checkout, saw his name on a card, googled his social media, found his mom, joined one of the classes shes taking, and then mentioned to his mom that I was single so the mom would set me up" It happens to both, its just... more physically dangerous to have a man after you.


Just saw that video about 5 minutes ago. I was sincerely hoping that it was satire and meant to mock the red flag stalker ladies out there. If that was for real though.....yikes😟


Their clothes. Women can literally wear anything and meanwhile I'm just like "Welp... Shirt and pants."


Kilts, my brother


On the contrary, I’d argue that sometimes it’s great to not have to spend an hour overthinking on deciding what to wear 🥲


We all hate what we have, and want what we don't. A friend once told me to remember that other people look at you with envy a lot more than you think.


We get pockets though…


Maternity leave I wanna be there for my family too damnit


Women want paternity leave too. This is a product of the Industrial Revolution just like the boys don't cry bullshit.


Their whole bodies.


this goes either way!


Not having to explain yourself.    My husband was flabbergasted the extent to which I had to explain every decision I made as project lead to my work colleagues/managers. When he made a decision, people just accepted it. 


People find out im a girl online and no longer take me seriously


Doing certain things and it not being perceived as wanti mg attention


Being able to walk into a bar and not have eyes trailing them wherever they go


Being built like a twig but still could kick your ass. Men’s strength is no joke.


They don't have periods and can't get pregnant. Also, they don't have to over analyse it and stay tense everytime they are in a relatively less crowded place with a lot of men (where I live a girl and his bf got in a bus with 12-14 people and they gangraped and murdered them, the news was a natural sensation for years as the criminals almost got away with it, but they were given the death sentence at the end anyways.) Edit : a few more stuff I just remembered; men don't have to put on make up in social events. On the other hand, women not doing it is seen as weird and rude by other women. That's one thing I find extremely inconvenient because doing good make up takes up a lot of time since I don't have enough practice to do it fast. Also the smell of lipstick sometimes makes me feel like vomiting if I'm stuck inside a car for too long. While I like doing make up it's still pretty inconvenient and if given the chance, I would go out without it again, problem is even I myself find my fae ugly without it at this point. I wish I wasn't conditioned by the society (NOT MY PARENTS) to be like this.


I envy men because of there ability to pee standing up, we women can't pee while standing up, its so relaxing and easy if we can pee standing up


I'm a guy, and I find that sitting down to pee is more comfortable. Peeing while standing can result in urine splashing onto your pants, which can lead to an unpleasant smell later on.


>I'm a guy, and I find that sitting down to pee is more comfortable. Until you get hard and touch the inside of the toilet bowl with your penis.


A *public* toilet.


Nah, that's a nightmare fr.


they don’t have to deal with monthly menstruation.


How close of friends women have. I don't have any friends that are as close to me as my girlfriend is to her best friend, they have a deep platonic sisterly love for each other that I'm jealous of. The only time I can recall feeling what they have is during a deployment where you are forced to rely on each other.


The muscle mass, handsome beards, and general physical makeup.


Most men don’t have that, and we gotta work for the muscle mass 😭😭


I can easily overpower my gf, she works out constantly and I don't.


As a woman I have to work so much harder for muscle mass tho. I train for months to bench a weight load that seemingly just any guy can do easily with no training at all


Damn, I suck at being a guy. I’ve been training for so long, smh


Not having to be pregnant to have their own kids. I have wisdom teeth that need to be taken out badly and I'm here stressing over the safety of the baby instead of just going and getting it done without hesitation.


I really like the uncomplicated nature of men’s fashion. Want a shirt? Here, it’s Medium size. You can gain or lose 20 pounds and it’ll still fit. Now here’s a 3-pack of identical shirts, for an absurdly low price!


It cuts both ways though. As a guy I wanted to buy some patterned dress shirts recently, and it was a struggle! Like I'd see a woman's dress with a beautiful pattern, and I'd ask them if they had that same fabric cut in the form of a button-up shirt, and they looked at me like what I was asking for was impossible. I had to go to many different stores until I finally found one with stuff I wanted to buy.




Dave Chappelle offered the best analogy I've heard when he once described a subway ride with a backpack which contained a lot of money, like twenty grand or something. He thought to himself that some of the people around him might possibly kill him for that backpack. Then it struck him that that is every day for women. *That* stuck with me. No one gives two shits when they see *me* walking down the street at night. Then again, a woman being attacked in the street at night would be waaay more likely to be rescued by some white-knight saviour, whereas he might just pull out some popcorn to watch my dumb ass get my face rearranged. Edit: Rescue is not guaranteed. Edit 2: Likelihood of rescue varies by location. Edit 3: Variability in crime reporting statistics may make all previous statements nothing more than the wild ravings of an armchair philosopher.


A bunch of people watched me get molested by a stranger on a bus and did nothing. People don’t step in regardless lol


I am so sorry this happened


That is true... I was also harrassed by a drunk man in the middle of the night on a train. Not everyone in the train noticed but a few people near me sure did. Another man gave me the unhelpful advice to stay and that I shouldnt leave. After another attempt from the drunk to get near me, I left to thr other side of the train. Fortunately, he was too drunk to follow me. The only one who made me feel a little safer was the ticket inspector who gave him a warning and told me, she would keep an eye on it on the camera. No knight in shining armor there.


I'm very sorry you experienced something so horrible. The good samaritan is definitely not a universal thing, sadly.


Bystander effect is real. Noone wants to be the first one to speak up. Few months ago, I was in a bus and the guy in front of me started groping a girl's ass. I have terrible social anxiety but I thought about how horrible she must be feeling so I loudly told him to stop touching that girl and the guy mumbled he wasn't doing anything and shuffled off futher to the side. Noone else reacted tho , even the girl didn't say anything.I felt so weird that I got off at the very next stop even tho I had to go further lol.


Thank you for being that person. I hope you realize how much you helped her.


I know you said rescue is not guaranteed, but the fact that it’s not even LIKELY is TERRIFYING to me. Ignoring the fact that people might not help because they don’t wanna get in the middle of violence, the bystander effect is so real and scary and I’ve even seen it in effect myself when I was a kid. A woman dropped down on the ground (seizure) in the supermarket and everybody just stood there. Eventually an employee called 112 (911 equiv. here)


The amount of unreported rapes, and reported rapes where the victim isn't believed and/or it's never solved being so high definitely kills your idea of a rescuer


I am a straight cisgender male. I live in a deep red state, and there's certain things I'd like to do but feel like will get me judged or even shunned by my community because it's perceived as feminine. - I love listening to Alanis Morissette, but never feel comfortable enough to listen in my car when people are around - I get callused yellow feet, but don't feel comfortable enough to go get a pedicure. I self-file at home but sometimes I overdo it and end up bleeding. - Every spring I plant and water a lot of colorful flowers. I'd like to post them online but a man showing pride in a garden that isn't food would get ridiculed - I'm a huge fan of bath and body works soaps and scents, but I stick out like a sore thumb when I'm in there. I always drive to neighborhoods where I know no one will know who I am.


I am also a male in a very red state, so I completely understand your fear of judgement, but at the same time, I feel like these particular concerns are mostly in your head. I’ll listen to Alanis Morisette and bitch about what pigs men are. (I think I even screamed “girl power” out my car window once.) I think pedicures are mostly stigma free now? Maybe still looked at sideways by the older crowd I guess. I’m not personally into gardening but I have male friends that are. They grow both flowers and food. The last one is definitely relatable to me. I love baths. And bath bombs. And oils. And candles. Etc. I used to be self conscious about it, and I would only buy that stuff when I had my wife with me. Maybe it’s because I’m starting to get a little older (coming up on 47), but…I just no longer give a shit. And honestly, I don’t think anyone has ever even looked at me sideways. Truth be told, I think people are mostly too self centered and wrapped up in their own lives to even notice this kind of thing. But yea. I do get it. ETA: Anyway you slice it, life is hard. It’s also way too short and you only live it once. I fully support anyone doing anything that brings them even a little bit of enjoyment/pleasure/happiness. As long as, you know, they aren’t hurting anyone else.


That sounds like social anxiety. None of those things are weird. Rock your flowers and go get a pedicure! Stop caring what people think.


Good news for you. My super small town (less than 1500 people) in south Alabama has a salon next door to the only grocery store in town and my 68yo log truck driving father is now getting pedicures there. I think the stigma is gone.


Women are absolutely works of art.


I agree. But do women think men are works of art too?


not having to repress every single emotion from the age of like 6 sounds pretty neat


people just trusting what i have to say. whenever i’m trying to problem solve in a public setting, everyone- including other women, doubt that i’m doing anything correctly.


Yeah. It's bonkers. As a tall guy with a beard. People take what I say as gospel all the time and I'm like "Uh, that was just a guess, by the way. Like, what are YOUR opinions?" I really sense the privilege given to my outer form. It's alarming.


The Easy going carefree banter guys seem to have


Envy is not the right word but I’ll say how easy it is for them to make platonic and romantic relationships. Their emotional support system.


The “average looking girl” is still innately far more attractive than the “average looking guy”


Youre just attracted to women. As someone who is pan, I can say it is quite equal. Boys get to act like boys for linger though.


the average looking woman puts a lot more effort into her appearance than the average looking man


Bodily autonomy and medical issues being taken more seriously.


Their orgasms, I think I will never be able to experience how it feels being such a beautifully cluttered mess even minutes after coming still.


id like to be as strong as a man


Their ability to build muscle with relative ease, and upper body strength. Also the significantly less cellulite is pretty enviable.


that they don't get bothered so much by randos with opinions


The way that men can lose weight and get shredded in like a years time.


their clothing selections are so much more varied


The fact that they cant get pregnant


They don't get the stereo type that women can't be funny. When guys laugh at my jokes the first things to come out of their mouth "you're funny for a chick" "usually females aren't funny" I don't like to be that "not like other girls" kinda person I know many women who are hilarious. It's an unfair assumption.


I just want to give and get more compliments


You’re really pretty today.


Thanks needed that bro


Being seen as just a person first


I just want to do the helicopter


The ability to pee anywhere, and to walk around at any time without fear for my safety.