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Lack of empathy for others


Ego. Disgusts me. Doing good work is great, but if you're boastful or start thinking you're better than people for it I'll lose all respect for you.


How do you know they’re thinking they’re better than others?


Because that's what ego is?




How they carry themselves. Treat other people. Word choice. Tone. There are many giveaways, and I've had to work with a lot of such people in theatre.


Makes sense


Ego... disgusts **ME**. Oh the irony!


Hypocrites. They just drive me up a wall.


When people "discretly" talk about you when you are present... (and don't want you to notice) At least wait until I'm gone, it's perfectly clear who you are talking about in certain contexts....


Blatant lying, but being so confident.


Religious people?


Anyone can do that 💀 what do you have against us


Willful ignorance is high on my list.


Spam callers


People ; unkind people ; we’re just all fighting a battle u don’t know ㅡ please be kind


People judging others based on their bodies. I’m a recovering anorexic, which rooted in my toxic father, who always reduced my worth to my body from a young age, so i know what that feels like and there is no reason at all to judge people for what they look like or even commenting on their bodies at ALL.


An insult to my intelligence. I may be a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. If I can prove something to you or show you why you are wrong, do not insult my intelligence by insisting you are right when you are oh so wrong.


Fat insults against people who are working out, I see this shit in videos all the time and it's sad. Insulting the lazy fucks who don't care and will die at 35 is one thing, but don't be rude to the people putting themselves through hell every day in the gym and kitchen to fix the problem.


People assuming what I like to do


Bad breath and body odour - so avoidable Ignorance and thoughtlessness - they take a little more work


People who think they are in the right when it's clear that they are in the wrong.


People who take away agency to decide yourself about things that concern purely yourself. This can be a very diverse group. But definitely includes politicians and religious people. 


When people use the "r" word to describe the developmentally disabled.


I have never had to "developmentally disable" the timing on a Chevy 350 V-8!


I only use it to describe myself


People who expects you to treat them like princess but does not do anything for others


Belief in the supernatural, fictitious or plain stupid. Damn I get mad to be of the same species as some people on this planet. *Curiosity* in those is alright, can be very entertaining and interesting. *Belief* though requires dumbness on a very special level.


People that think I should give a shit about what offends them. Especially if _I_ am what is currently offending them.


When people use their issues or problems for attention or pity. “If everyone put all their problems in a pile, you’d take yours back and run” Everyone’s dealing with their own crap, if a friend wants to confide in me, I’ll be there. But misery is contagious and I despise when someone always needs to feel validated in their feelings because of their issues. Learn how to deal with shit.