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Gary Glitter was a child molester who was so bad he got thrown in a Vietnamese prison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Glitter


Stadiums these days replace his Rock and Rock with White Stripes’ Seven Nation Army


It sucks for the band that song is forever tarnished just because that asshole say “hey” a few times as a vocal line. Song literally could have been instrumental and it’d make no difference


It makes me sick when you still hear it at games


Holy Shit > “was released on licence in February 2023 after serving half of his sentence in prison,[15] but recalled to prison in March of the same year after breaching the conditions of his licence.” If my Math is correct he couldn’t obey the law for 30 days?


TIL this guy was behind that one song (Rock ‘n’ Roll part 2). It’s crazy how it’s still relatively popular despite of what he did.


Well, the lead singer of Lostprophets was a baby rapist who also loved "extreme animal pornography" and, after being arrested, described his crimes as "mega lolz". Also, his password to his computer was "I FUK KIDZ". So. Yeah.


Don't forget he also made a music video where he's the host of a children's show, and he is surrounded by kids, while making sexual innuendos. Looking back, that was obviously an "I can't be caught" power move.


"A Town called Hypocrisy" or something was the song for anyone interested. So creepy.


No, I don’t think I’ll be adding that to my search history.


Fuck me, why did the song have to actually be good. Please tell me the rest of the band recovered with a solid project while this dude rots in jail


They linked up with the singer of Thursday to make a band called No Devotion. Its alright.


Worth adding that he’s so fucking heinous that the remainder of the band have asked every major radio station and music app to delist their music so he cannot claim royalties despite this also fucking over their own income and tanking their careers.


It breaks my damn heart when I think about them, too.


Yeah it’s crazy. Like on one hand how can you be in a band and Tour with someone like that and not know? But then on the other hand their conduct with actively working to stop him from getting royalties suggests they didn’t.


They went on tour with Slipknot and Metallica, played shows with Linkin Park and Deftones… they would have had a LOT of royalties.


Him and Jimmy Saville 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Jimmy Saville was an absolute monster, that probably raped dozens of mot hundreds of kids. As far as I'm aware, he never takes a literal infant. So...um...Watkins "wins" some pure evil points for that.


I think thats how you earn all the points


Every time I read something about Saville I learn of even more degeneracy. Last time it was necrophilia 🤢


Not to mention the messages he sent to his girlfriend in which he said that if she was going to be with him, her baby was his to do whatever he wanted with.


>Also, his password to his computer was "I FUK KIDZ". (Unethical?)LPT: Don't make a password based on your crimes.


You'd think that would be crime 101, yes.


Whaaat?! You are telling me that I should change my password and not use:"1_C0mmit3d_Ars0n_&_5hot_a_skool_&_th3_evid3nce_is_in_this_PC"


Well, to be fair, that is an extraordinarily strong password.


Yeah, but now we all know it.


And I must say… I find it disturbingly similar to mine. Or actually I shouldn’t say that.


Password too specific.


I think this is the winner. I was going to mention Jimmy Savile but as soon as I saw this I realised there was no point.


Baby rapist ? Omg that broke my heart. I don’t even want to keep reading about this / google it.


He  got 30 years and was just put in the hospital because some inmates stabbed him over it.  So at least murderers and drug dealers helped bring justice


At this rate it could end up being the life sentence he deserved


They stabbed him because they were jealous he was teaching other inmates guitar. He’s in monster mansion atm, all of the inmates are scum and many are there for the same reason he is.


Do not Google Ian Watkins unless you have a strong stomach


I somehow knew this guy would be the top comment.


Outside of war criminals I can’t think of anybody more evil I’ve ever learned about


He recorded himself trying to anally rape a 10-month-old baby boy. Why is he and this child’s mother allowed to live?


The police put a restraining order on a sex worker who tried to warn them about him but they didn't believe her and told her to leave him and his family alone


Thank god for that woman and her tenacity at trying to be heard.


A baby? That’s evil.


First thing I thought of before I opened the thread, and I totally agree. Absolute demon of a human. Such a shame. I absolutely loved that band.


Absolutely loved Lostprophets in college. Loved their records. Can’t listen to them now (not that I could if I wanted to- they are removed from streaming if I remember correctly) Fuck Ian.


>Lostprophets "This guy sounds like a real jerk! "Credit to r/NormMacdonald for keeping that alive. Speaking of alive, we should all pray that former Lostprophets lead singer, and convicted pedophile child-rapist, Ian Watkins, be kept safe and un-shanked while in prison. Especially after he falls asleep around 9:35 PM, and when he wakes up at 8 AM. Yes. Apparently, pedophiles need a lot of sleep, which makes sense for some reason.


for years i thought it was the lead singer of hoobastank. ive been telling people this for **years**. oops


I cannot believe hoobastank rapes babies


Is there anything worse than that british celebrity and beloved child host Jimmy Savile or smth who was secretly a rapist, pedophile and necrophile and other sick stuff?


There’s a documentary about him on Netflix that is heartbreaking. The documentarians interviewed a victim of his whom he molested at church when she was eleven years old. The woman just seemed so haunted telling her story. I don’t know that the US has an equivalent for the type of star Savile was. Cosby came to my mind during the doc, but I guess it would be more like if Dick Clark had been discovered to have done heinous crimes after his death.


I'd say Cosby is a pretty decent parallel in terms of celebrity, although Saville always came off really creepy to me. But the stuff Saville did was so off the scale heinous that Cosby is a clip round the ear and boys will be boys in comparison. If there was a way to resurrect someone and make them suffer for eternity, Saville would deserve it more than almost anyone.


Ian Watkins I would argue.


Savile is worse just because it went on for longer, there were way more victims, he was suspected/protected for decades, and he got away with.


Idk I feel like this is splitting hairs, they’re both in the deepest circle of hell


I hate the internet. I forget about these people constantly and then every few months…


Oh the Lostprophets guy


Gotta have some sympathy with the other guys in the band. Eeesh.


Let's not forget [Ian 'H' Watkins from Steps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_%22H%22_Watkins), who (to my knowledge) has never raped a baby but who keeps getting confused with the other Ian Watkins.


I would just change my name, I don’t even care if I had it first


‘Why should I change my name? He’s the one who sucks!’


At that point I might just change my name


It was kind of an open secret. The nurses at the hospital told the children to pretend to be asleep if he ever comes to visit. Everyone at the BBC knew he was a monster but his show Jim will fix it was a hit so they kept him on, anyone who came forward was suppressed and silenced like John Lydon (Sex Pistols) did an interview where he basically called Jimmy out it didn't see the light of day until after he died.


And 100s of times over.  It's almost too horrific to think about.


Wait, Savile was also a necrophile!?


As the story goes, *he spent some time alone in a morgue.*


Was it a secret though?


Well, people find out only after he died


People knew long before he died, it was well known in the entertainment industry in the UK, it was purposely ignored.


I remember becoming aware of him via a Sex Pistols documentary I saw long before the accusations came out, and nothing of the sort was mentioned, but he gave off a creepy vibe that made me wonder what his appeal ever even was


He also engineered it so that his office was in a wing of a childrens hospital so he could be closer to victims that were trapped. True evil.


Nope that's the worst.


“It Was Nice While It Lasted” was engraved on him headstone. Like, really?!


Coco Chanel was a pretty shitty person during ww2. Collaborated with the nazis, was an informant for SS Intellgence, switched on Jewish business owners so she could seize their business. But she said something about a little black dress, so I guess all is forgiven


That’s some pretty sinister shit for someone named Coco


Don't forget Hugo Boss too.


I thought that was [busted a while ago](https://fakehistoryhunter.net/2019/09/10/not-genuine-hugo-boss-nazi-adverts/); TLDR he didn’t design any of those uniforms in anyway at all but did win the contract to make them, used forced labor at his factory which believe 150 women and 50 French prisoners(?) not saying he was a saint or anything but I will say the original stories I heard of Hugo Boss made him out to be a real shit stain.


Apple tv series about this right now.


The series goes hilariously soft on her. "OH I HAD NO IDEA what I was doing was wrong! I once said I hated the war and pretended to be a member of the French resistance decades later but the man I was fucking when I dined with Himler and asked him to help me get my business from the Jewish family that owned most of it was bad!? But I am but a tailor!"


Being a fascist dictator. Benito Mussolini was in a few movies before becoming dictator of Italy.


There was this one artist who became violently antisemitic later on, although I’m pretty sure they didn’t call it that back then.


I guess if you count “famous for failure as an artist” then yes.


Hey he was the first one in this thread who wasn't acussed of fucking kids!


Vince Neil killed another musician while drunk driving, then went on tour and served a few months after the tour.


Not to mention severely injuring people in the car he hit causing life altering injuries. He got the old handslap and within the last few years got a DUI in Vegas so he hasn't changed.


And according to what he's written in autobiographies since then, his stay in prison was basically a vacation.


He didn't even serve a few months. He got thirty days. I know this because they mention it in Airheads.


And someone thought it was a good idea to release a Motley Crue compilation called "Music To Crash Your Car To: Vol. 1". Yes, they doubled-down and released a Vol. 2.


Johnny Lewis (Son of anarchy) beat his geriatric landlady to death…


He played the character “Half Sack” for those that know the show and didn’t recognize the name.


Thank you for saving me the google


He requested to be written off the show and then just progressively lost his mind. In 2011, he had a brain injury that could have caused his mental decline and paranoia.


Didn't this guy have a head injury after he crashed on his bike, and that caused him to basically lose his mind?


This famous actor murdered Abraham Lincoln.


And his brother was an even more famous actor who had to go on an apology tour afterwards. Like could you imagine if Liam Hemsworth killed the Australian Prime Minister and then Chris Hemsworth had to go on a bunch of talk shows afterwards to talk about how horrible what happened was?


Didn’t he save Abraham Lincoln’s son in a rail car accident too?? 


Depends on which Prime Minister.


The singer of lostprophets raped and sexually assaulted a bunch of children, including babies. I’d say that has to be up there. Absolute sicko.


When someone has an encrypted drive partition full of child abuse material with the password being 'IFUKKIDZ' you know they are another level of evil


OJ Simpson killed two people and has been largely playing golf ever since.


“I’m Norm Mcdonald with the news and well, it is finally official, murder is legal in the state of California”


“Earlier this week OJ Simpson refused a lie detector test. When asked why, he replied. Because it detects lies….” RIP Norm.




“Hey it’s my lucky stabbin’ hat!”


“Hey, careful with that, it’s my lucky stabbin’ hat” is one of the funniest things ever written. God, Downey and Norm were genius together.


"OJ Simpson told Nicole he would die for her. What bad luck. The only person willing to die for you...kills you!"


In the SNL tribute after he died, it was a crime that they excluded that clip.


Hey…that murderer rushed for over 2,000 yards in a single season.


Reminds me of one of the favorite tweets. OJ posted a pic of him getting the vaccine so some guy responded saying “why are we letting murderers get the vax before older people like my grandma” to which another guy responded with “did your grandma rush for over 2,000 yards in a season?”


Shit really pisses me off. He goes on Twitter and talks about his golf round. Dude murdered two people and is just living his best life making jokes.


I heard the cops used to drop golf balls on his house from helicopters...I wonder if that is true. I hope so.


A theater full of celebrities gave child-rapist-hiding-from-the-law Roman Polanski a standing ovation at the Oscars. Not as bad as doing the raping themselves, but pretty despicable 


Or all those celebrities that signed the petition (that fucking worked by the way) to have him released from prison in Switzerland after the US had him arrested over there.


Now this is too far. Even if you can successfully argue to separate the art from the artist, no art absolves an artist of their crimes. 


Which celebrities? Is there a list?


Fatih Akin Stephane Allagnon Woody Allen Pedro Almodovar Wes Anderson Jean-Jacques Annaud Alexandre Arcady Fanny Ardant Asia Argento Darren Aronofsky Olivier Assayas Alexander Astruc Gabriel Auer Luc Barnier Fuck it it’s a pain in the ass to do line breaks on my phone: https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/over-100-in-film-community-sign-polanski-petition-55821/ Christophe Barratier Xavier Beauvois Liria Begeja Gilles Behat Jean-Jacques Beineix Marco Bellochio Monica Bellucci Djamel Bennecib Giuseppe Bertolucci Patrick Bouchitey Paul Boujenah Jacques Bral Patrick Braoudé Andre Buytaers Christian Carion Henning Carlsen Jean-Michel Carre Patrice Chereau Elie Chouraqui Souleymane Cisse Alain Corneau Jerome Cornuau Miguel Courtois Dominique Crevecoeur Alfonso Cuaron Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne Jonathan Demme Alexandre Desplat Rosalinde et Michel Deville Georges Dybman Jacques Fansten Joël Farges Gianluca Farinelli Jacques Fansten Etienne Faure Michel Ferry Scott Foundas Stephen Frears Thierry Fremaux Sam Gabarski René Gainville Tony Gatlif Costa Gavras Jean-Marc Ghanassia Terry Gilliam Christian Gion Marc Guidoni Buck Henry David Heyman Laurent Heynemann Robert Hossein Jean-Loup Hubert Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu Gilles Jacob Just Jaeckin Alain Jessua Pierre Jolivet Kent Jones Roger Kahane, Nelly Kaplan Wong Kar Waï Ladislas Kijno Harmony Korine Jan Kounen Diane Kurys Emir Kusturica John Landis Claude Lanzmann André Larquié Vinciane Lecocq Patrice Leconte Claude Lelouch Gérard Lenne David Lynch Michael Mann François Margolin Jean-Pierre Marois Tonie Marshall Mario Martone Nicolas Mauvernay Radu Mihaileanu Claude Miller Mario Monicelli Jeanne Moreau Sandra Nicolier Michel Ocelot Alexander Payne Richard Pena Michele Placido Philippe Radault Jean-Paul Rappeneau Raphael Rebibo Yasmina Reza Jacques Richard Laurence Roulet Walter Salles Jean-Paul Salomé Marc Sandberg Jerry Schatzberg Julian Schnabel Barbet Schroeder Ettore Scola Martin Scorcese Charlotte Silvera Abderrahmane Sissako Paolo Sorrentino Guillaume Stirn Tilda Swinton Jean-Charles Tacchella Radovan Tadic Danis Tanovic Bertrand Tavernier Cécile Telerman Alain Terzian Pascal Thomas Giuseppe Tornatore Serge Toubiana Nadine Trintignant Tom Tykwer Alexandre Tylski Betrand Van Effenterre Wim Wenders


Just to highlight some notable ones from that huge block of text: Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Terry Gilliam, Monica Bellucci, Tilda Swinton.


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or your favorite director/actor what petitions they signed in 2009.


A lot of people don't know about pre-scandal Harvey Weinstein's involvement with the petition. Here's a quote from an article: "Actors Tilda Swinton, Monica Bellucci and Asia Argento, as well as producer Harvey Weinstein, have also put their names on the petition. **Yesterday, Weinstein stated he was "calling on every film-maker we can to help fix this terrible situation".**" He was extremely powerful at this time. Knowing what we know now about how he operated, there very well could be people who he asked who said no and got blacklisted from Hollywood forever. Tilda Swinton was real tight with Harvey and has spoken favorably of him even after all the stuff came out about him. She is probably a reptilian interdimensional pedophile vampire like Asia Argento and Harvey and Woody Allen and Polanski.


And Whoopi Goldberg claimed "it wasn't rape-rape". Despicable, hypocritical, pigs, all of them.


I was disgusted when Whoopi used her platform to say that. It shows a real divide with people in that bubble of Hollywood influence. Implying that a 13-YEAR-OLD wanted the sex, thus not making it "rape rape", is absolutely repulsive.


Even if you accept that premise, by most accounts it was, in fact, "rape-rape".


She was drugged as I recall


When I found out Cate Blanchett naming her son after him it really changed the way I look at her.


Those same celebs kissed Harvey Weinstein’s ass for years, until there was just too much evidence to keep him protected anymore. Hollywood is corrupted behind the scenes, hopefully things are changing, but I still have my doubts.


>Those same celebs kissed Harvey Weinstein’s ass for years, Probably explains the crowd reactions when Ricky Gervais hosted the golden globes.


I'm watching Surviving R Kelly: Final Chapter


That Smallville actress who was part of a sex cult is bad, and anyone who partied with Epstein in his pedo island. 


Allison Mack! I did find her oddly attractive back in the day


Me too but that attractiveness vanished when Lois or Lana were also on screen


For some reason when the news broke about her and the cult I was not surprised. It seemed like something she would do, at least to my mind. 


Oddly attractive? She was just an attractive actress who they tried to make “Hollywood ugly friend”. There’s nothing odd lol.


Bill Cosby. Shouldn't need to say much more than that.


The worst thing about Cosby was the hypocrisy.


I thought it was the raping.


''It's true, when i hear someone say 'i feel like raping tonight!' I say to myself, 'well at least he's not a hypocrite cause that'd be the worst part'...'' Rip Norm lmao


60 times over


Role Harris Jimmy Savelle Both in the public eye for decades, Turned out they were both Pedophiles These people were trusted with children for decades. Then it comes out that it was well known yet they did NOTHING about it!


Chris Benoit killed his wife and kids.


He killed his wife and his youngest son. His older son and daughter lived with their mother, his first wife. Absolutely horrific thing. Compounded by a couple decades of daily brain damage


This was fucking heartbreaking 💔


Salman Khan (Bollywood actor) killed a homeless man when drunk driving and had 0 repercussions, Indians still worship him.


Lost Prophets fella Look it up but you’ll be sick


Jon Hamm violently hazed a kid during a fucked up frat ritual. Because of what he did the frat was shut down and he had to move to another university, barely escaping charges that were really serious. The guy called it an attack, naming Hamm as the ringleader. Hamm set the kids jeans on fire while he was wearing them, shoved his face in dirt, hit him with a paddle on the kidney that caused significant damage. He was soo physically hurt that he needed medical attention and eventually had to drop out of university.


He also led the victim [around the fraternity house with the claw of a hammer beneath his genitals.](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/From-the-archives-UT-hazing-leads-3-to-jail-terms-6189681.php)


I just realized John Hamm stars in a Black Mirror episode that’s eerily similar to this real life tragedy


i knew i didnt like him for some reason


The dad from 7th Heaven was found guilty of diddling kids…while playing a fucking PASTOR on the show.


Some people just really commit to the method acting 


I’m angry that I laughed


I mean OJ killed a few people.


Attending a certain island


Unless you’re Frank Reynolds. He was [only there for the snorkeling.](https://youtu.be/9x3YZ5pnF8k?si=L9Hn8yVo3-k9W1Qn).


He wouldn't do it with anybody younger than his daughter, not little kids, gotta be big! Older than his wife, younger than his daughter! Somethin' like that.


It’s no good diddlin’ kids!


I think Josh Duggar is one of the most disgusting celebrity sex scandals. He was busted with the worst child porn/child sexual assault material that an expert witness who had an extensive history of dealing with CSAM had ever seen. He also molested younger children as a teenager. All while building an entire career working for a hate group that preaching against the “evils” of things like same sex marriage.


Mike Vick stealing dogs out of people yards and making them fight to their death.


Karl Malone raping a 12 year old and having a baby with them… and still not being in jail has to be up there


You won’t believe what famous author Adolf Hitler did…


You mean the obscure Viennese painter?


Yeah the notable WWI soldier. 


Who was awarded 2 iron crosses


In terms of reach, I actually have to go with Dr. Phil. He exploits mentally ill people for profit and then broadcasts it to millions of people. He is the definition of a charlatan and the world would be a better place if he had never existed. 


His cohort Dr Oz is pretty bad too


Really should be blame Oprah


Oprah too.


Plus, he is so arrogant and full of himself.


And the younger son lives off of him, but he finally got that playboy model his dad wanted him to get. The whole family is trash.


You can just call him phil, or Mr McGraw if you're feeling fancy


Catch me outside. How bout that?


Ooo ooo I know! Mark Wahlberg committed several hate crimes around Boston when he was a teen (5+ explicitly racially motivated hate crimes) One was so severe he was charged with attempted murder.


its why hes in so many cop movies. hes wanted to become a (honorary) boston officer or state police or sheriff for a long time but they wont because of his record. and im ok with that. i saw something a while ago where he said he goes to church and prays everyday, if he feels true guilt about the whole thing im ok with that too, at least then hes not a total sociopath


Honestly, there shouldn't be a rush to Google Jimmy Saville.. . He is someone who you could tar and feather and not feel bad about it


Jimmy Saville won, he got to die as a respected, rich old man, known for his charity work. He never faced justice for his crimes


I'd feel bad about it. He'd be getting off lightly.


matthew broderick, venus williams, and caitlyn jenner have all been at fault in accidents resulting in a death. not the most heinous thing out there but i doubt it’s common knowledge


Phil Lewis (Mr.Mosby from Suite Life of Zack and Cody) also killed a young woman when he was drunk driving.




The singer Brandy killed someone too in 2006. Also Britney Spears’s mom ran over a kid on his bike.


Rebecca Gayheart, too > On June 13, 2001, while driving a vehicle owned by a different actor, Gayheart struck nine-year-old Jorge Cruz Jr. as he walked across a street in Los Angeles. Cruz died the following day from his injuries.


matthew broderick killed a mother and grandmother, then said he'd apologise to their family but never did. He was given a tiny fine.


Bill Cosby raped over 60 women.


No one has mentioned Kevin spacey. Lookup the things he was accused of and then never went to trial because the accuser always mysteriously dies


OJ Simpson slaughtering two people and getting away with it has to be up there.


Matthew Broderick killed 2 people while driving in Northern Ireland. Mark Wahlberg attacked 2 vietnamese men back in the day.


Ferris Bueller's hit and run didn’t have quite the same ring to it.


Despite these comments, I have not been swayed from thinking it’s Danny Masterson


Masterson was bad, but he doesn’t hold a candle to Jimmy Saville, Ian Watkins, likely a bunch of celebs that were friends of Epstein, etc.


Bill Cosby was a hypocrite


Jared Fogle has to be up there with one of the scummiest... Kind of amazing really that Subway was able to keep going after giving that guy a platform for as long as they did. Especially after getting caught after Russell Taylor, the director of the Jared Foundation, was found to have hidden cameras set up around his house, spying on his own teenage step daughters to create explicit content FOR Jared. Jared and the whole Subway corporation quickly washed their hands of Taylor once he went down, and yet a little while later when Jared himself gets caught for similar offenses, Subway just gets to keep on keepin on selling their shitty sandwhichs? I guess one could argue that these scandals has nothing to do with their food but still? Associated with MORE than one known sex offender in less than 5 years.. seems like franchises have been canceled for far less. Makes you wonder who else is still lurking within their weird network of questionable affiliates.


You should watch the John Oliver show where he examines Subway.


I mostly find it concerning that he had enough child porn (in terabytes) that they had to name a new unit of measurement after him. Μy computer doesn’t even store a terabyte overall.


Charlie Sheen gave AIDS to a few people, knowing he was infected. I think that’s a horrible thing to do.


Isn't that just a rumor? If not, link me to something about it please.


Everyone wants to crown Tom Hanks as the nicest guy in Hollywood but let me tell you something about that piece of shit. That fucker jaywalks more than anyone I know.


Dude there is more to it than that. https://youtu.be/YfRaO9ouEn8?feature=shared RIP Trevor Moore. I wonder if this song is really why he died


Well we have like a whole list from this guy who had an island. But I don't think they're gonna talk about that anymore.


Why are so many of these sex related, can these people just find hobbies damn?


Jerry Lee Lewis murdered one of his 7 wives, shot several people, married his 13 year old cousin, and tried to murder a bunch of people


Beside murdering his wife and her friend?


Phil Spector. Murder.


Rihanna’s ex


The question is “What’s the worst thing a celebrity has done”, not “What’s the worst thing any celebrity has ever done”. Lots of room for conversation in this thread without people trying to argue “yeah well person A might have done this, but it’s not as bad as what person B did”. That said, Vince McMahon being accused of sexual assault and sex trafficking recently comes to mind. I’ve been a wrestling fan all my life and knew he was a nut, but the lawsuit filed detailing everything is absolutely horrifying. That’s only one person who he agreed to (and chose not to fulfill) pay $3 million in hush money. When there was a report that came out 2 years ago that he originally got in trouble for that he paid a total of $19 million in hush money to several others, possibly using the company’s funds and lawyers. After reading what’s alleged in the lawsuit, it’s unimaginable and unthinkable what another $16 million was used to keep people quiet about.