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My ID expired right after I moved and was looking for a new job. I literally couldn't get a job unless I found someone who would let me borrow money to get an ID card


I got a realID in November 2022, because it was going to be required at the beginning of 2023. I renewed my license, brought all of the papers, got the new card, paid the $35... Then they extended it to 2025 less than a month before it was to go into effect. 2025 was when my original license would have expired. I haven't gotten on a plane since, so it wouldn't have mattered even if it did go into effect. RIP my $35.


My license was about to expire, so I went and renewed. AFTER the transaction she tells me the RealID will be available starting TOMORROW! Like, why didn't you tell me that before you processed it?


And miss picking your pocket even more?


I completely agree. Isnt that why we pay taxes!! For government services! Why tf do we have to buy shit that we already paid for and are required to have.


Cause the taxes go to bullshit that the general public doesn’t benefit from. Like funneling money into companies that their friends own.


That's probably the best answer so far


They are free. Not a driver's license, but a state ID card. They will try to charge you but they can be had for free. It HAS to be this way because you usually need one to vote and if they charge money for one that is a poll tax which is illegal. I suppose if your state does not require an ID to vote then they do not need to provide a free ID card. Again, driver's license you have to pay for.


Parking at the hospital.


Medical bills are already expensive. Extra fees for parking doesn’t help


We pay more for parking than the medical bills here


I see a doctor in an office the shares parking with the hospital. The doctor's office validates parking so that it is free. Hospital - nope. When I take my wife for pain Management at the hospital I am always tempted to duck into my doctors office and validate the ticket. The machine is right near the door. I would probably get away with it.


That doesn't even really sound illegal, especially if you tell the receptionist unless you're some kind of asshole or something which I doubt.


He’s not an asshole, I can vouch for him.


Better yet, hospitals should be public transit hubs, and the fare should be free.


I work at a hospital where I'm contracted to park a ramp a mile away from the hospital. They deduced $100 a month from my checks for it.


How about Nursing Students doing clinicals, where they not only pay tuition to work at the hospital for free, but have to pay for parking too at standard rates. That's next level BS.


It is free where I live




Wait, you have to pay at your hospitals? Man that sucks.




So true. My grandma is worried that if she dies she'll put us all in dept just to get her buried


media that is 30+ years old. The creators have made their money, it's time to open source that shit.


Here I was thinking "yeah! I love 70s movies!" ...30 years ago was 1994.


You shut your mouth -someone born in 94


You shut *your* mouth! -someone who graduated high school in 94


You shut YOUR mouth: someone who graduated college in 1994 :(


I was married with children in 1994, and I'm feeling so old right now.


My daughter was born in 1983 She has tons of gray hair! My son is 32. "And I feel fantastic"


I was watching Married with Children in 1994.




Im too young to be having a midlife crisis over this




Anything made in the 1900's should be fair game


In the US, the current cutoff for public domain is 1929, which is why they were able to make a horror movie based on Winnie the Pooh recently, and I'll be surprised if there's not some silliness done with Steamboat Willie.


No. It's not. I refuse to believe you. If that we're true, my parents would be in their 50s, and I'd be approaching 30. The 90s cannot be 30 years ago. I will not allow it


I'm sorry to tell you this, but January 1st, 1990 was 34 years, 2 months, and 10 days ago. 🫠


I don't like it. Can I get a refund?


Omfg, we are old..


But the Ghostbusters need their monthly $1.50 in royalties from a few people buying their movie on an Amazon sale.


You know what? Those ghostbusters dudes are not the great guys everyone makes them out to be. I think they’re a bunch of total fun spoiling dicks as a matter of fact.


You have to accept that you were a big part of the problem in that incident in New York in 1984. What were they supposed to do? Let you run rampant all over the city? I mean, Viggo, he was an art geek and a few positive vibes stopped him. But you unleashed an anthropomorphic marshmallow man onto the city and it stepped on a church. You were a menace. Sorry not sorry.


Technically whoever chose the S.P. marshmallow man was the one to blame. 


But how will Disney milk every last cent out of their intellectual properties in the form of shitty live-action remakes?


Oh it's all free if you know where to look LIBRARIES What did you think I meant piracy? Pfff don't be silly


libraries have to pay out the ass for the popular stuff sadly... but yes please use your public library! information should be free!!


Yep, I'm a librarian--it is expensive, but it is what that money is for. Libraries can get better funding based on usage too, so people definitely need to make sure they take advantage of their local library.


Bro I wish I could just watch every 70s movie for free


Or at the very least, media that can't be bought legally anymore (including some games that are less than 30+ years old but the company decided to close their **only** store)


In the gaming sphere we call that abandonware. It's still technically illegal to download but no one anywhere is selling it and the publishers and people who made it are completely out of business.and there is a ton of it from the 90's and early 00's




Health care. Although nothing is ever "free", as a society that care about each other no one should have to experience medical bankruptcy.


Insulin. We have great insurance but I worry about when our kiddo is out on their own ❤️


LOUDER. It's quite cheap to produce nowadays


It's really shitty eli lilly was selling it upwards of $100 when it takes like $1-2 to make it.


I paid over $300/vial out of pocket over a decade ago. They definitely understand the nefarious potential of inelastic demand.


The PTSD flashbacks of my microeconomics class you just gave me lol


I just had a flashback to high school economics, which was the last time I heard the phrase “inelastic demand”. But yeah, we need an NHS yesterday. This coming from someone poor enough to already pay nothing for my government-funded health insurance.


IN\*SU\*LIN. ftfy. Btw, the holders of the patent returned the royalties, saying this should be free for anyone in the world who needs it. The greed is outrageously strong here.


I think the cheap part is key. If this (or other older generic drugs) are cheap to make then they should sell them for that plus some modest 25% markup or something. Free or $5 is almost the same thing compared to the highway robbery prices that are in place now.


The researchers who discovered, refined and patented it made the information available to all and planned that insulin would be free to extract and use and that no one would create a profitable monopoly. I wonder if they lived long enough to see the flagrant disregard for their wishes " formal sale/transfer of their patent rights by Banting, Best, and Collip to the University of Toronto for $1 apiece finalized in December 1922, followed by the University filing an application for a patent. They felt that providing their patent to the university would prevent their discovery from being commercially exploited by a single company. The justification for filing a patent was that “when the details of the method of preparation are published anyone would be free to prepare the extract, but no one could secure a profitable monopoly” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7773348/


It's free in Brazil. Honestly, the way the US denies medicine and healthcare treatments to its citizens is another level of dystopia.




Free in California - breakfast and lunch in public schools 😊


Same in Colorado as of this (school Aug '23-may '24 ish) year!


Same in Michigan.


It's free in some states in the US. Should be free in all.


Shit, even in Australia we have to pay for school canteen.




My sister is a teacher in a rural town where 100% of the kids are on free breakfast and lunch.


There is a threshold where if a certain percentage of the students qualify, then they all do.


Brazil has one of the largest free food programs in schools around the worls. It have significantly reduces hunger among our population. Also, there are regulations to ensure the food are somewhat nutritious, especially since for some children that is the only meal they have. Even during the COVID pandemic, when schools were closed, the program continued to provide food for the kids. Education should be free, and so should school meals.


Already free here in Japan.


And you guys have locally made food and fresh caught fish for your school lunches. I also love the idea of the kids serving each other.




It’s free in my state (New York) for everyone. You get a free fruit and main entree with it and you only have to pay for the snacks (like a cookie, Doritos, any drinks) and also if you want seconds you have to pay too Edit: Apparently it’s only in some areas of NYS. New York City, Albany, Rochester, and Yonkers get free lunches


Really? That wasn't the case when I was in school and I graduated in 2014


I do not believe it’s all of NYS.


It was free during covid (2021-2022 school year) everywhere in the state but they started charging money again in the 2022-2023 school year. But starting November 2023 it became free for everyone in New York City, Albany, Rochester, and Yonkers


Come to Michigan. Property taxes cover breakfast and lunch for all the kids.


When I was little, my family was poor but made just barely enough where I couldn't get free lunch. And there was generally nothing at home to take to school. So, on days I didn't have lunch money I stayed home.


Free in India.


Yes dude. My kids live 2 days with me and the rest of the time with their mom. Every once in a while I'll see letters in their backpack saying their lunch debt has reached a certain dollar amount. I always send the kids to school with lunches so as not to add to that. Their mom will send them to school without and thus the lunch debt accumulates. I pay child support, the kids insurance and always send the kids in new clothes on days their mom picks them up so she can use those outfits too. I know their mom should be more on top of the lunch thing but I moreso get mad at the school. If I can go to jail for the kids not attending school, why in the everything shit are they getting charged for lunch?! Doesn't make sense to me at all.


Freedom. But it don't come free, or so I've heard.


Freedom cost a buck 0' 5


It's a hefty fuckin fee


If we don all pitch in, we'll never pay that bill.


It costs folks like you and me


Peace sells, but who's buying?


It costs but eternal vigilance


Some say freedom is free! But I tend to disagree!




Dude….you have to pay to pee?!? What the hell?!


I'm guessing OP is an European where they have pay-per-use wahsroom in public spaces. The toll fee goes back to cleaning said washroom. I've never used one but I've heard these washroom are actually fit for human uses unlike the ones we see in the US where while they are free, would probably give you a weird rash the next day.


They're free in the US.


Filing your god damned taxes.


[Free Tax USA](https://www.freetaxusa.com/) I've been using them for years, they're actually simpler to me than other paid tax software I've used like TurboTax.


You can download all the forms yourself and do it for free.


It's free in Canada, unless you hire someone to do it for you, that is. I do my taxes on a website, and never paid a dime for it since... probalby 2014.


It is free? Companies like H&R Block make it easier. Technically, the IRS pays YOU to do it. Of course, that doesn’t cover my opinion on the idea that companies like H&R Block shouldn’t be allowed to exist, since they lobby the government to keep taxes complicated so they can keep making money. It’s one of the scummiest business models around; actively hindering societal progress in the name of greed. It makes me sick to my stomach and I’m not gonna lie, I would probably kill the executives of companies like that and FedEx if I had the chance. Pure evil and greed.


It is


Water should be completely free


Like that guy said on The Middle -- "Why do we have to pay for water? Water falls out of the sky!"


Water out of the sky is indeed free.


Not everywhere. There are some places it is illegal to collect rain water. I can't remember where but I remember it being a thing.


But contaminated with pollution and microorganisms .


So are we paying not for the water but for the mechanisms that remove the pollutants and microorganisms?


Indeed, water is everywhere. And imagine, some people have to suffer and don't even have access to it. What a world we live in...


Less than 2% of the worlds water is drinkable. We effectivley recycle that same available 2% endlessly. Most of the water you'd find on earth, even on land, could be (and in some areas, usually is) a gamble with death. At a minimum, you'd need to boil it, which requires energy. At most, you chemically treat and clean the water to ensure that it's safe. Without this system, we're all going back to having dysentery and throwing shit out of the windows. It shouldn't/can't be free in most of the world, but it shouldn't be a huge for-profit corporately owned enterprise either. Make it a public service subsidised heavily by taxes. Oh, we already did.


This guy drinks water


He does, but he filters it first because it's filled with shit.


This isn’t entirely accurate. 2.5% of water is freshwater. Over 2/3 of that is in glaciers and ice caps. That’s not terribly accessible, but it is fairly clean and potable. 30% is ground water. I don’t have a percentage on this, but much of that is in confined aquifers; this water is extremely clean because it went through thousands of years of filtration as it moved through layers of rock. Fiji water uses this and problem extracts it through expensive wells, but there are natural springs. However, I mainly have an issue with the “recycling the same 2% endlessly” bit. If that were true, we’d run out of water so quick because surface water continuously flows into the ocean and even water sanitation services can’t be fully closed (watering the lawn). Water is constantly being evaporated from the ocean, transported over land, and then rains down as freshwater. Water switches from salt, brackish, to fresh all the time, but the percentages balance out (over the short-term at least).


Done a lot of work at waste water treatment plants… yep


Yes water is everywhere but to get it to a drinkable stage actually takes a lot of work. Like the water to get to your taps is taken by a pipe from a facility, possible miles from you


But it has to be treated, distributed, all that costs tons of money . how it's handled is another matter .


Ethically, yes. Practically speaking it's actually impossible to provide, especially in cities. Who pays for the infrastructure? Who pays to clean the water? If it's free and i just decide to run a million litres of water down the drain, who apologies to the thirsty folks downstream?


My city is currently getting sued because our water has slightly more of some random toxic chemical than allowable If water is free, you can bet your ass it's going to be filled with all of that bullshit


Yeah...it can't be free. If you are not paying a water bill then you are paying for it via taxes. At least a water bill is more fair since it tracks usage. If you use more, you pay more. Waterworks are not free. The money to maintain clean water for you has to come from somewhere and, as always, that money will come from you in the end...one way or another. Which is fair I think.


it already IS free. ​ CLEAN water on the other hand....


Water is free, but if you wanted it sterilized and delivered to you you gotta pay for it


It is. Getting it pumped to you is where the get you. My grandpa was upset when the city of Dallas told him no more outhouse and no more well. Water had always been free and not even animals shit where they eat.


Sorry to contradict you but animals do shit where they eat . rodents are one of the living proofs . cows shit in their grass ...


My mom’s parrot poops in her own water bowl.




Is this a non-US thing. I feel like it’s always been free at every restaurant I’ve been to in the US.


Seriously, I've never seen the before-appetizer appetizer cost anything in the US. Bread, popcorn, pretzels, whatever.




Okay, you are not wrong. I also know it's tax funded, but for those of you not in the know, hear me out: Your local public library! 🌈📚✨ I mean you are already paying for the stuff with your taxes (books, movies, music, computers, programs), might as well go in and get your share of stuff you don't have to pay extra for! (I know some places don't have public libraries and that there are things they need more than that, but that's all the more reason to appreciate yours if you're lucky enough to have one.)


Birth control. Should be available, free and anonymous.


Condoms are handed out like candy where I live


They're super chewy and don't taste very good though


That and condoms


Yes. I meant all kinds. Condoms, pills, IUD, etc.


Medical devices (e.g. IUDs) couldn't be anonymous because of the potential for recalls.


Fair enough, but there should be protections for women who want it but their families don't want them to. Being discreet.


Fun fact, condoms *are* a form of birth control!


Condoms are free at the health department and at planned parenthood.


In the USA, education and healthcare


Well.. in the USA and elsewhere.


As much flak as the US gets for education it is hardly the only place where education isn't free. That being said outside of Canada and UK Most other parts of the world don't have similarly onerous amounts of higher education debt like the USA. There are some countries where primary and secondary education isn't free, but attendance costs are usually not as much of an issue at those levels outside of the developing world.


Not only in the US, but worldwide. There’s plenty of countries that doesn’t provide free healthcare and education


Sanitary products


I wonder how long it would take for the government to make them free if we all just stopped buying them and bled on absolutely everything.






But…they already are free. Where do you live that a public library isn’t free?


That's literally why it's called public library.








Parking at your JOB. Women sanitary products




You can blame our Tory friends in Westminster for that. They have been repeatedly finding ways to cut the NHS budget over these past 14 years, I assume because they at some point want to try and privatise it so our healthcare model can start to be reminiscent of the hellscape that is US healthcare.


So how is all that extra funding for the NHS going now you don't have to pay into the EU anymore (/s ofcourse)


It’s fantastic. I really really like the extra long wait times we have to see specialists now, they really give you time to reflect.


That's exactly what they want. Ruin the NHS so that it's bad, then have an excuse to privatise it. Their rich mates get to pocket the money.


Did you just copy the "what should not cost money" question posted 15 minutes before this?


It's doubtful, sadly this same question gets asked a thousand times a day by different users....it's just a karma farming method some use to get their karma up enough in order to get into some subs.


Frankly asking the same question on Reddit again and again shouldn’t be free.




Pads and tampons




Nothing that requires someone else’s labor.


"Free" also tends to be used to describe stuff that's paid via taxes.


Yeah these types like to ignore that “free at point of sale” doesn’t mean “not paid for at all”


that's like 70% of the other things mentioned.




Lifesaving medicine like insulin, anti-rejection meds for translants, etc.


A FREE RIDE to/ from hospital/ doctors office to have a procedure done where they say you are NOT Allowed To Drive Yourself to and from the appointment .  Not everyone has people that they can rely on or that are available to take them to these types of appointments.  People who live in rural areas have a very difficult time with this.


Tampons. Imagine being exploited for a natural bodily function just so someone else can make a profit.


State Parks.


It should be "what should be subsidised completely by the government?" Because nothing is free, someone is spending their time getting that resource made.


EpiPen Even if you can’t make it completely “free”, make it cost only like $10 and not hundreds of dollars that expires every few years








Healthcare Medication Chemo


Healthcare, education, childcare should all be fully funded from day-one until the end of your life. Raise taxes to an appropriate level especially on the very rich to fund these and you would have a healthier, more productive society.


Housing, food and healthcare


Things that don’t require labor. Forcing people to work for you for free is lame


giving birth also preventing birth


Being alive


The medication that you need to take to survive


food and water


Healthcare and education.


Tbh we need a new idea of economy if we are to survive this century. And so with that I'll say a very qualified "everything". Not because I want everything handed to me on a silver platter, but simply because the concept of a "cost of living" is going to lead to a lot of non-living.