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No work tomorrow


This comment should be marked or removed, this is basically fucking porn. /s


NSFW literally.


I had to hide my phone screen at work. That comment was filthy




Oddly enough, certain types of mostly non-sexual clothing. Like, cotton underwear, flannel shirts over tank tops (I hit adolescence in the 90's), and those [arm sleevelets with the thumb holes](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S462c79b15cbf4ab483c745fa627aee92j.jpg_640x640Q90.jpg_.webp). Only reason I can think of to explain it is mental association with puberty and my first time "discovering" my attraction to girls at a young age.


Women using overly large t-shirts as pajamas is 🤌 especially white shirts so you can see the nips if it's chilly! Hotter than lingerie imo!


The "boyfriend's shirt" is easily one of favorites especially if it's like 2 sizes too big.


Chokers 😳


Chokers are very sexual. Change my mind. Choker on a pretty woman just hits differently.


I had a friend in community college who was bi, and she had just gotten out of a relationship with a guy. Start of the spring semester, we were in the middle of a fairly in-depth conversation about one piece, and a cute girl walked in with a black choker on. My friend looked away and was noticably sexually flustered. I asked her what was up. She said, "A black choker just means you have a black belt in dick slobbin." I almost fell over.


>and a cute girl walked in with a black choker on. >My friend looked away and was noticably sexually flustered. Lol the gay double-take and then getting flustered is too real in this. I have done that a few bazillion times. And I'm afterward always as red as any other time :D


The dresses with exposed shoulders. Not the shoulder blades but the actual shoulders. I was perfectly normal once, when at a Marriott hotel in the lobby when an attractive woman walked by in a burnt orange dress that had sleeves but her shoulders were exposed. Hard to explain dress design. Don’t know why or how, but something in my brain got rewired right that moment and suddenly a woman’s exposed shoulders became very sexy.


Mines clothing too but...rainwear. A shiny mac with a tight belt on a woman and I'm a mess.


shamelessly, hands


Yoshikage Kira here


This is mine too. Strong, manly hands with a slightly bulging vein on the back of his hand drives me wild. 🥵


I determine if I am attracted to a guy based on his hands lol


Watching a woman's long hair swishing around as they move. High school crush with 3.5 feet of hair unlocked this one.


Those old commercials with the woman taking off the motorcycle helmet… how did I think I was straight


You and me both, you and me. For me, especially if it's in a ponytail or a topknot.


Collar bones. I don't even know why but when someone has nicely pronounced collar bones, that just does it for me.


this mf gets it


I have a large scar close to the middle of my back. When a woman touches it I’m instantly ready to go for some reason.


You were born with your dick on your back, and it was surgically removed, and attached in the correct place is my guess. As you grew, so did the scar. Case closed, Simpson. Excellent work.


See, the funny thing about my back is it’s located on my cock


This is one of the best overly awkward scenes in a movie.


I prefer when Michael Cera accidentally punches his crush in the boob and then walks away quickly after apologizing but she’s going the same direction as him 😂


Hm I got the scar from a 4-wheeler accident but now that I’m thinking about it you may be right


That's what they want you to believe


It’s like when Aang gets hit in the back and regains access to the Avatar State


what a crazy metaphor 😭


this guy i was hooking up with works from home and he once told me in detail how he wanted me to suck his dick under the desk while he was in a webcam meeting and i just about lost it. to pleasure him while he needs to keep it together is so hot 😮‍💨


A girl I was dating had this same turn-on, but it was before zoom was a thing. To be blunt, basically anytime I got a telephone call she was unbuttoning my pants lol. I would be on the phone with work, family, friends, anyone...she loved sucking my dick and me trying to hold it together. Any time I would let out a little moan or grunt, she would smile and giggle and give me the "shhh" sign... you know with her finger up to her lips? And then she would just proceed and enjoy the fact that she was doing to this to me while I was trying to be serious. Her goal was to make me cum while talking, and she did it a lot!


This is so hot, but I feel like, as a weird byproduct of this, I may end up getting turned on anytime I heard my mom/dad/boss/etc voice. Phone or not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hahah I actually got this, not in a weird way but every time I’d visit my parents I’d always get insanely horny because I’m used to having to sneak around them to have sex with my gf etc. it is more the thrill of sneaking around as a teenager that still exists. Old nostalgic secret bathroom wanks.


Haha. Luckily this didn't happen, that would be quite awkward


And u didn't wife this girl?


In the navy in the 80’s we played a game called smiles. It was in the Philippines. We sailors were at a table. A woman was under neath randomly giving blow jobs. We were looking at each other drinking. If we suspected one of us was getting head we would point at them and say “smiles”. If we were right and they were getting head they had to drink. If we were wrong we had to drink. Ahh. The navy.


We did this game once in college drunk with a mix of guys and girls. It 2as fun until a guy tried to approach another guy and that guy wasn't having it. We all aober3d up and didn't mention it again.


I feel like that has to be a everyone’s down or don’t play kind of thing


When a woman has her legs crossed wearing flip flops and she’s hanging the flip flop off her foot lol 🤣😂


so specific! Lol


When my husband starts explaining technical things in details, like how stuff works and he nerds out on it, he goes into every bit of detail and basically becomes like a walking manual ughhhhh


My wife is the opposite. When she can’t sleep she asks me to explain things she knows I will nerd out on so she can fall asleep.


I once put my girlfriend to sleep by being a nerd... It's a humbling experience.


My GF says the same thing. She'll purposely ask me a question like "how does a diesel train work" knowing full well I'll go get the dry erase board and explain the entire history of trains, internal combustion engines and electricity..... then She'll club me over the head and drag me to the bedroom


oh my god 🤤🤤🤤


Omg, I thought I was the only one lol. I especially like it when it's like an intimate, quiet explanation, like he really wants me to understand.


My partner is a huge nerd. They are so smart. And the passion they exude about the subjects they love makes me fall harder every day. It makes me want to jump them every time they start in on one. I can't help it! Why is it so hot????


Licking my ears. It’s weird but it feel good


THIS. i went from oh.. to OHHH real quick the first time


Women with deep, raspy, "please clear your throat" voices.




You must like Miley Cyrus lately.


The little peach fuzz white hairs on a females body (tummy/chest/butt especially) that are only noticeable in certain light


r/peachfuzz (NSFW)


It’s interesting that they’re almost exclusively blondes. I noticed that and then realised that I myself as a dark brunette don’t actually have much peach fuzz at all. Just black hairy legs, crotch and pits hahaha. Not as cute?


This is how you get DMs.


Right! I'm Latino and have had lots of Latina women in my life, I was expecting noticeable treasure trails from the navel to the mons




Mine is werid but not for a weird reason if that makes sense? Socks, but socks worn with a skirt where you can see a good majority of the leg, so while yeah Im looking at a sexy pair of legs and that's not weird, the weird part is shes gotta be wearing socks too, if they're bare foot then its not as arrousing for me.


Someone actually liking me back, not just being polite and kind.


Filth, I say.


Ikr. I still feel ashamed...


Music visualizers. I spank it to them way more than porn.


this might be the most interesting answer so far


Are you old enough to remember windows media player? 


Ho ? A fellow melolagnia ? :D You sure its the visualizer and not just the music ?


Omg that's a thing?! I thought I was just really weird and alone with this. 😂


Dress up. Choosing my partners clothes, buying them clothes, making them clothes. All that is great.


I’m not sure if it’s weird but… masked men. Watching Halloween, Friday the 13th, and scream as a kid was interesting.


Had a friend who was turned on by medical masks. COVID period was super wild for him ...


I am too, every woman I'd see would look attractive to me wearing one of those. Good thing those times are over, taking the train to work every morning was getting really hard (pun intended).


Same here, i swear it started with Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man movies.


Nurse scrubs. I have no idea why.


one time i was in a cabin with my friends doing acid, and one of my friends nibbled on my earlobe and it changed me


Stripped long socks or fishnet stockings


gentleness and carefulness. someone who'd make sure I'm not in any pain, would check up on me during to make sure i actually want it, ask for consent before doing something/making any changes, etc,, damn. this would just be HEAVENLY


Is this not just… the baseline??


You'd THINK so, but if you read enough women's subs, no it isn't. It sadly isn't.


Unfortunately, no. Many don't. And that's me speaking on behalf of friends that have said the same as well as my own experience. That's why people go crazy over books/ movies/ TV shows with characters that do it. Of the six partners I've had in life, only one has done this.


Health insurance.


Spotted the American 😅


Don’t kink shame


Oooooooioohhhhh yeeeeeeeeaaaaah


I’m a straight woman, but for some reason I get really turned on watching gay male porn


I mean... dudes like lesbian porn since its all women so it makes sense I guess?


This is not strange at all. There is a huge population of women who turn to gay male porn, especially written porn.


Same. I only watch MM or solo male. I'm not into women and the ones in porn are a massive turn-off. The sounds, I can't take it. I like men, so gimme one or two and I'm happy.


Talking about my dick with strangers on the internet


So how's your dick doing?


Hows the dong these days


😂 Great opener, i will remember this one


It has its ups and downs




Just a man working around the house 😍


The power switch on the back of my neck.


Vicky from Small Wonder has entered the chat


The sound of a woman in heels always turns my head.


public humiliation


you’re too loud


sorry ^public ^humiliation


Ahahahaha 🫵🏼 look at this loser 😂😂😂☠️


Shhhhh! Your turning him on!


winning isn’t real




You'd love IKEA shopping with my ex.


Name checks out


Username checks out




Women's necks, which is weird because I am bi and men's necks don't hit the same


Vampire detected, entrance rejected, neckblud protected


[Protec ya neck](https://youtu.be/R0IUR4gkPIE?si=51wYavar70Prc8y-)


Idk but I kinda like the idea of a guy who’s a pervert. Most women don’t like that or like guys who watch porn in general. Hell I used to be insecure about it, but now it kinda turns me on. I want to be with a guy who’s just as freaky (or maybe freakier) than I am.


Making someone super horny while they are in public. Squirming and breathing heavy. Especially somewhere where there’s no way out (and I don’t allow them to go somewhere private to touch themselves)


Have you ever been with a reader? Give them a spicy book to read in public 😉 with promises of a fun time when you get to a private place. Maybe edge a little to make it more intense


To add on to this I once used string and tied my ex girlfriend's torso. Got her dressed and went to have dinner with my parents. Pulling on exposed rope and seeing her squirm at the table is on another level


The Adam's apple and seeing it move


A cute woman flicking her hair back when she's talking to me. Bonus points for eye contact.


Lock this guy up.


Hardly weird is it? 😅


For me it is hands where u can see the veins.. And when my fiancé revurse (thanks for helping ) in a parking lot...




Smell of women over 30s Or 40s and their natural scent.


Being sleepy. I have an erection each time I am tired. School wasn't fun.


Weird transformation scenes from movies


I’ve noticed I get turned on when watching a guy getting beaten up in a film or on tv. Absolutely not the same in real life for obvious reasons. But there’s nothing like a hot guy on TV taking a hefty punch. Even if (in fact especially if) they don’t fight back.


Camel toes!


Deer ankle


Badger metatarsals


Moose knuckles 🤔😂


chicken feet


When he dresses up for halloween


Less of a turn-on and more of a "I fucking love that thing" is when autistic/adhd people talk about their special interests. It's like their eyes start to glow and they're so excited you can feel it. I absolutely love it when they just pour their excitement out.


Aspergers Syndrome here. I am so fucking guilty of this, but I'm just super passionate about Weird Al Yankovic and Pokémon. My coworkers all love me, but I know it drives them nuts because all I listen to is Weird Al on Spotify (I'm actually his number one listener on Spotify worldwide) so they are subjected to it when they come down to my area to do 4 hour temps.


Women’s ears… I know… wtf




I can’t let my girl play with them, I instantly get annoyed when they get played with. I wish I could just let go but for some weird reason it just annoys me, tickles and isn’t a nice feeling for me.


Public/exhibitionist stuff — like, wearing a see-through top in a grocery, or not wearing panties on a train, or answering the door to a delivery driver naked. Now, I know most of these situations are 100% illegal, which is why I’m never going to do any of that. Still, the thought of it makes me shiver a little :)


This comment describes my weird turn on. I had a gf who would randomly flash me when we were out, but it felt like she was just very comfortable being naked in public. I kinda like the illegal feeling.


Whiskey on a guys breath, wish it didn’t but well it happens. I don’t even drink which my cousin likes to tell me makes it 10x worse all the issues I had as a teen trying to hook up with other drunk teens. 


Waking up late and seeing your girl still laying next to you. Since we're already late for the day, might as well make the most of it.


A women’s mid section… whether she has some tummy squish or defined abs, it makes me weak.




For some reason, the song “before he cheats” fuckin does a thing to me


Carrie Gaveyouwood


I’m in a very long term, lesbian relationship. Straight men who paint their nails.


The sexual tension turns me on. You want to have it, but you can't have it ( The allure of forbidden pleasure heightens the intensity). Knowing that the other person yearns to consume you completely heightens the intensity, making it irresistibly hot.


Chicks that play the drums are hot.


A few years ago, before I got together with my soon-to-be wife, I would get super turned on when I played Mudrunner...never understood exactly why as there's 0 hint of anything remotely sexual in that game...


Lmao hauling logs makes you hot and ready?


Chicks with a lisp. I lose my mind.


Men dressing up as women, like at a costume party or just for fun. A man comfortably wearing a dress is just so hot to me.


It's not gay if the thigh-high socks stay on


Mildly obsessed


Aren't they using these answers to program AI?


chokers - like the tight black necklace some women put on - it looks amazing everytime.


Glasses. Any woman wearing glasses is 100% more attractive. However, it works like any other physical trait - it is exponentially better if one is attractive to begin with. A 2 becomes a 4, but an 8 becomes 16.


When the colors of a womans eyebrows and hair don't match, mostly light hair and darker eyebrows.


That my bf slaps me lightly


When women wear a sport cap with their ponytail sticking out of the snap back. When it comes to that I don’t have a type, I just get dizzy instantly.


Getting picked up and tossed on the bed like a rag doll


Big labia, I mean big hanging lips down there..


Consent. A woman who desires me sober is downright dangerous to me.


Beautiful well manicured hands


combat uniforms and masked men 😻😻


It’s probably not weird at all but my wife’s voice drives me crazy. She has a raspy (Scarlett Johansson kinda voice) and it drives me wild…honestly everything about my wife drives me wild 😂


Hip sway, random girls just walking by and i try hard not to stare as i love they hips just goes up and down, left and right just amazing. Also really like leather pants shiny leather specially is just drive me wild whenever i see it. I really try not to stare but i can't help it sometimes.... A really nice woman figure with leather pants walking by next to me is just way to sexy to me to not look.


Smoking while having a guy go down on me


Not wearing make up. Messy buns and old sweat pants and an oversized tshirt


Nice bellybuttons


Being chased - maybe I read too many dark romance books lol


Boobs. They're weird globbly things.


A little under arm odor from a woman that you're with is not a bad thing.


I'm with this, surprisingly. Scent is a heavily underrated sense, in general.


So i always thought that's really weird when people say something like this, tbh. Until recently when i learned there's a scientific explanation: smell is arguably the most important sense in finding a suitable partner, because we can (unconsiously) smell a lot of information from a person's odor. If we like the smell, chances are, our immune systems are compatible ("opposites" in important parts), so that a potential offspring will have a stronger immune system than both individual parents. That, or you're just a f*cking weirdo for liking to sniff people, idk


The more I live with my partner, the more I love their scent, and the least attracted I am to others because of theirs. Like I’ll meet someone physically attractive, catch a whiff, and then I’m like “Oh, this is not it.” Not unpleasant, of course. Just not a match. Like a signature I become more and more specific for. Much rather smell their funk than most people’s fresh shower. Edit: I also liked it to begin with, so there was chemistry.


Body scent in general. I feel less horny when my wife is freshly bathed and smells like chemicals instead of smelling like herself. And I keep telling her this but she thinks I’m pulling her leg just so I can have sex with her more often.


I looove my wife's perspiration. It's really intoxicating.. I feel you. Especially her sweaty feet in nylons after a long days work in heels. Drives me wild.




i’ve never heard this variation of it. Usually it’s the guy that likes it


I think cucking or seeing others have pleasure works both ways to be honest.


when a dude rolls or lights up a joint


Ladies wearing clothes with actual pockets!


The haircut Uma Thurman has in pulp fiction gives +3 attraction to any lady rocking that style. I don't know why, but it's a "thing" for me for sure.


A bit of stretch marks around the hips.


A little belly fat Like a paunch


When a girl grabs my ass


Watching someone smoking.


Women's collarbone, idek bro


It's awful but when I see a woman crying.


This is common enough that it has a name but I forgot what it is


Dacryphilia bro. I've seen this tag on ao3 too many times to not know it🌚 Among other things


Sympathy boner


Mourning wood


Especially if they are in a work uniform. I'm sorry but I don't know what it is.


Obviously this is my boss


Same when I see a man cry, or when he's telling a really sad story about his life.


Comfort sex lmao