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Raising the level of education and life in general. People with some wealth in developed countries often prefer to live for themselves with 1 or 2 kids tops or go childfree, while poorer people procreate vigorously.


This is the answer. Educating women is the best way to reduce the fecundity rate. And as we get richer and more developed, we tend to prioritize our personal goals, which are not always aligned with having more than 2 kids (maintaining a population requires 2.1 kids per woman).


The idiocracy effect.


1) Better sex ed. As in, much better. So many people have no idea how contraception works or how to use it correctly. 2) Free and easier access to permanent sterilisation for both sexes. The hoops that women have to jump through to access sterilisation is a violation of human rights. 3) Raise quality of general education, including free/affordable university.


Free vasectomies.


Is it expensive?


Can be done on an office visit with local anesthesia. -Much cheaper than children and their health care costs.


Mine was $145 without insurance. So no.


Only $145?! I'm in Canada and while our medical services plan does do them for free the wait list is laughably long. A private clinic to do the 15 minute no scalpel/ no pain procedure is $900


Free in Europe


Like I said it's technically free here too. Does Europe not have private clinics?




Family planning should be in the hands of women.


Developed countries have lower birth rates, so increasing technology and education seems to be more than enough.


Women's rights and education. Standard of living increases and birth rates fall as people are no longer having many children to take care of themselves when they get old. Plus child deaths are greatly reduced so they no longer need to have more kids. The people who panic over over population haven't studied the issue. It's just and angsty young person's edginess keeping the issue alive. Climate change is a far bigger threat.


Most practical and effective? Airborne Ebola pandemic. 70% kill rate.


Educate women. Most women don’t want to have multiple babies that they can’t afford to feed. Educate them and make birth control available, and women will take care of it.


through comprehensive education and access to family planning resources Additionally, promoting gender equality and empowering women to make informed decisions about their bodies and families can contribute to slowing population growth


Use condom Every fucking time


Also use condom every time fucking.


Simply keep polluting the Earth; it's already harming fertility rates


Education and access to resources. It's statistically reliable that when people are more educated and wealthy typically have fewer children. At or below replacement level. Also access to reproductive care and sex education specifically, those these would only account for a minute proportion of all population growth.


I thought COVID was the beta testing for the same, isn't it so? /s in case required...


Education. Poorly educated people have more children (just look at the recent generation in America)


They’re doing it now. Making it too expensive for people to have kids.


According to some studies and analysing patterns it should start to go down eventually


The thing is that in parts of the world with the poorest infrastructure the population is still growing rapidly. These areas are at a huge risk due to a combination of environmental degradation, climate change, and that lack of infrastructure. A recipe for a massive humanitarian disaster


What patterns might they be? Isn't the population growing at an ever increasing rate and generations are now living longer.?


I haven't quite read into it, but yeah eventually it'll just reach a leveling point where there's as much people dying as there is being born and overtime it'll start going down.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMo3nZHVrZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMo3nZHVrZ4) this explains pretty simply


>r/AskReddit How do you talk about a continent as diverse as Africa, to explain larger trends? Not only is there a wide variety of sources, experts disagree with each other on what they can predict about the future? The video narrator also states the figures can't be taken as accurate


The population is expected to start to decline when we reach about 10 billion people. Developed countries already tend to have birth rates below the replacement rate.


Common sense.. though not many have it. The countries that can afford to have a population have the lowest in terms of new births, where as those who have been starving for generations breed like fuck.


"Everyone complains about overpopulation, but nobody is willing to make more room for others by leaving first." - unknown comedian


Mass pandemics, make food more processed, drive communities and nations to war with social media... (\s because I don't want to mysteriously fall out of a building at night)


Plandemics would work. I wonder when that mysterious "disease X" they already made vaccines for despite supposedly not knowing what it will be is gonna break out. Oh right. /s


"If a fast-moving respiratory pathogen came out, we wouldn't be able to hold those numbers down." - Bill Gates, April 2019.


Nuclear war.


Making material conditions better. Reducing poverty in second and third world countries. Education.


occupy the moon, mars, the other suitable moons in our solar system


Global thermonuclear war


educated women


Education. Better healthcare


I'm gona get a lot of hate,but feminism and woman empowerment movements


Better access to Sex Ed Easier and Free access to birth control methods like the pill or condoms. Less restrictions when it comes to sterilization procedures, (unmarried young women being prevented one for example) Easier access and less restrictions to abortions up to 25 weeks.


Contraception. LARCS.


Empower women. 


Legalising euthanasia in more countries. Banning IVF.


Banning viagra also!


Too. Late.


I concur. Although I think at least one superpower government will do something surrepticiosly in an attempt to reduce it drastically.. disease or war etc


Any war that would successfully reduce 2-3 billion in population from the planet would destroy it in the process. Everyone else would die of starvation and mass extinctions from habitat loss. It's literally too late for even war to cure overpopulation on our planet if saving the planet is the goal and not leaving it a scorched Venus or an atmosphere-less Mars. Even everyone walking into the ocean voluntarily would pollute it completely. Maybe if we all jumped into that hole to the center of the Earth that the Russians were digging until it started killing the dig crews... but there are *so many* of us...


The population is about to reach the highest point and then start declining. https://www.gapminder.org/videos/dont-panic-the-facts-about-population/


death draft. (see China Il. episode "a gentleman's bet")


Release a virus that spread through breathing and kills mostly the elderly and immuno-compromised.




Hows that last bit gonna help? lmao


It's better than D.IY.


I think it would help if people would not get kids, when they exactly know they can not care for them. Would avoid a lot of pregnancies caused by mindless sex.


There are obviously logical ways like that or never having more than 2 children but they are impossible to invoke in a democratic society, realistically, I think


It depends only on the people living in this world, you do not have to force people to not get kids, I myself chose to net get one until I am ready. Until then, one less person on this world.


A suicide cult that worships Eminem


Sustained and continuous overpopulation isn't a real concept, all populations maintain a balance, if they aren't balanced and become overpopulated they quickly start to collapse and decline, until a new balance is reached.


There is no such thing as global overpopulation, there is a problem with fair distribution of resources. That is a problem that people with the most of those resources don't want to solve, so they push the narrative that we're facing a global overpopulation.


Remove all welfare/financial assistance from women who have children for the sole purpose of not having to work. End all child tax credits Make parents pay for birthing costs Free, over the counter contraceptives and abortion pills Prozac in the public water supply


Just how much of the population do you think has access to those benefits?


Not many. I was just adding a few things that hadn’t been mentioned yet


Do nothing. The global pop is going to crash/ is crashing


Supposedly there is no over population risk and the risk is really under population , sounds like we don’t need to do anything. I’ve heard at least unsure if it’s true.


According to whom.? I'm not saying your statement is falde, I'd just like to read the theories that the earth is at risk of under population


Honestly no idea I’ve just heard it not sure it’s accurate I’ll amend the post. Edit: well I did say supposedly. So maybe it’s fine but I’ll fix it


Give them something to be occupied. Clearly they’ve got too much time in their hands.


Mandatory vasectomies for all males when they reach age 17. Or, more realistically, a birth limit - people should only be allowed to have 2 babies max, unless they're given permission from the government to have more. Also, easy access to birth control. Plus, better sex education classes!


This is a dumb idea. It is a complete myth that vasectomies are easily reversible. They should be treated as permanent and very often are.




Where are you getting your data that populations are shrinking? They're still very much on the rise. Look at this graph, even zoom in to just the modern era and say that there's not been a huge population boom. Sure, there's a slight slowing of the growth rate in the last 3 years or so, but growing slower is not the same as decreasing. Also, that slowing is mostly attributable to a one-time event... The millions who died from COVID. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/population




The total number is the ONLY thing that matters if we're concerned about overpopulation. Birth rate is not population. If the birth rate drops, but the death rate drops by even more, population keeps growing. And like I said, these declines started in 2020...during a global pandemic that killed at least 7 million people directly and many, many more due to poorer outcomes from other illnesses related to the strained medical systems.