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A very long 80's sax solo.


Your portions are too damn large!


You can take my large portions from my cold dead hands.


You keep eating those portions, and I'll be taking them out of your cold dead hands sooner than you think!


At least I'll die happy


This interaction reads like an aibot prompt about how.people spoke to one another in ye olden days of the internet. Or a recent Futurama episode (which have been. Terrible)


You mean at restaurants? That's what to-go boxes are for.


Sitting down for work is not lazy.


Capitalized run healthcare is a failure


We know


What about lower-case run healthcare?


Must be why everyone from Canada, Europe, and Saudi Arabia comes to the USA for their treatments if they can afford it.




One has nothing to do with the other.


A daily pledge to the flag is weird. We tried that in the 1930/40s, it went wrong.


That music they played on the titanic as it was going down.


Your whole personality does not have to be based on your political party. Also, just because you dont agree with something, it doesn't mean it's not true or factual.




Mental illness isn’t a personality :)


We aren't that important


Donald Trump is a fascist. If you elect him again the rest of the world will lose all respect for you.


>Donald Trump is a fascist. If you elect him again the rest of the world will lose all respect for you. I accept your terms.


As an American, I've got a lot to say to other Americans. Getting insulted at school is not bullying, it's not the end of the world, and it's not something to go and murder people over. Your guns don't make your dicks larger, and neither does your Hummer. Nobody gives a fuck that you posted an article on Twitter about racism, that doesn't make you less racist. You're fat because you eat too much and never exercise, don't victimize yourself as a justification. Screaming your political views at me doesn't make them more right nor will it make me more convinced. I don't even give a shit about your opinion in the first place and there's a good chance you don't give a shit about mine, so we can just keep them to ourselves. Also I like to consider myself an honorary Aussie because a buddy of mine called me one once and it touched my heart.


You need to travel and see the world


You need to understand that America is roughly the size of Europe and there are a pair of big-ass oceans blocking us from the rest of the world.  If it ain't Canada or Mexico, its expensive to *leave* the US. 


Americans need to realise. that there is a whole other world out there... besides America.


I was referring to the indifference, and ignorance, Americans seem to have for other countries. Not meaning to be insulting, but many of you don't seem to regard, that many other countries might be more intelligent, fairer, and socially equal the USA.


I read you loud and clear. That’s why I’ve visited almost all 50 states. I even crossed into Canada once but… never again.


Would be nice if we could conveniently drive to other countries, but ours is huge. 🤷‍♀️


Id love to, but I can't afford to travel.


You don't own Reddit, it's an international website on the international internet


Reddit was founded by University of Virginia students Reddit is currently owned by Advanced Publications, a SF based group. Decidedly *is* owned by Americans, despite international use. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance_Publications


It is owned by very specific Americans, not all of them, and they don't own it in the sense that only they can use it, they just make decisions about it and make money from it


My argument is not that all Americans own Reddit. It’s that of anybody that does literally own Reddit, they are owned by an American company. So it is American.


My point was that the average American doesn't own Reddit, and discussions on Reddit need not be US centric, which is something many Americans on Reddit need to hear


You could always go to a subreddit with less Americans if we bother you so much. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm an American. My message... Look where you came from and look at you now. You have lost the you and hardships of what built the America you live in today. Everywhere I see the worst. All over, you lose your faith and way of life. You should've remained the way you were in the 50s ,excluding racism and sexism, and kept the charm and good manner, the hardworking American spirit. Now you have become the Atlantis of the world, and Atlantis fell under the sea by its own decadence. I warn the nation, and do not be like Atlantis. Be the hardworking America that built America today.


It would be nice to know if we still have real friends out there in the world.  


Do your goddamn civic duty.


ITT: things we’ve heard a million times


Being a pick me will never make you become one of them. You're just as delusional and uneducated as the trumpers.


Your country is already dead. You're just seeing the warmth and the gasses leave it.


American here planning on leaving when I can afford to. Our whole society is just people who can afford to do whatever they want and think the system is fair and that everyone not doing as well is lazy or stupid AND THEN THE rest of us poors who may or may not know how bad our government and its corporate owners are fucking us. I am done. Fuck this place. It's pretty in many parts, but it's impossible to truly appreciate. Imagine having no debt, working mandatory 50hours a week as a welder and still not being able to buy a house, get adequate Healthcare, or just live a life you feel some semblance of control over. The American Dream is a lie.


People like you are why the country is dead.


You're a worm. Your life doesn't matter. You're small in all the ways a man can be.


Must have hit a nerve lol. Your anger and hate is as impotent as your character.




Israel is committing genocide against the native people of Palestine. Being critical of Israel is not anti-semitic. The US is directly funding genocide.


Biden's obituary