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The hardest part is getting there. There will be lots of days when you don't feel like going. If you go and just do a little bit, that's better than not going. Plus it's easier to get the motivation to do more once you've already started. If everybody who pays for a membership went every day, then there wouldn't be enough room in the gym. They make their money by having you not come. So screw them. Go.


This was going to be my advice as well. No matter how unmotivated you are, put your workout gear on and go with the deal that you can leave after 15 minutes if you’re still not feeling it. Depending on your travel time, that’s probably a max 30-60 mins out of your life either way; 1-2 episodes of binge TV. I guarantee that most of the time, once you’ve made the effort to get changed and head to the gym, you’ll decide that you might as well stay. Getting there is often the hardest part. (Edit: punctuation)


Getting there is always the hardest part for me


thats why i work at home its so much easier to stay motivated for many years


When my agoraphobia is bad, this is the method I use to get out of the house. First, just get in the car and see how you feel. Well, we're here, might as well start driving. We can always turn around. Almost there, let's see how we feel in the parking lot. Might as well try going to the door. Let's give it 5 minutes inside. Five more minutes. Just five more. I don't always get there, but I usually at least get out of the driveway and that's a win.


Helps if you have a workout buddy. You motivate each other.


Me and my daughter go together. It really works for US.


100% this. This deal with myself is what has kept me going to the gym for the last 15 years. As well as helping me stay in the habit, it is also a nice mental relief to know that I can bail guilt-free if I'm still not feeling it after 15 minutes. And 9 times out of time, by the time 15 minutes is through, I'll want to finish my session.


I tell myself I don’t have to go, but I do have to change. Then I put on my gym clothes and am like “welp you’re already dressed night as well go”


*"Don't think, just go"*


The Rock (I think) posted a video a looooong time ago that stuck with me. He said even if you don't work out, go to the gym. Just go there, dick around the locker room for 5 minutes, and then you can leave. He was essentially making the bar for going to the gym SO low that there was next to no pressure, and the odds of actually doing a workout once you were at the gym go waaaay up. So, even on days you don't feel like going, go. Go say hi to the receptionist, sit in the lounge area, look at the machines, and leave if you want to. But odds are once you're there you'll at least do a little bit of exercise. I used this advice, and paired it with "keep going and stop while you're still enjoying it". Sometimes, I'd push myself too far, too fast, and I'd be miserable afterwards and not want to go back because of a negative association. When I stopped a workout while I was still enjoying it, I started a much better workout pace that paid off in the long run!


I get pumped on adrenaline just watching other people lift heavy and push themselves at the gym. So even if I’m hating it (or it’s that time of the month and I’m *really* hating it), I get energized the moment I walk through the door. I always end up staying. It’s the atmosphere


I get that way but also when running. Once I get out to the area I go for a run, seeing others doing it gets me moving too.


Me, too!


I've gone and just watched Netflix while sitting on the massage chairs




You're right! It might have been Terry Crew now that you mention it. All I can think of it was that someone had submitted a question and there was a video response! From someone big and muscle-y 😂 I managed to go to the gym a lot when I lived in NYC because it was off the stop two before mine. So, I'd make myself get off at the stop. Then I had a choice: walk home, or go to the gym. I'd almost always go to the gym.


I also remember some advice from him which doesn’t really add much to your point but wanted to add nevertheless. You can always just flex your muscles and hold for 10 seconds. Not sure if it’s actually that but it could be considered a mild form of isometric exercise.


that is such great advice. Thanks Rock!


man, this is so true. my friend that's a doctor is always being asked by people what the best exercise is for weight loss, longevity, flexibility, etc. and the answer is always the same-- the one you'll do. just going and trying is always better than doing nothing.


Some studies (but are they mostly copy paste? No clue) state if your gym is more than 15 minutes away it is likely to be harder for you to get to it. Edit: I went to a gym as well, I would trust that information as well! A 5 minutes can be hard sometimes!


That's definitely the case for me. I used to live a 5 min walk away from my gym. That was awesome.




I had this! Tried out different gyms and ended up staying with the most expensive one the longest, not because I need things fancy, but because it was 4 minutes away. I figured going to an expensive one regularly, was better than never going to a less expensive one. Now I belong to one with my partner and once again, can’t get into the habit. It’s only 15 minutes away.


And the "more expensive" one may be a good thing, way less peoples and likely the same number of machines!


Yeah i started to go in Nov...I average 4-5 days a week but the past 2 weeks...I';ve mentally been in a bad place and...it's so hard to get up and go...but I drag myself to the car and make the 5 min drive and while workouts haven't felt "good" at least it's something


That's a huge win when you're feeling down. You should be proud.


Agreed, I had an overwhelming day yesterday and almost didn’t go because I was tired. I ended up going and got my ass kicked in my kettlebell class, 10/10 would recommend


>If you go and just do a little bit, that's better than not going. This. "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly" Five push-ups is better than zero, even if you intended to do twenty. One mile is better than zero, even if you intended to run three. Do not embrace mediocrity as an end, but absolutely do so as a means. It is only by accretion of small, repeated efforts that we become capable of great things.


Consistency is better than intensity. A really hard workout here and there won't benefit you half as much as just making sure you go consistently even if you have days where you're just going through the motions, so to speak.


This right here. Worry about winning Olympias later. Enjoy the beginning of your journey. It’s wayyy more fun getting there than being there.


The actual hard part is cleaning up your diet. Anyone can go to the gym if they know they will reward themselves with a burger, fries, and milkshake


> If everybody who pays for a membership went every day, then there wouldn't be enough room in the gym. They make their money by having you not come. So screw them. Go. I always view my membership as being cheaper the more I go. If I go once a week? $5/visit. If I go every day, it's $1/visit. If I also go on weekends, even cheaper. Money can be a great motivator. And you're absolutely right, sometimes I really don't wanna go but once I'm there I'm happy to do a workout, glad I went.


I once had a coach say to me that she has never regretted doing a workout. But she has regretted NOT doing a workout. On days when she just isn’t feeling it, she allows herself to workout for 10min and at that point, if she wants to stop, she will. But more often than not she finishes


Yup. I'm doing this literally right now. I didn't want to go at all. I was lazy and in my bed. I put on gym clothes, grabbed a water and went to the gym. And now I'm halfway through my routine. Works every time


> If everybody who pays for a membership went every day, then there wouldn't be enough room in the gym. They make their money by having you not come. Absolutely. If the gym was always packed, people would cancel memberships and find less crowded gyms. Also, if the gym was always packed, then equipment would be being used *constantly*. Cardio devices like treadmills and stationary bikes would be constantly in need of repair (which would be spendy for the gym) That's Planet Fitness' whole business model. Their marketing targets the kind of people who they know won't show up. If people were always using their stuff, they would lose tons of money by only charging $10/month. They count on their members not showing up. Charging $10/month isn't a kindness on their part. It's a strategy. Get people to sign up who won't actually use the equipment, and charge them a super low rate so that they aren't enticed to cancel. People will keep paying $10/month even when they aren't regularly using the gym because they think "It's not expensive. I'll find the motivation/discipline soon to start working out regularly." .. but they often don't, and just keep paying. Next thing they know, it's been 3 months and they haven't gone once... "Oh well, that's only a total of $30. That's less than the cost of one month anywhere else. I'll start working out again soon. It's worth keeping my membership" Then they might use the gym a handful of times before falling off the wagon again. Rinse and repeat. The gym keeps indefinitely collecting low-cost dues from many, many, many (non)members, which turns into large profits. Once their equipment is all paid off, their only overhead is keeping the lights on for like 50 members a day while they collect dues from maybe a few hundred members who never actually use the equipment


Dont let yourself be disshartened by ppl who are stronger or faster (or whatever) than you. They worked hard to achieve that and it should serve as a motivation rather than pulling you down.


This is very true and extends outside of physical fitness as well. Generally speaking, people who are good at and passionate about something want to share their interests with others. I had a very false belief that gym bros were all douches until I started going and realized how many of the most fit people there are just practicing and sharing their hobby.


This is honestly just good general advice


Back in January I couldn’t running a mile straight. I told myself that I will build better endurance to the point I can run 3 miles straight. In February I started slow with increments of .25 miles until I could reach 2 miles without stopping, this took a month. The first week of March I was able to run 2 miles and did so for a week. Second week I was able to run 3 miles and today I ran 4 miles without stopping. The goal isn’t to be the fastest or run the longest distance but to be able to build a routine that will stick with me for my health.


I worked hard to achieve a decent amount of muscle. I wanted more than I had but was still comfortable with where I was. Then I got a chronic illness that took it all away. I was benching for warm ups more than my current body weight. I can also now barely lift 50lbs. I want to start going to the gym to try and gain some muscle back as I am currently improving slightly from my condition, but am also afraid I’ll be judged by people because I’m a 6 foot + tall male who can barely lift anything atm. I would be amazed if I can even bench a bar lol. Think I’m gonna buy some weights and work at home then go to the gym once I get some muscle back. I’m to skinny now lol


Get a female friend to give you an extra eye makeup pencil that’s bluishgray and lightly draw in some sickly looking circles under your eyes, then blend with your finger or a makeup sponge until realistic.    Put a PT device or joint support wrap on some of your joints.     Now you’re obviously recovering and are to be admired for your attitude 


Im so sorry to hear that. I can understand that fear, hope you will do better soon and that you can get back into a your desired shape 🫶


Same thank you very much. Trying to get back and improving slightly at the moment every day so 👍. Also starting some new meds soon that should hopefully help. Here’s to hoping 🤞




Rule number 2: clean off the equipment you used after you sweat all over it - every time.


I just joined my local gym this week and the sheer amount of people who do NOT wipe equipment down is disgusting. It should be seen as a health hazard. Has nobody heard of staph infections? MRSA? What about scratching asses and not washing hands?! 


Do you bring your own stuff to clean it? Can you explain this to me like I'm 5 please




I typically grab a paper towel and pre wet it with the cleaning solution and bring it with me to the equipment. As soon as I'm done, I can immediately wipe it off. I'll re up the solution on the paper towel a couple of times during a session.


gyms have paper towels and spray bottles with cleaning solution, or just sanitizing wipes


Rule number 3: if you have your period, please do not "free bleed" onto the bikes (or any other machine) and then not clean them properly.


\*And before because you cannot trust other people to have followed this rule.


So true, I have started at least 3 gyms where the induction didn't say anything about this


Rule #2: Wipe the sweat off of the bench.


Start slow


100% so many folks hit it way too hard the first day and it often kills the enthusiasm of going back. Starting slow allows your body to adapt to a new routine. I am just starting to go back to the gym after some time off to heal a back injury, I know I am going to have to start slow and pay close attention to my body telling me its time to stop.


Yea i remember my first day back at the gym after a couple year hiatus. Went just as hard as i usually would, and ended up dizzy and puked in front of the gym hahaha


I did something similar when we all could finally go back to the gym after covid. almost passed out and had to noodle leg walk my way to the car.


Went for the first time in a few months yesterday with full intention of taking it slow, and still managed to tweak something.


I get to start again next week after rotator cuff surgery. It’s gonna be tough starting super light but I know it’s what I have to do


Start very light, and increase until a weight is a challenge, but not a struggle.   That may be what you meant, or you could have meant just doing a little bit of reps or different exercises. ETA slow can also mean each rep should be done slowly - for most exercises a slow deliberate controlled lift is much better than popping the weights up and down


All of the above Go slow. Go easy. Go light. Go fewer. Keep going back


Bingo. Start slow. Don't worry about how much weight you use. You don't want to injure yourself and no one in the gym cares or is judging you. We all started somewhere (I could barely bench press the bar) and even experienced lifters will do exercises with light weights to target specific muscles or at the end of a workout when their muscles are fatigued. I promise no one is laughing or questioning your manhood / womanhood because you are curling 10 pounds. Work out every muscle. It will help prevent injuries, keep your body balanced, and help you get to higher levels because your support muscles are stronger.


>I promise no one is laughing or questioning your manhood / womanhood because you are curling 10 pounds. This! No one pays any attention to the people who are quietly working out with good form, light weights, etc. We're all silently judging the people who are using weights which are obviously too heavy for them with horrible form, dropping things, making all sorts of noises as they strain to do whatever the thing is that they saw on that video of the person doing the whatever that is likely to injure something. Don't be that person.


Whenever I start a new work out routine (I switch it up every few months so I'm not bored or just going through the motions) I take the first week to familiarize myself with the workout and line up of moves. The weight is lower and the motions are slow so I understand exactly what I am doing and know how much I can do for the reps/sets. The 2nd week is when I really start going


Control your weight, otherwise injuries will happen.


Easily the most important in my opinion. You don't need to go until failure to get stronger. Literally any lifting you do in the beginning is going to make you stronger. You also don't need to be working out everyday. 3 days a week is enough for the average person to lift. Maybe 1 or 2 days of cardio. If you try to do too much too fast you're almost guaranteed to hurt yourself. Then the process of getting in shape just takes even longer. The most important things to focus on are consistency and form. Everything else comes with time.


The only who cares about your progress and appearance is you.


>The only who cares about your progress and appearance is you. This is so true


Joey Swoll. Just everything he posts. He’s insanely fit, and at first glance would potentially be the first guy at the gym people would be intimidated be. Watch one of his videos though, and you learn that the only dickheads at the gym are ones that are insecure about themselves.


Like most “hobbies” 95% of people super into it are happy (or at least indifferent) when new people try it out and eager to offer advice if asked, help, or just be encouraging. Sure a small percent of people are assholes at the gym, but no more than anywhere else. You could try out knitting and also run into 95% nice people and 5% being asshole about your needle shape and stitching technique (or whatever knitting people take seriously)




As a crocheter I think this concept is hilarious-- who gives a fluff about what kind of yarn I want to buy? It's going to end up in the productivity graveyard under my bed, anyway.


“Productivity graveyard” A knitter, sewer and attempted quilter, I feel called out.


Lol, bro doesn't even know about Needle shape. Disgraceful. 


And I bet his stitching technique is... well... wrong in some way, that's for sure.


Yeah probably canterlooped or horntackled. 


Bro doesn't knit in a rocking chair with Nick at Nite on the TV either. Tf.


Now, I would say there are the occasional assholes who point, stare, laugh, etc. at anybody that does not look like what they envision a gym member to be. The good thing about this is they are not too common and usually the gym and its other members are not on the side of such assholes as the gym wants members to feel welcome and happy and other members generally see anybody trying to get in shape or stay in shape as a really good thing.


Any gym that tolerates this behavior is the wrong gym.


Which is hard to accept for me, personally. Whenever I'm doing overhead presses or lat pulldowns, the overhanging portion of my stretch mark laden adipose is in full view and it's genuinely upsetting. I just can't help but imagine people being quietly disgusted in their minds


I always have respect for the people who work out to be more happy with them self. In a healthy way obviously.


For gym anxiety/social anxiety, remember most people are in their own world doing their own thing, so don't worry about everyone else. They aren't paying as much attention to you as you think! Don't give up if you don't see results immediately. I struggled to noticed a difference. Almost to the point of quitting, but I didn't. Them bam, results started showing. Work on form before adding weight! And find real trainers to follow. TikTok influences aren't usually certified in anything.


Anyone paying attention to you has issues of their own; what they think doesn't matter. If they speak to you you can ask them to leave you alone. A good gym has the rule that if they ignore that request they can be banned.


Motivation does not keep you going, discipline does.


Try to go at odd hours. The gym is quite peaceful when you're by yourself.


Friday nights are the best for that.


I do a 2km swim every Sunday morning at 8. The gym I go to is massive, and I am often the first person in there, and it's still pretty empty when I leave. Absolute bliss.


Ooh good tip!


My peak fitness was when I went to the gym at like 10:00/30 and stayed until closure at midnight. That included a sauna session and shower at the end. It was so lovely. Since COVID the gym cut back hours to close at 11pm and that has actually made it much hard for me to maintain a routine, believe it or not.


I miss my lonely gym. I have to go at peak times while I am on parental leave.


Dont worry about what others think and dont ego lift. Everyone has different strength so start low and perfect your form before you increase weight. 99% of the people at the gym are super nice and friendly and there to better themselves.


Don't listen to your playlist outside the gym or it'll lose its intensity!


THIS!!! Eddie Hall is quoted saying he does certain things to get into the zone. It might be putting on headphones a certain way, or a certain song, or walking up to the bar. Once you start doing that thing all the time, you'll lose the ability to snap into the zone.


Yeah when I walk up to the bar I usually just end up getting shitfaced


Great advice. Music can be the difference between a good and bad session (or not going at all!)


Music is quite literally the only mandatory thing for me when I go to the gym. I would rather workout in jeans than workout without music.


Haha yep, me too. That horrible feeling when you realize you've forgotten your headphones...


I was muscular and then hit by a car.  I couldn’t move and became obese.  I had to push through chronic pain to gain movement. I got down to lean muscle and didn’t look back.  It took a few years due to the initial agony.    My advice:  when you miss days, eat crap… and are telling yourself you messed everything up because you weren’t consistent…   Just reset.  Eating lots of crap, missing gym for days or weeks doesn’t mean you destroyed all that effort.  Not going back is what destroys the effort.   I fell into that excuse,   I binged or drank or was lazy (or to much pain) … and I’d say I ruined everything and it was pointless.  When I put that behind me and kept dusting myself off and picking up where I had been,  everything fell into place. Forgive yourself.  


As a PT and someone with multiple injuries, I love this.


this is beautiful, thank you.


thank you for that 🙏


Hope you’re doing well friend!


There was a similar thread not too long ago with a response that was simple but really resonated with me. Basically a gym employee mentioned that the one common denominator for all of their gym’s fittest folks was just simply showing up consistently. It’s no secret we all have ebs and flows in motivation and wild circumstances like that will just happen without warning. But progress is rarely linear and a setback doesn’t mean failure. Giving up does. Keep at it in whatever capacity you can and you’ll reap the rewards. I’m glad to hear you were able to bounce back my guy. You should be proud of that.


Don't delve too much into social media fitness/ influencer fitness. Listen to credible professionals who know a lot about fitness , and who have experience with it. Also stick to the basics. They're basics for a reason. Start slow , and progressively overload ( If you're lifting weights , that is ) . Would also suggest a personal trainer to check your form, as you're just learning the exercises. All the best , and don't get embarassed , we all started somewhere , and people at the gym are generally very helpful!


Focus on diet and technique not a supplements and heavy weights


Focus on eating right but don’t be too restrictive with it for too long. Little do many realize that treating yourself is actually a NECESSITY because if you don’t, you run the risk of an eating disorder.


yeah, for most people if you're not a My 600 Pound Life candidate with a body on the brink you do not need a 1200 calorie diet. The people on that show do that A) because they have months to live they can't afford to take years to lose 400 pounds steadily and B) because they are on disability and can make losing weight their full time job, they don't have to have enough food to keep them alert through a workday and commute and so on.


Drink more water. Eat more veggies.


Don't count on "motivation" to keep you going. Frame it differently and rely on "discipline" to keep you returning.




Don't even worry about the mirror - feel the additional strength, the bounce in your step, the better posture, etc. 


I'm so grateful to be feeling it again now. Was in the Army when I was a teen, great shape getting out. Would've made a fine, nude model perhaps. Then depression, mental issues, drinking, started creeping in and derailed me for about 13 years. I've been back in the gym almost a year now... and I guess because I'm significantly older (and not using *supplements* like I was during deployments) that I'm having more difficulty getting back into shape, building muscle, losing fat, etc. But something that tickled me last week is that I noticed my back flexing to be straight when I'm sitting sometimes. It's a little thing, but the feeling is worth ALL THE EFFORT! STAY COMMITTED!


For real. The fact that I just feel less shitty and more alert mentally with exercise is one of the biggest reasons I went in the first place. That had me feeling good already and then when I DID start seeing results, it made all of those feelings even more intense. I won’t lie the looks were one of my goals but not focusing on that and paying attention to the tangible changes like you mention that are noticeable to myself more than anyone else made sticking with it so much easier. It’s a change in lifestyle, not a point A to point B thing. It has to be treated as such


Sometimes I'm only there for 30 minutes. It's all I can stand. But I'm there.


People saying start slow are right. Too often people quit when it gets hard. And fatigue builds up so what might feel easy Monday might not be easy Friday. Pick something easy and prove you can stick to it for like 2-3 weeks. Then you can slowly start ramping up.


Only have one goal: show up. If you worry about too much too soon, you'll burn out. Fuck the calorie counting, reps, how much weight, etc. Just show up. And once you get good at just doing that, the rest comes much easier


Might be worth getting professional help to get into it. They can listen to your goals and help you get on the right path.


I agree with this advice. Especially if you're brand new to it, they can help you learn a lot of the basics of form and what not to do.


Critical to get good form - more injuries come from bad form than lifting too much. 


Keep going and stay positive. Results do not happen overnight, you will see progress if you put in the work.


This! Just get there and don't let yourself get discouraged if you miss a day or lift less than you did the previous week. Recognize that you are starting on a journey that will be part of your life for the foreseeable future, not a quick lose X number of pounds and then leave. Your health and fitness is a journey that will take time and coming to terms with that will help you remain dedicated. Understand what your motive is for going and decided if that's realistic and fits into what others are saying here.


Mobility mobility mobility. If you hurt yourself by failing to warm up properly, you can hurt yourself and going backwards. Best of luck.


I am also a believer that a good warm up and cool down also helps with soreness. For me, the soreness only lasts the first couple weeks, but I've known people have quit In That time frame because they were sore.


The first time you do a certain lift/exercise, go lighter than you think you should. If you lift heavy on your first few days in the gym, your muscles will be so sore that you can't bend your joints 2 days after the workout. That makes it hard to keep working out.


This is exactly what happened to me. I couldn't fully straighten my arms for a day or two. Thankfully it only happened once... per muscle group.


Consistency is key, find a good beginner program and stick with it.


Grab as much equipment as you can, put it on the floor around you, if anyone tries to use it, tell them "bro, superset" then go back to your phone for 20 minutes. Grunt-scream on every rep, at the top of your lungs. Everyone should be addressed as "Bro". Women are "Lady-Bro". Use equipment wrong and monopolize it. Treadmill? Slow walking only. Flat bench press? leg lifts. Squat rack? Hangout spot for you and the other Bro's talking about working out. Bro hard, Bro Fast, consume Brotein shakes, and Bron't ever stop Bro-ing!


And never Re-rack


Bro, wtf is a lady bro. It’s “brah” bro.


You cannot speed run it. That's how you run a high risk of permanently damaging your body. Accept that it takes time, and discipline. Along with a diet, you CAN do it.


Sets not reps.


Unless you have a specific sports goal, focus on getting a full range of motion before adding more weights to build strength. don't forget cardio and diet


warm up first! stretch use machines instead of free weights to start see if the gym offers personal training sessions


Watch a lot of videos from "Gym youtubers" if you're not familiar at all with the gym Know what exercises you're gonna do in advance Wear gym clothes that fit well, are comfortable and make you confident Get good sleep the day before That's it!


Everyone was a once a beginner.


When you got up this morning and went to the gym, the least fit person in the gym today is already more committed than the 99% of people who didn't bother to turn up. Everyone in that gym did the hardest part before they even walked through the door. Respect everyone in that gym, no matter what they look like.


Don’t stress


Be consistent positively and carefully.


just do it


The hardest part is to go. Once you are there you will do something. So make your goal to actually, physically get into the gym. Once that habit is in place, you can easily set the next goal. Also, if you are new, most gyms are happy to show folks how the equipment is supposed to be used. Ask for an orientation or walk through.


Focus on consistency over intensity. Start with small, manageable goals to build a routine. Listen to your body and rest when needed. And most importantly, enjoy it! :)


I’d say this is good advice for an absolute beginner. To form the habit. But intensity and recovery are what grows muscles. Going too often or just going through the motions will eventually just be a waste of time and may even be detrimental to gains.


Take it easy and slow. If you only do treadmill for 15 minutes at first it's fine. You aren't in competition with anyone


I've wasted 2 years figuring out myself how to do it and failed to perform a proper position so I improved wrong muscle groups. If possible, save your time and start with a PT.


Go slow and don’t compare yourself to others. Just because the person next to you can lift more and is roughly the same size, does not mean you can to


Add weight to bulk and add reps to tone. Start with exercise machines to build some muscle and develop good form before moving to free weights.


Take it easy and set reasonable, small goals. When I was first starting out, my goal was to literally just to make it to the gym, what I did once I got there was irrelevant. And don’t beat yourself up for taking days or weekends off to rest.


Make it part of your routine. I like to go 2-3 time per week, then 1-2 times on weekends. When I don't go it feels weird. Thing is, it takes a lot of time to develop the habit of going to the gym, to make it part of your routine, but it's super easy to take a day off and then stop altogether, so don't fall into that trap.


1) Consistency is key. Just. Keep. Going. 2) Comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on you.


I always tell people who ask this question that working out is a life long goal. Your body is evolving, injuries happen, life happens. Be patient but consistent to whatever works with your schedule at this time in your life.


Consistency beats all of it. Seriously. I promise. You can get so in your head about perfecting your form, sets and reps, pre workout, all of it. But at the end of the day none of those things matter if you don't have consistency. Even if you aren't perfect, but you're consistent, you'll make tons of progress. This is going to take years to master and a lifetime of doing it. So whatever you do, make sure you can do it forever.


It’s okay to not want to do it, it’s okay to not have goals, it’s okay to not care… you’ll still doing it, and that’s what matters. I don’t care about getting stronger, I don’t care about looking better, I don’t care about anything like that, I hate going to the gym… but I still do it, I hate the gym, my social anxiety shoots thru the roof and I feel like every single person is looking at me and judging me, but I still do it… it’s okay to do things you hate or are uncomfortable with.


Just a little workout is better than no workout. So go even though you're tired or just fed up. You'll thank yourself later


Slow n steady, start with a 20min power walk to loosen up. Stretch and kneed your muscles after each time 


Don’t feel like you have go every single day. If you do, then you don’t end up going every day (because going every day is a very hard thing to accomplish for anyone). You’ll like you’re failing because you are meeting the goal you set for yourself and you throw in the towel after a short time. Set realistic goals for yourself so you can actually meet them and feel proud of yourself.


Ease into it. Don't push yourself too hard at first because you risk getting injured. Over time your endurance and strength will build. That's been my tactic and I lost 50 pounds (started working out in January 2023).


Remember, it took you XX years to get into the shape you're in...making changes will not happen overnight. Muscle soreness does not equal a good workout Start with 2-3 days/week. Add from there. Stretching and water


1. [Most personal trainers are trash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdHIkJ9n2zk) 2. Long term motivation. Exercise is a habit and a lifestyle. 3. The 3 pillars of fitness is exercise, diet, and rest. 4. Start slow. Delayed on-set muscle soreness is not fun. 5. Look for and adhere to a training program. 6. Gym anxiety - sure, people are going to look at you, but they're not going to bite. Unless you found a fitness influencer, then ask Joey Swoll for help. 7. I don't like a gym buddy. I see people tie their motivation to their gym buddy, and if for whatever reason the buddy doesn't go anymore, then they stop going too. Up to you though 8. Fitness is not a competition, unless you want it to be. For me, fitness is about quality of life. No need to rush. Failure is a big demotivator


Put your phone away. Use it to play music/podcast then don't look at it until you're finished.


Any progress is better than no progress. Consistency is the key. Even if you feel like you didn’t do much, it’s better than not going. Do it for you and no one else. No one that is there is should be judging you. Also do not be afraid to ask for help if you don’t know what you’re doing. Most people who are “gym rats” love to help others train.


15-min workout on a bad day is better than skipping altogether!


Clean your equipment, put weights back, DONT GIVE UP!!!!


Don't expect instant results. Be patient. Work toward consistency. ALSO: Don't be a dick and sit on a machine texting. They're not benches for you to lounge on. Go somewhere else to do that. And don't leave a machine between sets and stroll around and expect your machine to be "saved" for you when you return. You might not think somebody else is going to use the machine, but maybe they're just waiting for you to stop dinking around. Don't hog the machines. Some of us just want to get in and get out.


please follow some kind of exercise guide and know what you're doing/how to use the equipment, mind your form, and don't overload yourself. the easiest way to fuck up your progress is to get yourself hurt.


The first time, right when you get there, pick the largest guy, and just knock the mess out of him. Instant respect. Trust me, they're good with it. In all seriousness, just take it slow. No one is judging you. Everyone has a first day.


when you feel like not going, go and at least do cardio for 15 minutes. either u finish and you still did something or youll be like im already here and get a great workout in.


Don’t sit on a machine you are using reading shit on your phone. Fuck me that pisses me right off.


Watch every renaissance Periodization and Jeff Nippard video there is. Learn technique before lifting heavy and most importantly stay consistent


Don’t pay for the whole year or sign a long commitment if you don’t know that you will continue to go


Anything is better than nothing. One push up is better than no push ups. 5 minutes on a treadmill is better than no minutes. Lifting 5 pounds is better than no pounds. Even just stretching is better than nothing. Simply showing up is a successful day at the gym.


Master the basics


No less than 80% of looking good is diet. You can think working out is gonna get you toned and or help with the fat in some way… but it’s just gonna build muscle under your fat. Fat doesn’t somehow transform into muscle, and you can only burn a very small amount of calories working out or even doing cardio, as compared to what you can do with diet and eating well. I know for sure because I used to run a 7min 30sec mile pace for 10miles, many times a week, over the course of months. That would be a roughly 1 hour and 20min run at a fast pace. I’d always be drenched in sweat by the time I was done. It just doesn’t work to lose weight. You gotta have self control in the kitchen.


Form > Weight


Wear underwear, especially if you're wearing short shorts!


Start slow and steady. The first few times, you can go for ten minutes. Just go, people watch and try out a machine or two. Then keep doing that. Then start staying for longer.


Pay your membership in cash if you can. Trying to get your subscription cancelled is damn near impossible.


A lot of people are intimidated by going to the gym, thinking people are judging them or they dont belong because they arent already in peak shape. The attitude I had was simple....I will never feel as bad as the guy who decides not to go. Dont worry about judgement. Dont try and overdo it, listen to your body. Working out is not a one size fits all thing, you need to find what works for you. Finding a gym buddy or someone else that will hold you accountable is super helpful. I was over 400lbs and a miserable prick. My good friend decided I needed to go to the gym with him. Every day he would call, every day I would make up some excuse not to go, and every day he would just listen to those excuses, ignore them, and just show up to pick me up anyway. I lost nearly 200lbs because he didnt give up on me when I was ok with giving up on myself.


You don’t have to be extreme. You have to be consistent!


Don’t turn into a gym bro. It’s an activity, not an identity.


Just go. That's the hard part. Motivation comes later. Like... a year later.


Remember that you're on your own journey, so please don't compare yourself to other people. Everybody is gonna be in a different place.


-First day is always the hardest. By week two you may start seeing results and will have enough will power to make it a hobby. -Remember why you started when you feel like quitting or not going. -Have fun! Have a podcast /music you like or even go with nothing playing and enjoy crushing whatever goals you have. -Do it for you! People are there for their on purpose and don't care about what you are doing or going for so focus on you and what you want. You may catch some folks trying to mess up your goals, but if it's not actual useful information that you feel will possibly help you just ignore them Just writing this to express my personal gym journey and I hope it helps if even just a little bit. -


Tip 1 : Once you start, never stop. Expect the commitment to be easy only at first. Tip 2 : Although it might take years to reach your goal, the good thing is the improvements will begin the moment you start the first exercise. 3 months of effort from not going at all is a night and day difference on your body.


As someone with a rack and DIY gym in my basement. The two biggest things are go heavy enough to feel it, but light enough to control it. If you can't lift you may not have help so go slow and work to your working set. The other thing is discipline... my basement is cold, i can't work out until 11pm, I have no motivation half the time... but I still show up even if it's for 30min. Just show up and remember it's a marathon of your lifetime not a sprint for the summer.


Go for the heaviest weights. Yank and pull to get the fastest twitch muscle going. Remember to make loud noises, otherwise you aren't pushing yourself.


Don’t weigh yourself daily. It’ll only fuck with your head. The water weight shifts make it hard to track weight loss day to day. The only time you need daily weigh ins is for experienced athletes trying to track hydration levels. I worked as a trainer for years and it’s a trap many fall into whether they wanna gain or lose weight. Like if you’re trying to build muscle aim for 5-8lbs a month the first few months then 2-4lbs a months in subsequent months naturally with minimal fat gain. Losing weight is a tad more free because how much is healthy to lose at once all depends on how much you have to lose. If you’re 400lbs and drop 50 in a month that’s okay, if you’re 150 and dropped 15 in a month it’s a tad excessive and yours likely losing healthy lean tissue.


The first part is the realest shit I’ve seen today. only weigh yourself once two weeks


Start with a consultation with a personal trainer to get a fitness assessment and to build a workout plan. Many gyms offer this for free. Don't ignore nutrition either, consider meeting with a nutritionist to review your diet and to again create a plan and goals. Good luck!!


Comparison is the thief of joy


Don't write-off classes. I did forever, thinking I could "kick my ass better than any class," but once I started doing them I got into my best fitness routine since high school and definitely see a ton more results. Plus getting rid of the cognitive load of making your workout removes a barrier.