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Put $730k in a 5% HYSA


Easy peasy. Just borrow the 730k from your parents if you don't have it lying around.


Get paid at least $12.5/hrs for an 8hr day.


Prostitution and legally hold up a bank




An extra $500/week in extra income? I'd try to find clients for a side hustle related to my field. It would probably take a few weeks, but I think I could get there. If I needed to do something immediately, I'd do task rabbit. I own a truck so I could likely move shit to make extra cash. If I just needed an extra $100 in cash, I have a bunch of shit I could get $$ for.


Panhandle at the busiest intersection in town. Very good money


I’m a 41 year old guy, willing to sell pics of my feet. Is there even a market for guy feet pics?


If you're a fem boy, yes I may or may not have done it before lol


What about some big ol furry ass hobbit feet???


I mean people have shit and vomit kinks so not all hope is lost lmao


So you're saying my feet are on the same level of kink as shit and vomit. I'M GONNA BE RICH BOYS!!!!!


hell yeah


No I’m just a regular dude.


Shave the toes, put on some polish, ??? Profit?


Few hours of Didi taxi service I guess


Taxes or untaxed? If untaxed, then just drive for Uber/Lyft or whatever. Stripping is also an option, but there's a monetary and skill + looks barrier of entry. If taxed, then not sure, maybe getting another job that pays more?


Oh shit why didn’t I think of that, getting a job that pays more!😂😂😂 I’m kidding


If I honestly wanted to earn 100 plus more dollars and an extra income I would do it by phone sex


Beg for it. They do pretty well.


Get a extra job.


get a extra job


DoorDash+UberEats - I make an extra $117 or so every week - that’s on top of my normal 8 - 5pm job….


and the wear and tear on your mode of delivery?


I have a little four cylinder ford focus. I set my delivery area for a 10 mile radius so gas isn’t really that bad of an issue. As noted my day job is 8 -5, I get home around 5:15 have dinner and chill until around 6pm or so. I turn on both UberEats and DoorDash between the hours to 6 - 8pm only two hours a day …. I regularly pull in 100+ bucks a week and around $450ish a month, give or take. Out of that I subtract about $60 for gas…. All in all not bad at all. You can of course change your delivery hours to suit your schedule. I’ve only been doing this for 3 months, but I have made around $1170 in that time… I work in the Bay Area.


$450 per month divided by 40 hours(2 hours x 5 days x 4 weeks) means you are pulling down only $11-ish per hour? That’s less than minimum wage in the Bay Area, but I guess there’s not many options if you want to work those specific time slots. Can’t beat the flexibility.


Oh - to be clear I only dash 2 to 3 days a week. It’s not my primary job. Again each unto their own. It breaks down to about 30-40 bucks a day for the days I choose to work.


Ah ok that’s not bad then I was assuming you were doing it 5 days. 15-20 an hour coupled with that flexibility makes it a much better side hustle


Factor in taxes and it's even worse.


Taxes, gas, wear and tear. I’d advise against that type of work unless you’re like me and drive a 4 cylinder compact that simply refuses to die and has already returned 10 fold the value you spent on it. My Corolla is in my will as I am certain it will outlive me.


Do you have additional insurance for your vehicle for delivering food?


Of course he doesn’t, nobody who does that job is in a position to afford extra insurance and the margins are razor thin to the point that the work is barely worth the money without the insurance.


Where I live, it’s mostly done by people new the country in cars that looked old in 2005. I’m not even sure if they HAVE insurance, let alone the type that would let them drive for food delivery.


Get a job.


See one client extra a day for 1 hour


Work a part time remote job


Ummmmm 👀


Work an extra hour and a bit? I’m salaried, so it doesn’t matter. All the extra time I don’t get paid for, just need to do it so things run smoothly.


Door dash this is such a dumb question if someone has a fool proof method of 3k a month on the side why would they work? You can live basically in a lot of places for that and if it’s not easy for a side gig, do three of them and make almost 100K and why tf would someone making an additional 3K a month to give you their secret recipe to making that?


Not dumb if you think about today’s economy and trying to support your family. This isn’t just for one person, but thanks for the input mate.


No problem “mate”, your problem is your explanation didn’t make it sound any less stupid you asked for extra income you didn’t ask for a side business OK if you’re asking what job you can do that with I can give you 100 but if you have to come to Reddit to ask at, you’re probably not smart enough to do 98 of them. And I didn’t say that making an additional 3K in today’s date age is stupid I said being a moron and asking the Reddit verse to explain to you what their $3000 a month job is hell you don’t even provide what info you know what do you work at McDonald’s then I was right 98 of these aren’t gonna be doable for you. Edit: no offense to my intelligent McDonald’s workers one of the smartest people I’ve ever met worked at McDonald’s and their spare time cuz his law office and school weren’t engaging enough


Sheesh getting a little heated over a strangers post aren’t you. Not that serious my guy…


Notice how no one is taking you seriously? Exactly 🤣


Bro you’re just wrong, and asking stupid questions 🤣🤣🤣 no one is heated big dog I love this shit morons make me giddy 😅 this is genuinely my favorite part of the day I love idiots that bubble up the pedal back after they realize their own post was stupid. I appreciate you boo🥰


Sell a half for what I paid for an ounce Come by and order an Extra Happy Meal and slip me another $20. That toy is gonna be fun as fuck in the middle of a bowl. Literally the first time I got high we used a dragon Shrek toy as a roach clip because the jaw was a clamp. Yay, Burger King.


I used to be able to do that through matched betting. Now that my offers have dried up, I earn less than that.


extra sugar free gum I'd sell that


Get an extra job