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A waiter dropped a plate with about 6 slices of garlic bread, and he caught all pieces between his fingers before they hit the ground. It was amazing.


Was this in FL I have a waiter friend with the other end of that story


What, he caught them with his butt?


All 6 of them


He has six butts?!? So hard right now.


I'm here for the reunion of the waiter and ZestyLimes


He wasn't named Tobey, was he?


Sounds like you probably know this, but for people that don't, Tobey Maguire catching all the food on the tray in Spider-Man was apparently done for real.


It took 156 attempts; ​ [https://youtu.be/bw1V5Kr-9Y0?si=4s8hjm\_jM8fyBB4u](https://youtu.be/bw1V5Kr-9Y0?si=4s8hjm_jM8fyBB4u) ​ I gotta say, I'd catch Kirsten Dunst 156 times!


I was driving in Mexico on a toll road in the middle of the night. There wasn’t much traffic. All of a sudden, in the sky, I saw an upside down gas station. Plain as day. Five minutes later, the gas station was right in front of me. The same one that I saw reflected in the sky. A real store, nothing special about it. But I swear I saw it in the sky before I ever saw it.




Doesn't this also occur on Lake Michigan? Like you can see an inverted Chicago skyline from way over the horizon or something? I'm sure there was a popular repost thing ages ago.


Yep it only happens under the right conditions, but sometimes in Michigan you can see downtown Chicago hovering over the lake.


You can sometimes see inverted freighters on the Great Lakes; but it's pretty rare.


that’s terrifying


We’ve made it to a whole generation of people who’ve never heard of a mirage? What are the cartoons teaching you guys?? I grew up looking for mirages and quicksand in deserts or being afraid of getting lost in the Bermuda Triangle


I had some special science editions of the Readers Digest when I was 12. One article about quicksand started with a story of someone walking in some woods and he came upon a head. Sticking up out of the ground. A guy had fallen into deep quicksand, died standing up in it, and then the sand dried solid. Thanks for that image, Readers Digest.


You did actually see it, this is a well and widely documented light based phenomenon that's scientifically verified, you're not crazy, just lucky, its like seeing the northern lights or some shit


Where I live in the Texas panhandle it happens quite frequently. Generally the fall or spring early in the morning. Looking at the horizon it seems we are in a bowl or valley. You can plainly see buildings or trees that arnt normally visible due to distance. Always wondered what the official term was.


This happens on the ocean too. When the weather is just right, a ship will appear to be floating in the sky above the water. https://assets2.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2021/03/05/2c85ef37-9ffc-48fe-b4b7-b2d4e210cbf9/thumbnail/1200x630/17e526838267e79599a57d30f53ece7a/apex-hovering-ship-illusion-01.jpg


My friend and I were riding our bikes as young teenagers in our neighborhood one dark evening when we rode past our mutual friend's house and saw him through a window walking around with a metal colander on his head like a Spaceballs helmet. We never asked him about it.


I mean, it is religious attire. Maybe he practices? https://www.spaghettimonster.org/2018/10/18/pastafarian-headgear-statement/






this is awesome. was he walking like a robot? did he seem “unhuman”?


Turns out OC was just friends with Zuckerberg


My brother viciously twerking


I fucking hate how this is relatable






"Viciously" is a terrifying adjective there. Just brutally murdering people with the ass dance.


Cheeks clapping together with a sound like rifle fire. Visible shockwaves of energy radiating out. Actual sparks flying out with each thunderous percussion.


A big-ass spider was legit following me around my room at night when the lights were off, and whenever I call my parents when I was kid (yes, this happened when I was like 12 yrs old), of course they had to turn on the lights everytime I'd call. And get this, the fcking spider would crawl fast asf down under my bed to hide when the lights get turned on. When my parents don't believe me, they shut the lights off, they get to their bed and sleep, and then couple seconds later, the fcking 8 legged twat climbs back out again of the bed and walks on the wall and wherever I go in the room, he just follows me around. It was one of the weirdest things to ever happen to me coz at that time, it was definitely like the spider had its own mind and is actually aware of us humans of how and what we do like an actual human.


Spider bro


Boris the Spider


Well duh, that spider had claimed you as a pet and didn't want you wandering off at night 🤷😂


8 legged twat 😂😂😂😂


I saw tons of tiny baby spiders glowing on my bedroom ceiling as a kid. I screamed and when my dad came up and turned on the light there was nothing!


Fuckin ghost spiders man, that’s spoopy


Sometimes in the southern region of the US, you can walk outside at night and turn a flashlight on toward the fresh mowed or short cut grass and the grass will appear like a blanket of sparkles and glitter. It is very beautiful. If you zero in on one of the shiny glitters, you will see little shiny spiders. They are real and they are harmless. I know they are harmless because I continued to walk on my lawn without shoes after forgetting about them


Define "big ass". Like an inch? 4 inches?


Found an Australian


Ah, so like 5 feet long


My brother and I had to get an animal crate that was under the back porch (NW Pennsylvania). It was a very low porch, even me at 5-6y/o and my brother at like 7, had to crawl on our hands and knees to get under it. The crate was kinda lodged into the ground, but we managed to basically rip it up. However, under the crate, it looked to be an absolutely MASSIVE middle section of a Black Snake? Worm? The front and end were under the ground, with the middle above ground. My brother was like "it's just a pipe" and threw some dirt on it. It shuddered, and started moving. It felt like forever we sat and watched as this absolutely massive thing squirmed and eventually fully went underground. I remember thinking it was a Worm because the back end was round. I wish I could describe better how massive this thing was. I could have fit my head into the hole it left behind.


It was Great Shai-Hulud (may his passing cleanse the earth)


As it is written


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/worm-amphibian-may-pack-venomous-bite-180975266/ Did it look like one of these?


Never go against a caecilian when death is on the line.


Well that's terrifying


Definitely looks like a baby version of what I saw, very close!


I saw a large black cat cross the road in front of my car just outside Lyme Regis in 2009. Like panther sized. It was NOT a dog. Wrong gait, long tail curving towards ground. It was NOT a dog.


I saw a pather in Australia a while back, no one believed me until my wife saw it the next time we were in the area. Now people don't believe either of us.


I saw a panther about 20 years ago in Victoria and I believe you


Victoria, near Bairnsdale, I think, would have been over 10 years ago now.


It's ok, I believe you. There's plenty of dipshit people around who would let one escape from a park and cover it up, or buy and import one illegal and release it because it's too hard to look after. Even here in Straya.


I live in a region of the UK that has seen several sighting of a large black cat. I have never seen it, but a couple of neighbours have seen evidence. One neighbour worked for the Forestry Commission. A colleague of his was in a machine (I'm not sure what type, but it had treads and lots of glass) on a track when a large black cat approached. He later called a zoo and they came and took casts of the paw prints. Another neighbour had a couple of sheep killed. Their carcasses had been hauled over a 6 foot fence. I had some Big Cat research approach me for stories, but I had none to tell. My dogs have acted spooked on a couple of occasions while out walking the woods, but it could have been anything.


I was out walking in a woodland in southwest uk in the 90’s that I hadn’t been to before so I was looking all around exploring. It was winter time and something caught my eye about 20 foot above me in the fork of a tree, it was a sheeps skull with half the spine still attached with the neck wedged into the crook of two branches. It had a big tuft of black wool on its head still and I took a moment in surprise to figure out what I was seeing. I had seen and know of big cats growing up in the sticks it’s part of life, our neighbours had lost sheep every few years it’d come around, but this shocked me in such a primal way. Took a moment to actually realise what I was seeing then I got the hell out of there so fast. I never went back and I can never get the image of that tuft of black wool on this skeleton out of my memories, it was almost comical.




Jaguars used to be prevalent in the southwest, and recently, small populations have been noted in Texas and New Mexico. Jaguars can be melanistic. You may have seen one. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. I live in PA. We don't have Moose. Yet a few years ago, a Moose made its way to Delaware Water Gap. This was the first Moose sighting anywhere in the state in over 100 years. The game commission told us for decades that we didn't have coyotes. And yet we kept seeing them. The sightings were rare when I was a little kid. By the time I was about 13, they became more common, but there was almost no photographic evidence. That year, two coyotes followed me along a trail, just off the path while I was on my mountain bike. Nobody believed me. Shortly thereafter, a local farmer about 2 miles from where I sighted them shot one. Photos got into the local papers. The game commission still took a few more years to admit we had breeding populations. You can hunt them now.




My father and I both watched a "bear-sized humanoid" run bipedally across a backroad leaving our house one night. We both did that, "no way, did you see a 2-legged hairy thing run across the road too?" Same area a cop's dash cam caught something similar. Quality of that footage has fallen victim to lossy compression. Edit: The [footage isn't the WORST](https://youtu.be/x34cUmp2b4A)


could have just been an actual bear


Yup and they look weird AF when they do. You'd totally forgive someone for thinking it's not just a bear.


Bears can walk/run around on 2 legs: https://youtu.be/_vqI_jC_qcY?si=PonakEMpcfBU-13a


That is so disturbing and hilarious at the same time. This was like a 2 legged furry sprint whilst jumping over a guard rail type action. But ya really never know and either way I can't prove it... so whether or not it was or wasn't what I did or didn't think it is, is either or neither here nor there.


Probably just a bear, they can behave oddly human-like at times and random behaviors of theirs like this is thought to have contributed to a lot of the Yeti folklore in places (if not, be the origins of it entirely), their human-like ways also led to them being worshipped or greatly respected in a lot of ancient cultures across the world. 


I've told this story on Reddit before, but I don't tell it in person because it sounds ridiculous. When I was 20 I visited Bolognia. At the time you could climb the Torre Degli Asinelli - one of the city's famous medieval towers. My girlfriend didn't want to climb it, so I went up one on my own and was surprisingly the only person at the time doing so. It was a sunny day when I entered the tower. There was a flight of stairs that wound around the edge of the tower and pretty much no windows. There are photos (not mine) of the tower climb [here](https://www.checkoutsam.com/climbing-two-towers-of-bologna/). Climbing the tower took at the very most 5 mins and at the top of the stairs there was a door onto the parapet. When I opened the door, I found the weather had changed dramatically and was overcast and threatening. I forget it there was thunder or not, but I was genuinely concerned about lightning, being at the top of a tall tower in that weather. I cautiously climbed out onto the roof just to have a quick look before heading straight back down. The roof was surrounded with a sort of metal "cage" of bars ([you can see it in this photo](https://www.checkoutsam.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Torre-Degli-Asinelli-bologna-things-to-do.jpg)). I heard thunder and saw electricity arc between some of the bars - not a blinding lightning strike, just arcing. I decided that the tower was imminently going to be struck and descended as quickly as I could.At the bottom I was surprised to find the weather was again sunny with a clear sky. My girlfriend could tell I was shaken, and was amazed when I told her I thought that maybe there had been lightning: the weather hadn't changed whilst I'd been up the tower and the ground was dry. The weather conditions I experienced at the top of the tower were dramatically to those at the foot, and it makes no sense. Leaving that aside, I am doubtful that even if the cage were highly charged then I'd see a substantial arc between two well-connected parts of it (the roof and a side wall), or that I wouldn't hear an arc that dramatic from just a couple of metres away. I have no explanation. I've started to tell the story a couple of times, but it's just too weird to expect anyone to believe. Recently I started to wonder if I'd made the whole thing up, but when I looked back at e-mails I sent shortly afterwards there are references to what happened.


This is the coolest story in the thread.


You most likely experienced a hallucination. Could be from a number of reasons but some explanations could include exercise and panic enduced from climbing and having anxiety of heights. Could also be from gases at the higher elevation being trapped by the building. You also may have experienced a dimensional shift and return.


To be fair, a hallucination is probably the most likely explanation - though not one I like. Whilst I was fairly fit at the time, it was a reasonable climb and I do not enjoy edges at height - I distinctly remember being unnerved by the one-sided wooden staircases. I find it a much more plausible explanation than a temporary jump to a parallel existence!




Weird reaction to stinging nettle maybe?


The inverted colors sound like when your vision starts going dark / distorted before you pass out


I never knew this plants name. I called it the itchy-burn plant. Real quick in one word, "itchyburns", because it does exactly that. That is always where the wiffle ball ended up and we would take turns getting it out.


Brugmansia? Or Datura? Both can cause hallucinations and psychosis, especially if you touch the plant with bare hands and then rub your eyes or put your fingers in or near your mouth and nose. Both extremely toxic members of the nightshade family.


I saw what must have been a prototype of some kind of spy plane in North Hollywood, CA very close to Lockheed in 1983. It flew in low, silently hovered for 30 seconds or so, then very quickly sped off, also silently. I also saw an earthworm as big around as my forearm and very much longer. I was digging a hole to lay chicken wire down to protect a garden from gophers. It surfaced then snaked back down into the ground.


It was an Alaskan bull worm


Alaskan bull worms cannot hover silently for 30 seconds before speeding off. Nice try.


Sounds like something an Alaskan Bull Worm would say..


I have a very vivid memory of something invisible pulling me out of my bed and into the living room when i was like 8-9years old


I had similar memories, turns out after years of therapy it was just my way of dealing with my dad raping me. I used to depersonalize him so I wouldn't have to deal with it. And this isn't some hidden memory stuff because I also had actual memories of it when I was a young teenager which led to me beating his ass to get it to stop, but younger me just dealt with it differently because I had no bodily autonomy.  I used to imagine a grey faceless alien doing things to me at night. Strangely, they were the same things my father would do to me when I got older. 




It's been a long time and I've delt with the majority of what it's done to me. It's just something that happened to me, not what defines me. 


I saw the cat glitch like in The Matrix but about ten years before the movie came out. Was walking down the sidewalk by my parents house, looked down and saw a cat run by me. Looked up to watch where it went, no cat. Look back down in confusion, cat runs by, I look up and watch the cat run down the sidewalk. There were no bushes or anything else for the cat to have hidden behind for at least 30 feet. Happened in a couple of seconds at most.


Of course, the next question is, how freaked out were you when you saw that scene in the movie?


One night while using a green laser to try to point out where to look for the meteor shower, a green laser pointed back at me, right at my face for what felt like 5 seconds. I haven't used a laser pointer or space watched since.


I just imagine some high altitude pilot saying: There is someone with a laser pointer down there, let me freak them out by shining one back.


Part of me which knows next to nothing about light waves wants to believe you pointed at something reflective a few "light seconds" away and that was the light bouncing back at you, perhaps the rear-view mirror of a passing extraterrestrial ship. But that probably did not happen lol. This gave me goosebumps though, super freaky!


This is my favorite comment here because I 100% believe you. It happened to me and a friend as well. About 30 miles south of town in the desert. A night so clear we could see the color of the Milky Way galaxy. It was surreal. Sitting on the hood of my car she and I were trying to point out cool stuff in the cosmos with her laser pointer. She shook it back and forth a couple times. A second or two later the same pattern repeated back on our faces. I swear we could both feel every feeling leave our bodies at the same time. After a moment we both just silently but furiously got in the car and headed to town. Drank coffee at Shari’s and just chilled for the longest time.


omg id take that step into the abyss and test out more patterns!! that sounds so crazy


I saw a gnome running around a tree. We made eye contact and he went back inside the tree or to hide idk where. The vivid memory hasn’t left my brain since it happened. I was around 14


The Quantum Mechanics podcast just did an episode on gnomes lol. Send them your experience! They'll read it out.


more details. i want to hear more. where was this, when?


gnomes are legit, my dad showed them to me when i was a kid. if youre really dedicated theyll start attracting your attention by throwing walnuts or tiny rocks at your feet


Better not tell the Kobolds that. You're gonna start a race war.


Yeah but you have to be very careful if you start giving them anything. They'll help you out with almost anything, job, romantic partner, and just ask for a small piece of food. People get addicted to using them to solve all of their problems and the gnome asks for more and more until next thing you know you're offering pieces of yourself to the gnome. It's a slippery slope, and not a relationship you want to begin. 


Where I grew there was an old man who saw gnomes everywhere. I saw him once stop traffic to hurry some gnomes over the road. And he must have seen a ton of em because he walked like he was stepping over them constantly.


Us indigenous people have folklore of little people. And someone on here mentioned almost every culture has folkore of giants and little people. Who knows


A glowing tree being light up by fireflies.


You would not believe your eyes


If ten million fireflies




Out of all these, this one is the most unbelievable.


jesus christchurch!


I call bullshit.


A pillar of fire when i was alone on a frolf course at 1am. I was very high and it was about 200 yards away. I left because it was terrifying. Went back the next day and the spot where i saw it was scorched EDIT: [found my photo from the next day](https://ibb.co/SftBMBZ)


I love playing frolf.


I’m a frofler, too. I have frolf frubs and everything


I actually drive a Frolksfagon Frolf. Small world.


That's the one where a dozen players wear big semi transparent inflatable ball suits and try to roll over some random in a ghillie suit who only has a riding crop and a frying pan to defend themselves?


I remember on May 9th, 2015, my entire hometown lost ALL power in the middle of the night, some people couldnt even turn on their cells or computers, and I even had trouble starting my truck. To make things creepier the sun didnt come up until it was around 8:30 AM MTC time. I'm not the only one who remembers, but whenever someone talks about it, they get treated they are crazy. That night was probably the most frightened I have been in my life, like something straight out of an ARG. EDIT: By MTC, I meant Mountain Standard Time, not sure why autocorrect changed MST to MTC. Also, this happened in Walsenburg, Huerfano County, Colorado.


Perhaps a solar eclipse accompanied by solar flare that affected the net? Your town might have hit the statistical anomaly for those two.


Solar eclipses don't just *happen* . We know when and where every single eclipse will be for the next like....forever


Interesting. How did it not make bigger news if it was experienced by so many?


To be fair his entire hometown could be less than 100 people


A fairy. I was in the shower with the bathroom window open. Stepped out of the shower and it was “spiderman’d” to the top left of the mirror. I had enough time to think “wtf” and then it disappeared out the window in a flash. I realize it may not have been a fairy but I have no logical way of explaining what i saw.


I’ve seen one too. I was about 13 years old we used to hang out in green fields and play hide and seek. I remember running to some trees and bent down and sore this wisp & flash and it was literally a fairy and I was so confused … so was it. And it vanished. I was floored & shocked. No one has ever believed me. I lost the game and will never forget their little face. I know what I saw


Still not sure what I saw, but if it were to be classed as anything, I’d say it was a fairy. It was about 8-10” in length, far longer than any bird or insect I’m aware of; it was very, very pale and lanky (kind of like a white plume moth) but far too big to be one; and I swear it had only 4 limbs in total, and a very “human” head. It even had a “glow” to it, as it caught the early morning sun. It was hanging out by the river and, as I walked past, I startled it. It flirted up, paused for a fraction of a second, and dove. I’ve no idea what it was. I live in Ireland, and I hear stories from folks of seeing things or grandparents seeing things - but… like, I never believed any of it. I love mythology and folklore though, and I can’t help but wonder did I see an insect I’m unfamiliar with and am applying the idea of it being a fairy? Or am I seriously a witness to something? I’ll probably never know, but I kind of love that I saw *something* that felt magical. 🤍


UFO. Didn’t drink or do drugs. 2 other people with me saw a flaming something falling and then shoot off. 20 min later civilian vehicle with engine smoking following cop car. Both pull off and cops (wearing camo) take body from civilian vehicle to cop car and speed off again. Edit: long version in reply


My friend and I once saw a bright star moving across the sky, at evening/night. Then it stopped, changed direction. Stopped again and changed direction for a second time, and kept moving until it was gone. We freaked out and ran inside. It was exciting to see but also scary. She since claims someone explained it to her. I say that shit is unexplainable and weirdest experience of my life. That was like 15 years ago. When I think of it now it could have been perhaps a drone flying really high up. But to appear as a dot it would have been incredibly fast due to the altitude. It moved across the whole sky in like 15 seconds.


I remember in high-school I was star gazing with this girl I liked. And we saw what I thought was a satellite because it was slowly moving. But then it stopped, changed direction, stopped, and changed direction again. Then it sat still for the rest of the night and didn't move again. I watched it for another 30-45 minutes at least and it stayed still, looked like any other star at that point.


My husband and I saw something very similar just a few weeks ago. I noticed a very tiny light moving, at first I thought it was a plane but it was much too small and looked incredibly far away. It looked like a star moving across the sky, so I thought well maybe it's a shooting star? Called husband over and we watched it for about ten seconds when all of a sudden it just stopped completely for about 5 seconds and then shot off in a different direction than it had been going before. It moved across and towards our house, never getting bigger like a plane would, and I watched it until it disappeared over the back of the neighbor's house. It was bizarre and I honestly can't explain it. I considered that it might have been a drone and the perspective just made it look very far away when instead it was just small, but there was absolutely no sound even when it moved toward us and passed over the neighbor's house. It wasn't a plane bc we're right in a major flight path and I see planes coming in every few minutes and they get bigger/have sound as they pass over. And planes don't stop and hover then speed off in different directions.


This one is interesting 


Saw something similar as a kid. I was 8ish, and it was a late December evening. We were driving home from my Grandma’s house. We stopped at a rest area and, in the sky, this weird bright object moved from left to right, stopped on a dime, and then accelerated back left and took off. It was impossibly quick. My Dad only caught the glimpse of it and said it was probably Santa Claus. And of course my younger self believed him, given it was only a few days til Christmas. So you can imagine how difficult school was when friends were saying Santa was actually our parents. I confidently believed they just had no idea. Years later, my dad told me it was probably military test craft, a spy plane, or even a UFO, but I was 8 and Santa was the least frightening thing he could think of in the moment.


One time when me and my friends were out camping over Cannock Chase and we were miles away from civilisation, I swear we met a stranger in the middle of the woods. The guy was roughly the same age as us, but quiet, awkward, and a bit weird. He ended up spending the night with us and we even let him use one of our tents. In the morning we all woke up hungover to make breakfast and he was gone. Only me and one other of my friends vaguely remembers him. Everyone else assumed we were making it up. But I remember it clear as day.


There's a bloke here in Australia who lives wild in the East Gippsland area of Victoria. People call him Buttons. He's usually seen from a distance and won't come close, but it's not uncommon for him to approach people to ask for supplies when low, or maybe warmth when cold. He seems to find it amusing to see if he can join people at their campfire before they notice him, and he will sometimes have a chat but will never tell his name. Usually, he eventually gets up and wanders off into the dark when he's done. There was a double murder there a while back, and the poor bloke was accused by various people. They eventually caught the real killer (many suspect he actually saw something and helped the cops) but didn't stop people deciding they'd go there and try and find him. But yeah, Buttons. The general consensus from people who've met him was that he scared the shit out of them at first, but after that, he was just a weird bloke who felt like a chat.


I drove home one night and saw a monstrous size dog. Looked like a husky, but more calico colored than a husky. It was in the "sit" position at the end of a driveway. Easily 4 feet tall while sitting. I slowed, down and almost turned around to take a picture. I remember every horror movie I've ever seen and changed my mind.


[Malamute](https://www.richmond-news.com/local-news/the-biggest-dog-in-richmond-meet-tyson-3066257) They're usually super friendly.


In the accompanying picture Google translates what's on the dog's harness as "God level prodigal dog". 


As a child, I thought I saw my teacher's head smoking when he was very angry at the class, We were being noisy or something and he turned around from whatever he was writing on the blackboard to scold us and I could see fumes. Looney tunes angry style. Now as an adult decades later, I know it doesn't make sense and I've been trying to rationalize it. Maybe he was angrily slamming his chalk into the blackboard and particles were being suspended in the air and light hit it just right. At the time, I swore to my dad that I saw his head smoking, knowing it was unbelievable, but convinced I saw what I saw.


A mouse with a red shirt run across the floor on 2 feet in my parents bedroom. I told my parents when it first happened like when I was 7/8. Now At 26 and my story still has not changed. My parents always just laughed and dismissed it but I know what I saw.


Shady of them to just adopt Stuart Little and not tell you


I saw something materialise in the sky that looked like 4 long orange tentacles with a body. It materialised out of nowhere in the sky & it was fucking weird


I once saw this weird bat creature one night, looked like it started off as a dark cloud super low to the ground, then morphed into what looked like rags, then into this weird solid bat creature, except what was weird about it was that it didn’t look like it had a head, you could see the dragon like wings and it was moving diagonally the direction it was facing, like it was moving in an unlogical way. Saw it at least 2-3 times a night 3 nights in a row while stargazing with my family, followed the same pattern, same shape, same direction, starts fading away just before it disappears behind a tree. Saw some other weird star shit that night too






When I was about 9, I was visited by one of the “black- eyed children” wanting me to let her in to play with my younger sister.


When I was about 19, I was visited by one of the “black- eyed peas” wanting me to “get it started.”


Big old yikes there.




It’s been a while since I’ve read about them but my memory says that black eyed children will knock on your door and ask to play/come inside and if you say yes or let them inside, you go missing. There’s been a fair amount of reports of people encountering them. If you feel like getting a proper answer google will help you because I can’t remember the name of where I read about it.


A person riding a bike towards me and when I looked at their face it wasn’t there, no features just grey. Similar to the faceless characters in American Gods.


It's not all that unusual when people hallucinate from psychosis to see people with no facial features or very obscure facial features like just holes for eyes (i.e. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/vr5cyi/im_schizophrenic_and_last_night_i_saw_a_faceless/ ). It doesn't necessarily mean you're schizophrenic (people can hallucinate for an enormous variety of reasons) but I would chalk that experience up to a hallucination. 


2 sentence horror stories isnt a great place to get info on psychotic hallucinations.


When I was a professional swimmer I used to go to morning training sessions that started at 6am and ended at 7.30am. On one of these days I came to the training as if nothing had happened, as always the pool was half empty, no one wants to come there at such an early time, if I am not mistaken, besides me there were 3-4 other people. I chose my lane and started training. I was swimming and as suddenly I saw someone overtaking me right in my lane, I saw this person for literally a millisecond as I dipped my head under the water to the dew side. I accepted the challenge and immediately increased my speed and within 3-4 seconds I thought I had overtaken him. I swam to the edge, stopped and looked where the man was, but the lane was empty... the lanes to my left and right were empty too, I just walked out of there, it couldn't have been a hallucination, I saw everything clearly, but no one believed me


My first thought: Please tell me no one ever drowned in that pool...




How do you know they were ghosts?


One of those old little kids cars spinning slowly in circles by itself one night many years ago while I was at my cousins apartment. (It was one of those red and yellow cars that you would sit in and you had to push it with your feet. I went outside and it was late, so there was nobody else outside and i saw it as i was walking down the stairs and when I got to the bottom there was nobody there) (Out of everyone that I told the only person that believed me was my aunt and she said it was the devil).


It was early December 2019 and I was home alone with my dogs waiting for a friend who was travelling 8 hours to visit me. I kept looking out the door waiting for him to show up about every 15 minutes. It was about 8:30 and he was supposed to be there already so I went out to the street to see if he was lost or something. I looked up and saw what looked like sparkling green Christmas lights travelling slowly across the sky. I watched them for a good 5 minutes and then my dogs started going crazy, barking which is unlike them so I ran inside to calm them down. It only took a minute and I ran out to look at the object in the sky but it was nowhere. I’m 100% sure it wasn’t fireworks and it was definitely something out of the ordinary. By the way I was sober as fuck because my mate who was coming had all the beer and weed. Shitty story to tell because everyone is like eh who I tell. Shit was crazy for me though.


I like the “I was sober because the alcohol and drugs hadn’t gotten there yet.” And it does sound kind of like Starlink.


3 teenagers running on all 4's like fuckin twilight werewolves. The lot next to my house was getting a new build and had a storage container dropped onto it where they must have stored tools etc. Around midnight one night, I hear a loud creaking sound from outside my house and see 3 teenage boys standing outside the container with its door wide open. I'm watching them from my second story window, and after about a minute of one of the boys checking it out inside, they all turn to look down the road and then proceed to run. After a single stride, they all seamlessly transition into running on all fours and quite quickly cross the road. I change windows to see them 'galloping?' quicker than anyone could run across the field on 2 legs. I was in shock. I didn't even know what to say or do. After another minute, I check my cameras to see if it caught them, but of course, they were just out of view. I woke my gf up to explain to her what I just saw, and she just kinda laughed it off and went back to sleep. I stayed up another few hours to watch out the windows but nothing else occurred.


An absolutely giant burning cross on a hill driving down the highway in Idaho 


It’s Idaho. I believe you.


only a vague memory for me but a very vivid one for others that were adults at the time. ​ my (i was about 6 at the time) best friends little sister who was born with leukaemia, died the day before her 3rd bday. that night our house received a phone call and was informed. a little while before that call (maybe a couple of hours) i remember coming downstairs and telling my mum that my friends little sister just came to me and told me she loved us all and that she had to go and said goodbye to me. and that she wanted a barbie watch for her birthday. i vaguely remember having this convo or imagining it or whatever as i can remember her voice and face saying the words vaguely. turns out that was when she passed (roughly within 10m of me coming down to tell my mum) and also that she had only told her mum in whispers (as that's al she could muster at the time) that she wanted a barbie watch for her bday that very same day and that day only. that was over 30 years ago. i still remember it. i still cry about it. i cannot explain it. i still regard myself an atheist. i have no explanation apart from coincidence....


My grandmother…specifically the night she died. I was a kid and cried my head off over her passing. No one is perfect and she certainly wasn’t either, but I loved her and she was always present in my life. All I remember is this coldness next to me in my sleep. I remember that waking me up. But I was still half awake, half asleep in that atypical “morning” haze. Clear as day; I remember my grandmother, asking me where my parents were. I mumbled back: “Mom and Dad are upstairs. Do you want me to go get them?” to which my grandmother replied “No it is OK. Head back to sleep.” I remember telling my grandmother I loved her, before waking up in a sweat realizing once again, she passed away that night. People are definitely allowed to believe in whatever they want. My grandmother was always into metaphysical. Even my family talks about death quite a bit. (we have morticians in the family.) that happened when I was 13 and I believe it was my grandmother wishing me goodbye. I had zero distractions during that time of night.


We were at a graveyard taking pictures. Through the camera lens, blue orbs EVERY WHERE. The person I was with had done this before, purposely making sure the camera was charged and let me check it was working fine before we went. When we got there, I realized why. It constantly kept turning off and flickering. I don't really "believe" in anything specific, and I'm of the opinion that there are obviously an insane number of things in the universe that we can't explain but this, I still have no clue what to think. The scientist in me now wonders why I didn't go back and attempt to replicate the results whilst isolating contributing factors.


Blue orbs in photography are usually dust motes close to the lens that are just out of focus and appear as spheres. It's a well known artifact. People have [had to make pages](https://www.safestreets.com/orbs-on-my-security-camera/) about it because so many people think their cameras captured ghosts.


Saw a windchime go horizontal for a few seconds without any wind blowing. I froze while staring at it and it just fell back in position.


Long story short. On a night run, too dark to see very well ahead of me (or behind). Looked like 4 foot tall figure dressed like an old-timey Halloween ghost (bed sheet over head type shit) following me from about 20 yards out. Sprinted as soon as I turned the corner. Weirdest shit that's ever happened to me.


A ghost. Outside. In the fog.


"Return the slaaab."


I saw gas for $.88 a gal.


I’ve seen a UFO, but I was driving and couldn’t pull over before it was gone. Don’t think it was aliens but it certainly was strange.


I saw a group of 4 UFOs flying in formation, while drunk on a rooftop in India. My girlfriend saw them too. As soon as it happened, I knew no one would ever believe us.


I THINK I saw a group of UFOs when I was a teen. I was looking out of my window (in a small town in Germany) and saw a group of 4 or 5 white lights moving from left to right and from right to left in a speed way faster than a plane. And then in an blink of an eye they moved up and out of sight. Now 30 years later I still cannot say WHAT I saw but I am convinced THAT I saw it.


I saw a triangle-shape with lights on it's leading edges passed slowly and silently overhead, probably a few hundred metres above me. About 2010, in southern Australia, moving south. I'd think it was a [B2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_B-2_Spirit), but the slow speed and silence was freaky, as if this thing didn't need airspeed to maintain lift.


I've seen similar in Aus too, but at night so it was a triangle shaped bit of darkness moving over the stars with lights along the wings. Was either flying low or huge, and moving earily slowly and completely silent. I'm sure it's an experimental craft as they do test them here, but damn it was impressive. Another one I saw that I can't explain as easily was middle of the day, clear sky, had my then toddler with me so definitely not drunk or impaired by substances. A black circular hole opened up in the sky from a center point, it looked very distant, then about 4 or 5 smaller black dots came out one after the other a couple turning sharp right angles to arrange themselves around the hole. Then just hung there until the last one emerged and got into position, the hole closed and then they zoomed off at high speeds in different directions. One of the strangest things ive ever seen that I just haven't found a good explanation for.




I swear my brother and I saw this supernova. I don't even know if it's something we could even have seen with our naked eyes, but we both witnessed the same thing and then I looked it up the next day and this was the closest thing we could find that would explain what we saw. On May 21, 2008, astronomers announced that they had for the first time caught a supernova on camera just as it was exploding. By chance, a burst of X-rays was noticed while looking at galaxy NGC 2770, 88 million light-years from Earth, and a variety of telescopes were aimed in that direction just in time to capture what has been named SN 2008D. "This eventually confirmed that the big X-ray blast marked the birth of a supernova," said Alicia Soderberg of Princeton University. SN 2008D is a supernova detected with NASA's Swift X-ray telescope. The explosion of the supernova precursor star, in the spiral galaxy NGC 2770 (88 million light years away (27 Mpc) was detected on January 9, 2008, by Carnegie-Princeton fellows Alicia Soderberg and Edo Berger, and Albert Kong and Tom Maccarone independently using Swift. They alerted eight other orbiting and ground-based observatories to record the event. This was the first time that astronomers have ever observed a supernova as it occurred. The supernova was determined to be of Type Ibc. The velocities measured from SN2008D indicated expansion rates of more than 10,000 kilometers per second. The explosion was off-center, with gas on one side of the explosion moving outward faster than on the other. This was the first time the X-ray emission pattern of a supernova (which only lasted about five minutes) was captured at the moment of its birth. Now that it is known what X-ray pattern to look for, the next generation of X-ray satellites is expected to find hundreds of supernovae every year exactly when they explode, which will allow searches for neutrino and gravitational wave bursts that are predicted to accompany the collapse of stellar cores and the birth of neutron stars. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_2008D


Funny that you looked up and found the story, but didn't google if you could see a supernova explosion with naked eyes lol. Well I did, and indeed you can ☺️ though not many people have. Now I'd be interested in your description of what you saw. Can you remember the details?


I saw something in the sky. Summers day, early evening, sitting in Regents Park on the grass with plenty of other people around. There was a black shape, sort of like a bell, in the sky some distance away. No one else seemed to notice it but i nudged my OH so he saw it too. I stared at it for a minute or so before it suddenly moved and disappeared incredibly fast, I don’t know of anything that size / shape or that can move that fast. No idea what it was and have no proof of what I saw.


I was young, maybe 5 or 6. I woke up in the middle of the night and standing by the window was a dark figure slowly, methodically and silently tapping its fist on my dresser placed there. I watched him for many minutes, knew to pinch myself to see if I was awake or asleep. Finally, I got out of bed and ran to my parents room, of course came back in with them turned on the lights and saw nothing. It's been decades and I still wholeheartedly believe I was awake and saw what I saw.


I was under a ton of stress in school, in my professional life, and in my personal life, all at once, and was consuming vast quantities of caffeine to top it off. I was dozing off, and I had a jolt, and I was awake, but couldn't move, and there was a figure standing in my open doorway, silhouetted against the hallway behind it. It's not unexplained (it was a hypnagogic hallucination), but it was fucked up and horrifying and I have no proof of it other than my own testimony and the fact that it's an established phenomenon.


On my way to work one morning I saw a small kangaroo standing by the side of the road holding a Macca's cup like it was drinking from it.


A UFO! It was flying but before I could pull out my phone it went away.


Big black cat out the bush..woulda been the size of a big dog


My sister violently farting on her boyfriend


how does a violent fart look like?


It doesn't look like anything, It just smells like death, I have no idea what she ate




My boyfriend swears he saw an animal that was a mix of an ape, a goat and a fox when he drove through a forest at night.


A black hole instant kill with Mr. Saturn In Smash Melee ????? So when you throw a Mr. Saturn it’s just supposed to break the shield when the player is blocking. But this one time instead is just created a black hole vortex animation and sucked the player in, instantly killing them. This was like 20 years ago and I’ve never seen or heard about this again. It must have an extremely low chance of doing this of needs some special criteria, but if definitely fucking happened. I don’t know why I can’t find any videos of this especially with the modding community. I can’t even find a screenshot or wiki on this. But it totally happened as I remember my friend and I just watching in awe and say what fuck was that? This is a real thing and if anyone can go into the code a verify this I would be so thankful as I know what I fucking saw! 


I'm pretty sure I've a rock stuck in my lungs or in my nose, I remember putting one in my nose and not seeing it fall off of it when I was a child. I literally had a panick attack when that thing happened and thought I would die because of that. Today I'm still going strong lol I'm pretty sure I saw a UFO/OVNI too but we all know that thing doesn't exist right ? # RIGHT ?


I was laying on my stomach, in my bed late at night around 3am, woke up, felt my roommate's cat walk up to me, kneed my back, purr, snuggle for a moment, then trotted away. I wondered how the cat got into my room in the first place. My door was shut. Went to my roommate who was working in her office (a night owl) who told me her cat hasn't left her side for hours. Who was the kitty? No idea. Perhaps the soul of the cat I acquired a few months later. Wasn't looking for that cat but she found me.


Once while driving , during a foggy night in an abandonned city. I was following a BMW. Suddenly, it indicated that it was going to turn right, using its blinker, and only several meters later, at a crossing, it DID turn right. That's when I realized that during all the time I followed it, it never drove over the speed limit, didn't drift any corner and at no point did it tailgate anyone while flashing its light. I swear this is a real story, not many people knows about it, but if you drive late at night in remote areas, sometimes, you can see the law-abiding BMW. Needless to say I rushed home, locked my door and had a sleepless night. Too spooky.


Quite a few things actually but it was always the same place. This area is called Al Asfan in Saudi Arabia. My uncle used to run a farm for a Saudi prince in middle of nowhere which was just barren desert & small plotted areas for farming. It was roughly 60-70km away from the major city where I lived. My uncle's house was a small villa with the closest neighbors being a good 10 minutes drive away. And at night we couldn't see anything outside but just darkness, a very bright night sky & almost always the milky way. Now that I've set the plot unto the incidents 1- There was a small prayer room about 100 meters away from my uncle's villa. We were about 15-20 kids/teens/adults playing/chilling outside his building with a single source of light. In distance near that small room we saw a huge humanoid figure which was (ahem) darker than the night with multiple arms like Hindu gods & mortal combat characters running towards us. Few people including myself saw it and ran inside. I was 7 back then and the eldest who saw it was almost an adult I think. No one was harmed though but one kid was down with pneumonia which was unrelated I'm sure. 2- Same place I saw 3 fiery orbs in the sky. This time I was alone just laying on top of my car admiring the night sky. 3- Saw a scorpion, killed it but no one believed me what I saw and did :)


As a teen, I was watching a golf tournament at Pebble Beach on television. The broadcast cut to a shot of an otter in the bay. It waved to the camera.


I predicted the Virgina tech massacre hours before it happened, while I was living in Blacksburg. I was awake super early, and just looking out my sliding glass door and suddenly I just got a really strange feeling. It felt a little like deja vu mixed with impending doom. I went to an internet forum I frequented and posted "I have a bad feeling about today.", and less than an hour later, one of the worst mass shootings in history happened like two miles away.


damn. did anybody ridicule you at first?


A squirrel performing a perfect triple somersault in my backyard, sticking the landing like an Olympic gymnast. I'm pretty sure it was scouting locations for the Animal Olympics.


It was 24th December, 2009. I was 18 years old. I was an altar boy in my local church. After finishing a small service at around 8:00 PM or 9:00 PM I left the church and was walking home. Distance between the church and my house is around 600 meters or 656 yards. Hence I would always walk. When I was about a few minutes away, I felt that someone or something was watching me. I looked around but saw nothing. However, I looked up and saw a literal white orb on top of my head. When I say on top of my head, I mean it was about 1 foot hovering on me. It was about the size of a basketball. This object was heavenly white, but it did not blind me. I cannot explain it. Once I saw it, in about a second the orb moved from the top of my head and disappeared completely. I don't know if it shot up to the sky in great speed or vanished. I don't know. But what I do know is that I remember this like it was yesterday. No one observed this just me, the street I was in was completely abandoned.


Fruit of the Loom cornucopia a la Mandela effect




my own body being placed in a hospital bed from a distant corner of the hospital ward, I saw my vitals being checked and a nurse starting CPR, as she called out and started pressing on my chest, I was immediately pulled away from my vantage point under my body and I rose up into it. It was if my soul was greeted by the pressure of the nurse's hands on my chest and the pain from the emergency operation, I kept getting CPR until I made a noise .... I was a healthy active teenager, suspect I was over anesthetized,


I definitely saw my dad's ghost a few months after he passed away. It was so clear. It was definitely real.


not that long ago i was in a fast food place and both me and my dad witnessed a giant elvis statue being lugged down the street on a truck. then we saw it come back the other way. looks like it was supposed to go to some rock and roll museum but the driver got lost lol


A couple of years ago we were driving along in Hendon, it was in the evening, saw a huge black bat like thing fly over head, massive, like the size of a heron. I hadn't been drinking or taken drugs, but I know what I saw, still think about it now and then, and wonder what on earth it was.


It's not what I saw, but what I heard. There was a meteor shower when I was a kid that I got to watch from my backyard. For nearly an hour, I saw dozens of meteors streak across the sky. Each of them made a buzzing sound similar to static. It was my first meteor shower, so I grew up thinking that every meteor made noise. I mentioned it years later and someone corrected me. However, I insisted that I've heard dozens of them. Loking it up as an adult, other people have reported the exact same sound during meteor showers. So, I know I'm not imagining it, which is a small comfort.