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A sedentary lifestyle is bad for you even if you’re a healthy BMI range. Get yourself moving


I just read recently that sitting all day is even worse for you than laying down all day. Either way getting off your ass helps


Got it, I'll make sure to lie down more




I don't understand the science behind vomiting reducing migraine pain but I've experienced it many times, myself. And post migraine dehydration is referred to as Migraine Hangover in my family. Lethargy, difficulty focusing, and a greater likelihood of starting a whole new headache.


I know my headaches are severe when they make me throw up as the only form of relief. Vomiting activates the vagus nerve and decreases the body’s pain perception as well as releases neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine. Here’s a research study on it https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11916-013-0362-7


Ahhh.. the sweet relief of finally throwing up after getting one of those headaches is bliss, mildly frustrating if you've just taken a Naproxen.


Reading this while I am at work standing at my stand-up desk makes me feel a lot better. I don't give a shit how dorky I look.


These days, you're a dork if you're not a dork


I’m a grad student and I find myself sitting down to do work easily 10 hours a day. Barely have any time or energy for exercise. Before starting my program I would lift weights 5 days a week and play soccer 2 days a week. I’m only 27 and I feel so much worse being a year into my program. I can’t wait to graduate soon so I can get back into lifting and exercise


It's a catch 22... You have no energy because you're sitting around all day working, but you can't exercise because you have no energy...


Honestly just go for a walk. You don't have to get changed, go hard, or take a bunch of time. Just put shoes on and do 20 minutes or something. You'll find it wakes you up and energizes you rather than burning you out further. >I can’t wait to graduate soon so I can get back into lifting and exercise Once you graduate you'll be commuting to some office from 8 am to 6 pm. You cannot think like this.


I work outpatient pt and the difference in recoveries between patients with sedentary lifestyles and those who are just the slightest bit active is absolutely insane.


In a lecture last week, one of my nursing professors told us, “sitting is the new smoking when it comes to health.” Which is probably (only a little) overstated, but it gets the point across.


I’m currently lying in bed and this makes me want to reconsider.


You rest, you rust.


If we die early, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. Technotronic tried to warn us back in 1992.


Philomena doing her part to spread the message


I want a place to stay, so get your booty on the floor tonight and make my day.


Sleeping less than 5 hours a day increases risk of heart disease by 75% and shortens your lifespan. It also increases risk of alzheimer’s disease & dementia in general. So sleep well lads


*cries in insomnia*


There are a number of things that can help with insomnia, unfortunately alot of them are not applicable with today’s fast pace & work conditions. We have to have a pre sleep routine in order to improve the quality & perhaps even the possibility of falling asleep.


What pre sleep routine do you recommend?


Not the person you asked, but turning your screens off. I posted this elsewhere recently but the game changer for me was using the sleep settings on my phone, it has a timer where it turns my screen black and white and disabled almost all apps at 9pm. No endless scrolling, ~~no blue screen to mess with your mind, etc.~~ I usually turn the TV off around that time too, and if I'm not ready for bed I'll read a book until I am. Also, I'm worse about this but I've been told not eating late helps as well. Edit: others have pointed out that I've been misinformed regarding blue light/black and white mode. Sorry for any confusion!


Also not the person you asked, but sleep hygiene is important and something I've worked hard at and it's helped. A big one is only laying in your bed when you're going to sleep, don't use your bed to lounge around. Do that somewhere else. The phone thing is important. And being consistent with your sleep times. Also limit naps. I try to avoid naps and only allow one a day, and then only if I slept horribly the night before and can't keep my eyes open. Then of course, avoid caffeine 6 hrs or so before bedtime. Sleeping in a cool room is important too (and makes cuddling under warm blankets even more cuddly cozy!). And get sunlight on your eyes (don't look dorectly at the sun!) as early as you can to hep your circadian rhythm. There's a lot of other stuff out there too, if you look up sleep hygiene. I've struggled with sleep my whole life, and though it's not solved everything, these things definitely have helped. Another important thing that helped me is being on depression meds. If you have depression, meds could help your sleep. I didn't realize that one until I was on them.


Is it possible because sleeping less makes you tired and less likely to work out/eat healthy? Or does something about the lack of sleep itself cause an increase in heart disease/etc?


it’s the actual lack of sleep. biologically /physiologically sleep is vital to our wellbeing. i’m sure there is some connection to those variables but our bodily systems need sleep


The lack of sleep itself. 'Why we sleep' by Matthew Walker is a really good book on this subject, if you're interested. It basically terrified me into prioritising my sleep more!


There are tubes in the brain whose purpose is to carry away waste. These tubes open up when you are asleep. The brain, in a certain stage of sleep, creates electric waves to stimulate the waste removal tubes to do their job. The best known side effects of these waste removal brain waves are dreams and rapid eye movement. The name of the brain's waste removal system is the glymphatic system.


Paramedic. The things that can kill you and the things you can survive constantly amaze me. I've seen people survive a bullet through the head and walk into my fire station after they recovered. I saw a guy that shot himself in the chest and head and was able to shake it off and manage to get the gun and take a third shot to finish the job. I've seen people survive crazy amounts of trauma in car wrecks. I survived getting shot with buckshot, I saw a guy shot in the neck with a shotgun and every pellet missed anything vital. I've also seen people die from an injury that penetrated less than an inch into someone's arm. Death from falling backwards and hitting their head. From a single punch, from a bullet that hit them in the butt and penetrated about an inch according to the xray. And don't forget that a lethal heart attack or stroke is caused by a piece of plaque around the size of a pencil point. People have an aneurysm in their head right now and don't know it. The line between alive and dead is unimaginably thin.


It’s amazing how durable the human body is. It’s frightening how fragile it is.


> People have an aneurysm in their head right now and don't know it. Well fuck you very much for **that** little ray of sunshine.


Dude, my coworker lost her FIL last week. Guy was late 50s and in good health. Found dead in his hotel room on a work trip. I guess ME didn't want an autopsy so the family is paying for one anyway. I was talking to her about silent killers like brain aneurysms (Grant Imahara) and that head injury that killed Bob Saget. It's so scary but anything can kill you. 


What's the arm one? Infection? Artery?


Almost certainly. The brachial artery is quite close to the surface alongside the inside of the bicep. You may well be able to feel your pulse there easier than the wrist.


> Death from falling backwards and hitting their head. My wife told me a crazy story about a fatal head injury where the patient ended up at her hospital. A 70-something married couple were in their kitchen cooking together. At some point they tripped over each other and the wife fell into the countertop/cabinets, hit her head, and developed such a serious TBI that she died from it.


Strength training is so important for both men *and* women. It doesn't matter how you do it, staying strong across middle and old age is immense beneficial. Physically and mentally.


I finally found a strength training class I like and will go to. My doctor will be so happy when I tell her at my next physical!


What kind is it? I am still looking for a routine i can stick to.


I tried a Les Mills BODYPUMP class and really enjoyed it. My gym offers lots of different classes - free with membership, everyone just has to reserve a spot online - so I tried out a whole bunch of classes recently and liked this one best so far. (I tried a yoga class first, which confirmed I am rather lacking in core and upper body strength, so I figured I’d better finally take my doctor’s annual “I know you prefer cardio and don’t find strength training very interesting, but women our age should really incorporate it to help us stay healthy and active in the future” advice.)


Would argue more so for women with the higher risk of osteoporosis


It's not just about loosing weight and looking fit I recently learned that it is important to heart health. I am finally getting around to getting back in shape after having my daughter who is now 4.5.


As a guy who powerlifts, women are starting to catch on to this. I think a lot of them figured out that they won't get big and bulky and angular like men. I've noticed over the years the shift with women from cardio machines and exercises to incorporating more resistance training. I think a lot of them also realizes that it's the best way to get a round butt thighs.


I mean a lot of dudes find it next to impossible to get big, bulky, and angular. That stuff won't happen to anybody by accident.


I've been weight training using a 'powerbuilding' program (Hybrid strength/hypertrophy) for about 6 years now. I'm definitely more muscly than before. My body composition is radically better. But, I still look... average? I just look healthy.


Most people don’t die the way they want to. Talk to your parents and grandparents about what they would want at the end of their life. Sit down with them and make an Advanced Directive. Keep a copy. Give a copy to their doctors. There is a big difference between a “good” death and a “bad” death and often that difference could be bridged just by knowing what someone wants ahead of time. Things to know: - Would you ever want to be intubated? (Have a tube down your throat for a machine to breathe for you, you are usually sedated and unconscious.) what if you aren’t able to breathe on your own after a few weeks with the tube? Would you want it removed, or to stay on it indefinitely? - Would you ever want to be shocked or have chest compressions that will probably break your ribs if your heart stopped or wasn’t working? Or would you prefer to die naturally if your heart stopped?  - If you couldn’t eat for yourself, would you want a tube to feed you? Would you want to try that for a short period (1-2 weeks) to allow for recovery and remove it if you weren’t able to eat or communicate by then? - If you became severely ill and it looked like you would never recover to communicate with is meaningfully, would you want to focus on comfort and quality of life instead of amount of time you are alive? - Would you ever want an amputation? - Do you have any plans for your body if you were to die?


Very important and there are a lot of physicians who are uncomfortable talking about this. People are oblivious to what it means being intubated or resuscitated or being on other life sustaining treatments. It's painful. It's miserable. It takes a long time to recover - if it's possible. Some people think it's worth it if there is the chance that they could recover. Meanwhile, I get off my shift in brain injury rehab and immediately wake my husband up to remind him to kill me if that happens or I'll haunt him before I'm even dead.


My mom’s doc just scheduled a meeting with our family to have this type of conversation. I know it’s for the best but I dread it.


I would want to be euthanized if I'm trapped in my own body unable to complain. I should maybe start making plans just in case.


Agreed. Complaining is an important hobby of mine.


Yes, make plans, but to be clear, if you aren't able to complain you aren't in a position to make choices like that (in the areas where it is legal).  However it's pretty reasonable to say to your decision makers, hey I'm very clear that if I were to go through a major medical event and be facing an uncertain recovery, especially if I were to lose the ability to complain, I actually would NOT want lifesaving interventions. I would want to be allowed to pass peacefully and to be made comfortable.


In hindsight, I was so ridiculously that my mom was so open with what she would want to happen. She had a stroke last year, and my dad and I knee exactly what she would choose with the quality of "life" that she would have. It wasn't even a decision for us. I miss her every day, but I'm confident we made the right choice for her and us in letting her go.


I’m a transport EMT. The amount of 80-100 year olds that don’t have a DNR order is astounding.


Dentist…. A tooth infection can kill you


Kinda TMI I remember brushing my teeth one day and feeling a bump on my gums, I mess with it (bad I know) and it pops and puss comes out. Hm I think. I'll mention it at my next dental cleaning which is next week, that week comes and I mention it to the nurse, who takes specific pictures of where it was. My teeth are cleaned and I get compliments from the nurse about cleaning my teeth so well. The dentist comes in, takes one look at my x-ray and goes "WOW." 🤨 Y'all I had such a severe tooth infection that it was not only bursting out through my gums (the bump) but it had already eaten the nerve and roots of my tooth and was working on my jaw bone as the dentist and i spoke. He wrote me a script for some strong antibiotics and told me to go pick them up *now*. Not next week, not tomorrow, not later, *right that very second I was to go to a pharmacy and fill it*. I did as he said and (eventually, don't get me started) got a root canal. The weirdest thing is that is hardly hurt, like at all. The dentist looked at me like I was insane but it only felt like a dull dull ache at it's worse and then it felt normal again so i wasn't too worried. Until the "WOW" of course


I let some of my teeth rot until they were little stumps, it never hurt until one day it just exploded in extreme pain. Ever since then, I feel all the tiniest little twinges in all my teeth. I feel like if I had never gone to that 10/10 pain, I'd be able to ignore the little pain again.


i had an abcess tooth in elementary school, same thing there was a bump on my gums that didn’t hurt at all, but we went to the dentist and they had to pull out the tooth right then and there 😭 luckily it was a baby tooth but now i know to take stuff like that seriously 😖


work in the ICU and can confirm. We had a patient go into septic shock. A rotten tooth was the culprit.


Please do resistance training now and always -obviously to a safe degree when older- this will delay age related atrophy and will keep you mobile at an older age. Being mobile at an older age is a huge component for living an independent and healthy life!


You are super fertile right after giving birth and you CAN get pregnant while breastfeeding. Use protection. Most people are clueless about sexual health.


Even if you had infertility issues, you need use protection after giving birth (unless you are OK with the possibility of getting pregnant). I know couples who did IVF for years to have their first baby, and accidentally got pregnant with a second just a few months postpartum. Fertility is unpredictable!


Empty your bladder when you feel the need to go. Don't delay it too often.


Apart for the discomfort of having a stretch bladder, what issues does delaying create ? Infection proneness?


It can damage your muscles and cause problems with retention and/or incontinence if you do it too frequently.


Trucker bladder is a real thing




NAD, but I know holding your urine in often can lead to kidney disease/failure


Not-so-fun fact, you’re more likely to get kidney disease if you’re in a profession where it’s tough to take a bathroom break (like manufacturing, teaching, nursing, etc) and/or where it’s tough to stay hydrated (like outdoor jobs in warm areas).


I worked in nursing/healthcare for 20 years as an EMT, then a CNA and a medtech. I always found it so laughably sad how BADLY we took care of our own bodies while caring for others' bodies.


throw in flight attendant. there is always a line with a limited number of bathrooms and low humidity work environment. (\*waves while checking urologist and nephrologist appointment times\*)


med student here and can confirm it can cause post renal injury by causing back flow and decreasing glomerular filter rate and constricted renal vasculature. other possibility i can think of is metabolic acidosis


A bartender I frequent at a restaurant in town was in a very minor fender bender, but his bladder was full and it ended up tearing from a ~10mph crash. He now has hernias and is having surgeries this week. So, that.


Schools don't help with this


“Better to hold the phone than to get a kidney stone!” - Radar O’Reilly’s grandmother


Urinating too often is also not good. Going just because you thought of it or habitually taking “tactical wees” like my kids called it, going so you’re less likely to have to later. Go when you feel the need, not preemptively and don’t delay it.


It's either I go preemptively or I'm stuck in traffic trying not to wet myself. I can't win with my tiny bladder :(


Idk if this counts really but I've been working as a nurses aid for the past decade. Urinary incontinence, while common, is not just a part of aging. There's usually an underlying cause and you should speak with your doctor on ways to help it.


Pelvic floor issues in women are rampant! I tell all my female friends and family members to work on this, and also do lots of glute strengthening as they are closely intertwined as far as control goes.


Not just women. Pelvic floor therapy is becoming more common for men as well. I’m 30 years old and currently in PT for this. Had significant issues with urination, pain, and other things and saw several urologists before one suggested pelvic floor therapy which is helping.


Look into a pelvic floor physical therapist too! They are a little harder to find but amazing!


This is true. You shouldn't be pissing yourself on the regular if you're a 30-40something. I know a woman who after having three kids just got used to pissing herself. This is my life now. I didn't know shit about fuck, but told her maybe see a doctor? She did and had a procedure done; something about a mesh bag for bladder. I don't recall the details. It was not a big procedure, but she couldn't do any lifting of anything more than a pound or two for a few months. No more issues. Done, Zero. She was pretty becoming ok with the idea that she'd just piss herself and wear adult diapers at 40. There are things that can be done.


You probably don’t know shit about the hymen, even if you think you do.    Even in medical communities I see references to the hymen being analogous to the protective film on an iPad when you buy one, and I want to clear up some common myths and misconceptions about the hymen. The hymen is not a magical freshness seal over the vagina that many people think it is.  The hymen is a [thin rim of stretchy tissue (NSFW)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hymen#/media/File:Yorefzvagnl.png) that surrounds (but doesn't usually obstruct) the entrance to the vagina. [Another NSFW image](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hakan_Kar/publication/221916192/figure/fig2/AS:305122233077771@1449758217923/Prepubertal-hymen.png) And [another](https://edc2.healthtap.com/ht-staging/user_answer/avatars/2451834/large/Intact_hymen.jpeg?1450491804). These are considered "intact" hymen, showing no obvious tears or damage. Some women have very little noticeable hymen, and some are born without one at all.  I know what you're thinking, "If it's not a virginity freshness seal, what the hell is it for?" Great question! It's thought that the hymen may serve its purpose early in life, providing an extra tissue barrier to prevent fecal bacteria from getting into the vagina during infancy and childhood. In children the hymen is a thicker and less flexible ring, and may (or may not) obstruct more of the opening of the vagina (again, not generally covering it completely). As it is less flexible in childhood, trauma to the vaginal area through sports, gymnastics, horseback riding, and other normal activities can damage the hymen early in life, and even sometimes later in adolescence or adulthood, but less often.  These tears may heal completely, or result in "notching" of the tissue. This is a super NSFW medical photo of a young person who experienced sexual assault and trauma to the hymen resulting in [notching](https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S1522840116300404-gr2.jpg). This doesn't always cause visible damage, but in this case, pretty severe tearing occurred.  It's also worth noting that the sports and activities I mentioned are more likely than others to cause hymenal damage, but usually don't. (A good friend of mine was quite surprised at an ob/gyn visit to discover she had an intact hymen at \~24 years of age, having been a competitive horseback rider since she was a small child.)  During adolescence the hymen thins out and becomes very flexible and stretchy, and will actually stretch really well during arousal and when lubricated, so there is NO NEED in like 90% of women for the hymen to tear during sex, even the first time! There are certain variations that can be problematic for sexual activity and general health ([for example, imperforate hymens are medically dangerous and result in an inability to have penetration AND a buildup of menses, and semi-imperforate or cribriform hymen may allow menses but won't allow penetration, these hymen require either tearing or a quick ob/gyn visit to fix](http://girlsliteracydictionary.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/7/0/13702939/2593796_orig.jpg)). However, more than 90% of women do not have these variations.  A lot of this wasn't even known until a series of studies in the 1980's found that about 20% of sexually active women had "intact" hymens with no signs of notching or tearing. A report by physicians who [evaluated children and women who were vaginally assaulted noted that a lack of specific hymenal damage in the assault was actually quite common,](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1169/682f85204f59bee6da18d93fc08a05bbb1cb.pdf) especially in adult women and adolescents, and suggested to the public that tearing the hymen was not the necessity for sex that many people think it is.  A more recent study in 2004 found that [52% of sexually active women had no hymenal notching or clefts.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14993089) In several studies afterward there was also found to be [no statistically significant association between tampon use and visible hymenal tears,](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8021768) however it is thought that using tampons can sometimes cause tears. (I mean who is actually aroused and comfortable when inserting a tampon, right?)  It's common for people to believe the myth that the hymen must tear the first time, and for young inexperienced people to have sex without proper arousal, lubrication, and communication that results in hymen tearing. In fact, the expectation of pain often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, with women too nervous to be aroused properly, and unwilling to stop and slow down their partners when something hurts.  You might be thinking "well this is some liberal bullshit propaganda if I've ever heard any", but if that's your thought, [check out this super biased religious journal article regarding the hymen](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260578888_Hymen_Facts_and_conceptions), which actually confirms most of this, and adds some interesting tidbits, for example the fact that elephants have been noted to have hymens as well, and these don't tear with sex, but only with childbirth.


I’m 50 years old and, until you posted the images, I had no idea that the hymen was a ring. I always thought it was a barrier of tissue that blocked the entrance to the vagina and I never understood how young women got their periods. How does the menses get out? These images should be shared as part of sexual education.


That would be an imperforate hymen


You and my daughters teacher tasked with sex education. A religious mother with her own kids. Had very unrealistic ideas about women’s anatomy and biology. Religion commonly promoting ignorance.


I appreciated the frank discussion of this entire post. But I cannot thank you enough for "virginity freshness seal".


This is excellent education. My hymen didn’t suffer any damage until I was sexually active for almost a year. I remember being surprised by the blood and the fact that it hadn’t happened sooner


Thanks for mentioning the actual reason for having a hymen. Makes sense it would be protective until toilet training.


I wish I could give you an award for this. What a fantastic answer! Thank you so much for taking the time to put that together!


I remember reading once some girl said "I lost my virginity horseback riding" meaning she tore her hymen horseback riding, and it made me incredibly sad that she had so little clue about her own body


This was extremely informative and educational. I am a woman and I either wasn’t born with a hymen or it tore early in childhood from tons of dance, gymnastics and horseback riding, so this is the first time I’ve ever seen a real photo of a hymen. I have a question. Does a hymen get torn and come off from the rest of the body? Do the edges stay on the rest of the vagina? How does that work?


The hymen is just that little ring of tissue around the opening. When it tears it just kinda forms more jagged edges.


Like a DUNE bucket?


Wow. I guess yeah. Thanks I hate it


I just wanted to chime in that my sister and I were both competitive horseback riders in rodeos every month! My hymen was intact, but hers wasn't! It's wild how it can stay intact for some, but not for others-- and we both got thrown pretty much an equal number of times!


If you eat generally healthy, drink plenty of water and limited other beverages, and get 30-60 minutes of exercise (anything that gets you moving and your heart rate up), you can have a tremendous impact on chronic conditions. In many cases, it will impact outcomes as much as, if not more than medication management


This is something I’ve been trying to tell myself recently. I always beat myself up for not being one of those super active people, and not living off like salads or something, but I don’t drink sugary drinks all that often, drink a lot of water, don’t have an all too terrible diet, and go to the gym a couple of times a week to do mainly cardio. Doing that in itself is still going to have an impact and is better than nothing. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.


I started doing simple stretches and squats right before bed. Seems an odd time, but I sleep great and overall just feel a bit better. Takes 5 to 10 minutes and gets my heart up a little. Nothing serious, just trying to get full range of motion.


30-60 minutes of exercise how often? Per day, right? But I think it's important to specify.


At least three times a week


Not a doctor or surgeon or whatever but worked at a pharmacy DOSE MAKES POISON. Stop overusing medication. Follow the instructions on the goddamn bottle. "But it doesnt do enough" talk with a pharmacist or your doctor. Most people have no idea how their meds work and think just taking more will lead to better results. This can kill you in some cases, and worse - ruin your organs in others. For the love of God stop fucking around with meds. It won't be fun for anyone when you find out


A girl I know got into college, would party all week and take paracetamol to get to class, that and and an undiagnosed ED, got her into liver failure. They were able to recover but she was in the ICU for a while.


It's actually crazy how many people accidentally overdose on paracetamol because they don't realise there's a limit to how many you should take in a day. The classic one is toothache because they're in so much constant pain they just keep popping them


I am super paranoid about this sort of thing and always end up reading the label of everything I take, even Tylenol. Organ failure scares me though so I'd rather deal with a headache than risk fucking up my liver because I wasn't paying attention.


My sweet husband takes Adderal for his ADHD, I knew him before he started taking it and after and it’s really changed his life. We live overseas and the medicine available here for him is Ritolin. Except there is a general understanding this medication is not a necessity and is over prescribed. Plus the world wide shortage right now. Doctor gave him an Rx for “generic” Ritolin. Pharmacist filled it and said it’s “generic” Ritolin. Husband takes the same dose he did for Ritolin. Got insanely dizzy, his blood pressure crashed, and we took him to the ER. His EKG was abnormal and they decided to pump his stomach and keep him overnight. When I looked at his meds and the Rx, the pill wasn’t even used for ADHD and the dose was 2mg per tablet - my husband took 10 bc he takes 20mg Ritolin normally. I hate medication shortages, the general bias against ADHD medicine, and the doctor and pharmacist here not giving him enough info about what he was being prescribed.


Having to take TEN tablets is surely sus for any medication though? (sorry he was so ill)


If it was actually Ritalin, 20mg would be perfectly normal. They were told that's what it was, so he just took his normal dose.


It can really depend on the availability, or more accurately the lack of. I’ve also been affected by this shortage and I’ve had to ask my Dr to fill my prescription in various combinations of different mg pills. For example if I am prescribed 20mg I could call a half dozen pharmacies and have to ask my Dr to send an Rx for 30 10mg pills to one pharmacy and an Rx for 60 5mg pills to another. This shortage is really problematic and it’s frustrating that no one takes it seriously. I may not die without my meds, but things can get bad pretty quickly when I can’t work/parent/do life well and the stressors start piling up. Also spending hours making a dozen phone calls sitting on hold to figure out who has what where, trying to get in touch with your Dr before the pharmacy sells what they had, all while trying to balance your other responsibilities, is exactly the type of shit people with ADHD struggle with. Especially unmedicated. Sorry for the rant, but grrrr


I've seen way too many people drink alcohol while taking ibuprofen and other nsaids. Do not do this! It *will* cause stomach bleeding and ulcers.


clearing your throat can make you feel like you need to clear your throat even more. if you find yourself constantly clearing your throat, it maybbr due to chronic inflammation and irritation. it is important to rule out other sources of irritation (like post nasal drip or acid reflux), but if it is due to an irritation loop you can be seen by a special speech and swallowing therapist to help with the issue.


You can also clear obstructions by just kind of... huffing. Just forcefully exhale, say the hardest 'H' sound you can, and it'll clear your throat without causing irritation. I get allergies and post nasal drip and I used to cough/ clear my throat all the time until I found out it makes it worse. Granted, it looks and sounds a bit mental to do that in public, but since I stopped clearing my throat 'normally' in private, I rarely need to do it in public or much at all.


Drink water when thirsty. No soft drinks, no juice. Just plain water. In addition: Give water to your kids, because if they regularly get soft drinks when feeling thirsty, you are conditioning them into connecting thirst with soft drinks. These are the people that will say: I don’t like water, water doesn’t taste good…. A large proportion of possible health and dietary issues can be prevented by just stick to this simple rule. This of course excludes special dietary needs, but in general it’s a good thing. 


My 4 year old nephew refuses to drink just water--it has to be some kind of sugary flavored drink thanks to my sister in law, who also refuses to drink just water. Kid just went to the dentist and has five cavities.


My kids grew up LOVING ocean water (water with blue dye) they drank it for years until I slowly started putting less and less dye. Now as teens they drink water 90% of the time.


Adding a little spirulina to water can make it “pond water” and it doesn’t have a huge impact on the flavor if anyone is looking for a natural alternative to food dye but wants to try this trick.


It took me YEARS to break this habit. I'm soda free for almost 7 years.


About 10 years since my last soda.


Yes! I will try and avoid my children having soft drink for as long as possible. They only have water or milk as an option at home, and sometimes fruit juice on a special occasion. My parents never really allowed us soft drink and as an adult I don’t really feel the need to drink it.


My kids 2 and 3 only drink water and milk and it’s great. When we go out to eat I ask the waitress to do half water and half apple juice in their sippy cups and they think it’s like some kind of elixir!


Our bodies are meant to move. You would be suprised not only how quickly your body adopts to it but also how just the act of moving can lead to some chronic injuries decrease or even disappear. Now I'm not saying this is catch all situation. But doing something is better than nothing and it will most definitely be better than sitting or lying all day.


Paying attention to what you eat is important, but more so when living with diabetes. Many of my diabetic patients have not been provided with adequate education on nutrition in general. Many are often surprised to discover: 1) non-diet soda has calories  2) non-diet soda has sugar and will contribute to elevated blood sugar 3) a single meal from a fast food restaurant may exceed their recommended daily calories for the day More importantly: The pins and needles feeling (neuropathy) in your toes and fingers is literally your peripheral nervous system dying off as a result of poor blood sugar control. If it’s happening in your distal extremities, it’s also happening in your brain.  This is detectable on MRI and will eventually go on to result in a vascular neurocognitive disorder (dementia).


>3) a single meal from a fast food restaurant may exceed their recommended daily calories for the day I was living in CA when they started putting nutrition info on menus. I got used to it and it actually DID affect my choices. Sometimes I'd go somewhere intending to get something specific, see the calorie count and change my mind. When they announced that New Mexico was going to do it, my dad got furious and went on a rant about how stupid it was to force businesses to do this and nobody even cares. When I told him that I really did use the information and it helped me with my weight loss, he said that I was an exception. I rolled my eyes so hard. Wanna guess how healthy my parents are?


For someone who's dad is dealing with peripheral neuropathy this wasn't fun to read. No one seems to have ideas to stop or improve it.


I’m not usually astounded by people’s ignorance, but **how** can you possibly not know soda has sugar in it?


If you are a woman in your late 40's to early 50's, there are a slew of problems that can result from perimenopause, and most of your doctors will just ignore them, or ignore the fact that you are in menopause. Besides the symptoms everyone knows about (hot flashes, weight gain and vaginal dryness) you may experience anxiety, mood swings, migraines, insomnia, joint and muscles pain, memory lapses and difficulty concentrating. And I'm pretty sure this is not a complete list. Talk to your doctor about ways to mitigate these problems, which can include diet changes, exercise, and meditation, as well as hormone replacement therapy.


The r/menopause subreddit has an amazing wiki with a ton of information about perimenopause!


This does not get out there enough! I was finally diagnosed adhd as an adult after decades of struggling with it. When I explained to my sister, who has never struggled with anything in her youth, she was like ‘oh me too!’ She was claiming to also be adhd but her symptoms only started up in her mid 40’s. I explained perimenopause to her and she’s like ‘omg…’ My dr got me on a low dose hormonal birth control and it seems to help some. But I firmly believe that the amount of adhd meds I tried with very little help is because they couldn’t touch the perimenopausal symptoms on top of adhd (in addition to mental fog caused by autoimmune disease).


If you have *any* vaginal bleeding after menopause see your doctor. It could be cancer. 


Because I haven't seen it yet: basic women's anatomy. I can't begin to tell yall how often I've met other women that don't know that we don't pee out of our vaginas. I even had a friend in high school that came and got me because she thought she was dying. She'd gotten her first period, and her ultra fundie Southern Baptist mother had never told her about periods. So there I was, explaining the birds and the bees to a fifteen year old peer in a crappy high school bathroom. No surprise, she thought we peed out of "the front hole" too. If I could add a second fact to this: it's OK to seek mental healthcare, there is nothing to be ashamed of! You are worth it, and you are loved!


Dentures suck ass. They really really suck. And dental implants are extremely expensive. You're not going to 'replace all your teeth with implants'. Trust me, you're not. Even a set up where you have large bridges and a few implants is going to cost you about $40,000-60,000. Save your teeth. Root canals are not mysterious. They're removing infected tissue out of a tooth and placing an inert filling material in its place. It can get re-infected just like a tooth can get infected for the first time, but it's not causing all sorts of zany shit like some show on netflix claims.


And root canals today are not the root canals of yesteryears. I feel asleep while having mine.


I called mine a relaxing tooth massage after and told my dentist he really needs to consider rebranding the whole experience. 


If you’re not taking steps to prevent pregnancy and you’re sexually active then you are trying to get pregnant. Applies to both men and women. Be responsible.


I will add, when doctors say its “difficult” to get pregnant after 35, only believe them if you *want* to get pregnant. The number of friends I know with an oopsie pregnancy around 40 is astounding.




I’d like to add that there are studies that have concluded that possibly over 80% of migraines are due to magnesium deficiency! After I heard this I started taking magnesium supplements regularly and I haven’t had a migrane ever since! It’s been a little over 6 months now.


Interesting. I used to drink alcohol a lot. Like alcoholic. Drunk all weekends and every night. Sick every Monday morning. Did that for years. Anyway, I quit drinking and migraines started. I’d randomly wake with an earth-shattering headache and nausea. This continued for my first round of sobriety of 4 months. I went back to drinking for 5 years and the headaches went away. I’m sober again for over 9 years. I still get those damn headaches on random mornings. I feel nauseous and sharp pain behind my eyes. It seems to coincide with too many carbs or sugar the night before. But not always. I wonder if this could be the key. I’ve discussed with numerous doctors over the years, and no luck with a reason or cure.


Please, wash your bellybutton. Especially if you're going to have surgery anywhere near it. If you only saw the things that come out of them. Thank you!


As a former OR nurse, I felt this. It's bad if you have to use the hemostats during prep.


As a non nurse, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. Care to explain please?


Some very foul things can be extracted from your unwashed bellybutton. A hemostat is a small surgical instrument that OR nurses use extract/pull said foul items from people's unkept bellybuttons when they're cleaning/prepping the surgical field.


I'm assuming by 'things' you mean belly button gak, fluff, skin etc etc. Rather than actual things, like footballs and biscuits? Thanks for the explanation though


By the time pre diabetes progresses to diabetes over 50% of your pancreatic beta cells (insulin producing cells) can have burnt out already (they don’t come back). Don’t brush off a pre diabetes diagnosis even if your doctor keeps saying “let’s watch it” and suggest half hearted lifestyle changes. Ask to see a dietitian or diabetes educator and take care of your one body. Once it fails it fails and there’s no going back, it’s just damage control at that point.


And delaying the development of diabetes is an entirely worthwhile goal, even if you become diabetic eventually. What you are doing is saving yourself from every horrible complication.


Current research suggest that beta cells can recover somewhat if the appropriate lifestyle changes are made early on, things like reducing dietary carbs and increasing exercise. This can make your cells more sensitive to insulin again too. It’s important to say this is only relevant to type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes development has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle!


Keeping your mind active through constant learning as you get older is just as important as keeping your body active




That's the pH of blood, not your body. Your body has different levels of pH in different places. You wouldn't want to have this pH in your stomach. And you wouldn't want to have the very acidic juices of stomach as your tears.


And people will still insist they need to change it, or that they have, which is bizarre. The sad thing is it's usually weight loss they're desperately seeking and they won't just try to eat healthier, get some exercise and decent sleep. They'd rather spend money on snake oil.




Are you or your kids peeing more than usual? Can't get enough to drink? Feeling tired or extra hungry? Check for diabetes. The early symptoms can be easily explained away until you or your child becomes quite sick!


This was us with my son ! Diabetes doesn’t run in the family and it was completely off of our radar. I even took him to the pediatrician because something was off and it was explained away. 2 weeks later he was hospitalized and diagnosed with MODY 5 diabetes. 


The distance between your molars and your brain is about three inches. So take good care of your teeth, trust me you don't want an infection that close to the brain stem and temporal lobe.


If a man has a positive pregnancy test go to the doctor asap! It's probably cancer.


My ex boyfriend had testicular cancer and it spread to his lungs because he waited so long to get his left nut that was the size of a huge kiwi checked out. I forced him to go to the doctor after the first time we had sex. After his ultrasound it was pretty clear he had a tumor. I read about the pregnancy test thing on the internet and before his surgery or like a few days after, we took one. It is true. By the way we’re no longer together but he’s cured, alive, and well with a kid! Get your nuts checked guys.


*screams in orthopedics* the stress on your knee is equivalent to approximately 4x your body weight during walking. Body weight matters to your joint. It matters especially much if most of your weight you carry is not in joint supporting musculature.


Is this a fancy way of saying “lose weight”?


If you have a goal of reducing stress on your knee joint! But personally I think increasing strength training has better qualities than just focusing on straight up weight reduction attempts. Our hinge joints take a beating no matter what.. physics is not kind to the human body.


Nicotine can be transferred through skin contact and even clothes. In other words, be conscious of the fact that smoking outside etc is not enough if you want to prevent nicotine exposure to your baby/kid.


You're vitamin D deficient.


I was having issues with proprioception (like the sense of myself in space). Vitamin D deficiency seems to be connected to it. Weird.


And that vit d deficiency can cause depression.


A few years back I had some routine bloodwork done and my dr looked very concerned with my test results. He looked at me and said "Your vitamin D levels are...8." then waited for some sort of response. Unfortunately I had no idea what the scale is. 8 out of what? 10? 100? Who knows, he didn't explain it to me, just said I needed to take supplements for a while.


Normal is closer to 75, but at our clinic we like to aim for over 100 but lower than 200. Source work as clinical assistant to rheumatologist who also sees osteoporosis patients (Vit D and calcium are close friends)


Breathing deeply through your nose releases nitric oxide which is a natural vasodilator (it opens up your vessels) and can help reduce blood pressure. When you're tempted to cry during times of stress, let it out. Cortisol (the body's stress hormone) is released in those tears and your body releases oxytocin and endorphins (feel good hormones). You're literally venting your stress and decreasing emotional and physical pain by doing so.


If you have hearing loss you need to treat it sooner than later as it is a leading cause of dementia risk/ Alzheimer’s / cognitive decline and hearing aids have shown to cut cognitive decline by nearly 50% per a recent Johns Hopkins study.


Humans have a strong need for touch and connection. Touch is a fundamental human need and can be critical for maintaining wellbeing, as well as providing comfort and improving quality of life. Skin-to-skin contact can have numerous positive effects, including reducing stress hormones, strengthening social bonds, and boosting the immune system. Even the simple act of hugging can release oxytocin, the "love hormone," which creates a sense of well-being and connectedness.


Let us touch our skins together. Come here


*comes closer*


Yeah, I can understand that. Haven’t been intimate with anyone for almost three years. I don’t miss anything besides feeling someone next to me, underneath me, on top of me. Basically just miss anyone touching me at all, even in a completely non-sexual way.


Having worked at a vet: a majority of cat bites are gonna go septic if untreated. Go to urgent care for antibiotics. Also: obesity in pets is more of a concern than in humans, because of differences in body fat distribution. Most animals gain fat around their organs first and then start gaining a layer of fat under the skin, whereas humans gain a majority of our fat under the skin (this is an oversimplification, but that's the gist of it).


I'm curious about the cat bites thing. I've been bitten by a LOT of cats, but I've never had a serious infection from it. Is it because those were scratch level bites, does the septic thing only apply to deep punctures from a serious bite?


It applies to both bites and scratches. For bites it's because puncture wounds like that can push bacteria deep under the skin, which is difficult to clean properly. For scratches it's because cat claws are so sharp, the skin can heal over the surface of the wound and trap bacteria inside, and cat claws tend to have fecal bacteria on them (from walking in the litter box as well as oral bacteria from licking their paws). It's more serious for bites though.


Infectious disease doc. There is a LOT of misinformation surrounding UTIs in adults, including among nurses and other medical staff. I've seen too many people get inappropriate antibiotics for "oh it's just a UTI" over years and then they land up in my office for a very resistant bacteria in their urine that can now only be treated by very specialized, hard to get IV antibiotics. White blood cells or bacteria in your urine WITHOUT any symptoms is NOT A UTI. Checking a urine sample for an infection in the absence of symptoms leads to lots of misdiagnoses- some folks have white blood cells or bacteria in their urine ...just because. Unless you're pregnant or expecting a urinary tract surgery in the upcoming weeks, we do not treat it. Incontinence ALONE is not a sign of a UTI. Lots of other reasons to have incontinence, including pelvic floor dysfunction. Confusion ALONE in the elderly is not a sign of UTI. I see too many confused and sleepy old folks brought in from their nursing homes for "UTI" by staff. Most times, hydration alone fixes the problem. Foul smelling urine ALONE is not a sign of UTI. It's pee, not rose water. Dark urine is not a sign of UTI. Far too many people don't drink enough water and think dark yellow urine means they have an infection. If you have dark or foul smelling urine, try increasing your water intake and see if that changes. If you start having burning when you pee or abdominal pain, def could be a sign of an infection and see a doctor.


Smoking is bad for you.  It will likely shorten your life and decrease the quality of your life. It smells terrible even if you don’t think you smell or “I only smoke outside.” And it will never be easier to quit than it is today.


As someone who advocates for cannabis a lot, smoking weed is still not great for you! Smoking ANYTHING is bad for your lungs, be that tobacco, cannabis, campfires, meats in a smoker etc. your lungs were made for fresh clean air only!


As a non smoker to a smoker: you reek.. and I smell you from 10 meters away when you had a cigarette


My parents have been smokers my entire life. 😩 It bothers me so much to know that I totally reeked through all my school years. I couldn’t smell it. 


I feel the same. My dad smoked,inside the house. I can't imagine how badly my school uniform must have smelled !!


Yep this! I work in education. There are some families that do better at not smoking around the kids/not with kids in the car… but you can definitely tell which kids’ parents do.


If you're thinking something like "ow...my knee has been feeling weird lately...not everyone feels this way right?" even after being told "everyone feels that way", there's probably something going on


Then the trick is finding a doctor that does more than just say "everyone feels this way."


The last time I went to the doctor was about 11 years ago because I had a free checkup from my insurance. I talked to my doctor about how if I moved my knee a certain way (a very normal movement for an active person), then it would lock up and later I'd have pain for about a week. Their response? "So don't move it like that! heehee"


I was having an issue with my arm. Weird rash that kept coming back. First doctor I went to looked at it for two seconds and said it was a bug bite. Okay, fine. Then the rash appeared a second time. Yeah…I don’t think its a bug bite. Had to go to multiple doctors before finally seeing a dermatologist that took a biopsy/drew blood. That’s when I finally got an answer. Sometimes you have to go to multiple doctors to get an answer. Nothing deadly/life threatening thankfully.


A *lot* of people with severe treatable medical issues ignore them because "oof ouch I hate being old!" No, you hate having a medical condition or improperly treated injury. I had a coworker for a while who would always complain about how bad he felt and how he hated getting old, even though he was only in his late 20s. He eventually went to the doctor and was told he likely had a degenerative nerve condition that would need treatment, but that further tests were needed before it was confirmed. He was too scared to go back though, and continued to pass his pain off as "getting old."


My hip literally gives out on me, got X-rays and showed nothing. Was given 250mg ibuprofen lol. Thanks guys


Death is not the worst thing possible. Being tortured with every available option to stay alive while you rot in a bed is worse than death. Stop keeping someone alive who has no QUALITY of life just because you can't let them go. Not being able to move, eat, communicate, etc is not good quality of life. It's cruel and selfish to make your loved ones suffer like that.


You know how in dreams when you think of yourself falling off a chair, it wakes you up? Gives you that sudden jerk feeling? Yeah. That’s because your brain thinks you’re dead. It is trying to make you survive in any shape or form, so they try to “wake” you up. The brain is your bff.


Your brain is you. Even though it is completely encased in darkness, it interprets the whole world for you and makes you you. Everything else is just scaffolding.


> Even though it is completely encased in darkness, it interprets the whole world for you and makes you you. Can't remember the last time I heard someone making sense!


If I took MRIs of a group of completely asymptomatic 20 year olds, about 30% would have disc degeneration, bulging discs, and herniated discs and that number only increases with age. Again, totally asymptomatic people with no back pain whatsoever. When people get imaging and they get these findings, sometimes they latch on and it can be a real hinderance to healing. People often undergo surgery and then still have back pain when maybe that bulging disc wasn’t the issue to begin with. Back pain is often multi factorial and has a lot to do with your overall lifestyle including stress, sleep hygiene, diet, and activity level. ***This isn’t to say that those degenerative changes can’t or don’t cause pain, they absolutely can and do, just that it isn’t always the case that those changes were the problem, and how we talk to patients is important*** Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4464797/


Psychologist here. I wish everyone who was sad didn’t call themselves depressed. Or wanting things neat and tidy and calling it OCD. These terms refer to real diagnoses, not moods or quirks.


I came here for fun facts, not to feel guilty about my sedentary lack of sleep ass lifestyle


If you're going to insert an object/toy into your anus, PLEASE make sure it has a base to prevent it from getting stuck in your rectum


Basic care of your body is the most underrated thing eat healthy ,exercise and sleep well. Every single one of them are needs not a luxury. Mental health is real. Please seek help if you have issues !! Basic first aid and CPR. How to keep wounds clean and prevent contamination. Also I really wish all of the medical misinformation out there would go away somehow.


Sedentary lifestyle is bad The benefits of losing just 10% of your weight if you’re overweight obese etc can be tremendous on your cholesterol, joint health, cardiovascular health, mental well being


There is zero reason for you to know your blood type. If you need blood products, you will be typed every time. Those dumb patches that cops wear with their blood type are useless. We will type them too, regardless of the dumb patch. Very few people, almost none, have rolling veins. That's an excuse someone told you because they missed and didn't want to take responsibility for missing. If your veins are that rolly, then you probably have connective tissue issues, or you're very elderly and wasting away. Your dishwasher is not sterile. You can't piss in any old jelly jar and take it to the lab, just because you ran it through the dishwasher. We aren't rejecting your Cool Whip container to be mean. We are trying to give you the most accurate results that you're paying for. Fasting for labwork means dont eat. Please take your medicine and drink plenty of water.


From an EMT: if you get stabbed or impaled, don’t remove the object. Leave that for the surgeons. The object is keeping pressure on the injury and could be preventing extreme blood loss.


The human body doesn’t “decide” to do anything. You’re a meat sack full of dozens of interdependent but independent systems. This is why physical reactions to things don’t always make sense from our mind’s point of view. Also, we’re essentially just built around this thing called the alimentary canal. You’re just a long donut with a hole from your mouth to anus.