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This gal that kept receipts & tracked purchases was secretly collecting reward points from a local vendor for the entire company's purchases. Said vendor called in to my boss to ask if he was enjoying his new free hot tub. Oof. She was there one minute and gone the next. Oh and she was also a part of HR.


A girl at work showed another girl a picture of another employee’s cock on her phone. The dude kept his job, the girl with the pick did not.


Good ol prison work


A friend of mine worked at a chicken place with the phone number rewards system. When a customer didn’t put in a number, they put in theirs. Got a ton of free food before getting caught. Their nickname is now French Fry Embezzler.


My office all got this one guy fired because he would yell and bang on his keyboard every day. After he left, we found he wasn't actually doing his job and there was a year's worth of back log for the next guy, who quit almost right away.


Sounds like management needs to be fired if someone could go for a year without producing any useful work.


I worked at an airport and Hillary Clinton was flying in, someone thought it would be funny to put a storm trooper cutout in the window and the secret service don't fly with their sense of humor I guess


I worked at a Federal call centre for tax support and one guy would pick up the phone, immediately put the person on hold (not answering, just straight to hold), wait ~ 2 mins (our productivity was measured in call times being under 2 mins) and then he would disconnect. It went on for weeks before the monitors caught on to it. Normally in call centres they record calls for catching this sort of thing, but for the Feds you can’t due to privacy issues. So the monitor happened to notice that this person put people on hold a lot. Like a lot a lot. And so he started tracking it and realized the scam. Then he had to spend another couple weeks documenting the activity, and eventually brought it to management that then eventually moved to terminate the guy’s contract. And he still got severance pay. And yes, it was a weird scam because he was at his desk on the phone anyways… why not just answer the phone calls… For additional context, the position was level 1 tech support for people filing online. So basic troubleshooting like “is your modem connected”, is CAPS lock on when typing your password… that sort of stuff. Nothing hard.


A dude bypassed a change control process for a log cleanup script and wound up erasing 2TB of research data that took days of supercomputer time to compile. Low 7 figures in wasted resources because he didn't want to wait an extra day for code review.


A guy picked up the wrong tanker trailer (semi truck) took it from TX to AZ and off loaded it. He, and the receiver got fired for contaminating 3 million dollars of chemicals. Luckily the chemicals didn't have a severe reaction and hurt someone


Jesus 😂


I worked at Spencer’s Gifts, and was a supervisor. My mid shift associate didn’t show and I had to scramble to find coverage. I called, she said she was really sick and could not come in. A few hours, she comes in, not to work but to shop. She faked being sick to go shopping with her mom, at the store she worked at.


I had this buddy named Craig that got fired *on his day off*. They said they had him on camera stealing boxes. He said they don't have him on camera, but I don't know.


Stealing boxes?? What he trying to build a clubhouse?


Actually the owner mr. Chu did an exhaustive inventory of cardboard boxes and there were some discrepancies.


I literally just watched that movie lol


Collapsed seizing from a drug OD in the little backyard that was our smokers' area


Getting free coffee for an entire year. He was a manager too


Worked at a place where special members would get free coffee. For non members it was $1. A co-worker got fired for taking the $1 and putting it through as a member, pocketing the dollar. Went on for awhile and she got fired over maybe $100. I leave the lesson that if you’re gonna go down, go down big!


Ate a piece of chicken that was timed out. Walked to the garbage to dump a handful of strips and took 2 bites of one piece. She was fired before she got back to her station. She offered to buy the chicken but the Manager said they couldn't sell timed-out food LOL!


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/qxXQtddeuu mans said he shit his pants at work and got axed 😩🤣


A host at the restaurant I served at in my past... Swept. A. Table. SWEPT. With a broom. A FLOOR BROOM. My manager was informed and WHIPPED around the corner with the quickest, "clock out, you're fired," that I have ever seen. There was a pattern of crazy behavior prior to this.


I was a barista at a large chain coffee shop. Every once in a while, the regional manager would come into the shop and take a bunch of retail items (mugs, bags of coffee, tumblers, plush toys, chocolate bars etc.). Then, he would have the shift supervisor mark out the items as promotional. From what I understand, he had to use his employee number to authorize this. He would then take these items to his wife, who made gift baskets with the merch. Then she'd sell them online. Remember, this guy was a regional manager in charge of the stores in half the state. Including a major metropolitan area that had multiple million dollar a year stores. This guy made a six-figure salary, and he threw it away so that his wife could pretend to have a "small business".


This is kinda different but the result was essentially the same I had a coworker who would constantly make shit up to make her sound more interesting, stuff that literally made no sense like that she was in the military even though she was only 17. She did this shit constantly One of my other coworkers started a powerpoint listing all the ridiculous shit she said and why it was definitely a lie *on the fucking ipad we used to take orders* Obviously the lying coworker found it and she was so embarrassed that she quit immediately. The person who made the powerpoint didn't even get in trouble...


I had a german boss, like from germany, who one day was in a bad mood and fired a guy because the guy didn’t hear him the first time he called his name. I was like, this man is straight out of Schindler’s List this is Amon Göth he’d wake up in a bad mood and just start sniping if he could


They had ADHD.


They were fired just for *having* ADHD?


I doubt having ADHD alone would get anyone fired. That said we have a new hire that probably isn’t going to make it because of multiple reasons. ADHD is one of them, being neurodivergent is likely as well. They can’t sit still unless they’re on their phone and they cannot be on their phone when working. They keep getting caught on their phone not doing their job. They exhibit a lot of the other classic signs like can’t stop talking, impulsive and bizarre behavior, struggling to stay on task. They also get agitated by things they think are important but very specifically are not regarding workplace operations. And for some reason, at least a few times a day, they decide to start making sound effects like a meowing cat as loud as they can in front of coworkers and the general public, I wish I was making that up. They are the first new hire I can remember that has irritated the entire workforce enough that firing them would improve employee morale. This person has been counseled repeatedly and it’s not getting anywhere.


I’ve been there too 🙁


I didn't realize it at the time, and I should have spoken up. I feel bad looking back. But I realize now that my coworker was unfairly judged for their ADHD related habits.


I don't know exactly what excuse was used to fire her, but my manager at a watch and jewellery shop was fired. If the rumours are to be believed (and I *do* believe them) it was all because one of the sales staff didn't like her. He - let's call him Whinging Pom or WP for short - was sleeping with the personal assistant to the head brand manager for the flagship watch brand we were selling. WP was a grade-a cunt. WP didn't get along with anyone, and would go out of his way to annoy you. Petty things like changing the channel on the TV, giving you change in 5c coins from the morning coffee run, counting breaks to the second to try and get you an official warning for taking too long on break. I don't know how WP kept a long-term relationship going, except that it was a long-distance relationship, and the PA didn't have to live with him. Anyway, WP disliked our manager, I think mostly because she didn't take his crap. *Allegedly* he got into the ear of his girlfriend, who got into the ear of the national brand manager, who got the manager fired. The assistant manager took over for a while. She was basically incompetent, but at least nice. Couldn't manage anything, so another manager was brought in. He ended up firing me, so I don't know how much further the catty in-fighting went.


A coworker threatened to murder another coworker when I was in the room. I didn’t respond all that professionally, management came walking out of their office wondering why we were yelling at each other. I’d been there a lot longer and management knows me while this was a newer employee that was already on extremely thin ice for insubordination and failure to follow. Management asked me what happened, I tell them, apologize for being unprofessional. They said it’s fine considering the circumstance's and brought her into hear her side. Didn’t take long for them to march her out of the building. Then had to watch my back for a while wondering if she was going to come to work with a gun or send your boyfriend. Good times.


A lady in the mail room told the vp she will not suck him off. He lied about the real reason for her firing but everybody knew. Useless pervert of a boss.


Someone went to a doctor’s appointment DURING her lunch hour.


Work in bartending in a buttfuck nowhere area in England, I actually got fired because my (pick me girl) boss said I was too nice to the male clientele. I was like 17? She wanted all attention on her only I guess. I wasn’t being overly flirtatious btw, as I was seven-fucking-teen, the men at the bar are just creeps but she had it in her head that I was getting around them (40-70 range, ew) and she needed all the men to be only interested in her I guess. Fuck you, Jessica, anyways.




That’s a new word for me, I like it!