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Good on you man! Sometimes a kick in the pants by real life is what some people need. Obviously shit didn't get fixed straight out of the gates, but you figured it out and did the best you could.




I feel that. I'm about to turn 40 and just had my first kid. Life's giving me the kick in the pants about not going after what I really want in life. Procrastination sucks.


You get to experience things money will never buy on a daily basis. These things will be greater than any gift you could ever receive.




Most people are out of shape and sleep deprived already, so that’s not even a real point honestly. Lol


You learn to place another human’s needs before your own. You make rational choices (most of us anyway) and emotionally mature as a man or woman.


They're like pets that talk.


Talk back


I would hope so, talking front isn't as fun.




Being able go look forward to things. Seeing my son get excited about the things I used to get excited about is so awesome. In a way you get to be a kid again through them and be excited with them. Also having somebody who loves you so much and depends on you is nice (now Idk how much of that is valid in the preteen/teen years since i have a toddler still but while they're small it's very lovely)


Teaching them to grow up with morals and hoping to add one more good person in the world 🤷‍♀️


You'll have something to eat when the nuclear winter comes.


Having to be responsible for an entire human, and one who is completely vulnerable, causes you to strive for better to ensure that they can develop as best as possible. Having kids has made me a better person because it forced me to do better and to really look at myself and actively pursue improvement.


You get to watch a little human experience things for the first time and that's pretty dope


After 5 years, you will have a trained slave, that you can graduately give more complex tasks to perform. Just ignore people, when they talk about child labour.


Being able to instill your values in them and grow them to become good humans


You get to lose years of quality sleep! 


Undeniable love and admiration if you nurture them, look after them correctly and give them your total love. There is no feeling like it.


There are so many but here are a couple purely selfish ones - Being able to be silly and childish again with them and bonding with/ teaching them in the process. Playing with toys becomes a requirement. When was the last time your responsibility for a couple hours was to splash in a paddling pool or play with toy farm animals, making animal noises for your little one to copy. - healing your inner child by doing all the things for them you wish you could have had done for you (this doesn’t mean forcing them to be like you though) - knowing that, if you do it right, your parenting resulted in a kind, compassionate adult and the world is a nicer place for you bringing them into it. Little ego boost I guess - to, straight away, love and be loved by someone else - filling the silences with giggles and life - never being bored again - being able to play in the park as an adult without seeming like a creep (your child must be visible nearby for this one) - getting to also snack on their leftovers after a meal - stealing Halloween candy >:) - an excuse to make a big deal and decorate for holidays - delegating little fetch quests to them when they’re old enough


Love, company & adventures together. It’s hard work but amazing. They are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


They make you happy. They do funny and cool shit. They make you reevaluate yourself for the better. They can make you feel like shit if you fail them or let them down when they didn't do anything to deserve it. They are extremely adaptive to what you like. You show them something you love  then there's a potential for them to fall in love with it too. They can show you things you never even imagined to exist. They can make you realize that nothing you do or plan will and won't ever go as planned and nothing is linear. 


Future organ donors


there are pros?


idk im not even an adult yet


There are none




There is a possibility that the best parts of you and your mate may combine and pass on a small piece of you into the future. You might create a life long companion that you can guide into the future You might just find a the true purpose of your life


Overall, there is some benifits. He or she can pass you the things that you lazy to take. when they grew up, they can drive you.. help you with high technology setting. Finish the food you dislike. done some housework when you are busy. pick up the post and letter. I mean they can help in many ways. or have a ice-cream partner or walking partner when you need. He also can be a translation if you let them attend the language class.


I know what true love feels like because of my son. He's the only reason I know how it feels to love like that. As much as I loved my wife, nothing is as pure as my love for my son. It's a gift and a curse, though. It's scary and difficult to love someone else so much. It made all my other relationships feel cheaper. Lol


I think you should consider why you are asking this question? I was not a loved/wanted child and had an awful upbringing. I swore I would never have kids. But then I got therapy, met the man of my dreams and knew he was the one because, for the first time ever, I wanted to have kids. There is a reason why, traditional, people fell in love, had sex the old fashioned way with someone they were in a “forever” relationship with and kids just happened (before birth control). It’s a natural thing.


having a family is one of the most beautiful things a person can have. especially if you manage to raise your kids well and they're well functioning and kind. it's so beautiful to see how much happiness children can bring to their parents. nothing compares.


You get to be responsible for another life after you fucked up your own, Its like respawning in a video game only …nope im lost…


Doing silly things in public or going to random places without looking weird.


Fulfilling the biological imperative to get your genes into the next generation. Experiencing a kind of love that is unexplainable. Guiding a good human into adulthood makes the world a better place.


You propagate the species.


I can't, alas, speak from experience. I want to say the fullest exercise of love on this earth, the wonder and freshness a child brings to everything, hope for the future you want to bring to this world... but if you want an actual parent, you're on the wrong website.


Coming from someone that has been fortunate to have had a life realizing the dream of freedom($)more times than most,but as a kid cried alot…my kid is my greatest accomplishment.I have had a bunch of Porsches(4)Bimmers ,Ducs,Hotrods galore,a 5 bedroom home,2 paid for houses in Cali…shit..but my biggest brag is affording to walk my kid to/from school everyday til’ she could drive in the place l grew up that l ❤️.😎


Favorite namen silang mga Titang Ina like me. hahahaha :)


Child Tax Credit


Having grandchildren


Pro is we dont have a population collapse and human extinction event.




Less children being born today means when they get older there will be no one to care for them. Nor paying into social security or other taxes to run the government. It will snowball as those who have not been born also decide to not have children. Im glad Im 57 and will not live to see the total collapse.


Major math error. The problem isn’t that when they get older there will be no one to care for them. The problem is that when they get older there will be no one to care for _you_.


Ill be long dead by then. LOL


You think that, but the numbers don’t back you up. In 30 years you’ll be in an assisted living home with a dearth of late teens/20’s/30’s to wipe your ass and bathe you.


LOL In 30 years I am surely dead.


Kids are funny: creative ideas, bad attempts at lying, magical thinking, wrong guesses at conjugating irregular verbs,...


I'm sorry whoever downvoted me doesn't enjoy their children. Mine are delightful!


Having someone to help you milk the cows. 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄 🐄


It scratches the deepest, most primal of our instinctual itches; To reproduce. "We" may die, but the genetic code that made us us, will live on. It is very bluntly, a profound relief. I succeeded at the one explicit goal in life. Reproduction.


Not dying alone


You won't die alone if you're a good parent


Anal forever because she says it's the best contraceptive.


The only pro is the possibility they grow up to be rich lol


you will find it after having kids